
Thread #132506

Not synched.

Bottom Identity
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gotta go in half an hour
sick again?
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slept poorly, but that's it
so why doc visit?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Well I've got like 20 minutes to get dressed, eat something, and then leave
Better get started so I don't fuck up
and of course it's pouring outside
umbrella is your friend
brella brella brella
eh eh eh eh
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i wonder what this does
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I don't even know if I'm looking for a psychologist or a psychiatrist

I'm gonna fuck this up, aren't i
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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just speak your mind
must smell
yeah, probably pretty good
Psychiatrist is meds, psychologist is therapy
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My grapekun post from the 8th of may has gone nuts today and made its way into japanese twitter by retweets
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So really, either
all that manjuice
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
well two of them are currently not dudes but
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Holy shit
I love how it's a "crash"
That's the only animal of that height you'd use that word for
crazy shit
Probably didn't even see what she hit haha
Maybe they act like cats, and her eyes were on the one rushing across in front of that one
wow it at first lools like the croc has something attached to its head, but it was just the no longer attached upperjaw
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Time to head off and talk to a man who likely won't understand me

What a life
Not yummy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I did it I hit 5 million honors now I'm not a shitter
congrats on your mobage addiction achievement
Good luck
I'm so tired
Can barely keep my eyes open
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>the quest to unlock drummer has the SOIYA crew don their SOIYA gear and the SOIYA music plays
oh ok
The costume is from the soiya event so
The second one with the 🦀
quick nap
No time
Gotta leave in an hour
Still gotta shower and shave
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I am the cutest
Oh it's another autism class haha
nap later
coffee+15m can be real powerful
Coffee puts me to sleep unfortunately
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
weirdo body
put that is just positive
drink tthe kaff
go nap for 15-30 mins
and by thennthe chemistry is doing its magic in ypur brsin
coffee nap, a brief fad here that started discussion on "should afternoon naps be allowed amd even allocated?"
that's how add works
I used to get it as well, I think it's just because it's a warm drink.
If you can take caffeine and go to sleep you get some pretty crazy dreams, because your brain is still overclocked and has nothing else to do.
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and I'm back
I got referred to the psychiatric division in Gjøvik
And I've been put on sick leave out the week, supposed to call again if I'm not less down by Monday
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I dunno what to tell my dad though
No idea
Cancelled my morning stuff
Gonna try a nap
It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be

Oh, have a good nap
coffeenap's point is to sleep about the time tjat it takes for the body to process caffeine
how the hell can you sleep before the caffeine kicks in?
It takes like 5 minutes, you haven't finished the cup before it t-bone's your brain
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Also this is possibly the most American thing we'll see this year
it takes longer
it takes like an hour to go into deeper sleep
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TN !/2XzCxntag
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Taste stest between freeway cola free and freeway cola light
in coca cola, zero won light
*zero not free
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Coca cola zero atleast here, is the original coca cola light recipe
but then at some point they changed the artificial sweeteners, which finalyl ended up in them using some weird thing in light that I really liked, but most people didn't so they brought it back as Zero
and kept the new Light cola as light cola
however, they eventually changed light cola again and now it is just crap
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Oh god
I had long been thinking "why do many people in older movies all sound the same, especially male actors"
dnno how much it is present in english black and white movies, but atleast in finnish ones iti s
and now it hit me
poor audio recording.
You had to speak as clear and loud so the mics could pick it up
so it made sense that people sounded the same.
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a surprsingly long word when you put it out like that
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Hey marsh do you listen to blind guardians?
No. Should I?
I'll look into it.
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I wonder if there is anyone who is into them on moo
I don't know anyone in RL or on other circles
kinda wanna talk about the story in their "newest" album
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Talk away

nobody listens to anything you say anyway.
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No one ever listens to me and they suffer for it
Well I really don't want to read this textbook chapter
so talk about your dumb music thing and I'll pretend to care about it.
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I don't wanna monolog about it I want to discuss it with someone who also knows about it
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>new study dismantles myths about healthy obesity
The fact that such a study can even exist is an indictment of our entire species
The fact there are enough people who think you can be obese AND just as healthy as the guy who takes some minimum amount of care of his body is proof we aren't ready for space travel
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Man now that I've been trained to serve customers I see the fats right on the front lines.

some people I don't even feel like I should be serving
you know - in the same way a bartender cuts you off when you get too drunk..
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They're just killing themselves and dooming their offspring to an awful existence
It's practically victimless
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yeah, but we have government healthcare
so my taxes pay for their heart transplant
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Yeah, so do we
People who overeat like that are one of the hardest parts to square with wanting public healthcare

Cause they're just fucking making themselves sick on purpose
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You should have to sign something
>you're free to eat as much as you like, but when you get sent to hospital you're gonna have to foot the bill yourself
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The problem is I don't agree with that on principle
The government shouldn't get to decide who does and doesn't get treatment, even based on the ailment

But it's the kind of thing where it's easy to get agitated and go "FUCK EM"
So Fuck 'em
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Randomly got this dm
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catfish dat niggy
You've made a new best friend.
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Oh no I just looked at the avatar and those fingers look black
Now >>132591 looks actual racist
I looked at his profile and he's all like hittin on girls are shit
Real pathetic like
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Speaking of darwinism
bicycle association here is lobbying to remove helmet as compulsionary while cycling.
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This is the time
Make him do something silly
Or get him to buy you something
Haha that might be going a little too far
It's not compulsory here
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doesn't need to be something big
Like a new mouse or something
That's like maybe $30 for something midrange
I'd feel super bad if i manipulated someone for profit I think
why do people always think you're a chick?
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Think of it as righteous retribution for his creepiness
Maybe I'll teach him to respect women
That's an option yeah
Well for now I'll reply and see what happens
I bet it's because of this
The thing with the incest posts is it's hard to tell what's sincere and what's caked in about 29 layers of irony
Yeah irony has become so powerful
Yeah but /yeah figures, it is rare as fuck even here
make sensebrainwords

makes sense, it is rare as fuck to ahve bicycle helmet laws
but btw do you have lots of city-cyclists?
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Seat belt and helmet laws are a result of public healthcare
Helmet's especially
Cyclists in cities yeah
There aren't really bike lanes anywhere though
the greens are trying to turn helsinki into a city of bikes
no one uses cars
I might get a Switch
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Dude the greens are fucking nuts everywhere
ARMS looks so cool
It's a fighting game where you get to punch with your real fists
And also a great ass
>Austin man sues date for texting during movie
btw fin-usa 2-0 with 5 mins left
Truck attack?
It's new york, there's gotta be accidents from time to time, right?
Pretty rare actually
Sometimes cars hit each other but very rarely people
Driving in cities is super safe surprisingly
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Well, I guess we'll see what this is about

I doubt it's a truck of peace though, those USUALLY happen during some sort of event
Without the event, it's just... you know, killing and won't get as big coverage
Looks like this one was a car and not a truck
Well yeah, but it could still be a car of peace
Fox News founder got burged
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>BREAKING: thing happened 8 days ago
>Rooger Ailes’ unexpected death will likely complicate several pending lawsuits and a federal investigation into whether 21st Century Fox violated any securities laws in its handling of payments to women to resolve sexual harassment claims.
Died today
Nobody was aware he was dying
Oh I see
The twitter is jumping to car of peace assumptions already
I still think it seems odd

You're gonna come back from the slumber of that christmas party with a random car mowing down a few people, ISIS?
Gotta do bigger than that if you want anyone to give a shit
Best picture yet
Maybe it really was car of peace
One person apparently said it seemed intentional
I'm still waiting until we know something a bit more concrete here, though
People are actually nuts in the US, so you never know
Could have been anything
Suspect is captured
Didn't try to shoot anyone apparently so
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Eagle got REKT
he should have a you're welcome (phi-J version)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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PJ is really fun
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I managed to get a good nap.
I feel a lot better now.
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When you are tired enough, you can insta drop into rem with sill
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Alright, yeah, it's startin' to look like that car may have been an ambassador of peace
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Shaun King says it looks like a DUI but driving against traffic into pedestrians isn't quite consistent with that
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Shaun King also says he's black, so take what he says with a grain of salt
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
CBS says NYPD said it's not terrorism
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
13 reported injured now
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What amazes me is traffic was light enough for this to be possible in the middle of fucking NY
What a great day it had to be for something this awful to even happen
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
NYPD says it was DUI apparently
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Wait really?
I mean the image of a car impaled on top of those things doesn't seem like something that happens if you just lose control and try to stop
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
doesn't look like one to me either but NYPD has the dude and is saying he's drunk i guess
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Well, I mean that doesn't surprise me
But Utøya wasn't a drug related incident just cause he was hopped up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It really doesn't look like DUI to me
Actually are Muslims even allowed to drink?
I imagine a Jihadi would follow the most basic of the rules, if nothing else
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
They're not supposed to drink but DUI doesn't mean alcohol - just under influence of some kind of intoxicant (weed, opium, etc)
Yeah but ISIS is also violently anti- all drugs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
are they? they sell a lot of opium
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They burn down crops of weed at least
I guess maybe they're fine with opium?

It's hard to say with these people since they're both militantly religious AND an organization like any other
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Pulse nightclub shooter also drank a lot apparently
There's a rule that lets you lie about following Islam if it is in the interest of saving your own life, at least
Maybe it extends to partaking in stuff like alcohol, and maybe you can interpret it to be "in the interest of furthering Islam"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Steve Herman @W7VOA says suspect is 26 years old and has a history of DUI
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Well, that's that lmao
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
In other news Infowars is slandering Comey and making up events that never happened
Very surprise
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Maybe this guy was so drunk that he was like, "shit man... i bet i can get around traffic like this, everyone will just move"
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Like in Tokyo Drift!
sk you should watch SheriffEli on twitch
he started only streaming this week but hes great
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
5 people just struck by a vehicle in staten island new york city
3 likely to die
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Is today New York DUI day?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
1 already dead
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I swear to god my best tweets get completely ignored by my followers
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
feels really weird to see news stories popping up about something you already know everything important about thanks to twitter
We live in a world where private citizens at large can be way more informed than most journalists can keep up with, if they wanna
>scrolling on twitter
>James Comey was fired
Hey guys J-
The speed of information is amazing
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But I mean, in addition to news you have this
So uh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
lukewarm memories
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>blue and tv says there's news
>oh shit better check twitter
Roger Ailes is dead and I have not found a single positive statement about him.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah, it's kind of tasteless

I did see one positive statement
HW Bush said that he probably wouldn't have been president without Ailes
that's kind of positive
like damn
That's kind of positive but only for half the population, and even fewer nowadays
We are at the point where tasteless means little
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it was intended to be positive i'm sure
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe it's time to stop respecting women
and start respecting
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
looks like times square injury count is up to 20, 1 dead
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I've actually seen people saying Trump didn't break the law at all when giving Russia classified info, cause he can decide their classification on a whim, so nothing wrong was done
Like dudes and dudettes, Trump can move to a secure location and nuke the entire continental US, legally
Like tomorrow
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
new york times and la times reports that times square accident driver may have been intoxicated - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay after everyone already knew
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PJW hasn't even mentioned it yet I think
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah he thinks it's fake news
Which is fair enough I guess
He works for, and is, a paranoid fucking madman
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
idk if that's fair enough because it's still ridiculous but i understand why he is doing that
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I mean it's fair enough in the sense that I shouldn't expect him to do anything different
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And i mean, had this been in Sweden or Germany, I'd be with PJW saying the same thing
But that's cause we have actual known coverups there
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WEll in sweden's credit they didn't event ryt o cover up their peace run
Yeah, they tried and did cover up something several times worse instead
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>the FBI are involved in the times square thing
Alright that's not normal for a DUI is it?
The fucking FBI?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Where do you see that news? I haven;t seen anything about it yet
this one
Considering I'm following them, I think they're reliable
I wouldn't be if they'd lied to my knowledge
It is the only one saying it so far though, that I've seen
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I think it's unlikely the FBI would be involved
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The account owner probably just got bad info
It's the kind of thing that would really blow up if it was true
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
chelsea manning's twitter account is back up and tweeting
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that guy that dm'd me earlier wants to know if i like incest
Well so you
Tell him you don't have siblings
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh good idea
Keep everything vague in terms of your gender for as long as you can
Gender is a construct only for the wealthy so I'm sure Kirara can trick this guy
Are you saying imats is a POORFAG?
He certainly ain't wealthy considering his student debt
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if debt is good for a country then it's good for a citizen too!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm only 20k in debt right now though
Hats going to quintuple fat
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you mean in 5 years?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's the cops, scram!
That same account is saying the bomb squad is at times square
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
bREaKiNG nEwS!!!!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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ARMS makes me want to get a switch
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
fighto fighto

i hope it'll have deep gameplay
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i hope punching things with joycons is fun and not too much work
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I wonder when sm4sh DX will come
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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feel so tired but i gotta go to class and then an APPOINTMENT
if only i could sleep in class
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Who are you going to APPOINT?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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i'm going to APPOINT you as secretary of cawfee
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
speaking of cawfee there's a smiley face by my name on my coffee
i think the barista likes me
that's cute
is he cute
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Oh dude Manning went to prison before emoji so she's using smileys
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Wait... did she?
Now I'm unsure
Not exactly before, I guess
But while people were still using smileys
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cruz looks like Outlast 2
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Thinking the only real way to keep this one going is to say yes
What if I say "dunno, u?"
Could work
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I got annoyed at the stitches in my mouth and pulled them out
It stopped bleeding long ago, so

I mean it kinda started in a tiny way in the holes the stitches left, but that should close up fairly quick
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In a day or so
that is what i did both times
first time in 2-3 weeks
and last time in about a week
though that was only because the stiches came undone already
the doc hadn't tied them well enough
These were stuck on real way
real hard
What in nine hells?
Some creep dm'd me
oh boy seems like popping a painkiller will be good here
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Hmm I kinda want the story told in Beyond the Red MIrror to be laido ut in some other form than cover art, song format and album stuff.
what, like a book?
or a show
not a movie, though
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I think animation would be best
hit me with a link to track 1
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It sounds neat
I'm not listening to a 9 minute track right now, but I might just check this out later
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The story began in Imaginations on the otherside album
with the titular 1st song
then Bright Eyes
and ends with And the Story ends
and this album follows up from that years later.
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Assuming I actually enjoy the music as well, this'll be good
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Also it is reaaal hard to piece together
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I love those days in a weird way
since I will be constantly "man I will hit the sack the moment i am home atleast for an hour ort wo"
and then I don't do that and barely sleep
I fell asleep on the floor this morning
Before my nap
how in hell?
how little have you slept
I haven't been sleeping well since I got home from the trip
Fish has been keeping me up and then she takes naps during the day while I'm at school
well I guess that can happen
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 277x315, b0d7bec397e71c5caa9c3930cfaaf3(…).png)
Wait what the hell
This ryuujou artist is following me
Search [iqdb] (322 KB, 642x868, 1386638230937.jpg)
Say she is a bad fish and bad fish get eaten
She might like that
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GabeN will forever be the one true G
best human being in video games, bar none
What about todd
>fat people wearing exercise clothes and carrying fast food bags
one has purple hair
what about tomm hulett
I don't know who that is, but I can't imagine he's done more good for the medium than Gabe
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Should've updated his stickers
he took over team silent and made everything in the silent hill franchise that was garbage
he's a very disliked individual among SH fans
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if i'm ever able to buy a tesla i'm going to put Bush Quayle bumper stickers on it
dutchfriend put a bot that can get a random normie meme by typing .badmeme in the chat
in our discord
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 792x624, 1387930193565.jpg)
Can normies even have memes
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Fuckin Mike
try to force in "if you incist" at some point
Idk I feel pretty gross talking to this guy
"I insist you stop dming me"
Oh another "Sacred" stealth single relase from bg
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this is so freaky
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
his movements freak me out
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
reminds me of the necromorphs in dead space 1 where they had missing frames which made them look subtly jerky in their movements
I was just thinking the same thing
that is the thing why the necromorphs got under your skin
they were ugly
which is a big fault in many horror games
like take resident evil (lol horror)
their monsters as cool as they were in say 5
were too good looking
too well animated
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
we superseed boys
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
smooth animation that we want to see in a person isn't scary
we want to see it in people because it's easier to be comfortable with

why would anyone want a scary monster to be more comfortable to people
this has quite cool text animations
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
mike is in pakistan
mike who
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
see >>132789
oh that
welp time to watch gravity falls
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh TN you reminded me
This entire album makes me think of you, really.
perpetual nightmare
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
new video of erdogan casually watching his bodyguards attack american citizens
fucking king roach
hmm japanese power metal always seems to be 10-20 years in the past
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 434x434, zuizui2.png)
they grabbed some foreign vocalists for this album
I can't remember who

oh in general huh
Nah I am talking about the instruments
guitar and drums and such
that is what power metal and such sounded here in like late 90s or early 00s
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>the 90's were 20 years ago
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it hurts
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It makes me feel OLD
you even are younger than me
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you're getting old
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
which is why I shouldn't be feeling old and HERE I AM
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
have you ever sat in a room with highschoolers saying that i lost my train of thought

Hey Kirara they're making a Life is Strange sequel.
Are you excited?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Is it called Life is Stranger?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
can't wait to play that shit with /moe/
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
now i have great internet so the stream should be stable this time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
PAN didn't get to watch Life is Strange. I should get it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I won't have internet probably!
to drive the point home
here is Rhapsody from 2000
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
a v o c a d o s
Why does she sometimes swap languages?
Is she bad at english?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
because she's crazy
now that is bit fresher
also do you have the full album on you
I kinda wanna that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I can grab it and put it somewhere
ie steam
I do have it like downloaded clearly but yeah
>segio victoriano
I thought the guy sounded italian and thus threw italian rhapsody and he was...
name sounds familiar, but i doubt it is his real name
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ton gimme your opinion on this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that doesn't look natural.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
well it's a video game
but yeah compare it to Kiuas a band formed in the 00s
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
well I mean like
it doesn't look right to me that looks like a bad time
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ton gimme your onion on this
also your opinion
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That's extremely impressive.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's gonna be us
join my idol group
singing statues
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 2620x3624, 榊葉ミソギ - 最近の落描き (62917812) 1ページ.png)
...I feel like it's a lot less impressive considering that they've increased the amount of feet
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what's impressive isn't that they're hitting it
their perfect sync is impressive
their teamwork
the bond between friends shining brightly on the dance floor
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ton gimme your opinion on this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
saw that and I understand your point.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ton gimme your opinion on this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he probably shouldn't be on meth
i laughed
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I get it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
did you see >>132832
Search [iqdb] (227 KB, 1700x1600, C_8-yUwUAAEkTqs.jpg)
Yeah, I read it as she wrote it. Life sucks.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 500x800, C5w2D4AUYAAQ0P1.jpg)
as expected of blue
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 550x550, C1AmcXwUcAUFqgu.jpg)
Oh yeah, ToN
I finished leveling to 5
one of my new spells is >>>/watch?v=3ezTYZ0rQqw
Search [iqdb] (241 KB, 1068x1545, C_59_HKVoAAmAi2.jpg)
The catch-22 of our economy when you're a minority is that if you sell a part of your culture that white people aren't in on, you can make a lot of money.
But then you'll never be able to afford it again.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (971 KB, 1516x2205, 55392445_p0.jpg)
yeah but at least SOME minorities get to sell their shit to white people
some just get it all stolen
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 2461x3413, 生醤油うどん - 伊織とか小梅ちゃんとかライラさんとか (6(…).jpg)
Chances are white people are buying it from white people anyway.
That's the tragedy.
They go to the Bronx, they get a chopped cheese, they call it an amazing steal on The Gothamist.

Then the price goes from $4 to $8.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
do you want to surprise me as to what it does
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it hurts people
fear no pain
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh it's the recharge spell?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>you take an attack spell
>PAN takes the ability to make his damage dice d10 instead of d8
Is everyone just going to do a billion more damage now
should my monsters be worried
yeah I'm not complaining but you guys are going to output more damage now haha
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
to be fair all the new bard support spells suck lol
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah we're a team of endless dps
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Cag's spells give your team more deeps and she didn't even use them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and i occasionally give our team hp
that's because we are so unhinged that we come up with insane shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I was intending to have the hounds of tindalos keep spawning but the fight went long enough tbh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but the Hagunemnon fight was supposed to be an intro to using the B.A.D.A.S.S. as well as an anime as hell ending to the first arc so
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it was pretty anime
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the all-out-attack was the best
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I only have one other planned use for the B.A.D.A.S.S. at the moment and that's the last one so hopefully there comes a time to use it before then.
Because it kind of won't work anymore lol
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ton's singing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's not what I sound like nice slander
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's what you look like when you dab though
Search [iqdb] (294 KB, 1340x2048, C_w4FYYU0AI2Qas.jpg)
Why would you do that to Snoop Dogg
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 800x916, __ursula_hartmann_strike_witch(…).jpg)
gravity falls seems fun
this is what I wake up to
what a terrible day
it could be worse
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
You Know I Had To Do It To Em
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this will fix it
leopard geckos always make that face
the truth is they feel no joy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
are we any different from leopard geckos
you'd be a fool to think we were
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this discord bot is the best thing
Search [iqdb] (909 KB, 257x145, 20170518-233727.gif)
this was actually made because a glitch effect command... well, glitching out
There isn't a command for this
I really want to check out Come From Away.
Hopefully the cast stays intact for the 2018 Toronto showings.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Time to go back to the most gripping story ever.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you're finally reading umineko?
that nice dream you were having?
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 850x1348, __shigure_kantai_collection_dr(…).jpg)
Today is Shigure's birthday.
Everyone say happy birthday!
Search [iqdb] (818 KB, 976x928, Mik-cis - 死してなお色鮮やか (36902206) .jpg)
Happy birthday Koi

Now to leave this post open for a week
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How can you have a birthday if you aren't real and thus never born?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 724x859, 57762473_p0.jpg)
I already did. She doesn't get multiple happy birthdays.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
shigure is objectively real
also today is tomorrow so too late
ha haa
Search [iqdb] (505 KB, 616x1000, __shigure_kantai_collection_dr(…).png)
This isn't true for Shigure though, she has an actual birthday.
Yeah dude I dunno if this was just DUI anymore
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (503 KB, 663x1000, 51451870_p0.png)
I'm so tired. I feel like I could fall asleep on the floor again.

I can't watch that
It's not gory if that's what you're worried about
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 1076x1416, 9077832_038.jpg)
"bad fish get eaten"
man that just sounds wrong
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (217 KB, 1446x2046, 59505317_p0.jpg)
I'm not gonna say that to her, she'll like it.

If I watch a video of someone getting hit by a car, I might get triggered
Oh wait
let me make it worse
"bad fish get eaten by cats"
Search [iqdb] (286 KB, 600x816, __shibuki_ran_and_shigure_aika(…).png)
This is the sort of thing we're talking about when we say that /moe/ isn't for /pol/.
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 613x468, C_kHWizV0AA_dMi.jpg)
yeah sorry
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 486x631, Cig3Bk6VEAA6Hmf.jpg)
It's okay
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This is like, exactly not pol though
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 600x721, __shigure_kantai_collection_dr(…).jpg)
Graphic depictions of death and mayhem are not /moe/ material!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1600x875, 59661218_p0.png)
i think i'm gonna make dinner and go to bed after it
i feel like shit
idk how i would have made it through the day without a na
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 876x719, 1322206729434.jpg)
Nap nap nappity nap
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 850x727, __shigure_and_yuudachi_kantai_(…).jpg)
Have a good nap.
Search [iqdb] (981 KB, 2048x882, C-yvNYIUMAAWW5U.png)
is this /moe/ material
Search [iqdb] (455 KB, 738x1056, __shigure_kantai_collection_dr(…).png)
It seems to take a turn at the end though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 779x756, C_1kaT4UAAAej6r.jpg)
i'm not napping yet but thanks
i have to do dinner first
and hopefully not fall asleep while making it
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Sounds like love.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this is basically me IRL lately
Search [iqdb] (387 KB, 627x627, 1338863415293.png)
Have a good nap!
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This is such a ton image
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 850x850, 57907925_p4.jpg)
fine, i'm leaving!
>sweat taste
Search [iqdb] (856 KB, 468x469, 20170518-233139.gif)
Warning if you're Kurt Eichenwald don't open this image
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You were leaving anyway, don't bully.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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yeah in like an HOUR
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>Wait who is this musician person
>Black Hole Sun
wow, now this day's a lot less great
Search [iqdb] (653 KB, 728x602, 20170519-001734.png)
No idea who it is
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
is it the haley reinhart version?
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 1000x935, C_rDgbGUMAEgUI6.jpg)
I've been seeing that Chris Cornell passed away and I didn't pay it any mind
But a lot of people have been talking about it so I finally looked up who he was and now I'm sad too.
Yeah, I saw.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
He hanged himself. It's very sad.
I didn't know it was suicide.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It was only revealed about an hour ago.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (15 KB, 339x241, C_kHW86VYAAtcD4.jpg)
I heard it earlier than that

Someone on twitter was like "he finished a show and then went in the back and offed himself", and I think that was at least 2 hours ago
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Someone on Twitter may have been right but I don't think it was officially released until just recently
The way the tweet was not even trying to say that's what's happened, it's more like a joke, I just saw it and thought "Oh so that's what happened"
If it's any consolation, it makes his last performance more prolific. It's the little things
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I really like Camilla.
All these characters are good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
do you with camilla was your mommy gf
Search [iqdb] (218 KB, 1707x2048, C_ZRoYdVoAE9jdx.jpg)
>Here's 5 orbs
>Saizo 3
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I got sad things too with 20
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm asking if you want a mommy gf
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I know what you said and not particularly?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Drummer outfit // class changes battle music to SOIYA
holy fuck
are you my mummy?
ToN officially incapable of entering the anime twittosphere
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 865x1122, C9uh2XSUIAEr1c-.jpg)
The entirety of anime twitter is like an ironic ogre
Search [iqdb] (318 KB, 2138x1511, ardinassau - Cagliostro ft. Agera R.jpg)
He hasn't seen code geass, this is a well documented fact.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
congratulations on your wife's birthday
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 850x602, __haruna_and_shigure_kantai_co(…).jpg)
Yes, thank you!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 800x600, DAHLFMcUAAAKzWp.jpg)
me with the green hair
but who am i sitting with?
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 980x735, 1345641387871.png)
Not me
Search [iqdb] (46 KB, 750x415, DAE4d8WU0AArPpN.jpg)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there is a very very high reward to anyone that can discover a way to get rid of the lionfish
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 486x680, DAHiHLIVYAEgfS5.jpg)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it sure is sad
was the cause determined
i heard about it early but didn't know what
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
He hanged himself.
Voluntary whiplash
i cancelled my lyft and bus because i was scared
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
What will you do now?
probably just be scared of everything forever
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 560x650, __shigure_and_yuudachi_kantai_(…).jpg)
That's not a very good plan!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (971 KB, 1516x2205, 55392445_p0.jpg)
What were you scared of?
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 1226x1500, がねさぎ - ななおさめ - yukkurimaremare.png)
no individual thing
everything is hard being unmedicated
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I still gotta wake up tomorrow, so I guess I'll go to bed soon
Still gonna be up for a little while though
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Oh, I was at a restaurant today and the waitress had a pin on her clothes that was a picture of Haru from Free.
I almost said something, but the little devil on my shoulder appeared and said "hide your power level" and then the little angel appeared and agreed with her.
Search [iqdb] (299 KB, 1433x2023, C_zXakBVoAAzOoi.jpg)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 850x850, 57907925_p5.jpg)
Good idea. Free! is low-level weeaboo territory for normie girls.
I made the mistake of acknowledging something like that like 3 or 4 years ago and it resulted in the person showing me her Gaia OC roleplay threads.

It really bothers me how many people are celebrating Ailes' death.

So you're not going to do anything about it?
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 269x270, 20170429-153243.jpg)
>considering talking to a fujo in real at all
You should have made some elusive comment that would have left her stuck between thinking you recognized it or were just talking normal.
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 980x367, mochizuki.png)
was it an olive garden
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well i mean i cried about it
that's something
then rescheduled for tomorrow instead of today
that's about all i can do
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 850x850, __shigure_kantai_collection_po(…).jpg)
Yeah, it would have ended badly.
She had a studded choker on too.

How would you do something like that?

Search [iqdb] (510 KB, 2048x1676, C_4DFy8VYAQrcBB.jpg)
Things like that used to bother me and then...
I'd say the world changed but it didn't so I guess I did.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (377 KB, 466x658, 59152139_p0.png)
Do you think you'll do it tomorrow?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (4.2 MB, 2150x3035, 59947959_p1.jpg)
You let go of your humanity.
It's time to take some of it back.

Yeah, that's a dangerous combo.
Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 1280x720, 1383601442540.jpg)
i don't see why not
i don't think it savory to explain too much
it's a little hoggish of the thread
i just wanted to explain why i was still here and not on a bus
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 1181x1969, C_3M6puVoAEtUDK.jpg)
Nah, I don't think I let go humanity.
I've learned more about it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 500x800, C5w2D4AUYAAQ0P1.jpg)
Well, do your best.

I don't like that explanation. It's a cop-out.
Search [iqdb] (172 KB, 850x1200, DAJKgzkXYAAooa8.jpg)
It would have to depend on the situation; I can't really say anything since I don't know who you were talking with or what the actual words being said were.
Context is important for tricking people like that.
Involving the word free would probably be too blatant but tempting.
Being able to work swimming into the conversation naturally would probably be my preferred direction but I might also try and go for some English words that start off sounding like character names but swerve before they finish.
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 776x1040, C_8uUKfUIAAV8-z.jpg)
I simply don't have the desire to force respect of those I don't want to. Even in passing.
I'm not popping the corks like leftist twitter is but I certainly haven't felt bothered.
Search [iqdb] (445 KB, 720x1080, __miyamizu_mitsuha_and_shigure(…).jpg)
She wasn't even my waitress.
It would have been super awkward.
that sounds like it would just spiral awkwardly and end in confusion
just be like "hey that's a cute pin what is it" and gauge their response
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1600x875, 59661218_p0.png)
I was going to say that was a nice image but the disgusting filename ruined it for me.

You don't have to respect Ailes.
You just have to respect the sanctity of his family's mental health.
How would you feel if someone close to you died and you were met by celebration and people saying the worst thing about that person's death was that they lived too long?
I would be devastated. I think anyone that would put someone through that is extremely low. It's hard for me to see something like that and think that we're part of a civil society.
But that's not really the purpose of the dialogue as I wanted it to be.

Oh I see , I figured she was.
Can't be helped then.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (320 KB, 780x545, 48261374_p23.png)
Anyway, I'm going to bed. Goodnight.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
night buddy
it'll answer for you whether they're entry level or just throwing on things they find cute or what
if they're dodgy in their response then they're probably hiding a bit more
Search [iqdb] (157 KB, 850x850, __shigure_and_yuudachi_kantai_(…).jpg)
have a good nap!
This set is from a booru.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (2.8 MB, 2149x2889, 62474519_p0.png)
oh one last thing
actually nevermind fuck
good night kirara
Search [iqdb] (227 KB, 1700x1600, C_8-yUwUAAEkTqs.jpg)
Well, that's just one of the things. A lot of those people have little interest in pretending that society is civil.
It would be pretty bad if someone did that to a family member of mine but seeing how such things have happened to me already, like in the case of my grandfather, it's likely something that I'm not as phased on.
To tell // actually, nah, that's not important. But concerning the actual things that have been done, have been perpetuated, and all the storms I've read, I can definitely see why these people don't give a damn.

I guess it's kinda amusing that our 'civil' society is currently where it is, in part because of his legacy.
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1350x1580, C-kW8IAU0AA-Z1c.png)
my whole tl has been celebrating it
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 809x1080, C_ydZf7VwAAm9Fs.jpg)
It's been pretty crazy. Even my friends on Facebook.
Guy was like "Ailes is gone, Chaffetz is resigning, the sun is shining"
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There are... laws against this, right?
This is not public information, is it?
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It kinda sorta is?
You don't have to do too much work to get voting information but there are ways.

It's like that time when whats-his-face sent letters to people about their "voting grade"
I fail to see the "you failed to vote democrat"
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Well if it's already public, it's not that big a deal
>You don't have to do too much work to get voting information but there are ways.
what the fuck?
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wow I don't even understand what I was trying to say in that
"You can get voting information on citizens. There are steps involved but it is doable."
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I always find it funny how people are like "What if a sexual predator gets a hold of this"
Like, what exactly do they think sexual predators are?

Sexual predators aren't these weird human beings who don't gather information on their own, and instead sit like taut bowstring in their home, waiting for someone to fucking release it by giving them deets
"What if a pedophile sees this picture of your child?"
Yeah what if, dude
Do you think pedophiles from across the country or even the area will go "Oh thank GOD, I didn't know there were children left around here, and now I have this one's address and name!"
That dude could have popped by the local school on literally any weekday and he'd be able to just pick one child at random to get all that information on his own

Do they not understand how completely irrelevant the information being shared is?

well it doesn't matter poorly worded or not
that shouldn't be accessible information
secret ballots my ass
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You're right. I don't know why it's accessible either.
It just somehow happens to be for the right groups.
I don't know if it's how they voted though.
I think it might just be whether or not they did.
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That's not even about confidentiality, it's more like
It's not information there's a reason for the public to have access to, at all
This isn't a fully thought out idea, so I might go back on it in like 2 minutes, but I'm not sure any of your interactions with the government as a private citizen should be publicly available
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Seems to hold up to the mild scrutiny my brain has applied
A few holes
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It's public record.
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I'm not sure it should be
I think even whether you vote or not should be at least pseudonymous
It's none of the public's business whether any one specific person voted, just like it's none of their business WHAT they voted
The government can't really avoid knowing whether you voted because they need to confirm you're a citizen when you vote, but as long as that's not made public it's fine
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On what grounds do you think it should be private information?
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But on what grounds is it private information?
Why does your right to privacy extend to that info?
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So if someone could easily access your shopping habbits online
would that be okay?
not what you bought, but every store you visited
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What's that got to do with voting?

Either way, where a person shops isn't protected by one's right to privacy either.
If a company discloses my having shopped with them that's not something I can do anything about.
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I don't even think it's particularly easy. It's just doable.
Much like how people don't just google up for people's shopping habits and history.
You just buy it from people who are selling it.
That said, usually when such a thing happens, the information is anonymized.
Well, let me not say 'usually', but that's a case in some things.
There's nothing legally enforcing it be anonymized, is there?
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Not as far as I know.
I don't know if banks or all the other people who trade information are forced to or not.
If it is, it's likely industry specific.
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It's public record!
Who you voted for is a secret but that you voted is not protected information.

You guys are approaching this from the wrong end, though.
Your logic is that you think it should be protected because it feels bad.
But what you should be asking is why your right to privacy should extend to whether you voted or not.
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>Who you voted for is a secret but that you voted is not protected information.
Yeah, that's what I figured.
No, I think it should be protected for the same reasons who you voted for is
Because it's none of the public's business, can be used to, and will eb \\\ be used to undermine democracy
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It is.
Voting is your civic duty!

But "it's none of the public's business" is another one of those feeling statements.
What you should be asking is why would one's right to privacy extend to that? Do you have a reasonable expectation privacy when it comes to whether you voted or not?
Doesn't the fact that people can see you at the polling place on voting day undermine that expectation of privacy?
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Once we start discriminating on people based on whether they voted or not, I can answer the question easily.
But that's more of a stretch.
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Discriminate how?
You can't discriminate against people in most settings based on voting habits.
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Your voting decisions should not be public information, and that's really all there is to it
You don't see it the same way, but I do

Not a lot to really go at from there, we're approaching the whole thing from different viewpoints

Literally all of politics is a matter of opinion
That's all politics is
I feel like not voting is a valid political stance as well
i mean there's a difference between not caring enough to vote and feeling unwilling to contribute a vote for specific political reasoning
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It's not a matter of opinion.
You want to be a lawyer, you should strive to understand the underlying legal framework.
You need to understand how the expectation of privacy plays into this.
All private information is based on a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Where is the reasonable expectation of privacy when it comes to whether you voted or not.

I think that may be true, but what's important is the reasonable expectation of privacy.
It's also worth noting that the people who created our government would find the idea of not voting for any reason preposterous.
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I'm not going at it from what the law says, Rika
I'm going at it from what I think the law SHOULD say.
Not legalism

But I'm going to bed now cause I still gotta get up tomorrow to go deliver my sicknote
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Yeah, imagine not voting.
Imagine not voting for reasons.
But honestly, you can discriminate against people in lots of ways. Some of them are banned.
The ones that aren't are fair game and I don't think whether you voted or not is high on the list of things you want to discriminate against (although, it probably raised a few ranks).
So it's not a forefront issue. Which is why I call it a stretch.
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maybe there should be a null vote option
so that you still go and cast your vote
that way you voted, but you're not disloyal to your own political standard
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You can't run a government on feelings!

You can always just write in a vote for butts.
it'd be nice to have the option of not // null vote to be taken seriously i think
but yeah i think that's why a lot of people are doing that in the first place
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Discriminate how?
It's illegal to not hire/fire someone based on their voting habits. It's illegal to meaningfully discriminate against people in most ways based on their voting habits.

You can judge them, but it's a free country!
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i'm not sure how much anyone cares
but i'm going to try taking clonidine for simultaneous treatment of adhd and ptsd/anxiety
rather than the counterbalance mixture of stims and benzos i've done previously

it sounds promising and i look forwarrd // forward to it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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oh rika, in searching for things to do when I inevitably get surrounded by boredom, I grabbed final fantasy tactics (ps1)
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It's a great game.
It's so old now that the graphics are a bit hard on the eyes. But it's a great game.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there's apparently an edited version that makes the game harder and balanced?
I grabbed both because I could though.
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Political affiliation isn't a nationally protected class but I think it is in most states.
Swimming deeper though, how you vote is arguably different from whether you vote or not.
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I think the person who was discriminated against would be able to pretty easily win the lawsuit.

I'd be pretty interested to see a case of this type of discrimination though. I'd be a bit surprised if it has happened anywhere but on twitter.

Play the vanilla version first.
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i wouldn't be surprised if it lost.
Voting IS (seen as) a civic duty, after all (even if it's not).
Aside from legality, the openness of it is what's really at issue. Whether you want people to find out if you did or did not vote publicly is largely an issue of the political climate you live in.
It's like asking about jail time at an interview.
Although, that is an interesting case as that information IS public, but to curb discrimination, I think either a state or the country disallowed asking about it.
I think it was a state.
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Jail time actually matters though. Businesses don't want to hire criminals.
I don't think businesses really care3 if their employees vote or not.

I don't really think a real case of this type of discrimination exists.
unions care about that sometimes
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I'm not saying it exists right now. I'm saying that it's possible.
And in a political climate like this where people are essentially DOXXING YOUR VOTING RECORDS, it can become a thing.
That's how it starts.
Voting records becoming a concealed detail or turning into a protected class would result from a situation like this taken and turned out of control.
if you're in a labor union you get spammed with physical mail all the time about political stuff and very strongly-worded discouragement from voting for certain things
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Has it actually happened?

Fear about doxxing is kind of an internet thing, too.
Kids these days think that you have an absolute right to privacy and no one should know anything about you no matter what it is.
It doesn't work like that!
Where you live isn't protected by your right to privacy.

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doxxing affects your personal life as people start to bombard you and your loved ones with their foolishness.

Yes, because sueing and shooting thousands of people you find on the internet, or rather thousands of people who found you on the internet, is easily achieved.
Kurt Eichenwald got lucky with catching the person who sent him that strobe light gif with the intent to cause an epileptic attack.
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If someone harasses you, you sue them, shoot them, or both. Depending on what state you live in.
There are tons and tons of ways to find out where someone lives.
Wouldn't they just not hire them and claim it was on the basis of something other than their voting habits
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Blue what's an anime
i usually counter-harass and it turns out fine
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Usually you only have to shoot a few of them before they get the idea.

I mean I understand where you are coming from.
But we have to approach this from a right to privacy standpoint.
The problem isn't that the information is out there, it's not protected by a right to privacy. The problem is the harassers.
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it's not protected by a right to privacy because you don't see a reason to protect it. Let harassers give you a reason and you will see the laws change.
The laws are based on opinions of the populace. "You" was more like a general thing. Not simply you, but people at large.
There hasn't really been a reason for us to protect whether or not someone voted because no one gave a large enough fuck to go and publicly shame people and cause the populace to do the same.
Common sense and fairness are also dictated by opinion.
They are STEEPED in opinion.
Killing people wouldn't be a problem if no one thought that dying was a bad thing.
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It's not about my opinion.
It's about the law.

There's no reasonable expectation to that privacy. People can see you out in public voting.
Why would that information be protected when people can just observe it?

Laws aren't just about opinion. They're about common sense and fairness.
There would be widespread ramifications in society as a whole if your address was protected information.
How do you even enforce that?
also plate identification already knows you drove to those places and voted
they don't know if you didn't and you just mailed in a ballot though, and i'm not sure how they track that
but anything placing you at the voting places is pretty much information you volunteered to the public by going there
Can't you choose to vote by mail
The fact that people can see you in public voting shouldn't matter
>vote by mail
Isn't that a thing?
I could swear that's a thing.
I am just greentexting it because
how fucking stupid idea it is
uhh absentee ballots have been a thing for a long time
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Law has to make senese, and not have horrible ramifications.
You don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy when it comes to things that take place in public.

Mail-in ballots are a thing, yes.
Voting records and other types of information are considered public record though, and you need a compelling reason for these things to be private.
Records regarding your car, court proceedings, and many other things that people would like to keep private are also public information because these things are considered important for keeping society running properly.
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You can also mail-in ballots.
You can do a lot of things.
But really, in the case of this kind of discrimination, it's not so much about whether someone voted, but whether they didn't.
Sure people can see you at the voting ballot. I can go stand online. Get a sticker. Whatever. Doesn't mean you voted.
>A compelling reason.
Discrimination is pretty compelling.
It hasn't happened yet in any degree that I can notice.
But if it ever blows up, then there's reason to conceal.
That's what I said from the beginning. It's a STRETCH
Because it's possible to do but requires effort.
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I wonder can you even absentee vote here.
fraud would be a pretty compelling reason not to
i don't know what motivates people to discriminate based on voting that's very inappropriate
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in any national election, regional or parliament level
you have to either use the electric voting methods
or go to a booth to vote
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As far as I know, this kind of discrimination has never happened or is very uncommon, though.

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Oh, I know. I didn't even try to say that it's happening already. This is just STEP ONE IN OPENING UP THE PATH OF DISCRIMINATION:
1) Reveal people's info
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I don't think it can be a compelling reason if it has never happened, though.
I think if it does start happening, the solution is to make it a protected kinda thing.
There are legitimate reasons as to why public record is important.
that doesn't seem like a stable path
i think anyone who tries treading down that path is going to find themselves heavily ostracized
oh wait we don't have internet voting since it flopped so hard
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Oh, I agree with you. Somewhat, I guess.
In terms of keeping it private anyway, I agree.
But this has been what I'm saying. All these laws are based on our opinions of how life is and what should be done.
I understand why it's not protected yet but I feel like that might change.
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I disagree.
Law is based on framework that has to make sense, has to be rooted in the constitution, and has to not have far-reaching implications.
Right to privacy stuff is based on a framework built of case law and goes all the way back to the bill of rights.
You must have a reasonable expectation of privacy for information to be protected.
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Frameworks are based on opinions. The US Constitution was based on opinions.
All of these things reflect either how we think now or how we thought in the past.
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You can't just change it because people feel a certain way.
It has to make sense.

That's not how it works!
You totally could.
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but it is. You vote for representatives. Representives argue. They come to consensus.
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Representatives can't change anything involving right to privacy.
That's case law. That's on the judicial side.
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The judiciary interprets the law but the legislative writes it.
I don't know what it would take to turn a specific thing into a protected class other than writing it together.
The judges can go ahead and determine whether that's constitutional or not, as is their right and their function, but it starts somewhere.
Either from legislators writing it, or from someone suing based on discrimination and having it taken to the courts themselves.
No matter how you look at it, the laws, the frameworks, all that stuff is based on opinion.
When that opinion changes, new laws are made.
And when new laws are made, you can go to line 3
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Changing well-settled constitutional principles like that is judicial activism and literally doing it wrong.
Those people should be dragged into the streets and tarred and feathered, that's what the founders would have done.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>I can already marry Joker/Jakob
go ahead
full fill your dream
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speaking of courts
this legal training thing is getting really dumb
they're using two separate people's work as examples for training, and they're following completely different rule sets and there's no consistency
they answer questions that people send in, but every answer is pretty much "look at the training booklet" when it wasn't addressed in the training booklet, or it IS addressed in the training booklet but is saying the exact opposite of what you're telling us to do and i'm asking for clarification on why you're doing it a different way than the booklet
it's been like three months now i'm not getting paid worth my time while they continue training these other hooligans i'm getting really upset

okay but that's that i got that off my chest
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Rewriting constitutional law because of feelings is a greater evil than anything you could seek to stop, though.
THings must be done properly.
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That which is proper is a matter of [_______]
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That's a dangerous opinion.
The rule of law and the consistency of law is important. People must abide by the rules and the proper way of doing things even if they don't like it.

Justifying everything as a matter of opinion is how people end up killing each other in the streets.
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That wasn't an opinion...
It's an unfortunate truth.
Rule of law is important.
Consistency is important.
But those who can not trust either are more likely to disrespect both.
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It's like when Kirara and I were talking about people celebrating the death of Ailes.
I used to think that kind of thing was messed up. Now? I don't even flinch about it.
It was once a matter of principle but that's gone from my mind. I don't uphold that as "the proper thing to do".
The systems that we have are only as strong as we make them and deem to uphold them.
Whether it's "social acceptability" or "legality".
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It's important for the law to be just and to make sense.
You can't just do whatever.
That's tyranny.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
how goes the granblueing rika
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That's great and all but the law does not always make sense nor is always just.
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It should, though.
Manners of privacy are constitutional law, too.
No area is more sacred and more important to protect.
Rewriting one of the bedrocks of constitutional law on a whim would be a bad thing.

It's going okay. I'm just killing the bosses in this new event.
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But it could happen.
Rewriting the rules with your own is arguably how everything started.
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If people are re-writing the bill of rights we're in big trouble.
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Yeah but that's the thing. All these things are generally protected via process.
And the strength of that protection is the discord of opinions.
If we, of one mind, struck down an amendment, or perhaps added one whatever, and everybody agreed, the process would be easy.

Things are just not so.
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The bill of rights is not just amendments, though. It's regarded as something that should not be touched.
I don't think you'll ever see a situation where everyone decides they just don't need freedom of speech.

Saying that everything is just opinions, I think is seriously devaluing the framework that the founders have handed down to us. Everything goes back to the Constitution in one way or another.
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It's not devaluing the framework if you value opinions.
i'm sorry to interrupt the flow but what opinions
i'm not following what you're referring to
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Over-valuing opinions is an evil the founders warned us of. They called it the tyranny of the majority.
Fairness and justice are more important than how people feel.
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It's not a specific set of opinions that I'm referring to. I'm saying that all of our laws have been made based on whatever opinions the founders had.
Not even just those, but basically any other law that I can think of. I don't see how any law can come from something that isn't an opinion.
Excluding the "Laws of Physics", I guess. That's a framework for explaining how the world works.
But the "Laws of a Country" are based on the collective opinion of a society at different points in time. They are added, deleted, amended, and otherwise changed to suit the times.
Fairness and justice is based on how people feel.
They make laws based on how they feel.
The law is carried out and enforced.
sorry if i'm derailing, if so just ignore
i don't really think you can call those opinions
opinions are things of an individual
it's not really like that there were opinions of these things at the time where it's like "oh i like free speech" or "oh, i don't"
it's more the emergence at the time of something which wasn't previously accessible as a society and it's the momentum from which we've built our society since then

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Fairness and justice are based on fairness and justice!
Fairness is something that can be objectively observed. It is not an opinion.

Saying fairness is an opinion is like saying that truth is an opinion. It's a terrifying idea.

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What is fair has been defined and redefined over time!
It is completely within the scope of opinion.
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No, those are just opinions on fairness.
What is equitable can be objectively observed, just as the truth can.
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They were definitely opinions. Opinions with lots of nuance.
They are the beliefs of the individual but these individuals came together to create a system of fairer society.
BASED on those beliefs that they held.
They argued about things
Then they got together in a room, tried to make all that stuff concise and make sense, and then they spit stuff out.
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Moreover, our government is built on the idea that people have inalienable rights and that it's the government has a duty to recognize those rights.
It's not just based on opinions!
you say opinions, i say data points of the different elements of the social structure
you say argued or deliberated, i say performed data analysis
you say passed a law, i saw observed a trend

it's just the feedback input/output lag that makes it seem complicated when it's on a society scale
arent you in a crew? How are they doing in this guild wars
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I joined the first crew that invited me.
So as you might guess, they suck.
We've already flunked out of preliminaries or whatever, but it seems like we can still do the bosses so it's whatever.
I just want 150 tickets so I can get a draw ticket.
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That it is an opinion!
It's not a bad opinion but it's an opinion!
You can look at the same data as I do and come to a different opinion about what should be done about it.
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The founders would argue that it's not an opinion, it's truth.

But to understand that line of thinking, you have to understand that at the time it was understood that all authority to rule people comes from God.
Monarchies tended to follow the idea that a king's authority came from God, but the founders mixed it up a bit and said that the bundle of inalienable rights comes from God and it's government's place to recognize them.

I think it's perfectly rational that a person may have a bundle of inalienable rights, and those rights are truths rather than opinions.
yeah you and i can because we're individuals
a social structure is its own thing with its own momentum and flow. it's going to do the only thing it can do
freedom of speech was an opening
it wasn't like selecting options when ordering your car, "Hmm should we have free speech or not"
free speech was revolutionary and it was its own force
it's more the recognition that free speech is fundamental to how the country functions because it's such a meaningful thing

although it doesn't make sense causally, i try to think of things like that more as bookkeeping and a time line, like "Here are the things that have become foundations of our country", and not self-guided "here are decisions we're making about what our country should do"

yes, they're arguing and deliberating and coming to those conclusions, but they're really parsing truth out from the social momentum at play at the time
they're not just bickering about taste or preference
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And I'd argue right back because words mean things!
If I was in the room where someone wrote "We hold these truths to be self-evident", I'd tell them "Well, actually, that's an opinion", and then they'd tell me to shut up, because truth sounds much more definitive or something.
Or maybe not because I'd more likely be a slave and I'm not trying to die.
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Truth can be self-evident.
It's obvious that the sky is blue, it's not an opinion.
The same can be said about a person's right. You were given the ability to say whatever you want. Any ruler that kills you for it is a dickhead.
That's self-evident, isn't it? You can think about it objectively and arrive only to that conclusion.
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Note to self: cutting off the "All Men Are Created Equal" part in the sentence buried the joke. Good job, me.
I definitely understand the importance of the matter of what they were doing but none of these things are simply "facts".
They're informed by facts, analysis, and lived experiences, yes, but from those things, they've developed preferences. They've learned how people act when they have unbridled power, when religion dictates law and wields its own power. They wanted to move away from those trappings and decided to build a new system.
yeah but that wasn't just like an option before then
that new foundation emerged from what came before
there had to be some escalation of order and progress before things like free speech would be stable enough to be valued
like what would it even mean to have free speech in eras where you lack the foundation to use it for anything

it's kind of like with the golden age of athens, how they stopped warring and in a brief 60 years uncovered more math and science and literature than in the previous X centuries
it's not because they just decided to stop fighting and do other things instead
it's through all the warring and bloodshed that they earned those 60 years of peace and so much progress
it wasn't an option or opinion that peace is better than war
it was earning your way toward a new social status and building a foundation through that gateway
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Those rights really are self-evident, though.
All you have to do is think about it for a moment.
Anyone keeping you from doing the things that our constitution protects is being a dickhead and overthrowing them in a violent revolution is a perfectly reasonable course of action.
Our founders understood freedom in a way that no one who came before them did.
Search [iqdb] (250 KB, 700x767, ぱらがす@例大祭N20a - らくがきまとめ (628252(…).png)
And yet we still had slavery.
They understood things in a new way, yes, of course, great. I don't think this really changes that they were opinions.
That's a testament to public opinion. Not simply the system.
The system overcame another part of itself.
Yeah, it happened, but it existed in the first place. These systems aren't simply facts and truths bundled together. There are opinions bundled in it.
Had those opinions on slavery been interjected in the beginning, we wouldn't have had it, maybe.
But these things aren't truths.
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I don't really understand why people use slavery to point out that our system might be bad.
The fact that our system was able to overcome the injustice of slavery is a testament to its strength, not it's weakness.
its not it's

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It was our system that provided a framework for the system to be fixed.
That's a bad sentence.
It was our system that provided a framework for the injustice to be fixed.
wow you are still going
also the "we still had slavery" is a bit moot thing to say
it isn't that "you began slavery"
you had slavery before your system was implemented
and back then simply said, the european man in general didn't consider the "negro-race" equal human beings to them.
add to that, it was africans selling africans they didn't really see anything odd about it.
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Laying the evils of slavery at the feet of our government is completely misled.
Yes, Americans took place in slavery but the issue of slavery spanned the entire globe.
Americans didn't exactly invent the practice either, it's something that originated in Africa.

Basically colonists stumbled upon it and went "wow, this is awesome" and didn't figure out until a century or two later that it wasn't actually awesome.

Our system eventually corrected the error and recognized the inalienable rights of everyone, though.
Did USA ever buy more slaves, though?
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>the european man in general didn't consider the "negro-race" equal human beings to them
Welcome to the conversation.
My point is that Opinions guide the constructionc and creation of law.
This satisfies my belief.
I'm not saying they invented it. I'm saying that they took it on despite all their talk of freedom.
Or rather, since we're going more for a chronological look, they were either willing to look past it or too shortsighted to see how it conflicted with what they were saying.
TN's nice interjection up there is perfect because it goes as far to add to how these systems function. If a different race isn't considered equal, then those inalienable rights don't extend to them.
Words mean things. Law is up to the interpretation of the people who take care of it.
Also the whole african slave trade was a loophole
europe had already banned slavery, but due to them being non-crhistians and sold by non-christians
it just slipped past
and the slaves being shipped to the colonies, the moral authorities of europe didn't either give a fuck
or even know about it
Another Anonymous
This is taking way longer than expected
Well yeah
If the situation wasthat an african colony of mostly blacks who had white slaves revolted against their colonial master
they'd keep the white slaves as slaves
and still possibly under similiar circumstances end up with similiar "all men are equal" as USA constitution
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In the end the system and the rule of law prevailed, though.
Freedom won out in the end.
the social climate guides opinions
truths being self-evident doesn't mean that "this is obvious if you think about it"
it's a historic recognition of a truth surfacing from the encryption of social function and exposing itself as a force of the society
your opinions -> law transition is cutting off like half of the thing
is a snake's head pulling its body forward or is its tail pushing it forward
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Say a new nation suddenly spawns and peta has just recently forced its opinion on europe that all animals are equal to humans
but this nation is far away from europe that they can't force those rules there well enough
and enough people, especially in powerful postions
have pets and like to eat meat
despite agreeing with the moral value of peta's stuff, they still don't make a clause in their forming constitution about total animal freedom.

well tired brain kinda went off rails there
and some can go
>wow you compare enslaved blacks to animals
the point here is the opinion and especially who are the ones making the laws
I dunno if many of the people writing the constitution had slaves, but I can bet they knew many richer dudes with slaves
who weren't maybe going to go with the whole "revolt" idea if that made them POORER
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Only after people decided to separate from the country.
Only after a war.
"Freedom" for black people came about because the opinion of the people was that rights extended to them as well AND because they won the fight.
Not merely "the system working as intended".
I know.
But that's aside from the point.
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You do know that not every blackman was a slave in the states even on its conception...
slaves were slaves, just happened that about every slave was black
due to aforementioned "christians can't be slaves" that has been in place in europe for 1000 or so years already
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Slavery still exists in many parts of the world and has been a practice in those places since antiquity.
The fact that the western world was able to break free of the practice in less than two centuries is a testament to the strength of enlightenment ideals, and a strong indication that these ideals are an observation of the truth, rather than mere opinions.

The Civil War was a lot more complex than just being about slavery. Slavery was a tertiary issue, but the Civil War was mostly about the economy.
The federal system did fix the issue of slavery through a constitutional amendment, though. It's how the system was intended to work.
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So if black men were free
and had the same rights as the whites
that makes your "freedom for blacks" moot
it was freedom for slaves
the slaves just happened to be africans
say asia was close than africa to US
and they had had a slave market
then all the slaves would've been asian

the whole slave trade to the colonies was formed around the few loop holes that pope and other christian moral authorities hadn't thought of
and didn't care enough

and just happend to be that africans were in trade of capturing other africans to sell to the highest bidder as slaves
and when the colonial powers realised "hey we can make a profit out of this"
the logical process followed

But say in africa there lived a random race of pink people
who were instead the target of enslavement by the traders
then it would be pink slaves in usa
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It's not moot at all.
It's optics.
That we broke away from slavery has nothing to do with whether it's truth or opinion but rather how much they were willing to stand by what they believed in.
That's only because people wanted it gone.
Like... I don't know how to explain this better.
I'm not even arguing that the system is "broken". Just that it was based on opinions.
They lived a life, they saw injustices, they came together to figure out how to solve them, and we gained America.
There are agreeable and disagreeable things.
But that's how it came to be.
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the system did work as intended
The USA gov banned slavery
the southern states did what they have the right to do, and chose to secceed from the union and form their own country
and USA chose the foreing policy action of
"the fuck you will"
I mean, technically say Scotland votes to be independent
the UK can go
"the fuck you will" and invade
however due to it being anno domini 2017
that isn't really acceptable
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That slavery is immoral is a truth, wouldn't you agree?
Finland left Russia by saying "hey we leaving, you cool with that"
and they went "yes"
but when say Estonia did the same a bit later when Russia was in a stronger position
they went
and war happened
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what happened to the children of slaves
were they slaves from birth?
and could a slave buy themself free?
and could legally say a whiteman sell himself to slavery?
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Oh see but this is another layer.
It is a truth.
but morality is based on a standard.
When it was still a part of this country and up for debate, it was disagreed on.
People found it to be moral, just, and allowed by God.
That was enough for most.
Whether something is immoral or not can change with the times.
You know, like opinions.
Children of slaves would regularly be considered property of the owner of the parents.
As such it wouldn't not be uncommon for child slaves to be sold off at young ages if the owner had no need for the slave.
I don't remember specifics, but owners could offer slaves the chance to buy themselves free. But this was usually done in a way that there was no practical manner of the slave ever saving up the amount needed to buy their own freedome.
Freedom, even. And even if they did, they would still be entering a culture that wouldn't regard them as anything more than a slave.
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real picky on the "equality for all" indeed
I mean you can't say europe was much better, but the continent hadn't seen slavery since the muslim were driven out.
if you don't count serfs in russia htat is
Africans aren't people
Unless they're albino
what part of "christianity banned slaves and it was only allowed due to a loop hole"
I just for the love of it remember how it was or went
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh god this is still happening?

Blind was casually racist again
She's a white girl; I'm pretty sure it's a natural facet of their biology.
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a lot of opinions around slavery changed due to things like economic pressure and geopolitical struggles with the mechanization of europe and the south just using low cost labor
it was a logistical detriment to the united states because there was disunity and the north was being held back by the south, who would rather work with europe

so yeah, there were opinions and there was a change that corroborated with those opinions
but ultimately the social function is what carves out those opinions in the first place
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It's a truth as much as the inalienable rights of man is a truth!
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i'd apologize but I don't really feel sorry.
I can agree with that.

I just feel like people treat the word opinion as something that is necessarily frivolous(?)
Yes, frivolous.
Opinions can be just as important as anything else.
That slavery is immoral is a truth but that can change.
Because morality is a standard of opinions.
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those aren't truths per se
just agreed rights
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wow that's a blue reimu
those are rare
try find a green reimu
or a yellow
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that is because of the social attitude, which too is just an opinion, but wording matters here, currently treats it
blame the internet and
"in my opinion"
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They are self-evident truths.
slavery is immoral = true
yes and no
it can be the less immoral thing to do
but it still is immoral
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i mean, yeah, but at the same time you're saying how the laws are based on opinions in a way that suggests that they're prone to flaw or subjectivity
and yeah opinions are important but that's because they're connected to so many things
it's polling the elements of an entire society through the things that influence its functionality
as long as opinions aren't able to be suppressed, then it's not subjective in its legislation, because the legislators are representative

and the inability to suppress those things is why we have that freedom of speech, and why these things are self-evident
through that foundation of freedom of speech, we have a system that functions in this way as a means of mining truth from social function
and so we're doing that
i don't think you can discount the laws as being just based off of opinion when the opinions are indicative of social function as a whole
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Flaws are a human trait and humans make things in their own image. Systems are no different. Laws are no different.
Often it's because such things were overlooked initially. My point from the beginning was that a change in public opinion can lead to the creation of a new law.
Or perhaps removal of one. Either or, it's the same.
An informed opinion comes from consuming information. Whether it's data, a lived experience, anecdotes from your community, opinions are created and liable to change.
Our laws seek to both create justice and maintain society without //with a level of consistency.
Justice is dealt by the law but the law is formed from opinion and those opinions are formed through the consumption of information gained by living life.
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public opinion changes social attitude which becomes an unwritten law which eventually at some point becomes a law
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I mean, if the law and its interpretation were merely facts that one could "solve", then we wouldn't need nine justices.
Yes, resolve.
not solve, resolve
and the clarity of resolution requires a lot of time and interaction
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Well at the end of the day, upsetting privacy law entirely just because people from the internet are sending you pizza for not voting for Hillary is a bad idea!
how is sending someone pizza harassment
i sent imats a pizza it was supposed to be a gift not a harass
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I dunno, I guess they don't pay it for you when they send it to you?
oh that makes sense
i always wondered about that
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Maybe, but if systematic discrimination and oppression based on whether you voted or not became a thing, it would be something to take seriously.
Usually this also involves sending pizza in bulk.
Like not just five or six but more like thirty or forty.
Where are you going to put thirty pizza, even if you're not paying for them.
Where are you going to put your question mark, even if you're going to ask a question.
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Wait, they actually pay for the pizzas?
If someone send me 40 pizzas I'd take half those suckers to work and stick the other half in the freezer.

I think that's a road we have to cross when we get there. If we get there.
I don't think people will ever discriminate over something like that.
Probably not.
But I feel for a lot of people, I feel getting a massive bulk of pizzas is by itself a pain to deal with.
One of those feels should probably be a think.
Like that part of the event alone is annoying.
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I think they would.
I don't think it'd be very opaque.
But if it were possible, and easier to do, I can see people doing it.
Sure. Why not?
I hope everyone enjoyed this wonderful game of semantics.
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why don't we take what we've learned from this two hour discussion and apply it to that hypothetical situation then and see
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you know how i feel about information
i'm happy to talk about information all day
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What kind of person would discriminate based on that?
What would the motivation be fore wide scale discrimination?
>Everyone did NOT enjoy this wonderful game of semantics.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It's good to be passionate about things I suppose.
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Same. I have a love and hate relationship with language and words.
wide scale discrimination isn't so much a point but rather the effect.
The kind of people who'd do it are probably really angry about voter turnout.
I don't agree with it at all. I simply don't put it past someone to do.
And if that information was easier to access (just because things are public doesn't mean it's simple), it becomes both more likely and easier to do.
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I had a very important question about granblue.

Why is it that when I use bait chunks, that are meat, a robot lion shows up?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Are you worried about the robot part?
Don't worry about it, I'm sure giant bee women and plant girls that urinate all over your party aren't attracted to meat either.
And yet there they were.
Everyone did not indeed enjoy it but some people did.
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I think it's just a hypothetical and not likely at all.

Trying to punish people who aren't voting but you think might vote for your side by discriminating them is an irrational behavior.
It would only turn them against you.

I know the idea that people are irrational is a meme a lot of people try to push as a whole, but generally speaking large groups of people behave in a rational way.
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voting data, be it who you votef or did you vote or not
shouldm't be data that is accessable
more over it shouldm't even be stored after it has been counted
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It is a hypothetical.
Let's take this Throwback Thursday to two and a half hours ago
>that's more of a stretch
Why not?
this becomees an issue of values
eu or eout
are you familiar with the concept of protection in openness
there's a person that i knew who was doing a lot of stuff people didn't like in the kind of environment where doing so is likely to get you doxxed and possibly bad things
but that individual doxxed himself and laid everything on the table, and nobody could really operate with subterfuge at that point because everyone was watching that person
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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don't you wish you could be this cute
Koi your jets
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>select all clothing
>it's a picture of a clothing store with clothing in every single panel
>it tells me i'm wrong when I select every panel

You shouldn't make laws based on hypotheticals that have never happened!
reverse it
why should it be?
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I don't think I said we should do it yet.
That was more sk's position.
My confusion was initially on whether it said who you voted for or if it was just the fact that you voted and you clarified that it was the latter.
I am not familiar with the concept that much.
It sounds like it's in the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" territory though.
But all data can potentially become an issue of values.
Why is this one any way particularly special?

Because it is data derived from a public organization and therefore has a responsibility to the public of transparency.
i got one that was SELECT ALL THE TREES just a few minutes ago
and there was one that was like a shot of the amazon river from overhead which had a whole bunch of trees
yea but raw data is just numbers
person in age group x sex m in region d voted
that is data that is useful and dpesnt compromise anythinh if it leaks
but data as jack namefavw never votes
is data that can have consequences if it leaks
and serves no purpose to keep
oh no, not like that at all
he had a lot to hide
but there's just ways that sometimes things being available t // to know makes it resilient
i don't mean like government spying and stuff, but a different kind of thing
just that it kind of changes things
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh rika, did you pick a weapon for the token draw already?
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I can see situations where finding out whether someone voted can be useful. Like in cases of fraud
But like I said, that it is even considered dangerous data is completely due to political climate.
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Yeah, the sword.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
dagger would've been your best bet, it's super useful if you can get 4 of them.
Top tier weapon really.

Eventually you pick them based on a character you want basically, but the dagger is super useful as a weapon.
Harp was good for some elements but dark now has Kirin's Harp so
when you get stronger and can empty these boxes with the amount of tokens you get, definitely shoot for the dagger.
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I haven't drawn anything
I've drawn a bunch of crap and not seen the sword anyway, so it's fine.
i think in most european cpuntries that kind of data ain't kept
vote secrecy and all dat
is it less dangerous if it was private data that got leaked
because that can and will happen if it became valuable
if it's public, it's not particularly valuable and there's open readiness on how to handle things like harassment based on it
even if we don't know how to handle it, there's a readiness that "oh yeah, this could happen"
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I don't think it's more or less dangerous because it is public or private, but the desire for people to leak it would probably increase if it were private.
Oh, that's what you were getting at with the openness thing?
Like with that uh...
shit, what was it
Streisand effect?
Yeah that.
Anyway, it's not so much whether it gets out or not, but what people feel like doing with it.
We gotta update our democracy, man. These patches take time.
what you vote or dont is private data
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It's a very nice thing to have, really.
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i'd say it's not dissimilar to the streissand effect, but that's more like one really arcane and fringe manifestation of a larger thing
privacy is really important so i think it's also really important to lay some groundwork for what's // what privacies are actually able to be protected
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That stuff being public record is really minor.
People are much too paranoid about privacy these days.
I guess it's all just a part of the breakdown of society.
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Everything's minor until it becomes a problem.
>we broke 1900
oh shit
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 600x821, scary_video_games_by_vashperad(…).jpg)
i was gonna buy like $400 worth of etherium back in april but had some unexpected costs
my luck ain't havin it
that woulda doubled by now
i knew this wave was coming too because it's been a hot topic for japan for the last few months
Search [iqdb] (628 KB, 800x1066, るう2 - わんどろまとめ28 (62745568) 5ページ.png)
Yeah, I can't remember why I didn't buy Ethereum when I wanted to.
OH now I remember, because the only place I knew that sold it at that moment was Coinbase and I don't like keeping things on CB at all.
well you don't keep them there dummy you move them
i don't know how to feel about etherium though
most importantly what the fuck do you say
one etherium? two etheriums? etheria? it's not a lexically pleasing monetary term
Search [iqdb] (245 KB, 708x992, 忍忍 - 古明地姉妹 (62825327) .jpg)
Yeah, I know. It wasn't a good reason.
I think it's just Etherium in plural
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 1281x1500, 則天君@例大祭た35a - 恋しちゃん♪ (62748843) .png)
You know, I don't even think we have a universal method of bitcoin either.
Plural for bitcoin is bitcoins but I sometimes just say bitcoin.
I feel like I use both.
Like the words used are different.
i think it depends on if you're talking about the currency itself or a specific amount
like bitcoins in casual speak
or 3.5 bitcoin
as a unit amount
Search [iqdb] (409 KB, 1871x2048, C8vxjHrUMAAMeKZ.jpg)
Yeah, that's exactly what played in my head.
>How many bitcoins do you have.
>Ah, I've got like six bitcoin left.
pretty sad i haven't gotten to save up any money at all this last eight months like i was planning
i really would like to be investing
Search [iqdb] (3.4 MB, 294x288, 1457781599242.gif)
Is that an image of a cute girl dancing on top of an mc
So is Selena or so the best girl in this fire Emblem because I'm getting good vibes
I just fed Selena to someone the other day.
Black Selena III
i have like three or more of her so that's not surprising
Search [iqdb] (508 KB, 800x928, ぱらがす@例大祭N20a - らくがきまとめ (628252(…).png)
>I beat someone in defense
aw shit yeah
And I'm still snug in the middle of moving up the next rank.
I wonder when it becomes purely p2w people
is frobin any good
i 4*'ed her i'm thinking about 5*'ing and putting gronnblade on that cute ass
next to sanaki with cymbeline and rally attack
Search [iqdb] (463 KB, 800x886, ぱらがす@例大祭N20a - らくがきまとめ (628252(…).png)
I don't really use FRobin.
I HAVE used her for orbs during that Grand Hero battle event but beyond that, eh..
She's not bad though.
but she's so adorable
the downside is making her good requires a shit ton of SP
or no sanaki's got harsh command that's right
that's even better
but have someone else with rally attack
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 900x675, DAJgVbYUIAA3SKt.jpg)
thanks twitter
that looks a bit like eva font
blue look at this fuckin
the first one
holy shit
Yeah, that's the parody
Oh it is to
I don't get the brain meme.
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 608x850, DAHk2dMUAAEO57Y.jpg)
>Small brain: I don't get the brain meme
>Normal brain: This meme sucks
>Exploding brain: This meme is a sandwich
>Cosmic Brain: I don't get the sandwich meme
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 540x873, IMG_20170518_012900.jpg)
It's just relating certain things to enlightenment or intelligence.
ie: using subs vs dubs
yeah I think I read something about how different grades of enlightenment had people considering their choice as the best.
the issue is that every one ends up being more meta/silly/out of the box.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 603x1115, IMG_20170518_012142.jpg)
The meme I don't understand is the xray of the guys face who has a bullet coming towards him.
>everyone ends up being more meta/silly
I thought that was the joke
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1600x1250, cc9.jpg)
this one
I might have autism..
first I've seen it
I've seen it on Twitter as far I know
I'm not sure what it's trying to convey
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, Joseph_knife.png)
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 800x672, IMG_20170517_230753.jpg)
oh well, I can research stupid image macros later
Three and a half hours to go
Not before this though

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