Wow look at ArenaNet forcing real life current events in my game a whole five years before they happen.
The additional problem with this is that I was planning on winding down and trying to nap a few hours. Since I woke up at five in the afternoon yesterday and pulling probably close to thirty-six hours awake straight would be rough.
You gotta learn to survive as a still shark! It is a like zen. You need to be still to survive. >>259082 I am way overexcited about being able to see without glasses. I think I made the optician cry while I was bouncing around smiling about being able to see, we both were pretty emotional about it.
>>259079 He sent me a couple pictures of boxes of cups I forgot to put on the back room shelves and said "Got to put it up." I replied My bad. Then he said enjoy your holiday.
>>259083 No way, that's way out of my realm of ability. I can't stay still. It's a biological fact! Humans can't flap their arms to fly! Dolphins can't run a marathon! I can't survive if I don't move!
>>259084 Wow. he really want to let you know he had to put them up. Kinda a dickhole. >>259085 You just gotta believe! You aren't just anybody, you are super aidoru. Take the challenge and then get better soon! Even sharks don't burn themselves out when they are ill! I am sure they work out the best solution.
>>259091 thank you for your encouragement, comrade let us work together to become strong like trunk of oak we will stage a revolution and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat!
>>259138 We found tilde! Rook is still crazy though.
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
rook's in his heaven and al''sur right with the world
>>259141 I got to chop up a cardboard standee with a katana last night
>Triple Threat: New Pneumonia Is Drug-Resistant, Deadly And Contagious
oh good
>"This fatal outbreak happened in a brand new hospital with very good hygiene," says microbiologist Sheng Chen, who co-led the study at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. "Drug-resistant strains shouldn't have appeared so quickly." oh no
this is foreshadowing
uhh wait >In the outbreak, the five patients who died were all older than 53. They were all on ventilators after undergoing major surgeries. And they died from severe lung failure, multiorgan failure or septic shock, the researchers found.
>>259173 I sliced it cleanly, but what kept happening is that it woukd fall over before going all the way through. Well, I got a few cuts all the way through on the top.
Whenever they do something a little risque, the show gets a character-specific border , and their personal censors will start flying around and covering stuff, and the girls say "Nuh-uh!" or "I don't think so!" and stuff like that. It's funny.
>>259213 Oh yeah ToN I have a copy of wild arms on PS1. You can borrow it if you want. All *almost all my consoles are still packed up so I'm not playing my vidya much anymore.
I really liked it at first, but I find most of the episodes are a drag to get through now. There's no story, and there are only two recurring characters, but without a story, I can't get invested in any of it.
>>259224 I think that crumbs have been deposited throughout, and that the story arc should kick in soon. I think I remember there being a good episode recently, one about the girl falling in love with him. I know that describes a lot of them, this one was the school setting one though.
I think the main story arc will kick in soon and it will evolve around the nature of protabonist-kun. I think he's a dreamer too.
Yeah, it was episode 6. OH wait, episode 6 was the bullying episode. That one was good in a weird way though. It was episode five I'm thinking of, about the ice skater wanting a normal life. That was a good episode.
Episode 7 was interesting but the art style isn't my thing.
The latest episode, episode 9, was really weird. My opinion is that it is a low budget filler episode that they put a coat of weird on to cover that up.
It's certainly a strange series but I don't hate it. I think the last two episodes have been nothing special, if you set aside how crazy the most recent episode was.
There are some really good SoL scenes with Vlad that I was looking forward to, where he hangs out in town and sees stuff about Dracula and gets really upset about it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I do really like Achilles' portrayal in it, though.
I was about to shower but then the dog wanted to go out. And then I removed a bunch of vines by hand because we got rid of all our gardening tools during the move.
My mom thinks the vines on the front porch were attracting flies, so she asked me to remove them.
Isn't it ironic? In that moment a Rika who wanted just to lounge around was working out because her internet was dead, and a kirara who wanted to get up and move around was lounging around on the internet because his rib is busted.
I was thinking while I was in the pool, if water makes it feel like you weigh less because of its density, and air has density too, I wonder how much heavier you would feel if you were in a vacuum.
Yeah, your body will stress itself out during the impact getting tense and stuff. That should pass in a few days and you should just be left with the pain from the fractured rib.
Fun read for anyone interested in Rika's buoyancy question
>Because the owners had locked the doors to the stairwells and exits – a then-common practice to prevent workers from taking unauthorized breaks and to reduce theft[7] – many of the workers who could not escape from the burning building simply jumped from the high windows.
I'm gonna go to bed
>>259367 It took me about two seconds to recognize that being about the triangle shirtwaist factory fire
>>259367 Oh, we learned about this when we went to Philly.
>>259367 welcome to capitalism >>259369 i learned about it in school mfer i think they talked about it at the jew museum? or was it somewhere else
Lyn needs to be stopped. On my last match of the first round, the enemy team was bridge lyn, horse archer lyn, and lyn lyn. That's when I realized that Lyn was like the evil empire and needed to be stopped.
That's what you would think, but Lucina lost to Lyn in the original CYL poll, and in the CYL voting gauntlet. It may not seem like it, but Lucina is the underdog!
Lucina had the most desired unit in the game for most of the game's lifetime so far. And she has a legion of fans. And she gets shoehorned into the tempest trial stories.
>>259421 Lyn's legion of fan s is bigger though. She beat Lucina really handily. Lyn also doesn't have the legion of haters that Lucina has. Lucina has a lot of haters.
>>259442 You don't like Chrom? I mean he's like stupid Chad: the lord, but he has the most potent loser moe in the franchise. Chrom is such a loser you have to love him.
ah, path is expensive, radiant is just $79 lame >>259453 Considering that the original price was $49.99, a 30$ increase is just whatever. And you know how Nintendo games get. It will be 20 years old and still retails at the original price.
I just feel like I should be able to walk into a Gamestop right now and find it on a wall. But the gamecube is like far too old so lol of course not
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
>>259454 yeah it's like a real one the arms are a bit too big but otherwise the fit is good got it in the clearance area at macy's
>>259455 Gamestop/EB Games threw out all their pre-Wii Nintendo products so they could have shelf space for all those lame-ass "geek" merchandise like those weird doll things and a bazillion varieties on Monopoly.
Yeah, the models were whatever. I missed cool sprite criticals. Seeing Jaffar's crit in FE7 for the first time was like oh shit oh no do I have to fight this person
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
>>259461 yeah they really are! do you get stuff tailored often
Eh? Nah. I've played 7 - 10 but I didn't really like 8 and I stopped on the last chapter of 10 and never went back to it. I also played awakening but stopped early on that too. And I played Shadow Dragon and didn't really enjoy it much. I've got a really bad RPG problem. I just like the FE characters a lot. 7 has lots of cool people in it. 9 has lots of FUN people in it.
40th and 5th Across the street from MUJI's There's usually a Halal guy who serves really good Lamb Gyros there. >>259489 5th Ave library was where me and that other guy went to study for the A+ exam. I would wait on the corner while eating the gyros.
damn blue knows new york like the back of his eyelids
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
holy shit it's really pouring i'm gettin dat sea spray >>259489 is it bad if i don't know the back of my eyelids at all can i like stare at the sun with my eyes closed will that bring me closer >>259488 MUJI is cool i seeee what's the A+
why do they call em gyros >>259490 yeah that might work don't you have headlights?
>>259490 CompTIA A+ exam. It's a general tech support certification. Basic hardware knowledge and handling and some Operating System stuff. Also a little bit of networking.
...I never ended up taking the exam. I should call that guy and see how he's doing. I think I have the knowledge to pass it but it's $400 for two exams and now that I'm gonna be transit it's like... why rush it?
I think Kinokuniya is also in that area. I don't know their weekend schedule though Ah, yeah, it's on the opposite side of Bryant Park ...but it closes in 15 minutes.
wait... The other library doesn't even come up on the map
lyn has such good sprites
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
>>259501 her legs are longer than a praying mantis' it's insane
>In August 2017, the permanent location of this vital but aging hub closed for a major interior renovation that will transform it into the state-of-the-art library that New Yorkers need and deserve. The permanent location is expected to reopen in early 2020. >>259508 ? I don't think so. Maybe a different one. I'm not sure though. But I doubt they'd have renovated it to look like how it does right now. They're going to make it more modern and hopefully have more accessible power outlets.
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
wasn't the mid manhattan library closed for renovations for like two years past
that is comboned with te fact that im playong what is only mostly translated mixed with wanting to know all these charcters who wont have a huge impact in the storh sknce theyre optional mixed with wanting to use units so i level them wven though its the nohr route mixed with gehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and i have to do it like three times total
i recognize that the translation part is entirely my fault though i could just play the english one
>just get a youtube comment saying "I wish he still made vids" aaaaaaaaa >>259585 yeah but like there are those translation liberties and everyone's names are different and that upsets me
>I can't reach the lamp to turn it on without rolling over but I'm afraid to roll over >too proud to call fish into our bedroom to ask her to turn on the lamp i guess my phone's charging cable is a grappling hook today
I thought about it but the girl isn't cute and the event looks like a waifu event. A waifu event with a shitty waifu doesn't appeal to me. I focused energy into FEH instead.
that works the event weapon is garbage I think grea is cute to look at but her personality is boring shes a pretty good fire sr though if you want the unit but you tend to go strictly for characters you like
if you go theough the event thats free crystals even if you skip the text though, since youre working for a spark right?
No one said you had to live like this. But if you want to keep living, you gotta do it for a little. You're not helpless. You're helping by asking for help. Who had to pick up the lamp you dropped?
Samu ✈︎ !KW2DbpWwls
No one said you can't get into the fucking robot Rei managed
You said the same thing about turning it on. You coulda turned it on too. You gave her a whole frighten and a half. You got somebody who would love to spoil you so just sit there and take some spoiling.
i would have turned it on the second time i could have done it
and you SHOULD for their sake I can't imagine what runs through one's head when a loud thump happens in the room of an injured friend. Actually, I can. It's not good things.
Forget stubbornness. You should take getting better seriously! It's hard work! Staying still is hard work! Being miserable while healing is hard work! But you gotta. If you slow it down, that's another day of hard work you gotta put in. And that's not gonna fly
By the way Blue there's a new Kaguya chapter.
Samu ✈︎ !KW2DbpWwls
you should pen a manga about a guy who has to gambaru by lying in bed every week he grows more powerful
And you'll die if you move! I didn't raise a quitter! >>259652 this sounds fun >I can't move. >Then don't move >If I don't move, I'll die. >I'll miss you.
>>259672 If I had to guess I'd say you're not putting a particular emphasis on internalizing the lessons you could learn from the mistakes you make. And probably react a bit defensively to games starting to go the wrong way. It's useful to keep a postive mental attitude in games that can run for a long time. Perhaps try and learn from your enemies too, or people who are playing this game on a professional level. Check out what they do for game sense and use their itemization time points as a relative benchmark.
>>259672 I don't think it reflects upon you. It reflects upon league. League is one of those games that reflects a train of thought that has appeared in relatively recent history which is the idea that everyone should win. Everyone no matter how bad they are gets a chance to win in league because the game is built on using cheap abilities on each other.
You're never actually good at league, whether you win or lose a game is more likely to be a matter of if you get teammates that are intelligent enough to remember to breathe more than anything else.
>>259679 This is the part where I either tell you to do a terrible thing or tell you to do another terrible thing >I can't tell my friend to roll over to his computer to post Hifumis >I can't tell my friend to get his girlfriend to go to his computer to post Hifumis So this is embarrassment. it's quite something.
>>259681 There's an element of that. There's still a certain level of skill to it though. If I ever actually set my mind to trying to improve and worked hard at it I'd like to thing I could.
I'll tell you what really reflects badly on me rather than losing all the time.
It's the fact that I'm still wasting my life with this shitty moba game instead of spending my time doing better things.
>>259689 Wlel I can't really argue with the idea that League is a waste of time. That said, everyoen has their go-to game for when they want to relax. But is League really relaxing you?
>>259720 Well what really happened is that we were trying to get your laptop to you and you did it before she could and got in trouble. Really though I just passed on a message so maybe I shouldn't say we.
Snitching kinda implies you have to know something is up and then tell on it. We didn't know you grabbed it until after the message was passed. You guys probably both went for the laptop at the same time.
I can't really make out what it's supposed to be though.
here have this instead then To be fair'd my you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. :joy: And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand
Can I not. Can't you just put it back in the trash where you found it.
I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.
I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.
I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.
Both my parents are aIive and in good health.
I have no regrets.
I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.
I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.
I have returned from D&D The gnomish mafia is going to break my character's leg so I can't swim in the race. And also the guy whose rare book he stole *we stole is onto us because the greedy rogue fucking fucked up, and I'm taking all the heat (killed one assassin already).
If I play it smart I can set tgem against eachother Cause the mob needs me walking around and being fine until the day of the race so they can rig the betting pool So it would be bad for me to die
If what you have is most similar to a carrot, I don't think you'll find very many women that have that much interest in it.
>>260015 i just wanted to jab at you also i'm not the moe you want to start a dicksize war with i am a mixture of prideful and insecure but i also have a pretty good sized penis that's a combination that is just begging for me to post a dick pic on the internet
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
do you hate pickles carrots 🥕 bahn mi is there a more perfect sandwich
You should refute him and go Jpop is the best. AKB48 forever.
And then teach them about the wonders of Maeda Atsuko.
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
now that would cause some cringe
A perfect cringe storm.
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
how y'a doing kannagi sama
Alright, a little tired. Put in my contacts for today. it was pain trying to get them in. Now I am thinking if I want to watch anime or just lazily browse manga and shit
Both sides are publicly just responding to the other's actions And for some reason I don't think the 1/2 nation is the one who'd be aggressing on its own against the number 1, 2, and 3 military power in the world
NK being so closed off is why I don't trust them worth a goddamn But I also don't think they'll be the ones actually starting a fucking war They'll get trampled
They're some weird fucking offshoot of communism, it's not a suicidal ideology
They are idiots, but they aren't suicidal maintaining their power is all they care about so they would never actually start a war the missile tests just the other day were "look we can fire these THIS LONG" and the "we have big nuke" tests yesterday are "LOOK WHAT WE CAN PUT IN THEM. BE AFRAID"
The missles tests and nuke tests aren't for any but their own citizens to be honest. As well as to keep anyone else from having ideas that they aren't crazy enough to nuke somewhere if they get threatened.
It is also that, but let's be serious if say usa wanted to take them down they could and really easily and with quite minimal damage to SK but why? NK is not region that is so rich with resources or anything that you'd desire to annex it and the population is worthless in terms of skills and knowledge
The US wants them taken down if nothing else just to open up a new place to do business
>>260098 the cost of takign them down is too high when compared to how much SK and the east asian market would suffer "long term hue hue" well how many money grubbers can actually see long term...
NK does have a lot of resources actually. They just have no idea how to utilise them properly.
>>260100 Yeah but it isn't so rich that you'd risk war for it
Kannagi They have a shitton of resources
But starting wars for resources is not an easy thing to do anyway. the USA can't just go "We will invade NK and take their resources." Not when China is next door.
>>260102 Why do you think china and russia still back them up they are the only nations who NK trades with they already profit hugely from the uranium they get from there.
That is the point. China will not stand idly by if the USA wanted to invade.
It is rich enough to keep it going on so you can monopolise their trade but not rich enough to warrant taking them down, be it usa, sk, china or russia
I don't understand what you mean by rich enough. They are simply // they are rich enough. But we don't live in a world were countries just go about anexing countries anymore. Nobody goes around invading countries for resources in this day and age.
>>260106 You also get what 30 million useless people with no skills except to labour and parade
>>260106 Sweden was rich in iron, but not rich enough to invade them for germany they profited more from just monopolising their trade sure LONGEST term taking direct control and just taking the iron from them would give you most profit however, compare it to the cost of invading, waging the war, keeping population in control and so on and so forth the costs wound up becoming too high to actually invade them and take over
>Nobody goes around invading countries for resources in this day and age. hmm I wonder why USA is in middle-east constantly, then...
Because they have been in the middle east for a very long time. They even set up Saddam in Iraq. It isn't like they suddenly popped in to take iraq and even now they haven't annexed Iraq, they just let it fucking fall apart.
They basically fostered ISIS with their fucking up over the years and now suffering the costs of it.
Soviets didn't annex anything except baltic states during ww2, though they just invaded and set up puppet regimes to control for them illusion of autonomy, but still under complete control and similiar is the situation in iraq and afghanistan
USA invading countries to gain regional influence and to control the oil trade invading countries for their resources I mean, whole syrian mess was just to take down the oil pipeline syria, iran, china and russia were planning
And russia invaded ukraine to gain a resource known as "mediterraen naval access" sure nowadays invasion and annexation of territory is rare, but that is because it is much more PR friendly and also less costly, to just set up a local your minded government in place. You don't even need to actually invade them just pour money at some useful tool
That was how Ukraine worked from 90s to 2008 afterall
>>260116 SK, Japan and China combined form like 50% of world economy war in that region means a global downturning of economy no matter the scale of the war.
Yeah, which is part of why it ain't happening yet But they certainly want the NK government taken out, if possible
The only way to do it, is to do it so quickly they can't really do but say "shit" but you are still left to tackle with some 30 million people and what to do with them now and a very undeveloped piece of land
I wonder will it actually have proper unit and army control commands... and a system that actually benefits from being an organised unit instead of a mob that charges and goes tof ight individual duels
I wanna make a socialized feudal nation in Bannerlord I own all the mops, but because of this, money doesn't really circulate Eliminate markets, become the strongest of all feudal lords
also they could make spears good... like why is the spear stab animation so bad... you pull the spear back... and there is no "brace the spear"
Even those are kinda unnecessary Horse people are good for ground combat, but once you need to siege they're a bad thing to even have They'll get demolished
My dad might be able to get in touch with a guy who handles new hires and stuff at some business in the factory area I work To get an actual, paying job
I'll be able to like, cut my exploitation in half!
>>260153 >>260154 I know this feeling, but for other types of candy
A few pieces in, you end up just eating the rest cause it's open and they'll go bad if you don't The novelty is about 90% of the value in snacks for me
So on the onset of storm the fed provies about 1-2 million trucks which somehow in the time available at knowing the storm will hit and before it hits you just ferry everyone's belongings away
Are you saying that between the time we find out a hurricane will hit, and the time it hits, it's not possible to move people and stuff in trucks away?
>>260187 Then it might take the blood of people you don't want to be sacrificed. That is way too unorganised. You have to do these things in an organised fashion.
>>260190 How many will volunteer for sacrifice duty?
also expecting a new storm to develop in the Atlantic this week
This looks to be a busy storm season for your area.
>>260196 Building the level of infrastructure required for evacuation of EVERYONE in the area is just insane >>260199 cheapesta nd the sane solution is to not live there if that becomes the issue
>build infratructure that allows evacuation of everyone for 1-2 weeks >then rebuild it after everystorm vs >just evacuate the whole region >permanently
Which is why you have the infrastructure level at hand need dominates, not the potentional need unles potentional need comes hand in hand with potentional profit.
>>260214 He'd need a lot of oxygen tanks, though >>260213 yeah hurricanes deal with energy levels that make anythign we have done seem like ants carrying leaf blades
Just get more ants
Kannagi Wow, such power.
>Both Noam Chomsky and William Blum have used the term in the title of their respective books to categorize the United States as the biggest rogue state in the world and thereby highlight the irony and hypocrisy implicit in the use of the term by the United States. hue
>>>/@NIPpodcast/903993066331054080 why do people keep falling for this it's like they wwant it to be true so they have an outlet for their racism or something
i had a dream that a bunch of moes went to some event and i dropped them off there and went to park my car and then i got lost and couldn't find anyone
I dunno if he hates them so much, why would he sign a deal together with italy and spain was it? that allows africans to apply for refugee status from their OWN countries
italy, germany and spain
>>260237 if he doesn't hate africans, why does he constantly talk about africans as if they're savages and imply that they are intellectually inferior tto whites?
well so is everyone who promotes the leftist policy of low expectations for the "minorities" they dont believe they can survive in equal playing field, therefore they believe they are inferior
Well that broke. I was going to go Oh whatever
>>260239 I'm sure he meant to type noble savage :)
macron's approval is as low as trump's lol
I wish there were live streams of hurricanes instead of 5 frame gifs.
>>260243 It's more that the even playing field isn't even to begin with
The law's equal as hell, sure, but all that means is the rich and the poor have the same right to do stuff The problem here is that things that are illegal to both are only even a thing one of them needs
>>260251 But that is my real question France doesn't have fttp or some other hitty voting method why was the competition between pen and macaron? there were better candidates who were much less extreme on being on the left or right?
it's all shitty because it's all rigged
macron tricked people into thinking he was a liberal centrist
I guess they just didn't consider banking to be a problem or something? Since they just kept using the money as usual, I assume, it's not like they had a lot of choice
They all thought so Even later iterations didn't go all that bang bang the moment they took power they waited till they had enough power so it wouldn't bite them in the arse
>>260309 Well not really if you think about it death beam for example is designed to pierce but after being a "instant death if hits" for quite good many hits, goku then just goes "denied"
disc is just similir in the end and frieza was even better at it than krillin, though he might have just copied to move since it was used against him during the fight he was a genius afterall.
>nk nukes someone >world devolves into chaos >revolution >nk saved the world from capitalism
>social order breaks down >everyone's too busy with the war to even bother with the reds >vikky is proven right >everything is divided according to their map
Something the series bit forgets after the tournament sagas is that "kamehameha was quite useless" it was easy to deflect if you knew what youwere doing or just punch away
>>260316 I wonder if frieza's discs are even as strong, relative to powerlevel, or if they're weaker They're weaker in lemminball, but that's balancing
>>260320 strong enough to cut himself atleast and force goku to evade
Yeah It's kinda dumb that energy attacks can even damage the user, it's weird
oh we are out of pics I fear >>260324 how so? if you could throw a punch at yourself or threw one it would hurt
Yeah it fucked up for me too
Well in DBZ, your resistance scales with your output, right? It's roughly the same kinda scalation
But you can be strong enough to TAKE a hit without being able to deal one
>just said images are dead and tries to imagepost nonetheless I am so fucking genius >>260327 Yeah but the point is in the rare cases you do get hit with your own attack, you also have blasted it with quite the high force high enough that you hope it will damage your foe so it most likely is way beyond your own capacity to deal with also you have just launched that attack, leaving you drained of that energy you would have otherwise had to defend with
>>260330 Oh, that's true You've 'used' a lot of your chi, so your defense isn't capable of being high enough anymore
I wanna see a OPM of DBZ Some guy who doesn't have any experience fighting, but unlike everyone else he's able to dump ALL his chi into a single attack at any time
Goku and Beerus can't do that They're never gonna throw ONE attack and that's fucking it, they're out >>260336 Even Tien doesn't do that, does he? His tribeam is very close though
I mean that is why beamstruggles are so deadly you get hit with your own energy and your opponents energy
i switched to Signal nobody i know uses signal though
>>260334 No but he could tribeam is basically that
What's Signal, even?
tien is so underrated by the authors... >make 17 strong as goku >tien is still weaker than piccolo seriously, the guy held cell down and then DEFLECTS A BLAST FROM BUU THAT WOULD HAVE BLOWN UP THE PLANET and in anime he even damages buu
and then when he comes back in super, nah still weak shit
give him some love he invented all the best techniques
He held Cell down with the tribeam, that's insane on its own
"Just fucking destroy the government's ability to function"
>>260370 that sounds like a bad idea to nominate nasa heads like that...
jan's so fuckin slow tryin to get him up so we can get breakfast at the rooster it's like not even half a mile away he wants to have a cigarette before we go but he could just have one on the way and we could be there
>>260375 >30 minutes in the bathroom >suddenly laughter
>science in the private sector nothing gets fucking done, and when it does, it benefits only a select few >science in the public sector headed by people who don't even necessarily believe in science as a discipline
I am just going to close that folder... >>260377 I guess none of the modern comforts benefited anyone but select few
>>260381 They did, but the majority of those are from the public sector though
yeah no they aren't
Yes but actually they are I mean the private sector isn't all bad either We've got like, washing machines and stuff, I'm pretty sure that's entirely a private innovation
The car was private, I think
or you know electricity... and industry as a whole
nobody invented electricity except for God
Yeah electricity is kind of a discovery
And of course industry is gonna be private, since the public sector has none of it
you know what's never private?
u err us
Your online life
internet would be hard to classify since it is bit of both, though with first information network being done bny some us department and if memory serves www was at cern you could say "public"
The tech behind the internet was government, at the least Not public as in accessible to everyone, but publicly funded
mm well since the tech was invented for military purposes, it makes sense
It's been improved on, though
Tell the military a thing would make them a little more effective and they'll throw money at it without a thought
there was a fun movie bit about that premise Atticus Institution
cern is actually evil
Some guy was able to sell like, seeker rods for mine detection to some 3rd world government Like actual metal seeker rods, no tech involved Made bank People died
damn that guy knew how to play the game
Yeah, I remember reading it way back, and I was just amazed he pulled it off
i should become a capitalist and live a comfy, easy life
>become a capitalist >exploit for a decade or two until you have many money >buy up land, establish commie haven
I wonder how much uncultivated\undeveloped land I could buy with my future inheritance
not much unless you really want to live in boons
Dude it doesn't matter where you start something like this, as long as the government doesn't come fuck with you
well you need to be able to survive, though I mean amusingly us finns did that a lot during the russian ruled times thousands of finns just fled to find new "colonies" often dictated by revolutionary ideas communism and socialism mainly
some of the died out quite quickly because th land was too barren or hostile
Yeah but that's like... Yeah that's a problem actually
I don't have the funds for land like that
Maybe I could join up with some other milennials in the US and buy up some shit, start a commie co op, implement labor vouchers, the works
there's a book about a socialist paradise written by behaviorist bf skinner called walden ii it's decent and interesting it's about a guy visiting a commune and learning their ways
of course, it was only accidentally socialism it was written when socialism and communism were still scary
Communes are pretty cool Shame they're always real small and end up needing COMMODITIES
We need to petition Soros to buy us a whole city Or town a town is best
...wait DUDE there are like ghost towns in the US They've got fertile land but everyone took off
what does soros even want though? what would he do with his money and influence if the world burns down or decides to deal away with peoplel ike him?
Soros doesn't 'want' anything in particular He shifts money around to make more money to shift more money around
jeffery city my favorite ghost town used to be a uranium mining town
>>260421 jsut wonder why he already owns enough money to last hundreds of lifetimes
Yeah but he can own more
but why he will die way before he can use it all
Why not? It's probably like a hobby at this point
wish I could post a pic of jeffery city
>>260423 greed is the sin of the capitalist and it is an endless hunger
Dude I'm not even convinced Soros is greedy I think he's transcended greed, doesn't even factor into his decisions anymore
well he can enjoy hell atleast gates is trying to get some brownie points late in life
Jesus was p clear that none of them can go to heaven
Soros should fund shrinking technology so he can shrink a camel
>>260431 once again it isn't really "rich can't go to heaven" and more like "rich generally can't fathom actually being selfless"
Seems like there'd be better metaphors to use for that, but you're the theologian, not me
I still like to believe Jesus was throwing shade at the boushies
the basic idea is that to become wealthy you need to be quite selfish and greedy both being sins in the end you can't afterall have two lords god and mammon
Basically, nobody gets rich if they were the kinda person who could enter heaven?
>>260436 a true christian gives the shirt off his back even if that is the only thing he owns is the lesson basically
point is say taking soros and gates as examples soros is the type that can't because he can't stop trying to earn money he worships it as his god but gates is now using his influence and money to try to better the world true we don't know his motives and such, is he truly selfless or selfish and trying to better his fame but the point is that atleast he tries to do soemthing with his money >>260442 well the point generally is that he can dispense that 5€ infinitely but if he at one time gives off 5M, then he wouldn't be able to do it for so long
So basically, if he keeps doing the "5€" for next 30 years and then during his last 5 years of life, he pours out all the rest of his money away then he does it right
a gardener afterall carefully waters his crops and not just pours a bucket of water down on them
Even Gates himself says he's not really that generous, though Since his donations is relatively the same as one of us giving $5 He just has more
Of course if he'd be like say keanu and live also just "comfortably" and not like a god damn billionaire it'd be more respectable
I tend to think of a tithe as like that baseline percentage. Not so much in "You have to give that to the church" but that's how much you have to be willing to give. And the more you have, the heavier that 10% is
I don't think I could even live like a rich man I'd just spend my money on silly things, but keep just living comfortably
>>260445 tithe itself isn't really required for salvation it just is willingness to participate in the communion of //community of the christ to keep going on in the institutionalised form of the church
Yeah, I don't think of it as a requirement. That's more of a personal stance on my part. If I am earning and can't be prepared to part with that much, what is my situation?
I don't really like institutionalised religion
The moment religion became a job, we lost something
>>260448 this reminds me of one professor who gives 50% of his salary to charity always
And like I said, it's not so much "for the church" but if people just need. Like, there's no end to people asking me for money while I walk down the street. I don't even have a job but I usually have change.
btw if you wound up in finland, don't give money to beggars they do that as a job
We have a couple of those here too. You get used to the ones who do it a lot.
romani groups that share the income, with theh ead of the group taking the bulk and sharing it down then as "wages" also they are wealthy enough to travel here and from here every spring and fall
i would rather give to someone who doesn't need it than not give to someone that does
the amusing ones who sprouted out of the whole "romani beggar" mess were the "support domestic opinion2 group some unemployed, I presume, people who also go beg around with signs "fund my next friday drinking" or "fund the finnish beggar" and so on they are kinda amusing
What were the names of those people who go around traveling on the money that they make begging? Like, they go DISTANCES. I think they're American though. Like it was some very American looking white people. I need to find that again
Those are the romani
romani gypsies
well romani are romanian gypsies but gypsies are more of a culture than a race, similiar to jews nowadays