Thread #132192
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the passion of the bang 2017/05/18 (木) 06:49 No. 132197
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are you saying she will suffer?
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okay let's see sagrada reset machiavellianism sakura wars shuumatsu zesty saekano?
And Shuumatsu as leftovers.
Oh and Zestiria.
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let sdo like 3 or 4 shows tonight 3 new ones maybe shuumatsu or shuumatsu macihesvieamfgimisnm sakura quest
>>132205 It'll just be you and I for Saekano; I'm 95% certain Jan is caught up himself.
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Oh, I see. That's best done a dead day. okay Bang what do you have today?
Today -is- the dead day.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/18 (木) 06:54 No. 132217
hey ika did you go see the hanabi
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i didnt even know there was wouldnt it be on monday
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/18 (木) 06:55 No. 132220
shrug i was just east of the bridge and they had a light show and fireworks what a nice day
the passion of the bang 2017/05/18 (木) 06:55 No. 132222
>>132214 I'm behind on everything because I work too much Unless there was a new eromanga but i think one just came out, right
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okay shuumatsu>>132216 there are three new shows today dead days are monday/tuesday ika wake up>>132234 shuumatsu sagrada machiavellianism sakura wars we're starting with shuumatsu are you ready? okay let's start
Sakura Quest and Sagrada came out earlier than I remembered. Either way the new episode comes out for tomorrow or Friday's shows and that'll put us three episodes behind.
ok so what shows are we watching ok ho go
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/18 (木) 07:04 No. 132237
let's go on a date-o
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What a tsundere old man.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/18 (木) 07:06 No. 132246
>>132241 let's go to jail?
Giant talking skulls just aren't as menacing as they used to be.
Those magical swords are pretty much just glorified baseball bats.
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I guess she's trying to live now. She seems pretty crazy this episode.
She's trying to live a bit too hard.
The bleeding effect is pretty well done I think.
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I wonder if this girl can sort her shit out.
I think she'll get one last hurrah. Or maybe two.We've already seen how it ends after all.
shes crazy
What kind of nags me is they've got that really good English-singing vocalist. The one that did the Scarborough Fair rendition and the PV insert song. But that's all they've used her for in this show so far. It's a total waste of a lovely voice.
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okay Do you guys want sagrada or machiavellianism next?
lets reset
Resetto Risotto
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sagrada we're all orange let's start!
A Sagrada risotto totally sounds like it could be a dish.
im still mad they killed the only non robot in the show
I'm still convinced we haven't seen the last of her.
And I 'm not talking about flashbacks.
One of the most comforting things about this show is that the novel series is complete, and probably adaptable within the two-cours it has allotted. So even if a bunch of it is boring, we should get proper closure by the time the series wraps up. Hopefully.
Okaeri Ughfds
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Yeah. It's a stupid name.
These people go around referencing each other by their full names. It feels pretty unrealistic.
Oh they're not even hiding that it's Beatrice. I mean the vocal pitch is decently changed but it's still similar enough I guess.
Hah hah hah. Robot-chan is clever. Wow what a bitch.
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Yeah, that girl is mean.
Huh, I wonder if she can- Yeah it looks like she has some kind of mental suggestion powers. Probably has something to do with those contacts.
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Looks like she can't perform!
I bet she doesn't really take away powers. Just brainwashes people into thinking they can't do their powers. And it's got something to do with her eyes, which is why that other girl can't fix it just by groping Robot-chan.
Hah hah hah. This is why this show is pretty fun to me.
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He should just beat her up.
>Avoiding responsibility is a weakness Well fucking RIP.
Oh she can steal abilities. Shocking twist.
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i like the idea of the show and stuff but its so boring acutally
It's fun if you put effort into it. Shows like this that present a mystery or mystery elements are fun to play against and try to get to what they're hiding before they reveal it.
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okay time for something that is a little more fun machiavellianism ready ika? okay i cant wait any longe i need to go blow my nose ika can inform us when he's ready
wouldnt be surprised if this show was one of the worst selling
wheres floop
>>132332 Either way it's gonna get a complete adaptation, probably. david productions has so much JoJo money flowing through they they can probably afford a bit of a financial sink. Still here.
brb like 3 minutes then we wtach masochiunmisemnisum and quest
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3 whole ika minutes
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okay let's start well lets be orange that is tfw you wait forever on ika and then then you're done waiting he makes you wait some more okay everyone is orange let's start
I had time to watch like 60% of the previous episode while waiting on Squid.
She really likes being naked huh.
shes coocoo for cocopuffs
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I like the green girl.
i like her second best of the 6
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I hope he conquers her soon! She seems more like a boss character though.
Probably this episode.
The kouhai have it rough.
theyre getting drunk off non-alcoholic drinks
I mean non-alcoholic wine usually has some super-minor alcoholic amount to it. But barley tea is as straight as it gets.
Onigawara is pretty cute. She shouldn't have to wear the mask.
What a shameless woman.
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That blonde girl seemed like a bitch but she's actually pretty nice.
I feel they could do with toning her dragged vowels down a little bit. It's a good character effect but it's way over done.
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>>132364 I like the overdone fashion.
I'm a bit stuck on the thought of anyone trying to dub her drawl. It's one of those things that would inevitably be absolutely horrible.
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I think the best way to do it would just to use questioning inflection on every sentence.
She's kind of fixated.
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It's impressive that he could pull his clothes off in a single tug.
Oh man that's going to leave a bruise on the bare flesh.
i dont get it why was she spazzing out with his clothes on
Oh she opened her eyes. i -I guess that makes her an albino.
He's still baring all down there for her.
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Now that we've seen her episode I think it's safe to say that green is best girl.
It's still a toss-up between her and Onigawara for me. Design-wise she wins out but I can't say I entirely like the way she talks.
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I like long black and green
But what if the Empress is a trap?
i think she was pretending to be a boy int he past when she met mc
But are you certain?
20 bucks
Wow, what confidence.
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Yeah, Ika is right on this one. okay sakura quest okay let's start
Either way that doesn't really answer the question. Saying something is currently X doesn't answer a question of if it were Y.
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wait waitiwait i deleted sakura quest instead of busou
Do you not have a Recycling Bin you absolute imbecile.>>132396 What, do you have a problem with the Recycling Bin too?
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nice>>132395 >using the recycle bin
my torrent thing deletes it instantly no recycle bin eta 1 minute
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>>132395 Yeah, I always use shift+delete. Using the recycling bin creates more work for you.
Yet it's a convenient way of avoiding being an absolute idiot.
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Just don't delete stuff you don't mean to delete.
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I usually delete my shows after watching them but sometimes i click the wrong one
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okok>>132400 jikan da t i l d e im like half sure he left because of recycling bins yeah mighty as well he left without saying anything
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sakura quest half my life has been spent waiting on canadians that couldn't be, that would be a silly reason to take off no point in being orange forever though we'll orange again if he shows back up. There have been so many delays tonight though I may just stop here.