This multiverse Netherworld idea is really getting out of hand. Disgaea 1 had one Netherworld, that was nice and simple. And then Disgaea 2 had its own Netherworld, which okay, fine. But now in Disgaea 5 there's Netherworlds and pocket Netherworlds and a whole bunch of Overlords who are Netherworld rulers and it's getting really expansive.
It's like I'm playing DC Comics series or something.
I really don't need to be watching all these mechanics tutorials but the dialogue interaction in Disgaea games is always fun.
>>208346 I thought Disgaea 1 was a really funny game when I played it Stuff like the Prinny baseball game was gold
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>208329 disgaea 5 takes place before disgaea 1 i think in disgaea 1 there are still many netherworlds they just aren't mentioned
To the first line at least.
I was mostly just being cheeky about the whole Netherworlds on Netherworlds thing. After all the Overlord characters of other Disgaea games show up in future and past Disgaea games all the time and talk about their Netherworlds.
I think I need to tinker with my audio importing set-up actually. It's not as noticeable with the BGM but the character lines has a really fuzzy sound to them of low-quality.
>>208384 They've always managed to cling on to that feel of the humour and characterization pretty well. The games play about the same too, but each one has minute changes that can make them considerably more or less fun in the long run.
Disgaea 5 is really good. I've been replaying it lately.
>>208329 Subsequent Disgaeas kinda expand on the universe in ways that really don't make sense. Disgaea 4 takes place a long time after Disgaea 1, but the human world is much less developed in Disgaea 4 than it is in Disgaea 1. So nothing really makes sense. The human world in Disgaea 3 is a fantasy setting with knights and stuff.
So I guess the multiverse thing with weird things going on with time and space is the best way to handle all that weird stuff.
>>208486 It is absurdly overpowered in Disgaea 1 and 2. It was nerfed in Disgaea 3, very badly. It was buffed somewhat in Disgaea 4. It it more or less on the strong side in Disgaea 5, but not aburdely overpowered.
One thing to understand about magic is that it is convienent, so it's always going to see the best for bopping enemies that are weaker than you. When you are looking to do actual DPS to the big bosses like Baal, you are probably going to be using mostly skills over magic. You might be using a high level star skill though.
>>208483 >Subsequent Disgaeas kinda expand on the universe in ways that really don't make sense. Like I said, it's like I'm playing a DC Comics universe.
If you read what I said to Kirara I also said I 'm not actually bothered by it all I'm just having fun being cheeky.
Oh it is raining a little bit. I thought it smelled of rain, but there's enough tree canopy outside my window and the screen covering kind of makes everything hard to see through it anyway that I couldn't tell.
>>208500 I love it when it's raining, but it's raining soft enough that you can't really tell So you get the atmosphere of rain but slightly less wet
I don't like getting wet at all, except when it's like, total and absolute. Like every piece of fabric on your body is weighed down by all the water it could possibly absorb. And if it's warm enough that I don't have to worry because I'm soaking wet.
But generally I'll stay dry if I can. I like heavy storms when I'm indoors too though. The sound of rain and rolling thunder is really nice for me.
>>208515 Yeah heavy storms are max comfy so long as you're sheltered I hate wet clothing though. I cannot stand wet socks in the slightest. I want to rip them off. They're soggy and gros.
Someone's burning a wood fire nearby. That's a nice smell, even if it always makes me a little anxious in an urban area.
>>208522 Wet socks by themselves, I can't stand. But when, every, singe, piece, of clothing on your body is soaking wet, the whole affair is so amusing to me that I can't care anymore.
>>208537 fires are really comfy too especially campfires It was the best part of being in the scouts
It's really satisfying to jump across the map in Splatoon 2 with one of the "melee" weapons and time your initial attack just as you land. It feels like some kind of huge overhead cleave kind of style of attack.
It would be nice to win a little more often than not though.
Like, fuck, you'd expect people to be able to understand the concept of, if you have three people alive against the enemy's two, you'll claim more land faster. But I can't ever seem to get teammates that can manage that.
>>208655 He may be indisposed tonight anyway, I think Fish wanted to do something for his birthday this evening. So you probably have a little bit of time before he shows up if he shows up.
He didn't say anything about being held up or late for stuff so I figure it was still a surprise for him. At least I figure he'd say something about the game starting late.
>>208663 I think it'd be good for a driving game. Or maybe a JRPG
>coordination >splatoon Splatoon is on a Nintendo console There's no coordination. Just being able to read the map and situation Because what the fuck is voice chat
I don't think that's entirely correct. There's a lot of weapons that rely on accuracy and timing. And the specials and sub-weapons can be kind of precise.
>>208708 Yeah, tilde will probably want to do it late today. CAn you stay awake for it?
If Kirara really won't be around to do the game tonight, I'll be all right with doing anime earlier. I would like to give him a bit longer to show up just in case, but it is already looking pretty unlikely.
But in general yes, I like to do anime later on Saturday nights as so the two events don't overlap.
The Switch controllers have really good battery life. I hadn't stuck them in to charge for a fairly long time, before picking up Splatoon 2 and playing for something like ten hours yesterday. They started to ping me that the battery was running low but I was still able to keep playing for two hours or so before I finally bothered to let them charge.
Russian vs Cambodian local Knocked out in the first round
>>208742 i watched a super hw fighter have the fight cancelled because he sprained his ankle while walking the two steps up to the ring that's how super hw he was i think he straight up broke it
What a little bitch
i mean a fall when you're 300 pounds is probably pretty fucking harsh
Maybe.. Just from a couple of steps though? I figure his opponent would have been hitting him harder than that
This one was fucking brutal though, man They were both the same weight But the Russian guy was short and squat And the cambodian was super lanky
He just used his long reach to start smacking/elbowing him in the face
still waiting on anything to match this masterpiece
>>208785 The best investigative journalists embed themselves within the organisation they're investigating. Don't you want to win a pullitzer? Where is your drive?
But it's a pedo store, well I GUESS it's not a LOLI store, so it checks out. But I don't think they make a distinction in japanese between the two
or in most western laws
This whole district is super seedy But it's also where they have cheap coffee So it's where I hang out
I also see the younger version of Fate-chan, but since the series has progressed to the point where she's an old hag I guess she's debatable. Kotori is 17 so she's legal pretty much everywhere but the strictest states in the USA.
Overall the store seems more dedicated to hags than anything else!
The good stuff is probably just not on display. ... >>208803 >>208803 Is that Wixoss behind the rem poster or whatever by the way I don't think it is. But I think it is
blue uniform, white collar, brown hair with side ponytail, white/ light-blue hair, orange ribbons That should be wixoss I SHOULD JUST FIND THE IMAGE's not on danbooru >>208808 I don't know He'd probably say the store should rename itself to Hebe or something. with a "well actually" somewhere in ther or maybe just zoom in on the shop and find out >>208812 Since I have to think about it, I guess not. I would say that you (and probably everyone else on moe) has a very strong capability of shitposti- oh wait no you shitpost at Best Buy all the time
>>208810 blue, would you consider me a shitposter? for your candidness in this answer i will reward you with one (1) relaxing image
there's a $100 bounty on my shitposts if anyone can find one of my shitposts [sic] they get $100
I wonder what it's like to shitpost Having never done it myself
Maybe I should try it out sometime
>>208826 it's like trying to get a handjob at the back of an addiction treatment center you look like a douchebag no matter what you do and even if you succeed everyone will still think you're a shitbag
i have four hours of work in the morning but i'm // i havent drank enough yet and i'm still really hungry and probably going to make a ham and salami sandwich humans of the earth planet please advise that this is a good decision for a rational human without any hidden agenda to make
>>208876 No, you weren't really able to explain anything. I held myself out pretty humbly and only got an explanation that it was you, but that it was really me, even though it was just me without the fault of me because it was you I'm not really down for these games i gave you a pretty solid, clear opportunity to say what you meant
if you feel the strength of your conviction is stronger than my own than let it speak for itself >>>/watch?v=E8x6NUuZR5I
>>208877 Oh, I see. Well I can't really explain it any better other than I felt like I was being mistreated. Like I said you didn't do anything wrong. I'll just give you some space.
>>208881 Yeah and i felt like you were being a fuckin prude bitch to me what do the feels mean not really shit
and i tried to make it civil too and you wouldn't have it
can't have something moon's way, can't let someone else have a good day gotta be the fuckin ojou sama and make sure i make sure that it's clear my territory was impeded
>>208917 what a coincidence that's when my free time starts and i stop spazzing out
oh yeah I always forget you're cst that works perfectly then
Thay was some fucking oishii miso soup Let me tell you
Everything here is Chinese, Japanese and korean Because the government is still communist (in theory) so the US doesn't really want to invest But east asiam companies are all over it So that's where all the rich business elite is from
>>208941 So the people are literally forced at gunpoint to leave their land The government drives them outside the city to where there's like a latrine, a water pump and a metal shed to fit several families. And then they're just like 'this is your home now. Fucking deal with it'
space jam would have been far better if it had actually been in space
So basically that anime about giant robo-basketball?
>>208947 there was no jam in the entire movie i was so sad i just wanted some jam
no strawberry no raspberry damn sure no rhubarb fucking letdown >>208948 I always forget the name of that
Basquash or something. Basquatch?
stop it stop shitposting
yeah that's it I think you got it right the first time >>208952 ok but then I'll have to stop posting altogether
I told you guys about the firewood scam, right? Well the upside of that was that I felt like I pretty much had a free reign to wander around the religious/funeral sites as much as I wanted to
>>209047 The tl;dr version is that they gave me a tour of the hospice next to the ganga. And I knew they were going to want a donation at the end. And I gave them one. Which I thought was pretty generous, but they wanted more, and they wheeled out this little old lady who wax pleading with me to help pay for the patients firewood for their funeral pyres so they could get a propper. funeral. And it was just so uncomfortable and I was put on the spot and this lady was begging on her knees so I ended up paying
And on the way out I bought a bottle of water and the shopkeeper was like 'oh btw, don't give anyone who asks for firewood any money. It's all a massive ring they've set up to mostly buy drugs'
It wasn't a huge amount of money. But it was like 60 or 70 bucks. I felt pretty cheated. But that's what happens if you let emotions get the better of you
>high of 100 low of 80 I want summer to fucking leave
I want summer to never go away.
being nocturnal makes summer really nice warm nights all night
shame being nocturnal makes literally everything else suck ass
too many mosquitos for me dude
oh that sucks around here they usually only come out for a little bit after sundown
those sons of bitches always go for me first
trick whoever else you're with into eating a bunch of bananas, supposedly that makes moquitoes go for you more
I barely ever eat bananas so it's not hard to get someone to eat more than me now how many is a bunch though
>>209065 I don't know like 5 to 8 I guess is technically a bunch 1 or 2 might be enough but I'm honestly not sure because I've only heard it causes them to target you, nothing on why it does
>>209067 >announcing victory only to take it away the next second God
>>209050 man that's fucked up I know life it shit in some of these places and sometimes you need to scam people to survive but that sort of appeal is too scummy for me, it just doesn't sit well no matter what
Yeah. I didn't know how to feel about it. Their lives are probably really shitty. But still.
Fucking varanasi, man. I had more scam attempts on me there than the rest of the country combined. And I was only there three days.
And it's supposed to be a 'holy sight' for what that's worth
I mean, if you're looking for a place where it'd be easiest to scam people by appealing to their goodwill then a place known as a "holy sight" would be a good base
That was the same place where the two big guys sitting on my shoulders suddenly asked for 3. Euros
>>209098 Yeah. I'm sure that's why it attracts so many
Next time someone asks for Euros point them to the nearest gaybar.
To refuse to get scammed I've been super on edge and cynical this trip. Anyone in the street who tries to talk to me I basically tell them to go and get fucked
So far it's worked pretty well
.. Appart from that counterfeit book and overpaying for a few taxi rides
Unless I've been scammed and just don't realize it
The perfect crime
you've secretly been in the wrong country this whole time
Maybe i never left Australia
Who knows. I've never been to Perth Maybe this is what it looks like
for all we know there isn't anything BUT australia
I could play 2048, but then I might accidentally stay up way too late.
I gave up on 2048 when I got two 1024s and couldn't combine them fuck that game
>>209202 I've never beaten it. I haven't gotten a 1024 in a while either. Although I dont play it frequently, primarily because once I start I end up playing it for several hours non stop.
if yoshi has hooves why doesn't he // does he have sneakers? >>209233 but what about the coffee lounge?
what a stupid question why do you wear sneakers if you have hooves?
I missed d4 it looked like Sossy bae
s'alright we can probably get into it next week provided I get it // get all moved in at once >>209235 uh I don't wear sneakers
Tbh the wardrobe is the best part off the game
vr bad at life simulator
crack eggs into pan yolk breaks scream throw an egg into the pan with the shell on throw the pan into the sink and turn the water on the steam burns you scream
>>209241 vr sitting down but your food goes everywhere
vr infomercial simulator
Vr your phone notifications are going off but you're in bed and the phone isnt
vr you wake up in bed and try to get up but your limbs have been amputated
vr you wake up in the street covered in blood and your wallet is gone
Vr you do nothing but everyone is yelling at you anyway
vr getting fired from your job for an hour
vr h&r block
vr swimming in a pond
vr your room is bigger in the middle than it is at the walls
Vr stock footage is like 300 bucks to purchase
vr waiting at the DMV
vr waiting at the dmv but everytime the line moves it's we are number one
i tried that vr porn stuff and it was really scary tbh these girls were crawlng on me and it reminded me of the bloodborne intro where the messengers get all over you and they're in your face and i had to turn it off because it was so freaky and uncomfortable
>>209323 >you can do live vr streams >you can still sell seats at the front for more, it's just that technically everyone can buy them if they can afford it
>csfe used to frequent no longer plays lounge >hmm tgis is a welcome change, so what is this radio then? >lounge fm acoustics ...
>>209326 It's so fucked up that there is a market for this
How do you get to that point, as a society Where there's a legitimate "want to not get fucked over by the cops and have your rights as a human being violated? There's an app that tells you how to"
I don't see what's weird People should know their rights Its just educating them
"I need to work or this other person does a bad thing to me"
OK look work is a bad thing "This person has a gun to my head. If I don't do x he kills me" "It's fucked up that you need to do x" "Why? I need to do x or he blows my brains out"
Im sorry but i don't understand what you're trying to say Its nbd we will move on
It is fucked up that the system is such that the police will fuck you over if you don't know what they can or can not legally do to you. It is fucked up that it is necessary for you to know your rights if you don't want them violated. They're supposed to be your rights. You knowing what they are shouldn't come into the equation when the police decide whether to violate them.
But people should know their rights anyway
all systems are like that
people should know their rights whether they need to or not
society isnt plug and play
People "should" know, yes. But that's because it's good to know. But >>209344 is the real thing. It's not so much a "You should know your rights because it'll help you get ahead." It's "You should know them or else you'll get fucking violated by the people who should be the ones ENFORCING them."
Should And NEED
are entirely separate concepts
You NEED to eat You SHOULD brush your teeth
>>209344 I also need to know what plants i cant eat even though ill probably never eat them >>209347 What
Like, yes, knowledge is a good thing almost intrinsically (ALMOST). Because it can help you achieve things. But right now we're talking about "achieving" survival. "Achieving" the ability to go where you're going without getting a ticket, unlawfully searched, harrassed. There's a "market" for preventing you being abused.
>>209363 Those degrees though are super important. That's the thing. People wouldn't expend lots of effort in learning certain rules unless they were necessary. There's a reason why some people are more concerned about knowing their rights against the police than others, because others don't really have to care about them as much.
there is no state that you can expect to protect you from itself
>>209370 what is also wrong, is that cops can violate rights and get away with it
>>209373 Imagine if there was vr footage of fathers signing the declaration of independence From now on everything will be and people in 20,000 can see all this shit today
nyanpassu state more nyanpassu more rights
We need a broken windows policy on rights violations.
That cop who shot a woman in her pajamas just got like, a suspencion His boss stepped down though
Which honestly, sounds like the dream >shot a woman for no reason >your BOSS quits, you get paid leave
he will not have a job in a year though
he's going to need years of therapy and he'll never hold another job
He'll probably get another job.
most do not
most cops that kill someone leave the force within a year and have trouble working again
He's a former cop, there's place for him
Well welcome to the team
there was a cop here that had to kill a dude that was coming at him with a fuckin katana like 10 years ago that dude is so fucked up killin people fucks you up
>>209394 it is, though you can say that because you don't know about police training it looks like they're in control but they're literally trained to react that way
There is no part of the police training that incentivises you to shoot an unarmed white woman in her pajamas
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
see what you're doing now is making the situation overly specific so that you can strawman the argument
cops and soldiers are traimed to react be that reaction grabbing your gun and blastong in most cases that happens you save your own live and prollu many othera and then 1 in 100>>209399 is weird and in 90 in 100 the shooting cop/soldier gets ptsd
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
cops are trained to shoot at the first sign of a threat they do not evaluate the threat for how legitimate it is they see a threat and they shoot at it
>>209400 situations in the real world happen to be pretty specific
Vr game where youre a peeping tom but youre in a wheelchair
society is to blame here we need to reform police training cops themselves as individuals are rarely the actual villains everyone is a victim in capitalism
cops are trained to believe anything in the environment could be a threat to them anything that moves could kill them things they don't see want them dead cops are trained to be hypervigiliant
they're basically trained to jump at the first sign of trouble, whether it's real trouble or no
so they kill innocent people sometimes, because their training is to do that
a rat pulls a level when a light flashes to get food people are exactly the same
>>209405 >but if we don't do that the cop gets shot violence feeds violence as they say our cops don't have that kind of training at all
I don't disagree that they're a victim, but that doesn't excuse it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm not saying it excuses it but punishing a cop for it is the same as punishing for any other crime
does a cop deserve jail time? not in my opinion neither does that random murderer or that drug dealer they need treatment they're fucked up by society society made them into monsters
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the sooner we stop attacking cops and instead attack their masters, the better
cops are a scapegoat we need to nip the problem in the bud you kill the snake by chopping off its head
>>209423 their function is reasonable in the context of a society where you can't avoid getting robbed without them but as they are in our society, they're terrible
i understand how things SHOULD be but we need to focus on how things ARE
I don't have anything against trying to mend the system from within But I don't agree with keeping it around to begin with You can't fix it, though I don't have any objection to trying
Perfect is the enemy of good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>209433 can't fix anything but we still gotta try
>>209432 Honestly, the only "reason" they won't be gotten rid of is because it is seen as "reasonable" So if you want to remove it, you have to stop seeing it that way.
We just need more police robots. just make sure they can't commit sudoku into lakes.
>>209437 Im talking about function not morals Perfect is the enemy of progress
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
look man the police can be improved
i know this for a fact because the research i did for the FBI is being used to enhance the training for FBI agents to make them more understanding of the people they police so they understand the crimes better and can react better
we can still try
smash everything into piecesm pour gasoline on the pile and rebuild on the ashes
>>209443 They should allow it to commit sudoku? or just police robots are bad? Don't you want robots that so aware of everything they are enternally depressed but have to perform their function.
That said, just having better numbers won't solve much outside of votes. what's the value of 1000 allies, if your one enemy has all the resources. But it's important to really see it as something that can't continue from now.
Isn't that interesting thing, you'd be // you could see that happening with test tube babies or those genetically modified babies from china. Maybe they'll be created and patented or copyrighted and won't own their own lives.
Capitalism is here because it has less lag than the soviet socialism But capitalism is lagging too much for the bandwidth of information we now have to process and the bottlenecking is causing problems
We went from monarchies I don't think we'd instantly go to freedom.
>>209493 not socialism communism there is a good bit difference there, though it is semantics mostly
Capitalism is here because it dumps the suffering outside the propsperous nation's borders That's how it's able to keep justifying its existence
>>209498 >semantics mostly Communism is inherently without a state
nordic states are market social or liberal depending on ruling party >>209502 centre more like
We're on the left, we're not socialist
No, we've taken over some industry We run the hospitals for example But not all Which is to the left, but we haven't taken off all the way
a fusion of free market with requlations to prevent rampart profitialism while keeping state big enough to support a large social support network and enforce the requlations the nordic model summarised implementions differ, fot example how the market was build ie norway used oil, sweden metals finland ussr war debt
>>209504 The state doesn't need to be big to support the healthcare But the economy from which it generates its profits, whether it's taxes or just trading, has to export something
We export shit We're pillaging the rest of the world of their wealth
Nordic democracies are entire nations of the boushies
workin on it fam
>>209507 But it's already P2W Transitioning into F2P allows for more players to enjoy the game. While being sustained by those who have the resources.
but whatsoever, i still find it amusing that 1. we are only nation of ww2 to have paid their war debt 2. paying that debt build up our economy to modern levels and was used to found our social system in the 60s
that poster never posted again after i surveyed him lol
The capitalists will want to use you, they'll come for you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
how long until capitalists start building stem cell factories just hire people to get pregnant and abort
they gotta use the stem cells to regenerate their brains so they can live forever
>>209526 before war we had no industry to build any of these we had to industrialise because of the war reparations basically
oh yeah, i said something about finland to that russian girl in my class and she said finland couldn't beat russia at anything so i said "well what about war" and she was like "who cares about that"
>>209527 that's a little convoluted, i mean there's just a processing barrier at the moment that's stopping us from reprogramming adult cells into pluripotent stem cells it would be a much more streamlined approach for capitalism to just fund that hurdle >>209532 i'll take a look later
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>209531 huh what method the japanese method? that's the only method i know of and it turned out to be bunk
yeah that one it's not bunk it just needs some serious data collection and parsing
i love when information is well-organized i wish more organizations were diligent about that
>>209530 say to her >a finn and a russian go to sauna >finn leaves and russian dies
>>209534 last wc of sauna winner also, since we banned sauna contests after
>>209536 he had drugged himself so bad he disn't even prolly notice it autopsy revealed the finn was clean but still won (lol) he was carried out after the russian and passed out later too
>Kaukonen woke up from a medically induced coma six weeks after the event. His respiratory system was scorched, 70% of his skin was burnt and eventually his kidneys failed as well. holy shit
>>209551 >losung to finns my most smug face our propaganda is supreme!
>>209560 My kidneys still hurt sometimes from the heatstroke
>Finland was originally obliged to pay $300,000,000 in gold to be paid in the form of ships and machinery, over six years Ah, so that's why You didn't pay them money directly, your government ordered goods from the private industry to then give to the USSR
It shouldn't be even necessary to teach people what animals go in the water Regardless of whether she's right or wrong that it goes in the water, it has feet She could have taken an extra 15 seconds and set it down gently NEXT TO the water
The problem isn't that she 'saved' the wrong animal The problem is that her method of doing so was bad to begin with
haha i do shit like that all the time but like as meta humor like to you or doc or someone i wonder how often stupid shit i've said has been looked at by bystanders and they thought "oh my god that person is so fuckin autistic"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i would block him because he had to use wikitionary to complete his post
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i fuckin love when people are legit like that because it's funny but if you gotta use external resources to show off fuck outta here
i can't wait to be a
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
like hirsute isn't even supposed to be used the way he's using it
haha i know it's so perfect
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i am not like those... heh... dare i say... dimwits... that would say zomg teh kitteh is qt... no, i am smart person per se unlike those ingorami
his use of zomg tickles my tourettes in a way that makes me so stressed out i laugh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the plural of ignoramus is ignoramuses too
i'm usually pretty happy to just be like "fuck, i dunno" and not have to go look shit up and seem knowledgeable i mean i will if i'm actually interested, so i can learn about something but it's nice to not have to know shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah it's nice to feel like i don't have to prove myself
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
jill stein (??????) has been brought into the trump-russia investigation now
>>209669 It's not that early. I fell asleep a couple of hours early so I woke up a couple of hours early.
>>209669 >>209668 It kind of further damages the russia narrative. The people who have been screaming about russia at the top of their lungs are mad about Jill stealing votes from Hillary, so I guess they're trying to throw her name in there.
I ... Her name is in the list of people that they requested all communications between them and DT Jr. It's because of that. It's a bunch of Russian people and then suddenly, oh yeah, and Stein, and then more people like Flynn and etc.
>>209673 I feel kind of bad leaving you on a two week long cliffhanger. I guess you could say there was a surprise. I was going to do the game but Fish told me she already made you cancel it so I assumed everyone was busy anyway.
I'm not talking about media people. I mean like whoever is involved in investigating the ties. I don't know if it's from a committee or from a Intelligence Bureau. I don't remember. >>209674 oh, okay. She probably said some Russian shit one day, who knows.
I knew what was happening. But it didn't involve me. Sooooo I ddn't say anything. >>209681 >it's your birthday >you were on the internet most of the day >Fish is sweet Something was happening.
>supposed Of course. But this is a girl who likes you that we're talking about. And my studies show that something was going to happen. And I just can't expect her not to make something happen.
>>209683 She was acting out of character! I was prepared to stop anything that could have happened if it were in character. Some people are just cheaters, I guess.
>>209684 Maybe we can reschedule the game. Otherwise we might not even be able to finish the spirit quest before ToN goes home.
>>209685 Breaking character is an important skill It's an ace for special occasions. You can say that I believed in her ability to make sure you didn't come back. I'd do the same for CF.
I'm not saying that I have any idea as to what she did. But I believed in her power to make sure she can capture Birthday Kirara who has been moping about it the entire time. Yuu said one thing and then I realized you weren't showing up. I was actually going to send you a message but I realized it might make you come back. And I just let it rock.
>>209701 I didn't have anything to do with this one, other than that she told me that she was going to try to steal you away for them game and I told her that was fine She was wondering what to do about your birthday so I suggested she cook something for you, but it doesn't sound like that's what happened.
>>209704 That's what I suggested! I don't think she did it though. Cooking for someone is something you can do for them that's nice but not something would be out of her comfort zone.
>>209703 I think her cooking comes with some chance of failure depending on what she's cooking. It's the thought that counts for cooking though.
>It's the thought that counts for cooking Canceled. This really ONLY works for sweet things. Not a meal. That's when you go PRO. The Super Bowl. That's Koshien. You either have it or you have something else.
What matters is the thought. Even if it's a charred hunk of meat once you're finished and you have to order pizza, you're both having fun. And then years later, he'll say to you "do you remember that time you burned my birthday dinner?" It's all about the gesture and the memories it creates.
>>209710 I'm going to fall on the ojou side this time, steak isn't that expensive. It's a little pricey but you can get a number of meals off a cut of steak unless you eat the whole thing in a single sitting or something. And for her, the price of that steak was nothing.
Listen, you're not buying meat AND handling it poorly. It just ain't happening in this house. I would say that the thought itself goes into buying the steak. That she knew to have Kirara cook it instead is a good thing. You can't "thought that counts" a meal. Because you gotta eat that meal. You can "thought that counts" a grilled cheese. I won't be very happy, but I might eat it. And then explain how much I don't like grilled cheese. But I'll understand. But don't do that to steak. That's just...
Blue is right. She showed her love by allowing me to cook it. She knew I'd rather have a good dinner than a destroyed one! That meal was a team effort!
Do not destroy steaks in the name of love unless you are doing it as practice runs. Come prepared with skills in hand or be cast out from the kitchen for years to come.
>>209688 Yeah, I figured. But you preceeded the statement with "She was villainous!" and it made everything a little more intense. I didn't think that was what happened after a few posts though.
NOT LIKE I HAVE ANY ROOM TO TALK AFTER CF AND I PUT A CANDLE ON TOP OF DOUBLES FOR MY BIRTHDAY. I blew it out quick though so we didn't have any wax drippings
>>209737 It was certainly something but it wasn't a good idea!
My eyes were closed and she told me not to open them until she gave me the signal. By the time she told me to open my eyes, the wax was dripping into the ice cream! And it was vanilla bean Haagen-Dazs!
>>209753 That sounds cool, but I don't have money to give you or anything, hah If I could get the title I could find it myself though, probably, it sounds a bit interesting
not like i'm selling it i just don't wanna bin it >>209760 it's Atlas of Suturing Techniques Approach to Surgical Wound, Laceration, and Cosmetic Repair isbn 9780071836586
>>209767 It's got ecchi undertones but bad. It's kind of funny
The dude is a total loser and his loser friends make him ask out the gyaru thinking he'll get laid but the gyaru is actually pure at heart even though she pretends to be lewd
That one ability of hers to negate bonus damage against her seems good. I'm rolling blue on that banner to try at her and the mage girl, but I doubt I'll get either.
I got invited to a dinner event tonight at the last minute I dunno if I should go My food would be paid for hmm
Also, moon if youre getting rid of bobooks I may be interested in some of them. *books
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
say what bobobo say what bobobo
That reminds me, I need to trim my nose hair. I got a nose hair trimmer the other day.
Oh oh, im having trouble keeping my eyes open. *uh oh Fucking autocorrect Anyways I shouldnt still be this tired after taking my meds. If im lucky ill be able to fall asleep.
There's no full japanese version of that on the usual spot. Which is unfortunate but also not the worst thing ever? My favorite dub actor is in the english one. So there's that.
>A 30-year-old NEET is reincarnated into the body of an otaku that choked to death on instant noodles. As he comes to grips with his new life, he realizes that this world is subtly different from Earth. The denizens of this world are far better looking, and this new world also possesses futuristic technology as well as mysterious Yin Yang masters! >After reincarnating, he realized that he was endowed with a miraculous game-like system, which enables him to increase his own stats and transcend the limits of the human body. This system even has a game-breaking ability to save and load in real life! >In this new world that’s akin to a 2-D game, he just wants enjoy life and head for a glorious future… However, he is quickly embroiled in a complex plot. Can he unlock his true potential and utilize his system to break the shackles that confine him and discover the truth about his previous body’s circumstances?
Yeah. It's like, an academic gathering thing hosted by some people at my school. I guess fewer people from the program than they expected are going so they sent out a text to a bunch of us asking us to come.
I worked with a grad student while on my own final project. It didn't seem much different other than the fact that they were learning a different thing. Formal stuff usually bothers me.