Thread #262908
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owo what's this?
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I don't know. What is it?
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I'm sorry, I rudely made the thread while some of you were posting about things. Your posts didn't show until I'd already linked.>>262911 What is it?
>>262909 → what are they even trying to say? did they just discover the thesaurus?
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>>262912 I don't know. What is it?
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>>262912 >>262913 "FUCK TAXI COMPANIES"
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>>262913 It's amazing. I don't know exactly what happened (I wasn't trying to find out) but people are mad at the old UberCEO about something and this other person is attempting to come to his defense.
wiki wiki wiki what is aiiiiir?
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>>262915 I don't know, that's why I went owo
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How disappointing.
And his mom passed, which sucks for him. But it's like... what is the rest of this.
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>>262919 Maybe it will help you to know I have something that isn't disappointing, which is a Corrin nendo!
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>>262921 Oh, congratulations.
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>>262921 -6x+5
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>>262925 Don't math at me I don't know math.
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>>262925 I don't understand how this is a reply to that.
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>>262926 How many do you own now?
she has 7 or 8
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>>262929 You've done a good job of keeping track!
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You told me like two days ago.
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>>262929 >>262930 that's quite the collection>>262933 Aren't you?
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>>262931 Well in that case you're good at remembering conversations we had two days ago.>>262932 I guess it is! I could have gotten more!
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What did moe get up to today?
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>>262933 I remember most things about my friends.>>262932 I think she has 2 preordered. I have three preordered right now.>>262934 I waited around all day, feeling exceedingly stressed out, desperately wanting to de-stress, but was unable to because I was waiting for maint to come look at a leak in my house, but they never came.>>262937 Brown.
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>>262934 We were incredibly safe all day!
>>262935 what color are my shoes
>>262937 white
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 22:43 No. 262940
this guy at the curry place who goes D'ACOOORRRD! whenever you ask for anything
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i got absolutely nothing done at all today was gonna read didn't read ill read tmrw
>>262935 I know the stressful feeling. Sucks>>262936 Worksafe day?
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 22:44 No. 262944
>>262941 hi bang what are your thoughts on Panera?
>>262941 hey wassup Bang
>>262944 great company to work for in a shitty industry to work for
>>262940 Are you in a tavern in an RPG or something
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 22:46 No. 262948
>>262947 ha you know maybe this is the matrix after all>>262946 i shall make a pilgrimage to the holy Panera one day
>>262945 debating to nap or hold out
>>262949 sleep is for the weak
>>262948 oh for eating? it's pretty dope get a You Pick 2 with the Chipotle Chicken Avocado Melt and the Broccoli Cheddar
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>>262934 I worked alllllllll day long.
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 22:48 No. 262954
>>262952 TASTY(R)
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irma is expected to become the strongest hurricane ever in the atlantic it's likely to exceed 190mph soon
>>262953 Hard worker! I skipped work due to anxiety.
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 22:50 No. 262957
why do people live on Florida waterfront property do they just rebuild every couple years or what
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>>262956 did you need more hoodies
>>262939 >>262935 no and no what shitty friends
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>>262956 I carried my anxiety to work! And kept up with it throughout the day.
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>>262959 they were blue>>262957 usually that stuff doesn't get destroyed flooded sometimes but houses here can withstand up to category 3 without any problems and often cat 4 but a cat 5 is too much
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 22:51 No. 262962
>>262937 AT field
they're pink
>>262963 are they really post pics
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I want one of those little houses on the beach that are like little concrete domes. They're cute and hurricane proof.
>>262963 wow gay
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You mean a pillbox?
>>262965 a geodome?
anyway there's no such thing as hurricane proof
i guess maybe a castle or something but even that will be damaged a hurricane could tear out a castle wall without too much trouble
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 22:54 No. 262971
how about a really flat pyramid
depends where it is
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 22:55 No. 262973
is there like any bedrock close to the surface
>>262969 what about an underground bunker
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These things. Look at how cute it is.
>>262973 there is not>>262974 haha you'll die in an underground bunker even if it's not a hurricane in a hurricane you definitely will>>262975 not hurricane proof if it's on the beach
>>262975 i like the structure but that particular design pattern isn't doing a lot for me that front paneling is kind of hideous to be honest, i think there are a lot cuter things that could have been done there than paneling i really don't like that stuff and the white is just too stark for me
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it looks like the head of a resident evil enemy like a deformed pig head oink
could be a police station then
>>262976 why would I die in the underground bunker without a hurricane?
some meteorologists are saying that irma might reach 225 mph>>262980 because your bunker will be underwater
>>262981 it's water tight and has a pipe that goes really high up for air Actually you know what Fuck it I'll live in a satellite up in space hurricanes can't get me here
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>>262981 please leave
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They don't have basements in Florida anyway, do they?
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No. The water table is like 1 foot. If you dig a foot below the surface, you get water. We don't have underwater power lines either.
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Dig into one of those hills
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>>262983 We'll see what happens.
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 23:00 No. 262988
houseboat with like forty anchors hanging off
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dont die on me im gonna sleep
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I can't die. Night SK.
>>262989 good night >>262990 Your punishment must be more severe!
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How far out is the hurricane?
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>Water is sold out
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>>262992 It's expected to reach me this weekend. But we don't know where it's going to go.
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oh yeah if you do stay you should probably stock up on water and stuff and if you do need to buy more and they try to price gouge you, punch'em in the face
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Yeah, I already got a bunch of water before the stores sold out of it.>>262995 If they try to price gouge me, I'll just rob them.
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>>262994 These predictions I'm looking at seem to indicate that it's going to go south of Florida but Florida will catch a lot of stuff off it.
actually going now
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>>262997 You /// It's definitely not going south of Florida. You're not looking at Irma predictions. There hasn't been a single prediction that Irma will go south of Florida. It's moving North. When it is below the center of Florida, it's expected to move north, northwest, or northeast. We don't know what part of Florida will get hit but Irma's hurricane winds have a greater width than Florida is wide at this point.
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I like the one where the hurricane goes South and then heads straight up Florida and all the way past Georgia
>>262996 have you got preserved food stored up too?
>>263001 I have food yeah
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god bless living inland
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>>262999 Are you going to evacuate?
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>>263004 If school gets canceled on or before Thursday, evacuation is something I'll consider.
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>>263005 Have evacuations been ordered for your area?
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>>263006 No. If they are, it wouldn't be until Friday.
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>>263007 Won't it be too late to evacuate by that point?
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>>263008 Yeah, well, welcome to Florida.
>>262955 Is Katrina not included in that list
>>263010 hahaha katrina is baby shit compared to this
irma surpassed katrina a long time ago
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Katrina was bad because of where it went, not have severe it was. Building a city under sea level is not a good idea.>>263009 You guys should consider evacuating if things look bad tomorrow or thursday.
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>>263011 oh no
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>>263013 I can't unless my school gives me permission to. Otherwise, I'll lose my position and I'll owe the school $2000.
If possible you honestly should just get out. Tell your school to fuck itself
Goddammit steam.
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>>263015 When will they make their decision? Also grad school soungs like bad news bears
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>>263015 Have you called the school to make a fuss yet?
>>263016 I mean with the internet there's no real reason why you shouldn't be able to study away from school.
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Of course not.
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>>263020 Their official statement is that classes will not be considered being canceled until we know where the hurricane is going. Complaining will do nothing. >>263021 I have a job, too. It's not just my classes.>>263019 Probably late Thursday or Friday.
God people are so greedy.
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>>263023 It seems like it is a bit of a foregone conclusion that it will be hitting the pennsula pretty hard.
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>>263025 Sure, but if it hits the west coast of Florida, then we'll only have cat 2-3 strength winds and classes won't be canceled most likely.
>>263023 wait what's your job?
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>>263027 I'm a research assistant. I have a paid position at the university.
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>>263026 You guys go to school in category three hurricanes?
>>263028 Do you research anything interesting? >>263031 He's the schools representative idol. His image is important!>>263032 What sorta things
Kirara is a super aidoru. paid by the university in there secret aidoru program.
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>>263030 Yeah, I guess.>>263029 Sometimes. A category 3 hurricane isn't a big deal to Floridians.
>>263029 yeah
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>>263032 I think it is indictative of a lack of common sense more than anything. We have tornado outbreaks somewhat regularly here but schools and businesses close when the weather is obviously going to be dangerous. Someone could sue the school if they were hurt in a hurricane they were forced to attend school in.
I'd say less of common sense and more of not giving a damn.
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>>263034 If you could sue the school after being hurt in a hurricane on your way to school, it would have happened already. In any case, this is just how it is. Should my school cancel school so people can evacuate? Clearly. Will it? No. This is Florida. It doesn't work like that. We're the state that gets the most hurricanes. Guess how many hurricane shelters there are? None.
>>263036 That seems sorta fatalistic >we're gonna die in a hurricane anyway, let's not bother with shelters
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When a hurricane comes, there is a list of about 20-30 places in every county, and they randomly choose three or four of those places as hurricane shelters. And none of them are shelters. They're schools and stuff.
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>>263036 You can absolutely sue your employer if they force you to work in dangerous weather. I would be surprised if students weren't able to do the same.
>>263038 Oh I guess it's just too expensive to build one everywhere
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>>263039 All I can tell you is how it is. How it should be is irrelevant in times like these. The fact of the matter is as I've presented it.>>263040 Yeah. Who cares if people die?
>>263041 Life is cheap!
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>>263041 Somebody needs to get hurt in the weather and sue their asses!
they would die first
>>263044 someone can take one for the team and their relatives will sue
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>>263044 I said get hurt, not get dead. You could sue them if you had a slip and fall in the parking lot, or got hit by a flying stop sign.
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In any case, it's not like I can really evacuate unless I do it soon anyway. Even if I wanted to fly out of Florida tomorrow, it'd be like $600.
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I can get to Detroit for $100. Everywhere else is $400+
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as long as you understand that you are forbidden from dying>>263050 detroit
>>263048 what's more dangerous detroit or a hurricane?
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Even if I evacuate, there's really nowhere to go.
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it's nap time! wish me luck!
>>263051 austini've got two spare beds
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>>263053 hurricanes are some shit thanks haha
>>263049 Detroit sounds like an rpg place Random encounters every five minutes
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How much is it to get to Atlanta?
>>263054 or 20 hour drive for about 200 bucks
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$500-1000 to get to Atlanta.>>263059 Everyone wants to leave. Supply is down and demand is up.>>263057 Good point.
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Wow, atlanta is really close too. It would probably be best just to drive, wouldn't it?
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MCO to JFK 5 hours has a layover Thursday $365
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 23:27 No. 263061
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how dangerous do you think this spider is oops forgot to spoil
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>>263058 It's illegal to gouge people on water and stuff during emergencies. I guess that doesn't apply to airlines.>>263061 Not very. That one isn't poisonous.
>>263058 not saying it's your best option because i don't know but just let me know if you actually end up wanting to come here
>>263062 it also didnt stop people from doing it in florida er texas
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>>263059 I guess. But I can't really sleep in my car with a fractured rib.>>263063 Thanks, I appreciate that. I'll let you know.>>263062 Yeah, it's fine for airlines.
>>263062 it's really hard to prove a company is gouging and not just using any kind of demand pricing they normally have in place things like water and food don't typically have demand pricing at any kind of non-marginal rate though generally a gallon of water costs a dollar and a loaf of cheap white bread costs about that too airplane flights regularly change over 100$ in flight for any reason
san diego for $400
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>>263067 How expensive is it to go to Fish's home in California?
just fly a jet to fish
just ride the fish into the storm
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>>263068 $1000
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Wow, that's expensive. How about going to San Diego and catching a commuter flight from there?
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okay nap time
>>263074 nite
lol i can get to housten for $90
>>263076 this is pretty wow
>>263073 That's still like $600 minimum
new oreleans for $193
It still costs me like 300$ I hate this. Stop wanting to live here. We have rats and smells
>washington DC for $214
we need to bring back crime so I can travel for cheap
providence rhode island for $300
oh, no $200
and i'd have to stay somewhere for at least a week so i'm looking at spending $600-2000 MINIMUM if i evacuate
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Is driving out not viable?
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Driving anywhere is going to cost roughly the same as a flight because I need to sleep in a hotel due to my fractured rib. With gas and a hotel for one or two nights, that'll be about $500 minimum to get anywhere. And then I'd have to rent a hotel for a few more nights. And then if my home is destroyed, I'd have to rent a hotel when I come back too, since Fish's family's home is too far from my school.
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 23:39 No. 263088
what's more harsh, spending $2000 or weathering the storm
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That depends on where the storm goes.
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>>263087 You can't set the back seat up to be a good place for you?
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>>263090 No, I don't think I could possibly lie down in my backseat without being in a lot of pain with my rib.
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>>263091 You could lay flat on your back with your knees folded up. Is that a bad position?
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 23:41 No. 263093
time to buy a panel van
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>>263092 That's not going to work in my car. Especially if we have supplies with us. I'm also sick as shit right now. Everything right now is kind of a storm of terribleness.
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do you want me to drive a jeep down there and pick you up and you can lie all the way down
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>>263094 Yeah, you really are good at lining things up.
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Wanna join my Vegetarian, Philosophical, Celebrity Green Party guild?
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Also there's a nuclear powerplant down south that's likely to melt down if it gets hit by a cat 5 hurricane.>>263095 That won't work. I have to think of Fish. And you can't do that anyway due to time constraints.
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>>263098 Our nuclear power plants are safe. Even if they melt down the reactors seal themselves.
>>263099 haha except for the fact that after about a week of no power, the water in the cooling areas evaporates and radioactive steam erupts from the poorly designed rod coolers welcome to florida we have a power plant here that's been leaking radioactivity into an underground resivoir for like 10 years and nobody cares
Is this the Radon thing?
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Well, there's radon, uranium, thorium, etc
I specifically remember radon because that's what they told us about when I was renting down there but I didn't know the source of it
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/05 (火) 23:48 No. 263104
Bioshock 4: Flo Rida
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does it star flo rida as well
There was nothing to eat but ice cream and now all the ice cream is finished. wtf
just go get free food like me
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>>263100 Western reactors are built into capsules that self-seal in the case of a meltdown unless you screw up really really bad. Fukushima would be an example of that, since they hadn't modernized it since 1970. The radioactive clump melted through the capsule because of how bad they screwed it up and they're not quite sure where it is now.
Radon is everywhere.
>>263108 you can say that but i've studied this and know how the reactors in florida are
and who even cares about that right now anyway
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Well, I'm sure everything will be okay in the end. I'm hoping that it will go south.
ah idioms
Everything will go south
>>263113 >>263113 >>263113 >>263114 >>263114 >>263114
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It will be okay!
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Yes, but that doesn't mean it will be favorable. No matter what happens, I'm not going to die, so in that regard, it'll be okay.
>>263117 good
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Looks like I might be able to manage something for $400.
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It's best to be safe. After all, it isn't just you now.
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That's true. There's the baby to worry about, too.
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Worried about your beanie baby collection at a time like this smh
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/06 (水) 00:15 No. 263123
>>263122 You should always protect your investments
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>>263121 You're pregnant?
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There's no baby, I was just kidding. But yes, I suppose it's not just me now.
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i can tent an RV in what used to be a civil war encampment with fortifications with 30 acres for $65 a night
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It would be a big scandal if an idol got pregnant.
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Nah, Kirara can just shave his head and be forgiven
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just be beyonce
>>263132 cute Kurisu dude
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>>263125 Good morning.
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I could rent a HOUSE BUS
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>>263134 all Kurisus are cute>>263135 Ohayou>>263139 True
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>>263136 Rent a house boat and fight Irma
>>263137 yeah but some are cuter than others
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>>263138 No a row boat. Row row row fight the power
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maybe i can turn the evacuation into a vacation and scrap my october vacation
>flee angry hurricane vacation Why not keep your october vacation and take this as an emergency whatever.
you can't spell evacuation without vacation
>>263141 i'm going to patent evacucations and sell the term to rich evacuees just sell them tickets to the bahamas for $400 markup
>>263143 vacuation
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Isn't the bahamas a bad place to evacuate to? look at this amazing place omg
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>a beautifully restored vintage 1971 Airstream trailer with everything you need for a "Glamping" experience. Be one with nature, without all the fuss. Complete with kitchen, dining area, heat/AC, internet TV, sleeping for 4, and an indoor shower. The "Silver Majesty" is parked along the scenic Tuckasegee river, perfect for fishing, kayaking, or just taking in the scenery.
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>$90 / night A good deal.
>>263147 looks cozy
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That's near a city I visited on the way to Chattanooga too We visited Rome on the way. It's near Rome. I think I more-or-less have a plan for if I can evacuate. Fish reminded me that I have emergency money for if I ever need to leave the state quickly, too. If classes are canceled by Thursday, I guess I'll have a plan.
Rome is in italy what,
yeah im driving to Italy there's a rome in Georgia
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If I do lose everything, I guess I can drop out of school and start a new life somewhere else.
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I'm sure you won't lose everything!
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It's possible. I guess now is the best time to lose everything.
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You are being too pessimistic!
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That's not pessimism, that's the feeling of ADVENTURE A D V E N T U R E
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Yeah. It's adventure I could free myself from the chains that hold me back
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Take care moe. I'm going to bed!
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>>263162 good night I'll have more hoodies for you if you are in need
>>263162 naito
Verr loud thunder>>263162 Good night
>>>/watch?v=iFYgoXx2KaE this guy
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>>263162 bye bye>>263161 >>263160 I feel that it's pessimism!
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No way. Sometimes you just wanna drop everything and start over. That's not pessimism.
sometimes you just wanna drop the beat
>>263168 yeah, this
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rika you're a fellow gm Assuming two of them survive the upcoming storm, my players are approaching the end of my campaign and might be doing just dungeoning and punching with less opportunity for shenanigans Is this fine? less non battle shenanigans i mean they're amazing at in-battle shenanigans
kill them
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>>263171 Too much battle will bore your players.
>>263171 fewer*
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>>263173 that's what I was thinking, so I'm going to remove a boss thanks rika still going to be mostly punching but that can't be written out or rather there's going to be a lot that has to happen i hope they're excited to see where it goes since the current objective is about to get checked off
i hope my players are ready for the second to last arc
i am uploading a video to youtube
>>263177 what sorta video?
>>263178 one segment of the traditional japanese dance event at the botanical garden japanese festival i recently went to i thought i had lost it but it turns out i copied it to my laptop and forgot because i was drunk and/or high
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>>263175 You need to understand that a) you are telling the story and b) you are doing whatever you want. The most challenging and tense area that I put my players through had very little fighting. It was an exploration area, and I was tempting Sugoi to kill Kirara the whole time.
you mean tempting me to kill sugoi i almost did it, too saya stopped me right before i unloaded a shotgun into his face
>>263179 Cool I'll watch it
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>>263180 Yes, thank you, I can work with this. Typically nights with bosses have a couple fights. The only reason there's a lot of fighting is because of those designated bosses, but I can just make it more dungeon oriented instead.
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>>263181 Oh, you're right. It was me tempting you to kill Sugoi. Either way, that was probably the most tense and dangerous session and it didn't have a lot of fighting. I don't even remember if I had a boss in that area.
Yeah, that was really fun. Alongside the time i stole a ferris wheel
and then we all went into an area above our level
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>>263183 Well, just remember that storytelling is what is important. Battle can often be tedious and the danger it offers players is not a very high level of danger, because it's all random. When they die or get hurt, it's always just because they rolled bad. I try to make sure that when I offer combat to the players, it has a deeper level of meaning and interactivity than just the rules of the game. I am the type of GM that runs games light on the combat side though.
>>263182 i'll link it here in a little while whenever it goes through
>>263187 Ah, I gotcha My game is pretty combat heavy. Without combat our sessions would end a lot quicker, but that's only natural. There's a fight coming up that might be interesting to let them weasel out of as an option so thanks for that idea.
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i tend to run combat light or super easy combat games too
>>263187 the only times we've died where when the enemy hit for 80-125 per hit he just doesn't get lucky enough to do damage most of the time
i'm pretty sure when i died i had done something exceptionally retarded on purpose too i had like 50 HP or something and went into melee to help PAN i think
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yeah there's a reason i started giving my enemies miss damage
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Combat does not provide dramatic tension.
I think it can if it's set up right but that's why it's something i use sparingly only really use it in dramatic parts
>han, the ranger, goes into melee to help pan yeah that is probably why you died>>263197 a bit of a silly term yeah, but most enemies just dont hurt you when they miss, otherwise theyd have miss damage which is a mechanic the game has so im not cheating or anything
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/06 (水) 01:12 No. 263197
miss damage?
>>263197 most enemies don't have it
>>263196 my boy just got knocked the fuck out i had to tag in
well i brought jan back to life with my goo luckily
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yes please remind the class how you started having a psychotic meltdown and tried to put a pumpkin on his neck where his head was
>>263200 >used my last pumpkin to revive me fucker i was saving that
and then i puppeteered the corpse to attack the enemy
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/06 (水) 01:14 No. 263204
>>263198 so when I miss an enemy they still take minor damage? is that it
>>263204 players deal their level in damage when they miss usually, yeah
>>263204 for melee weapons, yeag not for ranged attacks
>>263206 except for rangers like jan and some spells
how the fuck does a ranger deal miss damage anyways
I think its more for fairness than for logic since its your primary attack method
probably grazing the enemy with bullets
>>263210 >try to shoot a guy center mass >miss, shoot him in the dick
>>263211 >deal 7 damage for your level
>>263212 >tfw there wasn't that much to damage
how long does it take for youtube to process videos wtf it only took like 5 minutes to upload
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>>263205 Shockwaves?
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my system won't have miss damage but it WILL be needlessly complex
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/06 (水) 01:19 No. 263217
it's like a combat step is a 5 second episode of like on a hit, guy stabs other guy on a miss, guy just kind of roughts // roughs up other guy
>>263215 I suppose, or maybe like a near miss that grazes the enemy or so like big spells like fireball might deal half the normal damage on a miss
punch so hard that the air around your fist cuts their lip you still have oxygen in your muscles
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I really liked the monsters and other childish things system. It handled everything pretty well.
I don't like the toc system very much I've basically been running combat homebrew for it
>>263219 crap i forgot to have lucian use that speech thats the whole reason i asked you for it
>>263222 wow
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>>263221 Yes, I noticed that you were very lax with keeping track of turns. The problem with d6 systems is that they are exceedingly random. That's one thing I like about monsters and childish things, the handfuls of dice approach dulls a lot of the randomness, and you can modify your rolls in ways to beat randomness when you want to.
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/06 (水) 01:24 No. 263225
>>263224 that sounds forgiving
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>>263224 Yeah, I like it. the system I'm working on for my cowboy thing is going to use something kind of inspired by that for an alternative combat system I mostly want there to be easily adjustable difficulties for rolls where the dm has a lot of freedom to make it hard or easy on the players without changing combat and skills too much
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and that wraps it up i've literally been working since i returned home from the trip yesterday morning i took two small naps and had a sandwich, i think, though i don't remember fuck my entire life
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I think im getting better at difficulty in my campaign. I think the 4v4 recently was good except for the part where you steamrolled the final part of it
the fight before it i had to nerf on the fly
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I'm looking forward to you guys dealing with the final boss and maybe the secret boss in my ToC game. You'll get the Secret Boss if you don't kill the Final Boss fast enough but you probably won't survive the Final Boss. err, won't survive the Secret Boss. I have a few characters that will look like the final boss You won't know who it is for a little while Twists and turns are on the way>>263228 That sounds pretty rough
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oooooh a secret boss huh I cant say anything about my stuff it would spoil things
>>263219 i'm not even using 100% of my power yet urameshi
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i wonder what kirara thinks my last boss is
>>263233 no, you're a meshi
>>263234 it would be awkward if i said what i thought and it was right
>>263236 yes it would but you are allowed to make it awkward
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>>263231 I don't want my character to die, so I'm counting on you.
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>>263238 I think you guys will be able to figure out what you need to in order to beat the final boss before you have to face the secret boss. You guys have made some decisions throughout the game that help the final boss out a bit, though! Hopefully we can play this weekend.
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The final boss of my game was an eldridtch being that was going to be hanging out of a tear in reality over the dam. He was going to stick legs through the tear and you guys were going to have to beat up the legs fast enough to get rid of them all. The townspeople you helped along the way were going to show up to help you.
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Actually kirara the sheer fact that you even have a notion of what you think is the last boss is fairly distressing. It makes me wonder if I'm just transparent. But nonetheless the story must go on.
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I've seen all the cards! >>263240 You guys might end up face to face with a real bad monster. If you die, it'll be from stability loss!
>>263234 it better not be fucking gandora
>>263243 you've punched Gandora in a race and you punched what may have been Gandora getting your super weapons. I am not breaking out Gandora a third time, as radical a dude as he is.
the final boss is olivia
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What if it were Jameson Cordell would truly cry
>>263245 >combat starts, double crit on alack, he's fucking dead
>implying olivia can be MVP of her own solo team
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How would it be Olivia anyway she died
then why did she show up last game
It was a shadow of Olivia in a weird spacial rift where anything could happen.
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Olivia Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Olivia. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Olivia either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Olivia with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
>>263252 >>263252 >>263252
>>263252 ph fick im dead
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watch out for those acidic fick levels ton
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you know Owl wanting Olivia to die did change up my original plans But fortunately I am flexible>>263257 Corrin is pretty cute but I do nt like the footware
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This Corrin nendo is pretty cute.
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Corrin and Elise both got pretty well-designed nendos. Corrin doesn't have a lot of parts but she's still pretty poseable.
i actually downloaded and began playing feh because i heard i could get a free corrin for installing on android haha
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My Corrin is 40+10 now. She's pretty strong.
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4*, right? 4* +10s are really good i've started investing in making more of them so i have more control over my team comp than my crappy 5* pool
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>>263261 Yeah. I don't know if it's even possible to have a 40 5 star +10 Corrin now, because she does not have a 5 star version. So you'd have to spend 200,000 feathers.
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/06 (水) 01:50 No. 263264
>crappy 5* pool wow the game has evolved
>>263264 it has a lot. it's pretty great my five star pool has such little variation that it would be better to have 4*+10s that i have control over to fit what i'm lacking like it's probably better for me to try to +10 an olivia and run her 4* in arena than continue holding out for a ninian i'll never get
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i have a bunch of 5*s i feather'd quite a few of them though
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jan got ike on the free summon on the pool banner and chose roy on the choose banner
>FE7 Tempest neat
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It's a "Short Tempest" though. And apparently the reward character is Masked Marth again...
2x exp and sp triple neat
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There 's a second Tempest Trials later this month, too, called Moment of Fate.
who is winning in Ike vs Camilla
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>>263273 I heard Moment of Fate was the name of one of the chapters in one of Ike's games. The nerds think that it may be Nephenee or something.>>263271 I wasn't playing when "Marth" was available, so it's at least a chance to get her. Not that I need her much since I have Lucina.
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Well, Nephenee did show up in the datamine. Along with Black Knight.>>263278 She's most likely a Tempest Trial reward.
>>263265 >not having ninian and azura
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There's an upcoming battle mode called Quick Hero Battle. Black Knight and Nephenee's sprites were in the datamine from that.
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Yeah, the nerds are saying that Black Knight or Nephenee may be the reward in the upcoming hero battle too. Black Knight makes more sense since the hero battles are all bad guys.
what is a quick hero battle
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Nobody knows, but there's a screenshot of all four Brave Heroes fighting Black Knight and Ike using Aether on Black Knight and doing 2 damage with it.
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i got fucking baited hard
what a bizarre team
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I actually don't think there are enough characters in the game from Ike's games to do a tempest trials for him unless they add some.>>263285 Having Tana on a horse team is strange.
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it was super sick bait check these skills>>263288 moonbow quickened pulse rein is some sadistic shit
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Lyn can be pretty annoying. She's a harder to deal with version of Rein.
>>263283 lol fucking gotem
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end of phase 1 fucking recip aid and i dont have vantage on cordy for the 6hp lyn after i kill the other literally already fucked i was on a perfect streak too
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I'm still working on devising a sure-fire answer to Lyn. And fitting it in the rest of my team. I could set Elise up as a unit to counter colorless, blue, and green so she'd be a bit of a pocketknife. Summer Elise that is. She still wouldn't be able to bait and kill Lyn that way though. She's need to run up on her.
just use an anti-colorless mage
and Bowbreaker
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Can a speed mage like Elise or Nino tank her? Oh, with bowbreaker. That would mess things up for me a little bit though, because I use green tomebreaker on my green mage.
with Bowbreaker, it would get a guaranteed double hit why use green tomebreaker? green mages are pretty rare in my experience
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I see them a lot. Nino and Julia show up a lot, and they are annoying. Nino can blow up most of the roster if you don't have a good answer for her.
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I should build a new team. Because I just can't empathize with anything other than bad positioning
oh hmm ive never worried about nino i usually just ohko her when she shows up
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My anti-green unit is Olivia. She deals wonderfully with green melee units, but it can be hard to bait Nino and kill her, especially when other things are going on. Nino alone isn't a problem, but when she is accompanied by other meta units it can get tough. My core team is Olivia, Delthea, and Summer Elise right now. Delthea can kill almost everything that isn't a green mage, but she can't handle Nino.
i guess ive been lucky enough to never run into problems i don't have a core team though i just use a team that seems interesting
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You've got like 40 yellows
i guess but that doesn't actually mean that much
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All i ever see is teams full of meta units, so I have to build teams that deal with meta units. I tried using varied teams, but +5 Hector will rip and tear unless you bring someone along who can deal with him.
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predictions? i think ill get memed by wom ninian
see like ive never run into a +5 Hector or a scary Reinhardt or a scary nino even meta builds like they aren't that scary idk
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I see tons of heroes that are merged meta units. I see Hector, Ryoma,and now Lyn constantly. I probably just have bad luck. I'm not even in a different tier than you. Vantage merged Ryoma is horrible.
i guess you just have horrid luck
>>263302 having options are great things>>263306 what tier are you guys anyway I just dropped to 18 because I forgot to do my other 4 arena fights
>>263308 most of my teams are based around a GHB hero though
although I doubt I'd have made it into 20 anyway
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>>263308 I bounce between 17 and 18 most of the time. 18 is where I see most of my whale units.
im breaking into 20 this week i hope
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I just want someone to fight me and lose but that's never gonna happen again, I guess. gone are the days
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I would kinda like to push higher tiers, but I need to figure out how to do deathless runs for that and that is hard. I also need to use higher BST units because mages and dancers have bad BST. I would like to build a good melee team but my melee teams always just get blown away.
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my first enemy team this season upload please wtf what's going on this should have taken seconds
and there are all these cool new units with cool new abilities and i just don't get them
>>263314 unique weaps help a lot with bst
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>>263315 I hate that map but that team doesn't look too bad to deal with. I was on that map in like half my games today.>>263317 My big issue is just figuring out how to do deathless runs with a team with decent BST. It's hard to deal with assholes like Rein with melee units.
>>263318 it's a terrible team
anyone wanna play R6: Siege?
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>>263319 Tomorrow when I have swords I'll take pictures so you can see what I get. Almost all the teams have Hector, most of those Hectors will have vantage and some of them will be merged. Hector doesn't bother me anymore because I have a unit to deal with Hector. But there will be lots of other meta units too. I think the most meta team I fought today was: Ninian Ryoma Archer Lyn Katarina Katarina was the only unit on that team that wasn't bleeding edge meta.>>263322 My hard teams usuall are around 684.
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what scores are you fighting against usually? like 680-690 range?
i'm really enjoying this team so far, but i'm not sure if i should keep katarina in it or dip and use athena or tiki, or put swap on robin and use zeph for my red
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next team Reinhardt is +1
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I'm thinking about trying to put together a team that is: Olivia Summer Elise Summer Corrin Cherche
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>>263324 That team is a good bit more meta than that one. Klein is pretty good, and Rein/Ninian are meta units. It won't be hard to bait Rein and kill him though.
>>263325 take me to cherche i've been touting her as da bes wyvern for a while but nobody's been making good use of her nobody wants to kill their camilla to make a better camilla
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extremely easy team to fight against my klein sucks ;_; he's -atk my roy iis also -atk and unfinished
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>>263327 My Cherche is 4 star but I already fed her a 5 star Camilla. I have 20k feathers now and they will probably go to make her 5 star. Camilla is just a bad version of Cherche.
i have 40k feathers i'm not sure what to do with i might actually start 4*ing some units so i can get fury three and renewal three and other good stuff>>263329 on that same train of thot, there's like 30 minutes left to see what happens
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20 orbs lets do this roll thing
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xander is +1
>only one colorless slot ONE SHOT THAT LYN LETS GO>Gaius
... nowi 5*
fuck yeah build up that jagen slot i'm serious don't toss your jagens
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>>263332 That's a pretty meta team but unless there is tricky stuff going on with Xander or Camus, pretty easy. Cecelia is not very good.
>No Colorless Orbs wow fuck this game
>>263340 hello yes
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>>263340 hi bang
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Reinhardt is +1 horse emblem teams are very unfun to play against but they're very poor>>263344 camus is one of the best units
>>263332 >Cecilia with Lancebreaker how bad is Camus really
>>263341 >>263342 thank you
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... I have no use for a Nowi other than being an extra Arena Assault character Ninian already has LB+. She just needs the SP
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no +1s another easy enemy team the difficulty is solely in the map
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Both my Nowis are -spd. Nowi is one of those units that is absolutely ruined by -spd.
>>263347 This is really my least favorite map in the game hands down
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hmm do I 5 star Cherche and try a Cherche/Corrin flying combo 5 star Cecelia and feed her tome to Summer Elise
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tharja is +1 another easy team as you can see, my enemies are always very easy
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>>263351 Wow, I want to fight that team!
>>263350 for what youte doing probably gronnraven+ youre* id rather give hrr excalibur though, is that a unique
would you look at that 200/200 units time to toss people aside
>>263354 lol my barracks are like 325
my team is also very simple but very strong and can counter basically anything
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>>263353 I did Cherche because I want some more unit variety. I will upgrade Elise with the next 20k.
I have six cecilias
if you have sick cecilias you better call the doctor
I have a Cecilia of every Rarity
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the next team alm is +1 and has atk ploy seal for some reason
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>>263361 That's a pretty interesting team at least because everyone is so tanky. You probably blew it apart though.
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lol this zeph makes me laff
>>263363 eckesachs more like eckesdee
>>263362 yeah a pretty easy team
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I think one of the tricks to a good defensive team is building a team that trips some people up but gets obliterated by other comps. The current defensive team I'm using got like seven or eight wins last arena season. It is a blue-slanted defensive team built around my folded 1000 times Corrin.
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>>263367 See now that is a team loaded with meta units.
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lol sonya can solo the entire enemy team though
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she also baited and killed Reinhardt which is where she took the damage that enabled her to use desperation 2 to kill Hector
i'm still not sure what b slot to put on my robin green tome
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lol bowbreaker
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>>263371 I put green tomebreaker on my green tome Elise. It helps her deal with the other green meta units.>>263372 Looks like he's one of those moonbow Reins. I guess he really hates archers.
>>263373 maybe he put it on for ghb or something
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>>263374 Yeah, that's possible. Bowbreaker Rein was one of the ways to deal with that super overpowered archer on Valter's GHB infernal.
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another boring, crappy enemy team
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everyone here is +2 or 3 a strong team but exceedingly boring
>>263377 super cute
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>>263377 Yeah, that one is kinda whale. The problem I have with pure flyer teams is that there is no good red flying unit.
that was my first loss for the night not really able to beat a flier team like that on that map>>263381 yeah
were you perfecting the others?
>>263379 palla is an amazing unit
you might think she's just your gala but she might be everyone's palla
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>>263382 What's amazing about her? She has lukewarm stats. Most people I see use her, use her in a ruby sword/triangle adept setup to make up for her relative weakness.
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>>263384 because her stats are good and she's easily accessible you use triangle adept because she's perfectly suited for it thanks to her stats
i didn't get quickened pulse when it was available now my reinhardt sux
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>>263386 I hope it will be available in the upcoming "Marth" rerun.>>263385 I think that's really all she's good for, is ruby sword/triangle adept and being a buffbot!
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i hope it isn't available for a long time.
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>>263387 That's a lot for filling in a red slot. Green sweep, moderate speed, WoM Build everything else around what you need. There's a lot of good fliers to balance it out
>>263387 which is all she needs to be
i'd probably put recipaid over drawback but i'm not sure drawback for fliers i guess can be great
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I'm about to make the dumb build I was planning a long time ago. Before I became engrossed with perfecting my Cavalry team. 5* Matthew
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>>263391 Does draw back work on ranged units?>>263394 Oh, I'm thinking of drag back. Does that work on ranged units?
>>263393 i'm talkin aboot the assist skill, not drag back draw back works on anyone nope can't drag back on ranged units i dont know if you can hit and run on ranged units but i dont think so
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i switched to a new team here's my next enemy upload please
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>>263394 Yeah, hit and run is melee only.
i'm really sad i didn't get tana or amelia to make my effie and zephie useful i just can't do anything with an armored team maybe i dont know how or maybe i just don't have enough SI fodder to make them useful
the enemy effie had distant counter lol
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>>263397 Both my Effies have bad IVs so I don't want to make them 5 star.
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>>263398 That's a strange decision.
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It's time to build a dumb team and hope the AI does its thing
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I think the team catcher upper thing is too strong. I don't think every gauntlet match should be really close and determined by who has the modifier later.
>Bride Caeda: I BELIEVE IN LOVE >Urvan Ike: It's all for you. *52 DAMAGE*
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decided to bring in caeda flier caeda lol -atk flier caeda who deals 30 damage well has 30 atk i mean
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this is how bad caeda is
>>263407 *extreme falco voice* This is terrible
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Bad ideas coming your way
haha you what
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I doubt the AI will know how to play this. But I hope it does
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>>263412 My Deltha is +Def/-HP
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lol @kirara/koi this is from a professional workplace forum with the company i started up at this is what people fuckin think when they're trying to find work-from-home positions and crap
>>263414 lol
i literally did transcripts for internal affairs that were investigating racism on the force and shit and like, news journalism where they're interviewing fascists and whatever like, who the fuck do you think you are that you'd have to say "sorry we cant do this content for you because it contains racist material" lol like this isn't a fuckin job for their entertainment you're providing a service to people trying to do their journalism or news stories or whatever>>263417 like, probably interviews with extreme political groups or shit sometimes i see people ask "AM I SUPPOSED TO BLEEP OUT WHEN THEY USE CURSE WORDS OR SWEAR WORDS??" it makes me laff so much
>>263414 Hold on, is he complaining about the things that he's transcribing about talking about racism? The first time I read "racism in jobs" I thought he meant like the people he was working with were racist But this is about the content of the transcriptions? lmao
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my first time seeing nino tonight
and moreover, this professional workplace forum has emojis fuck i want to kill myself i'm only here in the first place to read this stupid shit and feel a laff
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>I'd love to hear other thoughts and opinions
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i want to level my matthew but my mom is talking to me on my phone about making a chart
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two of my clients are social workers if i // i deal with tons of difficult and inappropriate stuff. i just do my job because that's the job i say i can do for people the alex jones shit always gets me too whatevs i don't know what's wrong with these people or their sense of professionalism
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>>263413 Mine is like +def -res or something. Basically neutral IVs since neither helps her. She still blows everything up though.
guidance is sso good just popping across lava like nbd
>>263425 >guidance is so good i can't wait for tana >who cares about guidance, armor march is so cool dum ameliafags
armor march is better in most maps tbh
I fucking WISH I could put Guidance on Matthew holy shit lol, that would be the best
That is literally the skill I need. Instead I gotta rely on WoM or something
i have obstruct on bride cecilia lol
>>263430 does she guard people from her man, Super Roy
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so many people hate fun passionately
the me is so bright out tonight
who has the highest def
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Maybe Lukas?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/06 (水) 03:51 No. 263436
I have returned
>>263434 zeph
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see here's a neat enemy team
i mean, very easy but still neat something slightly different than the last 40 people
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>>263440 Corrin's chainsaw sword is so silly and so out of place.
yeah, yato is really weirdly designed
anime >>263443 →
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this is my 25th arena tonight as you can see, i get very easy teams all the timr
i got perfects on all but three one of those three, i lost
>>263416 >bleeping curse words literally what is the point you still know they cursed because it got bleeped out
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>>263442 it's a corn cob
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did one last gauntlet before it ended I'm probably not ranked but I'm glad I'm on the winning team.
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corrin just confessed to me it will eventually upload
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oh no i deleted the one where he said he wanted to protect my smile
yeah 2500 feathers unranked i was too lazy
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this team is actually really fun to play with roy takes a ton of damage and then gets like three moves every turn thanks to my bards and galeforce
four moves some turns
if only my roy weren't -atk
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>>263453 I like how the male units are just as forward as the female units. Makes me go owo
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>>263452 Our boy Ike was still winning, right?
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>>263464 Same.>>263466 Ike won.
>>263466 it's over, he won
Oh no, time for hairy blue thighs.
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>>263471 An artist I follow likes drawing girl thighs. Decided to be fair and gender equal for the gauntlet.
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It's nice to see a male winner finally. I think the catch up mechanic is way too strong though.
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pic of every girl and some boys in my life right now and for the past week
when i did the math today i made as much money as someone who works 8 dollars an hour i just work that many hours
>>263478 >genny is a sleepy sheepy I am heartbroken
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Genny is the perfect FE waifu >>263480 that fuckin blows
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camus is so manly
>>263484 I really didn't like having to kill him in Shadow Dragon
I played card games for two hours again
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>>263485 he doesn't die there
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>>263487 and he gets a cute healer gf
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Zephiel is really manly too
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>>263491 Zephiel's confession is really hardcore.
>>263487 oh good
>>263493 Yeah, for sure. He basically says people=shit but you're special so don't fuck it up
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lol one of the missions this month is to defeat people with Matthew. My prize is a fucking Selena>>263500 Nowi is 1000 years old!
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>>263498 Don't commit a crime!
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>>263500 I don't really like children. Now, if someone close to me that was a bit older wore something like that, it might be alright, but it's not very fitting for someone with a childlike body.
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There is Nowi blue would commit a crime
Nah is cuter anyway
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Actually now that I look at the outfit, it wouldn't really be great on someone older either. It's a bit too vulgar for me. The garters are the only thing I like about it.
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>a bit
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You don't have room to talk! You love vulgarity! Nowi's outfit might be good for a cheap thrill but that's not really my style.
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>>263510 fat
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hey you guys wanna hear something funny? I got that rare destroyer drop in the event that ToN likes but everyone else thinks is ufly ugly too and I used her as stat fuel for my ships
that is a little funny
I thought she was ok
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I think she's the worst looking boat in some time. I used her as fodder without a second thought or a regret.
oh wait, a boat. I don't think I know what boat this is. I was thinking of that other game
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Do you want me to react to this
>>263518 Agreed
ph boy tome to grind out them supports
oh no oh shit oh fuck
>>263526 >>263526 >>263526
Like, I want support convso convos but I don't think I'm ready for support boosts
when does this update come out so i know when i can get it what with data plans
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/06 (水) 04:34 No. 263532
Is this the Fire Emblem Heroes General?
>>263529 already out
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I don't see this...
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>>263537 update
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>>263522 >>263524 Cliff notes please.
>>263539 uhh support is herr
>>263534 this is nicht so gern
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>not even an actual conversation
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that jumping horse
>>263553 why is his horse flying
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/06 (水) 04:40 No. 263557
>>263555 Why isn't yours?
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I wonder if you can change supports once you've set them?
you can but it resets and you have to get it back up to S again
>>263560 it does
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>>263563 >>263564 That's the player character. I wonder what that does.
oh NOW you want to update when i'm finishing
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holy shit
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Mine doesn't want to update either. That's no big deal though.
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These stat boosts are like giving someone a +4
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alao // also a red box for them
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>>263571 your summoner support is like giving them a +6 or so
6.5 This is going to be crazy
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not sure how long it takes to increase bond
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>>263572 owo what's this you have a red box with alm?
>>263584 wish I had faye to support with alm i love alm
i love what support does to alm too this looks >>263568 so cool
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I have Faye but not Alm.
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>>263590 i need you to give me your faye
people are saying chain challenges are best for quickly raising bond
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>>263592 You can't have my Faye. You don't want her anyway, she has sorta bad IVs.
>>263594 >>263597 wow
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>>263600 I'd be fine with any Faye!
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>>263602 she's -atk +res
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I've spent a lot of orbs trying to get Faye!
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My game still doesn't want to update.
are you updating it in the app store?
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No, it won't just auto-update?
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/06 (水) 05:07 No. 263615
>>263613 It's a new app version.
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>>263613 It will auto update it's just finicky you can try doing it manually and it'll queue it takes a while though
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Been getting a lot of Google surveys lately Got like 3 or 4 bucks now
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/06 (水) 05:09 No. 263622
>>263615 Wan
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>>263619 I see, I have it now. Supports is a weird feature. I guess it's part of FE's identity though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/06 (水) 05:24 No. 263640
Gonna try slerp *sleep Yasumi /moe/
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hi hi hi hi hi
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>>263640 bye bye bye bye b
SO i have thursday night off and don't have to do the truck BUT i have plans so i won't be able to g a m e r
>>263640 >>263644 >Bang comes in just as Rei goes to sleep Bang... are you and Rei the same person?
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>>263648 fuck no i am LITERALLY a god don't compare me to that PLEBIAN
>>263651 God's not real Bang. Hence, you're not real. Gottem. rekt.
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>>263653 hahaha nice one man!
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rika why did you tell fish that you think irma will go south there is no model that predicts it going south
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>>263658 I said I hope it will go south. It kinda looks like one of the tracks points south.
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I guess she misunderstood you. Sorry for accusing you.
The Benders are coming for our world.
maybe I should find jesus or something before i die
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Matthew and Luke became Level 40 together kyaa such friends
everything is actually fire
Aside from the east coast, which will be wind and water.
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>>263669 That's okay!
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liberals are saying florida deserves irma for voting trump just like texas did america is so fucking crazy now
The hate for Camus really is strong wow.
>>263671 what the fuck that photo is insane
>>263689 that's what America is now my friend in Oregon told me she could only stand outside for a few minutes because the air was so full of ash that it was making her light-headed.
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I downloaded a whole bunch of Shigures last night.>>263685 People are very angry and bitter now. But California being on fire is nothing new.
>>263692 Maybe nature just decided to let you guys get all of your natural disasters over with in one month instead of spreading them out
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>>263694 Yeah, but insane fires in multiple states at once is unusual, and two category 4 hurricanes making landfall in one season hasn't happened in like a hundred years. and we still have September which is when most hurricanes form
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I guess it's a bad hurricane season but wildfires are pretty common.
everything happening at once is what I'm saying is weird
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It's certainly a bad hurricane system. er season The wildfires are kinda bad this year, but last year there were really horrible wildfires in Canada.
is it the global warming maybe from now on you're gonna get this every year
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I think this is too sudden to be global warming I mean, global warming is contributing, but this was probably just mostly bad luck or God is getting tired of our shit and sent us a reminder that He is King
Yeah, sure. Definitely.
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>>263703 you haven't seen nothing yet
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I believe the stars are going to match some stuff in Revelation pretty soon. But I don't think anything will really happen, it's a little too early for that.
I think you'd have to be particularly loony to believe a book from thousands of years ago could accurately predict something nowadays.
books from thousands of years ago accurately predicted eclipses and stuff
>>263710 the world is particularly loony
>>263712 >>263712 >>263712
>>263712 Not that loony.
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Reality is gone The world we knew doesn't exist anymore
>>263714 it totally is that loony >>263715 what replaced it
No it's totally not. The day we need to adhere to some nonsense out of those books to predict the future is not going to happen.
crazy train replaced it
>>263717 with all the books that have been written, I'm sure one will have gotten it right >>263718 choo choo
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Well I don't believe in Revelation but it's not much crazier than most stuff people believe.
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Well, I'm not telling anyone what to believe. I'm just noting that some of the constellation stuff predicted in Revelation is coming up. Like I said, I don't think anything much is going to happen because there's some stuff that needs to happen before the end!
it's fun to doomsay
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I sort of expected to get to age 50 before the world ended but I'm not so sure anymore. It seems to be coming closer every day now.
The world won't die even if it's killed.
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>>263723 I think that's just what getting older feels like.
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Maybe. Or maybe shit's just super fucked. Can't wait for this hurricane to go away so I can go back to being myself.
what if there is no climatic big cool apocalypse and everything just gets more and more fucked with no payoff
If it's a long-term problem at least someone will manage to find a path or action or solution.
(x) doubt humanity isn't equipped for that right now
That's the good thing about "long-term". Right now is only a small fraction of it.
look the only thing that matters is what happens in MY life time
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I can win with this
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If only there were a Firesweep Dagger I probably wouldn't get it though.
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hey does anyone wanna tell bang to go make food already
go make food already
in like five minutes
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I'm craving alcohol again
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>>263734 no I want to go to sleep and then work my butt off all day tomorrow>>263737 stay way from that stuff!
>>263738 that's what i'm about to do!
>>263737 don't do it you don't want it >>263739 what food
>>263737 weigh consequences vs. potential gain make rational decision
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I super fucking want it
>>263740 chicken, potatoes
>>263743 Can I have some>>263742 you think you do but you don't >>263745 Holy shit Bang free chicken and potatoes you're the best
>>263744 yeah sure
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bye rika-sama sleep well
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bye rika
fuck ny head
did you hit it
wow is this a fight
>>263749 yup
>>263751 wow i thought it'd be a few weeks first
>>263751 chickenheads are bad man
>>263752 not on the ceiling per se, but on the chords running on it but nonetheless
oh yeah, this is a literal conversation with your ridiculous ceiling
>Fury is a bad idea in chain challenges yes
>>263756 not with vantage
i want to get Hillary's new book so i can be properly mad about it but i also don't want to give her money
I'm sure it'll be in second hand stores soon.
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true maybe I can loot one after florida is underwater
>>263761 but the pages will be all wet
>>263759 it is ridiculous how much people are paid to come just give a speech...
>>263762 you could say hillary will be all washed up
>>263764 Hillary has too much dirt to be described as washed
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>>263758 "team, the only reason we lost is because that asshole on the other team refused to just give us the win, and encouraged his team to play well" Bernie sabotaged Hillary by being a better candidate, that's literally all he did.
>>263767 why is he speaking english
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>>263768 Because he's a foreign exchange student or something.
>>263722 no it's not fuck you
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What's wrong with a little destruction?
The dumb setup at this workplace has one benefit I get to chill out for long periods of time now and then cause the one forklift is occupied
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>>263774 isn't it?
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sleep tight friendos
night bangu
2017/09/06 (水) 09:53 No. 263793
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bang your head on the ceiling
2017/09/06 (水) 10:44 No. 263796
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2017/09/06 (水) 11:30 No. 263798
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2017/09/06 (水) 11:32 No. 263799
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2017/09/06 (水) 11:43 No. 263800
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I think I've had an hours sleep max today
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A category 3 sounds a bit more managable a least if that's right also the direction it's going seems a bit more favorable
yeah i still might evacuate though the storm's slowed down so i could probably leave on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning
yeah that sounds like a good idea, better safe than sorry
my mom is literally trying to convince me not to evacuate right now
but why
idk maybe she's upset i didn't invite her
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Isn't it funny?
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genuinely have no idea if I'm cursed or just really quick to annoy
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We're all cursed.
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work people can go fuck themselves I'm not following the "no music" rule anymore, I've had enough of this constant nagging if that bitch who runs the place wants me to stop she can put me somewhere I don't have to deal with these people who piss me off, I can't fucking take it anymore
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fuck the rules
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I get like 4 bucks an hour, if I gotta hate existing in the building as well, I'd rather just fucking quit tbh I'll figure out something else to do Sell drugs
seize the factory
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Can't seize it cause we don't even make nothing We just put stuff together It'll be Venezuela 2.0
oh no
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Besides, I'd need guns And food for a while
3d print guns
Yo Kirara pan is sick i think ill call off game
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Actually they make... ammo at least nearby, like within the same area Maybe they make guns too? I'd still need people, though
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>>263821 Alright. I hope he feels better soon.
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oh my god I finally get to use this image
watch this
>>263826 IMC is so retarded omg
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No wait actually, shit he's not even wrong is he? The \\ Or am I missing something
yuri is considered to be the first man in space he's wrong
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So he is I got a bit confused there for a second Even if he wasn't, though, like... 8 years later, still many years before 1977, WE. LANDED. ON. THE. MOON.
earth's atmosphere is only like 500km thick so he's wrong about that too idk how far yuri went but yuri is universally considered the first man in space
yeah it's such a bizarre claim
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The antman is such a complete idiot, it's insane The best part is I saved that image because I KNEW I'd be able to use it for one of his tweets
>>263831 what a coincidence my dick is only like 500km thick too
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i'm probably gonna finish FE7 today and then i'm gonna play FE6
oh fuck I'm doing it
As in I'm literally just gonna screenshot the google translation
time to get that follow
someone beat me
that bastard
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oh well
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>silicone valley is extremely left, with one twist >the twist is literally that they hate workers having rights at all Left my ass
>silicone valley sk pls
silly cone valley
silly con valley a group of convicts get sentenced to unusual rehabilitation techniques by literally sending them to clown college
just lowered my workers wages by $2 an hour so i make an extra $5000 a year ama
it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes
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Well this is always an option if you need gas to evacuate imats.
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>if i dont go to pans because he is sick i cant get this week's episode of THAT but things were finally happening
that's like $40 for anal sex that guy is really fucking cheap holy shit
yeah what a prick>>263851 what is THAT yugioh abridged?
no i havent watched that for years
it's the end of the world as we know it
it's the end of Barbuda at least rip
the entire island has been radio silent for 7 hours now
the few pictures of it are all cars like, literally crushed everything's underwater fuckin hell
>>263857 yeah ive been trying to find word but rip>>263858 the former island of barbuda ;_;
puerto rico is next
here's a puerto rico stream>>>/watch?v=jXcyJ6OpjGg aaaaaaaaaa
that shit's gonna be here in a few days nature is really amazing
make sure you evacuate if it turns to FL don't gamble with your life
it's gonna turn to florida - there's 0 chance that it won't literally 0 chance it's just a question of where and when it makes landfall if it makes landfall and goes up the middle of the state, it'll be cat 3 when it hits me which isn't scary at all if it goes up the east coast, it will fuck us up>>263865 there's no chance that it won't hit cuba it's most likely not going to make landfall on cuba though very few models predict that
if it misses cuba it will be more powerful tooo
depending on what my school does i'll evacuate though unless i can get a guarantee that it'll be cat 3 when it hits if my school cancels before i get that guarantee, i'll evac
gl'll need it... dun dun dun
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my luck is supremely bad so no matter what happens, i won't die
at least make sure to finish FE7 before you die It's in my top 5 FE games so I'll never forgive you if you die before you beat it
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i'll beat it today or tomorrow
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I'd never forgive Kirara if he died period!
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My luck is too poor for me to die. I'm destined to live a very long life of suffering. So don't worry about me dying. It wouldn't make narrative sense for me to die yet.
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oh shit
if i leave then my leak won't get fixed though shit
you should try to take photos of stuff before it hits insurance companies try to weasel out of everything
insurance won't replace anything i own anyway
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>>263878 she's probably gonna resell too i'd tell her to fuck off
yeah. they really should have a limit to enable proper rationing for disasters
uh oh
if it continues turning, this will be ideal if it does not continue turning, we'll probably die
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that's the kind of dichotomy that gets me hot blooded
hot blooded florida roulette
you clean you DIE
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good man getting supplies for his family...
that guy's gonna be drinking a lot of warm beer
Maybe everyone else took all the water
>>263878 she probably did
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>I got called back for a job