Pan seared shrimp is probably the best. But sauteed shrimp are nice too. And everyone likes fried shrimp.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>Shrimp have branching gills, a side plate that overlays segments in front and behind, and carry their eggs outside of their bodies beneath their tails. >Prawns have lameller gills, side plates that overlap tile-like from front to back, and carry their eggs inside their bodies near their tails. neato >>150900 how about a lobster >>150903 YES
My mom gave me some infused water which I guess is the new health fad. But it had cucumber in it and I don't like cucumber. So I won't be healthy tonight. I had chocolate milk instead.
>>150999 I don't know I still have to unwrap P4G, let alone play it.
>>151022 alkaline water? oh, just flavored water? i don't see a problem with flavored water i thought you meant the alkaline water craze that's goin about
>>151026 You use a special pitcher that has a place for fruit in it. And the fruit sits in there and mixes in the water, but the fruit is in its own compartment so it's really just water with fruit juices in it.
>>151027 he assaulted people that were disrespecting women though
>>151033 yeah i know what you're talkin about now ive seen those i'd rather just eat the durn fruit and have the water separately why buy fruit just to flavor water with it? maybe orange rinds or lemon peels or something would be okay
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>151036 women that were disrespecting women? I'm not saying that's impossible but
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>151039 yes women that were disrespecting themselves he had to teach them to respect themselves everything he did was the right, kind thing to do
1) Play, Dva, do jack all for the entire game, and then speed into the team with a full charged ult and hope for the best 2) Play mercy and hang around in the back getting carried.
One of the hotels we stayed at during the Philly trip had complementary infused water for its guests. Pretty much the only complementary thing the place offered too, if I remember it being Roanoke correctly. It was kind of unimpressive.
eew. Deal's off. I'm not duoing with a Genji main.
soldier is pretty fun to play mcree is cool but he's boring to play before the changes all you did was flashbang then hammer then roll then hammer and whoever you were aiming at was dead now all you do it poke at midrange and hope no more than one person comes after you
She's more of one of those gamer gurls if I remember correctly. Literally so good at video games she got hired to pilot mechas that function the exact same way as the video game.
Matthew Mercer is a pretty cool dude. Has a lot of range to his voice too. Recently did the voice lines for a new character in DotA and it sounds nothing like McCree. I think he was also Kiritsugu in the Fate/Zero dub.
Someone from South Africa just watched 21 minutes of one of my youtube videos it's a seriously bad video i'm very confused. the average view time for my videos is 11 seconds before closing
reinhardt is really cool reaper is funny but I don't like playing him that much, he's not that much fun I like hearing all the other characters make fun of him in their interactions though, tracer seems to do it a lot more than the others
But for that matter I also liked D.Va since chucking my exploding mecha at the enemy team at RAMMING SPEED also applies.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Usually when I play in groups I play heals or Rein GET BEHIND ME
Every game, I play Mercy for a few minutes. >fuck it - I can't support these idiots. They're worse than I am and pick Soldier or Pharah to try to carrylord.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If you aren't playing waifus in an online game, what are you even living for
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
once the new reaper drops, ima play Lucio and pocket a reaper fast beats only
I don't care about waifus in games like that. I just play who's fun to play. Barreling headfirst into enemy lines is fun, so I tend to pick characters that let me do that.
The earth is not a ball to which we are glued by the mystical force of "gravity", no.
The earth is flat, just as the ancient peoples believed. Heaven is above you, hell is below you.
The devil first spread the idea of a ball earth revolving around a ball sun in the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian mystery schools. These teachings were passed down to Pythagoras. They were handed down the ages to the occult mystery schools of the European Renaissance, who adopted them as their own. Then the occultists Copernicus, Kepler, Bruno, Newton, published the idea and started the "Copernican revolution".
The ancient Hermetic principle is "As Above, So Below". This has many applications. One of them is this: what people believe about the heavens above them, well determine what they believe about the earth below them. In other words, how they interpret the sky will correspond with how they interpret their own lives. Our materialist society would be impossible without a materialist cosmology to justify it. A mechanistic Newtonian cosmology justifies a mechanistic view of human life, a mechanistic politics, sociology, and economics. It sounds like a joke, but the idea that the stars are giant balls of gas reflects the modern obsession with fossil fuels / material goods in general. Copernicus wasn't going for a mechanistic religion, by the way; he was a Pythagorean and Heliolator, and hoped that the belief that the sun was at the center of the universe would usher in a return to a sun-worshipping priesthood like those of ancient societies.
The reason why the Devil spreads the idea of the ball earth is that it totally overturns mans relationship to the world. Instead of man being a spiritual being with heaven above him and hell below him; instead he stands on a ball where there are infinitely many ups and downs, where heaven isn't "above" but only "outside" the earth - moral and epistemological relativism, infinitely many points of view. >>151196 I
A lot of people don't get the Roundabout meme so the videos are hit and miss. It needs to kick in right as shit is about to go down. When they get it just right though, it's hilarious.
>>151226 this. Too many people time it after the shit hits the fan It's a delicate punchline.
>>151219 is it an option >>151226 you linked one that was like an hour and a half one time and you were like "there are some really good ones at around 50 minutes in!" like i just imagine that you sat there watching it for a full hour is it a sort of hypnotic event that really doesn't catch you until your brain acclimates after 10 minutes or so
>>151247 i'll give this anime one a whirliwoo if i don't like any of them i'm just going to not say anything about it and dismiss it altogether awkwardly
>>151261 i recognize some of these -- there's a really good story behind the one of the kid getting blown the fuck up at the airsoft thing there was a lot of beef and that kid deserved way worse than what he got from what i remember
the guy walking on the ledge of the really high tower that fell // slipped and fell off -- he's a base jumper and that's just something he does for shock value a couple other ones i noticed were faked/digitally enhanced vines i'm surprised how many of them i recognized
>>151284 Yeah, most videos of people falling are actually just stunts.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I ahba vet a frienx that relaly likes Murakumo and he really hates Eromanga Sensei and he really doesn't care for when they costume swap for some reason?
>>151292 most things involving traffic or large structures falling are just two-take overlays, they're really easy to do it got really popular in viral ad campaigns and all sorts of weird crap that thankfully is mostly dead now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>151293\ how is this shit related to anything it's like a bunch of random clauses thrown together
Alright hang on Kirara This friend likes Murakumo And there is fanart where Murakumo and Sagiri or what have you swap costumes And he doesn't like that anime because reasons. So it's an interesting conundrum.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
is it really a conundrum
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara I'm going to let you in on a secret. When I type, I like to use big words that may or may not fit to seem smart. It's a habit that I cannot stop.
Roundabout needs to kick in once shit is about to hit the fan.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that birb one is good
i think they shouldn't use vines vines are already kind of set up in that format for a four second buildup to a punchline it's not interesting in those cases
>>151331 here's a literal to be continued because there is a post interview about it >>>/watch?v=i4QYvXpaXlY it doesnt fit the meme but i like it on its own
oh shit only four hours before I have to go sleep oh boy oh boy TIME TO DRINK
Is this still Jan?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
who is jan
Jan is my buddy. That's all that's important.
yes it is me your fren jam
If you need to go to bed somewhat early-ish today, we should try and get the gang together for anime on time so we can get as much or all the stuff in.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
=== Chapter 1 ===
The Call
>>151463 the boys are back n town >>151462 I can stay until like 4:30 maybe later but I am kind of tired instead of working until like 1am today on second shift I worked first today
>>151465 >going to the bar and putting the boys are back in town on the jukebox on repeat until you get kicked out
jan wanna be bad@overwatch with me? I've won a whole entire game
>>151482 It's broken or something for me. I can't see related videos in the new format. Everything is white. So I constantly have to set it back.
>>151483 They test their crackpot layouts with random people. I am really good at being random people. The census bureau hounds me constantly because I've been selected for some college graduate survey program. And today the Republicans sent me some kind of survey because I've been randomly selected to represent my congressional district.
>>151484 I'm just lucky to never see it. Maybe I'm just flying under the radar.
>>151506 Not a soul I'll probably move to a different state since I work online and can be anywhere Just looking for an opportunity
Ohio I forgot to come back ton/moe/ after I woke up yesterday. That may or may not be related to my being slightly more productive than normal yesterday.
>>151508 Still takes a lot to just up and go to place with no one you know. The online job must be nice for that, just gotta find a cheap shack with stable internet man. Hmm, these always KY, I think that place is still cheap.
So I found this thing called The Black List. It's an annual list of screenplays that Hollywood people like that still haven't been made into movies. And I went through a bunch of them and found some really funny ones.
>>151516 Hmm, surely there must be a place to look for a cheap place. Was this roommate a friend or something? Not sure how you can deal with strangers. I still dislike folks.
>>151520 This one sounds like it came out of Magical Realism Bot.
I wasn't too impressed by the OPs, but the EDs were really, really good.
I liked watching Digibro rip into it
>>151523 No I mean it sounds like it came out of Magical Realism Bot.
>>151527 The joke is that a *that there is a screenwriter who has been maling bizarre meta screenplays for years beforeagical Realism Bot was created and his name is Charlie Kaufman. If you like Magical Realism Bot you shoukd like his films.
>>151521 Yeah it's a friend But he's leaving I don't really have anyone and it's scary
>>151529 How the fuck do people do this being independent shit? I fully understand the fear it sucks and makes me wish I wasn't busted and dusted too much to re-up. Although that was far from being solo.
>>151527 >>>/watch?v=2UuRFr0GnHM The Magical Realism Bot tweet for this would be "One day a puppeteer finds a hole into John Malkovich's mind on the seventh and a half floor of an office building.".
There were also a bunch of things on these lists that were eventually made, like Juno, Superbad, the hang over, jennufer's body, easy a, argo, fox catcher, the road, the wrestler, manchester by the sea, up in the air, Scott pilgrim ... Also I think I saw Dana Carvey's in an airport a few weeks ago.
>>151546 Are the adaptations written as adaptations, or changed to fit the adaptations later?
>>151547 I don't know what you mean. These lists are lists of **screenplays** that have been read by studio execs and what not that have all been well received but not yet made Also I thought ** ** did italics? Is it italic Oh
>>151548 I mean, when you say that Scott Pilgrim was on the list and made, does that mean the screenplay was always an adaptation, or was it an original screenplay that was later edited to fit. Like I heard the GitS mov
I think you might be confusing some things, for example a novel or comic getting optioned does not mean it will get made, neither does a screenplay being bought by a studio.
Well, not "bought", they're usually licensed and if the film is not finished by some date (probably specified in contract) then a different studio can license the screenplay and try to get the movie made.
Ah, I mmay hhave used some terms incorrectly. Oh wwell >when a screenplay is optioned, the producer has not actually purchased the right to use the screenplay; he has simply purchased the "exclusive right" to purchase the screenplay at some point in the future, if he is successful in setting up a deal to actually film a movie based on the screenplay.
>>151563 At the screenplay description or my zinger? Also I want tthis to be made into a movie. >>151566 Blame your shitty website for scrolling up and down whenever i trtry tto paste the llink
>>151586 depends on the model really if you get one of those Verizon model they are usally marked down for marketing no contract though you will only be able to use its wifi realistically
>>151586 My phone (non flagship I Might add) ffrom 2012 was able to ususe /moe/ last year when it still worked. >>151588 He'd likely not be getting one with a contract since he woukd be using ut for testing /moe/
>>151601 Do a patreon but have tthe tiers be "I will look into $number of bug reports you make about /moe/" where number is a function of how much the person donates
I think quite a few people on /moe/ would like this one >>151608 What if instead it were "I will investigate up to $number of bugs per month" and then because its up to you never do it
Also in case you didnt know, there is a bug where sometimes (on Android) the first letter you ttype gets moved after the cursor so instead of being the first (if you kerp ttyping withiut manually moving cursor) it is appended to the end of the post. Five left Also I think this one might be based on a true story given tge names of the sxreenwriters...
>>151615 Do you need a shit phone or just an android phone? I might have one of each
>>151643 So... How up to date? In theory I've got a Gingerbread phone, an Evo 3D with a half fucked digitizer, and a G2 that I'd like to keep... Might also have a slightly older Samsung shit phone if they'll part with it.
>>151647 No, that's too narrow, i only know a few people who use 7.0. maybe you shoukd do a poll of /moe/ users for what version of android tthey have >>151650 Do a poll
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
okay 2.3?
>>151650 Dated as fuck. ICS might be the oldest I'd go for.
>>151655 Is that done by ip? Cause mobile devices change ip often, so uf there is one person who for example has shitty service which changes their ip a lot, their android version would ve disproportionatkey rrepresented
>>151704 Screen is fine. The digitizer just tends to register a finger. Digitizer is like ten dollars last I looked? Battery might also be bunk but if you're doing dev work it should be ok.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>151706 ohh i see is the finger always in the same spot?
>>151708 Middle of the screen. It does kinda mess with functionality but you can get it away turning the screen on and off last I remember...
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
ok cool while testing i could just have my debug version ignore that spot
Then forget to turn it off in stable.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Yeah it's a feature now bitches. The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.
Going to bed, oyasumi. >>151727 >>151730 Don't worry, i eont fall aasleep anytime soon I'm just going to pretend i might bedore i get frusytated and get back on my phone >>151731 Use red moon on Or flux so tge blue light doesnt keep yiu awake, eerr not flux, flux s priprietary and akso collects a lot of data ffrom yiu
>>151825 mine does this every night she'll wake me up to try to get underneath my comforter it can be a little frustrating to keep getting woken up but i don't mind too much, she just wants to be under the covers with me
>>151843 My cat likes to sleep with people too. Though she doesn't try to get under the covers, she'll instead try to curl up in places with the most body heat. Most commonly that ends up being either right where my thighs meet my hip if I'm laying on my back, or in the crotch of my knees if I'm on my side.
>>151868 Hang on I'm watching the Hobbit right now, and one of the dwarves asks the elves if they've got any chips. Did Middle Earth have chips? Did they have chips in the middle ages?
I mean it's not that the tech isn't available It's just... it seems like a luxury item that only came about because society advanced to the point where someone went "I'm gonna chop these potatoes into slices and roast them over low heat" And it wasn't a big loss if it turned out garbage
>>151878 I'm gonna make chips tomorrow now But it seems weird to hear it in The Hobbit. It seems like such a modern term.
Until I get rid of my D drive, either through dismounting it or physically unhooking it, I can't start up hydrus without crapping out my PC for a long time Shit's rough
I wonder if I can get some sort of actually good food delivered America has it easy, you have a ton of these fucking places ferrying food across the border if they have to I live in a small town
It's just 3 sections called a town There's the residential area, which is one long chunk of space, then from there you go down, actually down because the residential areas are above everything else, and you get to the service\goods sector where there's shops and whatever And then further down, there's the laborer area, where there's factories
I don't think this town had any real planning go into it, it just sorta happened to turn out this way
>>151898 yeah that's how most towns develop though there's potential for industrial labor in an area, so people go out to the fracking areas or gold mining or whatever it was at the time they pretty much live and breathe and work the labor, but goods pop up nearby to provide them, and then more developed housing that's more affordable is on the outer skirts, further away because trying to get housing right where the labor's at, that shit's expensive
Yeah but it's just neat how hierarchical the layout turned out to be Only a select few businesses deviate from this standard There's a sowing shop, and a doctor's office, and I guess technically a shop USED to be and a... uh, tool shop? >>151901 A shop carrying sowing supplies
what's a sowing shop?
Hobby Lobby but without the ability to fuck you over for healthcare
oh sewing? i thought maybe that was something else, iunno i know it's weird but sewing is spelled with an e
The tool shop is like Building supplies, power tools, lawn mowers, axes You know, home depot basically But no mexicans outside
There used to be a grocery store next to that shop, but they moved Now it's like... nothing The part of the building they used is just empty now
It's weird, because they moved to a worse spot, geographically The new place is way bigger, but now they're no longer closer to ANYONE than the other groceries They used to be, you know, literally a minute's walk from where old folks and welfare people live, but now they're THE furthest away grocery shop for literally every single human being who lives here I'm not joking There is not ONE house in the town that's closer to their new location than to another grocery stor e
Actually no, wait, there might be... 1 If there are people who live there
I dunno, cause it used to be like a church thing Not really a church, but a prayer hourse house, even, jesus christ But it's not anymore, and there was talk at some point they were gonna make it a residential thing, but I dunno Never seen anyone walk in there, but that's the case for 99% of houses since obviously I don't sit around looking at people's doors
But you can look in the windows, so I know it's empty And the building isn't empty, just the ground floor they used The floor above them, which is also technically a ground floor, and the floors above that, are used for office space and stuff >>151910 There's no homeless here Like there aren't any
Gjøvik has a few And Lillehammer has a few I've encountered more than once But we have none We're way too small for a homeless person to stick around anyway
If I was homeless I'd just get some bottles, recycle them, pay for a bus ticket to Gjøvik and be homeless there instead
Wouldn't you rather have a monopoly on the begging?
Monopolizing a bad begging area is just not practical Even if you optimize and get the maximum out of it, you probably won't make enough to get by more than just barely
For all our socialisms, we don't really give a lot of money to panhandlers
>>151913 What's the best way to escape homelessness then?
>>151915 Finding a job is already hard while you have an address
You go to the unemployment office and get them to help you out Is what they do They'll hook you up with public housing and help you get your life back on the road Well, they'll make some effort towards it, it's not a perfect system and the people you have to deal with aren't exactly all the best humans available
There's a lot of horror stories of just outright terrible people sitting in the seats that matter in the system But that's your best shot
They'll likely put you in the situation I am in Not really a "job", but a place to go, and you get welfare as long as you keep going You get work experience, you squander it like I do by crapping out and skipping work at random Good times
Why would you skip work experience if you're already struggling
I remember somebody mentioning something about-oh right it was that your phone couldn't give you internet, or something? Rika was sort of relaying information
yeah i guess it would have been easier to say it directly but i was working on fixing it so we ended up playing telephone through fish and rika
I hope Owl starts really getting into it again now that he's got big stakes. Since he was complaining about the chucklefuckery of the rest of the party.
He's roleplaying now that Olivia is pissed, that's for sure!
I love the crazy nature of your party You guys are going to save the world and yet here you guys are making fun of almost god like entities at every turn It's beautiful
i changed shaving cream brands and it has substantially improved my life
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what do you use now
i switched Equate extra moisturizing to Gillette series 3X The Gillette one was like a pack of 6 cans really cheap on Amazon so I thought I'd give it a try but damn, it's so good I'm getti ng really good shaves on my legs and face with it
Anyway, it gave me a really good shave on my face. My face feels so smooth and I didn't ha // have to go over any parts a second time to get a smooth feeling.
>>151995 nothing really special, just pumice stone and brush i don't need to moisturize that much and i'm kind of blessed with good face-skin so i don't need to do masks or nothin
>>152000 I don't exfoliate my face too often I use exfoliating gloves for my body though I was actually thinking about getting a pumice stone for my feet though
yeah that's a definite must-have there are some varying size ones too. you're outdoors more than i am so you might get skin damage to more areas i dunno those ones with the skin brush on one side and pumice stone on the other are pretty general purpose they're like two bucks i never leave home without one
There's an area on my thighs that I always get ingrown hairs in, it's really annoying I hate using chemical stuff though It's always like one or two hairs in the same place so it's probably the same exact ones every time
>>152004 try to go with cloth or silk instead of tight elastic, if you don't already brush your skin a couple times a week i'm not sure ive ever had ingrown hairs for all the rotten luck in my life, my skin has always been very kind to me so i'm grateful for that and i'm kind to it in return
>>152007 Yeah, I've been doing all of that I've been getting a couple in this one area for like 5 months now, it goes away but then it just comes back
I bought PBF vanish because I've tried so many things but I haven't used it yet My hope is kind of that I can use it to get rid of the clogged pores and then they won't come back and I can keep doing things normally
>>152010 of course not that's bad for your skin i soap every second day and i shampoo/conditioner once or twice a week tops >>152013 no it's not, it's a human thing at least for humans that have skin
>>152013 Americans generally do it every day but it's bad for your hair and skin to do it everyday Corporations have been pushing lies about that for decades and so people think they have to do it everyday but shampooing everyday actually messes up your hair and washing your body with soap everyday is bad for your skin
>>152011 anyway, i was gonna say that i personally soap in mid-temp or cool showers to avoid drying out my pores doin it in a hot steamy shower is a good way to make your skin oils not do their job, or so i'm inclined to believe i base this off no real evidence and it's purely just intuition
i use the milk and honey lotion for general purpose moisturizing they make good lip balm too i don't need too much other than that -- i dont use a lot of product but if i ever do need something they're my go-to because i trust them
-- I just looked up "burt's bees kit" to see what kind of all in one kits they have and the first search query suggestion was "burt's bees kitten shampoo" haha
I'm kind of reluctant to use anything with honey because my mom did once and it started attracting bees to her I don't think it's a real concern but I was young when it happened so the idea of trying it makes me apprehensive still
>>152021 knowing your mom, i wouldn't be surprised if she put a whole bunch of bees in her purse before you guys went out and then let them out at some point and then blamed it on the honey product specifically so that you would be afraid of using honey on your skin and she'd always feel good for having better skin than you
12 work orders down 37 to go four hours and 26 minutes of content remains woop that's only, uh, 18 hours if i dont take any breaks including small breaks to make a post like this right now
Usually when you go over 100 you get recoil, charge, lower accuracy or -status once used But soundproof Nah Nothing Iti sl ike ultra version of aeroblast except aeroblast is what 100 and 5 pp
In that fangame I like, Pokemon Reborn, one of the earlier bosses uses Chatot, and Chatot is relatively weak, but it's super strong if you consider it has Chatter AND that you fight it before your pokemon start evolving.
what the fuck was its past confusion rate... >recorded sound volume
>>152084 So I guess that kinda explains it it should be a protectorate, though the steps in the game /colony
protectorate, when you jsut claim it but don't really develop it colony, when you allow people to actively move there, but they have restricted rights (in game mechanics: region doesn't vote, can't build factories) and then state when anything goes
You usually want to develop any province to full statehood, as that will no longer require colonial power maintenance but however, if the region is rich in some resource, you mgiht not want people to start building factories and such there, which would take people fromt he fields/mines however, before it is a state, you can't really develop the infrastructure fully so it is a matter of timing it right.
I usually just blast shit into fullsatehood as it becomes available
I was hot and sweaty all night a couple of nights ago. Last night I was a little chilly though. It's weird how I can feel completely differently at the same temperature.
I think they did it for P3 because the P3 protag is canon a girl That's why they didn't do it for P4 So we might not get one for P5 Maybe they'll give you gay romance though
Gay romance seems like probably not. It's Japan, after all, even if Persona is aimed to appeal to western audiences too. There was a lot of clamoring for a female option, but it seems like some scenes would have to be rewritten to accommodate a female protagonist. The anime sections would have to be reanimated, too.
I can't decide who I want to go with. Makoto is cute and she seems like she makes the most sense in terms of the story. Kawakami is cute too though and I'm kind of far into her link already. Futaba is pretty cute too.
>>152179 No, I just occasionally make a post saying that the Earth is flat. I don't really interact with anyone on that account. People just keep randomly following it.
What's it mean to be milk toast <something> anyway? I mean I guess I understand what's meant, but why milk toast?
>>152183 milktoast is a meal that's very good for sensitive stomachs, like when you're very sick and can't keep down food it's about the least harsh meal in existence it means // to be called milktoast means you're really sensitive and can't handle anything
>>152184 So it's basically ju- Oh, I thought it was accusing someone of being the milktoast, as in they're being solidly within what's the accepted area of discourse
>>152185 I don't think so. It's a parody account. I post satire. I'm not trying to make people think I'm legitimately a flat earther with it.
All of my content is pretty clearly satire, I think.
>>152186 i think they're congruent statements anyone who's like that is not going to go around ruffling others' feathers either what you're suggesting is just more specified to something indirect
>>152186 also you gotta spell it milquetoast that's the actual name, even though it's literally milk and toast ps you should try it sometime it's really good
I like a few of the macross songs but I don't know their names or what they sound like off the top of my head But I know some of my favorite Sharpnel mixes are macross
>>152195 I spent a good hour or two writing and getting reviews on a cover letter for an application only to accidentally fumble the actual application process and send it off without attaching the cover letter. Some things are just not meant to work out.
My ex-boss' twitter showed up the other day and I checked it out and he was sending pictures of Melania Trump (nude) to Trump's children on Twitter so I did call him a mean name on my flat earther account.
Yeah, trolling is only fun if you have some friends that you're hanging out with But then it gets boring after like half an hour unless you get something REALLY good but that's super rare
>>152226 it totally is. i even heard noam chomsky use the expression in the transcript i did the other day he was talking about geopolitical conflict and how china needs two turnips in heat
>>>/watch?v=lAgO6D_FhsI This showed up an hour or so ago, and I've noticed a lot of these real weird coincidences Was thinking there might be some common cause
>>152250 did you do any searching for shower-related things during that discussion being held? >>152253 oh the video just came up an hour ago? let me enter SANDBOX MODE real quick
Yeah That's what made me wonder if maybe there was a thing that might have triggered the subject for both of you
But if it came about naturally, then I guess it's just a coincidence
Speaking of coincidences, here's the next big thing in conspiracy theories: London bridge was a false flag, there's footage of cops changing clothes on the scene Prepare for a lot of alt media discussion about it, because oh boy this one is completely fucking nonsense and based off of one video that doesn't even show what they think it does
>>152261 by dismissing retrograde mutuation any branch from prior to our conversation about showers can't be considered a connection, that would fall under coincidence if, for instance, there was a major trending focus around that question or hygiene in general this morning which prompted kirara to start talking about skincare, and it indirectly affected me into discussing showers whilst others somewhere else were following a different branch of the trending topic, that's coincidence and there's no connection if something i did directly was interacted with that led to the making of that video, then yeah that would be potential causal direction but no linkages between my data and that video were made until you did just a bit ago so that's not the case
>>152268 this person clearly thinks showering is a daily activity, so maybe there's a simpler explanation of how the topic of taking a shower came up in his mind today
>>152268 Human beans like there to be a connection between seemingly random and disconnected points. It's a bit of human nature to expect that because they are similar, there's a relation. More often than not though, it really isn't much more than coincidental.
>>152269 It's more that both you and the video were discussing the frequency Granted, your conversation was about how often you should use soap
>>152271 that's why i was looking at what aggregate data might have spurred this video into your feed, rather than the production of this video
It ended in my feed because I'm subscribed to the channel
I guess I didn't mention that part
i gathered that since you noticed as soon as it went up that's why i was secondarily looking at what shared interactions might be there but it's probably coincidence, it's not particularly strange
Every time I visit my friend in the government housing project I'm reminded that history can change. Jackie started off as A FAGGET but over time he became A SIK CUNT. Now his name has been lost completely, making it a universal message.
It looks like the purple was supposed to be "ISAIAH A FAGGOT".
We're getting bogged down in semantics, /moe/. The important thing is that no matter how much the world may tell you you're A FAGGET you can always rise above it all and become the SIK CUNT of your dreams.
>>152301 hey man my face is a valuable commodity. Someone could get all the cool, grizzled scars of falling down a mountain without having to put in any of the legwork themselves. Plus if they got on to my PC without the password, they could get access to all my cute anime reaction screenshots without taking the time to watch the shows.
>>152300 My co-workers are ALL indian kids who don't give a fuck.
Solid Snake is gonna knock you out and hold your unconscious face up in front of the computer.
Oh no I'm very terrified of a fiction video game character.
>>152304 They've already got access to any pictures of your face that get posted to public domain. Why would they care what you've got uploaded to your phone's storage?
>implying solid snake isn't a real video game character
>>152307 there aren't any photos of my face in the public domain dude
>>152315 Wow, you're really dedicated to your antisemitism, aren't you? You're not even giving me the Blue treatment where you said that he was one of the good blacks!
I see how it is, /moe/. You can't say anything about blacks or jews because that's over the line but Australians are fair game. fucking biggots. the lot of you.
>>152368 Oh yeah, I hated that about Adderall. I'm glad to be on something that's better for my heart now.
>>152369 You're being racist by calling TN a racist. He's a snow elf, you know.
I have a really nice tan right now.
I may be super white but I think I do a pretty good job of avoiding being too racist.
>>152370 I started to get a nice one by the end of the Philly trip but I think I might have computer tanned it away by now. It's not quite nice enough to go outside a lot yet either.
If there's a thing I miss about having a reason to be outside from when I was younger, it's being able to get a tan. There isn't really any particularly good reason to go outside most days.
That reminds me that the Republicans sent me some kind of survey. I've been selected to represent my congressional district. They want to know what stuff I care about and think that Trump should focus on.
>>152376 Oh, I get stuff like that all the time even though I'm registered as an independent.
>>152377 Not really, no. I like being tanned but it's not worth, by itself, going outside and laying in sunlight. Once the weather is consistently warm and sunny I'll probably try to get biking in, which helps tan and is something else worth being outside to do.
>>152379 I will answer it seriously if I ever get around to doing it. I also have some crap the census bureau wants me to fill out because I've been selected to represent college graduates. It's annoying that I get selected for this stuff so often, especially since I'm not a normie.
>>152382 I actually got one from the DNC last week asking if I thought it was Hillary's fault she lost the election I guess they were pretty mad about Hillary blaming the DNC
I had the perfect system, /moe/. Sure they can fine you if you don't show up to vote but if I never enrolled at all then my name wouldn't even be on their list.
But then I signed up to get my free MATURE AGED STUDENT money and everything went to shit. In the fineprint it said something like >this government agency may share information with other government departments
and I got a letter in the mail telling me I'd been automatically enrolled and I'd better fucking show up at the next election.
>>152431 It won't be sticky if it gets eaten quick enough after it's on
>>152429 >Wet and messy fetish (WAM), also known as sploshing, is a form of sexual fetishism whereby a person becomes aroused when copious amounts of a substance are applied to the naked skin, face, or to clothing.[1] Several websites are dedicated to WAM. >Messy substances most commonly focused on by WAM participants include whipped cream, raw eggs, milk, lotion (see lotion play), paint, oil, mud, pudding, chocolate sauce, fruit juice, beer, shaving foam, custard, baked beans, treacle, ketchup, ice cream, peanut butter, slime, and cake batter, among others. Sounds perfect for you.
>>152439 I've had food eaten off of me before, it was awful and painful because I had molten chocolate poured on my dick It was very unpleasant Having the chocolate eaten off was terrible too It was so painful
>This country needs me. If i lose the election I'll stay in office by force if necessary that's uh. Not what you want from a place you're about to go visit
Although maybe I'll see some cool street protests
>>152449 it would have been nice if he got to rejoin to redeem himself
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>152452 agreedo, i bet he is still alive though and he will show up in P5U
See this is why wikipedia is great. I have two tabs open, one about Wet and Messy Fetishism and one about Cambodian domestic politics. The more you know.
>>152446 but what if we ate them in a box, with a fox?
My clothes smell a bit like fresh cookies when I put them through the dryer for too long. On one hand, it is kind of a nice smell. On the other hand, I now emanate the smell of fresh cookies uncontrollably.
I just wanted to breath in your essence. Don't make this gay.
>>152461 Are you fucked in the head, mate? not in a box not with a fox not with chicks and sticks and blocks. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like then, sam I am
and if you don't get that through your thick fuckin head I'm gonna lay you out in the ground, cunt
It's not my essence man it's the scent that's clinging to my clothes. I AM MORE THAN THE THIN OUTER LAYER OF FABRIC THAT ENSHROUDS ME.
Yeah but no one cares about that. Either fill the room with the scent of cookies or go home.
>>152464 If not with a fox, a box, or chicks and sticks and blocks, then you my friend, can just suck this cox
>>152466 You could just go stick your head in my laundry hamper full of clean, recently dried clothes.