Thread #208735
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boku no hero ballroom shingeki jikan no shihihhihih x2 dive
I've got hero ballroom dive
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we should do those first since we have you here. I wonder where tilde and ika are there's tilde as I'm typing this
Yeah I figure so too. Getting Dive out of the way would be nice because it's not something I'm super into.>>208739 I was just closing up my gaming.
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I'm trying to gather up ika.
I'm gonna go grab a drink while that happens
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Sometimes the Ika mind is hard to understand. I asked if everyone was ready like two seconds before I made this thread.
Never mind that the thread was made thirty minutes after he said we could do it twenty minutes after the post he made.
what show
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hello ika the list is dive boku no hero ballroom and then probably an episode of jikan we're starting with dive
ok lets go Kakegurui came out too
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dive okay let's start!
die v
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>>208763 Maybe we'll do that instead. for last
I do have kakegurui also
I'd be fine with that.
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Oh that owrks out well ten. We'll do kake third so we can crown the comfy pyramid with ballroom.
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murdered by a diving board
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that's a really big bed
I wish I had a really big bed.
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my bed is queen sized, it's pretty big.
I've got a queen too, I find it roomy enough I was sleeping on a twin most of my life so it feels like a big upgrade
His girlfriend is pretty decent. Shame he's so uninterested.
Nobody seems to like stew in the summer. I like it in the summer.
summertime is good for stew I think
He had the water reflecting off him even all the way up at the top of the diving boards. I don't thing -think that would be so clear all the way up there.
ika's favorite character
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okay let's move on to boku no hero okay let's start
time for edgy ninja turtle man >implying ika is alive
These mutant heroes scream pretty funny like.
Hah hah poor Gran Torino. Even the top heroes don't know who he is.
normal hero
Deku is pretty good at putting two and two together.
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heroes reeeeeee
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I wonder if this guy is just a super big hero fan who is mad cause they don't live up to his ideals.
yeah that's kind of what his ideals are he thinks the whole hero community is full of shitty heroes who aren't good enough to have that title
And he might be completely lunatic but as you see he's kind of got a reason here.
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Sometimes you just have to act on your autism.
Deku is a pretty good hero though.
I think stain would accept him
eventually anyway
>I literally can't move and you just saved my life don't get involved
Stain really is super OP. The control he has over people ought to be relative to the ingested blood or something.
it's a super strong quirk but he has to land a hit first against someone better suited to fighting him he'd be at a bigger disadvantage but against a close range fighter like deku he's almost always gonna win I think with the range of quirks people have he's not particularly OP, he just has a hard counter to anyone who gets close to him as long as they're slow enough
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Wow, he's got a pretty good power.
Oh yeah there was that absurd qualification.
oh right, I forgot about the blood type thing
>>208899 the japanese really are obsessed with the whole blood type thing huh I guess it wouldn't be THAT absurd if it just matched blood types that would be compatible with his or something
Todoroki really does get better and better after his battle with Deku in the competition.
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he turned out to be a pretty good guy.
And Endeavor is a scummy guy but he's the best hero after All Might for a reason.
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That was a good episode.
I'd actually completely forgotten it was Todoroki that comes to Deku's rescue in this arc.
this ED is really good
>>208922 I've actually lost track of the order of events after this how many episodes are left in the anime? I want to figure out if they'll get to a certain scene
Eight or so. We won't see the summer camp arc this season but if you remember the short arc that precedes it, we'll see it. After all, the OP even teases it.
ok now what
kakegurui I think
Gambling addiction therapy
>>208927 oh, I think I know what you mean now I hope I'm right
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yeah kakegurui okay we're all here and ready let's start
>[CCM] Kakegurui - 03v1 >[CCM] Kakegurui - Episode 04 - English Subbed Are these people intentionally being annoying or is there a reason for this.>>208959 Yes Squid I saw you make your entrance, no need to shout. Maybe next time don't be so SLOW.
poor organization and communication among the group probably or just laziness anyway ready yatta >>208939 >>208959 >>208936 >>208942 hey he said brb
ok>>208936 >>208936 >>208939
I like the artstyle in this OP, it's a lot of fun
It's pretty fucking gay. That's fine by me.
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She's going to have super fun with this.
And so the doujins flow
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Let's see how she handles this.
It looks like she doesn't have to.
oh I guess like that
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Oh, she gets saved. I was hoping she would resolve it on her own.
>are you really that scared of getting shot there's a little bit of kirara in her
It looks like Jabami isn't the only absolutely bonkers girl on campus.
jabami disappeared oh
the whole main cast is crazy gambling bitches hell the whole premise is crazy gambling bitches
Yeah but some of them are less crazy than others. This one and Jabami seem to be a bit on the same page though.
hmm I take it back she's more jan
Oh. Hm.
what if it doesnt hav ea bullet
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what is she doing
Schlicking by the look of it.
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This one is a dangerous one.
>>209009 I'm pretty sure she would have loaded one in. Otherwise it doesn't make as much sense to get so excited over it.
This master of ceremonies has very dead eyes.
I guess these two are gonna get matched up.
And there we go.
>There's no way I can lose at a chance-based card game Though realistically he's probably gonna be cheating.
nigga crazy
>Is she even right in the head? Bitch you went up against her and saw how crazy she gets.
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That's a pretty good life story.
oh baka twintails is growing
His eyes were awfully looking like goat eyes there. What fucking poetry.
I dont get the game
they're just trying to make pairs, or at least match suits pairs are stronger than suits which are stronger than no match, that's it only you can't see one of your two cards, and everyone else can see one of your two cards so there's a little bit of strategy involved but it's minimal as an example, if your personal card is a 2 and you see that two other players' public cards are also 2 then it'd be wise to hold because it's unlikely your public card is a 2
>The woman who became human But I wonder WHICH woman.
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Probably both of them. let's see what was last oh ballroom okay let's start
I bet it's the twintails
ballroom ready episode 2 was good, I'm looking forward to more animation like that it looked a little janky but it was interesting
he's got a long way to go
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thats what we have i think I think out of those vatican is the most droppable maybe keppeki next
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Yeah, we need to catch up on those. We have two of them now.
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As far as I'm concerned, Vatican is dropped. It wasn't really good at all. We need to get our fct together or we won't be watching Keppeki Danshi. Tokunen Ranbu was kind of boring too, I consider that a drop.
Wow sumo shoutcasting.
I could go either way on keeping or leaving Keppeki Danshi. Touken Ranbu was kind of all right I wouldn't mind keeping it. Vatican I have no real interest in keeping. We're up to date in Sagrada Squid you're gonna have to catch up.
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touken ranbu is maybe drop i believe in ufotable it might be cool looking jikan kinda looked cool at parts dont know if drop vatican is boring keppeki was kinda boring
>>209066 oh okay missed that one
I'm not watching NTR so just pick one day out of any to get it done before I come in. I don't mind being put off an episode any day really.
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>>209068 touken ranbu is the exact same thing as zesty was it's pretty but it's insanely boring.
>>209073 it could pick up ...maybe
wow what the fuck dude
Wow man calm your errant hands.
>>209074 I would be more interested in catching up in Token Rumba than catching up in Keppeki Danshi.
rumba > ringo > bure
keppeki danshi's clean thing is just boring
It doesn't have the same kind of charm that DAYS did.
Oh no man don't listen to the waltz. SIT DOWN.
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I think that keppeki danshi, touken ranbu, and vatican all three are going to get dropped because we're struggling to keep up with what we have.
why DIDN'T he lock the door?
These fucking necks some times.
it is a bit much in some shots
actually I wonder if this big built guy is picked on for having such a short neck in this universe
I figured this was going to be the result. Oh fuck man short-neck ended up being the VILLAIN.
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Oh, he is getting thrown in.
RIP his career
>>209093 should have known, can't trust a fucking shortneck
Hah hah this guy is fucking with her. Didn't even tell her that her partner was being subbed in.
>oh shit, I look hot as fuck
Just fucking dance you loser.
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Wow, this is an unmitigated disaster.
He might have saved it though. Using his secret skill COPYCAT
I don't think there's any way to salvage it, but he's certainly going to impress people with this
rip hyodo loses his career and his dance
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His neck got longer when he started using Hyodo's moves.
on all fronts, 100% cucked
freestyle do it
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Is that really cucking? He did like three moves.
yeah he couldn't follow through it was an unsuccessful cucking
Oh no Hyodo showed though. Time for envy.
oh shit maybe not unsuccessful she likes it
why have they still not shortened his pants
Hah hah hah. The pants came back to bite him.
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I had a feeling something like that would happen.
Oh might have just barely giri giri saafu'd it.
He lost his smile and wants MC to give it back.
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I didn't expect Hyodo to get cucked at all. To see it happen this early is really chocking. shocking too
Oh I guess next week is Hyodo's revenge.
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wheres justice for hyodo kill that gorilla kill harambe
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thanks for anime!
yes arigatou anime friends