>>162143 yes I said danmachi this way jan can show up hopefully
okay we're all orange let's start
Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan wo. There was a first episode of the series last fall. Had the high school cast and the OVA was filled with occasional songs.
let sdo.........
hmm one of Danmachi or Zero
then musical then LWA or lwa then muscial eitehr way
Musical is an hour long too remember that
Yeah if it's an hour long then I probably just have time for DanMachi and it.
Let's save Musical since it's an hour long. Let's do danmachi, mahou no sho, and LWA.
i wana do it maybe we can jus tlike LWA then Musical instead of Danmachi and zero
I know Jan said he might have a hard time showing up for anime because of his work shuffling but I think we should try and save the stuff he watches for last just in case.
I guess I'm fine with caving and doing it ika's way though. unless tilde has strong objections.
Like I said, I know Jan said he might have a hard time showing up for anime because of his work shuffling but I think we should try to save the stuff he watches for last just in case.
I'm sure people could be drawn back to her. Like an old friend you haven't talked to in awhile.
okay suru ni now?
>>162214 Oh, I don't know about that. So you just want to do LWA and mahou no sho then?
Time for fuwafuwa waku waku highschool DRAMA. >>162214 We'll be wrapping up at 04:30 at this rate and that's gotten pretty late for me.
Is this all we're doing or LWA too
If we're doing that I'd appreciate it if we can get together a bit closer to on-time tomorrow then. An hour plus two shows tomorrow is actually a fair bit of time.
You have to be pretty oblivious to hit someone in the face with a backpack while he's yelling at you and not notice.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh I remember now Isnt her oniichan the love interest of the MC of the main cast I remember the otouto being in love with his neightbor too so both siblings like the other sibli ngs
Yeah, otouto likes imouto who likes Ayase who likes...Haruka? the girl who always wears sweatpants who likes onii-chan.
And to make matters worse I think someone likes otouto too.
>>162294 He's still got a chance. Even if imouto confesses she might get shot down.
This song isn't actually about the imouto or otouto at all though.
This guy is kind of sleazy.
who was miou's guy again she had one
She showed up with him once this episode. The blonde-haired guy who's part of the sempai group. They both crush on each other and are too shy to admit it and they graduate without confessing and he moves across country or something and they fall out of contact.