>>249369 I think so. He had trouble with sleepwalking when he started posting here. Sleepwalking can manifest as really complex behaviors. There have been cases where people would do things like drive successfully in their sleep.
i sleep work all the time sometimes i wake up like two hours into it or so i assume, i have no idea how long i've been at it but 30 minutes into a file is about two hours
Twitter letting you know actions have been taken based on your report is cool A lot more fun being an informant when they come back like "yeah he's in twitter gulag now"
i dont know if it's time for wine or coffee 333 am i should probably nap before work
Yeah I have a purpose now, I think that helps I have something I want, and not just as a passing interest
ive become such an earnest person there's no surface to even feel anything anymore >>249403 i find myself asking that question sometimes in a variety of scenarios
I wonder if this is what it's like to be really religious
>>249402 You're working a lot lately Do you make enough to take a break sometimes?
there's no break out here this is rural area i live like a survivalist out here every action has to have a purpose or it's wasted energy it's several hours to town and easy to get flooded out so that you can't get to town, or snowed out at all times i have to be prepared for that to happen i have to take care of feral cats so that mice aren't a problem i have to lay tarps out so wood doesn't rot when it rains i have to drive to my mailbox every day >>2494064 >>249406 i'm not even bothered by it it's just what i mean about being a very earnest person it's peaceful in a way but i dont feel anything
Vouchers also make it REALLY easy to manage things Gotta buy something from another country? It doesn't matter what your currency is worth relative to theirs, you don't have a currency anyway You just export excess goods, by taxing the vouchers of all workers to a certain degree to make sure the amount of vouchers in the system equal the products available, and then you export the excess generated by that You get currency in return You buy things with the currency, and distribute that into the market
It's fine if there's more products in the economy than there are vouchers, that's really not a problem because a lot of products perish over time anyway, so it'll even out
You can facilitate tourism in the same way, letting tourists buy vouchers taxed out of the system, and then using that money for stuff
Apparently today is my fifth birthday on Guild Wars 2 and they gave me this. Which is super nice because I needed a sword based on light and now I got one.
woop they took a $200 deposit on the hotel on top of the charge i shoulda checked their policy first they're allowed to hold onto it for 30 days after the end of our stay too oh well i guess that'll keep me from wasting it on booze in the meantime
>>249490 no way it'd be sick to film at the garden during a thunderstorm i hope it does that's way better than it being scorching hot like usual
haha we're not putting my camera in the rain
no, inside the climatron or one of the many gazebo areas the garden is huge
it would limit what we can shoot significantly though
>>249494 the third is gonna be clear as day and 85 so there's plenty of opportunity fourth will be overcast slightly oh is this not a new thread oops i didn't look now i regret looking
oops i forgot to omit the irrelevant part when copying my post over holy fuck i'm retarded
>>249499 we don't get to do anything on the fourth
what time is your flight out? sorry // i'm sure youre busy right now i'm just being anal about stuff >>249504 flight at 7? what time is sunrise hmm a sunrise drive could be nice 634 am that's a no-go dang
>>249517 They might have said something interesting and then I forgot it
>>249504 oh shit we could still go up to their rooftop or their upper floor lobbies and film the cityscape at night i guess at like real early on the fourth or not i just wanna squeeze in as much as possible
>>249519 I don't know much about your schedule, but I think a vr pov thing of stuff in the city museum would be really cool.
i ain't wastin time at the city museum it's too fuckin packed all the time we on a tight schedule and parking is a BIIITCH in that area
>>249530 gosh dang i'm gonna layer my envy by pretending it's resentment and that sf blows
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>249531 what mysql neue? i think so idk i'm not a big fan of mysql
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>249532 it's a mixed bag for me i have a lot of feelings about it
my offer states that i will be transfered to NYC within 18mo or so
>>249533 After Oracle bought MySQL the devs forked it to keep it free software, and now eight years later its pretty good and a lot of people use it instead if MySQL. Well, not that it wasn't good eight years ago
>>249534 i don't think i could ever go back but my heart kind of yearns to at the same time nyc would be great for you dude i'm thinking about bawston sometime
>>249535 yeah i remember that still i'd just use postgres
>>249538 I've never had to write anything that needed a database so I don't really know much about what makes any better than another. Err, aside from what Ive heard or read I know approximately how databases work
>>249541 I've almost exclusively done numerical programming and non-numeric mathematics programming, so I've never needed to use databases. Well, aside from one thing I wrote in Java, but I made that database.
One thing always bothered me why didn't they build the Statue of Liberty to have a real flame ontop of the torch?
it was built in france and then shipped here flames are really expensive to ship, especially by boat it was cheaper this way
much easier than running it all the way to greece
Huh, this is a good deal. Too bad the game is almost unplayable on non Windows XP systems. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/call-of-cthulhu-dark-corners-of-the-earth Also I'm sad that Bethesda has the rights to it.
>>249556 imagine all the immigrants who came by boat way back in the day from ireland and italy and shit they just stroll up on this new country with a giant flame burning i bet they'd tell each other rumors about how the immigrants who can't afford to get into the country get burned in the statue of liberty they're liberating us into flames
My family still has the original paperwork from Ellis Island for my first ancestor on my mother's side to come to the US.
The new KS Back2Back was a Zed chapter and it was really good.
neat I'll read it when I get on my pc
>High school student Atami Kusatsu on his way to a rural onsen, meets with a tragic accident along the way and dies, but he's reincarnated as an onsen in a fantasy universe. My dude, what the heck
>You can't have a private establishment out here for yourself so we'll charge you per month >He never took any fees >He can't physically move >Provides his service to people in her village >now he has to charge to survive Wow, how awful
More like didn't he become a waterspirit/tsukumogami or something if he became the onsen literally, he wouldn't have a consciousness what is even japanese take on reincarnation, they have a weird one if my memory serves.
>The isekai genre is evolving before our very eyes. Very soon we will have the pleasure of reading a series where truck-kun is transported to another world, and runs down his foes. Yo, this would be some shit
One day, I was about to accidentally start a Key anime when I was suddenly transported into a world that has no automobiles.
The truck is teleported into the demon king's castle and immediately kills him. From then on, they learn how to make trucks and use them solely as weapons.
not really just shotgunning oh yeah of course it isn't that I just remember some dungeon mobage that nearly everyone played for a month or so waaay back
well yeah I played it about that long, then Kancolle came, PAD overlapped with it, but most of us stopped PAD after a while. and Kancolle stuck for a long time. I don't know the timespan of F/GO or GBF because I haven't played it
pad lasted like a year and a half which is shorter than feh which has existed for 6 months
kancolle easily lasted two or three years if you count the time when i was the only player, more like 3 or 4 years
if you count when i played gbf, then it's been here since like August 2015
but i did just get off of muh job and kirara have you gotten to use the samsung gear cam yet that is what you got right i get paid on the first so i will want to pick one up i decided i will in case we want to split up and record different things
>>249671 yeah i was wondering if you had any footage yet that i could see it in action i guess i could just look up any of the million other people that have used it but i don't know what's undergone post processing and hasn't
Anyone else gonna try the madoka gacha?
yeah nevermind that really should have been my first thought i dunno what's wrong with my head
>>249673 i have footage but nothing i can send you
>>249761 Surprises are a bit of a rarity in my life when it comes to this aspect of it so I'm enjoying it a little. This might surprise you, but I'm something of a connoisseur of cute things.
>>249774 My sister asked my dad about it. Because we're all trying to get in and she's like "y'all don't just have dead bodies rolling in the locker rooms right?" Apparently, it was just that one time they did it but having to clean up is sometimes a thing. My dad was actually at that one the article mentions. He had to toss sand over the blood and everything.
He said someone dies on the tracks once every two weeks. Often homeless people who are living down there. That's pretty awful. >>249781 She can increase her level. I can teach her.
>>249785 The skills themselves aren't important, it's the way they're applied. You can burn someone with water if you need to. It'll be a whole new genre of sneaky which is the best way to be sneaky.
No, that retarded logic makes me mad it's so stupid. If one were to accept that argument, it would also mean that the sun is made of water. It's really stupid.
Yes. If a poptart is a sandwich and a wrap is a sandwich, then you must also conclude than an ice cream cone is a sandwhich. To think otherwise is logically inconsistent.
>>249821 nonono the cone is more like a burrito It's wrapped around the filling, whereas a sandwhich is more like a series of layers
sandwhich is two slices of bread with spread on both of them and atleast a slice of ham or cheese inbetween just lettuce or tomato or cucumber isn't a sandwhich that is just poor
we should make a sandwich book the book cover and back are just really, really stale, dry flatbread and the pages are inside it then send it off to publishing
>>249826 I know it's perfect >>249838 See, I was structure neutral, ingredient rebel. So burritos and wraps weren't sandwiches to me Because I definitely accept sub.
>>249843 stop repressing me you fucking purist reeee
I didn't realize when I woke up today that I would have to tell someone that the sun is not made of water, and that an ice cream cone is not a sandwich.
You did this
What if a water sun collided with a fire sun?
>>249872 Of course not the ice cream cone is a wrap
>>249880 The issue is not the meatballs. It is still not a sandwich. It is a sub. The issue is the bread. If it's one continuous piece of bread, it isn't a sandwich.
>>249886 serve it mickey mouse and the beanstalk style by cutting one piece of bread into six and ensure nobody ever comes to your sandwich party again
I'd like my bean sliced wafer thin please
>>249887 or one of them snaps and starts axing everyone
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>249881 rika you can have your sub in like two separate pieces of bread I think probably last I checked
>>249884 i don't butter bread but i butter toast sometimes
>>249899 I did, but it seems like you really need the full 100% for it to be anything impressive.
yeah, if you weren't in totality for it then it wouldn't be anything special I got lucky and barely had to drive anywhere to be in totality so I got to see a full eclipse for a little over two minutes it was really incredible, if any of you ever get the chance to see one I think you should take it even if you have to travel I've been replaying it in my head since monday
>none of my batteries were fully charged I guess I'm not getting to 20k
i think ive got a stomach flu or else a really bad ulcer is it normal to have some like back pain like behind the esophagus with a flu something's fucked up
Well, her ribs really are very prominent. Maybe she is in denial and is lashing out because of that.
>>249916 that's kamui she's pretty decently well know and she's responding to one of her fans who is skinny-shaming her after she just lost a lot of weight she was pretty popular when she was a little chub too but now people are skinny shaming her for becoming skinny
>>249918 >shitstorm are people on /cgl/ talking about it or something
probably not anymore it's just one of those images that really riles things up it gets the gulls fighting pretty quick
>>249920 who are the gull oh, that's the cgl nickname That's pretty cute cgulls heh noice fucking noice one
they're actually nice people i like them a lot
I looked at a few of their threads for a local con and it was like stepping into a weird alt 4chan They were all talking about drama with some people at the con and gossiping
>>249924 yeah that's just what's gonna happen when you involve real local people like that
the threads about actually making things is probably better
eh, yeah any con is drama central, especially the cosplay threads i don't follow the cosplay that much but i recognize some of the people and stuff i'm just there for the /egl/ >>249925 orbiters? this is a new term to me
>>249930 there sure as fuck aren't those on cgl haha well probably in the cosplay threads but i dont really go there
>>249930 yeah like this but with a little less of a veneer of justice
Orbiters are the white knights that are more comfortable acknowledging they're in it for some kind of personal gain. A friend of mine apparently has a bunch of them from her earlier time in 4chan. Some times tells some pretty good stories about it.
White knights are orbiters, but not all orbiters are white knights.
that's weird i never heard that term before i just like lookin at purdy clothes i guess between my sister and my friends in high school, the egl kind of crowd were the people i knew i guess i empathize with them well and understand or something, i dont know
>>249933 >good stories Go on >>249936 I know right He's never gonna smash that earth he should just go
One once got her neighbourhood location and moved from Texas to some State in the north to be closer to her. He tried to get her to go out with him for a good long while before finally getting shut down hard and moved back. Some time later he got into a different relationship there and sent messages and pictures back to her acting like "this is what you were missing out on bitch".
>>249938 >moving for a girl you aren't even in a relationship with why? That's pretty silly I wonder if I should feel bad for how lonely they must be but it really does seem like the sort of thing that's self inflicted >this is what you were missing out on bitch lmao what a fucking tool
>>249938 haha ive never had many issues but for some reason i did once one of the gulls was trying to get me to go to an anime convention in chicago and i just wasn't havin it like two years in a row i refused and they backtracked to my etsy and creeped around a lot and i think came to moe a few times but i'm not sure sent me a lot of really hateful mail for a while anonymously i figured out who it was finally and talked to her i kind of felt bad, really i hope she's doin better now maybe she, but i think it was a crossplayer/trap/in transition
>>249937 Earth is just using him now to keep his "life" thing going on man what an unhealthy relationship and earth is just addicted to the shit sun is selling him eventhough sun already has ruined mercury, venus and mars but earth is like "daijoobu, I am not like those kids"
>>249940 why did they want you to go to that convention so badly? >>249941 We really need to get an asteroid to slap some sense into Earth
>>249942 lonely. had some family issues and felt i was the only one who understood i suppose kind of over-reached and clung on to something in hopes that it would make things better i know how that goes though ive done that too just not that compulsive about it
boop i feel bad even mentioning it, like i'm making fun of them
>>249942 Did you hear that moon might be earth's kid from a one night stand he did ages ago?
>>249943 well it doesn't sound like they were malicious just lonely
>>249945 well they doxxed me on cgl and caused a bit of drama on /moe/, possibility out of spite but yeah other than that they were a good person >>249947 shit dude i woulda just given it out for free if someone had asked
i guess we should talk about somethin better like damn girl you look good in that sweater
i just ate a fuckload of chicken
>>249953 what sorta chicken I'm gonna make curry chicken rice for dinner tonight
im gonna have broccoli cheddar soup for my belly to hopefully settle down what a strange combination, broccoli cheddar like, is there also cauliflower mozzerella soup
Tempest is making me deal with some really messed up units these last few runs.
ive said before i know i sound like a loon but i think they're secretly not using RNG but they're reading your team comps and making some adjustments some of the shit i see is so arbitrary and fucked up and so specifically impossible for my particular units to beat
I lost that one because of how fucked up the units it made me fight against were. annoying too I just needed to complete one more so I could get the last orb reward that's really worth going for.
i lost one because there was a wings of mercy roderick like okay, yeah, sure why not and you know what, anna would fuckin cleave him in twain with vantage but no because firesweep lance and he had exactly five speed whoa what just happened to that post
>>250023 this was a fun match bride cordelia is really good as a support/utility and fits really well into this comp i hadn't been using katarina but she's really good too i dont even have c slot support skills yet but some hone defense and stuff would really make robin unkillable i havent chosen a b slot yet for her i'm legitimately thinking of getting obstruct lol
at 31/22 she still needs quite a bit of help I guess. What I need is units that can take hits from mages.
47 hp though at 29 speed the only mages doubling her are going to be blue tharja can probably one hit but tharja a wimp i'm probably going to swap gronnwolf for gronnraven so that her advantage populace widens from cav + blue to colorless + blue if i get gronnowl on her with nowi then she rests at a cozy 45 def in battle under ideal conditions
something that can take hits from mages -- olwen and kagerou are huge magekillers same for julia and athena
wait i think my athena is +res nevermind
katarina's got super high res but hits a little weak without the owl tome bonus that new green mage from tempest trials seems nasty too but i haven't seen what she's like outside of the superbuffed final round
Wow Julia has so much res. maybe i will wait for her to be on a banner and get her
i pulled an innes but i haven't even looked at him yet >>250042 do you have a felicia? she's worth 5*ing as a utility unit i think there's also a few staff users that can solo kill a full mage team just because they've got ridiculous res and then the staves all have super high utility functions it seems a little roundabout to use practically though
you've got a sheena right? she's pretty high rest iirc
Actually I looked and my Faye is +res. She's -atk which is kind of a bummer but she has 34 res. I can turn her into a pretty good mage killer.
she comes with firesweep, right? that's kind of a clunky combo i think you could take a brave bow or someone with less res and give them warding blow warding blow is a really good skill that comes standard on kagerou and olwen i've put better skills onto them but something i just go back to warding blow because it takes me not having it on sometimes in order to see how good it is
Yeah, she uses firesweep. I may need to get her another bow for the job.
you could also make just a +5 four-star Jagen that's like 37 res right there on a neutral IV i've probably got a dozen jagens i might do that right now
>>250056 I will do that if I get a 4 star hinata before I get enough feathers to do what I want. You can't just make Hinata show up.
>>250061 No, I've had like a single Hinata in the history of forever.
>>250055 hello bang we are watching gamers like now so don't go play memegames
you don't have a three star hinata? yeah i understand, i had none for a while but now i've got three they're all 3* though but 2k feathers is cheaper than 20k
Is this the part where I get bitchy because you made a request and then immediately made it impossible to comply with that request and then act like I'm being bitchy when I'm reasonably put out about the fact that you did that?
i literally told you guys not to wait it's okay i'm sorry it turned out this way
i forgot that thursday nights are truck night i will actually probably never be able to watch gamers with you guys
is it actually thursday holy shit what a wasted week being SICK
i think i probably drank a shit ton of wine on an empty stomach the other day and gave myself an ulcer guess i'll give it a break for a while or maybe forever
oh well it was a fun run while it lasted i knew i'd have to grow up and take myself seriously at some point >>250122 vinegary things maybe, my sister gets those a lot i had a real bad stress ulcer in my stomach that one time i had to go to the hospita because i was worried about coughing blood but it wasn't very severe i think i probably need to start taking better care of myself though
i'm wasting a ton of money on alcohol that i don't need to, too like probably 200 bucks just this month
>>250119 I only get ulcers from stress and biting myself. usually biting myself chewing is hard
Looks like I'm either sleeping on my knees or staying up all night
>>250134 i bite myself a lot too sometimes though i'll snack on like kim chi and pickled vinegary asian foods constantly all month long and then i'm like yeah this isn't good for my mouf >>250135 what do you mean >>250137 i suggest avoiding flouride toothpaste i use fennel tooth paste and baking soda i don't know why but flouride always made me gag, still does i think there's some allergy or something but either way it just feels better on the mouth than flouride toothpaste
I get a lot of canker sores in my mouth. What's really annoying is that brushing my teeth has a tendency to form one some times. Which makes consistent teeth-brushing kind of painful and some times bloody. Not exactly good encouragement.
But according to my mother it's just something that runs in her family. Such is life.
>>250136 Literally sleeping on my knees halfway on my bed. no wait, that's a bad image knees on the ground upper body laid out on bed there, better. knees halfway on the bed sounds weird
that just sounds like you're getting it doggy style now
what's wrong with your bed?
It will make me sleep for 8+ hours and I need to be up at 5
This is the level of trust I have >>250143 do you have my number even if you don't, I should be fine. This is like guaranteed success Done it all the time in college when I had 5am classes
do you want me to call you and wake you up or something at that time i need to be up in four hours myself
>>250142 sometimes service out here is spotty because i'm in such a distant area that would be bad if i couldn't get through or something so yeah probably a no go
>>250142 You've been out of college for what, five or six or seven years now though.
Yeah but I've done it even more recently. Like that time I was doing a writing thing and I wanted to sleep a few hours I'm not comfortable enough to sleep for too long and I end up waking up.
If it's really a problem set the alarm clock up in a place where you have to get out of bed to deactivate it.
I've done that and ignored it while half-asleep I've told my roommate that I was awake and ready to go while half-asleep. and never remembered the conversation but he swears I was very responsive. I have found my method. It costs me zero dollars and requires no extensive testing. It will not get any better than this.
>>250151 i was thinking more like watersports porn i bet having a bladder that can hold an entire gallon is a good job skill to put on your resume
I can even sleep straight through alarms set right next to my head.
A couple weeks back my mother came into my room shortly before I should have been waking up and was very sure she had held a conversation with me concerning a job fair. I had absolutely no recollection of the conversation after waking up.
My alarm clock lights up before the buzzer gets off. The light is often enough to wake me up. I like it a lot since I get to often skip the buzzer phase.
how nice
that would be the kind of thing I turn off and then never hear and go back to sleep
Yeah, the problem here isn't having a sufficiently annoying alarm clock. It's having the awareness after coming out of
outside of that, I wake up before my alarm clocks anyway They just don't really do things for me and when I need them, I disregard them anyway, I have to pick out BUSINESS CASUAL clothes and then get into prayer position and sleep that way
Oh well I guess I don't get Internet anymore.
>getting internet
It's nice since I don't really like having to type- Oh I can see me typing on my monitor now I guess it's back.
>>250158 i have a song that plays for my alarm but it's really slow on the opening not really even audible just the single vibrate when it's about to go off wakes me up and then i listen to the song because it gets me hype for the day
i used to do this from my PC using rainlendar back in the day when that was still the cool tool to use and i'd play irony TV version from oreimo but now i do D4 theme from D4 irony was really nice to wake up to, it made me excited about the day
I haven't needed waking habits since 2014
I haven't ever had good self-discipline. It makes a lot of things, including waking, kind of difficult.
>>250167 I have a friend that had some denpa song play as his alarm, under the reasoning that he would be extra motivated to turn off that alarm as fast as possible, since it was too embarrassing to let anyone know he liked that sort of music.
i have yamero as my notification sound i'm trying to find a better yamero to use though
>>250168 blue i got it set the fire emblem heroes main menu intro as your alarm
waking up isn't the hard part it's getting out of bed
>>250173 It's all hard to me. If I don't have an alarm, or don't have one loud enough to hear, I sleep to unpredictable times. Even if I wake up to my alarm odds are I just relax back into bed and doze off again.
It's bad enough that my phone has actually ran its battery out playing my alarm non-stop for hours on end.
>>250175 wow, you are a deep sleeper We need an alarm that gives you an electric shock or something
>>250178 i'll even fucking check, and hit the volume down thing and it's like OKAY SYSTEM VOLUME IS LOW and then i'll launch it up and it's like OH WELL THIS AINT SYSTEM SOUND THIS IS MUSIC AND VIDEO GAME SOUND YOU CAN ONLY TURN IT DOWN WHEN YOU IN MUSIC AND VIDEOS thanx anne droid
It's never Alphonse when the volume is high Always Anna
at least it's not charlotte holy fuck
>>250180 I'm only a deep sleeper when I'm sleeping deeply! Outside of deep sleep I get jolted out of it pretty easily.
Oh Amazon is making Whole Foods less expensive to buy from. How kind of them. ...Especially since they intend to give addtional discounts to Prime members.
whole foods generally isn't expensive to buy from in the first place specifically because of some unsavory business practices they're kind of widely detested for treating the produce providers like garbage hoping amazon will change that a bit
I just did about 1600 chess grandmaster endgame board state (1 to 3 moves away from check mate) practice games Average time of about 15 seconds per move
And why are you bragging about it here.
>>250196 I was going to segue into how it was actually really boring after the first 400, but I'm sick of 2048 so I needed something to do
>>250196 i can shave my own balls with a box cutter no need for shaving cream even just warm water
shit, sorry moe i thought i was on cgl again
Anyways this is now my new "I do x when I'm depressed. But you always do x!" Thing Previously it was 2048, and before that it was 100% OJ
2048 is ass i dont even like it as a concept after a certain point, it's just trivial play fun run on your phone dude that shit's addicting and incredibly satisfying
>>250214 Most of the time I apent playing it was while I was really depressed and needed something to do (in order to avoid thinking about stuff) Well actually it might not be at 300, but its at least 120 I need to check
>>250215 it's pretty good as a low effort game for when you're too tired to think about anything But dice is still engaging enough >tfw no Kaiji 100% OJ arc
Early morning traveling! I have an 11 hour shift today