Thread #257348
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2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 21:38 No. 257348
A tnread
guess I gotta get a new phone this one keeps freezing and dying
Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 21:54 No. 257351
there's the tiniest craft beer store I've ever seen in grand central and it is packed full of men next to it, a tiny cafe with four women lined up>>257350 doea it freeze up on moe specifically or all the time?
nah it's all the time
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that last triangle is how much wood we've used this winter a lot compared to last year
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also council cleanup is happening it's a fun time people apparently go around cutting the cords off all the dumped tvs they can scrap the copper
Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:16 No. 257355
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sure why not
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:19 No. 257356
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>killed 30 british soldiers to just loot one guy to get my ammo refilled AC4 is kinda violent at times
>scoring a nice note >any measure of nice at all >>257355 that's a lot of yogo
Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:21 No. 257358
it's a lot of butts
you can't admin an imageboard from the back of a paddywagon
Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:31 No. 257360
watch me oh no
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:32 No. 257361
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capn' outfit finally
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:35 No. 257363
Damn dog won't eat her pills We've tried a bunch of different things Guess we need to get a pill gun
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:36 No. 257364
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mix with food don't work?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:36 No. 257365
>>257364 Nope
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:36 No. 257366
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We never gave pills to our cat we just had a "squeeze" thing basically the pillstuff mashed into paste that was given to the cat she over time just learned to lick it as it was given to her, as she realised it was easier to co-operate than not
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:37 No. 257367
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MNore accuratelty we gave up on pills she managed to even eat food that had pills smashed into it so that none of the medicine was taken
Delicious chicken fried rice.
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time for another day at the salt mines
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:41 No. 257370
I ocne had a million saltibucks
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:45 No. 257371
>>257369 what are you grinding
Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:53 No. 257372
so many fidget spinners for sale on the streets
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:53 No. 257373
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Collect them all
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:58 No. 257374
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 22:59 No. 257375
>>257374 That had the same director as Forrest Gump.
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:00 No. 257376
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I didn't like gump that much roger is one of my favourite movies ever, though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:00 No. 257377
>>257376 Well, it also had the same director as Back to the Future.
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:01 No. 257378
>1988 I thought it was a 70s movie
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:01 No. 257379
>>257378 Nope
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:02 No. 257380
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has the feel of a one or early 80s movie not a 88 movie
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:02 No. 257381
>>257380 Also Judge Doom is played by Christopher Lloyd (Doc Brown from Back to the Future)
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:02 No. 257382
Lloyd yeah because of that and BttF he is one of my favourite actors eventhough he barely has any other good roles
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:03 No. 257383
>>257382 He was in Taxi And uhh Anastasia
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:04 No. 257384
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Shame he didn't sing or well if he did it wasn't used, in the dark of the night
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:05 No. 257385
Oh yeah He was in My Favorite Martian the movie version I don't think it was very good thoygh
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:05 No. 257386
that was really bad
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:06 No. 257387
I mean I said "he barely has any other good roles"
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:06 No. 257388
Oh yeah he voiced the villain in the Duck Tales movie
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:07 No. 257389
and did lie action Uncle fester in if my kid memory serves the quite good Addam's family live action movies but I was a big fan of the cartoon network show so my opinion is biased
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:07 No. 257390
>>257389 Yeah Oh and he was also in Buckaroo Bonzai Which I have still not seen. I should probably see it before the Ready Player One movie comes out.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:08 No. 257391
Oh yeah Angels in the Outfield He was one of the leads in that Although it wasn't a great movie, i liked it a lot as a kid
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:08 No. 257392
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But he has a real good voice so it is shame he doesn't do voice acting that much
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:09 No. 257393
>>257391 that was fucking bad
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:09 No. 257394
>>257391 I am not trying to list his roles I am trying to name the actually good ones I mean he did voice the Wishmaster/librarian in the Wishmaster movie but that was kinda well 50/50 movie it wasn't bad but it sure as hell wasn't good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:09 No. 257395
>>257394 Most of his career was in stage stuff
Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:09 No. 257396
ramen time watching avenue Q in an hour cross that off the bucket list
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:09 No. 257397
>>257395 like jemery irons another one of my favourites
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:10 No. 257398
>>257396 Really? but the cast can'รคt be the original one anymore
Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:10 No. 257399
oh nOOoo guess I can't enjoy it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:10 No. 257400
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2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:10 No. 257401
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>>257399 WEll yeah I could've gone watching it here, but it was in finnish...
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:11 No. 257402
Oh, he was in the live action The Tick series. I think that might be getting another tv show soon.
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:12 No. 257403
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that must have been bad
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:12 No. 257404
>>257403 It was really funny
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:12 No. 257405
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but still the only movie with these two and daffy duck? and donald sharing screen time
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>>257371 life work
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:14 No. 257408
Oh, I think the new The Tick show started already.
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:16 No. 257409
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wEll who cares no one watched tick anyhow
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:17 No. 257410
I've only seen one or two episodes, but I mainly watch anime, so that's no surprise. They cast it really well though.>>>/watch?v=YiD5NzpITes
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:17 No. 257411
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new thread>>257412 โ
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:19 No. 257414
time to dig up my attenborough voice not that I have oneabove we can see a very salty specimen of the human race sometimes the humans for somereason turn especially salty, quite so towards individuals saltiness however, despite its naming has little to do with the actual natrium based compound and can't be countered with literal or figurative sweetness
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:20 No. 257418
They cast "Pete" from Shaun if the Dead as The Tick in the new series. They should have just gotten Patrick Warburton again.
>>257413 now come on
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:22 No. 257421
Oh, Warburton was one of the producers. Huh
Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:23 No. 257424
rip this thread ;_;7
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:23 No. 257425
Wow nice being a misgynistic faggot going out of your lenght to post in women made threads
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:24 No. 257426
>>257424 What makes you say that?
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Samu ๐ฌ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:25 No. 257428
>>257425 dafuq
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:25 No. 257430
>>257428 i don't know I had a joke that was goign to be good but then I forgot it because of >>>/watch?v=dDkp7GysvbY and posted that mess
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:35 No. 257444
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This is now a sikrit party thread only important people invited
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:37 No. 257446
>>257444 Excellent
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:37 No. 257447
Search [iqdb] (544 KB, 600x760, Alice - tip.png )
and a rei
2017/08/31 (ๆจ) 23:56 No. 257463
Search [iqdb] (984 KB, 827x1168, 1398630455503.jpg )
>legal option is unavailable in your country way to promote piratism disney
2017/09/01 (้) 00:04 No. 257465
what do movie studios exactly gain from removing soundtracks of movies from youtube and such when they aren't even available on any streaming service that could give them dividends, ie. spotify? upload them officially you twats and get youtube money at the very least the people who buy the cd/dvds whatever will still buy them nonetheles and ebsides a soundtrack is ag ood advert for the movie anyhow.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/01 (้) 00:05 No. 257466
>>257465 They don't really gain anything Although there is this one legal thing, but I forget the specifics
2017/09/01 (้) 00:06 No. 257467
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>>257466 That is the point they just LOSE fucking useless fossiles
2017/09/01 (้) 00:07 No. 257468
I just want to >>>/watch?v=ITcRqPvcglc listen to this song
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/01 (้) 00:08 No. 257470
>>257467 Well, the thing I don't remember the specifics of involves losing the copyright.
2017/09/01 (้) 00:12 No. 257473
2017/09/01 (้) 00:15 No. 257474
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>has to google search blame soundtrack to find it is on spotify useless swedish shits
2017/09/01 (้) 00:21 No. 257475
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Anyone wanna watch blame the movie?
>>257475 are you streaming somewhere, anon?
2017/09/01 (้) 01:11 No. 257492
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>>257491 should I?
>>257492 I was just asking because your offering? haha
2017/09/01 (้) 01:13 No. 257497
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well streaming a stream service would be weird I guess I could set it up, but really...
>>257497 i dontn lol its okay do yoi wannan watch it then>'
2017/09/01 (้) 01:16 No. 257502
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It would be fun to watch it
>>257502 yes it would? i mean yes it would!
2017/09/01 (้) 01:23 No. 257506
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sow atch it shall we?
2017/09/01 (้) 01:33 No. 257510
2017/09/01 (้) 01:34 No. 257512
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 884x1000, 1403671540790.jpg )
that lacks "for you would not fear us, if we cou "for you would not fear us, unless we could truly do you harm"
2017/09/01 (้) 01:36 No. 257514
2017/09/01 (้) 01:40 No. 257517
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I feel like singing something
2017/09/01 (้) 01:59 No. 257531
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I guess not
2017/09/01 (้) 02:45 No. 257549
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I feel like really betrayed right now
2017/09/01 (้) 02:49 No. 257552
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>>257465 if you fail to protect your brand, it
2017/09/01 (้) 03:45 No. 257621
we are the last of our kind
nice try
2017/09/01 (้) 03:50 No. 257631
Search [iqdb] (487 KB, 600x600, 77d552fc0972a95f24e27c0da034f746.png )
of what?
the wisest sages
real sekret thread ours who up hit mothafuckin reply
2017/09/01 (้) 04:08 No. 257690
here have a thing I wouldn't normally upload but now it is a special serve
arigato I will treasure it ike y ast breath reception here s hit
oh look at me busy like a bumble bee
I'm waving my dick in the wind
>>257549 one of the top ten anime betrayals?
I'm not trapped in here with you you're trapped in here with me autistic screeching
tfw quantityposting tfw qualityposting
oh no forgot to sage now everybody knows I'm a good for nothing shitposter
this thread can't contain us nay it is for ud us this is our home!
doke doke doke doke!
I can't be contained I won't be contained
dokidoki sure ne
wakuwaku sure ne
you should have seen ol Jimmy wilson dance
you should have seen ol Jimmy wilson dance
give that boy dime and you'll get the chance
to see ol Jimmy Wilson dance
dat boi needs therapy
an eye for an eye leaves everyone retarded>>257412 โ >>257412 โ >>257412 โ