a /// idk anymore http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/entertainthis/2017/02/09/jimmy-kimmel-harambe-cheeto/97683086/ Jimmy Kimmel 'meets,' assaults the guy who paid almost $100K for Harambe Cheeto
>>24423 That chart has some wrong information on it. Haibane Renmei, Onegai Teacher, Azumanga Daioh and School Rumble all came out last decade. wait, nevermind, I'm veing retarded and mixing up "the last decade" with "the 2000s" rather than the last ten years.
This one is good too. http://www.theonion.com/blogpost/you-people-made-me-give-my-peanut-farm-i-got-be-pr-55143
https://www.academia.org/theres-a-leftist-fight-club-at-university-of-central-florida/ hey, wasn't it #1 don't talk about fight club #2 don't talk about fight club
also seriously, what is LATINXS
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>24430 latino is male and latina is female, so its probably meant to be inclusive towards people who are fucking retarded I mean self identify as south american and also as an attack helicopter
A light novel I've been waiting for the translation of got picked up by a scanlation group. But it took them ten months to translate the first chapter. better than nothing I guess
One of the things my mother has suggest for me is vitamin D supplements too. I get really bad winter depression so she figures it may be a vitamin D deficiency. Maybe it's something I should get a professional look into, but eh. It's not like I steer clear of depression in the other seasons so that's not the whole picture.
I did for a while, but not anymore I was on them for like a month or two, and since they did nothing at all, I stopped
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>24452 Did your doctor not suggest trying different anti depressants?
it was as an alternative to ritalin not for depression
but they were antidepressants
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Well since you are depressed, maybe you should look into getting some treatment for it. I can't guarantee it 100%, but there is a good chance that it will help you not feel like shit. >>24457 good
yeah they think that, but the milk thing is just trolling from the people laughing at anti-fa
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>24461 My guess is that maybe 60% of them, at most know that it is a joke. And the rest actually believe it. By them I mean the people doing the milk thing.
You guys know what the term "sleep schedule" means, right? I was trying to explain to some normies why I can't go out, despite not having class or work tomorrow, and I got made fun of for "making shit up"
This was last night at 10pm btw, so there was no sort of "go out for a little bit and then get back early" option because I usually fall asleep at 8
I think most people understand what a sleep schedule is, but if you try to sell them on it meaning you go to bed at 20:00 when you're young, they're going to think you're nuts.
>>24472 Most youngsters think "okay you have a sleep schedule but it is THE WEEKEEND PARTEEEH"
I mean I'm not going to knock them for that either. It's so much easier to keep going like the Energizer bunny when you're young; you should really make the most of that before age catches up to you and you start getting tired a lot.
Well anyone who doesn't just accept "meh tired" or something like that as an excuse for not going out to have fun,w hen it already is late as fuck. Is an idiot
and selfish
The snow's still falling. It kind of slowed down a bit a couple hours back but it picked up again. I swear it's been going for near ten hours now. Why this.
>>24492 i do like 400 or 500 google searches a day during work, finding out names of cities or brand names of products that i'm not familiar with google has so much misinformation on me i get ads on youtube videos for suboxone film strips and random ads for watches that are worth more than any house i've ever lived in
>i get ads that must be weird living in the adsphere
i leave all ads on, because i like ads sure they're annoying, but i've always been into design and market research i like seeing how they present the ads, there's a lot to read into the ads about how they're marketing and who they're marketing to it's fun for me
I turned off ads back in the day because they were always 100% cacner and virus and going back into adsphere would just be weird
I was fine with ads for the longest time, but I ended up caving in to an adblocker a while back. But I can't remember why anymore. Maybe I just wanted to get rid of the obnoxious ones you see on some sites. And was just too lazy to disable it for sites I'd be fine with, like YouTube.
you learn a lot about the companies and how they're doing by their ads, too if i had money to be an investor, i would
>>24498 I always opt out of ads for two reasons: 1) ads that will install scripts and malware without asking you 2) annoying ads that make you wait when watching videos and stuff
>>24505 I have many, because I am lazy and never clean my equipment box. The girls this event are not very exciting, so once I look at the rewards for E-3 I will make a decision regarding what difficulty I want to clear each of the maps on. This is an event that I will not go all out on, I will continue to stockpile for the big one coming up that will have the American carrier they've been talking about.
Oh, it looks like I only have four. Either way, I'm not too worried about it. The drops along the way will have tons of them, it's a really common piece of equipment.
My mind isn't broken, I just don't pay attention to unimportant stuff. It's not really a big deal to make them. I also think there's a pretty big chance I'll be doing E-3 on easy mode. The hard mode reward appears to be a scout plane that isn't that impressive.
<Upon selecting a difficulty level, a new crafting quest will become available. This crafting quest will involves having a certain number of Development Material and a required aircraft in the player's inventory, and then scrapping a Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane, which will consume both the aircraft and the development materials to create a Saiun (Disassembled for Transport) item. The exact requirements of the quest differ depending on the chosen difficulty level.
oops messed up my meme arrow. It looks like you use a recon seaplane to actually make the thing though.
what saiun are super common i had to scrap them all the fucking time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Did you not read what I said silly? "and a required aircraft in the player's inventory, and then scrapping a Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane" "and a required aircraft in the player's inventory, "
My biggest concern with this event anyway is just completing it on the cheap. I will continue to stockpile for the next big one I feel like going all out for.
If you mindlessly craft planes a bit, you'll have all the saiuns you need. Just take a fleet that is sure to A rank on the boss node there. I assume you won't be doing it on hard mode, so A rank should be easy. The ship locking is not really bad at all this event, you should be able to take your A team for E-3.
I'll probably craft for Ro.43 and get a lot of saiuns in the process. I need to confirm that I can spawn a lot of Saiuns while crafting for Ro.43, but I bet I can. Ro.43 is a good useful plane, and I need a couple to convert because I want a few more Ro.44 for events.
>there is something alive in the cargo hold >the manifest says there ain't no animals >hears a noice >opens the cargo hold Come on that is not what people would do in a fucking airplane..
Is Bishop actually a family name? Oh well King is too so
Duke's also a family name. I mean, hell, Noble is a family name. All those fancy titles are just names to the common man now.
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/02/12/national/killjoys-want-public-displays-affection-stopped-claim-hurts-feelings/ > >“People like us who don’t seek value in love are being oppressed by society,” he added. “It’s a conspiracy by people who think unattractive guys are inferior, or losers — like cuddling in public, it makes us feel bad. It’s unforgivable.”
>it's a conspiracy You know, if you want an issue you see in the world fixed, THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO PHRASE IT.
>>24567 I'm going to try waking up 30 minutes early to run some weekdays. It's going to cut into my already short naps a bit but I'm having trouble finding the discipline to exercise recently.
>>24561 The band, sure. They are a pretty good band >>24568 Pretty much, it isn't really worth being news when it is like 10 people protesting, I have a hard time wondering why the JP times is reporting on it.
i watched a video where the streamer didn't know what TLC was game was like "puppy wants some TLC" streamer is like "wtf is a TLC? i don't have that in my inventory"
It is an actual meme on the JP sites. I know it is a real thing.
>>24603 I haven't seen the Let them come if they dare in the other paradox games. I haven't played HoI2 just HoI3 for that series. I mostly play Vic2, HoI3, CK2 and EU4.
but vic2 is pretty much pussy mode when you play with a minor nation the great powers are constantly in fluctuation and competetion and you need to balance the world economy, influence, diplomacy etc to stay relevant
and tackle to colonialism race and then the crisises and then big nations have more commies, anarchists, general rebels etc
doomed empires like ottoman, austria and russia those are the fun ones to form into superpowers
I have played some Sengoku but it is a little tricky, I want to play as Oda. >>24620 Hanseatic league? I've messed around with the HRE a whole bunch in EU4, it is kind of boring to play there anymore. you can easily build up power quickly.
No, I'm just trying to learn about the "underground" ICE-evasion network that is supposedly growing. Apparently there's a large growing network of people tracking ICE movement and posting warnings about their locations so that undocumented immigrants can hide/be hidden. I don't need to use it or anything, I just like to have access to information if it's out there.
Arigatomato I only know one person that might be involved IRL, I'll have to ask them tomorrow.
All I really know is that people are saying it's out there and have been spreading warnings from it, and that encrypted apps like Signal are being used for it. But I don't think Signal allows for group chats or mass messaging, so I'm curious as to how information is being spread effectively.
Okay so I'm at this pizza joint and me and my friends sor somehow* get into a conversation with this teenage boy working there and he pulls out his phone and shows us this video of him breakdancing And I don't know what to say so I'm just like "you wanna battle?" And I pull out a fucking windmill which I learned how to do years ago in the middle of the restaurant And then he's all excited because some friendly stranger just gave him a chance to show off this skill he's been passionately training for a year now, and he does this whole b-boy set while I hype him on And we shake hands and talk some more and he says "you just made my whole day"
What a net gain for everyone involved I'm just a GREAT person
This is New York City. We eat because of them. We have communities because of them. >>24649 It would be good to find a large one. That said, things like this are often better contained in small units.
>>24646 There's a "huge" network running somewhere too I guess lots of small ones too If I find anything about the encrypted network, I'll let you know though Supposedly it's pretty serious but that's all I can find
Yeah, but if it turns into a real railroad, a big network that's contained is going to be way better. It's probably best if the undocs start trying to get out of cities, though. ICE is grabbing everyone regardless of criminal background or employment or anything. Everyone that can't prove they're a citizen is getting detained.
People are tipping off ICE and getting them to raid citizen homes, too. No warrents.
I wonder if we can send ICE to twitch streamers apartments Then we can say "YO THAT GUY JUST GOT ICED"
>>24685 When does Trump say anything positive about other companies?
Every now and then
>>24685 >When he does, it uses sentiment analysis to determine whether his opinions are positive or negative toward those companies. The bot then automatically executes trades on the relevant stocks according to the expected market reaction.
The claim: “Chris Cuomo, in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never asked him about his long-term lie about his brave “service” in Vietnam. FAKE NEWS!”
In fact: Cuomo, a CNN host, began the interview by asking Blumenthal about this very subject. His first question: “What is your response to the president of the United States saying you should not be believed because you misrepresented your military record in the past?” While Cuomo may not have pressed Blumenthal as hard as Trump would have liked, he certainly did not ignore the matter.
I swear to god, I don't think think Trump is even 4D chessing He's legitimately a very unintelligent person
it's days like today where i can't put worries aside and pretend that everything's okay all the weight of all the trauma comes crashing in like a punch to the chest exactly like that, it makes me so anxious my chest feels tight and it's hard to breathe i want to cry but i can't i want support but i don't know how to ask for it i want friends but i dont have any >>24744 wow that was fucking rude
sk phon
I guess you're not doing OK today? That sounds dumb, actually, you're clearly not
>>24743 You should try to take deep breaths >>24747 okay, i'll make sure to do that next time you ask for help, although I maybe could have worded that better >>24748 rather than platitudes i'm trying to offer advice that has worked for me when I have panic attacks or freak out I don't really talk about it much but I historically have had a lot of anxiety issues so I do have some experience dealing them although i did actually worry a bit about sounding like an ass by saying "try taking deep breathes", but it is something that has worked for me sometimes
>>24745 oh you mean what you said sounded dumb i thought you meant whay // what i said sounded dumb my bad >>24746 You don't know me rei, you really should avoid commenting altogether
>>24746 no offense by that but i'm a special kind of creature that it's taken moe years to get a glimpse of understanding and without understanding, it's just platitudes i expect more of you than simple platitudes, and i feel like you're just doing what you feel is appropriate, offering some consolation and it's appreciated, but not useful because of reasons don't take that as a jab at what your intentions were
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also this isn't related to the current topic some /moe/s may find this interesting if they like physics and or computerscience/programming https://a.uguu.se/yNQVkhXgPl0y.pdf
>>24776 Tuesday would be Monday and they'd make us work on Saturday.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>24776 >would our entire society be different if god had rested on Sunday AND Monday? He rested on Saturday though. Did you never read the first part of the old testament? //first page
>>24778 >>24779 I just mean the cultural idea of resting on two days a week being a major part of the world's dominant religion (in terms of power held throughout the most important eras)
>>24778 I am too tired to deal with your realism Rika. Don't crush my dreams of no more mondays
actually given the particular concern im having and the remarks you've made over my dad, i don't really want anything from you
your dad! ?
are you having one of those things again i don't think i've ever acknowledged the idea that you have had a father before it's not a topic that has ever come up so i'm quite confused
don't be an ass
my dad died on this day several years ago ive been very outspoken about it it was a heart attack and very sudden
well sorry i didn't mark my calendar i don't know dude i don't cope well with sadness either i would like to help but i'll just do more harm
yeah you would
you're kinda making me want to though
you always have
that's not true at all
Actually yes it is
no it really isn't but you can fuck off now with your bullshit
You've never done anything to help, and you've always done things to agitate because you wanted your own suffering to be more important than that of others you've literally outright disgraced my father's passing when it happened, as well as taffers and you pretend like it's never been an issue
what are you even trying to accomplish here?
the disdain of others? i thought you were seeking help? you should seek actual help
if i've done that, then i don't remember it probably because i didn't care enough to
>>24841 I'm trying to make you realize what a dick you've been over the years I've been generous in forgiving you for your misgivings and i'm happy that i have don't fuck it up by being the bang you hate
nigga i'm cool with me right now but i'm not cool with you, you're throwing some serious shade and i haven't done shit
>>24845 I'm not saying anything other than the truth If you're having difficulty coping with your own actions then that's not my fucking problem
Your engagement in this discussion was >are you having one of those things again You don't give a shit There's no point in you engaging this discussion other than you wanting to feel self-important and involved why are you doing it? You're not helping me You're not helping anyone with the process You're just being the bang we all (including you) dislike stop doing that
God forbid I have a nervous breakdown and seek out to moe for help without having some spoiled piece of shit tell me how awful he has it in comparison and dismiss any of my woes by thinking it's just "one of those things" because i'm a crazy motherfucker Fuck off you shithead
And yeah, you're a spoiled piece of shit. I know you're poor and all, but youve been given way more opportunities than i have and have done less with them than I have, and you still whine about them all the fucking time
Not like you'd have any cognizance of what it means to lose a father you were close to anyway
>>24828 >>24832 Oh, it's about that? Well, my dad died a few years ago so I know how you feel. It's hard to really give substantial help there though, it's the kind of thing where you have good days and you have bad days.
It's the kind of thing where you have friends that support you when you're distressed and other people who just disappear when you need them and don't really concern themselves with it
>>24854 Well, I can be supportive and that I know how you feel, but I feel like there's not a lot I can say to really make it better. On days that I miss him, I just go to his grave and cry a bit.
and the pettiness over shit like that gets weighed as more important than a sincere, legitimate person who needed help and ended up killing themselves because they felt hopeless
If you want to know how or why i know that, it's because I've known that person long before they showed up on moe as a friend on both twitter and facebook
And that being said, when Bryn died and I was seeking help, you fucked off and sugoi and lobster were the only ones who cared to stay around to console me in what capacity they could bryn = police girl
Kannagi was there for me at that time too, and bang thought it'd be funny to put Kannagi in the name field after she had disappeared for over 8 months because >hue hue i want to obsess over girls more than you
Your bullshit detector must be off then, because I'm being truthful about this. I'm absolutely terrible with most things, because I'm just much more shallow than most people. When bad things happen, I just shrug and keep going on. I don't know how to help someone as emotionally deep as you are, because I barely ever stray from my emotional baseline and I don't really even know how to do anything like grieve.
that makes it seem clear it's pretty intact
sk phon
I'm bad with this sort of thing so I'm just gonna ask Is there anything I can do to help, or?
>>24874 I think inconsistent may be a better word.
I'm smart in some ways, but I've generally always been the slow and stupid one that relies on other people to get by. I collapse under pressure pretty quickly too. So yes, I've retreated a bunch of times and I don't doubt that what you're talking about is one of them, but I don't really know how to be any other way than how I am.
It doesn't mean I don't care, I really do want you to feel better.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
take a chill pill
that's really not an appropriate comment for the occasion
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i have to disagree a suitable thing to do with this much aggression is to cool off
>someone being whiny because a girl isn't paying them attention and telling them to go fuck their own dead dad // them = someone else partially involved AOK >saying that you don't like the way someone's treating you time to email them that they're being too negative for moe time to tell them to take a chill pill Samurai you have some fucking distorted perceptions of aggression
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
take some time off
How about you take some time on You're too diluted by the empty void You make no sense anymore
I know it's easy for me to say this because I'm forgetful, but I don't think it's good to be so spiteful over the past. We all have a lot of history and everyone has been mean or acted out or been insensitive at one time or another, and I fully admit that I am often selfish or stupid or insensitive. I think it would be good to step back a bit and try to calm down.
I have to go soon anyway, I have to nap a little before work tomorrow.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
no one is happy with this take it somewhere else
>>24883 I'm taking it right here, because it's an intimate matter with the people who matter most to me Ban me if that's a fucking problem I'm not about to take it somewhere else because I have nowhere else Moe is my family
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
intimate matters do not belong on a public forum please take it to a private channel
Rika, it would seem that EZ-mode uses a much easier plane for that little mission. How nice. It'd be better if I wasn't getting rid of those to make room for other things. taiheeeen
>>24887 So that vague "specific aircraft" language did have some meaning behind it, huh? Well, that's nice. I don't think that the special saiun reward for hard mode is worth a lot of effort/resources unless there is a hidden mechanic like increased contact rates or something that hasn't been discovered yet.
>>24888 It's also on medium if you're into medium but medium and hard are the ones that give you saiun to scrap instead of peasly type 97 torpedo bomber
i told myself i was gonna watch anime tonight but instead i'm just going to sleep
>>24893 Medium probably gives the fancy saiun then, and the reward for hard is probably just the meme medal. Interesting. I don't know if it's worth the effort though. It looks like the best reward this event is the holepunch from E-1.
>>24906 A secondary is someone who is a fan of the series but didn't actually consume the main entry of the series. So if you like the boats and watch the anime but don't play the game you're a secondary.
>>24912 I don't find this argument to be convincing at all. But I suppose I'm not convinced that you become a secondary just by quitting the game or that you lose secondary status forever after you've played the game a bit. I'll have to think about it.
>>24913 well in one world all i have to do is open kancolle and suddenly i'm not a secondary anymore and in another world the only ones who aren't secondaries are the first set of fans/players from the beginning of the game's public release
i think the only way you aren't a filthy secondary gaijin is if i'm not either
Well, good luck bang! I gotta get off to nap time. Just keep working hard and I'm sure you'll get your promotion.
>>24926 sleep tight rika-sama thanks for the encouragement gambaru
>>24925 yeah i don't know i was like dozing off a few minutes ago and now i'm like awake as fuck i think it was because i grabbed a cookie
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh by something you mean a mysterious force? sugaaaaar >>24930 sounds like the name of an anime
mysterious cookie force
but does it really hit that fast? i literally just ate the cookie
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
mystery speed-laced cookie force
now we're moving from an anime title to the title of a post-ironic comedy on college humor
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
haha that's right on
are you still in canadaland
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i'm moving to french canadia in two days yeah >>24937 i think not yet, unless he dumps NAFTA strangely, if he were to make one of his proposed H1-B changes it would make it easier i don't know what i want from this life anymore though so i'm just gonna hole up with a friend until things are a little clearer
oh snap montreal? does the trumpsman make it hard for you to come over at all?
Jesus christ I finally caught up on my work so I can chill out a little I've been taping cardboard boxes together for over an hour and q half straight
I guess moon took off?
I wish I wasn't so bad at social so maybe I could help when this kind of thing is going on
>>24936 i do think right now is pretty turbulent but i honestly blame the press more than i blame either side politically i what we're seeing right now is like a proxy civil war through the media and it's not a nationwide thing, it's a western world thing
i'm hoping some how that everyone stops bickering about trivial things and focuses on big things though
oh also i heard montreal has a dope art scene
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>24938 what are you constructing >>24939 yeah the climate is kind of rattling maybe i'll come back soon if life in montreal is not as rose-tinted as i had hoped, we'll see but it does sound like there'll be some great eats and fun distractions
i wish i could move to canada tbh, i feel like the quality of living for the lower class is better there than it is here maybe
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it probably is statistically but it's also cold af
damn there's still snow on the ground here and it NEVER snows here someone casted Iceaga 2 >>24949 yeah i hear good things about kelowna all the young people from vancouver have been going there
75 C weather won't happen for a few decades probably
it's like 80 Fahrenheit in the late autumn in kelowna
I wonder if maybe it's normal to be like this, and I just lack the other parts that make other people able to keep going or something
Like maybe nobody is able to actually care about things for an extended period of time, but usually people have other mechanisms that kick in.
Oh also samu this is new since the last few updates On phone, when I post an image, the screen goes way over my post Like it isn't at my post anymore, it's a few above. Weird
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
you are not alone
doushio had updates?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>25044 hmm something i changed recently might have had a side effect scroll lock has been funny let me revert that change
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
reverted, refresh for the change
what image viewer do you guys use honeyview is always slow for me
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it's weird how OSes don't have like first-class support for that os x sort of does like looking at images is one of the most essential things people do on computers yet the software is not at all optimized for it
You can be a citizen of the US and another country? I thought the US did like China when it came to that
you can embed tweets now? neat
Dual citizenship exists in America, yeah But being an American citizen while not living in America kinda sucks, since you still have to pay the same taxes
>>25078 hmm i should dig out my in-earbuds and try this
tell me how it goes
remember when I did renovations in a house and took a leftover PS2?
I think you may have mentioned it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>25078 that first brush is okay only one ear is kinda lame that second brush is a bit better visuals are weird third brush is too harsh i feel like there are more effective videos out there
>>25113 ToN, you might find this interesting >>25111 sam you too https://a.uguu.se/yNQVkhXgPl0y.pdf its a sorting algorithm that's runs in constant // that does processing in constant time and is linear in space and time also it basically uses a rainbow to sort data
>>25110 nah didnt see it yet had a feeling it was her
I hope my mom
didnt get laid off if she did, things would get bothersome
ah the good old completely impractical CS paper hiding behind complexity theory
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25120 I found another paper that uses similar things to actual solve practical problems in very short amount of time// fuck I keep forgetting words anyways physical computing can be used to solve NP hard problems in linear or constant time.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>NP hard problems in linear or constant time not even polynomial time, all the way to O(n) yeah let's just say i have doubts
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25122 my bad, its NP complete, which is technically NP-hard, but its more specific also I may have been exagerrating when I said in constant or linear, but it was definitely faster than any existing algorithm for a turing machine >>25124 its physical computing here's the actual paper (cited in the other paper) http://www.pnas.org/content/98/6/2961.long here's the giant paper https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~jaru003/research/PhD_Thesis.pdf also I don't think they gave a complexity for the MCP solution, my guess is that it is around sqrt(n) because gravity is part of it, if not then it would be related capillary action or something
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i can only assume it's a quantum computing paper then either that or like some light-based situation where the method doesn't scale past a very small input, or the output takes forever to read
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>a parallel solution of a nondeterministically polynomial (NP) complete problem [the maximal clique problem (MCP)] for a graph with six vertices. ticking all the boxes here
All I know about this topic is the travelling salesman problem
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I will make sure to not exaggerate next time I try to hype up a paper
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sorry for the cynicism, i've just seen my share of ridiculous academic papers
step 1 of algorithm: build O(n to the who knows) sized microfluidic machine step 2: insert fluid step 3: take machine apart step 4: wow we could have just put a bunch of CPUs in parallel but i guess we used water instead
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25128 nah, I understand, I actually agree with you on some of your points given
How do the papers get passed as PHDs if they are unrealistic? just the theory work going into it?
I can solve this problem we need a room with human brains linked up just brains floating in tanks
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25132 thats called a neural network, we already have those
Psycho Pass is real? Wow My colour is going to be black
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>25130 'cause they build up new theories new theories can be valuable but like 99% aren't
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sorry that was just vague bs on my part some papers are just like "we found a slightly lower complexity bound on this problem!" but the actual runtime would be like several centuries stupid complexity games
When we are all immortal this will just be all okay.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah the thing is once in a while one of these ideas turns out to be like the conceptual framework for a revolution later and that's cool but i think there's also a rather large class of stuff that is just obviously like "i needed something for my thesis"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Okay I found the one I was thinking of, it solves the SAT problem in sub exponential time (without requiring exponential resources) http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= I think its in polynomial time but that paper did not appear to give the complexity in a normal notation, (not that I actually know the complexity notation very well)
>>25137 nothing good can come from human immortality
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>For instance, it is a natural property of soap films, when constrained by fixed boundaries, to spontaneously take up the minimum surface area. red flag this is like those slime mold papers a contrived example appears to 'work' but attempting to scale it up reveals otherwise
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25141 I think part of the reason I really like this is because I have a physics background, and I really appreciate using actual physical systems (other than digital computers) to compute.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it is cool to see computation done with that kind of stuff like as science fair things or pedagogy but then people go and blow a whole bunch of magical bs into it and get a thesis like whaat
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>25140 eternal youth would be good nothing good would come from unconstrained expansion, we need skynet to keep us in check
with immortality, aint shit keeping us in check unless you revoke it somehow
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
S K Y N E T would have to do the accounting, see how much energy we could spare per life, control the whole population top-down we'd just have to build something we could trust to hand that control
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
we need to start over on floating point floating point is a dead end The End of Error is a good read on a new system, too bad it's not freely available
I would be pretty happy to be immortal. I could choose when I die rather than just up and die
thats only if you are blessed with the option to choose
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
okay without actually writing anything (or typing anything) mathy to check I'm going to guess that his bilateral SAT machine is linear or nlogn >The response time t of a SAT device, after suction is applied to the output gate, is the sum of two components: t 1 , the time taken by the impulses generated by suction to reach the farthest piston and t 2 , the time taken by the pistons to react, due to friction. The time t 1 depends on λ, the velocity of sound in the liquid medium and the geometric dimensions of the apparatus. Thus, t 1 = d/λ, where d is the maximum distance the wave has to travel—from the point where suction is applied to the farthest piston in the apparatus. Therefore, t = (d/λ) + t 2 , where λ and t 2 are constants and d grows linearly with the number of gates, the physical size of the individual gates being uniform for binary case or unbounded for m–ary case.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
immortality also needs to come with like mind magic being able to safely clean up your brain or reset it to a sane place if you start going crazy and all sorts of escape hatches
>>25149 Well if you are unable to choose wouldn't that mean you are either invunerable or just getting cloned with memories all the time. or just trapped and unable to kill yourself.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
you guys know about quantum immortality right?
>>25152 did you ever read that doujin about mokou and kaguya and eirin at the end of the universe? it can be like that
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>25153 quantum suicide? a result derived from a silly word game of what "observation" means
>>25153 the cat is both alive and dead? >>25154 Oh that, I think that might interesting and who knows how advanced humanity will be then or if you are alone I guess that would be madness. hm. I wonder if in the far far future we might be able to escape this universe if multi-verse theories are true and we are like balloons against other expanding universes. not that I think there is any real evidence to speak of for that.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25154 I think I've read multiple doujins with that premise, if you are talking about that three part one though then yes
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25156 well I was going to chew you out about that schrodinger example you gave since you probably don't really understand it but I thought about it for a bit and it does work in this case as a good illustrative example >>25159 yes
https://e-hentai.org/g/1022116/c841f4fdc0/ This one. Right? >>25158 See I am, I am secretly a 天才
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25159 >>>25158 (You) See I am, I am secretly a 天才 fuck I accidentally copied to much text
I slept for 2 hours uninterrupted That's something
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25166 I haven't actually studied kanji in over 4 years. I also have used anki for maybe 30 minutes at most in my entire life.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also I've found several typos in the dissertation. >>25172 it isn't but I don't do the other stuff either
Studying ain't the only route to fluency. When I asked two of the most fluent Japanese speakers I was with on my trip how long they'd studied, they said maybe a total of a few weeks. The rest was immersion.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25172 Also by studied I meant "learned Japanese in an immersive setting and also took notes and reviewed them".
Depends on the person. I think if you actually talk to Japanese people and constantly read and listen to Japanese you are likely to progress quite quickly.
Speaking Japanese with native speakers is crazily useful I have pretty long conversations at times and it is so much more easier for me to build sentences and figure out grammar when I have someone to talk to.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also here's another cool thing. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.02272.pdf my guess is that optical computing will be the next "unconventional" type of computing to actually be used, unless we don't yet consider quantum computing to be "actually used"
Lots of advances in computing being put forward. I am curious about when we can get holographic hard-drives. I remember reading about them ages ago.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25176 by computing I mean actual computing, not storage not that you can't probably also do storage with optical computing
I was just speaking tangetially related to the current topic.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25178 that's fine, but in the context of this conversation computing was probably not the best word to use but really right now I am being autistic so it doesn't matter that much consumer electronics would probably have been a better word to use
I am afraid most of your conversation is beyond my level of intelligence. I was just refering to computing as to the whole subject, as in advances made in computing. and randomly remembered about the holographic harddrives.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25180 I don't actually understand most of the stuff I talk about on the very low level I'm just very good at deciding "okay I know it does this somehow, and that I can know what it can be used for without knowing exaxctly how it works" which is basically just black box abstraction
The concept of being a race traitor has gone from something the right was very worried about to something the left will fucking cut you out of their lives for
Fun how the terms was first "whtie working to kill their own race" and now left takes it to mean exactly the opposite practically
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
accidentally found a really good textbook's pdf while looking for something with a similar name https://cs.brown.edu/people/jes/book/pdfs/ModelsOfComputation.pdf
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25194 It's ironic because historically not many blacks have gone there (not sure about the past 10 years).
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh also its in the Ivy League.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why is that ironic
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25197 I was making an ironic racist joke as a reply to tn's >brown.edu in retrospect it was not funny, and I should try to think more before I type
>>25204 In our current laws that are still enforced? Also just because some laws are used to prosecute blacks more than whites does not inherently mean it is written in the law that it applies to blacks more.
>>25208 Affirmative action says certain people are just not good enough to be expected to do as well >>25211 A law that says blacks don't need to do as well to get into the same school has nothing to do with blacks being less smart? I mean OK it actually goes by area, not race
I don't really care what it's intended to do, but if I'm wrong about what it IS, that's valid You can have a law INTEND to do whatever the fuck you want, it can still be shit
Affirmative action is a policy that says certain institutions need to meet a diversity criterion. Therefore, they must allow a certain number of people in that may not typically get in. Many of these people are just as qualified as the white people or even more so, but would have been turned away for alleged racial reasons which would never be explicitly stated.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25214 What you are talking about is not explicitly stated in the law.
Isn't affirmative action just a means to level the playing field, you don't just get given jobs or positions on the basis of being black, disabled, gender etc.
>>25219 Afirmative action is a college admissions policy that tries // makes it so the college accepts races proportional to the actual population in the US
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25217 That sounds like quotas, aren't those unconstitutional?
Don't get me wrong I'm not big on quotas either, but fuck I've misunderstood the entire goddamn concept
>>25219 In EU it is ment to allow "the less represented ethnicities or gender to gain even level, by having it acceptable that companies or institutions can hire the less represented, eventhough there is a majority represented candidate available, who is equally or bit more qualified" the "Bit more" is what annoys people in many EU member countries nowadays
>>25221 I'm not sure about the legality of quotas in general, but affirmative action has been put through the ringer of the SCOTUS many times so it's safe to say it's constitutional.
>>25220 We have it in the UK too, often in the form of expecting boardmembers to have a good proportion of women and racial diversity at the top. >>25230 The BBC is like the worst organisation to think about in terms of this because I am pretty sure everyone hired is like friends of friends and they all ungodly rich so they can experience everything.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25220 Then my university must not do affirmative action since its like 40% Korean.
>>25228 But then comes along BBC and goes "hiring people, oh btw, you need to be black for no real reason" and it isn't illegal because of the loosely written af-ac rules.
I was about to say "again we touch upon the evils of private enterprise", but then TN went and reminded me the fucking BBC is going off the deep end with shit too
That is what I don't understand about state companies WHY THE FUCK DO THEIR BIG WIGS GET WAAAY HIGHER THAN PRIVATE COMPANY BIG WIGS *wages like the postal office CEO here gets about 600k € a year that is like 2 or 3x the amount our prime minister gets? WHY?
>>25233 I don't understand this Did the SCOTUS go "the law does not forbid discrimination against whites\men. the law stands."`? I can't read worth a goddamn, I'm still half a sleep I think
Probably because they can get away with it. Part of my taxes goes to the BBC and they just keep giving themselves and the actors huge fucking wages. like fuck off, you tell bad jokes and only got the job because you went to the same private school as someone already employed.
I can't stand the BBC. I don't have a TV or watch the BBC because of the in your face cronynism
Like there are some comedy shows they were they show actors laughing about how they knew each other at their posh schools and made sure they got their jobs and shit. and there was one episode with this 18 year kid who was getting into comedy with his own lives and shit and he met with a lady from the house of lords who approved of his posh school by going "you are one of our sort, good!" like fuck.
"We're a trading bloc. Of course we're getting an army, why is that weird? Of course we're making laws, why is that weird for a trading bloc? Of course we're overruling your own views on how many refugees you should take in, we're a coalition to get better trade agreements with the US for washing machines and stuff, obviously we need a direct hand in how many refugees you take in"
>>25246 I'm American so I probably learned in school that "Anyone can go from one country in the EU to another without needing a passport", so I have this misconception that I keep correcting and then forgetting about.
Yeah it is nowadays a policy of EU, but shcengen came before EU fuck w weren't even members when we signed it
Not that I don't think the time to dissolve that particular agreement is drawing near Sweden is startin' ta actually spook me the fuck out, dude
Canada and the States used to have a pretty cordial agreement like that. But then 9/11 happened and the States went "well I guess nice things can't happen anymore".
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25252 The US and Mexico sort of had that in an unofficial capcacity through use of a certain method. I forget exactly how it goes, but it involves having your buddy throw you a corona over the fence (to the US) back before it was imported in large volumes. And then you open it and drink some of it and walk over to the border crossing holding it up and smile and say you got drunk in mexico and came back to the US and forgot something and don't have your passpor with you, and obviously you had been in mexico because you have a beer not sold in the US. This would have only worked a while ago though.
Also I think the gay frog thing is actually not entirely wrong
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25266 I know what you are talking about, its supposed to be caused by waste products from people taking birth control and possibly other medicines. I don't think it really makes them "gay" though.
From what I gleaned when I did a quick google search on it one time, it makes the frogs behave as though they're females Including mating Well, attempted
>>25267 >female hormons cause male frogs to act like females umm yeah
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25269 I wasn't sure if he meant that (he being Alex Jones). Or if he was referring to another similar phenomenon where frogs change sex due to enviromental chemical changes. >>25272 I'm pretty sure its primarily caused by birth control. There aren't enough transexuals in any one large area to have that effect on the environment. inb4 san fransico
We have a whole medical industry pumpign shit out for people who want to be trannies or vice versa if that kind of medical waste causes animals to act weird, well a'duh!
I'm a little disappointed the logo at the endcard wasn't the Last Cuck Tonight joke That would have been so easy and pretty funny too
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I liked those commercials a lot, and unless the new head of the FCC is a huge hypocrite who wants to give more power to the FCC in an area that he believes (and is vocal about) they can't do anything about those commercials, even the one explaining where the clitoris is. >>25279 its "cathing" as in to out //put in a catheter
They should get CaffingCowboy to do a bunch of educational videos Release as a joke show that actually teaches you something too
Oh Yeah that's gotta hurt
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also the Cards Against Humanity people are doing a Valentines day event tomorrow night in Chicago that I probably won't go to. I think it may have been invite only (I was invited if is) but I didn't RSVP. I was originally not going to go but I might if they have slots left for RSVP. >>25282 I had long been considering sending a job application their way even though there is an exceedingly low chance of them hiring me, but actually meeting them in person and talking with them would increase my slim odd of getting a job.
>>25297 I wouldn't even be surprised Konami would do anything
Yeah but conferences are rigid and are very much about promoting and informing the general public. Some of them even are pretty preferential to reporters and media. Where as a convention is kind of more of a meet-and-greet for fans and tend to have a much more minor media aspect.
The point of this being it probably wasn't a huge priority for Kojima to go to.
The point is one has less cameras, and thus more nerds Or maybe it's the other way around?
Well you get E3, which is a massive conference with both large fan and media parties frequenting it. Tokyo Game Show is also pretty large, but I thiiiink that one is still spun more towards media.
Where as something like PAX is undeniably a convention, but still gets a lot of major party interest in it.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also I found a weird game, you have to escape a hyperbolic prison. I've heard it is possible to beat it. http://h3.hypernom.com/ wasd change angle, arrows keys move, number row below function keys does weird shit that I'm not sure about aside from changing what type of hyperbolic shapes are used
>>25311 Not really, calico is one of the more popular cat breeds. It would be like finding it fucking uncanny that everyone knows someone with black hair.
>>25312 I don't know what's thought about it, but pretty much any cat you see outside here, doesn't have a collar. I've just always assumed cats I see outside are owned by someone.
>>25315 But you rarely see them outside Most cats seem to be black, white, or orange Or a combo of those
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>25317 so do people where you live not let their cats out or not give their cats collars?
Dunno which group is more populous. My family has always given our cats the option to roam outside, and have only tried putting collars on them briefly. But we lost a couple collars for it, and it didn't really reduce the dead animals on our property (the collars were always bell'd), so we stopped after a while.
But you see a decent number of cats outside here, and I can't recall the last time I saw one with a collar.
Cats like to sit out in front of my bedroom window and fight in the early hours of the morning. They rarely fight though, they just sit there staring at each other and howling. It's kind of annoying.
>>25320 A good purpose for a collar is, that they have those relfection thingies on them lessens the chance of a cat getting run over by a car, when the driver can see it from afar.
also if the cat is lost, the collar can hold the contact info we several times when our cat had gone for a long trip, got a call from someone who had ran into her
Just put some silver spraypaint on their back That oughta catch a car's attention
>>25324 When the other cat we had recently disappeared a couple summers back, I mourned not having something like that as a "just in case". I think if I get a cat personally in the future, and they're likely to be outside--or even if they're not, really, I might get it microchipped.
There are three or four cats that hang out around my neighborhood. That crazy duck lady told me that there are some kittens in the area near her place and that she was going to get them fixed.
She sounds like a pretty responsible community person despite being a crazy duck lady.
Yeah, she's crazy, but she seems really on top of things. She'll go and talk to ducks and let them sit on her and stuff, and walks around with this big stick like she's Gandalf, but she apparently takes care of the cats here pretty well.
She's also really good at knowing when to end a conversation. She always starts a conversation with me when she sees me, but she ends it pretty quickly without me signalling that I want her to fuck off.
She's probably the easiest crazy person I've ever dealt with. Maybe she's a pagan or something.
>>25332 That Touhou doujinshi you linked earlier was pretty nice.
Yeah, There are a lot of great touhou doujins. I rate blue's tastes pretty highly so if you want to read some good ones ask blue.
Yaknow if we didn't treat them as some sort of massive threat to civilization, they couldn't glorify Hitler by dressing up as him If someone dresses up as Xenu, we don't consider them actually glorifying him, we assume and treat it as a fucking parody Because it's a ridiculous and stupid thing to glorify
By treating it otherwise, you're literally why it's succeeding
Different Xenu is a fictional being and hitler commited acts that have lasting consequences. some the people affected by hitler are still alive and even when they die they still have relatives and shit.
More so, even glorifying Hitler aside, these are laws that have been in place, with known repercussions for breaking them, for a LONG time now. There's no way this person wouldn't know he'd be breaking the law doing this.
I mean, austria bought hitler's house just to ensure no neo-nazi group buys it This is just normal there. >>25349 Would be different if it was a foreigner, but a native. Nah And everyone in europe practically knows that "sieg hailing" and shit is not agood idea in germany or austria even if no one punches you, the cops can fine or arrest you for it
>>25348 So go with Stalin, then Do we see someone waltzing around in a Stalin getup and go "Oh man, he's really bringing in the recruits for the revolutionary commie party. We're not laughing at this funny looking dude at all" You'd fucking laugh at it Because it's a guy in 2017 dressed up as a fucking dictator. It's inherently funny
The way I see it is, that people don't actually know what respect is when they think it light of a *light of it, in a country that suffered the brunt and surround by countries that suffered.
>>25359 >support a man and system which denies freedom of expression in favour of strengthening the whole >get mad when you're not allowed to express this
I don't know, It is similar to hate speech. or doing things knowing people will be affected by it either in fear or provoked in anger.
The sentiment even after so many years hasn't got so mellow I don't think you can compared this with many things anyway when there so many thousands of families and some living survivors still around
>>25363 I know, but what I mean, is that havign it still be taboo and shit is kinda glorifuying in some way I would rather as I already said, go the mel brooks way and make hitler and the nazies as ridiculous as possible
I mean, see how popular hitler and the nazies are in asia, because they are revered in a weird way in the west. Or modern youth
>>25362 I think in the privacy of ones own home you should be allowed to own whatever nazi things you want. But there's a point where you go outside and start asking for trouble.
>>25366 I don't think there's a "right" solution to this problem, really. You're right that making things taboo is undeniably a flavour of glorification. But just allowing it to sit there and expect it to go away isn't a thing that's going to happen.
>>25370 I would say the whole nazi taboo is why our generation and beyond have a fascination to them. The whole "evil is cool" thing playing here.
>>25373 >Gets mad about things that offend his personal sense of right without considering the ramifications >Proceeds to mock and derive entertainment from people who do similar actions
>>25384 that itself is right of expression, though
>>25384 I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said In a way, that is kinda why I think it's good to have the freedom to express your shit
How are you gonna get called out on a fucking thing if you're not allowed to even say you think that
I'm saying you're awfully hypocritical abouti t.
The effects have consequences, I don't think freedom of speech is the same as freedom to promote or do things that cause harm or even misled people. I also think you can't just ban anything you disagree. with
>>25406 I think we have to reasonable about how we measure things, I think it is reasonable to assume that invoking hitler and nazi imagery is definitely harmful act, especially when everyone knows what happened and everyone knows the pain those who are still living when through >>25413 There is no problem with educational content but that kid was clearly not doing it for education.
Well simply limit it to what law allows if it is clear your speech is connected to actions against the law and not just satirical "arise from oppression my brothers in arms".
>>25395 Anyhow "harmful" is vague definition and making any kind of list will cause problems and have its loopholes and how do you even measure "intention"
I would simply let people have full freedom of speech, and those who clearly are "nazi shitheads" will get laughed and mocked and ridiculed for being such
This entire conversation is why punching nazis is a thing.
I don't get it. Humans have the intelligence to judge their actions. Just going going "harmful" is too vague is like treating people like they are retarded.
Yeah but you aren't given a something stuck in stone everything is judged by someone who is meant to look at it objectively and to look at actions and their consequences.
It is just silly to go "uuuuh the word is so vague! everyone from teenager s to old ladies will jailed even though they are not harmful uuuuh"
>>25419 Punching nazis is a thing because people think they're moral champions whose views are correct and should be enforced with violence
>>25423 There's a point where you gotta use a little common sense You wouldn't walk into Africa and shout "HEY FUCK ALL YOU DUMB DIRTYASS NIGGERS"
>>25422 Because all hatespeech laws use the "harmful" as a measurement and apparently two elderly germans running a private facebook group was HARMFUL AS SHIT and were arrested or at times, criticising politicians for their bullshit, without actually threatening or insulting, is harmful hatespeech
>>25423 wow, excuse me but are you somehow implying that laws aren't enforced with violence? Or that anything in our system isn't enforced with either violence or threat of violence?
I didn't even realize there were laws against exercising your first amendment rights But I'm glad masked goons too wimpy to stand by what they do are here to make sure we all fall in line
After all, THEY know what's best to think and believe, they're wearing black masks and beating people with pipes for having other views
So punch nazies is okay, but what about punch commies
I'd also punch anyone wearing black bloc anarchist getup in the face
There is nothing wrong with punching antifaggots
And I'd soonder have a right wing, fascistic uprising than go "Oh yeah we should beat people for having other views. That's a good thing"
>>25432 Laws are enforced with violence, but laws have the social contract behind them and in a democratic society, they are produced by the people atleast in theory people taking the "law" to their own hands is always bad You as the populace vote the people in power there, who form the system in all forms, and thus entrust them to make the laws that serve the public intrest the best, and give them the power to enforce it
Who gave these random "moral crusaders" the right to punch people in the face, for deeming them to be arbitrarily nazies? They are the same as Lynch mobs in the south back in the day
>>25445 That's why I'm glad you're over there and I'm over here. >>25448 Every time you equate punching someone in the face to actual murder, I am reminded of why we have to have this conversation. And I am also reminded of why punching nazis is a thing.
I already said I approve of punching nazis. If you're going to continue to construe this into "people I don't like" then you can go ahead and be obtuse about it.
>>25461 If the solution IS the consequences, load me up with that Fourth Reich "Wow, if we let them rise to power, they'll do all these things, so we should do these things NOW to avoid them potentially gaining power"
>>25475 You approve of one vigilante action outside the law and any form of violence as political enforcing tool by the population, you approve of all the cases and every use. So when a KKK mob or a nazimob does beat up someone for being "not them" you also approve of that act
>>25479 >you approve of all the cases and every use. no, I don't. And that's why we're different.
Well the "punch nazies" is based on "I think this is a nazi" not "this guy is actually provably nazi and is walking hail hitler, kill all jews etc." on the streets
If it ws a proper nazi doing proper nazi things sure, I might give it a shrug of "whatever" as I would give someone punching a communist in the face the same or anarchist or a black bloc rioter or anykind of idiot in the same fringe groups
But the issue is, that the whole "punch nazies" going on is based on the "literally hitler" opinion.
>>25476 Being part of an authoritarian regime would be pretty nice if you are part of the ideologically favored groups, but there's no guarantee of your safety long term. See that "First the y came for..." poem you must have read a million times.
>is based on "this guy is actually opening the debate of is black genocide really a bad thing?" There. I have corrected your obtuse angle and made it right. I have zero reason to respect the person who got hit in the face so don't ask it from me.
>>25489 To be fair, knocking a rioter out cold is just straight up self defense
The difference between punching a literal nazi and someone who just likes an authoritarian government is that one supports the direct use of violence upon an arbitrary group and the other just likes a rigid government. Don't support a system with direct infliction of violence upon innocents if you can't take a punch yourself.
>>25509 Hey I'm not gonna stop you from punching someone in the face. But it's punch a nazi, not lynch a nazi
>>25494 Can we join in if it's the same thing, but it's white genocide instead? Cause I know a lot of people with very strong opinions on who is and isn't actively perpetrating that one
right and every cop shooting a black ro minority is a white cop doing it...
Of course though this thing is probably better handled in a court of law instead of just random vigilantism because otherwise you can just accuse anyone of being a nazi and use it as an excuse to beat them
>>25523 No it's not. I said punch a nazi. I never said lynch them.
>>25502 Punching a Nazi is a direct step towards lynching a Nazi though.
>>25520 Punching a Nazi is normalization of violence towards them. I'm not against it in moderation but I think that link is pretty evident.
>>25515 Yes and 100 years ago tens of thousands of people died adily and 160 years ago hundreds of thousands of WHITE peopel died to end slavery
>>25520 Nooo they'd never do that When in the history of humanity has anything like that ever happened? The commies stuck to ONLY killing the borgeouis... and then the religious... and then the dissenters... and then the people reading the wrong things The nazis stuck to ONLY the jews... and then...
>>25530 We should start a cultural revolution in Germany
See when you PUNCH a nazi you set the example that "this is okay" well then the nazies go "well we will punch back" and they will and then you have mobs of "punch a nazi" and mobs of "punch backers" punching eachother. There is precipit of this happening before, and it will happen again >>25534 exactly
>>25524 uh, so? >>25533 No, not exactly. So? I was asked a question about cops attacking people and I said that they did (and do) (still) (in this era). This is willful ignorance if you're really going to discount all the deaths that happened just last year and the year before over it. You know, especially since the riots that followed were ALL THE RAGE.
>>25530 >implying you even had to be part of those groups >implying you wouldn't just get lynched because the next guy in line wanted your job Oppurtunism is great.
Well I mean if you WANT a racewar, I'd be more than happy to watch it from over here Like it'll be super entertaining if the US now devolves into a south american shithole with commies throwing molotovs one way and nazi skinheads with anime avatars online hurling rocks back
Yup, United States of Brazil more like. And it wouldn't hurt me if Finland purged all non-finnish for that matter. Not that I would want that or approve of it or allow it.
Well of course it wouldn't hurt you, you're not fucking non-Finnish.
Anyhow, when you approve of violence towards some group of people who you disagree with, it will escalte. >violence isn't already used in US implied yeah it is but it will escalate further. Of course if you do approve of violence as a means to shut down someone's speech I don't really want to associate with you, you damn fascist.
>>25565 No one here is in need of convincing of anything nor in want of it. Words go by and my body training continues until I can confidently believe in the force of my fist. Good night.
Well whatever dude Enjoy contributing to the rise of the right wing extremes, I guess When you see Trump 2.0 use this shit as an excuse to start martial law, be happy you were part of it
So what did the original "punch nazi" guy even say?
>>25629 And by shouting antisemitic shit at you, clearly you're lumping in "standing in front of a news camera being interviewed about your views, not once mentioning anything nazi-like"
It seems to me that you guys are refusing to see what Blue is saying because you don't agree with the idea of hitting someone because someone got hit for their ideas.
>>25647 I don't agree with politically motivated violence, or punching someone in the face because you disagree with their ideas. YEs I don't agree with anyf orm of violence and especially politically motivated violence.
Once you open the floodgates of violence with political motivation, shit gets real I mean, that is how the whole Northern Ireland war started
I think that when you're forced into a place where you have to constantly feel defensive because you always feel like you're going to be in danger, it's reasonable to consider violence as a means to protect yourself.
>>25657 You think I would attack someone who didn't come after me or my friends?
>>25647 I don't agree because I trust neither of you to actually only punch card carrying nazi sympathizers who go "didn't finish the job" when they hear "6 million" And even if you did, miraculously, I still wouldn't agree with it
>>25657 And I don't trust rule of law to protect people that I care about when it clearly has refused to do so for years. If you don't want extrajudicial intervention, then don't tarnish the contract.
Rule of law means NOTHING to people if they can not trust it to protect them.
The law breaking down is a problem, but you don't solve that by becoming a fucking antifa shit Like wow law and order broke down a bit let's COMPLETELY drive it into the ground as soon as we humanly can Fuck it, overthrow the government while you're at it Erect a fucking statue
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
When law and order didn't work in the colonies, we killed the British and drove them out of our land
No when you disagreed with their policies and were told "shut up" you reacted to it and they counter-reacted to it with violence
You didn't start the violence
>>25669 Yeah, you can. You might not WANT TO, you might not WANT IT TO HAVE TO GET TO THAT POINT, but you can 100% definitely solve shit by tearing everything down. It's unfortunate but it works. Trust me, I'm an American. We do this.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>25672 when our people were killed by the british unprovoked and the british refused to give us autonomy we killed them and took our autonomy
I am not saying you don't have the right to defend yourself or punch someone who is assaulting you But going out of your way to pucnh someone, because they disagree you is just politically motivated vigilantism.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>25676 nobody ever said they wanted to punch someone on the street who is not doing anything like i said before that's not what this is about
>>25682 That's literally what Richard Spencer was punched for
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no that doesn't matter richard spencer getting hit is what triggered the conversation
but when we talk about punching nazis, we're not talking about hitting richard spencer
I won't defend spencer, I don't know his message and ideologies, but punching someone unprovoked just because you disagree with them is never right. I wouldn't even time travel to 1920s and punch hitler or stalin or lenin
>>25704 I don't have to talk about those other things because those things aren't being discussed. But if the answer is not obvious, since none of such things are, we should also defend ourselves from oppressive governments, hate groups, and anything like that.
Well because at this point no one wants to and you are way past civil discussion point anyhow, but just saying "well it is too late" and not trying is never the right way. Always advocating for peaceful methods is a virtue I support.
A modern democratic society should be able to handle its issues with debate and discussion. Violence is a thing of the past and for well not modern societies Unfortunately, modern democratic societies are collapsing
>>25729 Who wouldn't punch him? Shouldn't be mean to homeless people
>>25711 answering "do you defend punching this man?" with "I won't defend him" is about the exact shit we piss and moan about all the time because it's snaking away from the question by answering something that was never asked or brought up
I don't give a SLIGHT fuck if you support the man, I genuinely don't care Answer the question, and if you snake away from it I assume your position is that you defend it
Would you strive to save him from a non-lethal but non-inconsiderate injury?
I'm going to sleep Everyone's stuck in a position because it's fucking ideological bedrock Imats is playing apologetics for rioting Blue is supporting it TN and I don't believe in punching people for their political views, end of.
Kirara and I aren't in the same position. But we're close enough to understand the view.
I understand TN and SK's views too. I just think that it's bullshit for a lot of people and does not serve the populace in the extent that they hope it did. For some, survival is justice.
Well, part of the unproductivity is that it literally makes your opponent win unless you're already super big But hey, far be it for me to discourage making Trump stronger, I mean what is the worst possible outcome
>>25762 No, politically it ends up with your opponents being supported in more and more authoritarian shit More people support Milo now as a direct result of the riots than previously People who are against him already are put in a position where this guy was a victim of people 'on their own side'
Left political violence throws motherfuckers right in a hurry
You're underestimating the power of people. One of the reasons there were many BLM riots is because there was a single BLM riot. It's not impossible for a riot to become productive, even if BLM didn't.
it's russel stover black history month chocolate gag alec baldwin gives a box to leslie and she's like "i thought you forgot!" and alec goes "about your struggle? never." and does the black panther fist pump thing