>that dog has been barking all night. Put him outside >but we don't have a front or a back yard >that's fine - just let him wander up and down the concrete stairwell all night -my neighbours
>>247022 you have to get an even noisier dog and then give it a microphone and a speaker this is a war, marsh a dragon goes all out, even against a slime!
>>247042 yeah limited by WEAKNESS i stub my pinky toe every day 1000 times i do it so often that i have built up a resistance to it my pinky toe is the strongest appendage in my body now i'm not a chicken like you
>>247052 Wowme2 I'm apparently in the hometown of Tex Williams I will forever remember it as the place with the gas station whose mens room was under construction and whose ladies room had five people in line
>>247055 yeah, it's gonna be sweeto burrito >>247056 about 8 miles north of spring city, tennessee it's real pretty out here
>>247058 i'm jealous i'm gonna be sittin in class like a nerd while you're having all that shroomy fun by a lake
the shrooms may not happen depending on my buddy but I'm not too worried about it I'm here for the eclipse anything else is a bonus >>247057 lol, sounds like rural US alright
There's a scenic hiking spot there that's pretty nice but most of the area around the lake just looks like the rest of Florida. There's nothing there that really makes me think it's particularly special or beautiful.
Just passed a prison It has some nice looking old buildings
When I left the gas station (one with two function ing restrooms) i saw a tractor that someone had left running outside the gas station. Then a minute later I saw them drive off on it while lighting a cigarette. Err sorry, not a tractir A John deere riding mower.
>>247124 Honestly the company hiring seems a // seems desperate for help. There's on-the-spot interviews and they mention immediate positions avliable in the ad My grandpa worked for them a little while ago and loved it so I'm not too suspicious of the ad
>>247143 that's what i'll probably do if anything you can't see it that way because the glare off the screen will be too rough but you can just watch the recording aferwards not in the sun's glare
is it appening now
no one answered my question so I ran outside to look and I am blind in one eye thanks moe
what a weirdo blue i mean HOWEVER >>247154 top tier granblue girl
yo where the feh tierlist at
my mind keeps going back to that 51 res jagen time and time again i really appreciate the creativity i see in some of the tier 19 teams there's always something that i can't possibly have planned or prepared for
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
how dark did it get? we had 85% coverage so it got a little dimmer and cooler but not so dramatically
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
also: 🍄?
>>247164 it was about dusk dark like i can't give a timeframe because you're farther north like half an hour after sunset dark probably
i snuck a peek because it was total coverage here but i kept it pretty short the scenery going through such a fast light change was a lot more captivating that was neat
a spider came out and started building his web for all of two minutes, the dumb shit as i walked back in i noticed him frantically trying to eat the web he just started and scurry away
its p dark outside wow
units keep inherited skills after inlocked potential right wpildnt make much sense otherwise
yeah they won't keep their + from hero merges at a lower level though so leaving them at 4* and merging several of them is a viable alternative to 5*ing
ive done basically none of this stuff so i have lots of units and some feathers so im making some of these builds for my big boys and girls i seem to have
>>247164 it was like the sun was just under the horizon everywhere you look
sunlight seems limited now
it was the coolest thing I have ever seen
>palla's dub voice !!!!!!!
gonna get my goat lunch special
I had a funny joke about the eclipse but i forgot it Nvm Remembered it
Anyways, for anyone who didn't get to see it, it was sort of like the video for Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden.
yo moon are you still around? this thing says the c slot for summer robin is flexible and id figure you're the guy to ask
sup >>247183 i looked at it i'm fine if you're in the total eclipse zone it's relatively safe for a quick glance but not staring forever it's the partial areas that suck >>247185 summer robin's SP boost for lances? it's flexible but don't bother putting it on another unit just put it on summer robin and then have her on the team while you're farming SP
SK, you ever seen pictures from an American gas station?
Oh no I meant for inheritance moon But yeah that sounds pretty dope in the meantime
>not staring at the sun with or without an eclipse
>>247188 oh yeah, for her to use as a C slot gotcha it's pretty versatile, she's a real versatile unit threaten speed is really popular on her but you can also run her in as an aggressive frontliner and then give your allies a boost to follow in after since c skills are mostly support skills they're pretty flexible for everyone, depending on your team
threaten speed
sorry work email threaten speed makes her a lot more relevant in the enemy phase because she's got decent speed and it'll protect her from getting doubled by the top speed units but also extra punish to mid-speed units by them getting doubled if they don't have firesweep
I grabbed hone speed but i think ill give her threaten speed at your suggestion
I have to either spend all my feathers or eat this cool lookin knight to give her fury at this point though
my gripe with buff skills for her c slot is she won't benefit from it and she's pretty deep in the enemy lines most of the time but she's also most useful on her first tern when she's at 100% health after that she loses some stats, so it would also be useful if you buffed your allies with that first phase and then they clean up >>247198 i'm not sure but probably 8k-ish a week plus some boosts whenever there are tempest trials and voting gauntlets you also get 500 heroes every time you get 500 hero merit on a unit, which you probably wouldn't want to grind out for the feathers themselves but is a nice bonus when you're doing a lot of arena or non-training tower stuff >>247199 hey how are you feelin
how quickly can you gain feathers if you actually try again
>>247197 A lot better, I think I had a bit of a panic attack last night and this morning. It really sucked that I had to run out of bed and try get the train. My lift had to call into sick on a monday.
Sorry that I made you come on early to just run off.
I am super casual with FEH. I have no idea about best combinations and all that jazz. I just play with my favourite characters.
I sdid some googling
>>247200 no worries i was awake anyway i'm glad you're feeling better panic attacks are very scary i felt real bad that you were stressed out already then had to panic about the train
I get anxiety b ut that usually is managable, it is so rare for me to panic like I was. I don't even know what brought it on.
Having to get the train was terrible! I had to run so quickly! she usually gives me a warning like the night before or something but she texted just when I would have to leave to get the train. I wanted to give up and call in sick but I'd probably get fired if I did that.
hope you can have a relaxing night tonight then >>247207 sure, we can do something later. okay, we can do that
>>247209 we had an emergency watch the other night and did episode 3 without you sorry you may wanna watch that and catch up and we can do episode 4 in a little bit, like an hour or so
the class i just had was great we basically just fucked around and made jokes while going over the syllabus and the professor was talking about how he was dropping lsd over the summer break
>>247306 Why you gotta give away my secret identity like that Rin? Also it's not Wintermute since ToN didn't like that name. I couldn't remember what he said he preferred so I'm posting as Anno instead. Utena is pretty good. I still haven't gotten around to watching the movie. >>247307 Hello.
>>247308 Hello Maria. I am very bored and a little lonely. How are you? >>247309 >>247312 Hello. How are you? >>247310 I do not have any plans. Do you?
>>247313 I'm alright. I'm procrastinating on a lot of work and study but these Japanese cartoons are great
>>247316 What are you watching? I do not think you should procrastinate too much!
>>247317 I watched Genshiken with Rin and some /moe/s It's pretty fun. It's about a bunch of otaku in university. Japanese universities look really fun. They have all these clubs and festivals and stuff >I do not think you should procrastinate too much! So do I, but sometimes we just don't do what we know is best!
>>247313 I'm okay. A little tired but otherwise alright. What do you usually do when you're bored?
>>247318 How much work do you have to do? >>247319 I am a little bored and lonely. How are you? >>247320 I have trouble reading manga. I cannot keep my attention on it. >>247321 Sometimes I watch anime or play a game but I have already done those today.
>>247322 I have two midterms on Thursday and I need to have my group assignment finished by Friday Relative to the amount of work that some other people on this board have to do it's not that much
>>247324 Did you look at the sun directly? tbh I probably would have
I watched the eclipse today. It was like 95 or 97 percent or something here but even then it was really underwhelming. The sky was a little bit dark but the only real way to tell it was eclipsing was with those special glasses.
it was total coverage here it was kind of neat but not particularly more neat than just the time of day where it is like that outside anyway i peeked at it but the scenery changing abruptly was the more interesting part i think all the kitties were confused
>>247323 I didn't look at it directly but it got in my eyes a little when I was taking a picture with my phone. It couldn't really tell any difference betwee it and the normal sun. The sun is bright.
I also have especially light sensitive eyes so having the sun in my field of vision tends to just blind me in general. So I'm a bad judge.
I was in totality it was really cool the coolest
I think I fucked up my eyes as a kid because I kept looking directly at the sun and then looking away from it and blinking really fast because I thought I had magic eye powers and now I have to wear glasses. >>247327 Did the sky go all orange and stuff?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>247324 wow even with that percent still the sun is too damn bright i was at around 85% and it just got a little dimmer and cooler than normal was cool though fun to hang out at the park
I wanted to see it but I could not go outside to look. There were too many people outside. >>247323 Are you going to study?
>>247329 I was surprised it was so bright at that large percentage. I think unless you are in total 100% you don't get a very show. The sun is brighter than I thought it was!
It did look pretty cool through the super glasses though.
>>247328 Here the sky was still blue but it was a darker blue. It looked weird.
>>247328 yeah it was like every thing had a color filter over it for a while
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>247323 i took a bunch of glances at it mostly used pinholes though and eventually borrowed some of those specs
>>247331 the point of totality is pretty neat it gets dark just so fast and there's an audible stillness and lasts about three minutes enough time to listen to a good song and soak in the feeling it's a v cool experience but the sight of the blotted sun wasn't real amazing it looks just like the pictures do online
>>247326 >but it got in my eyes a little when I was taking a picture with my phone I warned you about that yesterday
>>247331 That does sound weird. Do you mean like when the sky goes darker blue just before nighttime? >>247332 that's pretty cool I can't wait for the one over here at 2023 It was sometime around then I think
>>247322 Could you try studying something? It might be fun once you get into it. Not sure what you would be interested in studying but you could always learn another language or study mathematics or something.
>>247333 I used a pinhole and double layered welding goggles
>>247334 I thought it was pretty different from photos online mostly just the whole experience but even the sun looked incredible I'm glad I went to see it
>>247336 No, it actually wasn't like night time. It was like if you're watching TV and you turn the brightness down 3 or 4 notches and everything just looks a bit more muted. It was like that.
>>247339 i think you can't convey the magnitude of the experience with a photo it's the dropping of the sky that's so cool i didn't see much by looking at it though i admit i took a couple peeks even after the first one just to see it again though
>>247336 if you can, try to go somewhere elevated so you can see the shadoe approaching
>>247337 I keep up with my area of study but I do not have other research interests.
>>247344 I live on a hill, so I should be able to get a good spot
>>247374 I've really enjoyed following the series over the years. The series involves a lot of listening--really, reading, if you don't understand relatively advanced Japanese, and a lot of the writing kind of is fanservice to the author's fetishes, but there's a lot of interesting characterization and interesting writing to the series.
>>247376 Do you need to know Japanese to enjoy it then?
On a base level, no. Enough of the writing is translatable and the actual elements of plot are comprehensible in English. But the author, nisioisin, is very fond of wordplay and messing around with language, especially with names. Not knowing Japanese means you will miss out on some of this, but it doesn't detract from the overall experience. If anything, it only enriches your experience if you understand the wordplay.
>>>/watch?v=RYwZ6GZXWhA Oh they did end up announcing Age of Empires VI. Er IV. I kind of felt it was weird that they only announced a remake of the first way back.
>>247381 Is he dating that child? >>247380 It sounds like a hard to watch series.
>>247374 One of the many items that I need for my cool Aurora accessory. You need 250 of each of the specific map currencies. Orrian Pearl is the last map that came out. I just maxed it. I need to max four of the other ones. But they're incredibly slow and luck based as opposed to the two that I finished.
>>247383 I don't think Monogatari is hard to enjoy on a base level. It's just that some of the jokes will go over a few heads. The directing and characters are all still really enjoyable.
>>247390 If you try to punch me, I'll break your arm.
>>247391 You don't know the half. This is just for one of the parts. The six currencies combine into two items. That combine with two other items to make one item that combine with three other items that also require four other items to each of them which are a lot of busy work creating and THEN I can get Aurora
>>247392 From what I've got so far these should be sufficiently tough. I'll swap numbers on the fly if I have to. I'm wondering if I should account for all of them pounding on one thing at once and stuff. There's a pace I'm trying to set. >>247393 I won't actually punch you.
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aurora Looking at it, I'm farther along than I thought. I only need one Crystalline Ingot. Praise. Still, the Gift of Condensed Might and Magic x2 is going to be very costly 200 of each of the T6 enemy materials 500 of each of the T5 Mystic Coins price have rose since Aurora was announced so they're like a gold each I need 100 Gold for the Icy Runestones ugh and all the dust Fuck Crystalline Dust
>>247404 Cosmetically, Aurora has a cool glowing aura that you get when you wear it. Statistically, Aurora has the highest stats that an accessory can have and as a Legendary item, can have its stats swapped at any time. So it's really good.
>>247401 I have a question in an area that is one of your areas of expertise. I want to make my summer Robin into a character to hang around Amelia and help her move around and defend her. She has reposition and nothing else and a whole lot of saved SP.
>>247406 There was a lot of alcohol in my last class. Someone brought three bottles of champagne. The class was all fourth year students except for me so they had champagne to celebrate their "last first class" of grad school. So I had to sit there while like 20 people were drinking alcohol for three hours. I could barely pay attention in class.
stay strong bud you don't need it >>247406 let's see... amelia huh are you runnin that with some other armoreds lemme check out amelias stats and stuff right quick what's your iv on robin
>>247409 Robin will be helping her when she's not running with other armored units. My Robin is +atk, I don't forget what her bane is but it's not a crippling one.
>>247409 I know but it was really difficult I was even offered some and almost said yes And since I only knew one person in the entire class and I was the only person without clinical experience, it was stressful.
>>247412 I don't mind being around one or two people drinking but when there are like 20 people drinking around me, it's too much for me. If it weren't being shoved in my face, it would have been fine.
>>247411 are you gonna be okay hangin around me for a weekend i'm probably going to have a bottle at the hotel and be carrying a flask
i'll put it away and won't bring nothin if it's going to be bad though besides i dont think you'd even notice i was drinking anyway, i'm not all hype and goofy when i drink i'm pretty stern
i do still want it to be a work trip so i'm gonna be focused on that first and foremost
>>247413 The real issue with what I'm doing right now is that I have to stay in these six maps and do a whole bunch of quests. I've finished MOST of them. I've got 11 achievements to do, a jump puzzle, and I have to randomly find this pointless item that really does not want to show up. AND I have to finish this time gated backpiece that's getting on my nerves. You need 16 of these Druid Runestones to make a specific cosmetic item. And it's one of the requirements for completion. I saw it a long time ago and decided that I didn't want it. And now Aurora is here and they've made it a requirement so I'm kinda bitter. So I've got... 8 more days of collecting runestones.
I was having a really good day until that last class too I wish the professor had told them they couldn't drink or something but he was too chill
i was sucking on a lollipop to try and distract myself from the alcohol and help me focus and he was joking like "is that a fentanyl lollipop?" and i instinctively said "i wish!" and got some weird looks from the upperclassman
>>247410 well, amelia's got pretty respectable speed i'd advise maybe the same thing as i did to ton, to have threaten spd 3 on robin that should keep amelia from being doubled by all the fast red units it'll also let her double most blue units
what's amelia's b slot
i'm not really sure, but that seems good to me. i'm still trying to learn armored emblem i haven't been able to use my armored units very effectively
robin should be making quick work of those sword units anyway, so having amelia up in there to double the axers and lancers might be cool obstruct might even be interesting there
>>247414 That is a long time to get something in a game.
Timegates are the worst. What's even worse is that it's locked to your account. You can't just SELL runestones or SELL the Wayfarer's Henge backpiece to someone so they can unlock it. You have to go through the entire process yourself. Even if you could buy it, it'd probably be extra expensive. Timegates usually make things cost a lot more
>>247415 do i need to get a second camera? if we're taking stills at the garden we might not need it are there backup batteries/storage for it i can get or something i mean i can bring my laptop and we can plop it on there and do it again can't we
You can just have it plugged in to a idk i can't think of the word my head's fucked up, one of those small boxes that hold electricity that you can plug your phone or tablet into. And for storage you can have up to 200gb of space with a microsd card. I have 64 gigs. Idk if we need multiple cameras.
>>247416 Amelia is new so I don't have a B slot on her yet.
>>247420 okay i spent a bunch to buy this laptop so i could continue working so i'd rather not buy the camera at this time if possible next paycheck should be okay plus i think we're gonna spend a ton at the festival there's a bunch of cute stuff and tasty food to buy
i don't mind getting some of the equipment for it we might want peripherals but i know if i bought the camera i'd be buying a ton of other crap too because that's how i am when i get excited about a purchase
i'm really lookin forward to it i hope we have a fun trip and don't get robbed too many times in st louis
>>247421 armored march only works if there's a second armored unit, right? panic ploy zeph would fit in there pretty cozily with swap, though i'm hearing people say that reposition or drag back is more useful with armored march than swap i'm not sure i still can't make my zeph useful if i remember right you have a sheena too, so she'd go pretty swell in there
>>247426 okay take it easy hope you feel better dw about the logistics i'll take care of it, nothin to stress about i'm just getting a little excited is all
>>247429 No, not really. It's just how the media portrays it. Besides, I've lived there most of my life and know my way around the city well. Nobody's gonna give us trouble with me around!
>>247434 I am more trying to add versatility and mobility to Amelia. She's a little hard to use in things like Tempest Trial and Arena Gauntlet because she needs a helper. So I'm trying to make Summer Robin into that helper.
Oh Maybe instead of using Summer Robin as Amelia's buddy, I should use Summer Corrin as her buddy.
>>247437 i mean for skill inheritance like if you had that on robin, then you could keep a tight diamond formation at all times and swap amelia three units away
I had the incredible thought that instead of making Chrom into a healer who was also a passable attacking unit, I could make Lucina into a healer who was also a killing machine. She'll be even better once I get fury on her.
>>247444 a healer on a team with summer robin is great whether it's recipaid or breath of life i dont have a chrom or lucina
My Lucina is actually 40+2. She is -def/+res though so not good IVs. The Lucinas she ate were -atk and -spd so even worse. Anyway I turned into a recipaid healer. Which is nice because I wasn't doing anything with her before. Once I put fury 3 on her she'll probably be my best unit.
i'm still trying to make my +2 olwen good she's like my favorite unit but she suffers hard without reinhardt's help and having two bluecav mages is risky i'm not gonna spend any money on it but i'd like to pull a 5* odin just for blarrblade+ with her 41 speed she can be a beast with that, even with the mediocre attack right now the only thing i can do is pair her with reinhardt and mae use of the glacies procs
I spent t like two hours using a water bottle as a pillow and I almost fell asleep
>>247450 it's mid 30s she can quad hit everything almost even with the -5 speed from dire thunder she easily kills any reds in arena, but that's not saying much. and blue tome should be able to. she's very lackluster in unfavorable matchups because she'll quad for like 2x4 damage, but when glacies hits once per round, it's like an extra 17 damage however if i pull reinhardt in the mix, that +6 atk makes those +2s // 2x4s into 8x4s plus 17
she can't even take out a lot of blue mages, and b tomebreaker can't help with that i'm thinking of swapping blarrblade+ onto her from odin. the 41 speed would let her double everything -- 47 after reinhardt's speed buff but then i need a buffing team and a dancer or something to make use of that and i don't know if it's a good idea
if i had death blow 3 i might put that on her instead but i dont and leave her with dire thunder just squeaking above that res threshold so that she's getting any damage at all in becomes really powerful fast with 4x hits 0x4 lus // plus 6 from rein plus six from death blow, that might now be 8 or 12 x4 and that's a lot of damage
i have desperation on her too which helps make sure all four get off that's why i was thinking about putting miracle onto her rather than glacies
yeah, vantage is pretty dumb on him when he can't do anything with it anyway unless you have recipaid i'm thinking about swapping it for brash assault just because he'll never double anything in his entire life with 23 speed and dire thunder's -5 speed bringing it to 18 that with defiant attack is pretty scary 53 atk with guaranteed quad on enemies that don't counter oh wait no brash assault is only for enemies that counter isn't it gosh dang
i hope they add friend v friend matchoffs soon people are saying it won't happen because symmetric win conditions means constant stalemating but that only applies if it's real-time battles i'd be happy just to set up teams for you guys to battle against the AI of my teams or vice versa
finding that video of that 51 res jagen really still sticks in my brain that was such a cool match i could maybe set up a web platform that would let us do that if we just port in our character stats as long as no one cheated and was like "yeah i totally have a +10 ryoma with heavy blade and aether"
i dont know how IS programs their AI though real time would actually be easier, or turn-based but the symmetric win conditions do cause problems there. as long as people are willing to resign when it's clear it's done and not fly off the map and stall forever it could work out i think battling the AI of each other's teams is somehow more satisfying though
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>247459 >Rein is squishy it's true on multiple levels! Screw you Sombra!
my unsiloed google account is giving me a whole bunch of wedding-related consumer marketing advertisements i think that's kind of funny i wonder if it's based off my age demographic as if i'd ever get married
>>247518 imo he kind of sucks for how squishy he is like 23 def, 20 res, what is this nonsense either keep it under 20 or go somewhere useful all i see is like 6 wasted skill points in those two traits wtf is 20 res going to do except possibly avoid being 1-hit by tharja
and it's not like he's got speed to compensate that either he's got okay HP but what does that mean when you've got no def or res and even then, after all the other shit he's saccing, his atk is still mid-low 40s i dont understand the hype i still think olwen is better because of her well-roundedness
it's embarassing having your reinhardt ORKO'ed by Roy roy is our boy but he is not my boy
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Roy 🌈💕
this is eliwood eliwood made roy eliwood made a mistake
have you guys watched the new episode of jesus christ what a disgusting person i am i really wish i could black out the past to forget what an awful person i am it was a pretty good episode this week
>>247544 yeah that bit where the MC sat in the shower for half an hour stewing over their internal self loathing because they just didn't even have the motivation to get up and turn off the faucet and get changed was really engaging
>>247546 i liked that episode where the MC got hungover and marathoned the last of us and then went out for the solar eclipse playing the sad music from the game and spend the entire three minutes and 18 seconds of total eclipse crying log // like a goddamned bitch that was a good episode
>>247548 yeah that was a really good episode real classic stuff the writers really understood how to capture that melancholy good stuff
i watched the matthematosis review of it afterwards and i actually disagree with him on a lot of the points he makes the critical points anyway like the "repetetive puzzles" that he mentions they weren't meant to be puzzles at all they were also part of character immersion growing up on a farm in rural missouri, you see the QTE and organic character animations of him yanking on a generator chain while shot or injured it's physically exhausting because you know that feeling of exhause exhaust* the country mindset about don't bitch, don't whine, it all sucks but there's a job to be done, and how that relates to the struggles of post-apocalypse it's so fitting in every respect. i agree it was tiring but it was PERSONALLY tiring instead of narratively tiring, and that really connected to joel in a way that i appreciate
he's old as fuck. he's used to taking care of shit that has to be done just because it has to be done never a whine or whimper about why that's daily life in a rural setting, and it connected hard to me and the way the movement in the game is designed it does feel taxing even on the player just to walk around and get the ladder, they do a good job of making it feel like it's a mundane task but that you're expending precious energy and resources to make this happen, when your stamina is already so low from the long haul to get there, the fighting, the injuries, et cetera
they tread a really careful line really well, and it's something i don't think a lot of more luxurious gamers are going to catch because they can imagine moving a ladder with no problem but they haven't experienced having to work so hard to get a simple task done when you're already 11 hours out on the job, taxed as hell, ad // and even staying a wake is a struggle
>>247544 i liked the gag where MC-kun blurted out "you smell nice dude" to a random person and made things really fucking awkward for no reason he's such a fucking faggot
>>247585 You know what gag I liked? The one where the MC was told that he smells nice by a total stranger but instead of taking the lovely compliment he just had an awkward silence
>>247585 sorry but you'll have to explain the disjointedness between part one of that and part two where's the part that made things awkward i'm not seeing it this is just bas storywriting, the player has to make these transitions organically
would you rather: live forever or sacrifice you're self to make dorohedoro live forever and not be cancelled
like i literally can't name anything that looks like dorohedoro or plays out like dorohedoro even the way the universe is set up is pretty unique that's the definition of edgy
>>247618 yeah it's pretty edgy i won't lie but it's so fuckin good at it though its edge has so much style that you can't help but love it
edginess is the facile adolescent vision that aspires to be what dorohedoro is dorohedoro is the real, opaque vision that the sentimentalists can't reach
>>247633 no stop god dammit just because something is dark or violent doesn't mean it's edgy things you've seen thousands of times before aren't edgy MD Geist is only edgy in the end when he decides to fuck everyone up because he can
>>247634 What do you call edgy then? MD Geist constantly murderfucks people because its just his way of enjoying himself how is that not edgy
>>247635 things that are fresh, new perspectives on subjects and the unheard of is edgy something pushing new boundaries and broadening the current scene of whatever given medium is edgy
>>247637 I'd say that's just what I'd call innovative but I know better than to argue over the definitions of words
>>247638 hi >>247639 there is no argument here only a common misconception and misuse edgy is easier to say than actually trying to describe something being dark and usurped emo as the meme word to use to diss shit you don't like
rook and kirara gave me the news right away i'm so sorry jamy i didnt know they told me about how you were at the hospital and got a terminal diagnosis of gay why didn't you tell me i could have tried to cure you
>>247642 >diss shit you don't like But I love the shit I'd call edgy I remember when emo was used all the time now I never see it
>>247648 i love the shit i call edgy too i also love MD geist but it's not edgy it's pretty run of the mill other than the MC being the coolest thing alive
>>247654 My tempest trials experience this time has basically been that Delthea kills everything for six maps and then a second team finishes the last map.
>>247662 i dont know if you noticed this but delthea's a fucking assh*le
>>247661 yeah if you die to Geist it's really your own fault for being on the same planet as him You wouldn't hang out in a lion pit at the zoo so why would you ever hang out at Jerra
>>247671 Yeah they even label it but some dumb people still don't get the message
>>247729 i think it's um really super cool and the video is interesting also i give it seven ups out of seven but it could be eight out of seven if there was more vocals
Adult cats also don't meow to each other at all, kittens meow to their mother but once they get older they don't. They only meow at humans because they're trying to communicate with us
Cats also think that humans are very very very dumb kittens which is why they bring us dead/half dead things. They are trying to feed us/show us how to hunt.
and so on
I've heard both those before. Cats are neat to learn stuff about their habits or natures. A lot of it is kind of off-base compared to the usual stereotypical idea of cats as pets.
im having the new game talk with meat again and I just can't fathom someone watching anime, looking at new game, and going "yes, that one is abysmal garbage".
>>247827 dis kinda shit mayn it's everywhere and people think i'm crazy when i tell them
FUCK theyre making every textbook include an online fucking thing so you cant buy used books and you have to get them at their ridiculous prices this is DUM
>>247859 Thats what you get for watching the eclipse stream.
a genetic algorithm that randomly generates 128x128 random pixels and their kill rate is determined by how well facial recognition software's confidence score in the image is that there's a face
I make progress on FEH when I'm not at home. Which goes to show how much I've been at home recently 9k on Tempest. It's easy but I'm lazy. I want to make it to Atk Ploy at least. And then maybe 5* Chive but not a necessity Atk Ploy is good enough. that other Seal isn't very appealing to me
>talking with random npc from a mod that seems like an annoying self-insert >suddenly dragon drops from out of the blue >same dragon I ran away from earlier >"Hi, forgot me?" mant hat was too comical especially how it didn't land just drop
>the new horse emblem meta is eliwood with atk ploy 1 seal lol
>>247960 Yeah is why they now have "silent rooms" where any kinda noise is forbidden and rest of the library can be babies screaming in a chorus
>>247962 The local library I go to has different levels of noise on each floor 1 has the kids section, 2 has the teen section and half of their fiction section, 3 has the rest of fiction and all of non fiction Noise levels are 1>2>3
You nabbed a gold bar once and I forget if I asked you If you were going to embark on the adventure of making a guild wars character, which would you choose
blue im getting the low down on black panther movie from gf of someone working on it they did the pre-directors cut showing my friend says it's targeted towards "urban individuals"
Isn't that supposed to be a not-so subtle way of saying "it's for black folks"?
It's a good phrase for indicating the propensities of a group of people in a professional way.
>>247971 dark only has ika's chuuni light has an alien and song, the latter of which is a common choice and then earth has sarasa and okto who are both draph but sarasa's a girl so youd probably pick her
if i get a falconry license the game and wildlife department has to do home inspections for the bird's living conditions yearly wtf that's a little excessive
>>247985 Gotta make sure the bird's got a comfy living space
>>247991 i'd need to get my falconer's license first and have a sponsor to apprentice under but yeah, trapping your own bird is part of the process you can't just buy em they'd be so confused
>>248025 Jokes and memes aside, finland is much more versatile language, though Simply somethings can't be said in finnish and sound cool or intimidating, trouble of translating anything into finnish at time >badass line in english/germany/japan >yeah not anymore But finnish does have its issues, like simply the impossible grammar
>>248032 How many of those things are on the Library of Congress's National Recording Registry?
Finland was part of sweden for 700 or so years and then 100 years part of russia but it was mostly finns here and that way it was for about 6000-10000 years before that give or take Hard to track a people's movement when they didn't write a damn thing down untill 17th century
Estonia was similiarly tossed from owner to onwer, starting with the germans during middle ages, then tossed between denmark, teutons, sweden and russia untill russia took it for good and russia it remained untill end of ww1 and then it got eaten back before it really // wait they did gain independence but soviets gobbled them 20 years alter and then tried to forcefully integrate and purge the estonians out of their homeland didn't work still they speak estonian And Estonians didn't even have the luxury of "wilderness where to hangroud from the oppressors" Wouldn't want to be a russian in estonia, though Latvia has it worse, near civil war tensions there at times, what with 40% of the population being russians, who think russia is their homeland before latvia
Point here is Ukraine had the same situation and well...
>rich large territory barely ruined by man with low population and 90-95% single ethnicity population even during migration crisis era >but not rich enough to warrant invasion completely by soviets >no other neighbours who would covet the land >has kept good relations with powerful nations to keep independent and stable during turmolent times yeah we have it good
>>248044 hey wanna move to he north with me and jammy and hunt and be self-sustaining jan's the bowhunter i'm the beastmaster and can trap and train falcons what skills are you bringin to the party
>>248048 That's why i haven't left yet! I'm looking up recipes and seeing what I want to make I have 3 days off so I need something I can make 3 days worth of well it's 2 days off but it's kinda like 3
if jam gets the deer and fish and i get the garden growing and use my raptors to hunt squab, rabbits, and such you can, uh wtf can you even do keep us sane i guess
I'm between making curry again, making a tater-tot casserole, and making something italianish
>>248080 Wow, you have a really low opinion of me if you think there's a chance that I'd go out skirt chasing. I wouldn't do that even if I weren't in a committed relationship!
>>248104 Then why won't you believe me when I say I wasn't? If people get the wrong idea and think I'm a skirt chaser or that I'm unfaithful, I'll be really mad.
i'm watching a guy hunting with golden eagles i bet that takes a lot of expertise eagles are huge >>248122 do you and jammy wanna go to the bird sanctuary at lone elk park hmm we've got a crunched weekend as it is they've got eagles and owls and all sorts there it's really cool
>>248130 No way! It was just that silly undeveloped teen attraction where they laugh really loudly at all your jokes and ask you tons of questions about yourself and act interested And stare at you a lot
>>248132 I think it's natural for my ego to get inflated when a girl is interested in me, even if I'm not interested in them.
>>248124 That sounds cool. I don't know how much time things take, though.
they got lil birbs too but those are all indoors their raptors are really cool
that's actually the park i suggested we go for a drive back when we first had the discussion but i don't know there's so much cool stuff i wanna do but i gotta figure out what's important
>>248139 No. I wasn't being a jerk or anything. I was just excited that someone had that kind of interest in me.
>>248138 Yeah, I dunno. I think we gotta keep it to where we can definitely do it.
>>248140 hey rook wanna come with me and jammy to montana or some shit and live off the land with us jan can bowhunt and i can train birds to hunt rabbits and also plant turnips what skill are you bringin to the party to help us out
>>248175 Lots of people believe bad things about me. You're so mean sometimes. You totally put a damper on my mood! I guess that's better for when I go to bed though.
>>248217 have you already cleared the chain challenges? if not, don't. leave one of the level 35 ones open and just surrender on the last map every time you'll get 6sp per kill on robin across 7 // 6 maps for like 25 stamina or whatever it's the fastest way to grind SP you can get a thousand SP in like half an hour
>>248225 My worry was that people would assume you were telling a half-truth of some kind which would leave the interpretation that I was flirting with someone, either intentionally or unintentionally, open.
No way. It's not going to be the same if someone is just pretending to be interested in me like that. And especially not if it's someone that calls themselves my onee-san!
>>248389 No, you'd try to counsel her on this regardless of whether or not you needed to take responsibility for something so it's not taking responsibility.