>>161610 That's why we gotta do more. IT'S SO HOT RIGHT NOW THOUGH. >>161614 It's AC though. It's hard to be excited over AC. Even with LITERAL eagle vision and HOMING ARROWS
I don't even understand the just dance\ddr sales thing There's GOTTA be some homebrew that just lets you add any song you want from some online database
>>161615 People don't play Assassin's Creed for the challenge. They play it for climbing shit and jumping down on top of people and viscerally killing them
You follow more game heavy people And are followed by, probably
I'm followed literally by mostly right wing people, a single commie, some leftists and a few actual nazis Different demographics here, cause my account is mostly politics
>here is a taste of egypt >a guy comes to eat egyptian cuisine now how troll move would that be
>>161695 That's a man who works at ubisoft The Last Night is that pixely looking game I assume the creator of it said something this man didn't like so now he's advocating pirating a small time indie guy's game... while working at Ubisoft
>>161702 It doesn't help that their headquarters are in literally in France. And their directive head hasn't been kicked unceremoniously out yet. So he's the same French nerd they've had for ages.
pirates? pirates
Yeah I wonder if they're just making a standalone pirating game from the concept of Black Flag.
Look, averages are fucking worthless for this kind of thing
>>161717 The point carries pretty well though. Piracy was an incredibly risky business to get into and most wannabe pirates didn't last long at the task.
>>161717 yeah one or two pirate ships sunk already lovers the average by almost a year or two
Yeah this is basically Black Flag but we made it a team objective based game
Black Flag had boarding without cutscenes. Kinda. You could climb up on the ship and kill everyone on it yourself without getting a cutscene at least, hah hah.
Seriously have pr guys promote the game who actually speak english proper
Oh right it was out already, wasn't it. Poor game got pretty much no press attention.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>161740 you've watched videos from those two dudes I like and you're also watching northern lion and I was reminded that they did an episode of their podcast together
>>161833 The youtube creator couch just threw shade at EA live on the air, it was fantastic
The Twitch panel hasn't been too harsh. But they're also not all "EVERYTHING WE'RE SEEING IS FANTASTIC". >>161837 It's the intermission entertainment between conferences. It's nice to have something engaging between major bits instead of just endless AAA studio dick-sucking.
>they have needs and wants, they hunt and eat Yeah I've heard that for 90% of games with an open world and what it amounts to is the game will now and then spawn a smaller animal nearby for it to hunt down
I would rather they do that than just have the animals mindlessly milling about the environment.
>>161842 I wouldn't, Err I misinterpreted what you said nvm
Why do american's slaughter pronouciations MAHRIO MYAMOTO
Why do Brits slaughter pronunciations? It's not "gae-rage" it's "gah-rajh"
>>161842 No you don't understand You'll pass by a place, and an animal will come toowards you because as you passed over the ground, a bunny poofed into existence for it to hunt because it's just a fucking diceroll when it senses the player nearby whether it will spawn something to eat
>>161846 I don't think you understand. I would rather they do that than just be walking around doing fuck-all.
>>161845 gae-rage? the fuck is that? Did you hear a british spastic attempting to speak?
Also TN you'll like this one http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40251760
it is GAH-reggae
>>161854 It definitely ends in "rahj"; "rehge" is way too harsh.
It's GAH! Reggie Filsaime
Apparently american's are really flummoxed by how we pronounce garage >>>/watch?v=TQ0Y_ImgAmI loads of videos of americans either upset or shocked >>161857 British prouniciation is not harsh, it is fairly neutral across the pitches, the american prouniciation is not
>However critics have questioned the bill's relevance given that the full-face veil is not widely worn in Norway, "It's not a big problem so why should it be addressed?" If it's not widely used, surely banning it is fine since it barely affects anyone
>>161859 Probably because you all are the only ones that do it that way. Never mind the Americans, most of the rest of the world does it the soft way.
>>161863 an is not like it is a full ban you can wear it in your freetime an whatever
Like you can't go "Oh no, this thing ... I don't disagree, I just think not enough people are doing the bad thing to warrant a bannu" Like dude, why do you oppose it? It's just a vote, it's not even like a funding thing. Not one extra cent will be used as a result of this
This is just a straight up question if you think it should be allowed for schools to let students wear masks or not while in school
>>161866 >like making stabbings illegal, i don't know not enough people get stabbed yearly
I thought it was bannu with masks in public here too, but that would apply to schools cause they're public institutions So it's clearly not the case
>>161869 Schools make their own rules and regulations on clothing here pretty much even public ones
Also is this even an Egyptian accent they've got going on on MC? I dunno, but this sounds more... hm, I wanna say Uganda?
what even is egyptian accent? Modern day egyptians don't even have anything to do with the ancient ones since the arabs and such replaced the population and the hellenics did a good job at that too
In fairness we have absolutely no concrete idea of what they sounded like.
>>161873 Yeah and just recently found a study that says THEY WAZ NO KANGS basically they were similiar looking and are somewhat related to modern day europeans and turks and that shit
There was probably a more dynamic skin colour variation than some parts of Europe though.
>>161876 I kinda doubt that I would think in average they looked "mediterraen" and then in hellenic era, they would be more varied >>161878 and do you know when the source of Nile, lake Victoria was discovered or when the first trade route through Sahara was founded?
Yeah but they were in close proximity to Africa. Which means there may have been some influx of peoples of the deeper parts of the continent.
>>161877 I know what you're saying, but an established trade route isn't required for a movement of peoples.
>>161878 Maybe on the plebians but as far as the ancient pharaos went nope
Or the mummies important enough to be around
>>161879 Oh yeah, undeniably. I wouldn't have been surprised even to see the pharaohs be as light-skinned as possible for the people of that region. Since they had the most luxurious lifestyles and the most isolation.
But I would imagine the plebian peoples would have had a considerable variation in the skin colours of the Egyptian peoples. Which is the important aspect for a game like this which is populating its world with a lot of plebian people.
But really my original point is that "egyptians" aren't really a solid block of people since the rich region got so much movement into it even from the neighbours, and even if from southern africa movement wasn't possible.
And never mind the fact that Egypt got like conquered by a more powerful empire and then had their rulers and people thrown into the several times babylonians, persians couple times, alexander and the hellens, romans and then finally the arabs who practically replaced the whole population.
I think going "THERE WAS NO KANGZ" because they found dead bodies outside Africa is not necessarily accurate They could easily still be kangz, people just left Africa earlier than we though t
>>161881 It kinda depends on the era the game sets in if it is the older empires, then it is harder to say as people didn't really move that much then but say it is 1000bc-0 yeah similiar to say Carthago, who had blacks, whites, sandnigs and whatnots
Yeah that's true. Alexandria is established in this game though, so it at least has to be post-Iskandar.
Am not watching the stream >>161888 eeh kinda lame but a lot easier time period to build, since there is a lot of info on the hellenic era Ptolemaic era was it, actually.
If you kill the cat, will you be executed immediately?
>>161894 Minos was ANCIENT as fuck when it comes to relevancy the minocian empire was before the greek civilizations really had things going on when minos fell, the greek cities started to pick up from there
also they say that minos got fucked by a flood, so it is thought it might be the basis for the original Atlantis story
Well then which smallish Grecian city-states were around at that time.
>>161897 Not really any post alexander, the eastern mediterraen was split between the warlords and their successor states In egypt, the Ptolemaic dynasty from one of the generals ruled one set himself as the new persian guy or salaccids or whatever they were called and so on everyone carved a medium to huge kingdom out of the alexandrian empire as for greece it was practically just Macedonia
Despitet the empire splintering, the macedonian domination lasted in greece untill romans came along and said" "lol we gon raep you now"
Huh you know the flat earther argument "gravity is caused by acceleration equalling to one G" thing they like to toss and how earth is just 6000 years old
>>161915 well take just that into perspective for 6000 years we have every single second accelerated at the steady speed of 9,8 metres per second non stop
>Unfortunately, there is absolutely no way to recover this information without the master file. Its main function is to link the small number-based ids used across the rest of the database with longer information like tag text or hash bytes. Without the master, there is no way to cross-reference your mappings tables with which files they refer to and so on. Oh Oh no
I can kill the samurai rock thing and the first level of the pink monster. The hardest version of the pink monster I can't beat. The samurai rock thing seems to give more pink badges than the pink monster, though. And the raid version of the pink monster doesn't seem to drop pink badges at all.
By summoning brunhilde you actually unlock another Ranko summon!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
And the second ranko you can get by summoning Brunhilde can go to level 150 And that's part of the stuff you have to do to// well, the 150 ranko is also how you get the playable Ranko which does mean >>161954
Since you have to summon Brunhilde 666 times. To get all the Ranko summons to get to 3*
Then you grind the idols to level 50+ depending on which one and punch each regular element boss with the Ranko summon as a finisher (not Brunhilde), and then you do fate episodes blah blah blah it was a pain
Yeah, as long as you have all the idols and stuff, and this event makes getting the idols even easier than before since you don't have to play the iM@s game
The idols are basically the only thing that's time limited. You don't even need Max * Brunhilde; you can use a friend's and it counts. Just, you know, you have to use her 666 times. Which is a hassle. There's a fight in like chapter 17 or 19 that is abusable since it has turbo regen
Pretty sure it's not starlight stage you get to play
I misread what you said, I thought said you don't have to play an im@s game. I know nothing about the events, I thought you were saying play with the idols with none of the background game knowledge just collecting them in other mobage.
Cinderella girls and Starlight Stage are fun mobage. Starlight stage is like the most well made mobage I've played to be honest outside of FGO.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yeah you don't play an iM@s game But starlight stage has like animations
Oh, Monster Hunter for PS4? Maybe I'll actually be able to put a lot of hours into this one.
Probably. The scope of the game looks a bit too large for the Vita.
>Skyrim VR
This looks so janky to play
This is all VR stuff that's been running for seven minutes or so. Wonder when we're getting back to the actual games.
This stuff is boring
Oh boy time for more DAD OF WAR.
I guess I should be trying to get a PS4 in time for MonHun and Dad of War at the least.
Time for the game I will totally enjoy watching someone else play but will not buy myself.
that police drone is neato
>Leaving many Detroit neighbourhoods in chaos Sounds like they're just going day-to-day and every thing is normal.
I want a game where it's this but you get to play as the authoritarian police.
This Spiderman game has the chance to be something really, really good, if it's anything like the Gamecube/PS2 game based off of Spiderman 2.
>C'mon P.P. you got this
The Vita doesn't even show up on SONY's showcase of hardware anymore. RIP in peaces.
Poor vita
I need a job now, I guess. PS4 now has a considerable roster of games I want to play.
Wow that was fucking awful
Shadow of the Colossus HD, Dad of War, MonHun; those three games from this conference were kind of exciting for me. The Spiderman one might be fun too.
>>162012 The fifth dungeon in persona 5. I just wasted two hours of my time only to die to an RNG death that I'm either going to have to luck through or grind. Persona 5 might be getting D R O P P E D
I find it vaguely disturbing. I wonder what it is about it. oh I think I can put it into words. It's vaguely disturbing in the way that clowns are vaguely disturbing.
i think is has something to do with triggering the uncanny valley.
>>162045 >uncanny valley How can it be uncanny valley when it isn't even approaching realism I think it's because it's something that's meant to be cute and happy that makes it seem like it's hiding something
>>162046 Well, the characters are representations of humans. And the colors and the weird movements just kind of give me a sense that something isn't right.
A very weird range. I think you're just finding the game to be disturbing. I can't really think of any cartoon of that type that really invokes that sort of feeling.
That said, stuff like bugs bunny doesn't have those characters that do weird dancing or wiggling back and forth the entire time they're on screen. I think that sort of animation is creepy too.
It's creepy because they live in a bizzaro world where nothing is consistent or makes sense or has any rules.
The blue bear one. It's not hard and its armor suit isn't attractive or good for how I like to play. But something about fighting that bear is REALLY satisfying to me for some reason.
>>162086 Yeah that's got a lot of good rhythm to it. Like stepping out of its forward swipe at just the right time is really fun.
Green Rathian are also a bit of a waifumon for me because I got really good at stripping them down bare in the third generation of games. Like I had breaking every possible part and cutting off tails down to an ART.
>>162088 Any monster where you can break their face and cut off their tails is a nice monster
Also there's a manga I'm trying to remember the title of, it is a comedy scifi manga and part of the setting is that people who die have their minds preserved and if you die before finisging compulsory education your hologram has to go to school. Anyone remember what its called?
/moe/ what are you having for dinner I made curry rice
>>162104 Fuck no. *I feel like I finally understand derivatives as they pertain to this course and only to that extent
>>162108 Mix it up a bit. Stick the egg between TWO slices of toast
>>162107 ive been frying one egg and putting it on toast and doing this every three hours for like the last day pretty much and coffee since i've still got like 30 hours of work left, i'll just keep on this pattern though i'll run out of eggs by morning so i might go to the store then and get a big fat breakfast burrito and a gallong // gallon of milk and have that for breakfast
>>162104 I tried to learn that once. I think everyone bullshitted their way through that course though.
>>162109 A lot of calculus courses don't actually cover that. I never had a rigorous treatment of it covered in class until calc 3.
>>162107 no way dude that's a fuckin sandwich at that point and the carbs will make me lethargic and unable to focus the way i do it, the one slice is just a yolk soak which makes it delicious >>162110 that's really strange that's like the basic part of calc unless you're taking business calc
>>162110 We covered it in "real analysis", I think. Though the first time I saw the formal definition of a limit was in my high school calc class, in the book. I just stared at it like "what the fuck?" And even now, we stare at it like "what the fuck?"
>>162115 Yeah, I woukd hope you cover it in real analysis. Also I will probably never take real analysis because its not one of my course requirements and I dont have time to take things that dont satisfy requirements.
>>162111 How long do you fry the egg for? I like my egg well fried on both sides
>>162118 depends on my stomach really, and what i'm having it with sometimes i fry it really well so the yolk is solid and other times i barely plop it in, just long enough for it to fry, then crack the yolk open ontop of bread or rice and gobble it up
>>162117 I was a math major, so I had to. That was the worst class, even topping abstract algebra. And for some reason linear algebra never really clicked with me...
>>162121 I have a friend who did math undergrad who really hates topology. And somehow managed to get his degree without taking any topology courses.
>>162121 i took real analysis with papa rudin about three times before i gave up i understand it a lot better now that i'm not trying to learn in a class setting though it's weird
Fffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I'm so annoyed being here
>>162123 I wish we had more courses. I wish we had the stats courses we ended up having there at the end when I had time to take them...
>>162124 I need to review just about everything I ever covered. I'm seriously thinking of working through the stuff I'd need to know for the actuary tests and taking them. Because it sounds like fun.
I think we did limits but not with the δ ε sign It was probably for profit maximization or something
>>162132 Having you around could be super useful. But it might annoy you.
>>162135 discrete algebra would be applications abstract algebra is about structures >>162136 as long as i'm not working or drinking i'm probably pretty willing to help but that's a pretty narrow window >>162142 it's what i think about when i drink probably but communicating is a different story
>>162135 Abstract algebra covers groups, rings, magmas and all sorts of other mathematical structures. >>162141 I actually dont know what a magma is, I only know that its an algebraic structure.
>>162140 >magmas What the dick? Is this geology now?
The best part about algebra and econ is that sometimes you can just keep putting numbers in until you get the answer that's right and basically brute force it
>>162141 Another good way to define abstract algebra is as all the stuff knuth mentions in the prologue for concrete mathematics that makes up the sea of abstractness.
>>162138 We can drink together and talk math. It'll be super fun. I'd say we used to do that in college, but I didn't really drink...
>>162145 >>162140 you're kind of mystifying it the reason people think it's complicated is because it's easy to overcomplicate but it's really nothing that out there take away the preface of complication and it's pretty easy conceptually and really not that complicated mechanistically other than having the reference concepts first
So I'm most of the way through Mathematics Made Complicated, but of course I dont understand all the math. I do understand more of it than the last time I tried to read it though.
I keep getting bots following me it sucks
>>162165 I think my twitter account only has bots following it. Not that i have made more than five tweets ever. Also I deleted them all years ago.
>>162165 dude no that shit's the best bots defy so much of the weight system that you get random exposure to areas you can't reach on your own organically it's like tweet bridges to random niches
i'm using a couple SR tweetbots to actually map out this strange bot twitter and see the topography of connections it's bizarre >>162179 that doesnt matter dude it's about follow recommendations, not retweet exposure it pads the baseline, not the fluff
>>162187 yeah this isn't 2005 bots are our friends they're like the kodamas in princess mononoke they're just part of the information landscape, harvesting away and processing simple informations like worms fertilizing the soil
>>162189 I feel like normally it'd be dead by now, but they keep giving it more material with these constant VR remakes and remasters or whatever for Skyrim Buy my game 3 times FormerRei
I just don't like having them because they fuck up my ratio And it's not as immediately satisfying to be followed by a bot
There's a spider that with its legspan is about the size of a quarter. And it's been skittering around the walls of my room for about a day or so. Whenever I see it again it puts me on edge.
a gardener who abuses their plot and just forces what they want out of it won't really have a lush garden a gardener who loves their plot and treats it with passion is going to have a garden that treats them well too just because it's an information landscape doesn't make everything cold. it's still a labor of love
>>162199 In all fairness if you read my post I'm not stopping it from doing that. But having a spider around is not going to be relaxing on my conscious.
im craving radishes i should grow some radishes once i get to move out of here and have a small yard >>162246 i'm not craving turnips, and don't often i do find myself craving radishes a lot though
It's my best friend's birthday today so wwe might go do something. Might go to the arcade.
>arcade what is this 1970s?
>>162271 The largest arcade in the US is less than ten miles away from where wwe live.
>shadow of the collossus remake for ps4 yes
There's also gonna be a MonHun for all major platforms. It looks like there might be a reworking of the combat mechanics though, so I dunno how to feel about that.
>>162273 lol i guess if i buy ps4, that will be my 4th copy of it
It's hard to tell if the new monster hunter will be good or not since the whole internte is in NEVER EVER mode over it.
Oooh They have a Battle Toads arcade cabinet.
>>162276 1st* its a // an entirely new game rebuilt from the beginning
>>162286 wait really so couöd it have ALL THE **COLOSSI!?
Oh if that's the case, that's pretty exciting. I couldn't watch that trailer because my net was making the stream shit the bed during it.
>>162287 Yeah, that's what came to mind for me. With the stronger power of modern systems, they don't really need to limit themselves to the twelve or thirteen they ended up picking for the game.
>>162279 I think the last time I was there the Fzero cabinet was broken.
>>162288 i mean they have 24 made up just for the old game, but never thrown into the finalnprodict
Yeah. I think an hour to a titan -colossus isn't a stretch to begin with, plus whatever time you spend wandering around exploring the wilderness and climbing random shit.
took me about 12h on first try to clear sotc replays are only maybe 2-6
>>162325 co·los·sus kəˈläsəs/Submit noun plural noun: colossi a statue that is much bigger than life size. a person or thing of enormous size, importance, or ability. "the Russian Empire was the colossus of European politics"
its a latin word
>>162331 also Colossus, Colossos, or the plural Colossi, comes from the Ancient Greek kολοσσός
>>162364 that doesn't produce the g-forces then we should floooat >>162367 cause i realised yesteeday that if we accelerated at constant 1g we'd hit light speed in a year so limda wondered do they have a bullshit explanation for this *kinda
fuckong driver, drive better
idk why you're telling me that
>>162364 I did not know that Elf had that large of a bust.
>>162365 Nobody can explain gravity anyway! How does it work?
Gravity is the forces of hell pulling our souls downwards. When we were released of our mortal sins we ascend to heaven, our souls no longer weighed down by gravity. Rounders and their false gravity are trying to tempt you away from this great cosmic truth.
though amusingly you could bullshit, that since we travel at relativistic speeds, that explains why science thinks universe is 14b old, while earth is just 6k simple, for us just 6k had passed, outside 14b
>>162384 the fact that the name's always in CAPSLOCK makes it look less chill
>>162386 An explanation that doesnt require Earth to be traveling at rrelativistic speeds would be that the earth disk is on an armature that rotates >>162390 Yeah
>>162387 it's not _super_ chill the tracks can get kind of hype sometimes but overall the feel is mellow and soft
I think flat earth stuff coming into vogue is telling commentary on the state of information. I mean, it's almost conceivable that everything could be a lie. It's like we know so much that you have to rely on other people about what to know sometimes and those people could be lying to you.
>>162405 If you're gogood wwe kkight let you out of Plato's cave. *might
>>162404 I would pay $60 for a game I haven't paid for at all yet though
>>162405 it's not new it's been an academic exercise in rigor for a few decades the only thing new is that now there are people who think the practice is genuine belief
>>162407 im surprised you've escaped todd's lies for so long
>>162409 I just played my friend's copy. on xbox360
Oh I figured out why that ubisoft person advocated pirating that game by the way
The development, 3 years ago, said something or other against feminism
>>162405 Everyone is pretending to be retarded to troll everyone else
>>162405 I'm the kind of person that doesn't really care if earth is flat or donut-shaped or is actually just the dangling jewel on someone's cockring I care much more about going to work tomorrow morning and paying my taxes and if I need to pick up peanut butter at the grocery store on my way home tomorrow.
>>162424 Naw everyone found out recently Zoe Quinn got in on it too, fabricating tweets that never were made because as someone who's been the target of online abuse she knows it's OK for her to do it
>>162426 my brain is built for practicality whenever it tries to think too hard it does such a good job it thinks itself into existential terror it's best applied to practical things like my job and stuff
>>162427 i wonder if you threw the "ptsd from tweets" at that crowd, how they would react
>>162435 You could be a part of the lie and not even know. What if the earth really is flat? I have been in a high altitude airplane but I didn't really think to take a moment to confirm the curvature of the earth.
>>162434 >>162438 wow why did this come back on me I am talking about lofty ideals here and you guys are getting on my case because I won't give you my address
>>162436 There's a way, I just don't know how to do it. Maybe :\) Nope. It's not :) Wait. Can Ismallsmallsmall?
>>162437 I always think it feels weird when the bus turns a corner while sitting at the back
>>162439 Have you ever been by the ocean and watched a ship head out?
>>162429 There are no bad tactics Only bad targets
>>162441 i love the little moves you do without really being aware to keep balance
>>162439 I never asked for that, and I don't blame you for not giving out information like that. But, and this applies to everyone, how do we know you're not just living out a character here?
>>162439 Wait a second, I didn't ask your address. But while we're at it, you could give me your credit card information
>>162450 I still want to meet the real Rika. And it's weird to think people put on different characters, but I acknowledge that I do so without realizing it. Mine used to have a name.
I like Time Cube more than flat earth.
christopher cloneumbus
>>162450 >>162446 you do know that there is no real you and that you're "playing a character" in pretty much every instance, right? you are all the characters you play that is you there is no one specific side of yourself that you get to choose to be who you are
>>162459 no the original claim was that old greek men would watch the ships sail off and they'd see the sails while the rest of the boat wasn't visible but this is probably an untrue account, and more importantly has nothing to do with the curvature of the earth but is an atmospheric effect regardless
Why is my news radio å BBC thing on history research
>>162461 Yeah, you'd need some kind of weird sloped water for that.
>>162465 I hope not, that means people are making fun of me when they say "that's so rika". Surely that's not going on.
>>162464 I actually agree with bang in the sense that we all have different sides of ourselves that we show different people. But the me you see here is probably the most unfiltered version of me, I'm basically stream of consciousness mode here. That's about as close to the real rika as it gets, isn't it?
>>162465 I think it's a state that everyone should wish to achieve.
>>162467 bang earth theory is that a flat earth and a globular earth both still have more important shit to worry about
>>162468 the water is sloped actually another of many reasons you wouldn't be able to see curvature or things being obstructed by curvature
>>162468 That's interesting. That would be as "real" as it gets, I suppose, but there's no way to verify. Then again, any time I meet people, I change. Hell, I change depending on who's around.
I wonder how long I'm going to think about this idea.
>>162468 I will say that I agree most people tend to express themselves i n a very flow-of-conscious way when only communicating with text and the idea that some of us or many of us tend to display an "unfiltered" version of themselves as you put it has quite a lot of merit
but i also think it's wrong to discredit the way one "acts" around others to be merely an act the different faces we put on aren't someone else's, they're still ours and ours alone
Holy shit it's just been this novelist talking instead of my FUCKING NEWS FEED
>>162473 No way to verify what? That these are my true thoughts?
>>162476 I just realized the other dday that wwe mmoved a year ago and havent put up any mezuzah. Do you have any at your apartment?
>>162478 Not quite. That it's not a character, still. The internet allows a lot of things like that, and lots of lies, and I'm obviously putting less thought and care into this, so, don't think too much about it.
If people are defined by their actions then the mask is the real you
>>162480 let me drop an example that i encounter a lot in my friendships over the internet let's assume i've got crippling gender dysphoria and my entire familial life and around coworkers i have to play pretend all day long and the internet i can go be who i feel i actually am on the inside and make connections which i don't find are disconnected from my true self like i do in my working life
who is actually being lied to probably the coworkers and family for whom i'd have to put on a phony act every day for
>>162496 all moes are liars we need to purge the site!
>>162496 i only lie because holy shit moe is weird right now
but you can't be that mad, cause you still bought me a chili dog!
I'm actually a qt japanese high school girl Don't tell anyone teehee
>>162515 I can't go to bed uuntil I sing the Shema, but I haven't sung Shema in a while so I neneed to sing Shechianu, but I haven't sung Shechianu in a while so I need to sing Shechianu .....
>>162522 Entertaining? Probably not. But you gotta do what you gotta do. If you want to come do it all for me, I guess I can tutor you for a few days to show you the ropes. This is kind of what you deserve for skipping out yesterday, though!
dear mother in heaven save me from proliferating lesbians yrs truly kanako
>>162559 Do you quick pickle then to keep in the fridge or do you properly can them? I've only ever tried the quick method so I guess I've never really pickled anything
>>162562 i use mason jars of varying sizes, and i'll pickle a ton of things at once with eggs, i'll pickle like six dozen eggs in one evening, and i'll probably get a bunch of different pickling agents and various vinegars some that i'm more excited about i'll probably be snacking on in the next few days, but i definitely pickle with the intention of having them around for a long time. they only get better flavor with time, as long as you've got the ph right and it's not getting bacterial interaction
meats and vegetables i'll pickle and just have like forever.
Wow that's a lot I usually keep some onions around but that's about it I did try honey pickling some apples but it turned out a little too vinegary for me I need to adjust that one and try again, might put some anise in too >>162565 What's challah?
>>162564 honey doesn't have the acidity needed for pickling i dont think that's going to work oh wait i guess it does have a moderate acidity, hm.
well, i think after this move, i'm going to be slowing life down a little bit and i might have a little garden. i am probably going to pickle and jam some things maybe i'll send some out to /moe/s on their birthdays or something. i enjoy sharing stuff like that it's really cool
DAMN Wow phone Damn I like all three of those things What part of the bread is the Jewish part? >>162566 Well it was mixed with vinegar, it's not just honey I'd like some jams and pickled stuff though, that's a nonce thoughtful present
>>162567 >jewish egg bread are eggs banned in judaism or something
>>162568 its a jewish recipe the bread was invented by jews and eaten almost solely by jews, nobody else really fucks with it even though its the best bread there is >>162571 yeah
Yeah well I'm about to fuck with it
good if you go to a jewish bakery on thursday or friday morning you can get some good, fresh challah
I wonder if there is an actual Jewish bakery around here Maybe the guys at the deli would know We've got hipster bakeries they might make some heathen form
??? i see challah all the time i get it a lot too just because it's there i'm not much for sliced breads i like tasty loafs
its probably not real challah if its not made by jews
jews make it all the time but the best time to get it is thuraday/friday because its something you eat on shabbos
Ok what if a Jewish baker stopped being Jewish but kept making challah? Is it real?
how can it be made by real jews if jews aren't real
>>162591 are you talking about the texture or the shape? you get that texture by over-whipping i do that sometimes depending on what the meal is. i kind of like bready eggs if i've got plenty of cheese.
i can't say about the shape, though
the shape is clearly abnormal
its supposed to just be a normal, over medium egg
i have 34 hours of work to get done over the next 39 hours sigh i may have screwed up i want to take a nap
Good luck Moon If you don't do your best you'll get a fine
I'm really envious of rika's situation. she works hard now because, if she doesnt, she'll run into problems in 10 or 15 years. i'm working really hard now because, if i don't, i don't have anywhere to live next week. literally next week. i am earning money right now that is what i require in order to move out when the lease is up next week why does life gotta be so hard
and i'll be broke after the move too and then have to pay new rent within a week which i'll have to figure out how to make while also moving