the way image uploads work is you upload the image to the image processor, it checks and thumbnails and all that then the processor sends a token back to your browser then your browser sends that token to the main doushio server saying "add this image to my post" much in the same way that it sends individual words
well it took the image and then apparently disconnected my post and when i reloaded the page after coming back to it and seeing the post not uploading it appeared as >>15130 such
People are currently protesting outside of one of Trump's properties in Florida called Mar-a-lago >>15156 Even better Good enough to make me start this post with the sole purpose of saying what they're shouting
>1984 sales skyrocket since trump's inauguration thanks to millennials that are now terrified enough to actually pick up a book and read the words inside it
>>15175 Seriously, I am starting to think that trump cabinet intentionally is poking the hornet's nest will it be for better or worse, remains to be seen.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
hey man it sure would be unfortunate if riots broke out and trump had to establish martial law ha ha ha!
Nothing like that more like establish most anti-trumps as >>15155 idiots and then tire people from protesting, so when he and his cronies actually start to profiteer at the end of the term, everyone is too tired to properly protest
Dnno how much US gov uses the "make something controversial and will have everyone shouting about it and at the mean time slip past the actual shi they want done, that is even more shady"
I mean, with everyone protesting the WALL and mooslim ban, no one for example takes notice of the reservation violations
A comment about that sort of thing wasn't my intention
>>15183 >>15184 I'd really like to sit down to someone who supports these things and has a half a brain and have them explain to me why are people divided into hierarchy of who is the biggest victim... and what is the logick behind it >>15185 sausage florida >steal dipers >get shot
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>Invasive Wild Pigs Leave a Swath of Destruction Across U.S. – And They Keep Spreading wildo piggu get out
wild pigs not boars?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>They go by many names: wild boar, wild hog, razorback, Eurasian boar, feral swine. But whatever you call them, invasive wild pigs (Sus scrofa) are wreaking environmental havoc and spreading rapidly.
>>15200 Boar hunting is really faggoty honestly. People just set up big cages and put bait inside and then wait for a boar to go it. Then they drive around with the boar in a cage in the back of their pickup truck until they decide to kill it and then they usually throw the carcass away into a ditch or something.
Boar hunting in medieval times was really hard too You would set up a spear in the ground, and hope the boar would impale itself on it while it was trying to gore you
>>15212 There are people that build tree forts and sit in the fort for days until they see a deer and then they shoot it with a bow and arrow or a crossbow. That's kind of skillful. Still seems uncool to me, though.
If you're going to go out and kill things, you have to be willing to die! Fight nature with your own two hands!
>>15214 That's why Australians box kangaroos. It's a fair game against nature.
Tree sitting sounds boring as hell.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Any of you guys like Seinfeld? If you order now you get a piece of the door to Seinfeld's apartment.
>>15254 A little bit. I can do basic repairs and stuff like that. This is a really big tear though and I'm not sure if it'll hold even if I sew it back together.
One really nice thing about India was that you could go to the tailor and it would cost the equivalent of about sixty cents. Even large repairs.
Sometimes they did a pretty dodgy job though. One lady fixed a hole in my green trekking pants with bright blue thread. It looks awful. I suppose you get what you pay for... But usually they did a good enough job. I had A LOT of repairs.
>>15256 I have a really good tailor that did a lot of work for my grandfather and stuff She'd probably be able to fix it, but it's a ratty old jacket I've had it for probably seven years now haha I'd be embarrassed to bring it to her
>>15256 All those birds are already dead. The dead birds are from universities' massive dead animal archives. >>15252 I need to go through my bookmarks, I can't remember the name.
hmm there wen't last of my codeinestuff is curious how quickly you got "used" to the feeling and while it was there, it didn't feel that odd anymore. >>15274 ya gonna try fix it yerrself or?
well then it is quite simple to fix just get strong enough string though since it is on the sleeve, you could've used a machine too to make it neater and stronger but hand sewing works too
Would still be cool to be a king over there immortality and all as long as you treat your people well And considering you need to turn all genocidal to get divine punishment, I am sure you could leeway all kinds of shit as long as your people are happy. Maybe go full murrica and intervene in every country when their king starts to go all bonkers.
Also I wonder could you bring over tech over there or a small library of books and shit
>>15295 Not really the tech shown in the anime matches about what was in china and japan when they were forced out of isolation i can go into lenghts, but pretty much the ruling system they have set up explains it
they do advance, but without competetion between nations, wars and such driving it faster like in europe. The development just won't happen in the same way and each time a ruler dies, they take a country down with them completely so of course development will be much slower.
Which does propose the question what if you do introduce the revolutionary steps that lead to european nations to develop faster gunpowder, steam engines and such and create a society that has the drive necessary to take advantage of such inventions to raise it way above others. As war is banned and only enemy is the demons and corruption, the competetive drive that normally fuels engines of development just doesn't exist. Also as the world is ruled by "divine law", the society seems to be quite stuck too so new ideas most likely don't get similiarly embraced.
Hmm if you think about it, in order to faciliate the change, maybe being the ruler wouldn't be the best position. But rather being in a king's court and being made immortal you would have free hands to carry on as long as the king doesn't kill you or revoke your immortality and then when one nation is at a good stage you move to a next
and then implement a system that ensures that when a ruler goes mad and divine punishment happens, the passing of power would be as smooth as possible, withou total societal collapse. Even if such "ruling councils" are prone to corruption, with divine right to rule being a thing, they can't really fight the next ruler for power and win in the end.
And besides, some kind of "depose the king" or "king retires" should be made as a system to prevent a country from total collapse too. 12 kingdom's world's greatest weakness is afterall, how the country is the ruler and when the ruler goes woppidoohoo, so does the country. And most of time they seem to take the kirin with them too, so that adds further years of chaos to the mix.
>>15305 I think because it all ties in to East Asian philosophy. The goal isn't stability. It's a cycle of change.
>>15307 china and japan, but especially china the divine mantate was a major factor in the rule of chinese emperors
it all ties into the east indian company
We need some opium in this anime
>>15307 also if it was "change" then it is completely inefficient as the world barely changes
That would be a great ending. Episode #46. The British Navy arrives and blows everyone to hell with their superior weaponry.
12k ruling system is quite confucian in nature. and even the discriminating foreigner hunting kou kingdom from the early episodes vs the en kingdom who accepts everyone as equal reflect different eras of china alone.
also since in 12k babies are born from trees, that means unlimited sechs with no dangers of bastards
>>15311 It's still change. Even if it's gradual. More so than if it was one perfect ruler for thousands of years.
Indeed you can even argue that a ruler like the En-king is kinda bad since sure he leads a prosperous nation, but it has pretty much been stuck in tech for 500 years or so. The immortality of the king might not be the problem, but the ruling body should be replaced occasionally.
The counter argument to that is that peace and prosperity are more important than advancing technology.
Hmm I guess the true problem indeed is that the ruling body is immortal too the advisors stay the same and no matter how briliant a mind you are, fresh blood and fresh ideas are needed
>>15319 but did the novel series ever get finished I recall that the anime kinda ended in that bland fashion, because there simply wasn't any material left
>>15335 That makes sense. The anime really only introduces about four of the twelve kingdoms.
>>15340 I guess pierrot with naruto and prolly already having contracted to do bleach too wasn't intrested in doing some 100 episode anime of an IP that is not that well known.
>>15341 I reckon 12k could have been a big hit in the West with the right exposure and marketing. It has the right elements. In a different world, it could have been one of the BIG THREE.
If 12k was *is to be picked up again I'd rather have it completely readapted
but that will never happen so let sleeping dogs lie I heard the novels have gotten translated, so maybe someday read them
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>15338 sorry I had to regen the cloudflare cert it might take a little bit
>>15344 also nope the big three are the big three because they are weekly manga 12k is a novel series that at the adaption moment had ran for a full decade and still isn't finished, though between last two novels there was a 12 year gap
>>15352 There needs to be more content. I just meant it meets the requirements to be a mainstream hit among Western audiences. >>15351 SHILL
>>15353 well problem is, how it jumps between characters sure yoko appears quite oft, but there are several novels where she and the others won't so... it'd need some work
I'd rather take some ideas from the book and make a complete new world and setting for example, war between kingdoms would be an interesting element to western audience and large cultural, tech and societal differences.
Cloudflare bullying!
>>15355 and with people in power, rulers and court coming from more countries than just japan and china
>>15358 add in multiple gods or religions on how the system is perceived to work or shit too or something A similiar setting is not idea stealing afterall otherwise all fantasy would be copyright stealing LotR
My imouto ate the leftover pizza. I don't know what my supper is going to be now.
Montogomery was too I love how after taking over in africa, he drilled his men and set up the defensive lines and then when rommel launched his first assault on him, montys staff came to tell him the germans were attacking monty just asks "are they attacking at X?" and they go "yes, sir" and he just says "good, back to sleep" and he went back to sleep and the german assault was prevented.
Speaking of libyafront, I wonder how that would've gone, if the wehrmacht had been well supplied and armed? Though, would the success been so well if rommel was not forced to improvise with his limited resources, on the other hand.
I think I can technically qualify for Youth allowance if I want it But I don't really because that limits how much you're allowed to earn working. And I can probably make more money in the long run just putting in the hours at the chicken house.
Plus.. you know... Too much INTEGRITY to ACCEPT FREE HANDOUTS.
Law is here neigh impossible to get into But that is because law leads you to become either a lawyer or middle to high tier government worker either way the pay is easily in the highest tax bracket
Yeeuugh They're holding "speed friending" sessions on campus next week
How far does my desperation to EXPAND MY SOCIAL HORIZON extend?
I might consider going if I was in your place. I kind of realized this the other day, but I really miss having people to do stuff with in person. The guys are dicked around with in Japan made the experience all the more entertaining. I've realized I do kind of miss having people to hang out with.
0 is quite a mind blowing number "nothing" afterall as a concept is curious as while we can picture "empty glass" or "empty room" nothing is beyond human mind in the end.
Especially considering that SOME people actually have success with that course of action. That he fails is particularly impressive.
>inb4 nobody notices i've been one for a week because i stabbed myself hey marsh, do you have discord
I should look up the DF changelogs and see what lunacy ToadyOne's been up to.
>Artifacts will pass down family lines to keep them in play longer and to set up interesting conflicts. Even without conflicts programmed yet, we've had some interesting situations. One medium world I ran for 125 years had a dwarven hero named Fath that killed the hydra Osplu Juicepukes. After the fight, she named her steel shield Gladdashed and it became a family heirloom attached to the Kosoth Giltmirrors family group (Kosoth was an original dwarf, and by the end of world gen, that line had 228 living members -- Fath was a grandchild).
During a later koala demon invasion, a goblin named Ngokang Spideryweaver killed Fath and claimed the shield -- even though the invasion failed, Ngokang survived and took the shield back to the goblin capital of Ghoulsullied. A few years later, Ngokang was murdered and Gladdashed lost in the goblin pits, but Ngokang's family still had a claim on it (it's unclear whether goblins will often have strong family mechanics when we remove the placeholder, since it's not a typical value setting for them, but it's fine for now). Ngokang's family group was also identified with an original creature -- Bax Burialscourges, a goblin dancer that was still alive and a member of the Whispers of Evil performance troupe. That goblin family had 49 living members. Presumably, as we continue, it's possible that these 228 dwarves and 49 goblins would come into conflict over Gladdashed in various ways as the artifact is found, stolen, claimed, lost again, etc., especially since it's likely with that many dwarves that several of them would have hands on the levers of power that determine whether their whole civilization goes to war and so on.
Oh that formatted after I hit enter.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Oh shit they updated to 64-bit. I wonder if that'll make long world gens less long and laggy.
Nothing good of note happened today nor anything incredibly interesting or terrible to mention. But this drawing is really cute so I will simply defer to this as the highlight of the day
If I was a ghost I would be the type of fantasy ghost that is just a black hooded, floating cloak with no face, and skeleton hands I guess
Dude that whole thing about how all the cells in your body get completely replaced every few years is fucking crazy I dont know if it applies to brain cells but if so Thats fucking crazy
>>15794 it doesn't apply to brain cells and doesn't apply to quite a few types of cells in your body
>>15801 Well what the fuck then That's actually not crazy at all This bullshit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>15803 yeah your brain cells mostly are there at birth and stay there they expand a little but they mostly just establish connections between existing cells after you're born if they die they can sometimes be replaced in certain parts of the brain but they don't replace themselves typically
Alri Ght kirara well since you know everything then answer this Why is everyone so mean?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>15817 they're not actually mean they're actually nice and you just don't know the difference between nice and mean you stupid dildo
The night with Konosuba and Maid Dragon is probably the best. I think Gabby's night is a good night too. All Out and Masamune-kun is another good night.
The server I talk with a lot of my friends on has a lot of custom emotes. Mostly because they're all losers that really like the really mimetic Twitch emoticons.
>>16007 That's twitchies for you >>16008 >>16011 kill all duplicates >>16015 bye >>16014 Is this an erp server like healsluts. Eggplant thinking sounds lewd
smashy smash i guess i'll bring my wii u east but then i have no excuse to buy a switch
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Preface: Part 2
The Legend
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
numbers everywhere this is definitely a japanese game
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
swiping rapidly on this download screen >yes? let's go! onward. yes? yes? as you say. uh-huh! orders? let's go! okay. all riiiight. this is the most submissive army ever
try to roll when yuo hjave 20 gems only so its cheaper
It would be nice if you could select where your units will be placed before battle starts. One map had by healer walled in with a mad samurai at the start.
I wonder if you could really learn competent Spanish in two years through immersion. I guess it's a Latin-derived language so it wouldn't be that hard. Far easier than learning an Asian-based language through immersion.
>>16202 maybe if people are understanding and helpful
Not really. You'd be surprised how far you can get in a foreign country just knowing "yes", and "no" and speaking in slow, stupid English.
Oh right, yeah, it's spain, not france or germany
it is the modern age after all too so i imagine you could learn spanish for free in two years anywhere with an internet connection
Yeah but tha t begins to leave the realm of immersion, I feel. But yeah if you actually try it would be really easy to pick up Spanish and it still wouldn't cost you a cent.
Oh shit Rommel was part of the attempted assassination of Hitler?
>>16231 Yeah, he killed himself when they were going to capture and execute him.
>>16231 well yes and no he had dealings with the anti-hitler factions, but he never outright supported the attempt on hitler's life but however, little data remains of the thing, nazies being nazies, but some of the conspirators implimented him to be part of it >>16232 no he was given a chance to kill himself instead of facing court martial basically "kill yourself and remain your honour and your family will receive full beneficiaries of being related to a man of your status" etc. Rommel was a poster boy, so they didn't want to trial him because of the bad press, so they rather had him kill himself and then they could just blame it on the enemy or something I don't remember how they actually propagandised his death.
And basically, rommel was open about criticising hitler, something he came to dislike as the war went by. So despite being popular amongst people and his compatriots, the nazi-high command began to dislike him and even fear him. So when they had a good chance to deal away with Rommel, they took it. Rommel for example, constantly bombarded hitler to attempt making peace with the western allies and had several times considered arresting hitler. He had realised that under hitler germany would eventually fall, but also knew killing him wouldn't be the way to do it as hitler would just become a martyr for the nazi-cause then.
The Yukionna is real cold for her tears and sweat to freeze Tears are really salty, you know? They stay liquid at way lower temperatures than regular water
all isps block it here and well >accessing a site that your isps are blocking and your officials might be monitoring constantly it is like asking to be caught
So as it turns out, only 3 arrests have been made in relation to the Berkely riot, 0 of which happened during the actual riot Tell me again why it's inconceivable that they were let go due to lack of evidence\taking in the wrong person altogether
>>16249 While saline content does lower the temperature of freezing, tears aren't that salty compared to the sea. I mean you can make the same argument for sweat off her feet freezing easily too; sweat is a saline solution too.
>>16264 What's really weird is the rest of the water around her feet not freezing Is she sweating undercooled sweat?
I think it's a weird thing where she's sweating "normal" body temperature sweat, which is then insta-freezing because of the cold her body is producing. Where as the water around her is really hot.
Well duh, but I mean in relation to the rest of the characters
This is like making that disability girl thing, but you also add a girl that just has eyesight that isn't 20/20 and act like it's near the same level as the girl without legs
I think this is a common problem of yours. A more severe problem existing does not remove the fact that a problem is a problem.
>>16282 I never said they were near the same thing though. They're both disabilities and they have their own magnitudes but that DOES NOT change the fact that both are disabilities. +4 and +9 are both positive numbers. The fact that +9 is greater than +4 does not magically make +4 a negative number.
Vampires can't see crosses, be in sunlight, be near garlic, hear about god, enter houses without express permission, or survive without daily intake of blood Traditionally
They're easily the most pathetic monsters in all of fiction
Yet here she is, with just a little light-headedness if she doesn't eat liver now and then
Meanwhile snow woman burns out and nearly flatlines if she's in the sun for a little bit too long
Then you should get in on it, cause that's their whole thing The whole idea is "We'll push out candidates who take a pledge to not take money from corporations, so they'll represent the everyday man"
Granted they're democrats, so I dunno how that actually lines up with you But overall, it's probably better than either current party line
They're not ready yet And I'm not either I have 5 years before I can run
>>>/watch?v=xPiVrZL4qek also how some of these toilets work just seems wrong why does it fill the bowl with water first and then do the drain? how is that flushing How come it isn't already It doesn't so much matter whether this last riot was them or not, when they're openly in support of things like it
South Korea has a higher suicide rate than north Korea
I wish these so called nazies would actually DRAW the swastika right sometimes.
Feels good that people are getting rid of stuff like that though >>16377 Meme Nazis have really been terrorizing Jews lately 50+ bomb threats were made to synagogues across the country in January
>>16378 I wonder are the makers of it "fighting the good cause by driving the point what happens in Trump's America" I hope no one is actually that stupid. >>16381 yes
>>16379 Doesn't that make the Finnish airforce symbol the same as the original Buddhist symbol then.
How novel.
oh wait no, it is also pointed towards right just not crooked
I've fallen aand I can't get up Because the floor is too comfy
I might need to fall and not get up from my bed soon. But I also can't do it for too long I need to make supper tonight.
Also because I've been in this chair for the better most of the past sixteen hours and it really isn't a comfortable enough chair for long stays like that.
I'm really tired, only slept like 4 hours after like 48 hours nosleep Now I'm reading twitter to find out what I should be stressing out about today
I learned earlier in the week and then forgot by the time today rolled around.
Apparently one of the people in the drawfag circles I know has a mother who really gets into American football. Which I guess doesn't seem weird but they're Mexican.
Someone messaged me "u coming to Superbowl party?" I'm like "when is it" "tonight bruh"
My imouto's finally caught up in all the JoJo adaptations. Apparently she's thinking of starting up the manga where it leaves off. At this rate she's going to be more knowledgeable about the series than I am.
>>16426 Why didn't I sleep? >>16425 Why has God abandoned us
>>16424 Oh she's got a long, long way to go to achieve that. Granted she actually goes and watches old series that aired before her time so who knows. I still struggle with watching stuff that aired during seasons I was watching stuff during but didn't pick up.
>>16431 >A Kagerou Project anime titled Mekakucity Reload (メカクシティリロード?) was announced at the Seek at Mekakucity event on August 15, 2016. That seems to be the extent of the information. But assuming SHAFT is still adapting, it'll probably not be for at least another season or two at a minimum.
>In conjunction with Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Sheriff Jim McDonnell announced details and results from the third annual ‘Operation Reclaim and Rebuild’ enforcement operation, conducted by the Los Angeles Regional Human Trafficking Task Force and more than 30 participating federal state and local law enforcement agencies, and task forces from across California. Why is there a human trafficking awareness month?
>>16472 Because assassinations happen to a variety of people of differing moral values. But these big news assassinations are gravity wells for attention and focus because of how completely starkly contrast the event is to the person who gets assassinated. It's not really correct to say only people who wish for peace and cooperation get assassinated, but those are what we always hear about the most.
I got subaki from the new special map both him and hana were only 1/2 stars are they just special because of skills or something?
>amount of human trafficking cases on the raise per year >more refugees per year what a coincidence
Hitler was born kill-proof only Hitler can kill hitler
>>16480 oh lame i was hoping they'd be like cool or something
but we're kinda side tracked by the details now why would you say Hitler was peace loving and why did you say he was assasinated? kinda lets us know you don't know what you're talking about
If you want another niggling historical one, Richard III had his nephews assassinated so he could take the throne of England. They weren't exactly preaching love and peace because they were fucking kids.
I don't really like the premise of it really. It kind of assumes peace and cooperation is something the human race has to evolve into. Which kind of feels like it's removing the burden on us to become decent people of our own volition.
Instead of crashing the planet with no survivors, why don't we make a coordinated effort to push ancap into the normie population, and then while society crumbles, we rise to power and install our own, superior government?
Being in power would suck all that work all that responsibility all those people scheming to replace you you'd never get free time to lazearound and drink while watching anime or full night's sleep for that matter.
>>16557 Why do you think I always say "vote TN for King of Europe" a king can just be there and say shit and occasionally demolish the cabinet but the less shit a king does, the more democratic the constitutional monarchy afterall
>>16561 To hold the main keys of power but never use them You delegate all responsibility and power downwards, but keep just enough so you can replace all those delegates if necessary thus you govern the nation as a benevolent father, who can at any time chastise misbehaving sons, while never actually having to work.
Stalin was good at being dictator and being in power no one even dared to think of replacing him, as that might just lead them to be unpersoned. And besides, how do you even replace him? He held so much power that anyone attempting it and even succeeding, would prolly be taken down by someone else for killing stalin
There were even legitimate theories that whole soviet union might collapse because of the plain power struggle once stalin died. And hell, it did take like what 5 years for a solid successor to follow Stalin