Thread #149919
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snimr, danamchi hinako bahamut twin angel
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That's the list. Tilde seems missing though!
;_; There seems to be such a consistent nature of you people arriving around 02:30. So of course the one night I bank on that being the norm. It isn't.
(Translation: I'm a little tied up right now)
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It's not a weeknight so I didn't have to nap.
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Oh I just got bored and started something else that makes sense I'm summoning ika
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gochuumon wa Us(…).jpg )
okay we're all here now let's start with bahamut okay that's everyone let's start
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It's time.
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It seems dangerous to keep her as a prisoner since the chains don't inhibit her and she could probably just bash the place down and/or overpower the guards if she felt like it.
Nina is really a Pollyanna. It's kind of funny.
Poor Favaro.
Oh yeah, Favaro is considered dashing with his hair down.
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Yeah, his poofy hair is so goofy.
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sasuga favaro
poor favaro
!!! cerb
Curry bus.
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It's good to see her again, I'm surprised she showed up just running a hostess club though.
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>jeanne doesn't look like someone who would commit a crime
Well she has nice, well-kept hair. Kinda. Better than most of the girls in that prison.
Deceitful angels.
Aw, she's happy to be back in action.
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I guess it's up to Nina to save everyone again.
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Danmachi now? okay ika wants to twin angel instead so let's do that we're all orange let's start!
Good by me.>>149962 Why do you CONSTANTLY have to do this.
lest twin angel>>149961
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emo robot
At least he didn't opt to go on the full offense with her.
It's never that easy.
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I expected robot girl to be a bitch but she's actually nice.
>Trusting the Big Bad to not do anything wrong
i like the robots the most theyre going to die horribly though maybe they'll becoem bomb
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Maybe everything will be okay.
It's never okay.
They're probably gonna start sucking the audience mid-concert and that old lady is gonna be "JUST AS KEIKAKU".
Big plans tomorrow
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I'm sure it will be fine.
Called it.
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>letting her do anything boom
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Wow, a complete despair ending.
shouldve watched it last
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you don't understand the comfy pyramid at all let's danmachi okay we're orange let's start
did she run into her at the end of the last episode this seems sudden
She did. They were raiding the Pantry and she got walled off from the rest of the party, and then this girl showed up again.
> the dark faction, Evilus
Oh my, how romantc.
Romantic, even.
Why are elves so fucking GAY.
This guy is like a bargain bin Bakugo.
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] DanMachi Gaiden(…).jpg )
pah-tee des
i dont like lesbian elf that much
I think she's cute. Oh fucking RIP.
Well okay.
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Jinsei - 08 [1C1DF218].m(…).jpg )
I guess that elf girl is going to get her chance to literally kill her pah-tee members.
There's a lot of not-animation this episode. MUDA DA
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Neither this series or its predecessor were ever particularly well animated.
That's not entirely true. They've both had moments of decent animation. Like that tongue wrapping around the monster crystal was strangely detailed in animation.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/03 (土) 07:52 No. 150004
1. Only spend animation budget on scenes of questionable content 2. Internet makes gifs 3. ??? 4. Profit!
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You're supposed to blow the whole budget on a really nice OP.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/03 (土) 07:54 No. 150006
True, true. And keep delaying the ED with textual promises that it will be finished soon
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
okay hinako note! okay let's start!
Konote Hina
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I saw this image posted with the poster making an argument that this OP is full of references. I think it's more a case of it being incredibly generic though.
Yeah, the rest of the show doesn't really lean off of anime references. And it's not like you'd expect something setting-breaking like that out of the show either.
>>150011 i think it might just be super generic
I saw some people on threads complaining about not being able to do the pencil-on-the-upper-lip thing she does. I wasn't aware people can't do it.
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I've never tried.
I mean you look like a total goofball doing it, but it's not hard.
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I guess she is a kid.
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>That one friend that wakes everyone up who's asleep.
Domo arigatou Mata raishuu u
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I want to try a facemask, I wonder if it would make sleeping easier. I keep forgetting to get one though.
thanks for anime
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
yes thanks for anime!