Thread #262044
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thats a nice pciture
the list: knights and magic youkai apt uso girl tenshi I think there is normally something else on these nights but I don't see it.>>262045 thank you
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Where is Tilde?
I'm here.
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okay Now where is Maria?
m a r i a
Maria is without a computer this week,.
oh do we just knights this week then
He is fine with that.
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Since it's one whole week let's do it. knights and magic okay let's start
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They usually only do OP sound effects for one episode. I see they're doing an OP cut-in too.
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Those robot suits are so silly.
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Looks like this guy is going to get a waifu.
>>262063 They're like a cross between Megaman and Samus.
I was going to say Ernie might have a kindred spirit but this guy is a bit nutso.
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I think it's still fair to call them kindred spirits.
I guess.
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Wow, he turned them all into killing machines.
Oh by the way, there's been episode nine of Kakegurui out for a couple days. I don't think we've watched it.
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Oh, we could sub that in for Youkai Apartment if you guys want.
Fool me once, shame on you Fool me twice, shame on me
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Wow, he actually killed that lady, and with no remorse. I thought she would hang around being annoying the whole time. okay You guys decide where you want kakegurui in the order, and when. Tenshi will be last, I need a comfy pyramid tonight. I'm going to throw some laundry in the wash.
Yeah that was a pretty savage beatdown.
Do you even want to watch Kakegurui tonight, Squid?
Do you want to do it before or after Koi to Uso.
I think last
Well you'll have to pick a fight with Rika for that, since she wants Tenshi last.
tomorrow then
>>262053 at his brothers basketball game. Have fun.
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okay looks like kakegurui will be last up tomrorow let's youkai apartment opkay lets start
All right.
>When you've got a talking spirit bird in your pocket
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Kinda funny how they were lecturing him about sexual harassment and then two minutes later they were tearing his clothes off.
Wow this girl is purer than fresh snow. How on earth do you get to high school without picking up the concept of flirting.
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She's gotta just be messing around. She was lecturing him about sexual harassment like two minutes ago. How can you know what sexual harassment is but not flirting?
Maybe she was molested as a kid.
what time
6:30 6:35 6:40
This could take a while.
He just grabbed Fool with no grace or respect.
Oh we're getting meta again.
For a rookie his intuition for this is pretty good.
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It's the woman hating monster!
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okay uso girl okay lets start
All right.
whats a boypippi
>>262107 >>262106
She's oddly polite about calling him a pervert.
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Is that his dad? He's like Keanu levels of not-aging.
The calm one is his dad, yeah. We saw him a couple episodes earlier in a lab coat.
>The more eye candy the better Hmmmm
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He actually said that more flowers are better, which is a much less skeezy way of saying it.
riri is the best shes going to lose though
What a loser.
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I hope Riri will win. She's way better than uso girl.
No one ever gets his name right.
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Looks like she hated uso girl until she found out her secret.
Why doesnt she just you know marry him
The organization behind the matching program kind of hinted that they'll ruin his life if he doesn't marry within his assigned wife.
Oh they're not actually siblings. It's kind of weird to make them look kind of similar then not have it be that way.
>>262122 yeah I thought they were siblings
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The more this girl is involved, the higher chances of the Riri ship getting sunk.
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okay tenshi okay lets start
Yup, living god kind of perfectly normal person.
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I expected there to be a twist with her, but it would be that this tanned girl was also an elementary schooler. I didn't expect her to actually be some other girl.
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wall nerd
They're everywhere. Wow she's really mad.
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This art kinda reminds me of Higurashi. You don't often get side profiles of anime characters like this.
Yeah, I can see what you're getting at.
he shouldve jumped into her window
That would be an illegal intrusion.
Oh when he said that I half expected a brief cut to Sakura going "doki doki"
I dont like purple hairs personality that much too hunya for me
Which purple hair.
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She's cute, but none of the girls really have much personality. Sakura has had more character development than any of them.
That's not purple anyway that's lilac.
i like the kuudere then Rize-mini then hunya
sakura is probably thje best
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Sakura has had most of the development. I wonder if someone like the director likes her, or if this lolicon author really likes her best for some reason.
This is a pretty relaxing song.
>Draw lolicon manga for your career >Add in an onee-san high school girl for the hell of it >"What the hell I like joshi koukousei now"
Kiryuu is a fair bit of a brat.
you sheeple
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Wow she called them sheeple.
Sudden twist
What a keikaku. Not something I expected from a show like this.
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There's some character overlap between Kiryu and Jun.
Being able to produce something like that in the length it takes to sing a song is pretty admirable work.
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 07 [7(…).jpg )
okay, thanks for anime!