Anyway, apparently they're finishing the director's cut right now and in a week or two they'll do a showing of it to make sure everything fits right. I tried to get an early showing but apparently I can't since I'm not family of her boyfriend.
>>248270 some of the southern black folk can be ive listened to them bitch and moan about all spectrum of things
like why would you market specifically to white people who want to be bl- oh yeah money but this isnt about them now theyll enjoy black panther >>248280 maybe they should unify in a way that lets them be one gr- oh
she said that white people don't have marvel movies marketed towards them because nick fury is black and falcon is black
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and she's not even white she's from israel
>>248287 Are you say *is she a middle eastern Jew?
Yeah but obliviousness can exist in all shapes and colours man.
more like she's from isn't real
Never mind that until Black Panther, every character featured by a movie has been white.
blue you may want to consider reading that thing I tell you to read
There is the phrase "You dont know what you got until its gone" but clearly white people dont oh shes not white i dont know fam maybe she's just out there
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>248289 yeah but most non-whites are more keen to this kind of thing it's usual for them to not be unusual*
>>248303 Well, you won't meet her, so what does it matter?
>>248308 why is that your basis for making assessments about these kinds of situations how many people have you even met from israel how // like, it's a completely different social sphere why would that matter
wow nightcore really sucks what is this supposed to be even why does every single song up the female voice a whole octave and make it sound obnoxious
I don't really enjoy it much either A lot of the "nightcore mix" versions of songs also just feel like really lazily put together too. Just muffle out the original music with generic beat patterns and sounds.
and these videos each have like 60 million views i dont get it
Nightcore is super lazy and terrible. It's just normal music (almost always weeb) that is sped up and made higher pitched.
I think it's as much about avoiding youtube's content removal system as it is anything else.
people gettin 60 million views on this lazy crap it's ridiculous i don't want to hear high pitched girl voice whining at me about pre-teen problems how is this even a genre
i dont like dedmouse because he's a tool but this madeon mix was made when madeon was 16 years old >>>/watch?v=HuC2MUmQaG4 i think about that sometimes and it's pretty amazing
>>248435 I've thought along the same lines as that before, but at the same time, I feel the the nightcore changes the song enough that it doesn't really resemble the original song sufficiently for that to be the whole case.
Upload songs at 2x speed. You can just .5x them back to normal on youtube
The day's been a little rough for me too. Such is life some times.
>>248448 and even then it's shitty compared to madeon's remix who did it at like half the age not that remixes are difficult to do compared to an original composition but just sayin
>>248450 This is a major problem! I like the music from that crappy Asterix war show, but I guess the company that owns it is really mean about intellectual property. It's really hard to find any of it on youtube that isn't bad nightcore remixes.
it's curry time now to let it summer forever simmer
>>248480 that's a mean looking curry you got there
>>248477 no, hibana the venue that it's being published through, not the parent publishing company
>>24848 → oops>>248481 all the ingredients are in there but it's not even close to done. usually let it simmer until the sauce is nice and thick it's still watery i used light coconut milk
>>248480 where the onions boy did you just make a curry without onions
>>248489 they're in there, but i used finely chopped green onions
>>248483 Dorohedero is allegedly moving to monthly shonen sunday
i used 10 green onions and most of the chives but they weren't very big I'm probably gonna some yellow onions for the basmati ice tho >>248494 i don't like it way you're thinking
>>248491 i'll be surprised if it stays Q has been pretty bleak about the future of dorohedoro for a while >>248493 you can't caramelize green onions you flat fuck
>>248493 basmati ice fuckin basmati flavored smirnoff ice i'm down
i got fuckin addicted to jasmati that's such a good grain
perfect for basmati mojitos cilantro like crazy and anejo
i only use basmati unless I'm making Spanish rice
have you made spanish guacamole its the best guacamole, it's not too spicy or strong
i don't like guacamole i like avocado in plain
>>>/watch?v=pKWPdX4PaEc i was quoting this yeah i'm with you on that, i like plain avocado it's so fresh i make it with breakfast a lot, especially if i do huevos rancheros
we have avocados at Panera get them free i get them for free* i got sick of them recently. go through phases
anyone wanna come over for curry and anime
I already had dinner and either way, it's a bit late.
But speaking of anime as a reminder we're probably watching Gamers! on Thursday.
that looks like a tasty treat your presentation is wonderful
Maybe distribute more or use less of the...cilantro? Show off the curry behind it a little more.
yeah i was thinking about that fact i'll take another picture of the curry when i'm done making sweet sweet love to this spicy dish
now i'm drinking sake
Taking photos of food is actually a little fun. Especially if you get stuff from a place that cares about placing or you've made something that works well for it yourself.
There's a thread on /a/ which has a bunch of well-known mangaka that draw digitally--okay I can't link this properly but their computer workstations. And a bunch of people in the thread are making comments like "but that mousepad is so small, how do they play games like that?" I don't think it crosses their minds that the kind of games, if any, that are played on those workstations would really require wide-sweeping mouse movements.
>>248572 I have a hard time adapting to the super sensitivity at that range. My fine-touch dexterity isn't very good to begin with, so having to incorporate how slight movements end up becoming is just too much for me to handle.
i like low-sensitivity to me it's more precise if an inch of movement equals less pixels
>>248576 i find that there's good precision if you can keep the dexterity in just the pivoting motions once you have to laterally shift your arm then there's a lot less pinpoint accuracy, if that makes sense
Also some of these set-ups are really classy and get me real envious.
yeah i've most def played dota on those size mouspads that thing on the left of their drawpad, i forget what that's called, those are really cool i kind of want one
that one's a little cluttered
>>248578 I can understand the concept behind it, but it's an uphill climb for me to adapt. I got into PC gaming really, really late in my life, so I don't really have some of the backing others might have for gaming. Also my, I don't really know how to word it better, but detached hand-eye coordination is pretty terrible to begin with. So getting my cursor to accurately go where I want it to is tough some times.
>>248580 Apparently those detached keypads are pretty popular for digital artists. You set them up with your common macros and shortcuts and you can pretty much ignore your keyboard.
yeah but i have thousands of macros set to my keyboard they're cool but i'm not sure it'd work for me the same way
i feel like i'm having a stroke or unconsciously trying to distract myself from some dreadful terror i don't want to acknowledge i wonder if there's a dead body in my closet that my brain is refusing to acknowledge
Woo, I get to fuck around on my phone cause I work faster than the guy in front of me
>>248583 Yeah, on a relative scale most digital artists don't need nearly as many macros like that. Probably a handful to swap your favourite brush presets and then maybe a few for paint app functions. Drawing tablets tend to already come equipped with some functionality that cooperates with paint apps already.
>>248587 It's fucking weird but it's actually really smart from a health persepctive. Those monitor drawing tablets like this one can really fuck with your back if you're hunched over them for hours on end. So the angle the whole set-up is arranged on mitigates that problem pretty well. It does end up looking pretty ridiculous though.
i believe that everybody in life has their own unique talent, something that they do very, very well, better than anyone else alive for me, i think i'm really, really good at wishing i was fucking dead
>>248597 I can't help It'll be there forever Even after it 404s it'll be up on an archive somewhere You'll never get rid of it You'll always be known as Bang the shitposter
feh finally gave me male robin had the whole animation sequence and he was 3* im upset
I think I slept a little bit, cause according to my phone it played non classical music for about twenty minutes, but I only recall about a minute of that. Also I woke up with heart burn Thanks Trump
Ya know how in GuP it has apparently been so long since men used tanks in wars, that the idea of men driving tanks is inconceivable and ridiculous. So therefore one must make the logical step and deduce that a war machine that way surpassed tank has been invented while modern aircraft, drones and buttonbushing wars make tanks practically obsolete in terms of destroying the enemy but when you need to invade and occupy, you still need such contraptions as just infantry isn't enough
So what is the next big machine? Well it could be an air/gunship, but that would still be too costly to be used as constant tool of oppression So following rule of cool in anime, I must conclude that Actual GuP warfare would be done with mechas
So girls liking tanks, is practically the same as them liking horses now useless in warfare except in special cases, but in the past it was the domain of men.
>therefore one must make the logical step and deduce that a war machine that way surpassed tank has been invented your logic doesn't check out
>>248633 >gup world is actually a similiar world as 1984 but instead of constant warfare all excess production is thrown at GuPping
like people can literally destroy towns with tanks and the owners are excited because it means they just get their shit replaced for free money is infinite
But if you look past the normal level tech they have, the tech in the giant citysized carriers and indestructible innerhulls of the tanks... and just them building the wunderwaffe of germany... >>248639 umm it is said in the anime that the innershell of the tank is practically indestructible which is also brought in when the mouse is crushing the hetz
??? they don't use real shells they use modified shells oh inner i misread i think that's just more evidence that it's a post-war world
But the problem is if their tech level is so good they can build stuff like that for entertainment why is their normal day to day tech still so 21st century?
and once again "men driving tanks is ridiculous" for that to become the common opinion, either huge amount of time since tanks were used in actual war has passed or a real ideological revolution took place that rewrote everyone's ideas
I always theorised that senshado was designed to desensetize the girls to war and fighting. After they finish HS they all get shipped out in shitty old tanks to zerg rush their enemies >>248644 I guess they're just rich enough to draft dodge >>248643 All the men are dead except for a few
I still say mechas and either it is United Space Earth with still "nations" as states like USA nowadays practically independent but big decisions made by the world gov >>248649 Whatsoever, I still bet that it was just >one day all generals of the world went >what if girls with tanks?
the entire gup world is a simulation
I wish I had that Girls und Labors image >>248647 Because it's fun
i bet senshado is used in place of real wars and the girls don't even know it
Remember how Miho was shamed for saving those girls from drowning and dying I feel like there's something really sinister behind that. >>248651 What country does Ourai represent then?
>>248651 Well it could be used to determine who comes ahead in politics true but it would still require states to back an actual army or some other third party entity to have the enforcing force
Which still means there is a war machine to surpass tanks and it being anime it is mecha
what if gup is secretly macross?
>>248652 there are a lot of Japanese teams that fight each other - probably to determine either inner Japanese politics or to be able to get into University and become the official Japanese team
>>248652 What country does Pittsburg penquins represent? or Helsinki IFK
What if Gup is actually Megazone 23 and it really is all just a simulation
>start in middle to high school >continue to university >from uni the best are picked to represent the nation in world cup simple just like say football/soccer or ice hockey
>>248656 Imagine the espionage and drama at the international tournaments >>248657 The Principality of Pittsburg of course
But it can't work since code geass timeline differs so much from ours like say USA never existing
Also I wonder if there is boatfahren? since the carrier schools are mostly run by the students themselves so would there be a ship to ship playwar like panzerfahren too?
>it's all a simulation held together by geass mind tricks
it's all a simulation/Dream is the lamest thing one can come up with
>>248678 it still produces only a fragment of all the people participating in them and if all the "non tankers" are simulated AI, at that point where do you need humans for just let the AI shoot the guns
>>248679 Maybe they're staff members or actors Like the Truman show
>>248679 because ai will turn against you and can be hacked
>>248685 No I mean in the field if the tech exists to do that in a flash the tech exists to do it to captured soldiers or in the field on a limited scale
well yeah you can brainwash enemy soldiers you gotta give them cyanide pills or something >>248689 no because it's much safer to use humans
Goddamnit this book is just going "here's what the economic aspect will accomplish and here's all the benefits" like dude stop I get it, I like the labor vouchers, just tell me how this government won't go boushie on me REE
"but it does produce money to the economy" which all end up in the pockets and savings of tiny few, who don't even really reinvest it back not "trickle down", if you don't pour it down the pyramid
Of course they don't reinvest in the domestic market The domestic market is already getting squeezed real hard, there's very little money to made from it directly
Saying that war profits, is like saying "ticks are beneficial to you" even if you don't get the diseases they are carrying, all it accomplishes is your blood leaving into the belly of hungry parasites.
You have to realize that the state is not much more than a front for private interests If it profits the private industry, it benefits the government, too That's tax money
>>248733 >pay 1 billion to contractor company for their services >10-100 million in taxes back from direct profits of the company >maybe other from wages yeaaah real profit
>>248735 You're also eliminating another private market in the process It's also kind of a reset for that market, and your actors can invest into it and try to be the one who squeezes out the newly invested money the hardest, cause there's other governments that also want in on the action
Well a government then can stay "afloat" and take more debt but in the end the state just acquires more and more debt and at some point you reach the point where turning back or stopping would cause more damage than continuing the vicious cycle
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you act like debt matters nobody cares in the government is in debt
cycle itself in the end the "no turning back" now you are debendant on the debt the debt is your fuel and your exhaust at the same time you can't start jsut paying it back but you can't have your debtors doubt your actual abiltiy to pay it back or have them actually demand you to pay it back aside from the interest rates
>>248752 Well the "profits" is questionable, since in the end the actual budget is either 0 at the end of the year or red but the people involved do get a slice of the pot anyhow
and anmesty they are always "these and those are not given their human rights" while being totally okay with other people being oppressed and lacking them
Forcing someone to do labour is human right violation
you can argue that imprisoning someone is that too, but when you break the rules you do get a punishment but european countries here have gone "welp we can atleast make the conditions as humanely as possible" well EU members that is
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
not to capitalists, no
I mean yeah, in my idealist world it is But that's not what TN means by that, I assume He's not red
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>248766 well the prisoners make like $0.13 an hour and they are allowed to say no to the work but then they're given nothing else to do and most will do the work to fill their time
>>248769 That is in the end just sugar coating it and thus it falls to the gray zone where it is hard to outright go "HEY" but you can't go "okay that is the right thing to do"
and of course when you allow it, it becomes misused as people get used to it both the guards and the prisoners
>>248771 But what's different for them and us other than the lack of other activities to spend our time with? They have more choice, they don't need to work to eat, they CAN actually just fuck around 24/7 and be taken care of
But you can't leave the capitalist world either You're stuck here
Just like the prisoners, you can't leave the system If they are worse off than you, it can only really be the lack of other activities or something to spend their wages on
Conscription too is gray level human right violation, but I understand its necessity in cases however, running private prisons or funding public prisons through minimal level wages is immoral and barely ethical at all You could give them a % of the profit their work produces and that would make it okay
or at the very least, if the system was so, that the work they put in during the prison would bring them merits to reintegrate into society, so they could get back on normal track afterwards instead of being stuck in "criminal record" hell
>>248778 Well more like a wage tied to the profit the prison produces would make it more just a profitable company or a state can afford to pay higher wages afterall so a prison could also and thus treat the prisoners who wish to participate in the wage+profit machine humanely and reward them for their participation "you be a good kid and obey the rules and run in the wheel, and we will give you better water and nuts"
What if you just gave them 100% of the value they produced, and ditched the profit entirely in favor of motivating the prisoners and getting them able to work outside?
>>248781 A more successful system is one that reintegrates all criminals back into society the less time spent imprisoned and the lower the re...criminalisation % is, the better. "professional criminal" shouldn't even be a thing
if saiyans had a similiar succession model as humans, he'd be king vegeta, though so I guess there is a rite or a ceremony before being able to call yourself king?
I'm not even fully convinced they... have much of a system They have a king, but like... is he a KING king, or just the guy who's calling the shots? Like can he have someone killed, or is he just the guy directing them?
Speaking of, earth in dbz is also a monarchy... though I guess a constitutional or something it isn't really ever delved into just that there is a king of the world and he is a dog
DBZ humans are remnants of a much more prosperious and advanced society that collapsed completely >>248812 goku's family is essentially the poor or "farmer with shotgun"
Have they advanced so far, their POOR look like KINGS to us? No, that can't be it Bulma's FILTHY RICH and she's not living much different from everyone else
Like there is that indian guy, but even they aren't poor per se just low on water
>>248814 Actually they didn't work becasue Ox King even after having his castle and treasures he had gathered through conquest were blown up, had enough riches to keep the funded untill buu saga
>>248818 I think poverty in dbz is mostly >rural in poor farming communities but more tied to just lack of arable land and lack of development through tradition or just no one giving a fuck think like the sami who still live in the wild or the russian siperian tribes
they aren't really poor, but they rarely need to use money for that matter
I bet General Red was just a gun manufacturer who at some poitn went "hey what if I just pay people to use these guns for my own stuff and take over the world?"
Also amusingly it is a onw world government, but with some minor states or unrecognised kingdoms like pilaf who also was a prince so I guess some regions were principalities ruled by the king and I guess Ox king also carved a kingdom for atleast some time for himself
I'd say the monarchy is a descendacy of a more direct brutal rule of the past that either when the collapse ended, a singular dictator took over or eventually the warring nations were united under one king and that ruleship eventually mellowed into the modern one
similiar to UK et al
the anachromastic tech reflects this too some things are waaay too like our 80s or 90s or "80s vision of future" those are what they developed themself after the collapse but stuff like capsule corp and androids are salvaged from the past-empire by geniuses
And why the human empire fell? I'd say Freeza race or Bojack if he is considered canon anyhow, my theory is that saiyans were a mutate of the humans, developed to fight the "power leveled" beigns found in the space and tuffles too were humans, who just adapted to the 10x gravity and shrank eventually they didn't collapse, but were isolated from the others
Maybe saiyans were engineered to combat freeza/some other threat that used power level, but were never "finished" in time or maybe it was beerus
She looks fine to me. A lot of people just like to freak out about stuff And some of it is virtue signalling
If he was truly worried about her, he should have contacted her privately and said that he's concerned and wanted to make sure she was alright instead of trying to publicly shame her for being skinny
No but we can actually do that We have the tech, dude We COULD have complete wifi coverage We could literally have drones flying around with drugs that you call down with a phone app
yeah, if you ever remember me talking about how track workers going on strike and about to shut down the city transportation, that's why. My dad was too high up in a position to not work though. The normal track workers go on strike but the supervisors had to run the trains and make sure everything was still functional. My dad hated it because it was so boring but all his other coworkers were like "hell yeah, easy paper"
>>>/watch?v=bqYi5TrxSzo Pay me, Pay me, Pay me my money. Pay me or go to Jail. Pay me my down¬
It's not strike breaking in this case since it's a different job or something. I mean, the only difference is that it's management. >>248889 I think it's different work. Or maybe it's similar stuff but just less. In any case, it's a normalized thing. The non-supervisors still do work but all the regular track workers are striking. And there's like a 10:1 ratio of that at the least. I don't know the specifics behind it other than that.
You're still strike breaking if you do the job which workers are striking
blue i am actually considering paying you to read it but what if i just read it with you
From what my dad says, it's really just riding the trains back and forth while doing nothing else, and I'm sure that's not the bulk of the actual work lol >>248890 Please don't bribe me to read Umineko
...I wonder if it's because Track Workers are unionized but the Supers aren't. >>248893 You're going to have to wait until I'm in a position of not having other fun things to do.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO HOLD I don't know whether it's good or bad that they don't have bgmusic I'm going to say bad because it's completely silent and I don't know what's going on otherwise.
I just don't want it to hit 5:00 and they're like lol, we out. Call tomorrow
You don't have a lot of bargaining power there, though Though don't worry, the bourgeois union is interested in keeping NEETs around as a percentage of the population, so NEETs are gonna be in livable conditions until that gets too expensive
Wait, nvm That's what that bald guy in One Punch did >>248906 What if we had powered suits?
>>248906 What would we consider to be livable? Also do homeless panhandlers count as NEETS?
>>248904 actors work fuckin hard dude like imagine 60 hours a week of scouting opportunities and doing auditions just for a chance to do some low-key work it's brutal it's like how i spend about 20 hours a week just finding and scheduling work and then might work 30 hours but worse
>>248919 Well, they CAN if they're not actually making a tangible product that gets sold at the end State workers absolutely CAN demand more than they 'deserve'
But nobody receiving a 100% private paycheck actually CAN demand more than they deserve Cause if you grant it, you just need to sell the damn thing for more now Like they can't go to 101% of the market value because that extra 1% isn't there. They can 'demand' it, but it isn't possible for them to get it So they won't.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i would also argue that cops are in fact workers but they are class traitors
There was a teacher at a nearby highschool who would drink while on the job After she was fired she sued the school with the union backing her and won a ton of money
>>248928 drinking on the job like getting sloshed at lunch or like baileys in their coffee? because it's pretty ridic to fire someone for a couple pick-me-ups throughout the day >>248930 like how drunk we talkin
>>248927 Well their only real function is protecting the assets of the state They don't produce anything, even in an intangible way like teachers do
I guess they produce a more stable capitalist society, but I dunno if the cause of a problem can be credited as a worker for also remedying it to a slight degree, when just no longer remaining in that position will solve the problem entirely
>>248931 being intoxicated on the job yes consuming on the job is, at most, something that goes through the disciplinary board and they see whether it's a problem and the // they usually won't fire for something like that. it's pretty understandable -- the baileys in your coffee type thing but it'll probably be a warning firing for it sounds like there's some back-channeling going on but you said she was getting drunk and yeah that's fire on the spot, not even need to go through the disciplinary board there
Like You need the cops to handle your crime But you only need the cops for that because there are cops If there weren't cops to stop YOU from dealing with it, YOU could deal with it
>>248938 i'm greatly in agreement with this self-regulation almost always works better whether it's crime or online communities or picking o sagat in SF2 Turbo at a japanese arcade the communities handle it themselves way better than the police do
i think it might be better if police worked as inter-community regulators and highway patrol i dunno
>>248948 The answer is the state, the cops. Private property is the means by which your surplus value is extracted. It is the cause of poverty. Poverty is the cause of most crime. Which we "have cops for" No, the cops existed and caused the crime, we merely decided to use them to control the fallout of their true purpose
Obviously there's still people who do fucked up shit But like the majority of crime wouldn't happen without the poverty >>248954 Cause it's also very profitable when you're at the level where you can just pay the state to look the other way
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if poverty is the cause of crime then why do the bourgeoisie commit so much crime checkmate atheists
>>248954 because they're poor in the Glory of God they're only rich in money
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>248953 doing a shit ton of cocaine and trafficking humans isn't that profitable tbh
rich people are always throwing their money away looking to get richer and a lot of them fuck it up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
dominos fucked up my order so i called and complained and they're like ok we're sending you the correct order you'll have to give the other order back wtf
>>248960 they probably see the address and think "oh it's that nigger who tried to order a thin-crust no sauce no cheese anchovie pizza one half hot sauce other half pizza that one time let's fuck with him"
Bourgeois fucking up their investments is like the only way money ever goes back into working hands for an extended period, so that's good taht they often fail
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>248961 you'd think but they said it before they even knew who the fuck i was
so now a driver is coming to give me the correct order which means that driver has to take time out of their work which nets them tips to correct a mistake by the company and is supposed to suffer on the company's behalf
and i end up paying the cost of that because i'm going to tip the driver for bringing my corrected order
>>248963 No, call dominos and tell them to re-appropriate the charge to the driver that's sending out the correct order
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
too bad life doesn't work like that
it does if you bitch hard enough what would your mom do
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
probably start sobbing loudly
my mom would do that too but except on the phone to dominos until she gets transferred to like regional she'll sit and bitch about one thing for four or five hours on the phone until it gets to a level where people do something it's crazy but it fucking works i dont know how she does it
and i guarantee she'd do it over some missing garlic bread on an order too lmao but usually it's over banks trying to fuck people over
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
all i want is my fuckin garlic bread tbh like fuck
>>248980 It's terrible because it allows the employer to exploit his workers even more than otherwise Though granted, some people make decent tips, it's a fucking terrible system Expecting the system to just magically work because people will voluntarily tip means 1. You're not acknowledging they too operate in capitalism and exist on a wage 2. You might as well just add it in the price and guarantee it
You should tip though unless you manage to change your culture to stop it and force companies to pay their fucking workers
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's weird
>>248984 i dunno maybe but it would've been surprising had the answer been anything else
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
man i want my fuckin dinner
>>248983 >can't change tip culture without shafting the people who live off tips what a tragic cycle
Pizza bois are hard to unionize too cause they're so easy to replace This is why the bourgeois wants a certain amount of unemployment, and that unemployment has to be pretty fucking shitty, too. If you live alright without working, you won't work for piss poor pay in terrible conditions. You will if unemployment is absolutely fucking awful though
>>248986 the whole replacing your order thing is weird i did that at jack in the box once they gave me a 7-up or some shit when i asked for a water and they're like you have to give us back the meal and we'll redo it with water instead of 7-up
like, water is free you fuckin asses can't you just give me the water and it's fine i'll give you back the 7-up i don't want that nasty shit
i had to tell them fuck it and i'd just get water at home
>>248989 What are they gonna do with the old order, reuse it after the customer has potentially touched it and it's gone cold?
Man Dominos is so shit
>>248994 no they'd toss it this is how business compliance works it's so fucked up like half of my clients are secretaries of meetings where they talk about compliance issues and it's so fucking strange man
>>248995 >not just leaving the customer with the surplus food in order to generate further goodwill between customer and store I could run Dominos better
i had a girl at taco bell one time who i placed an order with for like 15 dollars or something and i pulled up she was cute as fuck too i handed her the money and she's like no, don't worry about it it's free and just handed it to me
i think she was trying to get fired because she hated it
help doctor i can't function well i need adderall i can't even work, i just spend my whole day harvesting bad advertisement strategies and creating siloed identities on the internet from which i launch passive-aggressive attacks at corporations i don't like can you give me something to make me motivated
Low prices like these can't be eclipsed
>>249008 Just go into their office, make a bad pun, and firmly shake the ceos paw You'll get a marketing job on the spot
i get so paranoid about answering calls from numbers that i don't recognize that i miss out on call-backs from best buy for all the fake resumes i sent out how am i supposed to enjoy my hobbies this way
kirara you might have to coach me with a practice session so i don't fuck up my appointment and accidentally get involuntarily admitted or refused medication or something
Kirara how do I get access to psych meds and the blackmarkets with which I can sell them?
we can try but i dunno how well i can play a psychiatrist
she's only got like 49 years of experience as a psychiatrist treating depression, bipolar things, and substance abuse she's probably not very good at reading into people's lies yet
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh my one period of psychopharmacology is probably enough then
i'm thinkin i'll tell her as much truth as possible but honestly it's a 30 minute session i kind of have to pick and choose my points you know how i am i would spend two hours making a solid case for a single point if i could
>>249023 Wow she was doing it as a baby? What a prodigy.
she's actually not even 70 she got through medschool real young she's super cool i like her a lot she's got NO TOLERANCE for bullshit though she calls me out on bullshit before i even finish my sentence and i'm a pretty good bullshitter
i'm thinking the best route is that // telling her that i had to move to tennessee abruptly because my mom was becoming dangerous to be around and i couldn't function that i had difficulties trying to plan new treatment out there and that i had to move back here and wanted to resume treatment and that i made really good efforts in trying to handle my compulsions and AD/HD stuff on my own and made some great strides forward, and that i realized that it's a tool i still need at my disposal because i'm not quite able to handle it on my own yet (citing my efforts at making a business but struggling to stay on top of mundane tasks like my current workflow and having to downscale my workload after the presriptions ran out) and i'm willing to take lower dosages or switch to something safer like vyvanse in order to keep building my productivity skillset without too much reliance on medications
i feel like this is mostly true. does this sound pretty reasonable? last time i met with her i mentioned my drinking excessively and she wanted to see me again the following month for a follow-up and i skipped it because i was in tennessee by then i'm really, really certain she thinks i just ditched because i couldn't get off the booze but i think she also thought i was lying about how much i drank and i was being honest she treats a lot of addiction patients so i don't think she believes me when i say i'd only have 6-8 bears a night
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>249027 i think that all sounds pretty reasonable not sure what you can do about her not believing you about your bear consumption rate
either that or she thinks i'm a hypochondriac because i'm not anything as bad as her other patients who are actually there for addiction issues i mentioned that i had hallucinations and worried it could have been DTs and she got real snarky at me like i didn't know what i was talking about and at that time, i didn't i had read about DTs but i didn't realize the level of consumption a person is at that goes through that so she either thought i'm being overconfident and don't know what i'm talking about (true) or that i was lying about having "a few beers" i'm inclined towards the former personally
i'm just a paranoid asshole who thinks i'm more at danger than i am that's why i'm prescribed anxiety meds in the meantime or was
i'm kind of torn about whether i want a damphs prescription or a lorazepam prescription both could be great but i don't think i was a good person when i was living like that i want to be productive and successful and compassionate and all the things that the clear head gives me but i don't want to be living in constant anxiety either
sometimes i can't even leave the house without anxiety meds like even step out on the porch i just get so scared ahhhhh now i'm bleeding all over moe like a pathetic shit fuckin kill me i think it's time
>>249036 what about me setting up roadspikes four miles up the road and then calling an incident in to the police just past that and they all shred their tires to shit
>>249038 Just put "hypothetically" before that sentence and you'll be all good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>249038 i would recommend you continue doing that but not tell her about it
>>249042 lol you would lose your shit if you saw what i got
>>249034 i'm thinking i'll describe the earnestness of my actions and how it's played a part in helping me resume good function but that i can't do it if i don't outlet compulsion somewhere, which is a problem i didn't have with medication i need to make sure all my actions have clear and direct purpose, and that i'm not fiddling about out of habit and pacing/cleaning/etc without clear purpose for doing so and that i'm not tangling up my activities
but part of that includes being eternally frustrated in the presence of others i can't handle other people's thought processes being so fucking foreign to me and not making any sense i can't handle trying to cook dinner at someone's house who's got a joint in one hand and a beer in the other and trying to handle two dogs and one of them gets loose and now it's in the neighbors yard harassing them i can't handle people's bullshit and it makes me really irate i just prefer to be alone like all the time and don't trust anyone
i don't know if that's a good thing to mention or not in terms of getting prescribed medications, but i'm almost hoping i can just say it all and trust that she'll put a proper treatment regimen in place i might need fuckin lithium i sure could benefit from it
>>249044 Did you steal the road spikes from best buy?
>>249046 no, quite the opposite it was my gift to best buy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>249045 i think talking about about that second paragraph is fine first one too i think that's all fine except suggesting that you might need lithium
what's wrong with that suggestion is it strategically a bad thing to consider or do you think it doesn't fit me i was scared of it at one time, but my sister (the one who just got diagnosed with MS) just got put on lithium recently she's raving to me about how great it is for her and she was on xanax doses. other stuff too but i don't know what
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i just think it's bad strategically i think it's a conclusion she could reach on her own, but suggesting it might annoy her if she already thinks you're not being forthcoming about your drinking
Oh yeah When I was in the waiting room today, after I checked in for my appointment, I heard a woman in the waiting room whisper to another woman that I sounded like Kermit the Frog.
I walked into a room today and some of the girls were just absolutely trashing a guy I know. It seems like everyone who knows him is like that. And I saw a dog peeing on his car.
>>249050 okay thanks do you know anything about it i'm kind of scared of it but man if it stops me from feeling like this ever again i'll take it
>>249055 Have you considered that maybe he's a jerk or something?
>>249055 Do you think he deserved it? That's pretty rude
>>249061 A high priced jigsaw that takes itself very seriously.
>>249062 i think i have hypothyroidism already considering my whole family does i don't know what a switch like that would even do to me at this point >>249064 a jigsaw huh? how about a nutcracker
this was actually a market research practice i encountered a lot when they were talking to doctors about treatment paradigms they tried to be "creative" and try to get the doctors to describe a treatment paradigm as a tool, like a sledgehammer, scalpel, hacksaw, et cetera
it was really fuckin dumb and i hated it in terms of research but it was a fun question
>>249066 is this a guy who builds something? a nutcracker is a tool for opening nuts obviously but maybe he's not that good at solving tough situations huh
No, I'm just thinking about the designation of a nutcracker as a tool. I would call it a tool in only the broadest sense. If a carpenter walked in with a nutcracker on his toolbelt, you'd look at him like he was crazy.
>>249070 Yes, and that's why I mentioned I would only consider a nutcracker a tool in the broadest sense. A keyboard is also a tool in that sense, as is a table or a car or your fingernail when you are picking food out of your teeth. An overly broad definition is pointless, though.
>>249090 i think it could be good for you i just said you might want to avoid asking because psychiatrists can get uptight about people telling them what they think might be good for them
>>249087 hmmmm >>249092 i dont know if it would or not my sister isn't much better than my mom i don't know if i am either though so in one respect i want to tell them to fuck off and i'ma live my life but maybe i'm denying the truth and i've just got pre-MS
>>249089 I don't really think height has anything to do with it. Like I said, it's about your appearance. My height is in the normal range. Girls stop getting very much taller at like 13 anyway.
>>249094 My friend's 31 year old girlfriend looks like a middle schooler from behind if she's wearing a backpack. She wouldn't look like a midfle schooler if she weren't 4'8"
>>249098 Which is exactly what I am talking about. You have to take good care of yourself so your face, skin, and hair doesn't give your true age away.
Hollywood gave up on that. They just stalk themselves for movie ideas. Why think up new things when you can rehash things from decades ago (and do it worse) and people still line up to see it.
hollywood's got about eight years before it dies i reckon people crave interactivity too much now
the last of us was a really good experience i'm still a little fucked up by it
>>249119 >people still line up to see it Actually Hollywood revnue has been nose diving this year I think it might finally die out That or it'll just start concentrating even more around even better established franchises
>>249126 Everything has to follow the same formula now. Everything needs to appeal to brainwashed liberals that don't have a sense of humor because they fail to realize that is only about 20% of the population.
>>249129 my uncle keeps going on about israel and the end of the world and how these "liberal pukes" are gonna get what's comin to them you should meet him you guys would have a blast
>>249132 I don't think it's because people will complain. The people who make decisions like this are the ones that trained the people to complain about this stuff.
It's because the country - both media and government - is run by liberals or neoliberals that legitimately think that shows should be like that.
>>249132 I think if you're trying to appeal to every culture and country for maximum profit you gotta water some things down a bit. There are certain things you can't stick in your movie if you want to even be able to show it in certain places. Foreign money is big these days.
>>249135 I don't know if my assessment is particularly negative. It's just that the government and media are run by people that are out of touch. Only about 20-30% of people conform to those neoliberal beliefs. People either legitimately care about "liberal causes" and thus despise the liberals, or they don't care about those causes at all, and thus despise liberals.
Entertainment has become so liberal and people are tired of excessive and forced liberalism, so it's dying out.
i live in a constant state of fear and misery do you miss me anymore? i dont even notice when it hurts anymore, anymore, anymore
>>249135 But this time we can make it even more popular Like the new ghostbusters couldn't even play in China because the government banned ghosts
>>249139 I guess. I can't imagine being able to look at the current state of things and being able to consider the possibility that it might not be bad, though.
>>249139 Yeah but Japan is way more close to us culturally than China
>>249140 I actually don't know a lot about western entertainment right now. I don't watch a lot of movies, partially because they are bad and partially because they are such a timesink.
>>249142 you should watch better call saul it's about the pinnacle of western entertainment it's like breaking bad but less normie-centric
>>249142 This is why I like movies. Because I can just go in and get a complete story in an hour or two instead of watching a story dragged out over 7 seasons until the producers decide to cancel the show because ratings dipped
>>249145 by a fuckin mile dude BB had to cater so much BCS is what vince gilligan imagined and had freedom to work on >>249147 I don't think you need to watch BB to enjoy BCS probably better if you don't, actually it's really good if i could encourage you to watch it i definitely would
Generally, yeah. They follow the fads. Someone in my cohort offered to let me use their HBO account to watch Game of Throne which was very kind of them but I turned them down.
>>249149 they wouldn't be "normies" if they weren't that way
I finally got all my locks done for the kancolle event. I probably won't need them since I'm doing kuso mode but I will probably adhere to locks anyway. I think shiplocking is a fun mechanic.
>>249165 Yeah. They'd have to call you and you'd have to confirm. That's what happened at the Hoover Dam Lodge when everyone thought Jan was my husband.