>>193464 In a skype call with two people. It was horrible. I left it just now.
I usually feel really bad about hanging up it really shakes me up when people start screaming at each other. What is the point. The discussion of communism isn't worth getting at each other's throats.
Seriously, they couldn't remember their own points, they just ended up misremembering everything each other was saying and insulting each other. I really don't get how someone can do that when a 3rd party is there.
I would never do that if it made someone else uncomfortable. >>193471 An American and a guy from England who I am friends with (his girlfriend is the american), she says Communism will never work and is highly likely to be corruptable. Capitalist are aleast up front about people being fucked over while communism is hides it and promises all the good things when it is just evil. He argues that capitalism is just as bad and that communism is etc etc or whatever.
It just went all over the place. Arguing about there never being a successful communist country and a well performing one at that.
>>193490 Sounds difficult. Reminds me I just got the second in a Humble Monthly I didn't even know I was still getting. And I still never played the first.
>>193495 My friend just got me scholars of the first sin and wants me to play it with him. I'll probably do that this week.
>>193508 Oh, if it's defense, I'd probably use Firesweep lance for it then
If you have a Claire, Hit and Run might be a good B skill with Firesweep or Drag Back I'm not entirely sure what an ideal B skill would be for that though Vantage is always a good go-to if you can't decide firesweep and vantage would be really annoying to deal with in defense
>>193510 I may have posted this one before, apologies if I did. But this one is very good and much more rigorous. This one and the skymall one were both made for a joke paper conference but they are both joke papers done seriously. http://tom7.org/papers/sigbovik2011tom7whatwords.pdf
>>193512 Wait how tf does firesweep and vantage work
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>193516 you attack first, then they attack, then they can't get a second attack in like you'd expect, as far as i know but it's annoying because it means you can't get out of that without taking damage pretty often
They can't counterattack on firesweep though?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>193518 yeah, but you're the one counterattacking you just get to counterattack before they attack
I can't counterattack with firesweep either Vantage negates that?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think so? blue might know more i have pretty limited experience with firesweep but i thought that's how it goes
>>193555 yeah, enhancing sets and backgrounds to make htem more livelier is a given nowdays but they still use half-green half-built sets to do those or you end up with the hollow feeling that was the hobbit trilogy way too much cgi
The first movie had a quite good feel to it, but it dragged too long and what was that whole white orc subplot completely eedless
the goblin town scene was bit fun, but it felt more like a pirates of the caribbean movie than tolkkien >>193561 I WAS SINCE HE WAS DEAD
>tfw our economy was banking on them being good How could you let us down Peter
>>193559 Yeah first movie was okay. White orc was probably there just so the first movie could have a villain and a climax. They got the tone right though. The whole trilogy looks like a videogame though.
I wasn't too bothered by the White Orc subplot since it felt real enough to be a part of Middle Earth.
I couldn't stand the romance sub-plot though. That was singularly the most dragging part of the entire Hobbit trilogy.
and then there was >ringrwaiths all died and were ressurrected as wraiths... umm you broke your own movie-inuniverse lore since even in the movie trilogy it is said they just over time became wraiths
You probably could have fit all of the Hobbit into one Jackson-length movie and it would have been fine, really. Hell, two would have been fine too, with some of the minor details they added in and extra flavour.
>>193563 two the book is short, but it has a lot to cover that needs more screen time I would've had first movie end with them on the barrels or in the dungeons of the elves with bilbo vs spiders beign the big build up of the first movie and in the second well about half way smaug death with no silly fight scenes with him and then onto the battle of five armies, which should have actually been a sensible battle instead of the "the fug is happening here?"
and then the whole "the white council drives away sauron" that was just so bad in the trailer it had that huge I WILL DEAL WITH SAUROn and I was like HOLY SHIT CHRIS LEE VS SAURON FIGHT well n o just galadriel being shit ex machina
>>193583 Okay. Well I was gonna ask you if you wanted to watch Whorra after this oj game. BUT DON'T LET FUN THINGS DISTRACT YOU FROM WORK WORK IS YOUR LIFE WORK WORK WORK
>>193598 I like some of the anime and music that you do.
no mrap my unit doesnt have that i am trained on FLA (front line ambulance) which i drive the most, hmmv, and lmtv and every trailer possible basically i rode in strykers and matv
>>193603 well yeah but the only interaction i have with you is over text here and email, just text and images if you were being really annoying i could just ignore you and you probably wouldn't even care and if i pissed you off enough you couldn't drive to my house and swing a baseball bat at me
>>193628 I assume it's better played on a computer though, like most games. I can't imagine managing a bunch of abilities with a controller.
I plan on doing a back up of the install with nothing else added, but I'm not quite sure how to do that the way I want to. Cause all the tools that I know of for what I want to do don't work properly with NTFS or Wibdows 7.
of course he doesnt remember he wasnt listening (cuz his ear broke LOL)
>>193640 I mean, I watched some of the boss fights and stuff There's like all this memorization and having to do specific things at specific times for each boss fight and like It's crazy
>>193673 haha, you really want to know! I heard fish stuck a mystery object in your ear!
I've gotten so hungry that I'm starting to have intense stomach pain. I am going to go make dinner now, hopefully I can stop myself from eating the ingredients while cooking.
ive eaten so many mres recently ive grown fond of chili with beans and rib shaped bbq rib patty
good entree to dessert ratio
>>193676 Oyasumi >>193679 I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
im still going through it :( got 24 hour duty tomorroe at least i got service there
>>193681 You put hot sauce on your mres? I've heard from quite a few people that thats a good way to make them palatable.
no i am not good with spicy food tthe mres themself are sually too spicy for my taste i dont mind eatin mres tho theyre not terrible just would prefer real ood
>>193683 I actually dont like spicy stuff either, its just something ive heard. >they're not terrible I've known dozens of former and active service members who would disagree with you, maybe MREs just recent improved or something. But they're called Meals Rejected by Everyone for a reason.
people just like to have something to complain abiut i prefer they fix the actual dfac instead of the mmres which are ok
>>193685 Also I have a ffew relatives who ended their service before MREs were introduced.
>>193692 Supposedly a lot of soldiers have problems with their weight once they re-enter civilian life because they are used to consuming and burning huge amounts of calories in a day. So they keep consuming lots of calories but don't burn them once they come back to civilian life.
>>193693 this can actually happen during service too, when your more intense training regimes end and you are posted in say a penpushing job for a month or two
luckily my mos cant really be stuck in pen pushin jobs but i can get stuck pullin coverage for people with little chance to workout
>>193709 hmm, not really gay Protagonist-kun is a lost young man who kinda stumbles into it and finds he likes it and he wants to be the best. hmm So I guess I'd say most like yowamushi pedal.
oh ok ill check it out then wwas hopin it was more of a romance but ccould be fun like this
>>193711 Well, it is ballroom dancing so women to play a much more involved role than they do in something like yowamushi pedal. It's hard to say what it will be like from the first episode but there could be romance. I don't think it will be tragic romance like your lie in april was, though.
brown recluse bites arent as bad as i thought ive only had to evac 1 person but that was cuz he popped his cyst
>>193729 yeah' they're necrotic but not actually fatal indirectly fatal i guess though but anything can be
im suprised at how many people got bit by one though lol cuz a lot of people slept in their sleeping bags straight on the ground literally an entire national guard platoon came to us with poison ivy
fuckin idiots
why did they do that
cause our co thought the poison ivy infested forest was the perfect place to be down lluckily my section has flooring and an ac tent
bed down*
How high-tech.
its a pain to set up and tear down of course though and we had to sp like 5 times
>>193729 >>193730 I have an old friend that almost lost his arm because of a brown recluse bite, i know its not that likely to even get bitten by them in the first place. But they put me on edge.
no need to justify dude i wouldnt want to be bit by one lamo jjust always thought of brown recluse like black widows
>>193739 naw they're way diff for one, brown recluses don't build any webs so they're just where the fuck ever i'd say they're more dangerous just due to likeliness of bite compared to black windows
Well, I sure did not get very much done today. But I was much closer to being productive than usual, so that was good I guess.
you talked to me friend :) what else u need in life
>>193742 A backup of my my comp's fresh windows install that includes the entire filesystem but doesn't take up 1TiB because even though the harddrive only has about 30GB of data on it, most filesystem backups take up as much space as the hardrive has.
And then afyer I make the backuo im putting all my vidya and manga back onto the comp.
i really didnt see myself as the type to have these thoughts/feelings
i would see those dumb jocks in teen movies going crazy after being dumped and id think "lol that's so silly, what a silly concept, no guy is actually like that in real life, right?"
but now here i am, about to kill my ex
I don't think murder is the best solution to this problem.
>>193835 i don't know if i agree man that's a pretty classic example of the egregious spine breaker pose look at where her hips are facing compared to her shoulders try doing that in real life
>>193855 well uh we could agree to disagree or you could call me a faggot or uh there are plenty of options
>>193859 there's another one where sam pulled a gacha character that ika wanted and tiled it but I can't find it
>>193861 Compared to plenty of other stuff, it couod be a lot worse. Also Holy shit wow Goddamn My ear hurts souch *souch *so much Fuck
oh no you didn't get tinnitus did you
>playing gacha games
>>193865 You're joking right? Tinnitus doesn't hurt. And no, I don't have tinnitus.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
shhhhhhhhhhhh awntoodle
>>193868 a little, I would trust someone like you would wear hearing protection at a concert don't want to get hearing aids >>193868 It's hurts but not in the way you would expect it
>>193870 I actually have really bad earwax most of the time, so thst protects me pretty well. I probably will use earplugs at pitchfork this time though.
>>193890 Ah, I rrecognize that woman. Did you know thst she had a breast reduction surgery before becoming a "cosplay whore", or whatever the proper term is.
I'm at the amount of tiredness where I can easily end up ranting or stop making sense, but im not tired enough to fall asleep. Ah, now I have "Girlfriend is Better" stuck in my head.
didn't you sleep alright the other night what did you do right then?
>>193920 Huh, oh yeah I did sleep. But that doesnt mean I can't be tired again tonight. Also >>>/watch?v=kK68-bXN6p8 It's from Stop Making Sense
that's the album I always see at retailers and I get mad because it's not remain in light or little creatures it's a decent album for what I've heard but maybe not the kind i like
>>193924 Remain in Light was either the first or second album I ever bought on vinyl.
>>193924 Some people just don't like live albums, I had a long discussion about live performances and differences between them and the studio cuts with someone a few weeks ago. Also my copy of Remain in Light is Canadian.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
memes ppppppppppppppp nothing elaborate but how about an old classic
I bought some Andrew Jackson Jihad albums on record and "I JESUS FUCK WHAT IS THAT harhuhi why "I care because you do" >>193937 yeah but I was hoping to get "Candy Cigarettes and Cap Guns" and Druqks
I'm gonna wait a few more minutes though I usually have like 5 more minutes than strictly necessary and I feel like sitting here and waking up for those 5 extra minutes today
>>193938 How nice it would be to autocorrect your feelings.
Anyways, I'm pretty sure iI know why you see Stop Making Sense in stores so much. But I'm a little surprised you go to music stores that don't have anything else by tthem.
>>193935 Did you get to check out the first chapter of Mizukami's new work?
I did. It was cute. Every month will be a blessing. I will need it to heal.
>>193942 If I wanted it that bad I would probably go to Redeye or somewhere like that it's usually a bit of travel I go to those kinds of places because the cds can be cheap >>193950 they're not record stores they're just uhh what's the name for them www.jbhifi.com.au something like this >>193952 yeah
>>193948 Well no I mean its just that it confuses me that there are record stores that don't have rremain in light.
>>193948 Music section at walmart sort of thing? Also I did not kknow you were in australia Thought you were a different anon , I hhave no idea what the rretail sselection is llike out there.
it's probably pretty shit tbh
>>193953 I'm not that surprised. Anyways the reason that they have Stop Making Sense is probably be ause it has Burning Down the House and good stuff from RIL and Little Creatures on it. But I'm pretty sure Burning Down the House is their biggest hit.
>>193957 go out, try something new engross yourself in something else
>>193960 Here's the billboard ddataset on tthem. http://www.billboard.com/artist/277561/talking-heads/chart Also the girl on tthe left in tthat puc is very cute.
>>193970 This lecture sseries is very good. >>>/watch?v=rXOGLlKuvzU Also last I cchecked, tthe lecturer in these videos is still alive and tesponds to questions people ask in tthe comments.
Maybe some other time. I'm not up for sleep nor math
>>193972 RIP also in one of his lecture vids (I forget which one, it was related to complex numbers) I saw one of tthe most novel and satisfying explanations id ever seen for why a negative numbers times another negative number is positive. I still ocassionaly encounter people who know advance mathematics who don't feel satisfied by the explanation "a negative times a negative is ppositive because it makes tthe additive......" I forgot where iI was going with that, ccant rremembee the explanation
Anyway, I recommend Moonbow/Luna because you already have good attack and piercing through defenses might be a good thing. Hold on Ignis: 20 Glacies: 23 the 50% versions would be 13 and 14 damage respectively. Moonbow shreds 30% of Def so They'd need like 43 DEF for it to be better than the 50% DEF special
OH, wait, that's right Moonbow is two turns not three. So comparing it to Bonfire isn't equivalent. Luna is 3 turns. A DEF >= 26 would make Luna better than Bonfire. Which is pretty common. >>193993 Reprisal is easy to beat defensively if you don't have some kind of priority skill attached like Desperation or Vantage Works well on Takumi for that reason. (Vantage/Vengeance) The attack priority makes the bonus damage difficult to avoid. Doubly so with Takumi because Close Counter. but with Summer Robin, not so much. Aegis and Pavise are nice too. But you might want a higher DEF character to use that maybe.
doc has a theory that i doing everything i do wrong intentionally as some elaborate troll he hasn't figured out that i'm actually just that retarded yet
>i was just pretending to be pretending to be retarded
i feel like that's my life most of the time i'm so fuckin dumb that people think i'm always scheming but i'm probably just thinking "damn i wish i had some peaches right now"
Some person who clearly knows about us from here followed us for a while, then purged their account and only left blue and the two of us as followed, and put us in a list too for some reason
It's really strange, and it's basically confirmed they're watching moe
>>194103 some weird shit yeah sk is explaining they're definitely watching /moe/
It's mostly just weird If they just wanted to keep an eye on us they could have just put us in a list to begin with and not followed I do that with a lot of accounts
the second account follows 0 so maybe they made a new account and just have us on a list there
Well, it could be a slav anyway I don't think it is though, now that I think a little bit more about it
>>194125 but what the hell does it mean what is a twitter list are you talking about like a follow list or an actual organized list of something that someone took time to put together list is where i'm confused
>>194127 It's a follow list basically Lets you 'follow' people in a separate way from your main following thing, and also lets you make the list private so they don't know about it and neither does anyone else Or you can have it public and it'll inform the people who are put on it, with the name of the list
A lot of people use it to make digs at people, adding them to stuff like "(((skeptics)))" or whatever Cause it lets them know the name of the list
oh okay
I forget what the list is called I don't think I can check on my phone
It's goop You can just go to your profile and check lists
i havent heard from them in like forever but now that we started talking about them they're replying to my tweets
fuck am tired
pepito is out
oh no
i hope he comes back home
one day he might not that'll be really sad
>>194148 there was one day he went out and didn't come back but went out again the next day and everyone was freaking out by everyone freaking out i mean probably two people asked about it
wtf ghost cat
he just came in the front door instead is all haha
>>194148 don't animals go and hide from their owners so they can die or something
i should make a bot that takes a picture every time
>>194163 i'm doing a photography transcript today this is really weird it's the first time ive done something like this but it's really cool it makes me want to grab you and go on a scenic roadtrip and drive off the roads for cool photoshoots can we go back to the // to try utah again sometime
i can't drive off the road in my car but yeah we gotta do utah
I wish feh would save a replay for you to watch of your arena defense wins i really want to see what's going on in these matches haha it's so fucked up
I never really got the hitler comparison anyway Hitler sounded way more intelligent than trump does
>finnn drives a bear from his porch by swearing
>>194213 yeah it'd be great at least show me the entire enemy team
i also wish i could just fight teams of people on my friend's list -- no sp or experience or reward but just for fun, you know i'd set teams up and play against you or blue it'd be fun why is nintendo not doing this
is weird to read finnish wiki on religious stuff and notice in sources "oh i know allnthese guys, been even drinking with them"
My dad jjust brought ththe ddog ovover tto mme. She crawled oonto tthe ppioe of cclean laundry ttwice , I rremoved her both times. Now she's ssettled fofor llaying next to iit Also holy shit ssam I don't believe this glitch isn't iintentional.
>>194242 Are you ttalking about jjust CChristian sstuff or rreligious tthings iin ggeneral?
There's a sort of annoying thing that happens with the humidity fluctuation and dust quantity in my room. Certain kinds of rubber will absorb that humidity from the air, which combined with the dust laying on the rubber, forms this sticky almost adhesive product. It's really hard to clean off. As it stands both the rubber on PS3 controllers and my cheap pair of headphones cable wire are susceptible to this and it makes both of them kind of unappetizing to use at all.
>>194248 Yeah well try being stuck with it. Shit sucks.
>200 Damn, I was hoping to spend pennies and cash in the pounds.
I am always jelly of hearing those stories of being discovering bitcoins they brought ages ago and it being worth millions.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
shou ga nai na for every winner there's someone who bet big and lost it all
If only I was a bank and could gamble with other people's money.
This feature is challenging my limited brain capcity! My brain is getting used to posts being on this side! Please brain this isn't that novel! the posts are just on the right now.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
or are they
I fucked up didn't I
oh no I didn't
Pretend that didn't happen! now begins samus ## Game of Lapalace!
going above 1080p is diminishing returns unless you have a really freakin big TV
but what do you mean, there are 4K TVs being pushed everywhere these days
Yeah, I know it is practically useless since all movies and broadcast caps at 1080 but why not just have the possibility when using the screen as a monitor?
But 1080 just starts to look bad when you go beyond 30 inches and this si 50 you don't notice it with tv and bds/dvds but computer...
I have a nice big screen. For my computer. I don't have a telly since I waste all my time on the computer and it costs money to watch TV in the UK. I'd rather not buy for a license since I can just watch anime or netflix
>>194320 Make those chairs that move with the action on the screen for your home cinema.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>194318 yeah there are still good reasons for 4K i would love to have a huge home theater and watch IMAX
I'm at my psychiatrist's office We got here thirty minutes early
>>194334 Hope you are able to cool down! Don't melt away.
I am good. My phone's on/off button broke so I have to turn it on and off with a paperclip which is annoying but it was such a cheap phone that it would cost more than the phone to repair it.
>>194338 the plastic tip fell off somewhere. >>194333 I dunno, I am fairly sure I've heard a lot of people use Comment Ca'va.
>"Ça va" literally means "it goes." So when someone asks, "Comment ça va?" they are asking, "How's it going?" and when you reply, "ça va," you're saying, "It's going along."
>>194339 that sounds so finnish in terms of being brief
though a bit of warning while half of finns will answer to small talk questions with a smart guttural grunts the other half will actually tell you in full detail how shit their life is so beware
>>194339 well this is why i was asking you you live closer to france and would hear the language
It is alright! I barely use my phone I just use it for time keeping so I couldn't properly tell when my breaks ended. but I'll manage with my paper clip
What are you up to?
>>194346 I always find it interesting when politicians and average americans put so much emphasis on being left or right. If you are left or right is nothing // not particularly important here, hm I'm having a hard time thinking of word. I mean that here no body really cares here, that is sort of changing in the more recent years as divides have started to pop up and either side are getting less tolerant of each other but nothign like in america.
Even then it only happens with excited politically engaged college and uni students.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>194347 No, but she's closer to france -> french people more likely to be closeby because they don't have to fly Meaning she can hear the words
>>194352 If that was true I'd speak russian and kurdish fluently by now
>>194352 I haven't heard French for a long time to be honest. England is pretty disconnected from Europe even if France is so close.
I mean you can go to France and see lots of languages and cultures and see news about lots of countries. back in England we don't care about what is going on in Europe unless it involves us. The only other languages on TV are Welsh *language
I come home to get the mail so I can clean the cat litter because we order cat litter but the mail key isn't where it usually is so now I can't do the litter so I have to ask Blind if she used the key recently and the answer will probably be no so then it'll be my fault the key isn't in the right place which means then I'll have messed up because I can't clean the litter unless I go waste money on more litter because I can't figure out where the key is so this is a really unfortunate set of circumstances
>>194355 this is the problem with americans and such
>>194360 I was listening to the Ranpo Kitan OP since I suddenly had it in my head while at work. wow for some reason my CPU usage spiked and I couldn't type on moe.
>>194363 It was reasonable enough, if you are close proxmity to another language is fairly reasonable to assume that you might hear it more than someone very far away from from native french speakers. However England is a bit special in that we are so disconnected from Europe and don't really important any western european culture and langauge Except the polish and romani that come here.
>>194360 I'm now going to find some Japanese podcasts to add to my music player. and download any anime I wanted to watch of the new season.
Not too sure, oh wait. I wrote a post it note somewhere with things to do.
It's unreasonable to assume that Kannagi could have heard french a way that I haven't and that both phrases that we know, while they are slightly contradictory, are both correct?
You need quite a lot of conscious effort o pick up a language you mgiht pick up a word or two, but even if you hear something especially with a language, which spelling and pronounciation differ much you just know to parrot the sound not how to spell it >>194369 not really overthinking, just simple facts of living in the patchwork of languages that are some regions of the world
I can recommend that she put it in her backlog She mostly watches anime alone while I'm at school and stuff
>>194372 Don't get influenced by Redline and speed into another dimension of time and space. >>194374 I usually watch anime alone, It is hard to focus on everything when I watch anime unless I watch it alone!
>>194375 I want to go to another dimension in time and space! But only if I can come back home. Or I guess it'd be fine if I can bring my friends with me. INTERDIMENSIONAL ROADTRIP.
Fish mostly watches stuff alone since she doesn't have much to do while I'm gone, I think. We usually watch movies and stuff together, and also I forget what I was going to say.
Oh, I remember now. I was going to say, we usually watch movies and stuff together, and only watch series together when I demand that we do, like with Samurai Flamenco.
>>194377 If she's a CEO behind my back, I'll be a little mad!
>>194379 I was thinking like those Hikkomori stock traders in manga and anime. Who stay hikkomori and are rich because they stock trade. CEO probably wasn't the best word!
yeah a day trader technically is a hikikomori since they arenät employed and don't pay work tax just revenue tax
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Blind put the mail key on the microwave ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
>>194387 Taxes from trading stocks is lower than the usual income tax, yeah.
She's not good with money, though! That's why her dad wants us to get married.
>>194388 A NEET detective that can't even leave the house on her own!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
in finland there is main income taxation side income taxation, which is 10-20% more /taxed more than your main job and then dividend taxation, which covers all profit from stock dividends, trading them for profit and of course trading anything for profit, be it gold, metals or bit coins dividend is flat 31% or 34%
There are also dividends that don't get taxed until you hit the third tax bracket, though. Most people with dividends from longstanding stocks that pay dividends have those, honestly.
All of the dividends that I get from my grandfather's stuff aren't taxed because I'm in the second bracket as of 2016.
The dividend tax is a constant struggle in the government people want it raised or changed into progressive but any big change from the common european rate will drive investors and rich people to move their money to tax havens since the big wigs of money make all of their money from dividends anyhow
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>sitting at table in coffee shop opening up the laptop >girl stops by >"tu as un truc [sur tes cheveux]" (idk what she said exactly) >a what >a leaf! >reaches out and takes a leaf from my head neat
Which is why big corporations here usually pay their bonuses in stock not only does it tie the people into the company, but it is better for the person
she's not really my type, though i bet she's a super nice person >she's actually exactly my type and i'm just a scaredy cat but no but hey i feel good about that interaction anyway!
Oh you can actually see the stuff in it? Mine you sure can't and it's only 5 dollars less
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
that reminds me SteamVR has that new controller, Knuckles! looks very cool i guess it's basically an Oculus Touch clone but without the dirty Oculus part
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh then you got it for literally the same price
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
er sorry i don't mean to judge i'm a steamVR fanboi, i admit it
It would be bigger but Utorrent ocassionally crashes a few hundred by 1000 torrents. so the first few are like this. and the others aren't on the list.
I guess if it crashes again which it will since it does it every time by 1000 I'll be more tempted to switch over to deluge or qbitorrent.
I spent the afternoon going on a thorough desk-cleaning and rearranging attempt. I wanted to move my PC tower and monitors around, but the only other place that would have really worked for the tower didn't actually fit. But I did get move my monitors a bit and have a little more free room on my left-hand side.
>>194438 I want a desk like that one that fits like that into a corner. Mine is just a normal desk but It hardly has room for much on it. I have two monitors OH wow we are the same one thin big screen and another syncmaster samsung screen
The fact that they're -that they have different rim thickness is a real bother to me though. For some reason one of them is also perpetually not level. I think it's the Syncmaster but I'm not certain. If I ever get some decent cash flowing again, I want to get two identical monitors for my set-up to satiate my annoyance with it.
The thickness of my syncmaster is also a bit of a bother. It fairly old and has off colours. not super off but the noticable difference.
>>194440 Same, I want to get two big thin monitors. of the same type. Not sure I could fit them both on my desk.
I've never had to use the word for it. >>194483 I feel like pain androidfriend. *this dammit why do I type random words in place of other words. Brain needs to stop it.
I must have had a little angel on my shoulder today because everything went right. Sometimes when I went to take care of two things, I'd end up taking care of a third thing!
>>194589 It's really bad. I couldn't even finish it.
It was okay at first, but then it got really stupid and they introduced a bunch of retarded plot points that ruined the entire show. I didn't have fun with it at all.
And everyone was always memeing about it. Tada Banri! Tada Banri! It wasn't funny but they kept doing it.
>>194585 It's going to be really exhausting. I don't really want to talk about marriage with her dad.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>194591 I think I watched episode 12 this morning; I watch one every day with breakfast
Hmmmmmmm... I can appreciate retarded so I'll give it a go
Season 1 isn't even that retarded. Even the really silly retarded stuff like kill all the Japanese is played up for irony and to fuck with lelouches head.
My top favourite anime are : nijuu mensou no musume, Hyouka Mushishi Spice and wolf Kino no Tabi Chronicle of the Stars/Banner of the Stars Dominion Tank Police Revolutionary Girl Utena You're Under Arrest Slayers Precures LOGH
Ah yeah Millennium Actress Tatami Galaxy Arakawa Under the Bridge Nadia Secret of the Blue Water Tenchi Muyou Urusei Yatsura Hyper Police
I can't really think to easily off the top of my head
>>194601 Him trying to convince me to marry his daughter is actually really stressful, you know! He's been calling me like once a week and asking me if I've thought about it.
>>194604 Just dodge him! You've been dating less than a year. Tell him that your guardian won't let you get engaged until you've been dating at least a year.
>>194607 I have but he says that it doesn't matter. He says that grad school is the perfect time to get married, and according to everyone around me, he's right. So the argument doesn't work.
>>194608 I have said that, but he doesn't care. And what guardian? I'm just about 24!
>graduate >so about that marriage I have the date set
>>194609 >getting married while your time is taken up by assignments and exams and time consuming classes and experiments and training Yeah what a great time to plan a wedding and get married
>>194609 say that your manly pride and jewish pride want you to establish something for yourself, so you can say "loo kat that you whities" and only then can you really settle down
>>194619 Tell him your onee-san forbids you to get engaged until you've dated for a year, then. The situation with Teacup was different because you were childhood friends. That's why I didn't oppose that.
>>194620 I don't think that's what established means.
>>194621 He's going to think I'm crazy if I say my onee-san forbids me. Besides, I've given him tons of excuses. He doesn't care about excuses. He already decided that I'm marrying his daughter so I'm out of luck.
Well it doesn 't really matter what you say, but you get the gist "if I am to marry, I want to be able to support the family and not be dependent on anyone"
>>194628 I can't really say that I have an online sister that is forbidding me from getting married. And even if I did, he wouldn't listen!
>>194627 He wants me to get married to Fish so I can be in a position to manage the family's wealth if he dies, so arguing that I don't want to be dependent on anyone won't work because his plan is that I will have access to his money
>>194629 Height doesn't have anything to do with anything. My real little brother is also taller than me, he's like 6'1'' or some other ridiculous height.
>>194637 So lik eanime girls, if realistic have waaay too large eyeballs in their heads, and thus no space for many of the other important functions like normal sized brains rika has some mutant heart in her, that has deformed her and made her functionally barely human?
>>194631 You know, even if you intend to get married in the future you're still likely to be managing a metric fucktonne of wealth. The fuck.
>>194640 That's kind of unreasonable though, boys are naturally taller than girls. You're the exception to the rule.
>>194644 Well, regardless of that, you shouldn't get engaged until you've dated someone a year. And then the engagement should last at least a year too.'
>>194646 HYPAH POLICe that is a great monga, but I never watched the anime
>>194644 Well if you eeeever need to get rid of a bunch of money, I'm always all ears!
>>194650 I'm only shshortertthan her bbecausoone of my o old m nmeds messed with mggrowth a bit. gro
>>194650 I don't plan to get engaged anytime soon. That's why this is so exhausting and annoying. He really, really wants this to happen. He already decided that we're perfect for each other and that I'd make a good son-in-law, so we should just skip the formalities and get married. It's really ridiculous.
>>194656 The releases were so bad the anime as a whole is so low budget production and I think it just went in places that the manga didn't go kinda breaking the feeling of it
or didn't fully commit to the absurd comedy of the series
>>194662 No, but the person to step in and say "I'm not allowing him to get engaged until they've been dating a year" should be your mother.
It is hard to think of all the anime that I have really enjoyed. Oh, I forgot Diebuster and Gunbuster. R.O.D the TV. Ah My Goddesses Library Wars >>194668 I doubt it, I have very particular tastes. I still like the same sort of stuff as I always did.
Ah what was it called. dammit I can't remember the name Xam'd: Lost Memories >>194674 Definately! The OVAs were better!
>>194665 Oh, well, my mom's never dated more than 4 months before deciding to get married, so even if she acted like a mother to me, I don't think she'd argue that.
No matter what happens, it's going to be me on my own against a super duper rich dude.
>>194674 He'd probably be like, "You can't let a woman tell you how to live your life!" or something. He's a little sexist. That's one of the reasons he needs a son-in-law to be around to manage the wealth when he dies. He doesn't want his wife to manage it, he thinks he needs a man to do it.
>>194675 Some men are quite poor in the common sense department and need a reasonable girl to keep them on the right path. It's sad that he's lived his whole life without gaining an appreciation for that.
>>194687 I agree, but things are the way they are, so I have to deal with him obsessively trying to convince me to marry his daughter so that I can manage a large body of wealth when he dies even though my only real experience is managing a small portfolio of stocks.
>>194698 Yeah, she's bbeen ssuggesting a llollot igof good sstuff. Well, Xamd wwasn't actually tthggood but it was enjoyable. Had a ggreat oopening theme tthough.
>>194708 I can't say that someone is stopping me from getting married!
The only viable solution I've been able to think of is to say that I feel like I'm still engaged to Teacup but I feel like that will open a really big and bad can of worms since I don't want him to think I don't have a strong fondness for Fish.
Well now there's several anime trying to cram their way into my hard drive so I'll have to wait to grab more of them. >>194725 You recall I've been to this fellow's panel before right?
On the con I went a month or so ago, there was a cosplay contest the final part was just "hall cosplay" where they pick random participants to compete the winner was a girl cossing as Excel,when her turn came she just skip jumped to the stage and took the Hail Ilpalazo pose and actually shouted it loud enough so it could be heard even where I was sitting
It was I was all I wanna kidnpa her, but I had no ductape
>>194732 I don't own a good enough camera to get pics from about 15 metres tall third floor balcony about 30 metres away from the stage in quite poor lighting
Kabaneri was a enjoyable too Kabanejyani, Kabaneri da.