I should read these damn books Cause like the last 2 movies are in big part about the corruption IN that system And how the entire goddamn insect war is a fraud
>>260508 maybe im wrong or maybe i suck did you finish the lyn segments because i only got like a few chapters after that >>260509 ayer died immediately so youre not wrong
if these fried noodles aren't going to ruin my stomach tomorrow call me iron stomach TN
>>260510 idk man this is my first time playing it im still with lyn but idk what will happen later
>>260512 oh then my memory sucks you're not where i was yet i think you basically do like 20 chapters of prolog
Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
goddamn this cafe is cool ground central on 52nd dark lighting area all the way in the back set up like a library with plush chairs and books in the walls
But if you do wind up here and want to eat something northern go visit "harald the viking restaurant" they have real good food, done in the traditional scandi way
also they have the best tar ice cream in the country
I bet it does it is quite tasty, though most likely takes some getting used to it and real strong it comes with ghmm well some berryjam, but I can't remember what berry it was
I probably wouldn't be able to leave anyway. Someone needs to watch the house. But if it's anything other than Cat 1, screw the house. We have like three.
I have a gut feeling that it won't hit Florida Or at the worst, it'll graze Florida I have pretty good intuition, I think
>>260607 A little. I can walk more easily but I can't bend over or rotate my torso without a bit of pain.
Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
wow TSA just rode me hard freakin water bottle good bye sunscreen
>>260609 its weird how strict they are sometimes anf how lazy they are sometimes
sometimes i just get put through without a check sometimes they don't even want my laptop out of my bag and other times they do jan got a lighter through tsa once
sometimes i get like gunshot residue tests other times they don't even care what im doing they've never checked out my medications even though they're supposed to
>>260680 It hurts to rotate or bend down but I can walk around without too much trouble now. I'm not falling down or anything. Breathing still hurts but it's bearable for the most part I think. sometimes it hurts more than others Thanks for asking! How is Canada?
>>260687 that's stupid my guy that's not an equivalent exchange at all you're also paying for the opportunity cost of the amount of time youre spending as an injured person, and the long term damage that your body has taken from this
>>260689 There's more to life than money. I can't ruin someone else's life because they made a mistake.
>>260688 No, I'm not set for life at all. Even if I were to marry my girlfriend, I would never leach off their money. I'll make it with my own power, for the most part.
>>260692 I'll heal. The time I lost isn't worth that much. It's just an inconvenience to me. The person that hit me is trying to make his way in the world just like me.
>>260691 such as time and health both of which you lost you can at least fuck em up a LITTLE bit
Kirara sue them and send me the money I need it it's important
That's not true. I'll accept things as payment for work I did even if I worked under the assumption of no payment, unless the person trying to pay me is wanting for money.
>>260710 A little bit My main issue is that someone else fucked up the heist though. Err, other main issue, aside from the illogical parts that we're currently arguing about in regards to the evidence.
hmmmm Well try to imagine for a moment if I were the one hit by a car instead and I was telling you all about how I was falling on the floor failing to move around my place. How would you react to that?
I don't think a fractured rib is an excuse to be immobile for any longer than a couple of days. Maybe a week. It's not even broken.
>>260731 I'm not having trouble moving because of my rib. I'm having trouble moving because I was hit by a car. The muscles and my bones are separate injuries.
>>260730 I would encourage you to take it easy but I wouldn't force you too! Besides, I didn't talk about my difficulties moving around a lot. I don't think I mentioned falling down until earlier today.
>>260733 The muscle stiffness has severely limited my range of movement so that.
>>260732 Which part is more troublesome for you? The breathing pains from the rib, or the muscular bruises?
>>260732 I haven't forced you to take it easy. I simply told you to, which is exactly what you've said you'd do for me. The only person forcing you to take it easy is Fish, and that's part of her role as your girlfriend. I would have done the same in her shoes, except I would have been a little more forceful.
>>260732 Well, at least you have the solace of knowing it won't take much more than a month or two. That's right, two months of this shit.
>>260734 What would you have done? She's been pretty forceful.
>>260736 Minor muscular bruises take around two to three weeks to heal in generally healthy and nutritious people. Bruises from getting hit by a car will likely take three to six weeks to fully heal. Considering your lack of nutrition from the amphetamine side effects and lack of appetite otherwise, it's reasonable to forecast one to two months of recovery. The more you are active during this, the longer it will take, but I'm sure you're smart enough to limit yourself appropriately. Not to say you should just hang out like a vegetable, bruises can't stop you from being you.
>>260739 How would you have been more forceful than her, though? I think she was really forceful.
>>260737 hmm, the doctor said I'd probably be able to run in a week or two I dunno I guess we'll see what happens I don't mind if moving is painful as long as I can move
>>260741 You likely can, as much as you can manage it. It might be a little difficult to do because of pain and the muscles not behaving appropriately, but you can probably feel it out for yourself while you are doing so. I don't know how hard you were hit, though. I assume it wasn't exceptionally bad, or you would have more than a fractured rib and bruises. Your muscles will heal regardless of if you put them under duress while they are doing so, but it will extend the time until full recovery. If you don't mind the pain, and you can do what you want to do without significant issue, you can exercise before they are completely healed. It is prudent however to let yourself heal fully before engaging in any intense activities, to maximize the positive benefits of such activity and reduce the side effects.
>>260744 Yeah, but there's not much you can do other than yelling. Besides, if it had been you taking care of me, I'd end up pushing myself way too hard in my pursuit of out-stubborning you.
She's smart enough to realize when tactics won't work. I think she's starting to really figure out how to manipulate me. She's not good at being subtle with it, but I don't mind.
>>260748 That's probably a good idea. Lack of exercise entirely can do more harm than good when it comes to recovering from non life-threatening injury. You don't want to overdo it, but it's still unhealthy to be sedentary, regardless of whether or not you are injured.
I went to the vending machine to get a sprite,a nd it dispensed a sierra mist. What's wrong with the world?
wtf is a sierra mist
It's a lemon lime soda that's kind of similar to sprite.
>>260752 Yeah, I heard that she managed to calm you down in the end. Which is good. It's part of the female role to act as the common sense for the guy since guys can be stupid about stuff. I'm sure you know that already.
>>260755 I should mention they call it Mist Twist now, but it is the same drink.
>>260757 Even I'll let others win sometimes. I usually give in to an especially strong resolve unless battle would be really fun. I have the common sense not to be stupid, I just choose not to listen to it.
Well, it is true that I need someone to keep me under control. I'm like a deadly laser that can't focus on its target without someone to serve as that focusing lens.
>>260760 Yeah, the Mist Twist rebranding started in 2016, and now covers many areas where Sierra Mist was distributed. Other than the name change, there is no difference.
I actually prefer sierra mist to sprite. The lemon lime tastes better. Sprite tastes like pure sugar to me.
>>260762 That's funny, considering it doesn't even have any sugar.
>>260761 I just looked it up, Sierra Mist used real sugar but Mist Twist uses high fructose corn syrup. So they are slightly different.
>>260764 That's wrong, but close to reality. Sierra Mist originally had sugar, but switched to HFCS and Stevia in 2010. In 2016, it was rebranded again, and this time has only HFCS.
>>260765 Well, it's wrong in the sense that it omits the fact that Sierra mist previously used hfcs. But the soda referred to as sierra mist had real sugar in it immediately before the rebranding as mist twist.
>>260768 Yeah, I believe they called it Sierra Mist Natural with the Natural in a subtitle after they changed the formula for the first time.
>>260759 Well, I don't know what motivates people to be stupid in their head, but I do know some people need a little help with not being stupid. She has her work cut out for her.
>>260769 And then in 2013 they started calling sierra mist natural sierra mist.
>>260770 I just follow my heart. It doesn't matter how smart I am, since I'll rush in if my heart tells me it's the right course of action.
Yeah. I'm lucky to have someone that can handle me and is willing to put up with you. Normal people would never be able to do it.
>>260766 I was just fucking with you, it's semantics. I think Sprite and Sierra Mist or Mist Twist both taste mediocre, actually. Sprite is definitely a lot sweeter, though.
When I have a choice, I only drink tea and lime flavored sparkling water.
I drink coffee once a day in the morning and booze whenever I feel like it.
>>260774 idk where that came from Obviously I meant put up with md me
Although I guess being willing/able to deal with you is a good sign in itself.
milkshakes are better than soft drinks
>>260776 Would you drink a milkshake to cool off during a break in a four on four basketball game?
i would drink powerade or water like a person that cares about their body
>>260778 Well, obviously something like that wouod be better, but within the context given the choice between some sort of soft drink and a milkshake the soft drink woukd be a better choice. Also Gatorade > Powerade
>>260775 I guess she is willing to put up with me too, although I don't think putting up with me is really the right way to say it. Rather, people are graced by my presence.
>>260788 It's happening in the Hector Ike match too. Though something like this happened shortly before the end last time too, but the people I expected to win won in the end.
Chrom was ahead of Hector for awhile, and that just doesn't make sense in any world.
>>260787 Shakes are "heavy", fat also take a longer to process *takes longer to process than sugar. Hrrm, but really a milkshake (using the definition milkshake = icecream+ milk and maybe something else) is just one of thise things you ingest that will feel heavy. *those
>>260793 Yeah, I would consider it an extremely bizarre result if the finals of the CYL voting gauntlet was between two characters that didn't make the top 2/2 in the CYL pre-launch poll.
My arena games are getting kinda whale tier so I'm going to let myself drop back down. I noticed enemy units being weirdly durable so I looked, and I'm seeing mostly +4 and +5 enemy characters.
It might be. Nobody knows where it's going. If it hits, it might be a cat 5, though, which will decimate everything and tear houses apart. I'm praying that it doesn't hit. I'm pretty nervous about it. They're saying it could become the strongest hurricane on record.
It will probably hit. Here's to losing everything. Pour a glass. Cheers!
>>260814 I hope so too It's pretty scary A lot of the forecasts have it turning away from Florida and hitting like the Carolinas too FEMA can barely afford to stay afloat with Harvey What a terrible hurricane season
>>260817 i got about three sips in before i decided to walk over to the ice machine on the other side of the floor i was barefoot but nobody was around thankfully idk where my shoes are
>>260822 yeah maybe not >>260821 Yeah. I got lucky last time. I hope it turns away and all we get iis rain. It sucks that we won't know for a few more days too. Just gotta try not to stress about it.
Hurricanes suck, but people are worse. I hope they've calmed down by the time I go back home.
If you don't believe me, then you should know there were no good games for the PS4 before Bloodborne was released. I bought one on launch to get it and don't regret.
>>260841 We some times get the sales down there up here! But yeah it would probably be more like ten dollars. Still pretty cheap.
>>260845 I don't disbelieve you, but I don't have four hundred dollars to spare like that.
Today I had a random thought. The way to save MMOs is to make a MMO that's more casual, not one that's less casual. Just a persistant world where people log in and wander around fighting monsters and doing comfy stuff. You don't even need instances and raids.
>>260857 GGXrd is fucking garbage learn GG2 kiddo.
>>260859 How do you think that's going to save a genre that's built upon monthly subscription and continuous development cycle?
>>260866 Second Life is community developed. The comfiness level is completely dependent on your ability to equip yourself with the proper cosmetics.
>>260864 FFXIV stays alive without any shallow cash grabbing tactics. Their cash shop, if you can even call it such, barely makes any money. It's a better tactic to just develop a game that people want to continue playing.
What I'm thinking of is more of a traditional MMO with monsters and stuff. IT could even have a big pvp part. Just less focus on instances and raids, so you don't have to be forced to deal with people if you don't want to. Or you could at least have more casual interactions with people.
Lately I had the urge to play a MMO but then I remembered that I would have to join a guild and make time commitments if I really wanted to be good at it, and I don't want to do those things.
>>260870 It absolutely does not. The original incarnation was bad. So bad that even completely blind fanboys were up in arms about it. A name doesn't convince people that it's fun. A fun game is fun.
That's just it. The ability to even go "Hey, let's make another one that's good." is the power of FF.
>>260873 The fact that they even got a second chance is exceptional, definitely. But that's the only thing that the name has done for the game. The original game was critically and commercially panned almost universally. They were operating at a loss after remaking the game for almost two years. They've only begun to profit towards the end of the first expansion and start of the second.
The only reason the game even survived so long is because of the pride the developers have to be honest. Many of the people who worked on ARR and Heavensward are Square Enix vets, and they have worked on other extremely well off products like FF11 or 13, and wanted desperately to prove that their assistants and underlings hadn't made a complete bomb, it just needed to be refined.
Samu ๐ฝ !KW2DbpWwls
reinhardt all day erry day i love me some fat shatters
>>260877 I agree that you aren't going to make a successful game if you can't make any money, but I think you can make a successful game without cash shop bullshit or premium user stuff. It's insane to think that a developer can succeed forever without any kind of income though, and I think a subscription to a consistently developed game is all that is necessary.
It's "possible". Your ability to succeed is immensely thin. Like I said, FF rode on its name. Furthermore, while it was failing, it rode on the names of good devs. In most other circumstances, this game would simply disappear. And that's if it managed to secure funding to be created in the first place. Subscription models are okay for some people. I couldn't handle it since lol having income But F2P is a safer model to work with now for games.
>>260872 huh? sure it does Final Fantasy is up there with Breath of Fire as one of the household JRPG series in Japan
>>260885 We're talking about the MMO, which bombed spectacularly upon release.
oh ok
>>260887 You're right as far as mainline series go, though. Just one look at the millions of copies of FFXIII sold is enough to see that.
My friends were working for a company that was developing Kurt Schilling's MMO and it collapsed on my birthday. It never came out.
>>260883 F2P is safer as far as economy goes, but it's a death knell for a lot of games because developers don't have the userbase to support F2P income. Guild Wars 2 struck a pretty good equilibrium between F2P and subscription model, which was great because the game was boring as fuck but they already have my twenty dollars and can use it to make it better. In any other situation a game that was garbage on release and wasn't fun for players and was panned critically would be completely erased in the collective consciousness, but that's irrelevant to whether or not something that will save the MMO genre can be F2P. Every high profit MMO is subscription based. Only the few that leave little in the way of pay for the developers can operate F2P and raise high profit. Those games are not going to "save" the MMO genre, or whatever. Only a game that can actually engage and support hundreds of people interacting at once will do anything for the genre. Modern themepark MMOs and freemium models are only scraping by with what they can get from the increasingly disinterested gamer.
>>260910 I would say that I'm more picky about guys than I am girls. I will accept female characters most of the time, but I'm pretty picky about guys. It just so happens that Ike is the kind of character that gets my approval.
I could see myself supporting Chrom because of his exquisite loser moe, but neither Roy or Hector excite me.
>>260909 Yeah, but neither of you are representative of lucinafags
>>260915 That's not what I'm saying though. Regardless of your rationalizing behind it you'll still vote for male and female characters. As opposed to other players that might even just not vote if it ended up a male/male or female/female final.
If you don't like ike, you're off my friends list fam
>>260917 I mean I guess we aren't the absolute bottom of the barrell waifufags, but I do tend to be pro-waifu.
>>260918 This is my first time supporting a male character! Although I would have supported Frederick in the summer gauntlet if not for the female side having so many of my favorites.
>Take out trash >no one else's trash is out >Is it a holiday? >>260936 You should be able to tell right now. If you don't get the "Win" feather bonus, you didn't win
>>260945 It was your first time? I see them every month pretty much. Especially in my garage or bathroom. Do you have any other kind of scary spiders there?
We basically only have the brown recluse and black widow in Texas. But both of them are kind of skittish, and prefer darker places so they don't bother humans much.
>>260946 I've been lucky, I've only seen wolf spiders and little garden spiders and house spiders i actually haven't seen a single brown recluse and only a couple widows
>>260946 Yeah, that was my first time ever seeing a brown recluse. I knew they were around here but I've never seen them.
We have black widows too. I've seen lots of black widows. I also kill those when they're places they shouldn't be, but they really don't go places they shouldn't be very often. The mosly live in rock piles and holes in the ground, I just avoid places where they live.
>>260950 I see wolf spiders and garden spiders all the time, because my backyard is overgrown and attracts lots of bugs. At night you'll see the wolf spiders skittering around the old doghouse and there will be two or three huge webs with a quarter-sized garden spider chilling in them.
But I kill the widows and recluses as soon as I see them fuckers. They mostly fuck around in the garage underneath tool buckets and such, or near the water meter where it's damp and dark though. I've only seen like two in my actual house in my life.
I thought it was really good, honestly. The whole way through. It never got very serious but it was always interesting. The light heartedness mixed with a few intense episodes really endeared the show to me.
>>260962 I wish it had done its story arcs a little differently or had been two cour.
speaking of keeping up with anime i feel like i should watch gamers but i also feel like i should play video games what if i end up just posting on /moe/ until 4am
If you were looking for a suggestion, I would say look at Etherium instead. The growth of BTC recently was little compared to ETH's. But that's because it wasn't worth as much before. I'm just watching those two and Litecoin
Antibiotic resistant diseases could be a real crisis.
Like Bang said, young people don't have much to fear from them as long as they're healthy. The real problem is that if they take root in hospitals and whatnot, it will make surgery and stuff hard.
CB is the entry-level spot for people who want crypto so yeah. They're going to have the most known problems, issues, and complaints.
i would say it's similar to how you'll always find a walmart customer service department drowning in angry middle-aged people
the last time i had to return something at walmart i felt geuine sadness for the woman who helped me right before i simply returned my defective product, she had two old ladies cussing her out for literally no reason
>salty lucinafags screaming about revenge >salty lynfags screaming rigged >salty nostalgiafags screaming about camilla winning >people screaming about how lynfags are from reddit
>>261091 >>261092 No. I don't care about reddit's infestation. If none of the non-reddit people are Lyn supporters, then they were trash in their own right.
oh i meant to say "/v/ is fun sometimes" /a/ is fun too though
>>261105 I posted a smug anime girl while making an observation! I'm not going to post a MS paint chad comic on /moe/, everyone will call me a shitposter.
>>261151 yeah he mentioned you fell asleep earlier
>>261144 The thing is I can empathize with a lot of the roots of their thinking. I guess where a lot of them have gone off the deep end I've managed to reign myself in from those rabbit holes.
>>261153 haha man he tipped the bartender like 60 bucks i gave jan the money and he just hands it to the bartender bartender was cool af
it's weird how bitter people get over it it's probably due to the cancerous emphasis on sex and the portrayal of women as sexual objects in America and the west in general maybe
Yeah. I don't mean to trivialize the intenal issues they bring to the situation, but the cultural emphasis on relationships and having a partner as a part of life satisfaction can be really damaging to someone who, for whatever reason, struggles with obtaining one. When everyone around you who adheres more to a normal lifestyle (especially ones who seemingly do it without trying) manages to tick off this one check box on the list of life satisfaction, and for whatever reasons, you are inable to, it builds a certain resentment that can catalyst into dangerous mindsets.
That's weird. I don't see why people get worked over it. Male virgninity is literally nothing. I can kinda see why it would matter for girls since if you treat the stuff down there badly it gets worn out, and there's like a physical manifestation of it. But for guys there's no way to tell a virgin from someone who isn't one. I don't see why people get so bothered over it.
>>261173 I think it's because there's a cultural emphasis put on it we guys are told that if we can't please a woman, we're worthless, starting from young ages
>>261173 It's a toxic masculinity thing Women just can't understand it
>>261173 >people like other people enough to do it with them but not me >hence there is something wrong with me and those men are better than me
>>261173 It's more detailed than just that thought. Though, even. For example, the group can also include peopel that have severe drawbacks in their ability to find a partner. Such as someone who is physically disfigured. Someone like that has the deck stacked against them when trying to find a partner. Let alone sexual satisfaction, it can be really, really difficult to find a life partner when you're the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
the first time i did it, the lead up to it was really stressful like i had never really looked for sex but once iit was potentially happening i was like "on no, don't do it" I used to be a loser though
>>261195 Who's going to tell the kids that? Are the kids going to listen?
>>261205 no i'm good i wasn't memeing earlier when i said jerking off is better the only thing i've be looking for in a partner now is shared interests and a shared propensity for adventure balanced against hard work which i won't find so whatever life is fine as is
got my laptop so what's up moe how is your weekend going i'm thirsty as fuck because i drank a bunch of southern comfort and now i'm dehydrated but i snoozed and i'm sober
In 2012, an estimated 3.7 billion people under the age of 50, or 67% of the population, had HSV-1 infection. Estimated prevalence of the infection was highest in Africa (87%) and lowest in the Americas (40-50%).
Genital herpes caused by HSV-2 is a global issue, and an estimated 417 million people worldwide were living with the infection in 2012. Prevalence of HSV-2 infection was estimated to be highest in Africa (31.5%), followed by the Americas (14.4%). It was also shown to increase with age, though the highest numbers of people newly-infected were adolescents.
>>261265 They are but nostalgiafags will side with Ike over Camilla.
you gotta find yahweh
i did i was asking Him not to kill me with a hurricane earlier
don't loose yahweh
there was a loud sound in the living room usually id check it out but im fucked up so fish went to check it out and she grabbed the knife from the dresser and she's walkin like fuckin big boss cqc it's hilarious
tomorrow i get to do one of those amazing Bang shifts 1200-0200, and then 0800 to 1700
we didn't even go back to the festival today i feel pretty shitty like we wasted the day getting drunk and eating toasted ravs we watched a cardinals game at a sports bar wish we coulda watched live
i guess it's a good thing i ended up not going haha
we didn't go to karaoke or kaoru watanabe >>261284 no it woulda been different if you were here it woulda been work-oriented when i don't have anything to work on i wanna drink
sorry I couldn't make it
it's cool dude you don't gotta be sorry for shit we're havin fun i feel bad you couldn't see the festival is all you woulda loved it but it'll happen next year too, who knows jan got to see a little bit of saint louis and i think he thinks it's pretty cool it's actually a great city thanks bang what is that even supposed to be
I thought enemy within was a pretty good expansion, though. It was a bit unbalanced but overall it was good. Though only having one base defense mission was a bit disappointing.
So far it seems like a good expansion. They added some much needed mission variety.
okay miss "oh woo it's labor day i can stay up all night!" you and jammy you're all the same party hardy until it gets to half an hour past your beddy-bye time
It's early morning. Some people are even up getting ready for work at this time some days. I'd say that I have successfully stayed up all night.
actually yeah my mornings usually start about midnight that's when i woke up jan was playing final fantasy 14 and now he went to sleep and i'm starting my day putting the labor in labor day i am
we gotta hit the airport in the morning, then i gotta make a two hour drive home and probably clean up a big mess from the cats it's gonna put a big dent in my work i should have been on top of it before the trip but things got kind of crazy we kinda blew a lot of money on dumb stuff too i shoulda been more frugal oh well can't be helped
>>261339 jan went to the vending machine and pushed sprite and it gave him this haha >>261338 it's tomorrow today good luck with your work in the afternoon good luck with your sleep. i wish i could sleep half the day, but if i did that i wouldn't be able to do much work once i woke up because i'd be so groggy
Living is meaningless, but dying is final, so it's scary Things you can't undo are scary
I hate having agency
It's good to be scared of death imo
capitalism wins if it kills you
That's fine I don't care anymore
My life was over several years ago
oh please you know that's not true that's depression talking
I know it won't get better because I have no value I've never had a real job, the thing I do now I miss days at random cause I can't make myself go, and I don't have the willpower to break out of this situation I can't be honest with my fucking psych cause I hate everything about my own mental view of myself too much, it wouldn't matter if I could
There's no path forward cause I'm a fuckup who doesn't even want to put in the effort needed
I know it's possible, I just know I'm unable
Living for the sake of it is stupid I don't wanna stay alive just so I can stay alive
living for nothing is much more appealing than dying for nothing if you ask me
Living for nothing inevitably ends in dying for nothing It's not a choice
I can't sleep it away I'm not sick Nothing's wrong with me If there was something wrong with me it could be fixed but it can't
I'm not depressed, I don't have any real anxiety, it's all fucking bullshit I'm just shit and that's all there is, and that's why nothing will ever get better
>>261393 but you did get better You still have a long way to go, clearly. But to say you've gone nowhere would be wrong.
I haven't gotten better, I've just swung back into not trash for รฅ short while and now I'm back again because this isn't ever gonna go away Cause this is just who I am apparently
>>261394 it's twofold despair labor day it would seem, blue.
I don't belong anywhere the closest I hav to friends are fucking text in a window on a screen, the most social contact I hav is some asshole at work yapping om about the sane fucking thing cracking the same joke for the 5th time that day for the 4th day in a row that eeek for the 20th week in a ros It's garbage I don't have a goddamn life
All I have is the make believe idea of having a future and it's crap It's never going to happen The day when this isn't my existence won't ever come
Why can't I just die It's always gonna be this way so why do i keep fighting it What the hell am I so fucking afraid of i know it just stops its not scary
>>261400 It's good that I'm over CF or else it would be threefold. I always remember her around Labor Day since she used to play pan behind the museum. good times. >>261401 I dunno. You said that before the current step and now your complaints are different. Which is to be expected. Something changes, you gain new problems. Where do you want to go next in your make believe idea?
>>261403 There's nothing really special about it. It's just a lack of care. Which is better than being drowned in caring, I suppose. I guess it's okay. I feel like saying hi and asking how things are.
There is no plans It's vague It's bullshit Things don't get better
I've gotten nowhere for the last two years and barely anywhere since I left school I'll die like this anyway the only difference is time Avd still I just fucking won't cause I'm a piece of shit
I don't want to feel anything anymore I don't want to feel my legs walking to work, I don't want to feel my arms moving at work, I don't wanna feel my legs moving home from work Everything is fucking heavy, nothing feels right
I don't wanna live anymore I just don't wanna die either
>>261405 You're becoming a poet. What's the vague bullshit? Is it still being a lawyer. Poetry is cool too although that's a lot harder to make money or be successful at.
Becoming a lawyer isn't happening I don't know why I thought that was realistic at any point
There's no plans There's just "things will get better" And they won't
Interested and passionate doesn't mean a fucking thing when you can't
It's realistic. Law and societal workings seems to be something you're mildly interested and passionate about. Err, interested and mildly passionate. >>261407 Yeah, but it's also good money so interested, passionate, and feeds your stomach is a good plan. Are you bad at learning? Is focusing in school the problem?
I mean, honestly, there are people with billions more connections than you who are older than you and also put out shit like this
Yeah but they can do that because they already made it
All I could ever accomplish is ridicule
because they have money, yes. But no, they could have no money and still write this garbage. >the shackles of servitude to iniquitous taxi cartels of corrupt cabals that choked cities I swear it's like he's some dude writing about Daiz.
They could but they'd never get anywhere and the best they could hope for is someone on 4chan finding it and laughing at it
Reality is i have nothing of value to add to anything Everything going through my head has been written by other people Because my head only ever deals with obvious stuff
>>261426 You don't need to have the newest, brightest idea. Ideas have been made and existed for a long time. A lot of the good ones aren't being followed and fought for. That's valuable. That's additive. You can just read, learn, and act.
And they won't as a result of me either Literally not one thing I do in my life will affect people outside my immediate surroundings Not a single fucking thing
And even that's pushing it
yo just write fanfiction and publish it
communist fanfiction
I could always just read more but what's the point? There's no benefit
>>261428 I'll have one less person willing to fight for me and that would make me sad. >>261434 You might not ever have to. But that's fine. The existence of those willing to do so is a strength in itself.
Willing doesn't mean going to You wouldn't even notice beyond not seeing me here
I don't agree with that There won't come a time when my existence changes anything
>>261435 It does. You learning things gives me hope that my grandchildren have a chance at an uninteresting lifetime.
But it won't matter I'm one person, I'm not going to change anything I'm not capable of changing anything My existence isn't necessary or even relevant
>>261438 by yourself. No. But 'the people' is made up by a multitude of those willing to do something. There aren't enough of those people. >>261440 That's right. Which is exactly why you're necessary. The mass action needs you too. Because you are willing. Just because you think there's a lot, which there aren't lol, doesn't mean that it is enough. I'm not asking you to fix the world by yourself or to invent the next wave of true justice. I want you to be here when the people need you. I want you to be ready. It is good that there is no immediate pressing need for you "right now" because you can take this time to learn more. You can learn and know and act with more wisdom than the people who are fucking up in their attempts.
No mass action is ever determined by one
But I won't be needed I'm not necessary
I'm not even gonna change anyone's view Cause I can't
>>261441 You don't have to change anyone's views. I have no expectation on anyone over the age of 16 having a view shift. I need you to be vigilant for the global turnout. Sit, wait, read, learn, and help me. If I never ever need you to do anything, it would probably be for // be the best-case scenario. But I can't know that. And because I can't, I know you can't. Be my embassy.
>>261449 this is probably the best image you could have used for this holy shit
my first experience with sfm was just goofy sketch animation or those weird tf2 things
>>261397 you've improved tremendously since this time last year, take it from someone who usually criticizes you far more harshly than everyone else here you'll end up a disappointment only if you stop now I have to get back to driving home now so this'll be all I say on the matter for now
>>261456 No, no, see that's good. Because improved opinions and views become improved actions. If you were, hypothetically, to ever do something, it is more likely to be a very good thing.
And I can't properly convey how much that means to me without also being drunk. And since I have no plan on doing so, I'm afraid I won't be able to say it properly for quite some time. All the more reason I want to see you succeed in other things that aren't just The Revolution at large.
tee hee i remember when blue told me how much i meant to him or so good times i have it saved
I know you don't. That's why we're having this conversation. But you have a lot more time than you think. We both do. I'm fully prepared to actually hate this transit job. But it's going to make me money, pay off loans, and give me the ability to do other things with my day. Even if I don't like the job, I can succeed better with it and move to something else hopefully. A lot of the problem is just not being risky enough. For me anywya. I don't like spending hundreds of hours on a thing only for it to mean nothing. And I drop everything. And that's why everyone I know who used to be at my level is far past me now. They kept drawing and modeling and shit even though the industry is fucking trash. And now they have moderately okay jobs in it.
>>261461 i have myself being shameful saved so you can just steal my hard drive to blackmail me
Also puts a human on scale to a bird a bird embryo has all the nutrients it needs to develop into a baby and then eat the final renmants to survive a few days and a human needs about 10-20 eggs to keep its body just warm
for one day
To put human on scale to a bird. The common chicken barely comes up to an adult human's shins.
deed but still just fun to think about same goes for all egg laying species the egg has all the nutrients required to develop the embryo into an infant
Going to jail for beating the snot out of a price gouger would be fine tbh Hell, if the cops there even arrest me they show their true colors to the people, maybe my arrest will start a fucking revolution
Yeah, showing their true colours by arresting someone who is actively beating up and branding people.
I mean, that image serves the same purpose >>261504 Oh that's a good point I can't expect random people to understand the link between communism and hating price gougers I mean it's obvious to me, but it may not be to regular people who only really think of the USSR when they see the h&s
Rule of thumb. Never expect people to 'get' what your intentions are without clearly explaining them.
If he doesn't have a move where he parries with the cross on one arm and chains into an uppercut with the next while shouting CROSS COUNTER! it's not legit
Dude Jesus needs a HADOKEN where instead of a chi blast, it's a loaf of bread and a fish
What you'll find is people around the middle report the most happiness because they're a. drugged up on antidepressants and b. still need to work to live, it's just a more comfortable life
>โThe work of ending illegal gerrymandering is critical to the future of our democracy.โ โ Eric Holder >illegal gerrymandering Isn't... isn't it only possible because it IS legal?
And yet it sticks around Here's how you win as a democrat in 2018 by the way, hot tip coming through: "I'll vote yes on removing the electoral college and going to a popular vote for presidents"
removing the electoral college isn't going to fix anything
The difference is the state itself doesn't fucking matter anymore You don't need JUST enough to get that state's full pot YOU NEED ALL THE BOYS IN THE YARD
not really going to do anything though 99% of the time, electoral vote matches popular vote
Yeah but now, if a \\like, a small part of the people vote for third party, they'll ACTUALLY SHOW UP on the goddamn statistics, and there's a clear indication that you don't HAVE to vote for one of the two winner-takes-all motherfuckers your state will battle over Fuck your state's split, you don't need to be part of it
But that doesn't mean the third party will get any representation. And if you don't have any representation on the political stage you're pretty much irrelevant.
A political theatre can't entertain the concept of third parties until there is a mechanic for those third parties to have relevancy.
yeah he didn't win as third party but he got electoral votes as third party
>>261634 teddy broke up the banks and attacked monopolies relentlessly he was made into VP because people were afraid of him and thought it meant he'd never be president
I thought george washington was the only indenpendant non majority party president
if you slam your big stick over a banker's head I'll look the other way and tell the cops it didn't happen
Horace Greenly, I believe, won the presidency as third party in the late 1800s too but he died and his electoral college votes were given away as a result >>261638 When he became president, he was but at that point, he'd turned a third party into the new Republican party
>>261666 no, kirara had the camera and stuff and the car rental, and he wasn't able to make it because of his recovery, so we didn't do any filming. Jan recorded some things from his home, but nothing as serious as we were hoping for. so it was just me and jan, and we didn't have a car. i kind of showed him saint louis a bit, he had fun. we had toasted ravioli and bloody marys and watched a cardinals baseball game it was fun but it wasn't quite the trip everyone spent money for so i feel bad
>>261684 yeah it's a little nerve wracking a cat 5 will literally just plow down homes with sheer wind power and this one could be worse than any we've ever recorded
Taking contacts out are the worst. but having contacts is amazing. I am wearing my glasses now and it really makes a difference having contacts. My glasses are so bulky
Not according to that map. I just remembered how close trinidad is to South America. It's probably going to get a lot of rain though. But do you see where it says "60W" on the bottom of the second map? That's where Trinidad is.
Yeah, that's what I did. I saw a list of the islands and was like, what that's the whole thing. But then I saw that small chain and remembered that's where a lot of them actually are. Jamaica is the one in that green section Trinidad and Tobago is much closer to S. America I want to see exactly where the line is though. I don't know if St. Vincent is in the green or out of it.
That said, everyone else is about to get fucked up. This is bad.
Yeah, it's cat 4 right now. Expected to reach cat 5. Idk what I'll do if it hits me
the government has no money to use for disaster recovery FEMA got budget cuts and they're already overextended in Texas
they need to like immediately divert war funds to this
also the US is denying foreign aid to help with Harvey
>>261720 >Denying foreign aid REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE This reminds me of Rick Scott denying Federal money for Medicaid. Or whatever it was.
>the US is denying foreign aid I never knew how bad
Mexico tried to send us aid and we denied it like twice
the most we're letting Mexico do is send us 5 vans with some rice and beans in them like seriously
congress is trying to get more funds for harvey but it takes forever
meanwhile texans are supposed to pay $50 for water bottles because nobody is actually enforcing price gouging laws
if that shit happens here, im probably going to rob price gougers
Quebec offered to send trained experts who are professionals in repairing disaster-wrecked infrastructure. And Texas said "no thanks, all we need is prayers now" or something along those lines.
>>261723 >Mexico has trucks lined up near the border ready to help their ally >"nah fuck off pay for muh wall" >meanwhile people are dying
>>261725 it's fucking insane i cant believe what's happening like even trump's America shouldn't be this ridiculous
trump is also spreading lies about the hurricane and people that have been involved with disaster relief there and he's saying stuff like, "seeing everyone coming together was great for our country" and then he slows down disaster relief by wanting to be involved for publicity which means everyone getting aid has to go through secret service before they can enter the recovery area and then he's signing his name on walls
I actually really want pierre's uniform but I know that'll go way over my budget >>261751 get me pierre's uniform and I'll make you the perfect tequila sunrise
haha holy shit Trump's toying with the idea of just stopping business with those who deal with NK? I wonder if that goes for those doing business with THOSE countries again
"In a stunning development, the US has stopped all international trade, there's looting on the ground and reds run in the streets"