I don't know if my teeth are salvagable I think maybe I might need to pull at least one of these fucking things
No, it's not broken, it's just had a steadily growing hole and I've been too stupid to get an appointment before now because I'm a procrastinating fuck whose only motivation ever is intense pain I mean there's 2 holes But one is really big, and I don't know if the tooth can be even patched up anymore
My wisdom teeth need to fucking go, too, but that's not as pressing
Also the leader of Britain First followed me on the twitter Like half an hour ago
I don't understand how it's got such a giant hole but everywhere else in my mouth my teeth are fine It's just the two teeth next to my left bottom wisdom tooth
>>162617 I never floss and that has never been a problem
>>162619 yeah dentists dont recommend it anymore because studies have shown its worthless
They just used it as an excuse when they slipped and made your gums bleed >weak gums, you should floss more
Hell each time I flossed, my gums would bleed for few days, due to how much force I need to apply to just get the fucking floss string through the tooth gaps
Also when I stepped out of the metro, some random middle-eastern guy who apparently didn't have his ID or proof of residency with him, handed me 170€ to buy him sport lottery coupons. The surprising thing was, that it only dawned me afterwards that I could've just easily waltzed away with his money and he'd have never known. damn holy ghost brainwashing.-
OK so here's a question Can you name a single scenario where you would answer anything but no?
>>162633 wuts tis? also hell yeah government should be less involved in the day to day life of its citizens for example in the case of UK, fuck your ban on porn
>>162633 >monopolies Does business come under day to day life?
It really needed it it has a "functionalistic charm" to it but... IT IS FUCKING UGLY
Wow without it just looks fucking depressing
It's fun how the gommunists on my twitter TL thinks all the liberals are just like, not going fullblown anarcho commie cause it's "not pragmatic" Like my dude, it's... it's cause they disagree with you, not because they agree but think it won't work.
>>162662 it got voted one of the ugliest appartment houses in the city
Kannelmäki is quite depressing looking places, atleast the 80s built houses have some colour on them but it is a "boomer" town, that grew from like 1000-2000 inhabitants to 10k in about 2 decades
>>1626677 you see the slots or rather tracks on the outside? those are marks where the premade elements were "glued" together it is practically a lego house.
Cheap and quick to build, what defines the 70s and 80s and even early 90s then they began to build "energy efficient housing" which is still quite cheap building, but they began to make them atleast a little eyefriendly
It was a reply to his tweet but I still count it as a win
I only see one possibility for rescuing my hydrus, and that is to reboot my computer, HOPE TO GOD the bootup chkdsk procedure is able to actually fix the pointer And then copy the file If this does not work, I'm gonna have to redo everything
>>162684 Are you enjoying the buildup to actual anarchy in the streets?
I will just have fun flying over to america once the death squads march and drive around with one of those "loud speakers vans" and shout constantly TOLD YOU SO TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN
I think we should instead punch the commies, because the nazis nowadays generally just want to be allowed to shout "THE JEWS DID THIS" in peace The commies are the dangerous ones, both are too fringe to win an election
>>162686 cant wait for the anarcho-communist days of capitalist paradise
Why is DJ white genocide just RTing camwhores
Night moayy
night maria
Oh man I gotta head off in like 5 minutes Once I get back I'll hail mary this shit and see if I can recover my hydrus master file
you should imply that you've been missing work because of the pain frame it like that
Oh, cool
I didn't get paid, and it's still noted down as skipping But whatever
>COVFEFE marks Quigley's second use of an acronym to jab at President Trump. His Making Access Records Available to Lead American Government Openness (MAR-A-LAGO) Act would force the president to make the White House visitor logs, as well as the visitor logs at Trump's resorts, public.
This Quigley guy seems like the hero America needs
>>162730 im sorry is cutting the island in half a real idea
That's not hyperbole That was the old idea, though in fairness it's been scrapped now
Well norway did go and promise to give us a slice of a mountain too for that matter
>promise to We did, though, didn't we?
Well it becomes official this year this being 100 year bday
wow that's hardcore
>>162737 well it is just moving the border at Halti-mountain with like 5 metres
Scandi countries all like each other a lot We all pick on Sweden now though
>>162739 well sweden used to be the unofficial leader and now they fucked it up
Now they're the special kid
Harder to act as the "nordic block" in politics when sweden is busy destroying itself
To be fair There's not enough problems to be distracted by Sweden just didn't realize you gotta not look for things to see as problems
The US has like huge wealth inequality and tax cuts for the rich people can get riled up about, what the fuck do we have? Our roads are sub par? That's like all we really have to get up in arms about, and Sweden got too bored
Also the lure of debt fueled economy got into use through EU
IKEA is only good for the meatballs
You can even buy them frozen up
>>162744 I'm pretty sure our bank at least is national, so we're saved from the global GONSPIRACYY
>>162747 Is not really a conspiracy though it is just a quick and easy method to keep your economy constantly growing which is a must for a debt based economy so to keep economy floating, you need more debt but a population can only be in so much debt so you need more debtors to get more capital to move which brings in the "import more people to get more debt"
It acts like one Everything is funneled upwards due to the ever increasing debt
I have 6 minutes of break left. Work is boring me to tears
>>162750 damn that sucks rip never gonna forget you
I wonder if Trump's constant use of euphemisms for stuff is because he can't think of the right words, or because he knows he can't back up what he actually means People are "dirty", not "corrupt"
>>162751 Cab Can you hack my work computers with aidoru magic and install all the mobage?
I read a little of Tae Kim's guide to Learning Japanese, and one thing stood out to me as weird It says something like "In Japanese, where an English speaker may say 'my name is smith', Japanese speakers will usually just say 'Smith' because the rest of the information is implicit" That's... that's the case in English too
Usually when introducing yourself, you'll just say your name, right? You don't say the whole thing, it's obvious what you mean
Maybe Tae Kim isn't a native English speaker
>>162757 Yeah while "my name is smith" or something is it rare, the point is that english does require the whole sentence while japan just goes smith or "smith desu"
i think you usually say "I'm Smith" in English
>>162758 Japanese requires the rest too, though, if it's out of nowhere In the exact same context, you'll say the equivalent thing in both
If you'd say "My name is Smith", you'd say "watashi\boku no nawae wa Smissu" If you'd say "Smith", you'd say "Smissu" If you'd say "I'm Smith", you'd say "watashi\boku Smissu"
There's no difference here It's a poor example, because I realize Japanese DOES have situations like that for some stuff, but that isn't one of them
Here a n introduction is pretty much *offer handshake* Touhou Nazi
A terrorism researcher just followed me Am I #OnAWatchlist?
I'd be surprised if I wasn't on any.
I'll likely end up on one in my quest to save the world
Ehg, this guy is like 100% retweets or links to his own articles
http://www.sapplycompass.com/ This one actually placed me where I think I would be
>Laws based on cultural values, rather than ethical ones, aren’t justice. this is it of an open ended one as western values, for example are cultural values but they are also ethical values...
I wonder how it dishes out the progressive score? Was it the gaystuff and whatever I just don't give a fuck about those like >gay adoption well if the adoption office terms them good parents, who am I to disagree. Fuck if I care. >>162783 those are non issues to me I don't bann their marriage or adoption, but I wouldn't either support it if I was a politician and voting on the matter, I'd vote blank
For multiculti I went ABSOLUTELY AGREE
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i said that gays should be able to marry, trans people should be allowed to adopt, etc
for multiculti, i said i kinda disagree that it's bad
because i think it's a really good thing but not when it goes too far (e.g. shipping in incompatible peoples that want us dead)
People can kind of do what they want if they consent but there are still fucking limits It's not about it making me uncomfortable, it's about there being certain things you don't get to consent to
And also it said individuals, not adults
>>162783 It's not gonna stay multiculti if they're compatible Multiculti is inherently incompatible, or it's not multi
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>162786 i think it will for example, america has tons of different cultures and we get along
>>162784 >>162785 I took that as "within borders of law" as in no pedophilia, necrophilia etc consent implies in my opinion, being full member of society, ie adult.
>>162789 not necessarily they interact with each other every day they're only living separately in large cities for the most part
in most of the country, people all live together
>>162787 I would say it isn't multiculti as europe is experiencing it imagine if every culture block founded their own chinatowns irish lived in irish blocks russians in russia blocks and so on and so forht
It's multicultural in the sense that there are spheres with different cultures in the US It's not a ton of full on sets of values altogether
>>162792 ut if you ask them, they will sau "i am an american with X background/ancestors" when you do the same here to a "cultural sphere" they will say "I am an X that lives in Xstan"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think i am a pakistani that lives in pakistanistan
Kinda like UK there are the english or rather the londoners and the northern englishers, the welsh, the irish and the scottish but they all identify as British
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
but yeah the diversity in the US is different from the diversity in Europe
Besides, it's not just about 'getting along' It's about functioning as a whole, and I think a shared cultural identity is necessary for that to work out
>>162797 The difference is that in europe, mulcul is actual different cultures living in one society and that has always fallen apart Just see Ottoman empire or Austro-hungarian empire
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>162798 I think it's possible to function together - we do it in the US It's not perfect and there are lots of bumps that make it less efficient, but I think we generally make it work well
>>162800 But the difference is the timeframe you got all the cultures there and also WHEN they came if a similiar immigration rate as in 19th and early 20th century happened there all over, the situation would be entirely different.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Oh, definitely We've got a long time of slow transition into a set of, at the very least, similar cultural values
Europe is just getting slammed with people and they can't integrate quickly and aren't even willing to integrate
And the rate per year was never that high anyhow compared to germany or sweden for example now.
Also the US is HUUUUUUUUUUGE You don't have enclaves all over the place or nothing, though that's not a necessary part of multiculti
>>162804 And when most of the immigration happened, USA was barely populated compared to Europe which is packed as fuck without becoming china or india
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
people in the US used /// people used to immigrate to the US and the parents would be like DON'T YOU SPEAK GERMAN HERE, THIS IS AMERICA WE NEED TO INTEGRATE AND SPEAK ENGLISH SO THAT WE CAN LIVE PROSPEROUSLY
>>162808 maybe german wasn't the best example, but that's how it was for a lot of cultures
>>162809 Well the germans are just a fun example, as they came in great numers and stuck around in clear "german areas" so their culture stuck around and was influential and USA and germany had good relations but then submarine warfare happened
The irish showed up, tried to integrate and just got hate in return Tough
>>162810 And then the germans went "you know, we are americans first, germanss second and Kaiser is a dousche"
Amusing fact indeed, during the late 19th and early 20th century waves, when finns immigrated there in similiar waves as the other europeans. We got slapped with temporary bans and limitations as the local states where we moved in ebgan to complain how we caused "social unrest" with our socialist ideas and worker unions.
Extremely late but I sympathize with Kannagi Work does bore you to tears
hey ToN the fucking podcast you linked had 10 minutes at the end missing
It just reached the end of the seekbar at 58 or so minutes and went buffer mode, and stayed there
Maybe I could watch the whole thing with streamlink, cause it isn't prone to the youtube player's bugs
But I'm not gonna, cause it's 10 out of 70 minutes, and it was tapering off anyway It was fun though
Lol True Finns party split in two after leader elections with 21 of the 37 sitting representatives continuing in the parliament as "New Option" >don't get result we wanted >do somethint that grants the result we desire basic european democracy in nutshell. Fuck your votes, we will get what we want!
It's pretty interesting that you have an actually outright racist party in parliament Like, explicitly
Damn our cabient didn't break up they will continue as is, as amonst the splitters were all the True Finn cabinet members >mid term party splits into a new party and that new party has already ministers
So here's an interesting thought You know that argument some of the more... dense creationists have that goes "if the universe is eternal, then we can't exist because there would have to be infinity time both before and after us, and infinity is infinite", right? ...the same applies to heaven and hell though, doesn't it? If it's true at all
So university of lappeenranta names Jamie Hyneman an honorary doctor. >>162828 didn't bother reading that much into it honorary doctorates aren't really usually into anything specific it is a technical/engineering uni anyhow.
The way I bite has kind of grown accustomed to my left wisdom tooth having a big ol' hole in the top that one of my other teeth goes into partially, so now that the dentist filled it I can't properly touch my right teeth together anymore I can, but it's effort
Second break! 6 minutes of freefreedom
>>162826 Just sayign that already collides with the core belief of christianity THe "Second Coming" part basically. Christians don't believe that the universe as is, is infinite but that it will end eventually when christ comes to redeem us all and then the actual infinite universe that is heaven on earth comes down. >>162832 Yeah they are And you can technically say universe as is is eternal as in "it will go on indefinitely, untill god says 'time to end this shit'"
>>162831 Yeah but heaven and hell are eternal, right?
Meaning if the argument is solid for one, it goes for the other, too If the universe can't be eternal because that in itself means nobody can be in it, then heaven is either not eternal, or there's nobody in it
I don't really follow that argument at all why would infinity at all prevent anything from existing?
It's a shit argument to begin with, but I've heard... shit what was his name Not Ken Ham, and \\ Maybe it was Ray Comfort? No, I think it was a third guy, and his name is like RIGHT THERE
I think it might be Kirk Cameron
Whatever, they're all about as dense as a neutron star
Also as is, heaven and hell are perceived to be outside of the universe so... it doesn't matter what and how this universe is and how HEaven and Hell are as when you die you leave this mortal coil for the divine realm
Universal buddha Muteki na chikara
But if i had to make a guess on the fate of universe, I'd say "not eternal" as some zillion years into the future post heat death of the universe, I'd think eventually matter would start to clumb together and somehow cause "the big crunch" which would bea reset button and a new universe would e created similiarly how ours was
It just ends and pprints out all the simulation rresults
kannagi how is your keitai keikaku?
>>162839 the "we live in simulation" is amusing, since it pretty much is a religion
>>162843 "we live in simulation, okay cool" like it doesn't actually answer anything, it just states something that you can accept or not
>>162845 No, it's just not possible to answer If somehow we COULD confirm we lived in a simulation, that'd be huge That'd be SUPER HUGE
But there's nothing we can do to know
>>162846 WHich is why I say it is a religion just like any religion it makes a ridiculous claim about the nature of the world, which can't be confirmed or denied
As far as religions go, I think it's a good one Gonna be hard to find a justification for like, mass murder based on living in a sim
>>162848 Yeah but the fun fact is how it is a religion, but people don't really get it well the people who believe in it. It has the same core conceptions that there is a creator and the creator is benevolent for humanity overall and you can in no way prove that he actually exists it just has much more scientific mumbojumbo behind it, instead of myths and stories descending from time whenw e barely understood what fire even is.
>>162844 Can we like Just carpetbomb the entire NK government HQ and their army bases and be done with this?
I want to see some "Our planes will blot out the sun" shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't understand why the US is so complicit with this stuff.
If a foreign nation like North Korea abducted one of my citizens and I were president, I would demand proof of his crimes, and if they couldn't, I would not take that. I would rescue my citizens, no if-ands-or-buts. I would decimate North Korea if it meant saving one of the people I was elected to protect.
>>162851 Because the US relies on good relations with China Because the US is a corporation, not a government
>>162851 INterestingly if it was a state in middle-east, it'd have been bomed ages ago
>>162851 So what if South Korea gets nuked as a coincidence of your actions?
America has the ability to destroy pretty much all of North Korea's stuff there simultaneously. There'd be no risk if it were a well-ordered strike.
>>162851 Come with us and walk the path of nationalism
>>162855 Too true if USA wanted, it could easily take down NK and with minimal casualties to civilians and china wouldn't do anything but be outraged they know RealPolitiks well enough to know when to actually act Prolly, china might actually demand that post-takedown government came from them or outright annex the state.
The problem is neither china or russia will like it too much You might end up in a world war over like one guy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I would warn everyone that it's going to happen long before it did. I think by the time this happened, other leaders would know I'm serious. If China and Russia didn't want it to happen, they would pressure NK.
I wouldn't necessarily overthrow North Korea. I would completely disable its military, rescue my guy, and leave - unless I couldn't for some reason.
>>162858 RealPolitiks apply here too similiar how WW3 hasn't started over any of the russian border conflicts, crimea or georgia
>>162860 Russia hasn't knocked down the door of an important country and destroyed the shit everyone else needed them for
And how is NK important to anyone? Does russia even have ties to it in anyway...
>>162859 Disabling its military is overthrowing it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Their government would be able to maintain order even without the military since the people are brainwashed.
>>162864 They're not gonna when SK shows up and LEBENSRAUMS the fuck out of the country
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
That's fine with me.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>162865 And 20 million social parasites with no education, barely able to read and completely incompatible to the society you have running
I dunno, I think it'd be a bad idea, but I don't disagree it'd be the right thing
Soviet Union and Finland had a joking but possibly serious talks about giving back the regions we lost in the war, with some modifications we just said "nah" cause it included EVERYONE living there
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I think >>162867 was supposed to hint that we're being 2politics
Well I'd say let the conversation come to the end, that was about to happen and then switch
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
stop posting swastikas on my site you cad
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Hey Sam, you use Amazon a lot, right? Do you use Amazon Smile?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yep deleting all the swastikas
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
goodbye political compasses man you guys made a mess in here
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>162877 Sorry. I try to avoid it but sometimes I still forget and get going with it.
>>162899 i'm pretty sure it said rooster teeth on the youtube stream yesterday i've never heard of roosteteeth before yesterday, but when i got on this today, i recognized it so there was definitely rooster teeth >>162901 that's playstation, not ubisoft
>>162929 it looks like some of them are quite small 1-2km so i guess not really but then again, i don't think anyone's going to count a screw orbiting earth as a moon... maybe "anything that can't easily be knocked out of orbit" is criteria?
Even "moons can have moons" apparently though we so far havn't spotted one.
>No mercy, no peace Planet of the Antifa?
Actually is this an ad for a game or what is this?
>>162931 I think indeed the only true criteria is it being a natural satellite I mean that is the official name, not "moon" but it is similiar to people calling stars suns
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sk feels no remorse for political shitposting just burning rage for being told off that's my current theory
I'm not getting into this today
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
avoidance and seething anger
Get back to me ina few years
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it's all gonna be okayyyy alright i am COOL as a CUCUMber >>162935 that's really it?
What if you area cucumber?
>>162940 seems like it I suppose there just is a natural limit to how small an object can eb and have a stable consistant orbit for that matter. But considering we are finding new jupiter and saturn moons every now and then there might be even smaller satellites yet to be discovered so will they bee "moons" too? even if they are say 100m in diameter+
Giri giri saafu Nintendo soon.
>>162940 I actually have no idea what you're talking about at this point But at the same time, my brain's occupied with E3
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>162944 it's okay, you're too aloof for this conversation right now i am having not the best day ever so it would be a bad occasion
oh god are these idiots going to talk over the show...
Not on Twitch's E3 stream!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they didn't yesterday ugh why this
>>162945 I dunno what kind of conversation you're talking about but whatever it is, it'd be mostly shouting from both sides anyway
NANDE Why do you have his voice if you're gonna voice over?
When lunch is consumed I'm gonna be playing Kirby it's like fate
They do this sometimes with news, on the radio Because they want to also have that person's voice there, but that's the fucking NEWS where it matters what EXACTLY was said
We don't even know who these niggas are
Can you just use the switch like a handheld device? Like does it have the battery for it?
Yeah it's completely portable. Battery isn't amazing, I'd say it's about four-six hours of runtime. But that's also with Zelda Breath of the Wild which might be a bit derwsdfafa
That's acceptable Is there a custom rom that lets you use it for stuff like movies?
Oh fuggeryd oooooh fug that is neat
I was never big into metroid to begin with but I know a lot of people wanted that
>>162977 The console's been out for like three or four months. Custom firmware is probably a long way out. And will likely be volatile as fuck since Nintendo really doesn't like risking piracy availability.
Kingdom Hearts I guess?
No wait that's PS This is FE
Fire Emblem maybe?
Oh yeah this is the Dynasty Warriors Fire Emblem game.
Seriously if you can't provide a good dub why bother?
>>162998 thanks for the empathy man, i appreciate it >>162997 nice duolingo streak btw
that champion's ballad looked more like a zelda dating sim trailer
Hah hah hah. It's gonna be the new story DLC I guess.
and you have figures of the waifus come on
The 4chan peons
so what are these minionrabbits? where did they come from?
They came from Raving Rabbids
Dunno never played it
They started off as enemies in a Rayman game. For some reason they were so popular that they started getting party game spin-offs featuring exclusively them.
Then they went silent for a while. This is the first of their games in a while.
Oh yeah that's it
oh yeah there was the pop up option removes the clutter of the site
GTA VI looks weird
That's a different kind of transformation mechanic.
Well that's looking a little more fun than I thought it would.
So much like Uiharu... Mario is the hat
wow that was it?
WAIT THAT IS IT? That's all?
I thought there would be third party games
Nintendo conferences are always short. They do an open panel like what's airing now for most of their timeslot.
>>163016 I was kind of thinking we'd at least see something of the MonHun Switch game being talked about.
The animations in this look pretty stiff I'm sure they'll fix it
the new mario? It looks fun, but I don't do nintendo
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i mean the gameplay looks interesting, but the area looks really bad
Goddamnit with all these people going "if x does y this E3 I'll do z" and hitting paydirt, I wish I'd gone "If Sony announces ToF and R.A.D sequels I'll buy everyone a Playstation"
Most of those are probably educated guesses though. Like how I said If Bethesda doesn't announce TES VI I'll be disappointed. That was totally expected because they've said there's two major games they wanted to put out before starting work on it.
>>163034 Dude nobody predicted Good and Evil 2 It's been a dead IP since THE FIRST ONE FOR THE PLAYSTATION ONE
At least one guy did.
This day feels so long. Work needs to end already
Ohio >>163035 Beyond Good and Evil was on Gamecube, Xbox and PS2 Not PS1
They're the Amazon Basics ones. I've used the AAA ones and they're pretty reliable and lasting in my experience. I don't think I've ever seen a deal as good as that on batteries.
hmm can't even find any lists on battery prices really not really a thing people lsit on their websites anymore
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
They're usually like $0.80 or $1 per battery Batteries have always been really expensive
If you don't buy some expensive brand i think you can get a 12 pack for 4-6€ on average
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I usually only see Energizer and Duracell in the stores. I'm not sure if there are cheaper brands other than like, store-brands which usually suck. I guess that's capitalism for you.
I've noticed that say ClassOhlson batteries are some of the best atleast price/quality wise you pay way too much for duracel or energizer or varta or whatever you don't gt that much
werther's are truly top tier candy or the copybrands of it
TN !PcAPtAiNJoToN『sk』『sk』
>>163074 that is actually a quote from the NT if memory serves
Well not exact quote but contains the idea
I've heard it a lot before, so
Filthy heathens Will be purged
>>163077 From christian view it is a bit weird statement, as our dogma does allow redemption - atleast on paper- from practically anything. Not really, but you get the point. So how far must you fall to be forever, by your own undoing, out of the reach of God's love?
It's irrecovable because sins can only be redeemed before death In this way, hell is far more fair than pain and torture. It isn't a sentence, but a self inflicted condition chosen by sinners who willingly distance themselves from god.
>>163081 Hell is like your favourite anime gets a movie but they seat you behind someone really tall in the theatre
Afterall, in the Jerusalem rants, jesus even describes the damnation of those who don't get to the paradise as being locked in a dark place, knowing they will never get there. But can always see and know what they missed.
>>163080 Yes, it isn't really said atleast in NT that you are tortured outright just that it is an unpleasant place/state to be in.
>>163080 No you are seated on the bench outside the theatre you had the ticket but you lost it or rather you tossed it away
>>163079 Wat What can't you get redemption from? Other than dying without accepting Christ
>>163084 WEll the point is rather, that if you have been quite sinful say killed hundreds can you really redeem yourself anymore? or are you jsut doing it out of frear of death
Surely that's up to god, because I don't even joke when I say no human being could possibly be good enough to DESERVE heaven
>>163086 That is actually what Lutherans believe too "The path of the cross can only lead to the hills of golgata" or however it went
We can only be as good as we can, but ultimately it is up to the infinite grace of God to grant us redemption.
Though I also think no human could possibly deserve the eternal suffering type hell
You're punishing a second of sin with millennia of torture, that's hardly an eye for an eye
That is why my belief is that good deeds aren't really "good deeds" there is no such thing as karma rather if you are a good person, you thus do good deeds
or in case of christians, if you are a good christian you can only truly do good deeds evil is beyond your nature. As the holy spirit dwells inyou, you are compelled towards good.
Which is why deeds should not have any effect on which of the two you end up in, assuming God is a just being who recognizes the insignificance of a human lifespan
>>163090 Indeed so the true choice isn't "am I living a good life" but rather "am I living a christian life" basically a binary choice do you believe or do you not.
So you're left with what kind of person the person is OR whether they accepted the christ
Both which will be affected by their nurture
So I don't know if any human could ever be justifiably put in hell Heaven, possibly, because at the very least it's not punishment for something they had no say in
I mean to us Lutherans, you can't be saved even if you are literally a saint, but don't believe in christ. Redemption through Faith and faith only.
And faith through Christ
>>163089 >evil is beyond your nature All humans are capable of evil. Everyone can be tempted by mortal desires.
>>163096 Because god built humans who have the capacity for evil. The concept of evil must be godly then.
>>163095 That is the human nature but as someone who follows christ and truly accepts him, partakes tus in the holy communion and thus receives part of the Holy Spirit thatu nifies all christendom and if part of God who is infinitely good dwells in you, how could you actually commit evil?
If you however mistep and falter in your faith, you will loose that quality. The Path of the Cross is harsh and narrow.
Attempting to solve the riddle of what is truly good and what is truly evil is both unnecessary and impossible God will recognize that you did what you THOUGHT was right, and that should be the only thing that matters.
Perma heaven and hell are not deserved by anyone. An eternity of suffering for a misstep is not justice.
Humanity is in limbo
The question of "what happens to those who aren't evil, but not christians" was why Limbo and such popped up later. In early canon it was "if they havn't had the chance to embrace christ and were good, they were saved" but nowadays, everyone has heard of Christ so...
I argue that nobody deserves anything but limbo At the timespan we're talking, all must be treated equally because their lifespan leading up to it was an insignificant amount of time A drop in an ocean spanning galaxies To judge what to do with the entire ocean based on the one drop is insanity
Who can really tell I bet christianity either doubles down on its dogma or loosens it up further in the future inventing new "afterlife models" influenced by modern thought and philosophies.
>>163095 dude you missed the whole original sin there...
In fact, heaven as a concept is an affront to free will and human dignity It's brainwashing
>>163105 Christians don't believe in free will only the binary choice of 1: jesus 0: no jesus
>>163104 >build humans with capacity to commit original sin >woooooooow
>>163108 They were pagans they deserve it. Remember hell is simply an absence of god. It's not torture. If you don't choose god then hell is a direct product of your choices
>>163106 No, heaven means large parts of your life will be wiped from your memory by necessity
How can you possibly be in a great state of happiness for eternity, knowing all your pagan friends are suffering?
But yeah if you think about heaven as eternity of happiness and atleast as we are right now, when we have too much of a good thing we lose sight of it real quick The whole ivory tower and superrich who never have faced hardships. So... unless once you Ascend, you gain a completely new form of consciousness and viewpoint on life and thus kinda stop being human or you real quick get bored of heaven
Why does god care about actions on earth instead of sticking everyone in heaven and eternal paradise from the start If he wants me to love him why doesn't he ever intervene Why do actions on earth even matter so much if we're gonna be spending eternity anyway
>>163112 So we just exist for the sake of his creation anyway That's some insane parenting. If my kid ate a snickers bar when I told him not to, I wouldn't kick him out of the house and damn him and my great grandkids and so on to suffering.
>>163111 Because what is the point of having created something that obey and worship you without questioning
The point of humans with the capacity to disobey eat the fruit and thus commit sin and thus choose NOT to love god is the whole point
He already created angels who unconditinonally love him, and lack free will to question any of his doing. Humanity's point is to have "children" who actually can love him out of free will >>163111 Well yeah He is a God who created the universe cause he could and we are created in His image and we made nukes cause we could and bred wovles into rat sized critters cause we could And prolly will create androids that will kill us all cause we could
>>163111 See this conversation itself is the point of creation Humanity as whole is the children and we are maybe at most at teenage phase right now. We rebel and question, but actually look for answers.
It isn't about just one human you me or anybody it is about the progressive growth of us all Maybe it isn't that we are ultimately judged by our individual choises but what we do as whole as a species in the end
>>163113 If it isn't about the individual, then why the eternity of suffering? If life is eternal then why can't you repent after death.
>>163115 But that's just a copout of an answer. I wont take "you wouldn't understand" for an answer
>>163114 Misunderstanding remember that even if you do believe that bible was written with divine guidance it was written by limited beings known as humans and humans of 2000 years in the past, with even more limited understanding of the world than we have.
While we have words for "perfection" "eternal" and such our minds can't really grasp such abstract concepts.
So how could we even grasp what a being who can create the entire universe could possibly think?
I believe that every religion in the history of human is in a form of Plato's idealism a reflection of the true perfect idea of religion each religion just grasps different parts of it and adapts it to the society around it. Christianity so far was the one that got the most part right.
If nowadays someone had a divine inspiration and started founding a new religion based on it he most likely will be treated as a loonie Or We as the "rational man" would dismiss it as a weird dream and post about it on /x/
But if that hypothesis is right and christianity is what got it for the most part right and no other religion popped up to really surplant it then as it has evolved into more well civilized version of it over the millenias we can see that the development is still happening and while it is mostly changed now in councils and theological papers, it is still evolving So maybe one day it will actually grasp the true idea of "religion" as closely as it can exist in the non-ideal form.
Or maybe we got it wrong and will be replaced by somethinigg else maybe that replacing is happening RN and Islam has it right
>>163114 But let's put it this way In life, the "religious paradise" we hear about is just that religious it is based on faith, belief you don't know if it is a fact
But post death you are faced with it you know it is true and then will act accordingly If you know of a law, and know fully well what happens to you if you break it do you follow it because you are a law abiding good citizen or because you fear the punishment
If Hell is fact, can you really act out of good will, pure faith and love to embrace God or will you do it out of fear of punishment? >>163120 It is a test and also it's not really just read about, you hear the good word anywhere and if it piques your interest, why wouldn't you check it out and see if it is for you BUt if you just go "this is bad and it fundamentally is evil in my opinion" you heard about it and rejected it and never went back on that, even if you were given many and many chances
>>163119 How can you judge someone for not believing in something they only read about. Punishment should only follow clearly defined laws and rules. It's an unjust test then. If you grew up in another country with a different country with different norms you'd likely say the same thing about a different religion.
>>163121 If god has his own morality and his thinking is so much higher than ours then it is clearly unjust to judge by that which we cannot comprehend. I do not judge a dog for that which it cannot understand.
>>163119 What if it's not for me. What if I decide based on the evidence available to me that I can't believe in it
>>163120 You say it is an unjust test, but that is you judging it based on human morality
But that also brings up the "has heard about the word" issue TO what extent does that mean does that mean having heard a good amount of the Gospel and what it truly means to believe or not to or just say "I live in a western nation and know something about christianity, but more of its history"
Which brings up the 2000 year old question "what happens to good people who don't believe" >>163124 You think it is punished, I think it is rewarded A labrat that passes a test gets a treat another that fails gets nothing
>>163122 Yeah a choice that was perfectly reasonable. To be punished for such a thing is simply unjust. If humans are just labrats then frankly that's not a god I could respect.
>>163125 I think that if he is so wise, then he surely shouldn't be judging humans through lenses they cannot comprehend
>>163124 That is just how I view it I differ quite much from the mainstream christianity in my view of God I think it is just arrogant for us to truly try to figure out his ways.
Though for him, it is pretty much just watching children trying to grasp basic education and learning to read, most likely amusing, but misguided, untill taught better.
>>163124 So should a government also completely dictate the lives of its people? Should they control everyone so absolutely, that no one can ever commit a crime instantly depatch a quick response unit when someone is about to do an ill deed monitor us 24/7, just to make sure we always are happy little citizens and when we mistep give us instant treatment so we can reutnr to being happy little citizens?
>>163126 That is not an apt comparison, because the government did not create humans. The government is humans governing humans in order for humans to have the best life on a mortal earth. The government is not an all powerful all seeing divine god.
No, I do not believe a government should control everyone, and neither should god. What should happen is that punishment should fit its crime.
>>163129 Eventually children grow up and become adults. According to what you said, humans cannot comprehend gods morality.
>>163127 It isn't, yet it is You also completely sidestep the issue
>>163127 Then apply the same to parents towards their children should they mettle in the dealings of their children always through their entire lives
FormerRei@mobileTN !PcAPtAiNJo
>>163127 But you and most are stuck on the "Punishment" part. But no real part ever says "everyone who doesn't believe goes to hell" Most mentions of damnation talk about people who mistreated others who were basically evil in life some way or another and then when the day of judgment came, they go "why do I not get rewarded?"
One true mention of "sinners go to hell" comes from Revelations, and in there it is those who are indeed sinners and followers of the Devil who get thrown to ehll where as the believers get rewarded by never experiencing the end times (Rapture). And those who stayed good, or post-end //those who stayed good and never followed the devil inherit the earth
>>163131 Isn't revelations of questionable canon? No matter how evil someone was in life, the punishment of eternity cannot possibly fit their crimes. A lifetime of sin is a drop in the ocean of eternity. Punishment should fit its crime
>>163132 It is in the final NT so... >>163134 it was bit boring in the end turned repetive and was just all ovet the placei n the "let's mock christianity for shits and giggles" wasn't even that good satire or mocking
>>163131 TN, have you ever heard of Battle Pope? RIP
>>163132 Well if you really want answers for that question, ask someone who specialises in dogmatics I barely ever studied that. These questions have been around for 2000 years and theology has taken quite many leaps since then
But in my opinion, if you really have forsaken your God in life, why shouldn't God forsake you in death.
>>163135 My opinion would be that death is not death if it is actually eternal life.
>>163137 Now that's something that sounds more just If you outright reject the concept of eternal life, you get what you don't /// do believe in.
Also an earlier dogma and one that is still around is that there is no hell or damnation it is either "afterlife" or "nolife" people who don't believe simply die No punishment you just poof dead nada nothing more for you 0 lives left no post-game content
>>163136 Hell just stuck around harder as christianity fused into statehood in europe Easier to keep people God and King fearing, when mistepping out of social boundaries leads to BURNING IN HELL
>>163138 >yes good peasant, pay your taxes. Wouldn't want to go to hell for not paying me your fair share
You see in finnish damnation is translated as "kadotus" which is pretty much more "void" kadota - to be lost kadotus - to be lost in somewhere
>>163140 what does it translate the opposite of damnation to then
most times le bible uses "eternal life" in almost all versions sometimes paradise and sometimes "kingdom of heaven/myfather/etc"
Well there are few mentions of "fiery place, " "and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth" matt 13:50 but this talks about the end times
It might just be a metaphorical fire anyway
Oh yeah continuing about understanding religion basically the "how would you really know how to choose"
Hmm i had this thought out but I began watching shit and forgot it
but basically, even in bible there is like a... "jesus allows the minds of the apostoles to open up to scripture" so he basically gives them understanding to finally, post ressurrection, to understand what was written about him and htus truly realise his teachings and his importance.
So basically, through communion and communication with god, a believer can gain more insight prayer and meditation to open up more of the path to the cross the scripture isn't just all that is, but rather the core and you built upon the reveleation gained form it by your own prayer and life as a christian >>163152 Ress of Christ as he met the Disciples for the final time they were all alive
That sounds a bit like the buddhist mediations toward enlightenment.
>post resurrection So you only truly understand the rules after it's too late
>>163151 Well why doyou think people compare the two...
The whole ascetic and influence from cynicism and later branch of stoicism to christianity are really just embracing those parts Removing unnecessary vices and distractions and truly embracing just the Faith
I don't really care to discuss religion with people too much to know there are significant comparison to buddhism
I do know that christianity isn't as ascetic as it once was. It pretty casual now comparatively
There is a good reason why theology and philosophy are "sibling" pracitces afterall
The art of how to write real good and get everyone to believe your stories for thousands of years.
Well most of bible by no means is good literature...
ecclestiates is pretty good as a standalone even if you aren't a religionfag
Jesus is OP. Too mary stu.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ecclestiates was pretty good when he played the 9th Doctor
>>163162 9th doctor was beautiful and it's a shame he only did one season
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163163 at least he died before moffat took over and ruined the show
I wonder how bad the new do who is Maybe I should at some point start watching it and drink when SJW/moffat stuff appears in it
Even the somewhat decent superhero christmas special had that >taking care of another guy's kid as you own and the whole romance part was just.. no
>>163164 >>163165 It's not very good NuWho had a good run. I'd give it a rest
>>163169 I don't even remember who Clara was or what she did All the companions sorta blur together
>>163161 He just has more mana then us if we had even a tiny fragment of his mana, we could split mountains
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163167 i got fed up while clara was around and quit watching she ruined the show for me moffatt was bad but she made everything even worse
>>163167 clara was the companion little girl that was fucking moffat or something she "saved the doctor" all the time and was always like NO DOCTOR YOU ARE WRONG AND I AM RIGHT
>>163169 save the moon and then that shrinking tardis...
>>163169 >>163170 I remember her now she was annoying I liked Donna a lot.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Amy pond had the potentional to be shit, but she was balanced by Rory
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163172 donna was the only really good one other than Jack and Rory
Martha wasn't bad, but she wasn't good either she was just there
>>163175 Jack is my Who husbando. He's so fucking cool Rory was alright. His actor was pretty good in broadburch
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
adults make the best companions because they are set in their ways and have to learn that their entire way of looking at things is wrong and adapt to a new perspective
Yeah >martha was a doctor of her own and had a carreer and life of her own >donna was adult and had been through quite lot in life >rory was just badass >jack was already an established character when joining >wilford was a grandfather war veteran and then you have all the kids...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
There's a reason why nearly every companion in OldWho was an adult
Kids should stay the fuck away
>>163179 >>163178 Yeah they're more interesting than young adults who try to help
>>163180 Or atleast acted like one I mean clara for fucks sake was closing on 30 during her final run
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
true clara had a job and everything but the writing was just so bad she acted like a child, too
And we were supposed to believe she was the doctor's best friend... umm No more like annoying thorn in the side you for somereason were attached to.
The only good doctor was the older ones. I did quite like tennet's doctor. but I love the older ones.
David Tennent had a good run until around the end I wish the new episodes had better horror Maybe I was just a kid, but shadows in the library and weeping angels are just so tense.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
clara like never even knew anything about him their relationship was completely superficial
It was more like a stockholm syndrome after being obsessed as 11th about Clara for so long, and then finding she was just some idiot who jumped into his timestream he couldn't ditch her anymore
it was pretty much an abusive relationship >>163188 Eventhough she supposedly knew all about him... Yet she barely ever understood the doctor
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
her entire character was >no doctor you are wrong with your hundreds of years of experience >i, knowing only earth for 25 years, clearly know better when it comes to culturally acceptable practices on other planets
Biggest bullshit was that leaf epsidoe with the Sun-god
Remember that one episode with humanity on the space whale and they had to keep torturing it to survive? Remember how it was an interesting moral question but the companion got to take a copout answer where she got to have her cake and eat it
>way to ruin an epic doctor moment
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i had moffat though
remember when the statue of liberty was a weeping angel and someone moved around the city that never sleeps without anyone noticing?
Yeah... it didn't even make sense how does making it that big help in anyway it is even harder for it to touch people and timejump them
Best doctor
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163196 he was pretty awesome we wouldn't have doctor who at all if not for him saying "yeah i'm too old for this shit but what if the doctor just changes into a younger guy through regeneration?"
>>163199 Wait was the oldish lady with frizzy hair the master?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163201 Baker's was top-tier but the writing during his era was unfortunately pretty bad Kind of like how it is now with Cappaldi
>>163204 Missy or Mistress yeah it was a good build up to it they even almost went with "she stuck clara to doctor, as she knew it would ruin him" but they pussied out man that would've been awesome clara being a sleeper agent and a plan of the Master
>>163206 remember when the master enslaved and murdered humans just for lulz? Now he's a wacky gag lady
And also man did clara treat her boyfriend mr Pink bad... he was also a good character that balanced off of the Doctor well wish he was a companion kinda like micky, but he could stand up to himself.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163207 to be fair, when he first returned, he was like that but then everything he knew got flipped upside down and he was revived through eldritch magic and he was like legitimately crazy after that
>>163209 I can't remember what's happening anymore. It's all a weird blur now
And then he got revenge on Rassilon and apparently escaped through regeneration into a woman and tried to lay out a master plan to strike at the very soul of the doctor but that story got also ruined by moffat
I like that one episode with the doctor in the castle and over time he slowly punches apart a diamond wall to escape.
Also they had that whole "clara's grandchild is the first time traveller" story implication WHIC HTHEY DIDN'T DELIVER fucking forgot it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
imagine if river had been the master
>>163214 Wouldve been awesome but... kinda impossible to do
River atleast got a good send off, eventhough her character turned from each progressive appearance to more moffat SJW
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, river actually got some decent stuff even though moffat messed with it
to be fair though, her later appearances were when she was younger so being more SJW made sense in a way
>>163216 Yeah but the final ep had that "you are a man, you shouldn't be thinking" shit all over it... it was still a good episode
remember when the doctor got a female clone and we never saw her again
I used to be so hyped for doctor who but I am not really into it anymore. I loved it when the daleks appeared.
remember when a doctor who comedy special had the doctor turning into a woman and it was funny because it was ridiculous and now it's actually seriously being considered
>>163219 I remember watching it with my family every week like a big event
>>163221 David Atkinson //// Rowan Atkinson was great
>>163221 Yeah back then it was "if the doctor turned woman, she'd be played by most likely this or that" but it was just like a... "if they had casted Ripley as man in alien" or something like that just fun speculation nobody really wanted it
What if Link was a girl!
no no no it's what if zelda was a girl what is link was a man
Welp... it took a while to watch since got distracted but just tells about the documentary National Bird wasn't that good a document... bit thoughtful, but I already knew that drone bombings cause civilian victims and are bullshit. Like, I didn't really learn anything new, just got a more emotionally tugging blast of information I already knew.
Well that was dead ringers. I pasted the wrong thing
>>163237 Wow some american document NATURAL BORN KILLERS
>>163238 They know what they want And they will die trying to stop it It's not even a battle It's simply a MASSACRE *play screaming sound effects* *play sadsong.mp3 over shots of bee corpses*
I am expecting a wilhelm scream
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>severed bee heads... and bodies
I guess I'm watching this now
soo question why don't they also eat the bees...
>>163243 Honey tastes better and I dunno if they can digest bees
>>163244 all wasps and hornets can digest bug meat that is how most of them survive
>>163245 then it is a mystery Maybe they take the corpses back with them as well
Did any good JRPGs get annouced for E3?
>>163241 Hey do I show up in your notifications? Cause a fair amount of my followers seem to be getting silently removed from notifications, and I'm not sure if I'm also one of them
>>163248 yeah, I saw a like from you a few minutes ago
>>163249 Alright You never know what Jack's up to, so I just wanted to make sure
I don't think I post anything that'd put me in that kind of zone, but there's a slight chance of guilt by association that I'm constantly worried about
I asked a friend if E3 had any JRPGs and he replied that JRPGS would never appear at E3 because it is america focused event.
>>163253 No, just removed from notifications I thought it was my account that had been targeted with something to make it seem like I was less popular until someone else made a tweet about no longer showing up in notifications
I always though of E3 as a global event in way since it showcases lots of games popular with lots of gamers around the world. but this guy keep going on bitterly that it is only for americans and only games that are popular with americans.
Shadowbanning being not showing up in timelines
>>163256 That is what it is pretty much it rarely features strat games for that matter
>>163255 Not sure how much am I interested in Tokyo Game SHow
>>163259 If you want any jrpgs that's where they'll announce them it's also my last hope to see Armored Core this year
I wonder if they ever remove that kind of thing, or if it's a permanent thing on your account once you're hit with it
>Friday 13th starts with an unnamed male NPC getting axed >someone asks if that was a girl before >"yeah, but they got in trouble for it"
I hate today's world and it needs to burn
Friday the 13th looks fun
seems like a less intense version of the other killer gam
>>163263 From what I understand it's actually teriible because you can cheese out a win by just taking a boat and sitting in the lake
Oh I didn't know that Ni No Kuni 2 was coming out I liked that game.
Also Jason can teleport around so survivors have to cheese to win
This is based on what someone else has told me, so I haven't confirmed it myself, but he doesn't lie about game mechanics, so if it's not the case there has either been a patch or he's also been misinformed
holy shit, guys I was just at the store and chicken breast was buy one get one free just saved like $8 on chicken
>>163269 >super aidoru saved $8 on getting their fill of breasts
I think he needs LOS And it probably has a cooldown, but it's of max 5 seconds And he will literally teleport onto you >>163309 3rd person it looks like, at least the people spectating him see it third person
does jason player have fps or 3rd perso nview?
the cool part in the other horror killer game, is how the killer has fps and survivors have 3rd gives them a major advantage in sight
I had a Haruka moment today. I should have posted a picture of Haruka with this.
Anyway, I was in kind of a tense room and we were all doing work, and I had put my file folder on the desk sitting up, and I turned around because a file was being handed to me and the second did my file folder tipped over and spilled my files everywhere. Everyone was laughing and smiling at me.
What a terrible game I hope it doesn't replace NL's Isaac dailies
>>163312 Doubt havn't seen it gaining any traction by any LPer
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163311 I also did something awkward today! I dropped something and picked it up as I was walking across the room, but I turned around while I was picking it up, so I did a 360 degree spin (plus I like spinning so I usually do, but not in public) and I guess it looked really awkward because some of my cohort was laughing and asking what it was about.
>>163313 The comment section is pretty much unanimous in this game being hot garbage God it would suck if this replaced Isaac dailies I really like Isaac dailies
>>163316 It was a medium speed spin, I think. I prefer to spin quickly, but I think I did it slower because I knew I was in public.
Oh, that's strange. I just sheepishly laughed mine off like I do everything else.
I also had another cool Haruka moment the other day where I set the metal detector off for two minutes straight because I was leaning up against it as we were talking at the exit.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Awkward buddies.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163318 I laughed mine off, too. I tend to be more reserved around my cohort and a lot less animated, but when I'm at home or just walking around with Fish or something, I'm pretty animated and make dramatic movements and stuff
neshime told me >>>/watch?v=DrxJCOVsV1E is awful I don't remember why I follow this person, either, but I'm invested in figuring out now
six hours and eighteen more minutes of audio left in like 24 hours somehow i'm halfway done >>163323 somehow i'm halfway done and i still have 22 hours of work left to do in the next 24 hours
It's nice to be able to break the tension even if the only reason you did so is because you're a retard.
also check out this ultra-cute poi
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I'm good at breaking the tension Everyone laughs at my inane comments and jokes for some reason
Nice poi
>tfw you say something and people laugh even though it wasn't a joke
im good at being neurotic and yelling at people when theyre being unreasonable
>>163326 >not deciding what is and isn't a joke based on the response
FEH tried to seduce me back today. I had 10 orbs laying around so I tolled and got Charlotte on the first roll. I don't think I'll get back to playing though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The Tempest stuff is really dumb
I have to sleep REE
Is it? I haven't even tried it.
>>163331 You don't HAVE to sleep No one's gonna force you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163332 It's pretty much survival mode against 7 rounds of meta PvP 5* teams with perfect starting positions to always be able to attack any unit twice
So I'm considering buying this t-shirt and wearing it to Pitchfork, since normal Unknown Pleasures t-shirts are too mainstream. And also do are the joke tshirts with the wrong band and album names on them.
>>163360 O I'm sure you just had an encounter with a swimsuit that made an impression on you recently. I'm not upset about it. I'm more amused than anything.
Why are you all just so cute?
>>163362 It is a plot to destroy feeble minded fools like you run while you stil lcan
>>163371 I means a person told me that she'd prepared a swimsuit to show off.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163372 Oh, I knew she did that before I saw it. She uses my Amazon account so we don't both pay for Prime, so I got a notification that it was being delivered one day.
Oh, I guess it wasn't a very good surprise attack if you saw it on amazon. Well it all worked out I guess.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I was still surprised by how good it looked on her. All of her other swimsuits and wetsuits aren't very cute She doesn't really wear cute stuff usually
Well, every girl needs to know how to work it when the time comes for that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I remember a pretty darn cute swimsuit . It's p good.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163376 I guess I didn't expect her to wear cute stuff is all But she's been wearing cuter things lately I'm trying really hard not to be cold or distant so I'm complimenting her on that stuff a lot I guess it's reinforcing
theory of cute reinforcing cuteness results in more cuteness
Seems solid to me.
>>163378 Oh, I see. Well I'm glad things are going well!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Things are going well, I guess
I think I've just learned a lot in the past few years With Teacup I always had this sense of, "I can act lovey dovey later because there's all the time in the world" but that wasn't exactly an accurate evaluation of time So I'm trying not to make the same mistakes I guess
It is really nice though
I should probably go to bed, I don't have any relaxation time tomorrow my schedule is full from 8:30am-10:00pm
I'm sure it's just because you're more mature now! You've been doing a good job.
It sucsk that tomrorrow is super busy. At least you'll be able to enjoy my presence some during your game.
His statement and your statement aren't mutually exclusive.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>163383 You have insider information, so I guess if you say I'm doing a good job, that means she's happy.
It feels kind of embarrassing to talk about all lovey-dovey and stuff though for some reason I feel like I have to put more thought into what I'm going to say to minimize the awkwardness of saying it
Yeah, that sort of thing is embarrassing to talk about. Talking about feelings is always embarrassing, even for super cool and smooth people like me.
I just got caught up on all the newly translated comedic Touhou doujin I missed.
It's very odd when you come across what you thought was just a meme image at one point, but it turns out it may be real
I think I just found a legitimate fedora wearing neckbeard atheist on twitter The only question is: is the man doing this account as a joke, or not? It IS the same guy, I think, they didn't take someone else's images and use them
>>163467 Is it the really famous fedora image guy? Or jjust some random guy? Also the meme is based on an actual phenomena.
I mean I don't know? I've seen screencaps of his tweets before "My mind is a maze........ get lost in it with me?" >>163468 It doesn't fully click in my head that these people exist, they walk among us There's a lockdown that comes into effect and refuses to let me accept it
Surely these people can see how fucking retarded they look
>>163478 I have never met anyone who fits either of those stereotypes But I also don't go out
>>163480 My vegan friends have been very reserved about their veganism. Just as I am about my vaping.
Yeah in truth I haven't really had any experiences with either myself This is just what I hear
I have seen like 3 people in my life who vaped though, and 2 of them treated it more like something to show off than having a cancer stick like the rest of us
the meme was thought up by cigarette companies to stop people from vaping instead of smoking Don't let those crafty suits trick you
>>163482 I've seen some of the shit people who vape do. I want to be beaten senseless if I do it.
It's fine to have a hobby like that I guess, but if you're just outside having a smoke, stop acting like your smoke blowing skills aren't old to everyone else after 5 minutes
>>163485 Vaping should nnot bbe a hobby any more than smoking is.
>>163486 There are hobbyist aspects, I'll admit, but it's not a hobby you should pick up. Kinda like drinking, and shit.
>>163486 Since there's no tar, you can fuck around with the smoke i dunno, I can see the fun in it, just as long as people don't bother me with it
Two armed and dangerous prisoners are on tthe lloise in Georgia. http://www.wrdw.com/content/news/BREAKING-Authorities-searching-for-escaped-inmates-in-connection-to-shooting-deaths-of-two-GA-correctional-officers-428174723.html
>>163490 You have to invite one of these fine gentlemen to have dinner with your family Which do you pick?
Guy on the right At least he's presentable
Like He looks as though he might be employed
>>163493 yeah that shirt he's in is quite nice too
Meanwhile the faggot on the left is 99% in a gang of degenerates, and makes facebook posts about his NEW baby mama
>>163503 Smoking weed iis bad for your lungs too. Although I'm nnot sure how bad it is, since a lot of the rresearch done about it was done improperly or faked in ordrr to be used aas anti ddrug propaganda. But yeah, burning things and inhaling the fumes/smoke in large amounts is not good for your lungs.
Well of course it is For one there's the tar you get from burning any plant matter And it's also more carcinogenic than cigarettes, though you do end up smoking more cigarettes in a day than joints, so if you have to pick one, weed is probably the lesser of the two evils
>>163505 Weed can get you put in prison which is also pretty bad for your health. It's really bbetter to just do neither
Oh fuck, i have to call the ddentist.
>>163506 Technically that's the prison industrial complex
>he lives in a nanny state I guess I do too though
>>163510 Marijuana has bebeen ddecriminalized for whites in the ststate I llive in.