Howdy hi here's a thing I forgot to drop off for you if you want it. Though I don't know if it'd fit for posting? >>257416 It's not lewd as much as I'm not sure it conveys like an emotion or something you'd use for posting.
seems like a fair option >>257439 i agree it was the stupid young ones i let go last time i got rid of their parents with some non-deadly force but this little one was out here right in the middle of the day while i'm tryin to do my stuff outside juvenile rather, adolescent just walk right up next to me and try to attack the ferals dumb shit critter
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
okay I have a solution to this bicameral thread situation but it requires but-in from both threads
we'll flip a coin and the loser thread gets locked what do y'all think
literally makes no difference to me i keep threads in their own tabs so it's no different than me tabbing over to my tano tabs or cgl tabs or anything else i don't understand how it trips other people up so much but maybe just different habits iunno
While that is true, and I agree that you should do your best to stay active, keep in mind that rib injuries necessitate some downtime. That doesn't mean you have to waste the time, you can read or work, but you need to give your body some downtime to deal with the injury.
Well, that's just how it goes. I was only able to eat breakfast this morning. I was craving chicken a little bit ago but the craving passed and I couldn't eat. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure what I ate for breakfast.
For some reason, codeine pills mess with my salivation so that makes it a little harder to eat, too. I just don't salivate enough. I will probably not take any tomorrow though. It's dangerous to take it daily.
>>257487 Yeah, but I don't get that side effect from codeine or similar drugs in other forms. It's only codeine tablets that I get that side effect from.
>>257486 I don't need it that badly. I only really eat properly because I can't run if I don't.
>>257488 that's pretty strange, maybe some other ingredient in the syrup alleviates it
>>257522 I've never had anyone to take care of me, so I've always had to push myself. The only way someone like me can survive is by pushing themselves.
>>257533 I'm not good at that. It's uncomfortable to let it happen.
hey moe i'm home how are you all doing i bought some rent at the store and paid my food now i've got sub-400 dollars and i just got paid today man country livin sure can be hard i didn't even get my radishes out in time
>>257541 I actually think you've become quite a bit better at it. You're just having trouble at the moment because you're having trouble processing yesterday.
>>257542 I don't think that's true. I'm really bad it. I'm good at pushing people away, though.
>>257539 i left my phone in someone's car so i can't even participate to help lucina out dang i think she'll pull through the lynfags are also hectorfags and they're more gay for hector than they are straight for lyn
>>257568 Yeah. That's the one I'm referring to - sonic mania.
Ah, I see. There's been so many Sonic games in the meanwhile I figured at least one would be passably good. I think there might've been one that was positively recieved, even if this one is definitely the first since then that has people actually going "hey this is a pretty good game."
The new YouTube UI has the interactive space for the video reach all the way to edge of your browser window. Which is kind of annoying since I used that previous dead grey space to re-focus my window on -after I've been tabbed out some times. So now whenever I try to re-focus the window I end up pausing the video.
>>257570 I can always listen but I make no respresentations to my ability to speak intelligently.
>>257581 I was the victim of a bug. If you link a post on the front page, sometimes it will include text from the last post you made on the front page. It is a strange and hard to reproduce bug. I didn't type the "new thread" bit.
>>257584 it's largely a matter of being misunderstood, not intention i appreciate it though thank you but i need someone as neurotic as me to soundboard against
>>257588 Oh. I don't think I'm smart enough to be very neurotic.
>>257586 I'm going to be just slightly nosy for a moment so please forgive me. You're both worried about the other and should just tell each other how you feel.
>>257594 there's a lot of stuff i'm scared and worried about but i think i need a soundboard that can help me process through those things rather than reassure me that they're not concerns does that make sense
>>257597 Well, I don't know a lot of the specifics on what has been said or done, but I have this little itty bitty theory based on what I've seen you say here and how I know you to be, and that's that yesterday scared the shit out of you but you probably don't want to admit it and ended up acting weird as a result. And your acting weird made her uncomfortable and now she's acting weird too. And now you guys are stuck acting weird.
You're both being really considerate of each other which is nice but it's okay to be a little candid too.
>>257598 Oh, I see. Well I am probably not a good soundboard because I'm not good at being critical.
i can't tell if you're trying to make these comments to be loaded comments or not and tbh i dont know how to respond
>>257617 Well, I'm not trying to force a feelings episode on you or anything. I'm just worried! Try not to be weird at each other, and try to understand girl's feelings!
>>257709 I don't understand what you mean. My position from the very beginning was that everyhing would be okay. >>257710 Yeah, I'll probably try to go to sleep in a few minutes.
Someone I know online told me today that he was going on testosterone blockers and estrogen. It was kinda a strange conversation, definitely not one I have every day.
>>257743 is it that same person that likes being that ugly meme boat everyone likes despite her utterly gaudy outfit because at the end of the day kancolle fags are inept style-blind virgins?
>>257777 That would require me to go find a 24 hour book store and purchase it.
There's an ebook version of it that compiles the entire series into one file.
>>257779 I don't buy ebooks Also I'm not in a really sort of mood for something long Fuck I want to go out for ice cream with my friend, but he's busy right now
I figure the mood you're in is to complain about how bored you are.
>>257782 Just a little bit I'd be up for chatting though
You like Stephen King at all?
I've only read Pet Sematery. And that was in middle school. When I read it, one of my younger sisters was pretty much the exact same age as the kid in it. It kind of turned me off the books.
>>257785 Have you heard the pet sematery song? From the movie
>>257792 If you really want to. Though stuff like this doesn't particularly wow or impress me. And it's been close to fifteen years since I read the books, it's not like I have a particularly vibrant connection to the books.
/moe/ has secretly been infiltrated by normies for the past 2 years. Slowly key positions have been filled by normie doppelgangers
>>257795 Well, I only brought it up because it happens to be a good song. If it weren't good, I probably would only have mentioned it.
Yeah but there's a lot of good songs. The Blind Guardian songs that reference and chronicle the lore of Middle Earth are also pretty good songs.
the world is not yet ready to learn so terrible a truth
>>257798 Well, back to discussing literature i guess You like H.P. Lovecraft at all?
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
Noémie is a cute name
thank you French autocorrect
>>257807 I've been meaning to read through the entire volume of his collected fiction that I've got, but I've only gotten to partially through At The Mountains of Madness. I think his imagination and prose is good but I'm not the kind of person to really get spooked or swayed from an emotional point by the things he writes.
>>257810 im hanging out at a pretty interesting bar it's huge and on the top floor i bet it gets really busy on the weekends but I'm here alone so it's ok >>257811 is that where you are? i'm on the east coast of NA right now
>>257809 That's one of his three or four longest works, so it might take a bit to get through.
>>257809 Also his stuff never really scared me. Well, maybe it did when I was like 12. But probably not.
>>257814 I'm more than well-accustomed to long-form writing I'm sure the length isn't going to be a holding factor.
>>257818 Okay, I was sort of trying to express something else that im not sure how to say. On a not unrelated note, his short stories are also very good.
Yeah, At The Mountains of Madness wasn't the first entry in the collection I started. I read through a bunch of his shorter works before getting to it.
>>257820 I should probably reread a bunch (or all of) his stories again sometime soon. I used to reread a lot of his stuff on a pretty regular basis. Have you read much by Phillip K. Dick?
Oh also, H.P. Lovecraft was the ghostwriter for a story "by" Harry Houdini.
>>257822 I read Ubik for a science fiction class a while back. It was a fun story and if the rest of his works are that good I wouldn't mind reading more. But I have a hefty pile of books to work through right now so I'm in no rush to get to them.
>>257824 Ubik is really good, I would say that a lot of his other works are just about as good. But not all of them. His short stories are also very good. Not sure if you know, but Nvm, you probably already know that there have been a bunch of film adaptations of his work.
Yeah. In particular Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. And the one that doesn't sound like it should be a sci-fi plot but actually is. Can't remember the name at the moment though.
I've seen quite a few of the films, and while many were good movies, I feel like they took out a lot of the subtle humor of the books/short stories.
Minority Report.
>>257830 Precogs are a present in a lot of his works.
Yeah the segment of the class that we did Ubik for touched on that.
>>257834 Also I dislike that they changed the titles For example, Total Recall (which I have not seen either adaptation of) is based on a short story entitled "We can remember it for you wholesale" which I thought was just such a great title, especially in regards to its pertinence in the story.
Sure but you're not going to float a title like that, or Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, past a panel judging a title for widescale appeal.
Oh and then The Adjust Bureau was a fucking butchery of an adaptation. Which sucks, because the story "The Adjustment Team" was very good. Paycheck was decent though. I've heard good stuff about the Scanner Darkly adaptation, but I never got around to seeing it.
I haven't watched any of the movies based off his books.
I got the new Ika. He is +atk -def too. He's pretty good.
>>257848 If you see , make sure to see either the director's cut or the final cut Blade Runner /moe/ ate part if my post *of my
>>257849 I'm sure Squid will gladly lay down his life in your service.
Oh and if the "The King of Elves" movie ever gets released, it should be good. Not just because Disney is doing it, but because it shouldn't be that hard to adapt.
Are you talking about Seth
Shit I need to read more Terry Pratchett
I've been working through the entire Discworld series with my dad. We're about twenty-odd books in. I need to head out some time and pick up the next one or two.
Problem with Discworld is that they're so easy to read in one sitting. Pratchett can't do chapters; it's just antithetical to his writing scheme. And without chapters I can struggle to find a moment to disengage my reading. So next thing I know the book's done.
Have you read any of The Hitchhiker's Guide Trilogy? >>257858 Oh that might be good for me, since I'm a NEET I could probably finish two or three in one day.
>>257851 I always type Ika when trying to type Ike. It's muscle memory.
>>257858 For me, if something is really good (and im in a not terrible mood), I end up putting a book mark in under two circumstances, when I need to go to the bathroom, or when I need to go do something else. Although sometimes I will just read a book in one sitting, ignoring all hunger and thirst.
>>257859 No, but I've heard most of the books, I think. My dad had a rip of a pretty old audiobook of all five books and during long road trips we'd put it on. He figured we had all of the books somewhere, but when we looked all we could find was Mostly Harmless. I have read both Dirk Gently books though. Or at least the first two? The only two? Dunno. I read two of them.
oh i thought you were talking about seth
>>257862 I recently acquired a really old copy of the first Hitchhiker book. I have a paperback with all five, but it started falling apart about a week after I got it. I have a friend who has the same edition, and his also fell apart.
Oh, and my go to book stopping point for when "I need to stop reading soon" is either chapter end, or a page that ends with a period. Cause OCD
More like 'cause weak willpower when challenged by powerful curiousity/engagement.
>>257872 I only stop when I need to go to the bathroom though, or need to go do something. And by "need to go do something" I mean "one or more people will yell at me if I don't go do thing"
>>>/watch?v=TaMiV3Wus9c Check out this video of a guy running between two stations of the London Underground.
>>257885 Johnny Bravo was so popular in India that they made a Johnny Bravo movie just for them. It's called Johnny Bravo Goes to Bollywood, or something like that.
>>257896 Cheese and roast beef Could use more of both, but i finished off the roast beef making it
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
I say I say
hmm maybe I should eat too tine to locate pizza
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
seriously autocomplete qhy would I write "tine to" oh maybe it has a hard time with the first word of each line i could see thst
Now that im out of prepared food I'm just going to eat ingredients Like all these cheese shreds on my plate
Apparently we had grapes, now we have about 14 less grapes. Also the basement has reached the bare minimum™ level of cleanliness required for my mom not to tell at me at 7am. *yell
>>257918 yes it was presented in a somewhat unusual fashion like an illustrated novel made for the internet >>257919 it's called 17776 shouldn't take more than like an hour to watch/read
A few people here got really into that a while back. I still need to read it.
it's good, but the author's vision of a post-scarcity world does not align with mine
>>257957 What will you do after running out of data
parse the data
what about after parsing it
after parsing all the data then you're on to assembly at that point there's literally no end so it's fine
Well I guess you've solved it. Congrats moon.
i was never worried about it
what i am worried about though is why tf youtube autoplay turns itself back on literally every video every time i click on the settings, autoplay, off and it turns right back on
>>257964 Youtube wants you to watch what youtube wants you to watch
i'm on fuckin limited data i don't want this shit it's obnoxious
>>257964 this shit pisses me off and i don't have limited data
I can't go back to bed yet Cause the dog will start barking (as she wants to be fed), but the vet said she needs to not be fed before we bring her in today for tests
>>258006 write a book about why you shouldn't pay for books about communism >>258007 fuck yes free chicken just for rolling over whos the dumb one now
>>258008 >free >when he had to roll over and submit to my whims for my amusement I have thousands of chickens I could have given you one for nothing but instead I made you dance for me This is an example of capitalism working out in a weird way
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>"Ultimate Bahamut is calling for the terminus of all life!"
People came home, so now the dog is their problem. I'm back in bed but probably wont be able to get to sleep for another hour.
>>>/watch?v=hJPVglqR4yM skip to 6min to see cop assault and arrest a nurse for refusing to let the cop illegally draw blood from a patient
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I don't know if you've seen me saying stuff but I am enjoying samumenco Kirara
What part you up to? Also night
>>258025 >grabbing a nurse for doing her job prick
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I finished episode 6 before I went to PAN's
>>258025 man if they tried to do that to me there would be a beatdown and i'd probably get shot i'm actually gonna call internal affairs right now i'm sure they've already gotten hundreds of calls but i don't give a shit
he doesn't even ask to speak to the supervisors directly or anything just hounding the poor nurse and then arresting her for following the protocol of her job and her direct supervisory orders she wasn't obstructing justice justice could have been carried out with a little bit of paperwork their own laziness or hastiness is what obstructed justice
Gonna go back to bed Wish me luck towards sleeping
>>258048 wait he really did it? I'm not up to date on the new /moe/ season
>>258052 uh i'm not sure i think he's in processing or something not sure if he's actually got it cleanin bodies off the railways of new york underground
i wish i could just take on more work and give the jobless /moe/s some busywork and pay them for it while they find something better but there's a steep learning curve to transcription i guess blue and nine were the only ones i got trained well enough to do good work and now my little baby chicks grew out of the nest and are on their own
>>258055 oh fuck let's do it for april fools go hop on the railway tracks and kill ourselves and have blue come clean our bodies off to reveal a note that says april fools
i'll put a water sandwich in a ziploc bag and put it in my bag in case he gets hungry while on the job
im in class right now on a skype call and i can't raise my hand so im just saying shit through someone's speakers
it's a seminar on drug abuse so i got // took some codeine on skype why am i like this
im transcribing easy shit but there's so much of it so i've just got an open bottle of bourbon right here i'd rather not work though i'm so stressed out
I'm walking around this nerd convention drinking rum and soco
>>258061 come drink that bourbon at this nerd con mon
>>258062 ive grown up >>258063 nice what nerd shit are you doing >>258061 life is too stressful sometimes
>>258064 sure dude lemme just finish up this work and nevermind i dont want to make this post
>>258065 watching this guy talk about AI in video games not listening really, so far he hasn't said anything I didn't already know about but it's only 15 minutes in so maybe it'll get neato I'm sitting in the back sippin this flask >>258066 gomenasai d4 will happen eventually life has gotten busy for me
>>258068 probably got another 30min he's jumping around a bunch of topics but it is well presented seems like it's more for people who aren't aware of current video games or tech in general though, I might leave and go see the cosplay people out in the park
>>258070 oh man i wish i was there i wanna go see the cosplay it's so hard now that i'm an adult though, it's impossible to not seem like a creep hanging around teenagers in cosplay
there are a bunch of people older than me here so it's not that weird I don't remember how old you are but I always thought we were only a few years apart
i'm mid-late 20s i've never actually gotten to attend a con i've only been a vendor at them, so maybe i dont really see it all but 14-15 year old girls coming up to my vendor shop and squeezing all the cute plush crafts and things was pretty much all i saw in terms of people in cosplay
and i'd always feel so bad because they come to the con with like 20 dollars in allowance or something and they're like chipping in together to buy one thing i'm like shit there's so much other cool shit you can go buy for 20 bucks around here, don't buy a handmade etsy plush make one yourself it's so much cheaper
saw a yoko taro emil head but he was in a rush so no picture
there was a part where the professor asked if anyone knew why marijuana was getting more potent and people tried to answer like "people are born with higher tolerance now" you fucking what some people, i swear so i said it was capitalism and people are just trying to get better strains to sell more and people laughed like it was absurd lol
i'm not sure if it's capitalism pushing that foreward i think it's just experience and knowledge and research i mean people breed them so naturally they're going to find more specific breeds for different things -- like ones that control anxiety better or ones that have a calmer come-down you could argue capitalism enables this to happen, but i don't think it's the driving force that makes it happen capitalism certainly didn't help what's-his-name study plant breeding back in the 1700s
>open plastic bag with popcorn bag inside >unfold the popcorn bag >instructions that were invisible while in plastic bag >step 1: remove plastic bag OK thanks but I literally couldn't have seen this otherwise
>>258093 If you're asking if genetics is related to tolerance, yes, it is. But the tolerance for alcohol is something that has developed over hundred and hundreds of years. Thousands of years in many cases.
I should add that I'm not saying it's impossible those two tolerances work differently. >>258094 Yeah that, that's what I meant.
>>258090 it was popular during the 60s and 70s and still some today to use marijuana during pregnancy to ease discomforts and pains there's obviously no clinical studies on that kind of thing though, whether it's safe or its effects on the fetus, because by definition you can't make a trial that studies that not to mention how long it would take
No, but there are a lot of studies that look at the effects of drug use during pregnancy in rats, and still some in humans, and it takes many generations for a real tolerance to start building up.
The fact that marijuana's potency is so insanely more potent than it was in the 60s can't be explained through genetic tolerance.
i meant whether the THC could be absorbed through the uterine lining and whether during-pregnancy smoking introduces the substance to the fetus
Man I look forward to a shower. The only issue with staying with PAN is that I reek of dog and animal dander afterwards.
now that i think about it though, even if that were true, that still doesn't answer why we have it more potent now, fuck as though the potency of it is just a choice and we've now developed the tolerance so we chose to make it stronger i'm so confused
They show up to \\ with the intention of fighting back, but it's not like they specifically show up to start violence If there's no antifa, they'd be 'peaceful' at this point
They're not gonna be in a few months if antifa lets up, but right now, they are
>>258118 some // there must be a reason for that hmm maybe it's because people that bomb abortion clinics are generally white fascists
to be honest, ive been having pretty severe agorapobia about this trip festivals have lots of people, i have to go out to the city and be there without a vehicle and far from home i think we're gonna probably uber around it's gonna be really scary for me but that can really be kind of fun too jan is really good with people so maybe it will be a good experience i haven't gotten to have much one-on-one time with jan either
i wish i coulda stole some vyvanse off of you while you were here though well not stole but you know
>>258139 about to start 7 now that im back from pan's
>>258142 cool! every episode is better than the last, right? >>258141 thief! yeah, i understand i hope it'll be good for you, i think jan will help with the anxiety
>>258143 oh i love this anime he's such a special boy i love him so much holy shit
>>258143 >i think jan will help with the anxiety especially if we're not fuckin driving
>>258145 haha on the philly trip, we used my GPS unit but in chatanooga, we got fucking lost because my GPS started taking us in circles and jan had to use his phone and we kept going to // going the wrong way after that too for a while
i'm gonna have to be benzo'ed up the whole trip to handle the anxiety i think which is a shame since it'd be nice not to be while with jan but i'll have a panic attack if i dont i think
oh kirara this is a fun coincidence but red axe guy's voice is totally a guy from the yugioh i finished recently
>>258147 Maybe you will be alright at the hotel for a little while with him at least?
Oh, be careful not to let him miss his flight home. On the philly trip, he almost did because he couldn't figure out how to get a ticket for the subway. A ticket booth had a "closed" sign so he assumed all the booths were closed.
>>258149 he played a guy who was kind of a minor antagonist but I could hear the resemblance best when they do english/engrish the yugioh guy shouted "heart burning" as a catchphrase
>>258177 Oh, that's a really good Lyn. I wanted to avoid rolling the colored banner.'
Now I have to decide if i want to spend the rest of the banner rolling for Roy or Lucina. I think you made good points on Lucina actually being good, but I need a good red horse a lot more than I need another spear infantry.
Ehhh. Roy's attack is a little more than Xander. Xander's survivability and ability to counter is so much better than Roy's. Roy is still really good, though.
>>258182 Why does that mean there's a better chance at Lucina?
>>258183 because of the legal wording in their summoning info about what the percentages mean in conjunction with the number of red heroes in the pool means that the likelihood of pulling a roy is 3%, sure but that's the likelihood of having him in the circle, not chosen by draw once you have the reds up on the summoning plate, the rolls of whether one of those heroes came up is already cast. so those reds that are there don't have a 3% chance of being roy -- they either are or aren't roy. and there's a lot of reds, so that's not as good of a chance as the smaller blue pool
my keyboard stopped working on chrome i was worried for a momebt anyway Ive almost finished my grind in granblue to make >>258187 as strong as possible and it's just struck me that now what am I going to do
there are at least two people curled up and sleeping in corners this avocado sandwich is not so much a sandwich as it is some smashed avocado between two extremely large crackers i like it
do you ever have that kind of problem where you're typing out words and you make a mistake so you go to backspace a couple times but you hit = or ] a few times instead so now you have to undo even more problems
>>258215 That's funny. At the rate you're getting nendos, you might rival my collection in a year.
oh rika the event isnt too great, there's some lore but it's not what you're there for im sure Sr Grea is pretty solid as a unit even if her personality leaves a bit to be desired, so theres that
I mentioned this to the night crowd last night, but I had a kinda weird conversation yesterday. One of my internet acquainatnces (we used to play games together) told me that he was going on testosterone blockers and estrogen. I was like oh wow don't mess with your body chemistry too much but he seems pretty set on it.
Depends on the person to be honest. Depends on genetics. Most people want to be on HRT with T-blockers before Puberty since they will want to avoid male physical characteristics. Most of the bones are set in the teen years and some of the them fuse in your early 20s
I'm acutally not too sure how all that works. I've read that that stuff will make people have kinda a second little puberty and develop some things even if they're older. I don't know a lot about the topic though.
I only know a fair bit due to friends. Transgenders have a pretty high rate of suicides, apparently HRT reduces those figures.
Depending on what you take it can have serious side effects. Spiro is Potassium sparing Duretic - which means you have to watch your intake of potassium otherwise you fuck up your heart. Estrogen is bad for DVT. You can have to be careful to watch out for Blood clots.
>>258249 That's mostly what we talked about. Female hormones are something that makes your life hearder, not easier. harder too
He seems fairly set on it though.
>>258237 is that pretty weird? i have that conversation with lots of people but i have a lot of trans friends i guess i dunno >>258250 yeah, people look at the suicide rates but they've got kind of a weird lens on it the person's probably suicidally depressed because of identity issues in the first place and they're doing what they can to try to keep going forward and sometimes they don't have the momentum to push through and make it but i think people just assume that it's the cause of the suicide or a direct driver of it rather than an outlet to attempt preventing suicide
>>258257 what kind of question is this are there people who haven't or is there some particular recent events thing you're talking about
it's like asking if you've // oh okay yeah i was gonna say yeah i have and then i'm like "i don't think he's asking that" but wasn't sure fuck i do real bad with indecision
>>258269 Watch where you point fingers, that shit ain't even funny.
>>258272 they're not even a threatening gang lol all they want to do is sit at a trailer park and chill out >>258274 oh shit the sonar's gettin warm one of your family members maybe?
>>258276 I thought like half of them were redneck s ?I'm confused now
>>258276 that's a mixed bag they hate the kind of rednecks that they rebelled against during their adolescence they hate the hatred and bigotry and shit from their parents but they're also pretty lazy and don't wanna do much to get away from it
>>258285 >and possibly dangerous i wouldn't consider any of them dangerous other than petty stuff like stealing hubcaps is the closest to vandalism they'll do they're probably just gonna go have a little festival on the street and stink up the entire city and spill faygo everywhere and make shit sticky
they literally make faygo cannons, like water cannons, to spray on people at the crowds haha it's so fucked
>>258291 We live in a society that elevates the worst of us. It's natural that the best of us would remain on the bottom.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>258287 >spill I mean, you more or less corrected yourself after that, but that shit is intentional. I bet they even do wet t-shirt contests with faygo.
i don't think spill has an implicit non-intention tied to it it's used that way but i mean you can spill stuff on purpose
>>258300 I bet they intentionally called it a spill to make it seem like it was less severe than it was to idiots.
>"[If] Juggalos are being fucked with, we got to do something about it," says Violent J's partner Shaggy 2 Dope (Joseph Utsler). "If that ties us into some First Amendment movement, whatever, we're First Amendment warriors. I don't know."
>>258304 The make up just kills it for me. Like "my curiosity is now sated" I never have to google this again.
>"We feel like whatever the magic is that's bringing us all together, whatever the magic is they're hearing, is the same magic we're feeling," says Violent J."This shit saved our lives too."
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>258307 You didn't have to in the first place. I feel like it was better left to the imagination or ignored...
>>258307 >kills it for me as though you were going to watch them otherwise wtf
>>258324 Oh, well, the FBI did. They don't really do anything. They're not really a gang. The FBI labeled them as a hybrid gang because they fit the definition of a gang but without the violence. There are a lot of groups out there like that. It's really silly.
I'm bored so maybe I'll play Fates or something. I guess I need to do this 30 minutes hero popularity contest thing too. I've used all my flags though so there's not much point now.
>shadow of mordor 2 day one dlc that immortalises a dead developer from the team as a bonus character >3,99 of every 5 //of every purchase of the 5dollar dlc go to the family >IF you live in specific states in the USA, no purchase outside of said states or outside of usa go to the family of the deceased developer WB is truly the worst
I'm not an expert, but the issues in Texas seem to be as much about poorly thought out and maintained flood control as they were the fact that it was a big hurricane. Florida is more used to hurricanes so it's hard to see things get as bad there, at least in terms of flooding.
>>258361 I'm glad I have you here to help me look at the bright side of things.
>>258354 I'm still waking up but my first thoughts were "Irma is a cute name for a cat" before trying to figure out what the 3 or 4 had to do with this.
someone joined this discord channel that i'm in for a leftist podcast and he's like "what do you guys do for the revolution?" and everyone is like what do you mean and he's like "shouldn't we be polishing rifles and eating mres for the revolution?" and now he's super disappointed that we're not militant violent leftists hellbent on taking over the world and he doesn't know any leftist terminology