No it's actually a good comparison You're not wrong
I guess I just gotta be better, but at the same time it kinda blows
Just don't come for my Strike Witches images or I'll go fash overnight
I think it can be done in good fun depending on who your audience is. Just know your boundaries. Humour doesn't have to be about belittling people or putting them down.
>>261790 gypsies are an absolute wildcard, but capitalism put them in their situation too under socialism they'd get shot if they did the things people dislike them for
>>261792 Dude, they've been doing it since before capitalism.
>>261798 Most of the stuff people shit on muslims for are things we did ourselves like a few decades ago, so I mean I'm throwing shit at my old self here, but still
India's shitting streets though, that's still a good joke, cause that's got fuck all to do with capitalism That's just Indians being fucking gross
>>261805 Like blowing ourselves up? And marrying eight year olds? And murdering people for making images of Muhammad (blessed be his name)?
>>261806 It's a bad jokes because it's been ran into the ground. It's shit
I still think it's fun >>261807 I mean, we don't blow ourselves up, we send a drone TO THIS DAY to just drop bombs on them 90% civilians, my man And marrying children... 8 years is a bit young, but it's not THAT long ago we had child marriages in the west at like 14? Killing people over religion is a fair bit longer back though
>>261807 >blowing ourselves up America has blown plenty of people up. They just stay clear of the blast.
whew whew whew whew whew whew
>>261809 This is a very specific "killing people over religion" It's like killing someone for making a depiction of Christ that puts him in a bad light.
my dad went to a seminary for grade school and they forced him to learn to write right handed because he was a lefty
WAS THAT A THING THAT RECENTLY? I thought that was some middle ages shit
they still do it I've got someone in my cohort that went to a Catholic school and was hit for using his left hand
>>261814 I remember in HS we had a vietnam vet visit us and he talked about how his squad refused to move until they delivered them vegemite Although that's not precapitalism.
>>261828 Florida is fucked up, so are Catholic schools So obviously a Catholic school in Florida would be worse Not that I know for sure that this specific school was in Florida. But anyways, the South is pretty fucked up when it comes to religion.
It helps a lot but I believe he is just realizing his limits. He's gotten better though so I'm sure he can handle it. As much as he doesn't really want to.
>>261853 >right before Harvey hit I made jokes about erasing Houston off the maps >it's actually happening
>>261875 My counterargument to this is that he seems far more concerned with hating capitalists than helping workers. I think he just wants to bash somebody's skull in nad is looking for a good excuse.
Counter to bashing heads without excuse His violent feelings aren't even really new. It's just redirected if anything. I would much prefer him to learn more about what he and other people can do to help.
>>261877 >>261879 If you care enough to the point where you get mad or depressed enough for it to ruin your day when you hear about a protester getting run over, or read the Wikipedia article on the triangle shirt waist factory fire it has become a problem.
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
he's just bein an edgelord armchair bullshitting nothing talked about has anything to do with his actual day to day life so there's a dissonance between his actions and his situation guy has to man up and get real
>>261884 I disagree. I'm the same way. When Heather Heyer died, I was very upset and it influenced my emotions for several days. Just because you don't care, doesn't mean caring is a problem.
I'm very much concerned about these things, myself. When people are abused or taken advantage of, it causes me distress. If I didn't have a fractured rib, I'd be on my way to Texas right now to help out.
>>261884 That people don't care is not only a problem but also a reason that other problems constantly persist and are seen as unable to be fixed. I can not agree with that in any way.
>>261885 That he has the ability to kick back while problems happen abroad is something I want him to take advantage of. Because he has the aptitude to get serious but no outlet. That's why I want him to focus on learning more positive things. It's not really a dissonance but more like a new kind of helplessness. He knows he can't do much in his position. Not now anyway. If anything were to happen, I would hope that he's learned enough to not fuck up like some people here do.
>>261885 he was talking about employment issues having a job where he actually gets minimum wage instead of what the government gives would probably help
>>261886 I never said I didn't care, I just don't care enough for it to ruin my day. I thinks its awful that that person drove into the crowd. But I didn't get particularly angry about it either >>261887 >>261889 Also none of you addressed the point about how he got really depressed from reading an article about a factory fire that happened over 100 years ago.
>>261892 he gets below minimum wage he makes 5 Norwegian dollars an hour
>>261893 most people get upset when learning about tragedies even if they were in the past
>>261893 That's not really problematic. I don't really remember much of him being "depressed" by it. Just bothered. but I was also likely farming dust while he continued on about it. Feeling a certain way after you learn of the dumb shit we've done a long time ago is totally fine.
I remember ed a good word disproportionate From my perspective at least, it seems that his reactions You know what Nvm Doesn't really matter
SK does tend to be a little militant but I'm certain that will chill out I think his new views have brought a positive change overall
>>261891 I hope he finds constructive outlets too. he deserves that as much as anyone and maybe he'll come to the occasion >>261892 well i missed that bit, but like, ranting about this stuff still isn't going to do shit not where he's at at least who here has that kind of political power
another thing to keep in mind is that he didn't take his ritalin today
>>261905 well that makes sense >>261904 I'm fine with him ranting because it lets me know what he's learning and seeing. I should probably talk to him more seriously about some things. I've just been really busy figuring out this track stuff and also trying to get ready for Path of Fire's release. The two things essentially make up the bulk of my time.
>>261910 There are probably other imperial kids, aren't there?
She was a pro tennis player and he played tennis with her, and his handlers forgot to tell her to let him win. So he became infatuated with her because she beat him (every one he'd ever played was ordered to lose). Or something like that
>>261915 Nope. The new Emperor has no sons. They would have to use someone from a branch of the main lineage.
>>261924 That's not quite right. Women do affect it, but men do too. When men have kids after their 40s, the chances of neurological disorders, and especially schizophrenia, increases dramatically for the child.
>>261926 My understanding of it is that the age of the lady plays a much larger part than the age of the gentleman. The guy's age matters but not quite as much.
>>261928 That's true, but that's a relative statement. The male playing a big role doesn't mean the woman can't play a larger role.
>>261930 Nah. Just stay in good shape and eat a sperm healthy diet when you want to make a baby and you'll be fine. Guys don't have a hard wall like girls do.
It is late.. well relatively early for me personally if you take my history into account. I've been doing well lately going to bed at reasonable times.
I feel shitty today. I don't want tomorrow to come sooner.
I had a dream last night that I was shopping and there was a deal for like 5lb of my favorite cereal for $10 and I woke up really excited about it until I realized it was a dream I guess I'm at that point in my life where a dream about a good deal on cereal is what I consider to be the best
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
I have normal dreams about stuff like that too or like losing my wallet probably should watch more movies or something
about a year ago I was playing so much OW that I would dream in it too
when I was really young, i had a dream that i was in a space station with mmy family and a big light shined into it and something attacked it i was in the shower and i threw up (in the dream) and it scared me so much so i woke up
then when i fell back asleep, i had the same dream, but when the light started shining, i begged it to stop and it gave me a choice between it attacking me or earth and i told it to leave us alone so it fired at earth
I had a dream a few nights ago about everything being flooded and everyone dying Also I've been dreaming about liveboards >>261978 >school dreams dreams about assignments due are the WORST
i remember i used to have a bunk bed My parents saw me to see Men In Black II and there was that Mongolian death worm alien it scared the fucking SHIT outta me so i rigged a flashlight in my bunk bed so that if my bed started getting eaten, the light would shine directly onto mmy face and wake me up.
my parents got so mad at me for wasting batteries For a long time after that, I slept with a flashlight on under my covers
The other day I had a dream where I was having a laser pistol duel with an androud version of young Fred Savage. *android
The first time I saw pornography, it was just a cropped picture of penetration that someone at school printed out and showed me and I thought I was going to be scarred for life. I legitimately thought that seeing that image fucked me up beyond repair and I got really depressed.
>>262006 It's too late. I don't have to take care of myself anymore. I don't have to take care of anything. I'll just become an amorphous blob and let money take care of everything.
>>262006 I thought the Devil Wears Prada was meant to be a horror movie when my sister kept talking about it
i'm having a pretty difficult recoil from returning home i need to get out of this rural shit and into the city i don't feel like i can endure this much longer, and everyone's fucking up my work i have work to do, a business to run, but the whole fuckin family's on disability and they dont understand
i dunno, i'm pretty fuckin broke at the moment my monthly income has dropped by like probably 1200 a month just because i can't do my fuckin work out here and these disabled people are fuckin crazy i'm not doing the caretaker role anymore. i have a career to build but i just feel so shit, like i'm just phasing out and thinking it'll be over soon and i can go somewhere where i can be myself but every day breaks me down so hard i just wanna quit
>>262017 Lyn lost because of this catch-up mechanic that has been in since the summer event. Supposedly it was also how Gaius beat Frederick. Flags are worth way more if you are behind. I'm trying to spend my flags during those moments when Ike is behind. I got 92,000 points for 200 flags at one point because of the catch-up mechanic.
yeah ive had a couple big scores but i haven't been going through every 30 minutes like i wish i could too much to do
hey maybe ill make a new deck in a card game because i had an idea maybe ill win a match or two maybe ill then lose every time for two hours maybe ill contemplate my life decisions
instead of identifying with only one of their races, mixed people should just started sitting with other mixed people at lunch tables and form mixed cliques in which you have to be purebred, 100% mixed
If I do that I worry what my situation will be like in a few decades when the money runs out and I have no useful skills. I plan to still be alive then so it makes sense to have a plan or something or at least some skills to live on.
>>262173 If you had that much free time, couldn't you just cultivate some kind of skill?
I would say overall, yes. It's not without stress though.
Also, left to my own devices I would literally just take it easy and play around every single day. That's how I'd like to live but it really isn't a very realistic lifestyle.
it would have been if you had let ron paul make anime real
Just invest in my business Rika you'll be able to live off it
lol if you think you'll be able to roll her within a year of the game being out you're insane they'll wait until people have 6m-1y of playtime to put out the ones people really want
You can't make profit with JUST cosmetic sales in an MMO like that. You'd have to have a monthly subscription fee, which Americans won't pay because Americans don't know anything about SMT.
I guess I need to stop at the shop today and buy some milk. I went to the shop yesterday with Fish but I'm actually a little nervous about going alone.
If Irma broke the sound barrier, we'd all die. It'd be an unstoppable and nearly infinite hurricane. It would lay such waste to the continental united states that the global economy would crash and anyone in the US would have trouble getting any supplies while the government no longer exists.
>>262239 It'd be a sacrifice that I'd appreciate a lot in the name of ftl
>>262241 >government no longer exists nobody tell sk
>>262260 It's not even necessarily going to hit me. It's possible that it'll go through south Florida and into the Gulf to go finish of Texas. If that happens, I'll likely get Cat 3 winds which aren't scary at all. Cat 3 winds are only 129 mph.
Buy loads of fans. point them in Irma's direction.
Democrats have really pissed me off with Texas. Everywhere I look, people are like, "oh Texas voted Trump, LET THEM DIE" What is fucking wrong with people.
>>262266 Just let me take a brief moment to laugh about us not being able to afford to help people. I'll go back to being a proper human being in just a minute.
even the part about hillary challenging bernie to a debate she actively tried to reduce the number of debates to like 2 debates bernie had to fight hard to get debates
>>262280 >he got in to disrupt the democrat party Was Bernie a Trump plant all along?
I have watched those kids grow into monsters. And seen them grow others into monsters that they couldn't even deal with. I feel responsible. But many of them were Canadian so I also feel relieved.
meanwhile "Yeah pretty much We had to sit on high stools too so my feet didn't reach the ground"
The most post I could find of me >Can't search for shit nice desu ne
"You know what I hate
Why do hours only go to 60 monutes when everything else goes to 100 before resetting. It makes counting minutes and hours so annoying when you have to try and round things off at 60 instead of 100. It's stupid. Why can't we just have 100 minute hours."
I was hoping yet might be a name for some foreign dish but it looks like this pun wasn't made to be.
I actually spent a decent amount of this year on /moe/. Not too bad. I only spent this much time back in 2010-13 I think and then popped in and out for ages.
I'm actually getting legitimately pretty worried about Irma
>It could even become slightly stronger, but it is already nearing historical precedent and a theoretical limit for how strong it can get.
>Irma is such a large and powerful hurricane, very dangerous weather will also occur up to 200 miles away from the eyewall — including coastal surge, flooding rains and potentially damaging winds. >“The hurricane force winds in Irma are wider than Florida,” tweeted Bryan Norcross, hurricane specialist at the Weather Channel. “You won’t need a direct hit to get Wilma-type winds & storm surge on both coasts.”
Key West is the only place with mandatory evacuations right now - those are the little islands at the tip of Florida.
There are "shelters" but they're basically schools and stuff. Nobody knows which shelters will be open until a day or two before the hurricane hits because Florida is retarded.
No matter where you are, if Irma goes through Florida, either up the east coast or the west coast, it's going to be bad - especially if it remains as strong as it is now.
>>262450 it's the strongest storm in recorded history in the atlantic and it's gotten so strong that it's almost at the theoretical maximum strength a hurricane could ever reach on Earth
>>262466 I don't think technology is the issue, just the plain old "who could afford it?"
the technology is an issue it's THE issue the water table is at like 0.3 meters here and the goal would be to find a way to build a basement in that and keep it safe >>262474 how do we do it then?
WEll yeah in the matter of making it affordable for people you sure as hell could do it, but it would require to build something way too costy and high tech to be even allowed to be built
But I am basically arguing semantics, it isn't that we can't do it, it just is ridiculous and would use something army uses for their bases. so in matter of civil engineering, the fact is "you can't atm"
Level 5 Saten would be pretty strong.
>>262479 Fuck Replace the soil beneath and around where the basement would be with some sort of clay. Not cost effective though Probably
>>262480 so if someone fucks your family grave, the insurance covers it?
I don't know if it's like, common, but I'd say it's not unusual. This sort of thing happened in 2004-2006, too, and in the 90s as well. The difference is, of course, that global warming has been steadily making them stronger, since the ocean temperatures are higher.
Even Jose is predicted to be 74-110mph so far that is. It seems crazy that all these strong hurricanes are popping up.
A storm isn't really strong until it's got winds of around 130mph+ to Florida, although 110mph can be devestating to other places.
Irma is a Cape Verde hurricane, as is Jose, and they're generally the strongest hurricanes because they form in Cape Verde over in West Africa and slowly make their way across some of the warmest water in the world on their way to the US.
It might lose some of it strength coming towards Florida
>>262501 That's just showing the time at which the tropical storm winds are supposed to be felt. So where it says Saturday, for example, it's saying that on Saturday, the hurricane will be close enough for that area to experience winds of 40mph+.
Cat 6 doesn't real Much of South Florida will probably evacuate Nobody else knows what to do because we don't know where it's going to go
>>262503 The hurricane force winds are wider than Florida. If it stopped in the middle of Florida, pretty much everywhere would be getting those insane winds.
>>262506 Dunno yet Depends on what the hurricane will do
I was talking to someone in Puerto Rico yesterday and they told me that a few months ago, a single powerplant had a problem and most of the island blacked out. Puerto Rico will probably be entirely without power for a month or two. Maybe more.
>>262509 That depends on what the hurricane's doing and when they're going.
I would have to evacuate today or tomorrow. I mean, I dunno, maybe Fish's family can get me out on a helicopter or something, but other than that, there's no chance at evacuation.
>>262511 They're tarnishing the good name of the Red Cross If the higher ups couldn't buy more mansions and invest in stuff, how would anyone be able to get any help?
>>262515 By the time my school recognizes the threat and cancels classes, the roads will be 99% full of unmoving traffic and those people will be stuck in traffic for days. People will die in traffic when the hurricane hits because of how bad this shit is.
>>262517 I have an important meeting that I shouldn't miss.
>>262516 Well I say think about it I doubt this will be as bad as "hyped" in the end, but keep the "flee at thursday evening" a possibility, atleast I would.
>>262518 It's something I have in mind, but I probably won't really be able to evacuate. I'd probably need to book a flight now if I were going to get out that way.
I mean it is as bad as hyped for puerto rico, dominican whatever, haiti and cuba but by the time it hits you, it smost likely has spend some of its umph
The government releases the data as mph, kmk, // km/h, and m/s but since this stuff is mostly recorded by Americans, only the mph and kmh gets recorded.
No. The only way to get a truly accurate reading is from something experiencing the hurricane. So they fly into it and drop something that relays information about the pressure, speeds, direction, etc back to the recon plane that's flying.
They're really amazing and super brave. I don't think any HHs have died since the 50s or something, though.
Luna didn't appear untill the last episode of the "first half" that is the splitter of the show the first arc is the "who is casshern and what happened" and the later half is the "luna is back, so what now"
the average number of hurricanes in august is 1.5 and we had 4 this october lol 2 of which made landfall the average number that make landfall in august is 0.48
well that's worrisome because there are usually more hurricanes forming in september than august and we've already got irma and harvey as august kowai
I hope someone comes to check out my leak soon. I've got class all afternoon tomorrow and they only work until like 5:30.
>>262610 My roof started leaking. It's just near the front door in the entryway but I want to get it fixed before Irma comes and dumps buckets into my home.
i think my agoraphobia is worse than ever after the trip it was so bad day two we didn't even get to go out to the festival jan wanted to walk the city a bit and find a convenient store but i only got about a block before i had to head back to the hotel and we just stayed at the hotel the rest of the time i feel really shitty about it
There was a Champion Troll that I was soloing until a Revenant showed up. We're fighting it together. And people are asking for events on the map. So I tell people the Champ Troll is up. Of course, talking while fighting is a bad idea and I'm taking damage. Thinking it's okay. This girl will pick me up if I go down. And I go down and she doesn't pick me up. Until I'm fully dead, at which point I figure it's best to just waypoint out and come back. Since it's moderately close. Takes me about 30 seconds to load back in.
In those 30 seconds, she dies to the troll. And now it's back at full HP
Well, not NOW. But before I started the story. I killed it after I got back. My sin was assuming any level of competence. And telling people that they can come and get their Daily SF Event finished.
I want to try to do something to relax because I'm incredibly stressed out but I can't because I don't know when or if maintenance is showing up today.
Complaining can't do anything. This is the system mandated by the corporation which owns this apartment community. It's one of 50 or so properties and they all are managed the same.
>>262650 Why should I waste my time doing something stressful that has no chance of reducing my stress whatsoever when what I want to do is get this done so I can destress?
>>262652 Okay sure, with that attitude I guess. But there is almost certainly someone somewhere whom you could contact that is at the very least able to contact someone who can get in contact with the maintenance team.
Yes, there is. Do you know what contacting them will do? Nothing.
What I'm telling you is that calling and complaining will not help. If you think you know more about my situation than I do, please feel free to insist on making the same recommendation over and over, though.
>>262654 Well, I guess complaining is the wrong word. But yeah sure. I'll fuck off about this I guess.
They'll definitely send someone to fix it a few days before a cat5 hurricane plows through the neighborhood ripping buildings from the ground and throwing them around the area
ICE can now use DACA recipients' info to find them and deport them. Hours after ending DACA, Trump proclaims that he has "great love" for Dreamers.
>>262664 It was a law that allowed children that were brought here illegally to stay here. There are people in their 20s, working jobs, that are now at risk of being deported despite having lived here their entire lives.
>>262670 It's part of that whole "Obama couldn't accomplish things even when they had senate majority" thing. They needed 60, they could've had 60, they gave 55.
After his election, Obama had two years where the Democrats could do anything they wanted unopposed. The Democrats made very conscious decisions not to do certain things or to delay them. During this time, Republicans were blamed even though they weren't to blame.
As a result, Republicans took the House afterwards.
>>262674 Well of course they wouldn't do anything big, but I'd have thought giving citizenship to like a million immigrants would be a really easy decision for the party priding itself on constantly winning the votes of exactly that demographic
It's not like they can actually introduce some sort of universal healthcare What the hell would they run on next election?
Ya gotta pretend something got in the way every time very conveniently when your goal is power rather than change
these tables are panera are too high no, scratch that, the seats are too low no, the tables are definitely too high and it's hurting my back to slouch like this -a poem
Can't wait to see the proud liberals out in full force, letting us all know that if the immigrants are sent home, that means the US loses a valuable source of slave la- I mean, economic contributors
okay so i'm looking at all these graphs about income vs happiness and a lot of them are showing that happiness tends to peak out around 80k but there are also a lot showing that it just goes straight up perfectly
This guy I know in Tampa, FL says his dad thinks the hurricane is fake news.
>>262691 is this / really true I hear this shit all the time like a Vietnamese Dong is worth about 0.001 of an American dollar but I go over to vietnam and a small bag of cheetos is like 1000 dongs and in america a small bag of cheetos is like 1 dollars so doesn't that balance out >>262694 nah
>>262693 Yes, different countries have different pricings It's not just the value of the currency, there's a buncha other factors
>>262697 >within 24 hours, the runner up POTUS' new thing has more followers than a commie podcast Gee dude Good job I guess but you're setting the bar real low
it's about time for leggings season
although shorts were nice this year I am curious as to how shorts are gonna evolve in the summer of 2018 and just how okay we'll be with asscheeks hanging out of every angle of a pair of shorts
GW2 hats are pretty bad. It makes me upset Most light armor head pieces are masks And they're usually ugly. And the ones that are hats hide your hair. so if you have long hair, it's suddenly GONE under your hat and makes you seem bald. >>262788 It's just a glider skin, not an actual profession. So anyone can get it. You could be an Elementalist with a Sword in the new expansion. Or even without it, their most useful Elite skill is FIERY GREATSWORD
I love my classmates in my Biology class I don't want to switch lab partners at the 3 week marker
>>262791 i'm sorry I'm just lashing out because I'm insecure about feeling left out of the party for not recognizing the population of my favorite imageboard
Wouldn't anarchism kinda put me in chaotic good? It's a weird category, right, cause you'd have to go against the law on principle, and the principle has to be good?
>>262801 some character from bakuon he was like obsessed with that show when i made the chart and didn't know who else to use for him
>>262802 I'm not trying to get anyone to play anything. I just found it cool. The glider itself costs 500 gems, which is microtransactions or roughly... 150 gold? I don't remember how much the game costs
>>262824 dunno I wonder that as well. Heart of Thorns is a really hard game though. Like... Core Game wasn't shit. HoT was "fuck you, fuck that, fuck this, y'all are trash"
I'd probably just recommend base game + PoF You can probably beat the base game before Path comes out. Beating both base AND HoT would be challenging. >>262833 Yeah, you can solo every... oh shit, no lol. You can reliably solo everything EXCEPT the final fight against Zhaitan. Well, you PROBABLY can solo Zhaitan but I'm sure it's pretty difficult.
>>262831 Here it just means they want me to start paying my student loans if they say I'm no longer enrolled in school
>>262834 yerr more fucked then i'd actually have fun if i was ordered to partake in additional military training it is aftetall just toying war without all the discipline buölshit for few weeks up to few months
>>262832 maybe i should do that did gw2 still have necro?
Yeah. Necros are pretty good, I don't remember how good they are to level though. I only used mine to farm bags in Edge of the Mists by making people fall off the edges.
this bed is too wiiide >>262837 or maybe that one antimage class summoner was it
? In GW1, there were Mesmers who had counter skills like that. They're still in GW2 but they're kinda different. They're more on the illusion side rather than the counter punishment type they used to be, although they still have that with Confusion.
>>>/@SenSanders/905189327218638853 That's kinda worrying, man He had to specify both that he meant decisions by presidents and only those made in modern history
in yemen, we're doing it through another country mainly, though we do help with the genocide there pretty frequently
some argue that we're committing genocide in north korea as well by creating coalitions to make sure they don't eat
we're also funding several terrorist organizations that engage in genocidal behavior either directly or indirectly and have been doing so for quite some time
>>262883 Litterally nothing I drink a quarter of a gallon at my work everyday
/moe/ I really can not tell you how AT PEACE i feel in this panera bread right now what a magical place
what even is panera? A place? A type of food? >>262888 oooh, like uh chipotle or whatever >>262890 Yeah but are you managing them now?
>>262887 the ubiquitous bakery-cafe >>262889 NO IT'S NOT LIKE QUIZNOS BUT WORSE AT ALL It's more like a starbucks, but with warm colors in all the interior design and a bakery section with sandwiches and soups
>>262887 soon I think my dad is late to the party but he wants to Airbnb the rooms in our brooklyn house.
>>262887 nah nah nah you're thinking of PANCHEROS common misunderstanding Pancheros serves mexican food, Subway style Panera serves bakery/cafe stuff, rich white people style
>>262896 >don't get into strangers cars >don't meet random people on the internet
We build entire industries on uncool concepts.
airbnb sounds so cool i want to do it someday i might in october depending on how badly the hurricane wrecks me
>>262898 well, to be fair meeting random people on the internet is still widely considered uncool much moreso than bnbs and taxi/uber services but i get what you mean, yeah
I am still INCREDIBLY entertained by that speech from that Uber person. literally why
>>262903 They do run a lot of info through their shit Driver and client location, with CONSTANT live tracking what a fucking investment it must have been to even start Uber