>>149734 the beginning of a collapse started last month with a lot of the deals in middle east and the decisions to withdraw from important other deals
>>149743 but usa didn't take part and USA is the world
>>149745 A considerable number of major cities are going along with the considerations involved with the Accord.
>>149747 China is working really hard to actually go as green as possible. They're pushing as hard as they can in producing affordable and optimal solar power units. Same with India, actually.
>>149746 Well alteast someone is developing them further europe is too into wind power and such Hell even our "green sector" is actually just burning biofuels Ironically, we say we are "green" but was it 80% in EU region, green energy is produced by biofuels, which means more carbon in the air anyhow. and like 15% was hydro 3% wind or something
Shame there's too much fear over nuclear power. Nuclear would be excellent green power if people would just stop thinking an operating plant is either gonna flood the surrounding area with radiation, or blow up in an atomic explosion in the slightest breeze.
Canada was at a time, really enthusiastic about developing nuclear power. The model of nuclear power plants we made were actually used by a lot of countries when building their plants. The enthusiasm has cooled considerably though, but there's still nuclear power plants in operation. I might even get some of my house's power from one.
Oh yeah amusingly the coal giant poland has the lowest pollution and coal taxes in all of Eu it is just amusing how they go about it. >>149755 Nuclear is the future We should form a Pro Nuclear coalition group that controls the world from shadows to build more and more nuclear power
Australia solar farm when? We've got all this desert, we should use it.
what the HECK dude
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what if we use adhd children to generate power with fidget spinners
>>149759 we could finally let the founding fathers rest from their constant spinning
My sister and a friend are watching one of the High School Musical movies. I'm -pretty- sure it's on some level of irony, but at the same time, ironic shitty movie watching is still shitty movie watching.
>>149786 yeah and i was so hungry to order all that but now i ate a tiny plate and i'm stuffed but that's why i go for the pasta and non-bread things they're a lot more re-heat friendly than pizza or burgers or anything like that
Cold pizza the national meme food also how am I still awake
i can't do that i stave off hunger all day long, i need a hot meal by the day's end i'm depressed enough without treating myself with that kind of disregard
welp time to slip >>149799 eeh i dont find cold stuff depressing, but yeah isn't really food, more of a snack
I can't bring myself to like cold pizza. Something about melted cheese gone cold is really unpleasant to the taste and texture for me.
I guess we can't all be sane, well-adjusted people.
pizza in general gives me a tummy ache which is strange considering i can down a gallon of milk, expired dairy products, and raw beef without complication
a whole gallon of raw beef
rook let's what lupin the 3st movie let's watch wow my typing has been off all day
the goemon movie?
yeeeeah it's fiddy three minutes it's not too long
>>149808 alright lemme finish making this soup and clean up a bit, I'll start the dl
>>149810 oh no rush i just grabbed it and opened it for the thirst firty seconds and it's beautiful and thought wow this is beautiful i want to watch this with other people
>>149811 which file did you get? the [VON] one or the other one?
von was the only one i saw with seeders i got that one yeah
>>149801 Congealed cheese is the best. More flavor.
im here and i'm quere anyone else joining us it's kind of dead we probably dont even need a new thread wow there's a rhyme each line i'm a poet and wasn't even aware of it
yeah I guess we really don't need a thread wanna go ahead and start or wait a bit and see if anyone else wants in? I have all night so I can watch whenever
it might be fun to have jan join but i dont even know what that boy's up to your call i'm ready now but i'm going to FLIP because i can do that
I asked him earlier, he says he // said he was about to sleep because he has to work at 6am
okay let's rock and rollaids starto
ready let's do this
this is fuckin beautiful by the way
i could tell by the thirst firty seconds >>149823 well that was cluttered with VHS filters for effect but yeah it's even better
I could tell by the video you posted they really managed to take all the good parts of the mine fujiko series and refine it a lot the jigen movie from a couple years ago looked great too
what a beautiful estate
what is this game
I dunno, looks like mahjong poker or something
it's that boy
mah boy
the subs seem kinda stiff like they're off a bit
yeah it's all there was though the guy pulled them from russian, translated them from russian to english himself
haha well shit that makes sense I'm glad he did it though, so far this is really cool
he put some damned work into it though so i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt the visuals are pretty self explanatory anyway lupin is great
it was hanging along the side of the big boat they fought their way towards it
oh he chopped it what a baller
the music is the best for this scene
lol did she just deepthroat that bong?
yeah haha
I don't know if it's because fujiko is a slut or if it's because japanese people don't understand how a bong works
it's intentional haha this whole scene is overtly sexual
>senkyu haha nice subs
top tier >>149843 also I was going to agree with this earlier, the whole scene was good felt kinda like tarantino
zenigata must sound like a crazy obsessed motherfucker to everyone else he just follows shady shit going "LUPIN IS INVOLVED I JUST KNOW IT"
well shit
>What do you what
god damn axedad is rad
like 90% of why i wanted to watch this 10% because it's lupin
rip money
it's ok they'll steal mores
this aint end well
wow he actually gave himself up
what time are you at?
25:04 do i need to pause
no you're good I'm slightly ahead, just a few seconds
i had to move the window to see the time so we're probably synced
god damn
that splat
>how why is anyone surprised
you bastard european
gets up like nothing
what the fuck his teeth
what's that thing called on the hilt of the sword that got chopped apart the guard?
holy ship
I think it's just the guard yeah this shark don't stand a chance
he could have just chopped that man in twain but he shred his sword instead brutal
>dawn of the third day
oh i guess that was the first day
yeah the night he got the time limit was when he got wrecked by axedad
oh no lupin your only set of clothes is gonna get soaked
I bet he has a bunch of the same outfit
that was fuckin cool
the music was solid
oh fug
dude cut off a chunk of the mountain
oh shid
it's time
this guy is fucking crazy
just gonna hang out with an impaled arm nbd
can't do anything about it now so why even worry about it
fuck that must hurt like hell
it's uncomfortable to look at
ol boy limpin like a bitch from a bullet in the leg this boy with half an arm aint bitchin
goemon is a monster what a good movie
what a ride i'm glad i watched it thanks for join what the fuck happened to fujiko
she fucked off to steal something else I guess, that's what she always does thanks for bringing this up because I probably wouldn't have watched it otherwise
>>149721 (OP) Ayaya Ayaya >>149905 My former school is playing the Ghibli movies this month. I really like totoro and spirited away which were the ones I saw.
>Let's roll for Olwen! >No blue orbs >4* Gordin >2 blue orbs ayyy >3*Florina >4* Shanna >exit >last chance >No blue orbs fuck this game >I'm gonna roll Green and hope for my lavender goddess >"Watch it give me Fae" >get Fae Fuck this game. >4* Fae not even the 5* from the banner FUCK this game
A less brutal feather grind and more characters available as 3-4 stars would be a big step toward making me want to play again. There is no reason for so many characters to be 5 star only. That should be limited to some of the lords if you ask me.
>>149967 you can reduce the unlock potential cost by feeding them others but it's only by the amount you'd get by sending them home i think the unlock threshold should be like 15k instead, and double the sendhome worth, or boost the hero merit gain it's ridiculous to have to do 250 battles to get 500 feathers
or if we just had the option to battle our friends i would play it way more
i just want to battle you guys i'd be way more motivated to work on my crew if i got to set up teams to play against you kirara rook and everyone
I'm gonna have to lay down this morning, but Japan's moved an hour closer to our time recently since they don't do DST. Which means MOGRA will be starting an hour earlier today. I don't know if I can wake up for it because of that.
>>150038 My dad gives me shit about that all the time.
Also I canceled my plans to hang out with super autistic guy who lives in the middle of nowhere because I have plans with my dad on sunday and shouldnt stay out until 6am sunday morning.
It's supposed to rain all day again today. Maybe the rainy season is finally here.
So I've achieved a dynamic equilibrium of free space on my phone at 1.48 GB. By that I mean the total amount of space new pictures I download takes up is equal to the amount of space taken up by old picturrs I have deleted.
>Touya Mochizuki was accidentally killed, and as an apology, God allows him to be reborn in a fantasy world and will grant him any one wish he desires. And so, Touya chooses to keep his smartphone in the next world. In his second chance at life, he befriends many important figures and comes across the world's secret. He inherits the legacy of an ancient civilization and travels around nonchalantly while possessing powers that rival this world's kings. how does this shit keep getting animated
>>150120 I had a really good idea for an isekai tthing. Basically its about a guguy who ttravels through the multiverse kkilling shitty isekai protagonists.
>>150123 maybe because in re:zero the MC has his cellphone and the people that write these stories rarely have original ideas
>>150124 What if they made a big plot point out of him struggling to find ways to charge his phone in an ancient society with no electricity Or would that be too interesting
>>150135 Idols are a little more long lasting than a fad. Idols will be here long after Isekai is gone.
>>150136 I mean that isekai has been around awhile. It has awhile to go, but it's kind of in that phase of its life that it's getting a little stale, and uninspired works are coming out to ride the isekai fad.
>>150144 Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension a bit. I am neither defending or condemning idols. I am simply recognizing the fact that they aren't just a fad and that idol stuff will be around for awhile, and has been around for awhile.
>>150142 You can distinguish them simply by the dates on which the are released. The isekai fad is a fairly recent thing, it's the swell of isekai works we've seen recently.
>>150151 >let's take this comedic set up and make it as BORING and DULL as possible and take out ALL the jokes I wonder if the movie was fun
>>150169 No, also eextensive contsct with pet rreptiles and amphibians can make both parties sick. And generally frogs do not enjoy human contact the same way tthat dogs or cats do so its not a good idea to touch them when not neccedary.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
did you know that jan cares more about watching tadpoles die than he does about experiencing the great outdoors
yeah they were just in a tiny pool of water and jan and notso spent 10 minutes watching tadpoles squirm around and die instead of exploring the beauty of nature
>>150195 depends on what they have I might also buy a fig while I'm down there, just because I have the money Last time there was a shinku plushie I wish I bought
>>150216 i am gonna build it myself but i don't wanna built 2 from scratch
I built furniture ffrom scratch in highschool, it was a gogood learning experience snd also a lot of work. I dont see myself doing that anytime soon unless i happen to have some very specialized furniture needs and eniugh money to blow on power tools.
I just have to deal with a lot. There's several femboy faggots that insist on post selfies in the NSFW channel one posted a nude pic of his gf in nothing but a collar with "property of [guild name]" on her chest what is WRONG with these people
I would normally just make fun of you but that reminds me that I found out recently that a person I know on the internet turned out to be a shimakaze (male) cosplayer. It was weird, i thought he was a normal person.
The charity made like $6000 and the deal was that I would do it if they made like $5000 a professor donated $2000-3000 though to push it over so that he could harass me with pictures of me dressed as a woman though
>i-it's not like I like you or anything b-baka, it's for charity!
You want me to crossdress and go outside like that?
>>150341 Dresses and skirts are super comfy too tho
>>150346 No one mentioned going outside. Freudian slip?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>150348 rika obviously implied it there wouldn't be funny stories if i crossdressed at home with a person that has already seen me wearing women's clothes duhhhhh
If Freud falls over from a puddle is it a Freudian slip?
>>150368 It's more like I want to hear about the insanity that will unfold as a result but you are more or less correct in thinking that I just want it to happen because it will be amusing.
>sherlock season 4 is actually so bad, the fandom is in denial, saying there's a secret episode, and the proof for there being a secret, so far unaired episode, is that the fourth season couldn't have been that bad unintentionally, meaning it's a set-up for a big reveal
That makes complete sense to me though, because anyone who actually thought the show was good to begin with has taste in television so garbage I struggle to see them not loving SAO
These are the people who liked Minions
what the hell are you talking about dude
the terrible television show starring a bothered otter and his friend, Watson, solving crimes off screen and telling the audience the answer
i meant why are you so upset that people like sherlock
People being wrong about the things they like makes me mad No but really I'm just upset at bad shows and movies because I like watching the good one s
do you really need the swathing generalizations i know me and sugoi both really love sherlock it's good dude i'm not gonna fuck shove it down your throat so don't do that either
Why care if people like thingst hat you don't like sure you can baffle when stuff like minions sells 1 billion but why really care about it you didn't lose anything
I like to tell people they're objectively wrong for their subjective opinions on anything movies, anime, beer, sports, it doesn't matter it doesn't upset me that they like things I don't, but that doesn't stop me from talking shit.
likes and taste is a good conversation topic, but it shouldn't really rouse emotions that much
Yeah, it's easy to talk about what you like and dislike. it's usually just generic smalltalk, though. I think it's fine to get emotional about indepth discussion beyond "I like/hate X show", though.
It has good actors, but I doubt i'd keep watchig it I didn't even bother watching Breaking Bad just watched maybe 4 first episodes and after that just never came back to it
A show doesn't have to be bad to lose interest of a viewer afterall. Not everything is made for everyone.
the cast is about half of it bendadick cumbersnatch and freeman are really fun people to watch most of the other half is just basically people who already liked sherlock i mean, if you don't care for doyle's sherlock, then these are mostly the same stories but modernized and taken a few liberties on if the show seems arrogant and annoying, it's much less so than doyle's originals
>>150433 but pain is one of the fundamental things the brain uses to learn behavior to begin with
i wouldn't say fundamental that's a fairly specific word
Oh yeah SK are tanya novels being translated?
Not sure I think they are, but it's probably a slow process The first one is the only one I know that is translated, but that was like 3 or 4 months ago
It's an OK translation, I haven't found many problems with it
Okay but these mogra transitions are the fucking best okay holy shit
>>150440 >be depressed for years and years >finally make an appointment to seek treatment >get excited and optimistic about finally getting a chance to take a step forward >show up feeling eager >you don't look depressed, get out of here
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
this was published in a journal about rehabilitation
I assume it's a criticism of the way current practices are actually really bad?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
no it's from 1973 it's examining whether or not you can treat pain using behavioral techniques by simply teaching people not to look like they're in pain
i do believe that we can convince ourselves we're in more pain than we're in but i don't think that's like an inherent property of pain it's just a loss of cognitive bearings
Small brain: treating depression with psychological techniques to help them overcome the pain Big brain: treating depression by conditioning the patient not to talk about or show signs of it publicly ELECTRIC BRAIN: treat depression by conditioning the patient not to seek treatment to begin with
Hahaha that is good also man that is awkwardly written
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
every time i tab back into this article, i literally am like "oy vey"
>>150478 because satisfaction of attention and ease/convenience are the only things felt when someone does something for you what the fuck man speculation is so obnoxious how did this get published there's also feelings of helplessness, shame, obligation to reciprocate, and so many other things that are involved in that exchange of having others do something for you also gratitude but let's only count the reinforcing factors that address my hypothesis
results from a follow-up questionnaire to people after discharge asked them to rate their pain on admission and now
>follow-up is 6.17 +/1 3 +/- 3* >+/- 3 in a ten-point scale
does apa not doublespace after a fullstop that shit is visually frustrating to read
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this isn't APA, it was published in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation so it's formatted to their guidelines
>Although at the time of follow-up, patients still claimed considerable pain they recall a statistically significant decrease in pain intensity between admission to the program and discharge this sentence there's so much not going on here
my class is going to discuss this article on monday we have like an hour set aside for discussion
in all the past discussions my cohort have mostly been making really superficial comments and stuff, they don't get into like, deep down
there was an article we discussed on the use of classical conditioning in advertisements and they paired a color of pen with either liked or disliked music for one trial
so for liked music, they used something from the Grease soundtrack, and this article was written in the 80s around the time Grease came out and was super popular and for disliked music, they used "indian classical music" pens were either "light blue" or fucking BEIGE
and they're like "people exposed to grease were more likely to choose this pen paired with it" "people exposed to the indian music were less likely to choose the pen paired with it"
so everyone is talking about it like it actually means something i had to bring up consumer culture and the timeframe of the study in which AVERAGE AMERICANS DON'T FUCKING KNOW INDIAN CLASSICAL MUSIC and ADVERTISEMENTS DON'T USE THAT KIND OF MUSIC so obviously the people are biased by counfounding past experiences with // from their past exposure to adverts and their non-exposure to indian music, plus Grease is super popular which confounds it and who the fuck uses beige pens people are obviously going to go towards blue more often (and they did, even when it was paired with disliked music, it was chosen more than the beige pen was when paired with disliked music) because you can't use a beige pen but you can use a fucking blue pen
and everyone was like, mindblown by that i couldn't believe it
since i won't be there, can you submit my inquiry as my proxy >>150492
i like both the grease soundtrack and indian classical music
>>150493 wait it was beige ink? i thought you meant the color of the pen itself
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah beige fucking ink
haha what i am bewildered moreover it's an advertisement, can that really be considered classical conditioning i am sure the ad agencies just spent a ton of money on focus group testing for the advertisement and went with the good results it's a shame that psychology probably is less rigorous than market research simply because market research is self-funding
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they presented the pen and just played music with it and at the end of the trial, the participants were asked to choose whether they wanted a beige or light blue pen
i just couldn't believe that everyone just read the article which said they controlled for stuff they obviously couldn't control for and believe it
i even had to give them an example
>>150499 wait they just showed them the pens and they made a choice? how is that even a trial >>150501 >associate feelings from the good music to the color of the pen that's quite a leap especially when those are the only elements of the trial? what the hell shouldn't there be like a process or a task or something through which the choice becomes meaningful i don't think you can make that preface on a meaningless choice
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they claimed it was classical conditioning because the participants would associate the feelings from the good music to the color of pen they saw
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it was completely ridiculous
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if people don't call this one out, i'm gonna flip
we also have to post discussion points on it in Canvas only 9 people have submitted so far but none of them call out the study for being retarded
are they just slackers who just think classwork doesn't matter and just wanna get back home or do you actually think that's the depth of their insight
i think this is the depth of their insight these are people that spend almost all of their freetime studying
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the person that made that post just completely ignored that there's a difference between pain and pain behavior probably because the article ignored it
ellipses in quotes, actual quoted material containing multiple sentences integrated into the lead-up sentence, no new paragraphs, no double spaces i can't do this kirara i can't
how do i get in touch with doushio dev
is it easy to make a time slotted board like /tea/ someone told me it is in doushio codebase
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>150509 top right of the page has feedback button you can also check out the doushio github page
they're just blindly believing what this article says they're not even thinking about it
Before reading this article, I hadn't considered the role of operant conditioning in maintenance of pain behavior. Now that I've read it, I've considered it and think that it's literal garbage.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
every post right now says "i think this article was interesting! i hadn't considered this before!" i fuckin swear
>>150511 oh god it is spreading it is a memetic infection we neet to contain it!
>the participants were able to decrease their daily medication dosage uh, by able to do you mean were encouraged to without much option
>>150519 by simply running out of prescribed morphine sulfate tablets, my mom was able to lower her dosage to zero she ended up in the hospital though but that's just a side effect
the article says that many approaches to treatment fail because they're based on a medical or disease model
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i thought my cohort was full of many intelligent people before this
but like ugh
>>150511 >As someone interested in integrated behavioral health ... i'm now wondering how this approach could be used in asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure holy ship
pain is a social construct
>>150521 But man you can like just will the pain waay man just open your mind to new chakras maan
>>150531 i literally explained part of this to my class like two weeks ago i was talking about the nerve damage in my arm and how it constantly hurts but i don't look like it hurts and operate normally because i'm so used to it
and they're like "oh that makes sense" but apparently pain behavior is all there is to pain
sometimes i seize in my sleep and bite the shit out of my tongue and it's all sore the next day so if i go out and do any shopping my speech is really slurred and people think i'm drunk or something
like i'm not even putting effort into this all i have to do is post a wall of text and then talk about the article on monday
well, unless you're meming on creationism, it's definitely been around a lot longer than millenia i mean proto-humans are about 200 thousand years, but i'm pretty sure it goes back nearly a billion years woop i want to edit your commas but i don't think it actually matters
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
actually i put it in as implications that i believe i flat-earth lol i doubt anyone will see it other than you though
>>150536 oh you seem to like are/is not to aren't/isn't too, eh.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>150542 yeah, i generally don't use contractions when writing stuff like this but also i wrote it as a stream of consciousness
I switch between, but I think contraction lessens the emphasis on the "negative" Like how to say it aren't doesn't have the same effect as are not especially if you are speaking.
contractions generally should be avoided in any academic setting for a few purposes most notably that the contractions audibly sound very similar to the original (can, can't) and it is a pretty dumb mistake to just not hear the T well if it's something you're reading off in a lecture or having read from a publication
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, i used to use them in writing until my philosophy professor at community college set me straight back in 2010 or 2011
>>150548 anyway, this is your response so you do you, but i might do something like acknowledge what doctor fordyce spots is trying to accomplish, but make the distinction between creating an environment for patients to cope with pain and actually treating pain and that the former does not accomplish the latter
basically i think he's a big dummy who either intentionally neglected factors outside the scope of his hypothesis or he was too tunnel-visioned to think about them
>>150551 i'll probably not incorporate that into the written response (which is basically graded on whether or not you posted something) but i'll definitely bring it up in class during discussion
>>150554 yeah and he was autistic not schizophrenic
So you are going to post the above thing after formating it over? >>150549 in that case I'd bring this since I think ignoring people in pain will be damaging and I am just a layman.
You're totally right but >>150556 It's something I'll probably talk about but the students don't really read each other's responses so it's pointless unfortunately
I just recalled when i was in the army and did sick visitiation to the barracks hospital Fun was, how if I did say two visits a week and on the first time broke the ice in any room of 6-10 people and then came up to check on them later they all looked bit "livelier" and usually were talkign about some shit compared to the first visit
People kinda don't usually start conversing with their bed mates, who are strangers and from other units afterall, and with you having anything from pneumonia to pig influenza... You usually don't even bother with it
Weird how little you can do by just popping your head and going "sup I am the chaplaindude, wanna talk about random shit for a while, also any of you want something from the store my treat2
>>150561 i remember i had to go round up the sick people and escort them to chow there was one fella though who had permanent bed status because something screwed up his eardrum and he couldn't stand up without vomiting, not to mention who wouldn't have the balance to stand up anyway i always brought his meal back for him and tried to pack a little extra i felt really bad for him, that must really suck
Yeah must suck for the guys who get permanent damage from just the training especially whenyou are given "army or prison" like here.
ANother thing I even wrote to my final report on my chaplain actions was "always carry a chocolate slab with you when touring the units" So much easier to ease into conversation of thight-knotted groups, when you have free snack, especially something as universally loved as choco, to offer them.
and that was for like six or eight months he was like that
>>150563 hunter s thompson was given "army or prison" option he took prison for some amount of years, then joined the army after getting out of prison strange fella
he opted for the prison over the army, i mean
Well to be more correct "service or prison" since you can do civil service too.
had two articles to do today for the first one i wrote a big wall (comparatively) and for the second one i basically wrote that it was boring and not worth talking about plus it's like 60 years old
>>150567 and to add to this there is a bit of a social stigma related to doing the civil service compared to armed one it is less now, but it is there.
>This made me think how a way in which Malingering (defined in the DSM as an individual who intentionally produces false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological problems due to external motivation).
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that person has a master's degree
why is he capitalizing malingering
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't know i don't know why she does any of this
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
people read that article and now they're all like, "those guys are just pretending to be in pain they're not really in pain"
well the upside is i feel way less self-conscious about my editorial formatting now like, i think doing work like i do, people think you're being an arrogant shitbag when you point out grammar errors and things but it's actually the work is so demanding of perfection that any writer or editor i think feels incredibly self-conscious about it i'm like constantly paranoid of where i might have used a semicolon instead of an em dash inappropriately
other than that i feel like everyone's just making lazy responses here so it's hard for me to judge what they're saying with any seriousness they probably just wanted to get it out of the way so they could go out to a show or something
I doubt it These are the things they'll talk about at the discussion. They're all really into it and very motivated to work. It's hard for me to relate to it
I was conditioned to kill those people. I'm not really a killer.
A manchurian candidate
>I think this is a great article because it proves that focusing on the positive and putting your faith in God will cure your ails. By succumbing to the negative and whining about these temporary woes like "pain" (it's just chemicals in the brain tbh), we're letting Satan into our lives and will never be cured.
>>150588 >There's no control group because each person responds to pain differently. The proper way to perform this study would have been to have each patient undergo both treatment options. First, treat them with classical conditioning, then put them into the study again and treat them without classical conditioning and compare the two results.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what if we cut them each in half and put each half in a different group
>>150591 this might actually be possible with a hemispherectemy just sedate one half of the brain after surgery and condition one hemisphere then sedate the other half and don't condition it the side effects would be pretty intense but with augmented consciousness in 2038 it should be nbd
i think the breakthrough for psychology is going to be inherently profitable research and ease of access toss in procedurally augmented consciousness for a healthy supply of subjects and you're solid
you should put in your article response that your friend who is an expert in informationology says that it's dumb and will be proven wrong in 2038 when shared consciousness environments are an industry staple for any research facility
What's gonna happen now, with my folders, because I'm lazy Is I'm forever gonna have a bunch of software pointing to E:\d\archive\whatusedtobedropbox for images and stuff >>150604 My D drive is death process, so I'm dragging some stuff over to E: to salvage it I've saved MOST of my harder to replace stuff
I heard one singing when I was in town today, but now the first cicada near my home is singing. That means the comfy part of summer has officially begun.
>>150638 I didn't tell her to watch Oreimo! I was offering some of the context for Eromanga Sensei. To be specific, I was telling her how the side girl was the best girl in Oreimo, too.
Kyousougiga is so good Not only is it beautiful with an amazing soundtrack, but it has a well-written story, memorable characters, and it's super meaningful
>>150670 You totally forgot You said you forgot last week and the time before you forgot that you had a scheduling conflict until a few hours before the time the game would have started
Also apparently there are people that can't manage that sort of thing. It's not a hard thing to do, though it's impossible to not look stupid while doing.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>150677 i can say that i've never succeeded in accomplishing it time to go to japanese youtube and check out high school students being retarded japanese high schoolers are way better at being retarded than the shitty schools i went to
Look, I'm seriously sorry I've gone and hung out with PAN over two weekends recently and missed games because of it. I honestly thought I could use my phone as a hotspot for my laptop but my garbage laptop refused to connect to it. So I was stuck with my phone >>150685 That didn't work either.
Kirara this might blow your mind And it's partly why I thought we might want to watch this together instead.
Rika, Squid, and I have been putting off the final Zestiria episode since forever when it finally got released.
>>150689 No, just twenty-fifth. But it was released with the rest of the airing second half and only came out halfway through this season. Wasn't released, even.
>>150694 yeah i'll watch that sometime, maybe next weekend or some time later it's a pretty bizarre thing so you really gotta be in that mood i think i'd totally be down to rewatch that new lupin though, maybe jan and some others would like to
>>150702 In less than a week I'm gonna graduate And the week after that I'm gonna move out Things are on the up and up but these changes are different Not bad but different
>>150705 Grandparents for a couple months. Hopefully around October me and Notso can get a place together.
Rin who are you moving in with?
>>150704 i'm glad it's lookin good happy graduation dude are you gonna have any big graduate plans with friendos and have a party i didn't i got my diploma mailed to me and i stayed home and made tea and didn't attend
>>150704 >living with Notso Fuck wish I was in America now. Y'all are gonna have fun
>>150706 I hear there's gonna be parties, but I don't know what type they will be If they're all "semi-formal, bring your grandma" type, I'll just come home celebrate in my own way Maybe watch the Gurren Lagann movies?
>>150708 not to pry since it's not my business, but you got any jobs lined up or anything i heard you mention that one thing, it sounds like that's not a thing you're gonna do if you're moving that far out huh or do you actually live geographically close to notso, i didn't think you did
>>150714 I may apply to some places before moving down there, but I won't have anything lined up before hand My plan is to have 3 months of rent + living expenses saved up before I go down, so a little searching won't make things tight.
I dunno. the Greens probably would. They're all overly idealistic and whatnot. ..and if they didn't give it to you you could just take it because they're all a bunch of pussies
>>150785 Respect for status. like in japan you bow to your teacher.. that sort of thing. while in Australia almost everyone, even your boss is on a first name basis.
>>150784 I'm really really excited for tonight's episode.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>150787 i'm watching it right now and it's fucking AMAZING
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the animation is so fucking beautiful
>>150786 I think I got away with swearing at my teachers in HS Good times
>>150788 I've been waiting for this episode all season >>150786 ah I see that's interesting but not as fun as what I was hoping
Same. I'm been waiting for this episode since the series got an animation announcement.
It's hands down one of the top three moments in the entire series.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they must have saved the entire budget for this episode holy SHIT
>>150796 there are 25 episodes altogether for the new season, we're not even halfway done >>150795 it almost brought me to tears it was fucking beautiful >>150798 No, I saved it because I hated it so much!
>>150801 I think we'll probably get the post-tourny training arc where bakugou gets kidnapped and then the stuff that happens after and that's pretty intense
>>150804 Nah, the latter half of the second season is gonna be the Stain arc. Then there's the summer training camp , but I don't think we'll see the training camp in this season.
We'll see the training camp The first episode started with the training camp with Midoriya on the mountains overlooking where the camp was and he was like THIS IS HOW I BECAME A GREAT HERO or whatever
I had to go and look that up. I see where you're coming from, but I think that's mostly just flavour stuff personally. The backdrop behind him when he's on the mountain is a bunch of urban city stuff, and the training camp is off in the woods.
The problem with ending on the training camp is also considering the cliffhanger, I feel there would be a tonne of dissatisfaction unless they have a third season already confirmed. Which isn't an surprising development, but still a bit of a moon shot.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah that would be a really messed up place to end
I'd love if they World Trigger'd it and gave us like 75 episodes or whatever
Hero Academia is one of the most popular Shounen Jump series right now I believe. So even if the sales aren't amazing, the publicity is probably worth continuing the animation.
isn't it #2 in the rankings? it also got that popular ridiculously quickly, I think it's very likely we'll get more seasons
>>150847 She complains about it constantly but she'll get mad if I try to watch it without her. She keeps complaining that the characters are stupid or unrealistic and stuff. I think she just doesn't have the experience necessary to appreciate something like this.
Well some of them are kind of caricatures of people in the LN industry too.
>>150853 Hey man, even if I'm not quite as well endowed as some of those ladyboys, I still need to be the MAN in the relationship. That's why I need to be able to lift more.
It's not arbitrary. It's information filtering. It makes the most sense to filter good and useful information out to store from useless information. With a memory like mine, your brain would fill up if you remembered every little thing you saw.
>>150882 Arbitrary implies that it's simply a matter of whim. There is rhyme and reason to what I find interesting or uninteresting.
It's arbitrary because it's entirely dependent on your personal idea of what's interesting. There's nothing non-arbitrary about it.
>>150881 And because you only remember these things that are interesting, your memory isn't all that great. A good memory would retain things otherwise.