okay well if you leave me to make the list, I will do:
sagrada gamers konbini sakura wars
S'good by me. Sorry if it's a little bothersome that you're always making the list. But I mean if it was left up to me we'd probably just watch things alphabetically and save something nice for the end. I'm not particularly preferential in the order we watch things.
He's been on an unbelievably high level of kekiaku lately too though.
High levels of keikaku make shows a lot of fun for me.
He's gonna get LOCKED.
Oh shit keikaku'd.
>How many levels of keikaku are you on right now?
whats happening
Kei used the power of FRIENDSHIP (literally the powers of his friends) to out-keikaku the bureau guy that wants to take everyone's powers away. Now he's taken him hostage kind of and is driving him...somewher.
I know this is just a despair fantasy but she would probably go back to black hair for her wedding. You don't go to your wedding with pink hair unless you are really trashy.
>The Game of Half-Life The references in this series are pretty spot on.
Ano ano
Desu desu
ohhhh shes her imouto
I still feel kind of bad for the actual gaming club, They got set up as relevant characters in the first episode but it turns out they were barely even background characters.
So marriage between two players is totally RNG in this game? Yeah that seems about right.
That reveal was one of the ones I was waiting for.
konbini okay let's start!
Wait\ who is nobe is it her too?
Yeah. I don't think they mentioned that one as much as Mono. I think Nobe sent the MC a demo of a game she was working on and he gave some really quality advice?
>When the girl pays at the cafe date Though he was pretty nonchalant about it. I guess he knows trying to fight against her is a bad idea by now.
I thought I remembered there being some drama between them from the PV. I guess her parents find out and she's buuuusteeeed.
I want a book case for my phone like the one she's got. But it's difficult to find a variety of phone cases for phones if you don't have an iPhone or Samsung phone.
>>257745 I think those are classy. I just went with a protective case though. I am clumsy after all.
Yeah, that's what I got when I got my phone two years ago. It was a cheap durable plastic, but I managed to slightly crack it when I was in Japan last winter. And the crack eventually grew into a proper break.
I got a pretty nice case, as well as one of those screen covers that's supposed to break instead of your screen. It has a little tiny chip in it now but that chip hasn't grown or anything.
Hah hah hah wow. My case gives the shape of my phone a very, very slight rim around the screen. The design behind which is supposed to prevent the screen from physically hitting the ground when a phone gets dropped, preventing breaks. I'm sure it's not a comprehensive protection but to its credit, I haven't cracked my screen once.
What if you bump into like a pointed edge on a desk or something though?
I see what you're getting at. I tend to -always- pocket my phone with the screen facing my thigh though, so I guess it's a non-issue for me. But I also believe most modern phones are equipped with glass explicitly designed to be shatterproof. I figure you'd have to be going at that desk corner at a pretty high speed to recreate the same kind of force that shatters a phone dropped onto the ground.
Also Honda, for being a kind of, easygoing guy at the start of the show, really picked up and became a pretty good character. Where as that other guy is still kind of just...hovering there.
I guess this is why he tends to spend almost all his time at the other guy's house.
Wow he's got a tonne of people in his contact list.
Oh now he's shelling up over it. Why Honda you were doing so well there.
Of course she's going to say that when you act like that.
Yup, pretty much. I mean I can empathize pretty well with his emotional state. But it's the kind of emotional state that is really, REALLY good at fucking everything up.
I guess it gets patched up next episode. Which feels kind of short, but on the other hand each episode covers a month of their time. And a relationship going through a rocky period for a month is actually a decent bit of time.