Thread #259809
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Yes anime
Cheer Fruits Ballroom Hero Academia Jigoku Shoujo Re-Creators Altair More Altair Thiiiink that's it.
3-4 shows let sgo probably no ballroom tonight Recreators hero Fruits + 1?
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okay looks like tilde did the list while I was fighting out what the list was I would like to do: recreators boku hero ballroom cheer fruits
>>259818 no ballroom toinight i think
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>>259820 Why not? Do you want to sub jigoku shoujo in for it or are you saying that you don't want to watch 4?
yeah ballroom tmr
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you didn't answer my question also orange for recreators ijay lets start
Okey dokes.
okay>>259823 yeah jigoku
Oh yeah temporarily RIP Selesia.
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Would the audience really enjoy something like this? Where someone's OC donutsteel meme character tore through a bunch of fan favorites?
Well Altair is sort of a memetic entity. The reason she's so powerful is because a whole bunch of people are making her into various god-tier characters. So a bunch of the audience might have reason to cheer for her because she's partially their OC character!
What is this some kind of Gurren Lagann shit.
Oh she got stripped.
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What is this, someone else's OC donut steel?
I bet its the creative team playing Altair's own game. A base template character. Oh they even used another design of the girl that drew Altair in the first place.
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Wow, a newer model!
Oh she's talking now- HIJACK
I'm still waiting for this to backfire horribly.
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How does it even work? Surely the dead girl didn't create two wildly popular meme characters.
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what that is some aizen level shit
I think Altair got a bit of an outfit upgrade too.
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What she's saying is that they should have used a touhou against her.
Yeah that might've been a fair fight. Or character that's got some kind of conceptualization-type power that fans can twist into whatever they want- MUDA DA
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>>259845 The reason Altair is so strong is because she's a meme character without a story though. So you'd need a doujin character like a touhou. Touhous kinda have stories but they are featured in so many fan works that they'd be similar to Altair.
Oh I think I know what's gonna happen.
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It's going to be the dead girl, right? That's Altair's plan anyway.
That's what I'm betting on.
The most of them have an awfully laissez-faire mentality to the incoming destruction of the world. Kubo seemed to be the only one who was worried.
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Well, they work in the anime industry.
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All according to somebody's plan. Altair looked really shocked though.
Probably because it happened outside her control. It wasn't particularly unpredictable but the set-up for her appearance had some nice direction there.
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Well, we did all see it coming. I wonder if the dead girl will get to stay, or if it will be a bittersweet thing.
keikaku doori
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okay on to boku no hero okay lets start!
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Mount Lady is my favorite random side character. She's hilarious.
Wow Midnight's previous costume was pretty risque. Hah hah hah. Mt. Lady is such a bitch.
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Mount Lady is such a funny name too.
Acid-chan is one of my favourite lesser-frequency classmates. She's just so non-stop cheery.
This little shit is always so pathetic.
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There have been lots of good episodes lately so I guess it was time for one that was less exciting.
O J O U - S A M A
They are high school students, after all. What would Japanese high school be without exhaustive written exams. All right, time for FUN.
oh thsi will be fun
Deku and Bakugou on a team. AGAINST ALL MIGHT. WATASHI GA KITA
theyre not gonna work together at all
The principal talks so politely and looks cute. But then has that one menacing scar on one eye.
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I'm guessing he is super strong.
Really though, with how All Might's power is, giving him extra weight is probably a bit of an advantage on his side.
He can hulk up using sugar pretty much.
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He doesn't look much like a hero.
Yeah. He's a pretty good guy underneath the costume though.
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okay I need a short break, so let's take 54 5 54 is the translation to ika minutes I won't be that long
>>259878 wow
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okay jigoku shoujo ok lets start
All right.
More of the twitchy cutouts.
whats happening
Clones of their mothers.
wait who is that her son?
Some friend she told could bang the housewife.
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Time for some revenge!
whats hpapenign
hahahahahaha the heck
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This is that good OP starting again, but it will go into the new one. Not that the new one is bad.
It looks like her mother is a better matron of the community anyway.
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okay, cheer fruits! okay let's start!
Orenji>>259897 There was like three or four of them too, by the time they were done.
that hell was so funny the husband teleporting made me laugh so much
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>>259897 The way he was just laying there was the most amusing part.
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Wow, now they're the ones getting ripped off.
Who gets knocked over by a single piece of paper.
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This seems like an ambitious plan.
Hah hah she's really getting into it.
It's that dumb sports show about butt fighting again.
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I don't think butt attacks are actually very effective!
This is getting really out of hand.
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She's on a rampage.
>Telling a junior high school student to draw the eyes of the fathers in tha audience
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Wow that would make me mad too.
A small army of teru teru bozu.
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thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.
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oh right This is the Jigoku Shoujo ED that keeps trying to start.>>>/watch?v=D1afcYp3lEg