>>209928 oh yeah i got a beef quesarito once that was some good stuff i dont know their whole menu because my eyesight is pretty shit and if i'm going through the drivethrough i just tend to get what's large enough to read haha because i can't see that far away
>>209937 about to catch up with my sister i'll be back later on but it'll probably be really late your time if you're feeling bored, you can check out some exurbia videos! >>>/watch?v=KySFp0w7-hE
>>209938 I figured you'd like it If my rants here have at all made you interested in anti-capitalism I recommend checking out Discourse Collective's theory episodes, too They're very informative
I can't speak for the ones Vikky is on cause I just can't stand her voice so I skip them, but I assume they're good too
Oh, their episode 45 is really good, that one's interesting in general cause it's about Marx' critique of a socialist political party's platform, they do a good job explaining why just using words without defining them doesn't get you anywhere in this movement
I touched on this a little, too, yesterday, I think Both sides, be it capitalist or communist, will use the same words, but either not really mean anything but a vague feeling, or they'll mean outright opposing ideas completely. Freedom to a capitalist includes the right to own private property. To a communist, that's what makes capitalism not free, but oppressive.
>>209944 I'd recommend you some, but all the ones I listen to are heavily political Though Street Fight Radio and Discourse Collective both have non-overtly political shows
DC will talk about movies and TV shows and stuff, and just discuss them and stuff Street Fight Radio is definitely commie, but they don't talk economics outright, they mostly just talk about stuff in general, obviously applying their own commie lens to things they see manifested in society
I like gunpladust memories, but that's a very gundam specific podcast
I listen to a darn horrifying podcast lately but >>209944 If you're turbobored you could listen to Six Feats Under's main campaign which is why I started running a game If you download from itunes you'll have to go to their site to grab several episodes since the earliest episode on itunes is like part 30 now
I know of Between the Liner Notes, which picks a particular aspect of music culture or music history and does a full episode of in-depth information about the subject.
Oh oh blue Episode 41, Leftist Lingo is also a pretty important thing to listen to to fully grasp what's being said and the ideas being discussed by those kinds of circles
My neighbours have been really all-out with playing music outside pretty loud all summer. Generally the music is stuff I've enjoyed listening to in the past so it's not a big deal, but at the same time it doesn't excuse the entire nuisance of it.
Wow thanks for all the suggestions
Chapo Trap House, too, is pretty good Again though, these are all far-left people
Chapo's a bit more overt than Street Fight, but they don't really discuss theory much either
Well if you're not interested in anti-capitalism, you won't enjoy them too much I think you can still listen to Street Fight and enjoy it though. Anyone with a job can.
Anyone who isn't a boushie*
I'm not an anything. I'm not not an anything. I refrain from having a particular identity on shit like this.
It had little to do with militance and more to do with women. But I don't really dive into podcasts much. Although, I guess I probably should since I have proven to myself that I can do other things while listening to them just now.
Something about how they either talk about or treat women on the cast? I never really looked into it, I just know that there was a bustle about it for a few days.
One thing I've learned about myself is that I have never really thought of my headaches as headaches. I have had them and never identified them. It's just pain.
>>209977 You'd have to be a <extremely kirara voice> learning-assessment loving grad student.
>>209979 I mean the duplicity of the whole affair. Not for my own personal experience. But it's a really funny idea if you look at it from a skit or story-based point of view.
Despite buying this bottle of ibuprofen for myself, and keeping it in my room and not some general public space, I'm pretty sure most of the tablets have been taken by people in my family and not myself.
Although, really, the one thing that made me doubt was how much you looked forward to it. Doubt myself, that is. Usually with these functions you're like >ahhh, this is so lame >I don't want to hang out with these guys >They contacted me so late and now I don't want to go >There's only girls there and I have a QT3.14 at home >>209993 ...I don't think, or know, if Fish was in on this. Although, it COULD be Fish, which would be ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. But I'm just assuming that his friends from school are throwing a thing.
I started drawing this like a week ago and it's pretty much just been sitting on one of my monitors ever since, unfinished. Every now and then I look at it and it's hard to not imagine being that dissatisfied at being unfinished.
In other news I've got this hu-fucking-mongous bowl of chili. I didn't even really want to eat this much but my choice was either split the remaining into two portions that neither of which would be particularly fulfilling, take as much as I wanted for tonight but leave a paltry amount for the next time, or just take it all tonight. It's probably within my range of reasonable calorie consumption for today to eat it all but it's going to be such a huge meal in one sitting.
>>209997 Line stability is something I've put a bit of practice into. But it still only goes as far as pretty stiff and simplistic pictures like this one. Anything more complex becomes hair-pulling-ly frustrating to draw.
I figured getting into a dress would be a lot if she's already the kind of person who doesn't like it. But it would have been quite the thing. Although, it'd be weird for her to be conspiring with your classmates/colleagues. Does she even know them prior to this?
Do they have more candles to put in your ice cream?
I just didn't know whether or not she actually met them prior to this or whatever. But probably not.
>>210004 It is still really good. I wish I put more practice into my artwork. I just got way too fustrated and give up. I don't know if I'll ever acheive something as nice as yours.
I like throwing colors onto a thing until I figure out something
That's what my photoshop has been sitting on idle on for a while
I can't into actual painting. A bunch of my art friends are crazy good at it but I just can't wrap my head around the basic idea of how to actually do it.
Pull out some reference and go really. A lot of times with art, my process is "Fuck this canvas up until you aren't afraid of it and then figure out what you're doing". That said, my art is a tragedy.
Go really what, though? I don't really know how to do something without knowing how to do it.
Usually there's some kind of thought in my mind. Or some safe things. Certain kinds of perspective or angles that I end up picturing often. When I say "go", it's like, you have this sense of "I think I can convey something here, maybe." And you try it and maybe it works but if it doesn't you can just move onto another feeling. When I listen to people talk about it, they generally have that sense of what they want to structure it as but the exact locations aren't really known until things start going on the canvas. The perspective might be thought out, the elements that they want to have, but a lot of it gets spitballed as you add to your work. And the more things that you add in, the more structure it has, and you build on that structure. If it starts to look wonky, you fix it and adapt.
Like that other thing started out like this >>210011 Just scribbles and a subject matter and a background that only 50% made sense. And then I worked on the foreground.
>>210029 Yeah, she mentioned that she didn't want to go see a lot of people. If she asks you for air that means she's feelign overwhelmed and you guys should go take a breather.
In other words literally go for air. But yeah it's good to have a safeword like that for something like this.
Ah, I need think up a second name for my game.
>>210035 yeah we are taking a breather outside right now
my cohort and some friends were like huddling around fish at one point and i couldnt get to her for a minute it was pretty stressful but i got her out she did well to last so long!
Comic-Con has been dropping a bunch of nerd-culture trailers for stuff. Stranger Things releases on Halloween so there's still a decent waiting time, at least by my measure of time.
>>210062 Not in the sphere this is happening You have to clarify what you mean by things, very clearly, when talking about the things talked about in the sort of place this is, because a lot of people mean different things when they use certain words That's inherent to politics as a whole, really
>>210061 Well, she wants to be strong enough to give you a good birthday next year. This is good training for her. Even though it's scary, girls are probably safer for her to be exposed to than guys right now. This is good training for her.
>>210064 hey sk can you be a sweetie and do me a really big favor i need the bologna cat image
>>210067 Apparently they had some Infinity War footage to show at Comic-Con too, but the only online look-at we'll likely be getting of that is a subtly recorded shot of it from the viewing gallery.
>>210066 Maybe sending memes. People like memes. Like very tame normal ones. Or just cool photos. Take a picture of something and send it to somebody. And then just completely redirect conversation after they laugh or say wow or whatever "oh hey, by the way
Uh, the what? I don't know what you mean by the bologna cat image The cat making that face on the c- Uh, I vaguely know what you mean, but I don't think I saved it. If I did, it's in my old, really unorganized folder where I just dump everything, and that would take like half an hour to go through
the cat with the slice of bologna on him hold on maybe you don't have it
CF sent me a text and I want to respond to her but I don't really want to answer the question but I feel like if I dodge the question, we won't talk about anything.
>>210072 it's that stupid little black fluffy adorable piece of shit that crawled into a path too narrow to turn around and he's just staring back at his owner who dropped a slice of deli meat ontop of it and took a picture it's so good
>>210068 yeah but i want to protect her we're going home in a few minutes though i'm gonna use my bedtime as an excuse to leave
>>210082 I think you picked the best choice then, I find it hard to characterise how I feel since I // how I feel can switch a lot and I don't like to get into explaining my mood.
>>210095 My parents have both been really pleased by their fitness wearables. My mother in particular also has a Fitbit.
One of the reasons I've been putting off getting a smart watch is because I've been trying to find a good one that includes fitness applications like those kinds of wearables do.
>>210096 They monitor your vitals or something while you sleep idk how it works or how well it works but they can track how many times you wake up at night itll be interesting to see how much fish disrupts my sleep
>>210109 >went through old messages >I told her about both FCF and Piano in the same conversation.
>>210112 >New head writer and executive producer Chris Chibnall who takes over from Steven Moffat on the next series http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/doctorwho/entries/399b321f-63cb-4b83-8bd3-e6874d09579f
>>210121 I was surprised. She was like, "those people were normies, weren't they?" She thinks they're talking shit about her though One of them texted me after I left to say how pretty Fish was but Fish thinks they're scheming something
>>210122 Yeah but the new Doctor will be entirely (or sufficiently close enough) this new head writer.
>>210118 I used too, I don't anymore though. Its gone downhill since David Tennant left, but started getting even worse faster after Matt Smith.
>>210129 I can't tell if you're being serious or ironically being contrarian.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's true >>210127 because his characterization was terrible he was incredibly inconsistent as a character Tennant is a fine actor but the Tenth Doctor was written horribly
>>210129 Out of the three I've watched properly, I'd put him at second place. I really didn't like the Ninth in any commendable nature. And Matt will probably always, always be my favourite because he was who I started with. I wish I could get to enjoy Capaldi but I don't know if I want to marathon pretty much all of his episodes by now.
>>210136 Tom Baker is why I stopped chipping away at my videogame backlog. I bought a vhs copy of the deadly assassin, and when i put it into my tv vcr combo the tv broke and never turned on again.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210139 rory, donna, and jack are good companions the rest of the companions in new who were utter shite
>>210142 Jack was a great companion Rory I felt really bad for because he could never be as cool a boyfriend as the Doctor Donna was good because she was like a down to earth office lady who got shoved into time travel adventures
I liked Amy once Rory joined the squad because she stopped trying to suck Smith's dick. Rory was a really, really great normal guy though. We should all aspire to be such a great normal guy like him.
>>210142 pretty much this i actually found torchwood to be much more enjoyaböe show shame doc never appeared in it
>>210146 That's so not true. I'm really not! I don't think girls are attracted to me at a higher rate than other people. You probably experience it at the same rate as me, honestly.
I probably have a higher frequency of meeting women than Blue by a little bit, and Blue probably has a much higher frequency than you. That's probably why.
>>210152 maybe you are just a anti-woman magnet then?
>>210155 Oh wait, thats me. I forgot Blue doesn't have hikki tendencies. Even though I know not all NEETS are Hikkis I still forget to accoubt for it when thinking.
He's probably more attractive than me, too. If we encountered the same number of girls, I think we'd experience the same rate of them being attracted to us.
It's weird thinking of myself as attractive. I think part of the reason why I own it is because people think I look like various Black actors. So it's like "Yeah, I guess if I shave, I'm on that level."
I think I'm only going on about this for being called handsome by not family people. But it's cool. >>210167 My facial hair gets pretty wild. Not super wild but its curly and can sometimes reach my lip. That's when I know I NEED one.
>>210169 I some times get the feeling I scare off a bunch of more adjusted people. It's really only the weird people that end up talking to me as total strangers.
>>210170 I don't pay for my own haircuts cause I'm a NEET. Also I don't want to look like a skinhead.
>>210171 Yeah, once my facial hair starts to grow out to where I can feel it on my lip, it really starts to bug me. In general I really don't like having facial hair but that dislike is a fluctuating degree depending on how much I hate shaving that day. Because I also really don't enjoy shaving.
Apparently this can track my time in light, deep, and REM sleep.
i don't even know would i need to shave daily, have had a beard for... 3 years now
I have OCD so generally having hair on my face (except short sideburns and eyebrows) really bothers me. It also bothers me even more proportionately to how long it is.
>>210185 Yeah, that seems to be a common function of sleep tracking wearables. I wonder how accurately it can get your sleep phases from your wrist pulse.
and if i shaved my beard in the last 6 years, it was just to reset it proper
>>210187 >sideburns what you wanna be a mecha pilot?
>>210190 It's a carrer path I haven't ruled out. *career
I found out today that there's a girl that's really mad at me. We used to be kind of close, in a friend way, but apparently she's mad at me for ignoring a facebook post she made to me. How silly.
They shared some thing about Drake and Josh fighting and I ignored it and I guess she's mad that I didn't like her post? I don't really understand facebook culture.
>>210199 Wow I thought this was something personal Drake was mad because Josh didn't invite him to his wedding
>>210199 man it's so fuckin dumb i have some relative who does this shit where instead of typing a status/post/whatever out on facebook she'll create a paint file and give it like an orange background and then use the text thing in there to type out what she wants to say onto image format and upload the image
like i know that theme is to make stuff spread around but this is for like personal shit, like "got a new phone pls message me"
>>210194 I think Revy's is supposed to be 7.62 NATO.
>>210210 but it was an amusing party as the moemoney to chip ratio fluctuated as tje night progressed and then people began, especially in our poker table, throwing alternate stuff as bets like gold (choco)bars and rare muffin mafia cards
It's really weird talking to CF about other girls and love. In that it really isn't weird at all.
>>210207 another cousin has been posting antivaxxer literature and also asking me if // "hey i have done data entry before, is your employer hiring" i'm like what
>>210217 Can you post a link to that anime club's website? Google is being fucking garbage (as usual) and wont give me any useful results.
...I already did that. By accident. I was like "Wait, is she talking about Piano or FCF?" >>210224 I AM REFLECTING RIGHT NOW OKAY. PLEASE. LET ME PROJECT MY PROBLEMS IN PEACE
I can't really call myself a magnet because only FCF was interested. Piano didn't even realize I had any kind of feeling (but that's just how good I am at not being obvious)
mondays suck
did you drive alllllllll the way over here just to drop your trash at my house
Piano is a magnet. Like holy shit. I thought I was being normal years ago when I was like "woah, she is too young" But when she told me the list of people at conference who've tried it I was like what the shit
>>210236 Men kill and kidnap women on first dates and shit. I wouldn't call it unreasonable. Unlikely SURE, but not unreasonable. Men don't really have to fear that kind of thing. It's not even a significant factor.
>>210238 Yeah But not like, super fat to the point she needed a mobility scooter.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210239 this women wait until the third date usually
>>210239 Serial killers are really rare, though. Also, you can be killed or kidnapped by a man at any time. It doesn't just happen on dates. It could happen any time you're alone with a man!
i watched the zodiac film yesterday was kinda fun movie, bit dragging towards the end eith its 2h40m runtime, though i wonder how accurate it was portraying the zodiac killer case
You don't need to be a serial killer to be a killer. You just need to be fucked up enough. Serial killers just so happen to get away with it more than once.
>>210242 how often are you alone with a man though
>>210245 Pretty often! I mean there are a lot of men roaming around out there.
I was alone with one on Friday in fact. In a stair well, we were both using the stairs. He was a police officer.
>>210250 >pretty often! slut :) But that's different though, it's in a public stairwell When you're alone at home with a man you've only just met, that's the perfect time to commit a murder
>>210242 And yeah, it can happen any time. Which is what makes it not that unreasonable. I feel like "serial killer" as a most common fear is kinda just a tag. They don't need to be serial. They can just be your friendly one-time murderer who gets caught.
But you don't want that to be you.
>>210237 holy shit what did you even what fuckin hope you like roast beef then pops
>>210251 Uh, you don't sit around home alone with a guy on the first date unless you intend for something to happen.
Plus, it would totally be easy to take advantage of me in a stairwell. Just knock me on the head and drag me to the top where people don't really go.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210253 I don't remember what I said but it was probably something about fitting a football inside
>>210254 I thought people would like, hang out at home and watch movies on a first date I don't know anything about dating though so I'd take your word for it
>>210254 i do because i'm a fuckin nerd and i'll be like "hey you wanna come in and have some brownies and ice cream and we can play stupid ass video games"
>>210256 First dates usually go down in public places, like restaurants or the skating rink. What you are describing is netflix and chill, which is something that often ends with funny business.
>>210258 holy shit what if he has ugly information
>>210252 friendly neighbourhood murderman sounds like a deathpool joke
If someone comments that you have really good hands and long fingers and could be a pianist, are they coming onto me, suggesting that I'm good at fingering, or are they Yoshikage Kira?
>>210270 i would say no they aren't coming on to you they're probably just neurotic like me and talk about what they find fascinating >>210278 i did a bunch of FITBIT focus group interviews a couple months ago haha some people liked it but most of the people were like "what is this fuckin garbage i have a $30,000 watch at home why would i wear this cheap shit"
>>210282 wow rude she wore that dress for you >>210287 STAYING UP ALL NIGHT
I don't look forward to work. hopefully a wild cow will knock down the building or something a meteor would be good too.
What about a creature from eons past that has been sleeping beneath the field they've now built the barn upon since millennia past?
>>210294 >Kannagi we need you to work overtime to fix this building
this is the most successful and active that ive been in my entire life and yet i feel like my family is more ashamed of me now than ever socially, and financially
Man some of these ranked matches in Splatoon end so quickly. If you achieve a solid foundation in the first fifteen seconds of the game it can be over in about a minute.
>>210341 You should watch the Tsuredzure Children anime.
We finally have a working microwave again. It wasn't really a huge problem to not have, but there's a bunch of quality of life improvements I'll have with it working again.
Oh yeah, I heard you're getting rid of books. What kind of books?
mostly medical/medicinal or some old astrophysics stuff which is hardly worth the read today besides for posterity but it's cool stuff and i feel like it belongs in a library somewhere, not in the trash there's so much though it's like 40 boxes of books to organize through it would be like a full week's time worth of work i'd be missing and the books don't mean as much to me as a week's earnings i mean some of them were $100+ books at one time but that's only because they were from a library ofc i // from a university ofc i never bought that shit at the university i always bought used
Jesus Christ That's an awesome amount of books.
i shouldn't hold so much attachment to stupid things it slows me down so much to be sentimental over books and old tech and photos and friendships but i can't help it i just care so much sometimes
>>210391 I know that feel. I actually got rid of a lot of my computer parts before my last move. Although it really was stuff I didnt need. But I'd been hoarding it for years.
some of it's so legacy at this point that i can't possibly toss it years ago i would have but now it's like having a 32MB ram stick by kingston it's just kind of cool
Well, a lot of the stuff I tossed were things I had like twelve of. >>210394 You mean the like three and a half inch ones with all the gold? I have a ton of those. I dont think I tossed any RAM.
haha i didn't mean anything specific but all those things back then i remember the first computer i built myself that shit was so bad i think it was like 256mhz and had 128mb ram from two sticks
I've actually never built a comp. I've taken them apart and reassembled them. Sometimes with different parts, but never like from scratch. Although I do still have my third computer. Well it's more like my 2.5nd >>210402 Oh I know I could, I've just never gotten around to doing it. I have all the skills, ive just never gone and bought a case, motherboard, RAM, videocard, cooler, diskdrive, harddrive and put it wll together. Whenever I've had the money ive always been either too busy for it to be worthwile, or just didnt really have the space for it.
it's not like it's hard i mean you can say you've eaten a sandwich but never made one yourself but i guarantee you could just grab the shit out of the fridge and figure it out in under a minute computers aren't that complicated in terms of hardware i am not real good with the internals of computers though and all of that
Anyways I still have my Gigabit Ethernet G4.
Huh, found a mediocre webnovel that piqued my interest. http://www.novelupdates.com/series/lv999-villager/ It's actually not as bad as i thought ot woukd be. *it would Well, the manga, im starting the novel now.
>>210402 Computers are scarier though because they cost money
Yeah, it's a lot of fun to put the hardware together, but there's still a bit of anxiety involved since the parts are all considerably more expensive than sandwich ingredients or a LEGO set.
>>210435 There are some pretty expensive Lego sets
And there's some extremely expensive computer parts.
how much laptop can I buy for about 800 bucks
>>210437 yeah but most people who buy those have a tonne of lego experience
>>210442 what the fuck a nigga to do with half a laptop
>>210439 What are you looking for to do with the laptop?
>>210443 wait until he can get half another laptop Actually they sell half laptops in stores now. They're called tablets
>>210444 watch anime, play Overwatch, browse exhentai on my 4k tv
>>210445 Tablets are pretty well on their way to replacing laptops within most realms of functionality.
>>210448 Well phones always have the bonus of being super portable. But we're getting tablets that are surpassing some laptop power and functionality. Some times I regret getting the Chromebook I have and not getting something like a Surface Pro.
>>210451 Pretty much, but you can access the Office-esque products offline. I can pull up Google Docs, Sheets, and whatever the others are without being online.
>>210453 thank you I try to bring my unique wit and boundless wisdom to every post I make on doushio dot com
>>210455 how about i improve your face with my fist
>>210456 You're a very valuable poster. You deserve a raise!
>>210455 That just sounds like windows but with less functionality
>>210458 it's like android without support from developers
>>210458 I would say you get what you pay for. I put less than two-hundred dollars down for the laptop and it's served me well enough. Battery life is nice, the device is pretty lightweight. I bought it strictly for typing stuff and some times looking at emails and it goes all that without complaint.
deadly worldwide conspiratorial worst gangster computer god communist nazi bullshit i can't take it
A gangster computer god sounds like an exciting prospect.
>>210469 the empirical scientific agnostic religion of ASTROCISM created by the worldwide SLOVENE empire with the help of the slovene top secret worldwide computer electronic encyclopedia of thousands of years ago with its customs set up based upon the study of the Universe, primarily the study of our star, the Sun, the giver of all light and and sole sustenance of life on our planet, Earth, to aid the white sloeve spreading world populations of eurasia which said population was composed of tiny independent farmers, name a worldwide agrarian population the slovenic empire through its religion of astrocism made possible for a man to advance to present day sophistication the ASTROCISIM RESULT GUSTOMS and FEATS DAYS were solely TO advance the agrarian white world population with automatic education and training i know that didn't answer your question yet but hold on i need to build the foundations first
nobody ever suggested what kind of laptop I could get for around 800 dollarinos I'll never anime again
I'm sorry I'm not really familiar with the current laptop market. If you want to play games like Overwatch on it you probably don't need a particularly amazing card either.
Really if watching anime is the most intensive thing you plan to do with it you could probably just get whatever best-rated laptop is within your budget from Best Buy or Amazon or whatever American hardware retailers exist I wouldn't know them.
me neither I was hoping someone else did
>>210496 I wanna watch anime upscaled to 4k if possible
I don't know if you could do that without upscaling the video yourself. Since I'm pretty sure putting 720p or 1080p video on a 4K screen just stretches it to fill the screen. But I don't know how digital video works really so take it with a grain of salt.
madvr can upscale to 4k but don't know how taxing it is or what laptop gpus if any can output 4k my monitor isn't 4k so I'm not sure if a 1050ti is sufficient That's what the laptop I was looking at has
I mean unless you want to play high-end games on the TV then I don't think it matters much. Video playback is considerably less intensive than game environment rendering. But at the same time I don't have any experience in the 4K field so not too sure.
Also the upscaling program would probably also pull on your machine's CPU for the actual upscaling...maybe.
>>210502 Definitely not. Even machines that slap the "gaming laptop" title on them tend to feel like they can jack the price up by a hundred or two dollars just 'cause.
I doubt could get a 4k capable gaming laptop for a reasonable price
Oh okay then. If you feel like putting the work in, seeing if you can find a forum or some kind of discussion talking about what kinds of graphics cards the users of the program are running it in might give you an idea of what you're looking for.
dunno why salmari as a brand is there, no one buys it if you make salmiakki boozr you make it yourself
what's salmiakki?
salmari as in salmiak boozenis just clear booze/vodka with salmiak melted into it they do sell it as premade, but no one buys it makes much more sense to buy some distilled dish water and make it yourself, save money and make the booze drinkable
>>210511 leijona, koskenkorva, tapio, suomi, jaloviina and milder version of koskenkorva are all boozes 11M litres sold per year, totallung 2 litres per citizen quite a lot of just hard liquor and that is just the state monopoly store
>>210509 Wait, you don't have bluetooth for your comp?
It was an oversight. As far as I can tell it's not built in to my motherboard and I didn't pick up any radio components. Granted, it's not something I need since I mostly stick to wired connections for things. But it turns out the Switch controllers can connect natively to foreign hardware through Bluetooth so it's a bit of a shame that I can't hook that up to my PC for controller gaming.
Hello doushio.com
I am having trouble integrating the upvote system with liveposting.
Would any of you good sirs happen to know what js node I should be using?
Laptop guide thing http://www.logicalincrements.com/laptop Well, if it loads for you It's not loading properly for me right now, but I'm on my phone so that is probably why.
From what I remember Logical Increments isn't really geared that well to phone usage.
>>210523 It absolutely isn't. But the burden is not on me to
>>210522 it doesn't appear to be loading for me either
do androids support ogg?
>>210525 Are you on a phone or computer. >>210526 I think zo. *so Although supported filetypes for audio isn't so much of an OS thing as much as it is software thing. So short answer yes Long answer you can make it not supported if you want >>210528 Yeah it probably won't load for you then.
>>210551 Beats me, my friends dropped a tumblr link with all the photos but the link doesn't cite who the model is or who put together the outfits. They're cool outfits though.
I'm a bit reminded of fedora.tips which is unfortunately no longer a website. It would display random images of people wearing fedoras that looked really bad. But now the domain redirects to some forum.some forum.
>>210580 It says I'm awake significantly more than average But that's probably because Fish and I wake each other up throughout the night by movng a lot
>due to eu copyright and protection reform, old pictures with people in them, who didn't outright give their permission to have the pic publicly spread, despite donating the picture themselves to a museum, might get blurred or censored from the pics.
And names might get wiped from practically all street pics of protests or such, as they might reveal private information like being part of a worker's union
>>210600 >Kun Fucking weaboos. No need to use japanese honorifics if you're speaking english. God.
>article about confusing "feeling of knowledge with knowledg" >quite good overall read >"Our own ignorance still doesn't prevent us from declaring what we will: Finland out of EU! Climate Change is bullshit! The more the feeling of knowing reigns, the more people are locked into one perspective" I love how it groups climate change denialism and anti-EU as "stemming from ignorance" just casually
I'm going to attempt sleep once again. Oyasumi /moe/
>>210624 Climate change denial stems from ignorance, provided it's true to begin with That's kind of a given Well, it will also stem from THE FUCKING BOUSHIES
But being anti-EU can easily just be not wanting the same thing they want That's not ignorance, it's disagreement. Not all things are up to stats and data, some people want different things
Flat earth people might honestly be in this nebulous group I consider "open to the idea" They might be misinformed about the earth, but at the very least they have a REAL problem with authority
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
nah flat earthers are right liberatarian tier these guys are capitalism superstars
Just because they dislike the authority in pokwer atm, doesn't mean they wouldn't love being the authority And that is inevitably what the top members of any communist movement will do.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they're not real communists if they want to be the ruling party
We're gonna see socialism keep gaining foothold unless the US can stop it, so it's not really a big worry I have whether people in boushie states like ours agree with it or not >>210645 Socialism is the path to communism You can not flip a switch and go from capitalism to communism
Socialistic ideas and communism are a different thing implementing shit like many european countries have done isn't really being commie or socialistic even.
>>210647 It can and there will be an attempt once the people in power realize trade sanctions don't help because there's too many socialists There's gonna be military force again
That's why they were so fucking scared of the USSR The soviets secured a HUGE landmass, it could sustain itself AND other burgeoning socialist nations without trading, if they wanted to
One of the first changes to doctrine Lenin did was allowing+ foreign trade to boost their economy and while stalin did starve ukrainians on purpose, they still fucked many of their harvests and whatnots and millions starved And eventually even stalin had to allow trade I mean, USSR provided germany with quite a lot of oil too
>>210651 The US won't go socialist You're gonna elect someone with similar ideas to Bernie and implement a safety net similar to us, maybe, but you can't go all the way once you do that
As for the Eastern block soviet just sucked them dry and kept them poor to keep their own machine running Real sustainable economy there, despite being richest and largest nation in terms of resources i nthe world
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210656 it's possible social democratic ideals are already being rejected
>>210662 Once the changes have been implemented by it it needs to be dismissed and refounded if the changes and values are endangered but post gaining their main points, the party becomes just a naysayer in everything
I still don't like antifa, I think they're hurting the cause
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they definitely are they're not trying to seize the means of production they're not trying to make any change they don't care about change they care about violence
But I also UNDERSTAND them I get it, I just wish they didn't
I think they're useful if you're ALSO able to grow the movement, they're a signal to everyone that people willing to use violence are out there, and growing
That said, I don't think smashing windows and lighting cars on fire does anyone any good Not directly anyway But if antifa grows, it does have some positive effects for commies in the sense that it's an objective measure of the movement as a whole growing
How are you going to get the workers to support you if you are ruining the lives of the workers? Destroying their homes, the stores they have to shop at? They're costing the workers money that the workers don't have. They're hurting the workers. Physically assaulting fellow workers.
Antifa is an unfocused violent mob without a goal.
Their entire idea is to not allow the fake peace of capitalist society to sit still The point is to show that the police can not maintain control As I understand it anyway
I don't think it's a useful goal, but that's how I understand their goal
A lot of them are just there for the violence though They're revolution fetishists, a lot of them
>>210711 That's not really the case In the US they do get completely owned every time though, that much is true The cops don't even gotta step in or nothing, antifa are fucking pussies in the US
>>210712 And in Germany Like how they got cleared out of G20 in like a day Fucking pathetic revolution they've got going on worthless They're like fucking mosquitoes
Yeah as I said they're mostly just revolution fetishists, they just want the violence and to fell good of being a part of it
A lot of the commies I talk to do support antifa, but they understand my dislike of them, too It's not like they're universally loved and a hill anyone's willing to die on
Though, maybe it will be a thing anyway Some people disagree with me, I don't think it's necessary at all, but it's not like it's impossible for any community to have some people who just don't have any particular passion do some general upkeep work around the city
In socialism you'll likely need it for a while though, cause you have to ween people off the idea of needing them gradually You can't just SEIZE THE MEANS and then immediately implement every facet of communism Like first of all, doing that would mean no state and no military, and that's not gonna secure the existence of the country
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it makes sense that people would just clean normally
>>210740 specialised cleaners are more efficient in certain settings. Like at an office people are probably too busy to clean toilets so there'll be a guy who just sweeps the whole building
>>210744 Yeah, that's true I guess, but they don't necessarily have to They're busy now because any and all business endeavours have to have the minimum amount of people they can, and as much workload as they can on each one If you open that up, you'll have enough people doing stuff that they just won't be that busy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>60 people in florida stung by jellyfish this weekend you hwat
>>210745 But instead of having people not do stuff you can just have them all working This system seems like the least efficient way of doing anything
>>210746 Oh wow Jellyfish are some shit, I've heard people like seize up and can't get out the water sometimes too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this article is funny >They lack backbones, heart, blood, brain or gills and are neither jelly nor fish, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. They are 95 percent water. like why are you saying this in a news article people know they aren't jelly or fishes
>>210749 >They lack backbones, heart, blood, brain or gills and are neither jelly nor fish, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. They are 95 percent water. Oh, they're talking about the Democrats?
>>210766 If you're gonna have me between two categories anyway, it should be INTP\INTJ Cause I do fluctuate between those depending on mood and what test I'm taking But it's always one of those two
conscientiousness is like, self-discipline, achievement, self-control, etc neuroticism is likelihood of experiencing negative emotions
so someone that's neurotic is expected to be angry or anxious all the time, stuff like that someone that is very conscientious would be expected to do their work as best as they can
>>210785 yeah it really helps validate my existence
>>210787 this seems like certain types are straight up better
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210789 well it's 5 scales and it's a spectrum for each scale so it's not as easy as types
for example, someone can be high in neuroticism and conscientiousness which may make them effective in a business environment but ineffective in a social environment while someone high in conscienciousness but low in neuroticism may be the opposite
gesture village fucking genius name, sven gesterby i svenska
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210798 agreeableness and neuroticism typically have a negative correlation you can answer to get highest on all of them but the test would be invalid
is still weird to think supercell doesn't even have its own complex they share it with 4 insurance companies and a bank
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
is that weird?
i know FBI offices that are in office buildings
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
although most have their own building
>>210802 would've thought they'd have moved to bigger space but guess they don't need it and theor current spot is much closer to centre than any business parl with free space
man how much money one would save if you rigged and hacked a travel card machine for your own usr for free 700 to 1500 or even up to 2500
you got places to stay and all that though right >>210845 that reminds me do you have just a normal video camera i might get just a plain handheld or something it'd be nice to have as well
yeah i was for examoke house sitting my mother's placefor almost 2 weeks wgile they were travelling
and what 360cam are you looking at gettin
kilon asema one kg station world's lightest train station
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilo,_Espoo a district amysingly named kilo name dates as far as i know to 15th century and where it comes no one knowd but
it amusingly coincides with kilo, shortened fprm of kilogram in spoken language
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210850 My DSLR can take normal video. It's not a camcorder or anything but it can be mounted somewhere or whatever to take decent video
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210852 Samsung SM-C200 is the one I was looking at mainly although there was a Samsung Gear one I checked out as well
>>210856 you could save money by gettong a lense for recording 180 pic for it those do cost a bit too though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210858 Well a dedicated 360 camera with 180 settings can be bought for like $150-200 right now
I was thinking that if we started in Q3 we'd probably have enough or nearly enough ad revenue to upgrade to a VR180 or get a VR180 as an additional camera by the end of Q4 or early Q1 when it comes out
>>210862 well, if we're filming in Q3 ...don't underestimate postprod time my kind of expectations was Q3 (we're actually already in q3 though) filming, and then q4 be postproduct and release by end of Q4 we'll see i want to get a static cam too and do some side-footage and vlogging type stuff behind the scenes, staking out potential areas and stuff
>>210865 VR is incredibly cheap these days, though, anyone can use it, and everyone has access to it generally There's a market just in that people get it and want SOMETHING to do with it And cool vids like that on Youtube are bound to get views and it'd be fun as hell to make, too
most importantly is scenic drives are something we both enjoy, as is filming we wanna really make something nice, if nothing else than to get some experience doing this vr stuff and being involved
i'd like it if we got enough revenue to cover travel so i'm kind of mentally focused on that
>>210868 haha i'm thinking of sperging out hard and having like a duffle bag with eight backup battery supplies and film rolls [sic]
like 20 hours of stupid ass footage for me to sift through
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210869 going hard like that sounds pretty fun to me
ive always really been into audio engineering, not that i had any formal training but i've just always toyed with stuff like that and made shitty little things i really want the sound to be good on the recording i'll probably go through and manually adjust levels to really isolate the sounds if i can i really want a foley room that'd be so cool did i show you this?
wait, i can't find it it's a stock website but it's exclusively for audio sound effects there's the most ridiculous stuff you could think of literally just idiots with a foley room and "okay let's find something we can record the sound of" "how about if i drop my keys on the ground?" "BRILLIANT FIRE IT UP"
so you probably have field recordings
so what you gon dp, throw music on it or host some driving podcast? i guess you could do both
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210872 you mentioned it to me, it sounds pretty cool
speaking of recprding shit, i have wanted tp get a gopro or similiar for so long i wonder does a 360 pf such exist already
i had to go drive to the mailbox lol >>210874 no just clean driving, no music or anything, just the sound of the engine and the road and whatever birds are chirping
finally did it after fucking decades of forgetting about it
warmearted typo on 3rd square top row
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fuck me
Oh there is the R in there. Small text fucks with me some times.
Also for the sake -not sake the fuck you on about. Also despite the fact that the orange row statistically makes up the vast majority of the test takers. There's fuck all of them on /moe., /moe/, even.
>quiet, friendly, loyal when did floop take that test again oh yeah that was a while ago huh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
back in like september
Well this test is kind of abstract and not a good basis for anything.
Like personally I'd say I fit somewhere between the category I'm in and the one Blue's in.
they're pretty much all values that apply to everyone the idea is that the category you fit into are the value systems which have dominance in your internal workings
not something binary like "oh you can come up with solutions to problems or you can't" like that's just dumb and vague
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah it's like hocus pocus personality assessment
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210891 yeah it's not precise or even really that elaborative
it was also a model developed in an era where social function was completely different
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this is a test which has results that correlate strongly with MB assessment and is actually used pretty widely by a lot of big companies
i don't know anything about the validity of it but i'd presume it's low the temperment parts that i used in that chart (inspector, protector, etc) are from that since each of the temperments correlates with a type from the MB
but that test is fuckin bad too
>Do you tend to choose >somewhat impulsively >rather carefully But I diligently analyze all my potential choices, consider their faults and benefits. And then usually go with my gut on which one feels the best.
It kind of annoys me that these sorts of tests don't make allowances for the fact that it's possible to use both logic and emotion towards a single problem.
Yeah im compulsive af but i teflect heavily before accepting a concept into my belief structure
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210898 the good ones do even the decent ones do but they're good or decent so you can't really take them online
>Which appeals to you more, consistency of thought or harmonious relationships Fucker, I like BOTH of these.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Is it better to be >Merciful >Just well my view of justice is merciful so
Do you like music or silence Night or day Hate polarizing queztions
>Do you consider yourself a good listener or a good conversationalist I mean with this question I know I consider myself a good listener. But I also know I'm a good conversationalist from external affirmation of the fact. Come the fuck on, these things aren't mutually exclusive. Most the time they're not even polarizing enough correctly to easily pick one or the other.
Questions Fuckin phone
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>When the phone rings, do you hurry to get it first or hope someone else will answer it it's not the 90s i have my own phone nobody is gonna answer it for me
Would you rather be hirsute or a dinwit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
din wit
Dimwit Fuck
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
dinner wit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>At work, is it more natural for you to try to please others or point out mistakes neither
Im trying to type but these sneak pRroting puppet scoundrel hangman eope circuit court judge scum keep pummeling me with this gangster computer god deadly gangster communism Forcing my power supply to fail Malwiring my phone keyboard to keep me silent, the one knowing truth in this mad conspiratorial gangster communist chicanery
>>210911 It feels like the question is abstracting to being either an asshole critic or someone who avoids confrontation for the sake of good feelings. What about people that point out mistakes when trying to please others. Like fuck, what about editors for authors or the such. Their whole job is pointing out mistakes to please the writer.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210913 Right? These tests are such bs They don't tell you anything usable
>>210882 i remember moe having a whole bunch of charts. i havent got them saved anymore
welp.. i got the house now i am become a rural denizen
>Do you prize in yourself, a vivid imagination, or a strong hold on reality Now this one REALLY triggers me. Because fuck off, having a good, vivid imagination doesn't mean you wander the physical world detached from reality or anything. You can have a solid, unshakable hold on reality but still have a powerful imagination.
That's not that bad. If you're really rural then it feels a bit leaning on the expensive side. But maybe rural pricing is valued differently over there than 'round here.
am bit broke atm, but i luckiky have same loan backers from immediaye family now to just get a steady job and stop oddjpbog
>>210924 just 50m bus from citycentre, but it is no longer within yhe greater helsinki region i have lived my whole life in that region
Hah hah. It's about a forty-minute bus/subway ride from my house to the city centre here in Toronto. Just goes to show the difference in living climates huh. It's good you're still pretty close-by the city though. I'd die if I was stuck way off in the middle of rural nowhere.
>>210920 we need to wake people up at the brain bank and get them out of this illusory world but it's always fucking watching
>In stories, do you prefer, action and adventure, or fantasy and heroism Why don't you combine all of it into a book and keep things interesting you twat. Fuck this test is stupid.
what was that thing about the numbers speak for themselves what was the context of that i've got a brain bug about that and it won't go away until i remember
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
facts illustrate principles speak for themselves
yeah that's what reminded me of it but it was something i was talking to you about and we were mocking some use of "the numbers speak for themselves" when someone was... i dont remember fuck haha it's killing me >>210935 was it a journal article? i thought it was like one of the papers someone wrote in a class or something shit that was so funny
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fuck i remember that vaguely but i don't have the context
i think it was in a journal article i posted a journal article or something and they were like, "the number speak for themselves on this"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh shit yeah that's right it was one of the discussion posts one of my cohort people wrote
wow i took that whole test and it didn't tell me shit just told me that i'm NF like okay not even the four whole letters huh thieving scoundrel parroting puppet slave scum bullshit
I got pissed at it after about fifteen questions of inane binary answers. Couldn't even bother finishing it.
wait a sec peuramas has a downhill skiixentre neat
Gonna take up skiing in the winter?
>>210935 oh yeah it was some stats like one in X people have Y problem and random stats related to it and "the numbers speak for themselves" haha like no they don't that's what your job is
>>210947 >>210946 >>210945 this is autism beyond mortals this is even beyond gods this is super autism that has ascended beyond god autism
Nah man this is small time. It's just information the guy has picked up from watching the series. The directing for Princess Principal relies on a LOT of showing, not telling, which breaks form from what a lot of viewers expect from anime. Mind you it's really cool they do that, but it makes it hard for some viewers to digest what is happening in the series. So this guy has been doing the write-ups to help out people.
>>210950 that's not autism, that's professionalism
>>210951 i praise Better Call Saul for being probably the best TV show at doing this to date it's really great what can be pulled off when it's done well and yeah, the same thing goes on for some people who watch it they'll see a scene and couldn't quite sync with the character emotionally for the scene, so there was some subtle takeaway that they missed and it's hard to tell too because sometimes the takeaway is really just uncertainty and discomfort
>>210953 oh yeah you don't have monday classes huh water you doin to keep yourselves occupied
talking to you obviously??????????!???????!)?)$(56))77)(6$899))
ah okay
>eu might issue sanctions on usa, if they carry on with their currently planned new sanctions on russia uuuumm, dafug
I was doing some writing last night, and I ended up using "abides" in a sentence, that, upon re-writing the page today, I realized the word I was looking for was actually "subsides". There's two many words in my head and none of them are properly sorted and archived. So it's hard to pick the right word some times.
Too many words even. Fucking fuck.
>>210960 add several languages there and see what happens
yeah i worry about that with my job i never know how many typos actually get put out there and published like even with an advertised 99.5% accuracy, that's still an error every 200 words and sometimes it's like a 200 page transcript i shudder at the idea of a client going through and counting 200 errors throughout the course of it
Well at least for publication, that's why editors are pretty indispensable. Probably is a real struggle when you're your own editor though. Odds are there's patterns you fall into that are really difficult to detect because they're subconscious parts of your writing. I know I've got my own.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>210956 Just schoolwork for my remaining class mostly
btw moon do you think ai could , say in near future, take over transcribing and subtitling tasks?
>>210962 I mean, maybe it's the fact that my knowledge of other languages is purely academical and not conversational. but I generally know when a word is -not- English. Or at least not a part of English-speaking and writing.
>>210966 i mean, theoretically yeah it wouldn't really even be that challenging but practically, it's a waste of resources to develop it fully it's a lot easier for us right now to access the low-hanging fruit of what can be automated with the AI, such as audio sampling for voices, adjusting the audio for isolation of voices, doing simple transcribing tasks, and interacting with another system that's working the top-down side of things and comparing context, pre-populating fields, and taking some data in about word bigram frequencies to temporarily weight the system towards the context of the content that's being transcribed
that makes things go a lot faster, but you need a person in there to kind of stitch it together and seam things up. for a long time at least, AI will be a tool that is used to improve efficiency in the industry, not replace it it'll do that eventually, but it's not worth developing on its own right in the next eight years or so
>>210967 i gave up and made tnspeak which i am now tryong to shake off is a weird finglish med deutsch und svenska
Well for personal use I don't think it matters much. I use a really weird colloquial English at times that isn't even entirely consistent from day-to-day usage. Especially when spoken, I cut out irregular consonants and accentuate irregular other ones. As long as people understand the concept I'm expressing then it's fine.
But for writing it's usually best to stick to a formalized writing manner.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
takin the traaiiiin
to the airport rip i wonder if there's a Montreal to NYC train that would be Dunn funnn
>>210971 I believe you can take cross-border trains. There might be a detour or two but you could probably get from both cities strictly by train.
>>210970 i think proper formal writing is a bit archaic to be honest, it wasn't really made with the anticipation of things being like they are today i really like the line formatting and pseudoparagraphs that have developed through the chan boards it's a lot more intuitive to have one idea on a line like that, the commas feel more powerful and it aids communication well
Yeah, sorry, I should have been a little more narrow and focused in what I was talking about. I'm speaking for writing stories, like stuff you'd aim to get published and novelized.
There's still definitely a space within that sphere still for the new modern style of writing you're talking about, but within the genre I'm most comfortable in and most excited to write in, something more formalized (as in, with rules and coherent sentence flow, not stiff and academic) is definitely more well-received by potential publishers. I think, at least.
>>210879 oh ueah forgot to add context here lightning knocked thos houses tv cables off so i built an antenna
>>210974 i wasn't being contrarian i was just tangenting like an idiot
>>210976 Well I agree with a fair bit what you're saying. I didn't do a good enough job establishing what particular I was talking about.
i knew what you meant i'm just a selfish prick who's more interested in saying what's on my mind than responding to what's on yours
Oh, okay. It's still interesting material though.
>>210979 it works really well for my bots too it's like long division they just try and dump an idea on one line and then take the remainder after that's out of the way and reprocess it through again and come out with another line they're not very good at planning yet though so the first line is always the bulk of the meaning and the rest are gradually reducing clarifications not really much buildup phase going on maybe sometime
Are you trying to replicate human information communication or just creating coherent passages of text?
well really they're trying to measure linguistic entropy that's what i made them for back when i was studying physics but for another class i wanted to make a project about mapping that to outputs using a sort of sieve system and it was a shitty idea back then because i was stupid but i wanted to have clearly macro-defined linguistic entropy what was just dumb so now i just try to use training data to help it make sense of what i can't make sense of well i'm collecting the data it helps that i'm doing transcription as my job i have a wealth of data i don't really know what to do with it yet but when i get some time off i'll figure it out
yeah my initial childish dreams were to replicate human communication but i think that's kind of arcane and cumbersome now i'd rather just have some functional mapping and have fun with it, and possibly put in some automation so they can do something on their own instead of me having to manually do their job for them