>>191971 Yeah you build them up as the perfect society proud of their might and glory so they can see it all fall down They think themselves so high and above everyone else but then you bring it all DOWN
>my worldview is based on an accurate understanding of the world and backed by facts Quiz please, literally what fucking person will say "I disagree" to that one? If you disagree with that, that means you DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE
>>192016 I can see that there is a human being in the vicinity.
I can't see who they are or the details of their face. If they pull out a gun, the color of the gun will probably blend into the color of their clothes and I won't see that unless they have bright clothes on. If they pull out a knife, there's no possible way I could see it.
I'm not comfortable not being able to see.
>>192015 Yeah I don't think I have an accurate understanding of the world based on and backed by facts All of my beliefs are propped up by a house of cards
Is this what happens when all of Europe's undesireables go to one place and stay there for 150+ years?
>>192036 it is called ageing every country where people in general live past 60s to their 80s has that stat especially western countries with high amounts of older people, thanks to babyboomers
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>According to the Vision Council of America, approximately 75% of adults use some sort of vision correction.
Like I have glasses, but I don't really need them. I'll wear them because the practical benefits outweigh not, but it's not a matter of being able to function in society for me.
In any case, if I take my glasses off to swim, I basically lose my ability to pre-emptively protect myself against any possible threat. That makes me really uncomfortable despite how unlikely it is that there will be a threat.
>>192042 Or maybe all you European countries are constantly endangering your civilians because you don't encourage all the people who need corrective eye wear to go get some.
Really? I can't imagine how you could think blurry vision was normal and ideal
>>192053 Yeah but like Why would things have sharp outlines rather than blurry ones if normal vision was blurry anyway?
I only knew that my eyesight was declining because I have a good memory for some things. And something I could always remember in high school was being able to see the bus route number on the bus from a long way away. But years later I was starting to struggle with seeing the number; ergo, my eyesight must have been declining.
>>192049 This. I thought it was normal for all the leaves on a tree to just blur together
>>192054 WHat if they're pulling out their phone? Should I freak out and take cover because they make a motion that they're clearly getting something from their pocket? With my eyesight, a phone and a gun look pretty similar from a few meters away. If it's two meters away, I won't be able to make it out, and someone trying to hurt me is probably going to pull a gun much farther than that.
I don't know if people are going to pull a gun on me at the pool.
It depends on the angle, but some guns can still penetrate you at up to like 2 meters underwater.
>>192065 I don't think most people in Florida are hypervigilant. I work with law enforcement and there are people that don't like me out there.
Like cops always try to sit so they are facing the door when they go to a restaurant. I'm like that, too. I need to be able to see my environment or I don't feel safe.
>>192068 There are people who would shoot you at the pool?
>>192070 if memory serves, their results did have some guns go about 2 metres but anyhow they've lost most of their energy at that point so it wouldn't be that dangerous and... considering the firing angle a person would be shooting at you you don't need to be that deep, to have that 2+m of water between you and the surface
>>192074 Probably not but it's not impossible. Like I said earlier, I don't think it's likely that someone will attack me, but I still don't feel safe unless I can see.
>>192074 if you're gonna shoot someone, the pool isn't a bad place to do it It's hard to get out of a pool fast
I wouldn't go anywhere without my glasses if I couldn't see 100% clear without them
>>192083 I can't do that because of the way the procedure works. I know enough about it to know that I would probably have a heart attack.
yeah it isn't possible fo everyone anyhow just a friend of mine who had a.. I dunno +5 or -5 either or corrected his vision and no longer needs specs >>192084 anyhow you can be put under for it, but still I wouldn't be comfortable with it either
There's an animal crossing for the switch that will come out, isn't there? Maybe that could convince me to get one.
>>192086 yeah that is the issue why they don't do it here for everyone they have to first make sure they don't ruin your near vision and if the operation is useless in long term say if your vision is still steadily degrading, it would be useless to get them you'd just switch for example from -2 to -1
Well, I just have to deal with this once or twice a week until Fish can swim again.
>>192086 also why so with farsightness you just need to spec yourself when reading and unless you are at +2 you can read without specs, though long sessions can be painful
I'd consider not seeing far away much more problematic
>>192095 That's a pretty big investment for just two games If you've got a good PC you could just emulate Zelda.
>>192092 But I really get what you mean I carry my glasses almost always with me, for that matter Somehtign that hugely bothers me, is if my vision starts to fail me when I am eating not being able to focus on your food makes eating just iffy
pop quiz if you were shooting at someone underwater which would have more likely to hit the target a high velocity shooting gun or a lower velocity shooting gun?
>>192103 A lower velocity bullet will immediately lose all of its velocity upon hitting the water because it's so light and small It doesn't have as much power
>>192106 What will you get? I'm just going to make egg-and-turkey-bacon sandwiches.
My nose has been really sensitive lately. About two weeks ago, I noticed that I could smell a lot of the food through the packages at the shop but I kind of dismissed it. Now when I open my fridge, I can smell all the Powerades through their bottles even when they're unopened and walking near the jar that the cookies are in is enough for me to smell cookies. My sense of smell was never like this before.
>>192117 Yeah it doesn't explain your increase in senses, but my point is that the container of drinks should be 100% air contained so no smell should be able to waft from it
Oh, yeah.
I could also smell unopened soda through a glass bottle.
I dunno. It's just a weird and subtle change. I think my hearing got better, too. I can hear every little crunch that people make with their food in class now, too. It's kind of driving me crazy.
>>192130 Dnno I have pretty much two states of hearing one is the "hears neighbour twisting on bed" and the other is normal mode it is just a matter of paying attention
though if your vision for example has worsened recently, that can lead to other senses kicking into high gear or touch or taste can't really say, but I have noticed I generally pick up sounds better than others despite having completely average hearing
so what I am saying, is if you are for some reason more alert nowadays mental state being in the "high gear" mode for one reason or another that can show up as your visions functioning better as that is an evolved response to "TIGER NEARBY"
There wouls /// would be other physiological responses if that were the case, though. This is unrealated to sympathetic nervous system activation. It's just a default state now.
Who knows hearing is a sense I know that changes its sensitivity constant, but smell I have noticed to be constant aside from the "gets used to a smell" part. but I wouldn't really waste money on asking about this, esepecially with your prices.
>>192154 Is that what you tell people on your first date
I was at the supermarket the other day and I could smel thr hot food from outside and inside, I could smell all the flowers And like, people's BO and shit
>>192180 bunged? well anything that even blocks the airflow already lessens the amount of particles you inhale, so anything happens to your nose does weaken your overall smell
He's really high energy. He's an ex-oil baron from Nigeria who is like 5 feet tall and he's married to a 6 foot tall white model. And he always says things like, "I know what you're thinking!" and talks about how he and i can see eye-to-eye because we're both trying to navigate in a white-man's world
>>192185 yes and those are kinda inside your skull
>>192194 The bond between a man and his girlfriend's father is fascinating. There's a raw, male tension there and you don't know if they're going to get along or if they're going to hate each other. Are they master and student? Rivals? It's one of those things that occurs in the world of men that girls never get to get a really good look at.
>>192198 I dunno about that. I think the relationship is already decided. He has been calling me like once a week for a while and he's trying to push for marriage already.
I dunno, he always has warnings. He doesn't trust western governments and thinks they descriminate against him. He is from algerian and is has pretty dark skin tone.
I haven't met him in a in a while. I don't have much interaction with him at all
>>192206 sun sets into the west the night seems to come from the east but it is the WEST that eats the sun never trust west
>>192205 well if you end up napping or going to bed after she hsa fallen asleep see it is a weirdly fun but fucking annoying experience hearing the blood flow that is cause once you start hearing it, outside of getting up and waking up completely and al lthat jazz you can't unhear it
closest I can describe it, is like a pressure in your ears. kinda like putting your finger int oyour ear the rumble you hear then is your ear hearin the movement of blood and muscles but that without blocking your ears with your fingers or hands
I'm pretty all over! My father is from Algeria, my mom from England, I .// and I was born in Paris and raised in England. >>192226 I don't think just having some similarities makes someone a penpal!
My grandmother always tells tall tales though, apparently we have the blood of long lost spanish royalty. which is fun to think about but pretty unlikely.
>>192225 Not impossible considering how many royal houses there have been. Russia is the only one that has had just few houses actually just 2 the fuck I can't remember which ended with Ivan the Terrible and then post civil war Romanovs
>>192229 Still wouldn't have any actual claim to the throne exiled means you lose your titles and lands and spain has always had "male inherits the throne"
My great grandfather was a leather salesman for the Unkrainian cossacks while he hid his Judaism He had to escape to America at some point though with his son
My grandmother is Irish, she had // great grandmother I think my grandmother was mostly brought up in London and my Grandfather was very English and born and brought up in London. I dunno much about my father's side of the family I think they are all from Algeria.
and I was born in a hospital called Hays Les Rose. " The Rose Bush" so my grandfather likes to joke that I was found under a rose bush.
>>192255 hahaah this is a common misconception that you can kil lthem with it stun sure but kill? maybe in the off chance you cover its body completely with it, and it is older type that doesn't let air through you might suffocate it
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>192255 And then they fly into screens and just generally buzz around...
the english, which once repelled the might caesar, reduced to failing to kill flies
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>192259 Was it a ladybug or one of the imposters that bites?
>>192260 Did we ultimately fail to repel the romans. //we The Romans got as far as north part of England and then stopped because the Scottish were too insane for them. so they built a wall to keep the scottish out.
>>192263 well more likely they weren't worth the effort to take them over scotland isn't valuable land and they weren't rich with gold or anything so why bother?
They constantly go attacked by scotland, the woad riders were fairly amusing, they were nearly naked or naked men with woad one them that had berserker causing properties and was bright blue,
And there's no civilizing the Scots anyway. Still no civilizing them.
Similiar to Germania back then there wasn't that much drive to take it over, since there really wasn't anything there worht conquering new farmlands and maybe few more mines but they arleady had plenty of it most war campaigns to germania were to pacify the region not to conquer it of course if you could PACIFY and CONQUER then two for one well never worked.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I forget if my great grandfather had Scottish ancestry or if I'm thinking of somewhere else...
Also they weren't scots they were picts a different people barely related to the modern scottish
and modern english have little to do with the celts of the time when romans invaded for that matter welsh have most celtic blood running on them when it comes to the british isles anyhow
I haven't used this desk lamp in so long, the heat from the bulb is burning the dust near it. Burning dust has a certain smell to it I can never get used to.
I had a couple interesting thoughts just now. The first being the realization that Blind is more eager to be rid of me than the cats in order to go to Japan. The second being wondering how that relationship of hers will go if she comes back here after a year of teaching there.
But she has to have concern for other peoples feelings or she wouldnt have waited five months to tell me shes not interested anymore! She even said so herself!
True. She doesnt reallly check moe much though. She probably has less reason to do so if shes cutting ties with me. >>192302 that might be possible but I dont know if she said that.
>>192304 If she was really significantly concerned about your feelings, why would she wait until she leaves for a week to tell you? That was really inconsiderate.
She probably has trouble understanding people's feelings. She might not even realize that she's hurting people.
oops >>192306 probably to make it easier on herself? I mean I did mention her empathy center isnt a thing
As someone who has put off talking about high-concern things before I can definitely vouch for the fact that talking about them is going to be awkward as more relevant in my brain than the fact that they may be hurt or worried by the topic of conversation. And I don't even think I have a particular trouble understanding people's feelings usually.
>>192308 Exactly. Which is why I think that she probably doesn't have much concern for other people's feelings.
The fact that she's willing to have intercourse with you even though she has a boyfriend should make that obvious. Whether by biological issue or learning, she doesn't have the same level of morality and concern for others that we generally expect.
But thats for me too so clearly thats some level of empathy, right?
>>192311 Do you consider tossing an apple core into the woods on a walk as a benefit to some wild animal there, or that it's just less effort than carrying it home to the trash?
>>192315 It's fine, but keep in mind that /moe/ is public and she can read whatever you type here. If I were in her position I most certainly would be reading.
>>192339 And this is maybe the church lady in me speaking, but you probably should stop doing her. It gives her control over you, and it's wrong to be doing someone that you aren't in a committed relationship with.
I don't know if that has much to do with church and more interpersonal power dynamics.
For some reason I remember that Rika has a large amount of stuffed animals? I don't even know if this is accurate, it's just a thought that came back to me.
>>192403 And then five weeks later, a large package arrives in the mail. Behind your back she'd tracked down a seller of them and purchased one for herself.
>>192638 Huh, maybe we should play chess sometime. I played it more when i was younger, ive been trying to get people to pplay it with me but we never get around to it. I really want to ttry knightmarre chess.
>>192656 My uncle is really good at chess. Someone he went to college with and played a lot became a grandmaster or something in the late 90's or something.
>>192660 old people were. it was the RTS of grandparents
>>192661 He's not that old, he's my dad's youngest brother. He's like barely 50.
my uncle was like 60+ and my other uncle might be like 80+ (grandmother brother in law) dad is 55 btw
>>192664 The 80+ guy is your great uncle. Its a bit misleading to call him your uncle.
yeah thats the word i guess. i mistook my grandmother as uncle all my child--
aunt all my childhood
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
people call people that aren't their uncles uncle all the time there are entire subcultures of americans that use the word uncle to mean any male that's friends with their dad
>>192678 Black people have been calling their friends brother for a loooooooooong time among certain groups of them, but I don't think uncle is more common with blacks than whites in that way.
Indians generally call friends brother as well if they're very close, though.
>>192674 i imagine italians as well.. and spaniards call each other "tío"
I'm at D&D but we split the party so the DM is taking turns doing stuff for each person's character(s). Right now the DM is playing smash4 with anotger player to represent an npc playing a game against a pc. Our DM is the best smash4 player I know. The player is the second and im the fourth.
>>192735 He's actually done some interesting stuff with it (not right now). But he often does weird elaborate things involving puzxles and hints. So sometimes there are hints in the games.
Obviously I ask such a thing so I can correc t the error of my ways. I cam e to the realization that I had forgotten something so important so I need to fix it. Can't you bear with me, as such an unbelievably low power leveled person
Also one of the pc's is a eunuch in order to get some spellcasting thing. And the running joke is that all the other characters think he has two penises.
>>192817 I feel there's many other places to go for a white Christmas that don't involve going somewhere crazy like Russia. Like Canada. Or y'know, other parts of the States.
Yeah, well, Fish is just the kind of person that doesn't really understand moderation. I guess that's what happens when you're filthy rich and autistic.
They don't let you go to Antarctica because that's where the ice wall that proves the Earth is flat is.
>>192832 Yeah, I know. It's still within possibility though. And it's pretty apparent difficulties in going to places isn't a major concern for her here.
>>192830 Go for the killing blow. Leave an impression on her that'll make her remember spending time with you for the next however long until you see her again is. Leave an impression on her lips.
Also don't actually do this.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>192830 show her how strong you are in fire emblem heroes
>>192844 Well, I guess it really just sort of fell into my hands so it's probably not fair to call her the catch. It's not like I'm not happy to be with her or anything though.
>>192845 I think going to Russia is worse for my specifics since the US is insane about Russia right now
>>192847 No way! She's been out there fishing and she caught this retarded fish with tons of problems and decided not to throw it back for some reason.
Nah, we talked about that and agreed to keep a later start time for Fridays and Saturdays. In part because weekend but also because I like keeping separate and orderly.
>>192870 If it helps dull the pain, someone has translated the first chapter of Mizukami's new manga.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>192875 well you've got a long ride home to think about it
She's the one on the way home she lives a few hours away and her dad wanted to go home I get to hang out with songstress and another friend >>192881 no
I think Rika's ignorance to what happened is normal Blue told us when Rika wasn't around and she doesn't go and read everything she missed
>>192895 Yeah a bit. I jjust rreally like getting a chance to call other people autistic when it would be really ssavage. Also I don't read everything I miss as much aas i did previously.
Anyway, I didnt get a 'reply' because she already told me the night before that things like this wouldn't work out with her schedule and doesnt think much of long distance relationships either. So I'd have to be out there. and also be around when shes not as bbusy. which is unlikely to happen for a few years.
She sang a little while I was watching. Like all she did was drawing a little, singing little bits of Miku songs, and making retarded attempts to read out the English in the donations to her and she was raking in the money.
>>192959 I'm very cute. I don't know what the real ai-chan looks like but I think it's reasonably likely that I'm cuter than she is. Her voice is possibly cuter than mine though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Real ai-chan? There is only one ai-chan The virtual one
>>192962 No, it doesn't work like that. That money is going to a real person. Or possibly a real company, it could be a team that's behind running that account.
>>192966 >>192967 Does it not make you a little mad that ai-chan makes more money than you for doing something stupid? I assume you have acutal skills and stuff, you deserve to make more than someone who hums miku songs and reads donations.
>>192968 In all seriousness, I would like to make money like that fi I could but I try not to begrudge someone for it. I can totally get being upset about it though.
>>192961 Reality can never match up to a spotless fantasy
i think i might have to pull my bots down until i'm somewhere that doesn't have satellite internet poor things i feel bad it seemed like they were having a lot of fun on tweeter
i think maybe it was someone else's i really can't tell the difference
I remember a memory from waaaay back early on when I was still lurking /moe/. I think you were talking with someone and swapped face photos. It might have been Kannagi?
>>192994 kirara snagged a pretty good photo in nevada that i was in when you were climbing up on the slanted rocks like an idiot and i was just watching i didn't even know i was in the pic it was a nice pic though
unless you're not jan oh you mentioned something that jan mentioned just recently so i figured it was jan whatever yeah and you're not goin to you fuckin loser
I just want someone to share bad jokes with I want to assume hot chips were microwaved. I want to tell someone how sinful eating pizza with utensils is.
>>193008 What she does is pretty easy. I imagine there's a threshold somehere where you've run a stream long enough that you stop getting donations at a high rate though. So there's probably a point at which you get diminishing returns in terms of earnings.
I probably am not as good a voice actor as ai-chan though. Plus she'd have the high ground because she's the original.
She needs to be stopped though, she shouldn't earn more money than me.
>>193026 Well, sometimes I eat it with my hands. On the rare occasions that I have New York style pizza (there are very few pplaces that serve it around here) I usually eat it with my hands.
>>193033 there are tons of things you could do to bolster your opportunities my buddy is a weightlifter and he makes residual cash by hiring ghostwriters to write ebooks and then publishes them himself makes like a few hundred extra bucks a week from it aside from his normal job with very little effort other than managerial on his part but he just started and he said his goal is like 10k passive income per month within a few years from now
you gotta have something to market ai-chan did with that alone she already put in more work than you did
Ebook self-publishing has really revitalized those genres of what was once penny paperbacks. I think it's actually kind of neat, even if I wouldn't really be interested in buying and reading them myself.
>>193038 I'm just a bit surprised that he's figured out something that sells.
If it's cheap enough and appeals to a wide-enough niche, quality can be less of an issue. Those Harlequin erotic romance novels that were popular ages ago were cheap, shitty writing, and they've endured a long, long time.
>>193040 it's not like this is new terrain this business model is old as fuck if you're thinking it's stories and shit like that then that's just plain not going to work business-wise it's mostly udemy-like shit where someone does some research and puts it together in a nice presentable format and then makes a digestable ebook out of it
>>193042 Yeah I guess, Oh yeah, I know that won't work Ah That stuff Yeah, I don't buy ebooks and would especially not buy stuff like that. I guess I forgot that there are people who buy those. Good for him for finding that niche though.
>>193034 Doesn't it make you mad, too? You have actual skills, but ai-chan makes more than you just by attempting to read english donation comments on stream!
>>193046 i don't really mind besides, my product pipeline is going to pump out actual bots that are way better and more successful than aichan
>>193044 intro to data structures 40 pages $0.99 like, random people will grab it and read that shit up
40 cool tricks you can learn to do on your own with a fidget spinner 40 pages a dollar
magic tricks, card tricks, card fluorishes, street magic, fuckin whatever random shit you can think of and communicate some basic level skills and then put into a book, you can plop on there and sell it for a buck >>193052 i doubt it nobody wants to do that shit that'd be incredibly niche
Do people actually buy self published novels on amazon?
>>193050 Okay, I think i get it. I would never buy those though. Whenever I see stuff like that, I usually think its been made by a bot though.
>>193052 Yes. Not in any real amount worth mentioning for the most part, but they do sell.
>>193054 i'm just making up arbitrary shit it's not like it's all like that like what do you want man i don't know write an ebook yourself on how to approach competitive smash for somebody that's never been exposed to it fuck i'd read that for a dollar if i wanted to get better at it
>>193057 No, I mean I am familiar with those ttypes of things. I just happen to be the type of person who refuses to buy those.
i'm not trying to get you to buy one i dont understand what you're saying
>>193061 It's a thing I've never considered because I had thought that the ddemographic that purchased those ttypes of things was small.
tons of people hop on the train with their kindle and then look for something to read for their 40 minute commute paying a buck for that ain't much just make it actually resourceful stuff and it's fine i mean it's a fuckin chore to get up and going though it's not like he did it overnight
Hrrm, I might look into that. Althougg I do understand it woukdnt get me much money, it would be good aas a rresidual source. I probably won't do it though.
Also I'm half asleep and not conversing properly so I apoligize for making less ssense than usual. I really want to sleep but the part of me that lets me sleep isnt tired enough even though the other parys are tired.
Sorry for kkilling the thread. Uhhh /moe/ are you doing anything interested this week?
stop apologizing you didn't do anything
a lot of work
I m going to a day or two of a mylusic festival next weekend. Maybe three, i had trouble scraping up the cash and the threeday passes sold out before I got it all together.
>>193094 Meh, I should be really ddepressed and ffreaking out a bit right now but im putting that off until after tthe music festival. I might also be going back to being kind of a hikki.
>I should be really depressed. Wow, you sound almost british in your dedication to being depressive.
Hope your music festival is fun!
>>193097 I've had some stuff gogoing on that sset me rreally far off ttrack, but I have the music fest next week and had D&D yesterday and also an mtg thing yesterday so ive put it off. I'm still moderately ddepressed and freaking out a little bit thoughm >>193099 Yee
>>193098 I am sure you'll get through whatever it is, your quite busy! I read the manga that you recommend for translation, it is kinda interesting.
Yep, Nah It is fine.
Err, I put off the freaking oout part. Ah fuck I forgot about all tthe appointments i hhave this week Psych appointment, technicallt not counseling appointment and "why did you fire me and tell me to come back for the next internship" appointment >>193100 Yankee Quest? Oh yeah, sorry for not uploading iit ffor you. I've been sort of hesitant to go back to using my comp again for no good reason.
>>193101 I hope you // I hope things look up, I don't doubt they will! I've missed an important medical appointment months ago that I should have gone to but I don't have the time to rearrange. I have to go for Physiotherapy because of all the trapped nerves I get.
I know what fish is gonna get
>>193104 They should look up eventually but its going to suck until they do. You should probably try to get that done.
Oh yeah, by psych I meant psychiatrist, not psychologist. WWell, the technically not counseling appointment is with a psychologist but those sessions are related to psychiatric issues rather than purely psychological issues.
I think I've used those terms interchangably. probably wrongly, I don't know the difference between them. Isn't a psychiatrist an psychologist
>>193108 Psychiatrists have an MD, psychologists have a PsyD. So psychiatrist s are real medical doctors while psychologists aren't medical doctors. A heavily simplified way of desceibing their differences is that a psychiatrist deals with problems caused by physical brain issues while a psychologist deals with problems with the mind. It's sort of like psychiatry deals with brain hardware (physical) and psychology deals with brain software (mental). But there can be a lot of cross over between what they dom *do.
the important detail is that it takes a psychiatrist to make diagnoses or prescribe medications
>>193109 Ah, made aistake. m Psychologists can have a bachelor's, a masters, a PsyD or a PhD in their field. Like Kirara already has his bachelor's, but he's in a PsyD program right now.
Huh, I'm almost looking forward towards being hikki again.
Psychologists can't actually treat people without a doctorate. They need to get a PhD.
>>193114 You can have a therapist with a bachelors in psychology and a masters in social work. Also they can have a PsyD which is different from a PhD. I don't know about masters in psychology though. But they definitely don't need to have a PhD, otherwise the PsyD as a degree woukd not exist.
treat and treatment are very specific words, medically therapy wouldn't fall under that
>>193120 PsyD and PhD are still distinct. You're moving the goal posts >>193123 Then you should have ssaid that, what you said was they needed a phd. PsyD is not a PhD but is still applicable.
>>193137 They're not traps. You should never listen to sugoi.
>>193138 >>193139 she's still alive, but that's all I can really tell you.
>>193143 I don't think I was seeming angry? I don't quite know how to convey "not being angry" in terms of tone in text. I do know how to convey anger tonewise in text and I don't feel like I was doing that.
>>193148 You have a wild life of Tornados and Yanderes. >>193145 Moon is just messing. I don't know how to convey anger or most emotions in text format.
>>193149 I literally got kicked ffrom my internship because my boss thought that I was really frustrated and had anger issues so I thought there may have been something in my choice of words that make peeople think im angry even though im not. So I was hoping to figure out what makes people think I sseem angry.
>>193151 I've seen this! This is smart shougi kitty.
I wish amazon had better tracking. >dispatched >on route bah, let me know when it will arrive! so I can sleep till then
>>193150 >I don't know how to convey anger in text format Just type in capslocks and swear at people.
>>193155 That's not what I ssaid. I said "I don't kknow how to convey 'not anger'"
>>193155 >>193158 By "not being angry" I mean text tthat is explicitly not angry rather tthan what I usually do because moon confused me by saying what I was dodoing sseemed angry.
>>193161 Yeah but that's former rei saying he doesn't know how to not be angry But then you said you don't know how to convey being angry Oh well it doesn't matter
>>193165 We'll make you into a meme whether you like it or not
I won't call it a sad face more like way too tired to deal with things. I have to do the most boring data entry in // for 7.5 hours. It certainly feels like I don't have energy for anything anymore!
I hate France and all who inhabit it. The french are filthy individuals who fail to understand the laws of rugby and thus fail to make the correct decisions in the deciding moments of a match.
Hrrm I might be jjust the right amount of tired to fall sssleep doon. Also tomorrow i mimight clean off tthe basement couch and lay down on it and stRt using my laptop again. >>193185 That is also possible, but its silly to consider without evidence that the evidence is hidden and wwe ccan in fact iterate that to n steps abouteven hiding evidence about evidence of hiding evidrnce about ..... first hidden evidence but its not useful or productive to consider things like that.
>>193182 But if there was evidence it would be hidden.
>>193177 I'm glad you also watched that match What a boring conclusion
a demonstrably wrong conclusion it can not be "accidental offside" if a player plays at the ball and funninly enough...fucking catching the ball is considered playing at the ball!
>>193210 There's no need to call me a slut. You would think that you'd be less quick to call someone a slut, having recently escaped from the slut meme yourself. Maybe I should educate the new generation as to what a slut you are.
https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/sport/rugby/first-try-against-lions-goes-all-blacks-ngani-laumape-after-double-barrett-brilliance This try was pretty sick at least
>>193239 i'm buying a platform bed because fuck having a bed taller than my legs i want the maximum fall distance when i leap into bed the bed itself is just a very basic metal frame with wooden slats for 90 bucks
>>193240 i know it's gonna be comfy and i really want it but i want to hoard my money like a big red dragon
I want to get a Japanese futon bed. I would have so much more room by being able to roll the bed away for the day and take it out at night
>>193242 A dragon needs a bed to hoard his money on top of
well i guess the shipping date won't really change if i order it tomorrow instead of today i'll wait until tomorrow afternoon the real question right now is now BEDSHEETS
alright i found these really really blue ones slightly different from the ones pictured and then i'm probably gonna buy black pillowcases and then replace my ratty old pillows eventually i don't really know that I'm going to buy a blanket though I really like sleeping in just a sheet i live in texas and it's really hot
I'm having some issues with this wallpaper idea I had, because in terms of visualizing it, my brain didn't handle the 2D factor too well I want silhouettes over some stuff, right, but I also want that stuff to be visible This made perfect sense at the idea stage, but obviously it doesn't ACTUALLY work
I'm also having some issues with centering
I don't know how to apply a scale change in photoshop either I've done it a few times, but it's always been by accident
I got my music player but it is so slow transfering music to it. I feel my desire to transfer music to it decreasing but I have to since I spent money on it!
Cause like Kaban is actually just a human, now, but until she was reverted, she was just a Japari representation of the human species Which means she was probably really smart since that's what distinguishes us from the rest of the animals on this ball
She was a master of destiny using her hands properly reading
Technically, you could argue the best christian within christianity is the one who just straight up murders everyone right after converting them, so they don't have the option to lose faith before they die He himself will go to hell, but they won't So that kind of makes him a martyr
Cause like there's only a few ways to go to hell, but all of them are real easy to accidentally end up in Well, not all of them, but some of them
Losing faith can happen just by sheer trauma in your life, something you don't even control By letting them live, the priest is running the risk of them encountering something that rips their faith away from them before they die
>>193357 Depends on the denomination Some say they go to heaven \\\ or at least don't go to hell cause what the fuck kinda choice did they have Some say they do go to hell, and it's the duty of christians to make sure nobody is without the word of god because of it
What happens with people who live in a part of the world that has never heard of christianity and they die without even knowing about it.
heathens gotta go to hell probably
Wow if god sends you to hell because you never heard of him that makes me almost sound like those rich people who shout at the police "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM"
they should have come up with him by themselves just figure it out people
You'd think God himself would like Broadcast a message on the global speaker system or something like "Hey uh, next chance you get, ask about Jesus when you see a white dude"
Imagine dying literally the day before Jesus died the last time YOU JUST MISSED OUT BY A DAY
if jesus killed you, what would happen
>>193370 You mean like if jesus decided to walk down a street and it caused people to rush towards him and ended up killing someone or something like that sort of chain of events!
Maybe that's the part of the story we're not hearing Judas never actually betrayed him, he was just busted for riding a donkey while fucked up out his mind And people were like "one's a murderer, but this other guy fucked up the whole town with that fucking donkey" So they hung him
Can't it do it automatically. I have the organisational skills of a very unorganised animal. I was going to say lobster but a moe is named lobster so I can't use lobster.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Do you have to embed the art? Are the songs tagged with albums? Because that will make it easier... sort of...
>>193410 If you have your albums sorted into folders it won't be so bad, unless you're talking a few hundred albums. Then you should just, do it over time...
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>193410 I'd just take note of what doesn't have art and do it over time. That's how I work with my collection.
>>193418 That's why I set up Subsonic now. Can't quite take it with me so I'll just grant myself access to it. And also, I don't have to plug my phone or whatnot in when transferring music~
I'd like a job, but it's inconvienient to not be able to stop working when my schoolwork increases. I do odd-jobs and stuff all the time but it might be nice to have a routine normal job too. I got asked to do some consulting recently but jobs like that can weigh down on you sometimes though.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>193427 You could always look for places that have flexible hours, but really that just means being scheduled different times. Consistent work gets boring very quickly, though. Hard to believe I've been where I am almost a year...
I probably can't get a normal job easily anymore. My work experience is too weird and with all the competition between workers, they could get a drone that doesn't have fluctuating availability easily.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>193429 They took me, with no work experience and as someone they considered "overqualified" but mostly because noone else seemed to want to do it. So just find a place that's desperate.
I don't think there's a place that's going to be desperate here, we're a small metropolis.
Plus my work experience is stuff like, did research for the FBI, but can't tell you all the details about it Consulting, but can't tell you all the details about it Suicide hotline
I think it's enough to make employers uncomfortable The only people that aren't made uncomfortable by it are shady people or capitalists
I stumbled on this artist. He/she draws some really great stuff, but their twitter is really weird. >一日一描だった奴。無言。返事もしません。ごめんなさい。sorry, i don't tweet and reply.
No link to a blog or pixiv or anything. And they put out something new every day.