Are you really so desperate that you're advertising your own tweets here.
>>256347 Which chapter then was the one that ends with Tojiko breaking after watching in on her husband? and the other woman having sex? It's been a while since I read the chapters.
>>256386 Okay I guess My friend is going back to school tomorrow so we hung out for a bit His school is like 300 miles away so I won't see him for a while.
sometimes while i'm working my brain drifts to strange places and i remember things from way long ago like this >>>/watch?v=xI9T0bT9iOY and i wonder how some things can even be real
>nappy headed hoes What did he mean by that? I actually don't know what it's meant to mean.
black girls have what's called nappy hair by default anyway, though they can straighten it out and use relaxers but the way he's using it is pretty derogatory there
restarting my chokosabe campaign that was 5 tunrs from victory and lost it because >saves are in my documents and not game folder
>>256414 not to mention he's calling black girls nappy-headed hoes like what the fuck haha it's so terrible how did he ever think it was an okay idea it's old as hell, like years ago, but it just came to mind out of nowhere
I'm pretty sure that's from a decade ago or almost at least
yeah i remember my philosophy teacher goin off about that he was a real neurotic and cynical dude he hated everything i liked him
>>256445 It's simple supply and demand goy. This just happens to be the most efficient way of allocating a limited supply of water to those who value it most. ;)
>>256450 >they are implying the previous price is fair and appropriate what is this from? is this just some book of his own he wrote? this isn't like a proper publication right how does one even make a comment like this and feel like "Okay yeah, that's self explanatory, i don't need either a citation or proof here"
just the random claims i can't even take the premises of his argument seriously enough to consider what he's trying to say because he's glossing over shit at the forefront of it
he's an econ 101 professor that thinks he's hot shit
He's basically saying that if raising prices is gouging, that implies the current price was OK, before the rise Cause otherwise that'd already be gouging
that wouldn't belong on twitch for that kind of content you would want their original site justin tv otherwise you technically breach their rules by using a gaming channel for non gaming content
My mom is making a chart using a website and she made a mistake. So she pressed back but she pressed the back button on the browser rather than the website. And now she has to start over.
Last semester, some of the undergrads proved their inability to understand even the most simple of instructions, so I want to make sure they don't fuck everything up again. I'm making everything as simple as possible.
I guess you can do that kind of thing these days I'm still kind of in the old fashioned mindset that you gotta get a hotel or find a place before you move That's really cool
Samu ✈︎ !KW2DbpWwls
gotta find a lean-to by the river or build a shanty that's my ultimate goal
i did an inn-town suites furnished thing while i transitioned to tennessee that was kinda fun
I'm kind of planning a short trip to Colorado with Fish in October so I might look for airbnb places then.
If I were traveling alone, I think the airbnb houses that rent out rooms to different people or rent out a room in a house that's being lived in could be really fun. Seems like a good way to meet people
Income-Driven Repayment your loans get adjusted based on how much you make. So if you're not making anything, your monthly is $0 interest still accrues though.
Also this "add water, stir while heating" carbonara is supposed to be 2 servings, but I normally eat at bare minimum this much who decides what is a "serving"? maybe as lunch for two kids this might do
man pasta carbonara is nostalgic to eat when I was a scout, it was the only meal alongside napolitana that no one could fuck up so bad, it didn't turn inedible. A weeks hiking thus could be >monday carbo >tuesday napo >wednesday carbo and so on you sure got sick of both by the end of it, but you knew anything else might turn horrible anime cooking
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
my shoes are smelly im embarassed also I almost missed my connection because I was hanging out assuming I had 3 hours where did the time go goofle lied yess I shall blame the googles and not my own lack of perception
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
what's new /moe/
I mean I guess that's not particularly new for me but this flavour is pretty fresh.
>>256568 are you feeling disconnected from the universe
Probably a bit too connected to it. It would probably be easier to be that way.
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
are you self conscious around your everyday peeps
No I'm just worked up because two of my closest friends have gone through what might be a stiff break-up. And I'm kind of worried about the both of them.
wow what is this airport bar literally every seat has an iPad installed into it er not the seat but standing on the table wow screen culture intensifies.
I am so sleepy. Working overtime sucks. I thought the extra money would be worth it but having to go to bed the moment I arrive home and wake up early as fuck is killing me.
That's okay, the good news is that I forget that stuff almost immediately.
I have more good news, too. That good news is that Kirara is relatively uninjured. The bad news that that leads into is that he was hit by a car. He seems to be fine though.
>>256629 I'm waiting for some more details but it seems like he just fractured a rib a little bit. I guess he has a pretty good excuse for missing your game.
Today is Aurora Part I completion Tomorrow is Aurora Part II completion I won't finish the thing for a couple of weeks honestly. But the area specific content is over today! >>256651 >Since you can only acquire 1 Druid Runestone per day, this requires a minimum of 16 days to complete.
>>256644 Do you not have insurance for the dog? Sadly I guess humans have to take priority
Oh cool I finally found something toeep me occupied.
>>256655 No Most people don't, well, I think if she gets injured in our car during a car accident thwn the insurance would cover medical expenses for that.
He was hit in a crosswalk. The driver was slowing down so he could go and then accelerated into him. He fell into a railing. That is what fractured his rib. He does not seem to have any other major injuries. He said the person that hit him was texting.
>>256680 that's okay, we will hear from him when the time is right the main thing is his recovery thank you for telling us though we care a lot
Is texting and driving against the law there? It is here.
I think in Texas we just passed a law about it
Usually I figure it to be most places, but on the other hand, Florida.
There's no way it shouldn't it's ridiculous not too
>>256698 My mom said it was not a criminal violation for the first time it happens but it is after that. She was talking to the police officer about it. >>256697 You are welcome.
>For the first time Then I really hope this piece of shit has been hit with it more than once. People that wilfully endanger other people for something as manageable as a cellphone really piss me off.
>>256703 → I made a thread for myself lol well streaming
Texas is among four states — as well as Arizona, Missouri and Montana — that don’t have statewide bans on texting while driving, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
that is until friday when it will be banned in Texas so then every state but the other three have banned it
>>256702 Florida really need to rethink their legislations
>>256715 no way that man dresses to be seen i will be like the shadow in the night everywhere at once impossible to be seen evil will tremble in my wake
How are you going with the hurricane, by the way, Bang?
I'm fortunate enough that Austin has only been hit by rain and heavy winds The worst I suffered so far is that my passenger seat got some water on it and an event I want to go to in a couple months could potentially be cancelled or postponed or moved I can't imagine what it's like to be in Houston right now. I live a rather non-material lifestyle though, so I might have just picked up and moved. It's got to suck to lose houses and cars though
btw now is a good time to switch to a local car insurance provider there is absolutely going to be a premium hike in years to follow
>>256725 They were told not to evac, iirc, because by the time they knew how bad it was going to be, it would have just put roads at a stand-still
"You literally cannot put 6.5 million people on the road," Turner said in a press conference. "If you think the situation right now is bad, you give an order to evacuate, you are creating a nightmare."
It's got like two cute girls stuck in a rather uninspired "let's make a band" high school plot.
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
wtf but our idol is not so easily defeated
It sounds like when Hurricane Rita hit like a decade ago, evacuating the city caused a lot of deaths and panic I imagine if the flooding happened with the roads gridlocked it could have been a lot worse Houston is the biggest city in Texas and one of the largest in the world by geographical size, not even counting the dozens and dozens of cities in the surrounding area Where would everyone evacuate to? It would have to be one of the most well-coordinated movements of human beings in the history of mankind, and take rehearsals and planning even Giving people less than a day's notice to book it would suck. I'm guessing that the city was fucked from the beginning. The smart ones got out of their own volition.
Back from the vet
here's a map of the flooding the pink streets are the ones considered inundated gives you a vague picture of how bad it is
Oh that's a neat take on it.
I saw a more traditional map of flooding (coloured in overlay regions) from earlyish in on the flooding. And then a few days later they released an updated map, and they had to add in additional colours because the flooding had gone beyond expectations and they needed take into account deeper flooding.
>>256741 the thing that you call the meme game i got the most rare item possible they're actually turning between 400 and 700 but i just wanted a quick out in case they crash so i posted at 575 and pulled 500 after steam's cut already bought Absolver and Rainbow 6 Siege (the 15 dollar version) probably gonna buy some atelier games and then sit on the rest of the money
>>256751 She's better, but she is going to be on several medicines for a few weeks. Months for one of them. She was having a flare up of pancreatitis (intermittent ongoing issue of hers) and some sort of GI tract thing that was related to it. I think the gi tract issue was caused by a bacterial infection or something, but I wasn't at the vet witb h my parents when they gave the long explanation.
>>256752 That's good she's okay I hope she recovers e well
>>256754 Yeah, she seems much better though, she had been throwing up and having diarrhea last week but the vet says that's been treated, she's also no longer lethargic and has regained her appetite.
>>>/watch?v=8K3bBqKRaGA my friend showed this channel it's just this guy messing with roleplayers but it's entertaining
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
>>256753 interesting stab in the dark, what's that?
more specifically it's thiamine related brain damage the symptoms present from issues of normal alcoholism have to extend beyond, into periods of non-withdrawal, such that the alcohol's absorption of the thiamine is was caused residual damage
>>256775 I thought it was caused by liver damage that reduces the liver's ability to store (and distribute) thiamine?
I'm doing okay. I don't want to work tomorrow though.
>>256797 My boyfriend keeps waking up and talking about lichen. It is a little weird. I think things are okay right now though. >>256798 You work a lot. Are you happy to have Monday off?
>>256931 Got hit by a car. His rib is fractured. He's alive though. That's the gist I think.
>>256930 Focus on where you are then. Do you have a reasonable amount of free time? If you're willing to give some up, I'm sure you could help locally.
>>256939 How's the factory stuff going? I think you seem like someone who wants to do good things, you just need a path to a position where you can do thatfrom.
I like the rest there, am not valued at all cause we can all be replaced The place doesn't even have ventilation beyond opening a window None 0
I'm not convinced there's a future in it anymore
>>256944 Sounds like a pretty shitty job frankly. The whole point is to help you find other work though isn't it? I'm sorry, you'veprobably already asked yourself these sorts of questions about employment.
i hope you all sue the everloving shit out of that guy
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
what even happened
The new Heroes are out and Ike's A skill works how I thought. It is a heavy blade. >>256980 I know. But we said that it slowed down his special. But it speeds it up.
it's not a heavy blade, blue it triggers whenever he's attacked
>>256978 i got hit by a car in a crosswalk this dude slowed down so i went but then he accelerated into me and i got thrown into this railing that is like, there are three rails along this ramp made of metal and i got thrown into one and it fractured one of my ribs idk if that makes sense im kind of zoned out on codeine
>>256981 my rib will take 1-2 months to heal apparently so i get to live in pain and have trouble breathing for a while every muscle in my body feels like they got torn out and twisty turvied too >>256984 yeah I mean i guess >>256986 i am falling in love with roy's art
I'm getting Ike because I need a 5* Green unit. I want all of them really but it's like Ike Lyn Lucina Roy in order
>>256985 I'll be hoping for your speedy recovery with minimal suffering. I might ask you once a week about game but please don't worry about it until you feel okay enough to do it, ok?
I can't believe texting while driving gets a one-off
>>256987 idk if its my head being cloudy from drugs but i can't figure out what you're trying to say with that last sentence, gomen >>256989 i want to go let me see how my muscle pain is throughout today before that if that's ok
my fucking phone broke pissed about that
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>256991 I'm trying to say that I might ask you about game night each week, but until you feel like you're ready don't worry about saying no. I'd rather you get better and feel ready first.
>>256991 i'm more worried about you than the trip obv but yeah that's fine it was just up in the air so i wasn't sure how to position myself to catch it
>>256993 i will be okay to do it next week surely >>256994 i understand
That wasn't something noticeable until long after. I had to perfect my main team so that I could beat Arena. And then perfect it even more so I could beat Tempest. Anna's like level 30 at 3* lol
>>257013 it's probably the first thing i worry about every morning when i wake up second is usually the smell of cat poop
the first thing I worry about every morning is nothing no fears no worries life is nothing but good things ha ha
>>257021 I saw something but I thought it was jokes
>>257024 lyn is winning rn >>257025 no it's real it already started exploding there were several explosions and a sheriff got exposed to chemicals and got fucked up
Can't people elsewhere be human beings and house them until further notice?
that's not really how that works
>>257033 how do you tell everyone within 36 km that they need to leave their homes and find shelter when there's no way to relay information and things are so flooded that cars won't work
how much does a bottle of water cost in the US normally, anyway?
$1 from a vending machine like $1.25 i guess
i can get a gallon of water for $0.99 though
>>257048 depends what you're talking i bought a case of 32 water bottles for $5.50 the other day i can buy one of those big 15 gallon water coolers for a couple bucks i can also stop in a gas station and buy a liter of cold Fiji or Evian for $1.50 it just depends on convenience
>>257050 Holy shit That's a lot for very little money
The prices in the photos of price gauging in Texas right now aren't even that much more expensive than it'd be here But then, Norway is... really fucking wealthy And our people are, too
did you double click to highlight and then say "go to..." sometimes it will catch the %Reply on the end and you have to remove that
>Not putting me on the NPC Listserv, excluding me from participating in NPC meetings, calls, and excluding me from steering committee calls which were open to all NPC members except Danny Fetonte were all unauthorized actions. lol why won't they include me in the investigation into me???
At this point it's not even about him being a cop, I don't want HIM near the DSA
this is hilarious im laughing at this and it hurts so much
>The organized force that stood with Eugene Debs, Michael Harrington, and Bernie Sanders would not find this last three weeks as something to be proud of.
my leg hurts so fuckin bad i can't stand up i'm gonna legit have to buy a cane on the way to the gardens if i'm gonna handle all that walkin
>>257058 It's funny what this says about police in general.
Putting off all these orbs was worth it. If I can roll Lyn, I'll be happy.
>Extremists within our organization would deny anyone in law enforcement due process the same way the NPC members have denied Danny Fetonte due process. ah yes the extremists within this left organization that calls for revolution and the dismantling of American politics what a disaster it would be if there were extremists in an extremist organization
>>257071 Cops can't stand up for justice, cops can stand
cops can't stand up for anything if you smash their knees
moon with the radical praxis
>The Internet bullies who act tough behind a keyboard but have never been hit by a Billy club, never been in a street fight, never fought scabs on a picket line, and never been arrested; know how to threaten a person’s family anonymously but are scared to let their neighbors know they are Socialists. this cop is saying people don't know what it feels like to get harrassed by cops lol
I've only really been in regular fights Considering the growth of the right here and the rest of Europe though, that might change
this old ass cop is fuckin terrified by the internet
If he really wants justice, a cop can literally just turn around next time he's at a protest
fetonte apparently doesn't even use email
Like 180 degrees
what if fetonte isn't even real and this is all an elaborate joke
>>257083 i wish i could hear the stream of consciousness that goes through his brain as he just gets more and more befuddled by these things and just has to outlet stranger and stranger insults
If he had just gotten elected and then went "alright, guys, I fucked up", that's one thing But clawing at his position like this? That's plant behavior, dude, an actual socialist wouldn't fucking do this
lol sk stfu like you know anything about plant behavior you haven't even taken a botany class i bet
Maybe Fetonte doesn't know the difference between SocDems and DemSocs He thinks he's in a socdem organization, and then his behavior would be perfectly fine
sock democrats or democratic socks
i got bernie's new book i have been reading it this morning reading on codeine is harder than reading on percocet for some reason maybe it's my breathing problems making it harder
>>257094 I guess when you have a single track mind, writing a book isn't the best idea
its supposed to be a "guide to political revolution" it's very well written it provides really good information about many of the problems in America today written at the level a, say, 15 year old can easily read and understand
but for his activism guides in each chapter, its stuff like "support planned Parenthood" "support the aclu" "contact your congresspeople"
for health care reform, he suggests volunteering at a food pantry????
Oh well I think Lenin has something on that
i wish i had a percocet my leg hurts so fuckin bad
i don't support planned parenthood i support those kinds of services just not that particular organization
>>257099 i wish I could take my percs fish hid them and said i gotta take what was prescribed
>>257072 Delthea is better for that. Since his skill triggers on being hit, having lower speed is actually better. And he gets more defense + reduces the effectiveness of additional hits. Urvan Ike is probably the best ... if not THE ONLY character, I'd want less speed on.
>>257117 about the same the guy that hit me is responsible for my medical expenses whether i have insurance or not after i sue him at least
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>257118 no inazuma I didn't break up with Akatsuki why do you ask
I'm just going to replace his B skill with Quick Riposte lol
the lawyer will have a good understanding of what all is worth pursuing >>257133 take his fuckin license away, he could have killed someone it coulda been a mom walking her little girl and she'd be fuckin dead
I don't want to go too hard on the guy that hit me
He was texting and driving so my sympathy for the guy is kinda at 0 already
everyone makes mistakes we're lucky that things weren't worse than they are but taking away someone's license is taking away their livelihood it was a careless mistake and an accident I can't ruin the life of someone for that
Yeah but he also operated a literal ton of steel and death in a manner that nearly killed someone, KNOWING it was the improper manner of handling said machine
Texting WHILE driving isn't a fucking mistake
>>257135 losing your license isn't losing // ruining your life >>257139 then the onus is on him to be careful if he's in a position where he can't lose his license
>>257138 it can be for many people he needs to get to work
yeah but he made a mistake he needs to take responsibility for that but there are ways to do that that allow someone to move forward and not back
Well it's your case, man I think you're just too nice
he's a black dude too if he drives without his license he'll be in a lot of trouble this one mistake could cause a domino effect
>>257141 it's not about being nice this guy is probably a working class dude with a hard life he made /// he did something millions do every day and got unlucky >>257143 whqt he did was wrong yeah but this can be used as a learning opportunity
I guess taking his license is too far Not like he'll do it again now
I really should try to do something about this fetishization of retribution I have
it's not too far i understand where you're coming from but i've lived in the sort of households where people lose their license and their jobs are in jeopardy it's stressful yeah but people still make it happen that kind of leniency was never afforded to my family and things got hard it's just the way it happens
>>257148 That's assuming he's gonna do something like that again, and I think just this experience in itself might stop that >>257150 People's economies don't always allow for that though I don't know, man This is hard for me to think about
well we'll see what happens his behavior is what will determine how i move forward at the very least, i neee him to pay for my medical bills
If you can just have him sit through a safety course or something on the government's bill, that'd probably be ideal
coulda been a pregnant woman or a parent walkin their kid just sayin the fact that you're lucky it wasn't doesn't change the severity of the negligence
but it wasn't and that's lucky for both of us because we were lucky, we can use this as a learning experience to help prevent it in the future i cant just throw someone under the bus for doing something stupid just because potentially someone could have died if nobody died, then i think we can grow stronger from it
but i believe in God and that sometimes He sets these things in motion for a reason
I think you're right I don't believe in punishment for punishment's sake, but my aggression can get out of hand at times
i believe in public safety and think that license suspension goes along with it here it sucks for him yeah and i feel for him but i think that's probably what's gonna happen with or without your involvement at least some points on his license so that, if he's got a clean record it won't cripple him but it's bigger than just either of you also there's a reason we earn a license and aren't just given them for free and unsafe drivers really upset me
im not on a vengeance thing either its just how i feel about public safety
I feel pretty strongly about people that can't manage a phone. Like, if you hear/feel it buzzing or ringing, you finish your drive, take out the phone, and check it then. If it's truly a call you feel is important to take there and then, use hands-free or pull over to the side of the road and check it. A phone is something exceedingly easy to manage.
>>257162 I dunno man I'm not sure I'm a prude and I agree pretty heavily with that. If something is supposed to be serious then take it seriously. Just seems reasonable.
if your license is your livelihood then why would you be reckless with it i dunno i guess i'm a prude
All the young girls are getting high on that Maragiovanni. What happened to MORALS
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
I put my MORALS into PC BOX 01
or wait was that MORALE
my leg fuckin huuuurts hows moes day goin
Could be worse.
could be hearse
Could be hoarse.
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
It was the best of days, it was the blurst of days
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
can I just like dig a secret bunker into Central Park and live here
Probably not. But if it's sufficiently secret, no one would know.
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
I should get into the bunker biz excavation anf'd ventilation hiw hard could it be
Samu ✈︎ !KW2DbpWwls
>Nanomachines which can drill into cancer cells, killing them in just 60 seconds, have been developed by scientists. The tiny spinning molecules are driven by light, and spin so quickly that they can burrow their way through cell linings when activated. In one test conducted at Durham University the nanomachines took between one and three minutes to break through the outer membrane of prostate cancer cell, killing it instantly.
holy fuck that is horrifying oh god
Samu ✈︎ !KW2DbpWwls
>They found that the nanomachines needed to spin at two to three million times per second to overcome nearby obstacles and outpace natural Brownian motion, the erratic movement of microscopic particles suspended in fluid. The molecules could be used either to tunnel into cells carrying therapeutic agents, or to act as killer weapons that blast open tumour membranes. Videos showed the cancer cell membranes bubbling under the assault.
Samu ✈︎ !KW2DbpWwls
gurren lagann soon
Samu ✈︎ !KW2DbpWwls
really i guess they'll drill into any cell so we need nanomachines that can line the drill up and blast it with UV
>>257191 i was gonna say something cool that this reminded me of but then i remembered that i didn't remember all the details something about radiation therapy but then i'm like that's not really related fuck now what do i do with this post it's just gonna go to waste have you thought about making a post recycling bin sam or maybe a post compost that can be used to fertilize the regular posts
>>257221 the doc said that my rib will take 1-2 months to heal probably so it's gonna hurt to breathe for a while but i have to keep taking deep breaths or i might get pneumonia i might be able to start doing light cardio exercise as soon as my muscles are okay depending on how painful it is to breathe during cardio
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>257223 yeah I don't know what anyone's talking about
>>257235 I've got some scrapes, cuts, and bruises i got a really big bruise on my hip, like the kind that gets weird colors nothing seriously damaged except my rib though i think i got hit at like 15-20 mph, im not sure my rib got messed up when i got thrown into a rail too, i probably had an unlucky angle
>>257237 Get learned
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I don't wanna
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
it's not /moe/ anyway so >>257240 damn that sucks freaking asshole driver
>>257244 yeah luckily there were some witnesses i think maybe it got caught on tape too? it was in a crosswalk like right in front of the supermarket the guy also stopped and got out which is good one of the witnesses helped me sit up against a pillar while everything was going on
>>257244 wow dude you can't say the f word here this is a christian server
>>257243 Okay The one thing I want you to know about it, is that is was a well planned and coordinate dttack done by people with significant military training, and that's why it stands out amongst terrorist attacks in re ent memory.
there's a sub place i really like here that delivers but im like literally on the edge of their delivery radius so they won't deliver to me im like 0.2 miles too far away lol
>>257272 Call them and offer a slightly larger tip
ive talked to them before they won't violate policy because the distance has to go into a computer and it won't let them register the delivery outside their radius or something
but we wouldn't be able to do shit without one i'd have to see if they'd let me rent or else we take the buses or we just stay in the hotel room for two days straight but what would we do there???
What was this trip going to be anyhow? The one where you record driving?
actually the hotel is cool as fuck i think just staying there would be a cool vacation on its own >>257304 japanese festival/botanical gardens recording events and still scenery
Scarcity of copper and especially tin is why the empires of the bronze age were so powerful and large the ones that could access either or both became superpowers instantly
Iron evened the playingfield
people scrap things for copper around here I have even known ppeople to go