>>148699 Is it? Minimum wage should (ideally) match the minimum income someone needs to comfortably live on their own, with basic amenities and sustenance.
Musk left the Trump advisor board thing
>>148701 actually it's $15.75 Min wage should be enough to live on if one spends wisely
I had a dream last night that I was driving down the highway and the roads were all empty but my car caught on fire and the doors wouldn't open so I drove my car into a lake but then someone in the car with me was like "it's oil!" and the lake wasn't water but oil so i was BURNING and the person in my car's face started melting and i woke up
I really miss my moon skipping dreams. I don't miss the car sliding uncontrollably dreams.
The theme of trying to find something that won't be found is still really pervasive in my dreams. The actual object and setting changes every dream, but that theme stays true.
Oh, I had a weird half-lucid dream recently. I'm pretty sure I wasn't awake because I couldn't move but it wasn't like crazy scary sleep paralysis or anything. I couldn't focus well enough to have directed dreams or anything though.
i've had a lot of dreams based on real events or things in my life or people i know irl recently
>>148873 I used to get a lot of inane dreams like hanging out at school talking with friends. Or even stuff as mundane as chatting with friends over the Internet, even if it was just text-based. It doesn't happen as much any more, but it still some times comes up. And whenever it does it's hard for me to distinguish if the stuff was in the dream or something I'm remembering from the recent past.
>>148873 I hate having a dream where you're in love with someone and then you wake up Then again it's pretty great escapism
>>148876 But then you want to go back, so you're like "five more minutes" and sometimes you're lucky, and usually you're not, and the feeling is gone again.
>>148878 it's the fleeting nature that makes it beautiful
I had a dream that was a collection of two people meeting at the same place over the course of many years. And every time they would be a little bit older, a little bit different.
oh yeah i forgot to tell you guys i got my 67 year old italian grandma coworker to illegally download and watch Koe no Katachi with her weeb son and his GF
>>148922 >>148923 she said it was a great movie and she cried when he ran to meet her on the bridge from the hospital her son and his girlfriend liked it too
>In August 2016, 17-year-old Julio Macias Gonzalez of Mexico City, Mexico, died after receiving a hickey from his 24-year-old girlfriend. The suction was strong enough to cause a blood clot in Gonzalez's neck. The clot traveled to his brain and caused a fatal stroke. The stroke occurred hours after the hickey was given, when he began having convulsions while having dinner with his family.[2] This shit is really terrifying still
>>148937 The girls in the office were talking about that a couple of days ago. It ws all over facebook. I considered mentioning it to you a coupel of days ago but ended up not.
>>148944 The protagonist here would be me since I've encountered it from two different vectors now. But it's pretty common knowledge and no surprsie to anyone at all that I'm the protagonist here.
>>148973 No, you hurt my feelings! I'm going to spread mean rumors about you!
>>148969 It's uh There's 3 platforms on each side of it, it's got a bunch of holes that spit out flying biters There's a pool of water under it, and it hovers in the air. Doesn't move
>>148994 I'll keep that in mind next time I'm playing That area and city of tears are the main problems I've had, really In city of tears I got "stuck" because I didn't realize I hadn't gone up from the merchant yet
The coolest character is always the protagonists rival And what's super cool is when they have a temporary truce to team up and defeat a bigger evil It's fucking sick whenever that happens
>>149023 the other day he spent like 30 minutes calling me like 20 times and when i called back i got sent straight to voicemail like 3 times and then he called again like an hour later
What's the next scientific breakthrough? A study showing a correlation between getting shot and having a gunshot wound?
Like wow guys, if you increase the amount of alcohol available, teens drink more? Hold the fucking presses, I'm getting the president on the line, he needs to hear about this wild new discovery
The great political issue of our time is increasingly approaching a simple "do we want to exist in a few decades?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>149086 why exist? do we REALLY benefit at all from existing when you really get down to it?
That's honestly a valid question
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe the collective consciousness of mankind is asking that question now
I swear if Pesta herself showed up on the shores of Europe again, we'd have a massive division between those who want to let her in and those who don't
>google pesta >Norwegian wiki >translate >Pesta was in Norwegian folklore personalization of the black dawn . She should be dressed in black and walked from farm to farm and brought the disease with her wherever she left. She brought a broom and a tear . If she brought the garbage glue, everyone on the farm would die. If she came with the ass, someone would survive. haha
Mythical woman, basically a witch Patient 0 of the black plague
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
tfw garbage glue
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>149093 >>149090 well she sounds like a refugee so of course we should let her in
black dawn is a way cooler name than black plague too
It's weird for it to translate it that way "daud" isn't dawn
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>During the black dawn in Norway, a whole series of stories about Pesta was written. One of these was about a ferryman. He was out with his boat when somebody suddenly shouted at the sky. The man roamed to the pier, where there was an old lady - it was not a regular old lady, because it was Pesta. The man said with a trembling voice: "I'll be delighted if I'm just missing the black dawn." She peered into the big book she was wearing, and replied, "You do not get away, but you can at least die a calm death." She got on board the boat and sat down at the other end. When the ferryman returned home he was very tired and tired. He lay down and fell asleep, never waking again.
>>149099 the whole translation of this page is really awkward and a lot of it sounds pretty clearly wrong haha
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>149092 >Pesta var i norsk folketro personifiseringen av svartedauden . Hun skulle være kledd i svart og gikk fra gård til gård og bragte sykdommen med seg dit hun dro. Hun hadde med seg en sopelime og en rive . Hvis hun kom med sopelimen, ville alle på gården dø. Hvis hun kom med riven, ville noen overleve. is the original >>149100 >Under svartedauden i Norge ble det skrevet en hel rekke med sagn om Pesta. Et av disse handlet om en ferjemann. Han var ute med båten sin, da noen plutselig ropte for skyss. Mannen rodde bort til kaien, hvor det stod en gammel dame - det var ikke en vanlig gammel dame, for det var Pesta. Mannen sa med skjelvende stemme: "Jeg skal ro deg over hvis jeg bare slipper unna svartedauden". Hun kikket ned i den store boken hun bar på, og svarte: "Du slipper ikke unna, men du kan i alle fall få dø en rolig død". Hun steg om bord i båten og satte seg i den andre enden. Da ferjemannen kom hjem igjen var han veldig trøtt og sliten. Han la seg nedpå og sovnet, men våknet aldri igjen.
>it translated sopelim to garbage glue That's a broom for fucks sake
And a rive, which it said ass for, is a rake Who the fuck did this
I knew it was scandi, but I wasn't sure if Pesta was entirely a Norwegian thing
>>149106 just noticed it translates svartedauden to black death in another paragraph but still calls it black dawn in the other paragraphs >>149107 oh no he used his phone in bed
It's weird cause dauden isn't dawn
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
is it just death?
Yeah It's old/new Norwegian for death
Or specifically The death Svartedauden is the black death The en suffix is essentially "the"
It's not the same kind of language as English so there's a lot of stuff that just doesn't work properly in direct translation
Kosten is "the broom", but kosten hennes is "her broom"
autism is really weird a lot of things are on a spectrum like schizophrenia for example but autism looks so different like a really high functioning schizophrenia person rarely seems schizophrenic but a really high functioning autistic person always has autistic tendencies
i have learned a lot of about autism by living with fish for so long
Autisms can be fine Aspies are the real annoying ones
>>149129 like is it a stark difference between neurotypicals and people with diagnosed autism? surely there are people with like one or two mildly autistic traits?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>149134 i wouldn't say it's a stark difference for example i don't think anyone that doesn't know fish is autistic would suspect her of autism unless they spent a lot of time around her but for someone who has some training in identifying autism they would see the traits and probably suspect it at least a little bit
compared to something like schizophrenia or a personality disorder, you rarely can see that they have that stuff unless they're going through an episode
i guess the difference is that most spectrum disorders are episodic and autism is continuous
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149133 hey have you watched >>149107 ? what do you think? >>149135 will autism become a totally normal thing one day, do you think? i guess some autistic traits hinder effective functioning in life but a lot of them are just different ways of life aren't they
At work
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>149136 if you mean normal as in acceptable, i think they will be a lot of autistic traits actually come from biological differences in the brain though the way the brain develops in an autistic person is different and the end result is different (in terms of size) the autistic brain grows more quickly than a typical brain so it's generally a larger size than developmentally typical for the first couple years by age 4-5, the brain sizes are usually the same between typicals and autistic people overall, but some parts of the brain are less developed for the autistic person one of them is usually the fusiform facial area which is activated in typicals when they see the faces of other people, and it helps direct the eyes towards defining facial features and stuff like that in autism, we see reduced activation of that area which inevitably leads to the social deficits that we often see in autistic people, because their brains aren't identifying other humans properly in the way typicals' brains do, so they don't naturally come to understand the benefits of many social behaviors through normal development and socializeation socialization* in severe cases, the fusiform facial area might not activate at all in which case there may not be a difference between a human and a tree (in terms of brain encoding; you can teach them to discriminate)
autism is becoming very well known and pretty common or at least, it's not uncommon anymore, so i think that people will eventually come to understand it better at leasy early intervention is really key because if you can catch the developmental delays early (like before age 2) you can help them develop almost completely typical levels of functioning as long as they can biologically handle that
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149138 pretty interesting details fusiform facial area eh i've always wondered if i had some autism growing up tbh i was pretty late in understanding social cues and facial expressions
i think it's more common than people think there are some autism-like things that can happen to young people when we were all younger, pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) was separate from autism but was like autism and was characterized by communication difficulties, social difficulties, rigidness, etc- stuff common in autism, but it usually disappears by adulthood now PDD is included with autism even though it used to be separate and autism has become a type of PDD but at the same time, there are types of PDD that are separate from autism still although they're more-or-less combining all of them to become part of the autism spectrum, which is why we call it autism spectrum disorder now instead of just autism
when i was a kid i was diagnosed with PDD not otherwise specified which isn't a diagnostic category anymore but basically just means i had social deficits for some reason to some degree but it wasn't necessarily autism i still have problems with discriminating faces between people though so i might also have autistic traits which is why i think they're really common; i couldn't be diagnosed with autism today but i still think i have those traits
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149140 i see, interesting it's great they're evolving these categories and making progress with more understanding comes less stigma
i still have issues recognizing a person the second time i see them if it's been awhile i don't know if that's just normal or because of my crap medium term memory
i'm really bad at putting faces to names and vice versa and i generalize facial features when i'm recognizing people so when i'm driving around and see someone, i'm like, oh i know them, until i get a better look and can process their face better
the development of putting things like autism into a spectrum has been pretty hard there are a lot of people that are pushing against it, even though a lot of people think nearly everything should be on a spectrum (depression, anxiety, etc) some people think every disorder should be completely specific even though so much research shows that disorders aren't like that autism is really a success story in that it has managed to be reclassified in such a good way
insurance companies also play a role in it, because they won't provide help to those who need help unless the DSM has disorders classified in certain ways sometimes some forms of PDD treatments weren't available because insurance didn't approve of them until they were all consolidated into ASD
>>149142 yeah that seems pretty silly how can a mental disorder be specific one specific thing breaking a bone is a specific thing... being caught in a whirlwind of self-reinforcing traits and circumstances and fleeting emotions is a unique experience
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>149145 exactly even different types of disorders are so similar anxiety and depression have so many similar symptoms that it's impossible to separate them completely
there are two widely used test instruments, the Beck Anxiety Inventory and the Beck Depression Inventory - Second Edition which are constructed using items derived by how depressive patients or patients with anxiety have reported their symptoms, and scores between the two tests correlate at something like .61, because anxiety and depression are just that closely related
but people still refuse to acknowledge it because things have always been done differently /// done one way, and they want it to stay that one way it's so bad for progress
Ohio, well I've actually been up for about an hiur but I did some stuff and then read every post on /moe/ I missed after going to bed at 7pm last night.
don't forget to drink your ovaltine >>149146 it sucks when people get stuck on an idea even if the idea is no longer paying rent i used to get stuck on so many ideas back in my autism-ish days then i did a ton of drugs and had my heart broken and stuff and now i feel less attached to such things
>>149153 yeah i get stuck on ideas a lot but i try to avoid doing it at the very least i think it's important to take the research into account i don't think it's right to call yourself a scientist if you outright deny observable evidence on the grounds of being taught differently
but i think in the long-run, we'll be moving towards a spectrum-based dimensional understanding of those traits since even neurotypicals have those traits even if they aren't clinically significant
>>149159 yeah, things are progressing people used to outright refuse to accept behavioral addictions as real but now we have gambling addiction in the DSM and masturbation/sex addiction may be added in the next iteration too
i personally think that a general "behavioral addiction" would be better than specific ones though i feel like anything can potentially become a behavioral addiction
>>149171 I used to think that, but now I'm not entirely sure. >>149172 It makes life hard for the person with autism and also their family. I would not go so far aas to ssay that autism is a scourge upon the world and should be eliminated, but in most cases there are more drawbacks than benefits. >>149174 I'm probably being mislead by media sensationalism.
i think that many if not the vast majority of geniuses from the past would be diagnosed with autism today it's a tradeoff more than a disadvantage if you ask me time spent obsessing might be fruitful even at the expense of socializing
I think autism is much more diagnosed nowadays or rather much more easily
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm sure it's like homosexuality or such as we get a better understanding of it our horizon is widended fuck that was not how i wanted to say it uh you know we realize how much people hid it in the past and how prevalent it really is
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah people with mental differences in the past would just be dismissed as weirdos or losers or whatever it's different now in a lot of ways although there's still a big stigma
>>149184 Not entirely uunrelated, this is a pretty good read. http://gladwell.com/million-dollar-murray/ Although it's aboyt homelessness in ggeneral.
>>149188 The song actually tells how the weirdos are just now thrown in sanitariums a thing that happened here in reality much during 20th century Any sing of "insanity" and you get thrown away in some mental asylum
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>149190 i'll keep this open in a tab and give it a read in a little bit
i'm going to be administering the rorshach for someone on wednesday
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149191 it is unfortunate how badly mental illness was understood back in the golden age of mental asylums
now it is unfortunate how much our social safety net has eroded given our better understanding
The best way to treat the mentally unstable is to isolate them from their friends and family and throw them into a heavily restrictive unstable environment and label them Great plan
>>149198 WEll not my fault you don't speak the best language in the world, and can't thus appreciate our art.
>>149197 then there will just be a new class of neurotypicals
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i think i might have grown up fairly normal if i hadn't broken my leg in a skiing accident and subsequently spent half a year on the computer and also switched schools at the same time, a major social setback probably
i even had a childhood friend who i saw years later and had no emotional connection to anymore but hey so it goes with hard work i'm making up the deficit
i started hanging out on chatrooms and stuff because i had problems getting along with other people and didn't have many friends my first couple close friends betrayed me and i got trust issues and distanced myself from people IRL
Yeah I intend to, but i have to really actually finish fixing it, abd before yhat I jeed to clean the desk its on and the tables near it, and my mom jjust took the comfy basement chair upstairs so now i dont have a comfy chair to sit on while cleaning the desk or while fixing my pc.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149211 i've been avoidant most of my life, i'm not sure if that's the same as trust issues
i was social for a little while growing up but then i was at my friend's house once and beat him in a hotwheels pc game and he suddenly got mad and hit me and then my other good friend a year or two later, i found out he'd been stealing stuff from me for a long time
i made friends in middle school again but one of them moved away really quickly and i got banned from one of their houses because i was jewish and then i just distanced myself
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149212 dammit man those sound like excuses how long will it take to clear your desk how much sitting is required sorry for being so direct
>>149215 Not very long, i just really dont feel like doing it The chair thing is much more of an excuse than the other stuff though There are magic cards on top of three tables and the desk and the couch and I really dont feel like cleaning them up.
>>149214 your luck with people is quite bad the last one is just weird
>>149217 He was a Jehovah's Witness and they're pretty strict about a lot of things. Denying Jesus Christ as the Messiah was probably too much for his mom, even if I didn't really understand any of that stuff back then.
I managed to open up more in high school but I was still pretty distant and I'm still distant.
My best friend in elementary school also stole a bunch of stuff from me I didn't develop trust issues from it because I refused to believe it was him for the longest time
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149216 you procrastinator you i challenge you to clean up five magic cards right now
>>149221 I could do that without going to the basement.
I had a friend who would borrow things without telling me
Hrrm, I'm going back to sleep. Oyasumi
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>149220 i caught my friend in the act after like 4th grade, i didn't see him again until 11th grade or something when he transferred to my HS but i never tried to talk to him about it so idk if he even remembered me haha
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149224 byee i feel sorry for your PC i hope it wakes up soon
I just don't like people
Probably an overinflated ego is at fault for that one
Oop time to bounce Gotta get home before my 7% power hits 0%
>>149225 oh no He stole my psp and some ps2 games I assumed I lost them and was really ashamed until my grandparents freaked out and drove over to search his room
there's a variable called lambda in this thing i'm working on but it's signified by L instead of λ that's so weird
>>149229 My guy just stole LEGOs and Digimon toys and stuff. I don't remember much from back then but I remember he stole the arm of my Metal Greymon action figure.
>>149236 It's kinda messed up to look back and think about how many of the kids you knew were being abused and you didn't realise it because you were a dumb kid
>>149249 taking melatonin can help with jetlag if you take it once the sun goes down and then go to sleep it'll help reset your circadian rhythym
and coincidentally just "leben" means life
>>149239 do you have many people like that? I can only thibk of two off the top of my head, and I assume my number is only that large because I hung out with (my fellow) poor people.
>>149254 No because I grew up in a pretty decent community. But I was also a pretty dense kid so I might have missed it.
Looks like I'm gonna lose a few files from my hydrus On the bright side, I have absolutely no way of realizing unless it's one of a very small set of images that I sometimes go to specifically find
Oh disappuddin sargon wasn't blocked by trump that would have been amusing
>>149266 Why would his best boi on the youtubes be blocked?
>>149267 dnno but the video title migh have implied that
I'm taking a wild stab, and assuming that video is about the one guy who got blocked by trump and now he makes a point of telling everyone else he was on twitter
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
cleared my phone of all its photos except my most recent trip feels good man
Oh yeah I could set up that allm y pics get saved on googledrive... that would be convenient >>149275 yeah it can be, but still each pic you dl, is on your storage
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149276 oh, ok, yeah. that's just cache at least i think? os should flush that out in low memory? actually i doubt they opted for that.
bah, spotify is the biggest memory consumer for me
>>149277 well yeah spotify is a big memory and space consumer
Ah, but dont ferl the need to do it right away. I probably wont go on my comp until like five hours from now. Cause I am going to lay in bed for another hour, then do other stuff for aboyt four hours.
but somehow "cat in turtle shell" brings this image up in the search results and the page title for this image is "halloween dog costume ideas" am i dreaming
>>149298 holy crap do you have flux set to 1200k or something
>>149300 Something like that, I still have Red Moon turned on.
i didn't know the screenshot would retain that that's interesting
>>149302 It might just be an androud thing. *android Although the built in color temperature thing might not affect screenshots, I havent tried it yet.
>>149308 your posts confuses me on a few levels please explain
>>149309 You alleged that the picture of an animal dressed as puzza rat was a guinea pig, but the animal in that picture has a long tail. Guinea pigs dont have tails so it cannot be a guinea pig.
>>149310 oh it does have a tail you're right it looked like a strap for the costume to me, i see it now you are correct sir that is not a pig at all but in fact a ball-dragging rat
Also here is a Peruvian rendition of the last supper.
i always wanted to try cuy i saw anthony bourdain (i think it was borudain) there and it looked kind of good i mean they're peasant food, but i think they'd season well
>>149313 Guinea Pig? I'd totally be up for trying that, im much more interested in trying exotic meats than exotic sauces or spices.
yeah, i'm not sure if cuy is the local name for guinea pig or if it's the food equivalent but yeah
There's an exotic meat butcher in the city somewhere, ive been meaning to go for a while but never get around to it.
the downside to armo daffs is the long onset of action it comes in fairly fast but the WHOOSH effect where you feel your stomach constricting and all that stuff takes like an hour to settle down before the focus really kicks in i have to basically wake up an hour early, take it, then go back to sleep
>>149322 it's almost entirely mental, because it acts on a very, very narrow region of the brain it's not like adderall where it pumps the midbrain and you get the physiological stimulation, decreased fatigue, increased endurance, stuff like that which is good and bad i think it also lasts fucking forever, like 15 hours, so it's difficult to use just for the work day and then ease into nighttime calm it's interesting though in that it promotes wakefulness and reduces mental fatigue from lack of sleep, but at the same time it doesn't actually inhibit sleep (clinical findings, not personal experience) i've never had problems sleeping on stims though
it makes me really tourettes though less impulse control for me than something like adderall or ritalin but it doesn't make impulse control worse than natural, i don't think
Oh man, I just had a great idea. Since we just got a grill and havent used it yet, i bet i coukd convince my dad to get some exotic meats for our little cook out on sunday.
>>149324 i suggest goat tbh i used to cook a lot of wild game -- moose, elk, buffalo, antelope, bison (bison are just buffalo right?) for people that aren't used to it, it can cause some significant discomfort in the stomach
>>149325 Goat is actually oe of the things i want to ttry. I've had bison before, its decent. Im thinking of doing like a sampler, getting just a llittle bit if a bunch of different meats.
>>149327 i took them before, last year around this same time i got some it sounded more promising than the adderall i was taking at that time i really liked it back then because i was having depersonalization issues with the adderall (i think bc it was generic adderall though and a bad generic at that)
but yeah, they help me more than having nothing. i think the adderall would probably be better for the kind of tasking work that i'm currently engaged in but in the broader scope of wanting to manage and grow my business, wanting to publish information about INFORMATION i think modafinil classes suit me really well they make me feel like myself instead of making me feel overstimulated
i don't think i can say yes or no to that question because i'm not really sure. too many details are tangled together for me to draw a clear conclusion
not much abuse potential either, it's pretty much all therapeutic oh yeah, it's what i was taking while in vegas, the same exact brand and pharmacy so that's about what it does for me
>>149330 I think I can give you a pretty good anecdote for the drug after my adderall script ran out, i tried the armodaf instead of the modaf, and within a couple hours i wasn't feeling anything i wondered why it wasn't working on me, and so i looked into the val158met polymorphism research related to modafinil compounds and discovered that the met/met polymorphism has noticeably lower reception to the stimulation from the drug, and i went and studied catechol-o-methyltransferase for about six hours to understand why the three polymorphisms behave differently under the compound and learned a whole lot
it obviously did work it just didn't feel like it does
Also I found an exotic meat company that has no store but they do free ssame day ddelivery for orders over a cecertain amount ($100 in city, $250 in suburbs), and charge $10 otherwise. Also tthey only don't do ssame day delivery if you order too late in tthe dday. And pisdibly not on weekends.
i wonder if there's an erotic meat company that does same day delivery
Also it seems that there was a really awesome exotic meat place tgat went out of business because the owner was busted by the feds for butchering jaguars, tigers and lions.
>>149347 you can probably find a halal butcher that's where'd i'd always go to get goat they had other neat things too but i dont remember what
>>149347 are you bullshitting me are you making this up i don't believe it
>>149353 Cause I'm putting off foing a full backup and reinstalling windows and cleaning the basement because I dont feel like doing iit. Ill probably get ut done soonish though.
Aaah the fact that I didn't sleep at all last night is finally hitting me dis nice
>>149376 that sounds really abnormal you should see a doctor, i don't think anybody in history has ever felt less good after a period of feeling more good
Yeah, the normal go of things is feeling less good followed by extended periods of feeling even more less good.
>>149380 Well the only reason it was odd is that recently, especially while not doing anything, I don't ferl any better than neutral. >>149382 The first challenger was very lazy, there are plenty of things you can set on fire that wont be out iyt by water. *put out
>>149383 yeah i know what you mean i dont feel much when i'm not doing anything toiling is pretty important, i suggest finding something to toil with cleaning helps me feel good, too
>>149384 Right now I'm deleting images in *on my phone and organizing other images, Ill probably shower in a bit then finish building the grill.
building things is relaxing too it feels like a chore for the first few minutes but once your brain switches gears to get into the project, it's pretty mentally relaxing
Generally my biggest oroblem is not getting around to doing things, cause doing things isnt hard, its actually starting thats hard for me. Although I'm probably changing meds again soon. Ny guess is that my psychiatrist will want to increase something when we talk next week.
Also I thought of something interesting (to math/science/data minded people) just a few minutes ago. What sort of pattern is there in the distribution of files on *image files saved on my phone or computer? It would be interesting to see, and to compare my file distribution with that of someone else's.
i think that would be too layered to really draw much meaning from, personally i guess it depends on what you're looking at for the distribution setting up the qualitative boundaries might be the interesting part, but i personally don't see a lot of interest in that
Hey I've met Linus, I can be rude all I can with linux jokes
I hate looking for jobs. Everywhere I look it's "look at this you could maybe do if only you had experience in <insert thing I have zero life experience in>" Or "valid driver's license required" which is pretty much a dead lock out.
>>149405 apply for it anyway if you think you'd be able to do the job it's just entry barriers because putting up "no experience needed" is really bad for recruiting i'm always applying for contracts which require X years of experience. i just put what experience i do have (if any) and whatever other relevant skills i have i get feedback on a ton of them and i end up not even taking them because i don't like the contract
honestly employers tend to not really know what they're looking for. they're looking for something and they'll know when they find it
>>149406 I don't even know if I'd be able to do the job. Most the time the things they're expecting experience in are things I only know of by name or even have to go look up. And the other times I'm plagued with worries that I don't fully comprehend the nuances of the position since I don't have experience in anything.
water you looking for? what kind of fields are you looking at, et cetera or are you looking for anything at all
Anything, really. I would rather avoid part-time employment at a store if I could, which is why I'm taking into account more serious, part time jobs. But I've got no diploma or degree backing me up and no real fields I'm particularly skilled in. All I've got is a smattering of work employment that barely qualifies me for anything.
>>149410 Is that T? I can help you look at some options if you want once i finish up my work in an hour-ish
Yeah, it's me. I'll be around.
There is one marketing position I'm looking at that I might have some chance at; I'm hoping I can get my folks to maybe help me put a lot of effort into a good submission for that. My dad's been through a lot of companies and a lot of job applications over the years; he likes to think he's got a knack for it by now. Hopefully they can help too.
Yeah that sounds like good help. I can take a little time to help too this evening. A lot of marketable skills aren't even things you'd think of putting on a resume.
I got -- actually let me finish this first before i get distracted
Take your time.
It's also a position in an e-book company too, which is a field I think I could bring a definite passion to. I really like books.
it's a shame that entrepreneurial stuff isn't as effective in places like that with higher minimum wage/cost of living like my contracting is a great gig for me, but that's because it's like triple what minimum wage is here if minimum wage were $15 an hour or even 12, i wouldn't be okay doing this much work for just a few dollars more than i'd get with an easy job that has fewer setbacks and more stability
you're very personable though so you might have some good options tbh, all the market research interviews i'm doing, all the phone calls are done by consultants who interview the respondents from a guideline compared to a lot of the people i hear doing this, you'd probably do a better job. and it's not like call center stuff. it's reaching out to people who volunteer to be interviewed, setting up a time with them, making and recording the call on your own time, and it's a lot more professional of a setting i know a couple firms in eastern canadia too i can take a looksie later
Like this is the -this is one of the few times I've come across a job opportunity page and for the most part thought "these are things I can do". Aside from things like "3+ years in...". But I feel confidence in my ability to understand the qualities of books and written works.
A lot of those are really broad statements like, i feel like they don't even know exactly what they want you to do i'd be weary about a company that doesn't have a clear direction of promotion strategy "data-driven merchandising decisions" this isn't something they should be expecting you to resolve on your own unless they're paying you something really good i'm guessing they either don't understand the context of what that means and how other companies are using it, or they've already got those systems in place, in which case they're still being really vague for no reason
I know.
>>149418 I understand where you're coming from. It's a bit hard to gauge with certainty which side its on though. And in the end, it's kind of hard for me to find a job opportunity here that gets me working with books. If there's a chance a job in that might be nice, I'm pretty tempted to try it out.
>>149421 B&M? They're not upfront about pay--but most job applications I find online are pretty elusive about what they're paying you.
>>149422 They've got an office, I imagine I'd be working there most if not every day of the week.
What kind of pay are they offering is this a B&M position or telecommuting
>>149420 brick and mortar i.e. physical location at an office
hello >>149420 sales and ops through a B&M workplace is so inefficient but that's not really a downside there's usually less efficient pay structures too so you get a lot of time paid for doing nothing hm it's ebooks you said? i have a buddy who does ebook business stuff i'll inquire with him later on >>149425 that's good you have a day off i'm working all weekend
hello I took today off. It feels kinda muggy today.
It's a bit cool here today. I guess the nights still get cold enough that warm day temperatures don't persist except in places that get sun all day. I wish it was warmer.
>>149436 i grinded for the 11 easy june orbs for three more summons and got a cordelia ive gotten three of these things in under 40 orbs lyn seems like the only really good one though, her candlestick and skills keep enemies from counterattacking
You've done really well with the brides. I heard Cordelia was supposed to be good too, but that may just be the work of waifufags.
>>149438 it's a +2 res/def for allies after combat buff for allies there are better bows i think what's pretty crazy is she has rally atk/spd, which is +3 to each instead of the typical +4 for one that would pair really well with a blade-tome olwen because she already sits at that spd threshold for being able to ohko anyone besides julia, robin, hector
Yeah, she's supposed to be pretty okay. I would like to get Faye as an archer, since she has an ability that keeps other units from being able to counterattack at all.
yeah that's what lyn has whoever she attacks, after combat, no counterattacks and then candlestick causes them to not be able to counterattack her i might have those in reverse order i'm not sure but either way that's really crazy single bride discovers one weird trick for disabling anything takumis are PISSED
In order to get Ranko you need to summon Brunhilde 666 times to unlock all the Ranko summons to turn them into a single ranko and then you need all the idols including ones you can only get by playing the idolmaster mobile game and getting to a certain level and then you have to level those idols to 50 60 or 70 depending on the idol and then you have to beat every main magna boss (though not their Omega Form) by summoning Ranko for the finishing blow and then you have to do some fate quests and it's just a mess.
Soo basically the product is overpriced and the singular prive is to drivep eople to buy the "double pack" which is the actual reasonable price they figured for it where even then they make insane profit genius
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yes they are very inexpensive to produce i am sure
i wonder if they made way too many and need to unload before the fad dies >>149523 ooooh so speciallll
I dunno, this is made of some special aluminium alloy
I just can't remember how exactly that kind of metal colouring is done it isn't painted >>149525 well he just bought it for shits and giggles makes 4k€ a month he has cash to burn
>>149529 Fucking hell... bah all I can say this is just a lot safer thing to spin in your left hand instead of super sharp scissors or a battery flacking metal into you
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149533 ouch dude my mom kind of lost faith in modern medicine after her mom passed away kind of a baby and bathwater thing though yeah grandmom was super old it was her time i don't think you could have saved her with herbs
>>149536 argh that's frustrating preying on people in vulnerable states i don't know what to say about meeting people at shooting ranges, not something that really happens here haha
>>149542 Anything you can fiddle around with is adhd treatment!
>>149545 no, gi fidget spinners decrease attention to the proper stimuli which means it makes adhd even worse but theyre marketed as even being able to replace medicine sometimes
>>149546 yo as soon as q3 hits you know everybody's gonna be dropping their own toy after this success i think fidget cube started this current thing and spinner followed pretty close there's gonna be like a million different ones in another month >>149553 i don't know, but that's trying to imitate nintendo that's a huge endeavor gizmos and gadgets are super cheap, especially if there's no special tech going into it it's just some market testing of different ideas and it'll be done
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
are there any other popular pokemon go-like games out there?
>>149557 go on adventures irl to find treasure chests treasure chests contain things that can be collected and turned in for real world rewards like amazon gift cards
SMT GO when?
>>149558 i think beta was really into geocaching although i think the trend was more trophy-like things rather than cash value things like you put something nice in there and the next person to come along puts in something of their own for the next person to find
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149559 shin megami tensei...? surface mount technology? super mutant 'inja turtules?
>>149546 Oh, is that so? Well it's really just a fad anyway.
>>149570 Yeah, it'll go away but a lot of people are potentially having their lives fucked up by not getting the medical attention they need at developmentally important parts of their lives
that reminds me that they // when i went to walgreens to pick up my scripts last, they had the little bracelets that are supposed to improve bloodflow using MAGNETS or crystals or whatever and it was like on the pharmacy checkout area like what the heck
>>149571 Shouldn't FDA or something intercept here?
>>149573 Probably but I don't forsee them doing it
So at like ten this morning my friend told me to get ready early for FNM since he wanted to go eearly. Fifteen minutes ago I called him to let him kknow I was ready. He had fallen asleep and didnt get ready.
grr my eye is pink again and i have no health coverage baaaaaah
oh did i mention i saved a goat while in okinawa? its head was stuck in a fence hole
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i thought canada had health coverage for its citizens >>149610 that's so cool you're the hero of the goats
Did your health card expire?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it is my proudest moment i had to grab it by the horns but it kept twisting and i'd let go every time
i realized if i just hold on for a while he'd get tired and stop no more trapped goat ... i bet he got himself trapped in exactly the same way as soon as i left
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>149611 >>149612 i cancelled my coverage with the province when i moved and i've been too lazy to start up the new one there is no one to blame here but myself
>>149614 welcome to my life soon your license will expire and you won't be able to prove that you're you and you'll have to lie in order to get a new one
they printed me out a temporary license until the real one arrives but the printer fucked up and printed it across two sheets because they got stuck together and i asked the guy if it could be reprinted because that looks shady and he's like "no it can't " so i have a paper id that is on two separate papers conveniently cut off right between the identifying information and the ID photo >>149620 do you have any idea how upset i've been i can't even go buy alcohol with this garbo, or use it to board an airplane, or check into a motel and it's FRIDAY and my id hasn't arrived and i'm sure it won't somehow arrive over the weekend man i'm really salty i had to vent about that real quick
i have to renew my license this month or next month before the 22nd
>>149628 renewing is easy once it expired i was fucked how would you show proof of residence if you're homeless do homeless people stop being citizens the system is so messed up and getting a tennessee ID would have been even more impossible for some reason it'd be so easy just to fall through the cracks and stop existing officially
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
don't you have a social security number
I'm on a learners lol
>>149630 yeah but what happens when you need your social and two forms of valid photo ID and anything expired doesn't count as valid and they want an ORIGINAL birth certificate, specifically not a copy but in order to get one of those you have to show the county clerk a current ID and proof of residence at the address listed on the ID there was literally no way for it to happen, so i had to go back to missouri and show proof of residence for an address there but it specifically has to be utility bills and what happens if i have bad credit and can't get approved for utilities in my name?
like it's so messed up it would be easier for someone to use my identity fraudulently than for me to use my identity genuinely
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>149631 i've had my license for 8 years so i have to renew it now
and then they give me a temp id that has a million red flags because it's printed on two disconnected sheets of paper
isn't that a scary thought, though, that you might not be able to prove that you're you and never be able to open a bank account, rent an apartment, show proper identification to a police officer, use // pass airport security >>149636 it's totally realistic. you can expect to be denied a lot of things if you ever have an identity fraud investigation to clear your name, because now everything's flagged it settles down with time, but for like six months you can't do anything or open any new shit in your name and if you happen to let your ID lapse, you're just stuck >>149637 i don't know, man. i don't know. i was legitimately scared and i don't think i was being irrational
Yes, you can. I guarantee that you can. People lose their stuff in fires or tornadoes or whatever every day and they are able to get their vital records back together with time.
>>149635 My fingerprints are in the system and that would settle the matter of my identity oretty quickly. And if that didn't work for some reason I could just call my dentist and get my dental records.
>>149637 that must really suck to have that happen every day
There isn't much for me. Though I guess I have a driver's license again so there's that. But the last time I went to vote it was a little sketchy since I was using an expired driver's license and my health card to back it up.
it's a scary thought, anyway and it made me really irritated with the system for putting me through so much trouble also my paypal account still thinks i have a bank account connected if they ever find out that bank account is dead, i wonder if they'll unverify my account and not let me use it until it's fixed
i had my life in order once a lot of bad things happened
>>149650 i should really go get my blood thing figured out too i don't know if it's on any record but the army and barnes jewish hospital both have different blood types for me it's really weird i'm guessing the army was more likely the culprit to mess something like that up though
kannagi used to be able to get hotdog-filled crust from pizza hut UK we never had that here in the US i'm a little upset that sounds like a completely US thing
>>149678 That's likely to happen as the shows I have watched are pretty normal. Otherwise, it isn't likely to change anything >>149679 No one wants to see my old AMVs Maybe I'll make new AMVs one day. That would be a better option. But of course I don't really watch things so I have nothing to make AMVs of.
If they ever promote this guy ahead of me I'll neck myself.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
upload his rap for us
I was going to link it but then I was thinking about if there was a way to track the embed he seems like the sort of guy who would do that and then everyone I work with would know my weeaboo ways >>149685 oh yeah.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just post part of the link without the youtube part
Break over again. They get shorter every day
It's pretty ... Not great.
This one is from two years ago, but last night he told me he was working on his BRAND NEW ALBUM
lol /moe/ scanlator group? well if you need a hand, i can do quite neat edits
>>149702 i got lyn, charlotte, and whatshername archer in under 40 orb
I can use my near non-existent Japanese knowledge and the power of TECHNOLOGY to figure out a translation. Maybe. I kinda want to consider trying that it sounds fun.
And if nothing else, I'm sure that just posting raws on /a/ will get them translated because the world will not reject Mizukami's greatness. >>149718 >>149719 >>149720 oh boy