Thread #256801
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Amine Last I checked Sakura and Sagrada hadn't been uploaded yet. Seems like HorribleSubs might be backed up or something again.
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Yeah, seems like some stuff didn't air or get uploaded. That's okay though because we were backlogged. isekai cellphone youkoso point system tenshi isekai retaurant nana maru
Not that I figure it'll get watched tonight.
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oh yeah, I forgot about altair I was thinking for the list: isekai cellphone youkoso point system tenshi isekai restaurant
Yeah, that's fine by me.
restaurant 9?
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Yeah, episode 9 of restaurant and episode 8 of cellphone, which we're starting with orange for cellphone okay lets start
Reaaaady. I wonder how infuriating this show will be this week.
Well that didn't take long.
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>i wish you would do the proper steps before doing something like this what a thing to say!
Well she's sensible at least. Kind of. It's a little unintuitive to be mad at your future husband for seeing your partially unclad body.
Superior Nipponese transportation devices.
this is my mount
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He's really messing up this society.
Really it's rather ridiculous that the society hasn't been messed up already. There's a certain thing about having magic. You know if it's so easy to create floating balls of magic light, what would happen to the candle makers and people like that who make a living off of mundane light sources. If you can turn base materials into finished products with magic, what happens to the people whose livelihoods are dependent on manufacturing those products? Stuff like this is why a lot of this series is hard to swallow for me.
a girl!? no way
Another girl for his growing army.
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Wow, he made that street urchin his maid. Not really a good idea when you think about it for a second.
Also like, surely he's not the only person that can use this Gate magic. When you think about it, in a society where goods can be exchanged for services, especially in a medieval fantasy world like this that doesn't have fast means of trasnsportation, someone that could instantly join two parts of the world together like that would create an insanely profitable enterprise. So where are the Gate providers and nobles with purchased titles from such a business venture?
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it kinda makes me weirded out that he's so perfect and all powerful creation magic is super strong
Hah hah hah. His stupid coat makes him stand out like a sore thumb.
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>>256831 Gate is probably really rare.
>>256835 All the more reason that there SHOULD be someone out there who has become insanely rich/influential/etc. through their possession of it. It's basic monopoly.
okay that was kind of cute
>How old are you? >Incessant laughing and no answer PANIC MODE.
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 01 [(…).jpg )
>>256836 Maybe the person who knows it is a reclusive wizard.
>>256838 do beast people live longer than humans?
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His harem is kind of becoming increasingly nasty.
can we tenshi next? ok
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That's really upsetting the comfy pyramid. I'd rather just do Nana Maru next in that case, and then Youkoso/Isekai Restaurant.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 604x605, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
okay nana maru okay let's start!
Marumaru marumaru ma
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Her otouto is way more girly and cute than she is.
Girly enough to be a passable trap after all.
Oh is he going to break the round's civility by playing around like this?
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Wow, I bet Ika is getting excited.
A BL buzz-in huh. Some of this dialogue is something else too though.
Yeah, it's people that play with the rules like this that make it a little un-fun for others.
Hah hah hah. Such is life.
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This kid is super unfair.
hes lying
All so serious.
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okay youkoso point system okay lets start!
Youuuukoso e
Hah hah hah. I wonder what this means for the upcoming arc.
He actually gets pretty angry despite all his effort of 50%.
>my life is already full of regret ;_;
I wonder when that blonde guy is going to be relevant.
>>256874 he wants to be a slacker thats part of the school for some reaosn
Oh no, Sudo is picking fights again.
This baldy looks like he doesn't really belong in high school.
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Everyone has their eyes on 50%-kun.
>I've never wiped down in my life HMMMM.
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I guess this is the spa episode.
saikou dana
Oh yeah she's totally fallen for him.
I like her and him more than him and black hair
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Best girl was back! For just a second.
wow she got blocked
shes a bit confusing i like her though
wew this arc seems like fun its gonna be a war
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Putting them on a super nice cruise ship did seem too good to be true. okay isekai restaurant okay lets start
Pretty much.
Title drop.
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Those dwarves are freaking out!
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I was just wondering if anyone was trying to copy the food there.
hes smart ice coffee is good
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He makes some fancy stuff.
Rootbeer floats taste good
I really really likke this ending theme
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Cooking for fairies is probably tough.
thanks for anime
Yup, thanks.