>>114727 Your claim is that you can't believe an alchemist who says she's the cutest girl, so why should I believe a psychologist who says he's an idol?
It was pretty wild. He was saying some kinda lewd stuff in a channel we were in so I said "I had no idea X was so lewd!" and then he randomly sent me that picture. He even had his hand over his eyes like most Japanese sluts.
I've been on /a/ for so long it is a routine. There is fun every so often but it makes for a nice information gathering source too. New manga, releases, seiyuu and light novels, etc.
>>114785 Yeah there's still a lot of valuable information to collect from /a/. I've never really participated in most of the /a/ culture but I value the information it delivers.
>>114803 I'm just saying that my stomach doesn't feel good. Who knows what the ultimate result will be. There are lots of routes that a tummy ache can go down.
Take a juuuuge
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
don let me down, down, down i need ya i need ya right now I need you right now!
bang and the life
>>114806 what if it's love did you find a strapping young man to whisk you away or a mature eccentric man of admirable stature and poise
*suika tries to bite into the spagetti but misses* suika NO! how you are making such a mess... all over the table even! reimu was angry she working so hard all day and make these dish every touhou have her food right but suika have a fork back words and make a spill "Suika, have you no manners?" *suika feels slightly embarrass, but try again to put a spaghet into the mouth*
it become so messy! suika spill a meat ball flat to the floor where chen ran up and eat it under the table but the meat ball sauce still there, also on reimu-chan's purple table clothes a strand of spaghet hang on the wall behind suika, reimu-chan's vein pulsing at fore head
>>114822 im glad you like it do you want me to continue >>114824 fast bees dot net
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm hot just like an oveeeen i need some loviiiin
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i don't want my bees fast i want them in like five years in five years i'll be ready
fiveyearbees dot net
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm ready
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i think enemies shouldn't pop out of the ground in BotW gets old after a while i like it when they're chilling in the environment and you can sneak by
It's just Stalfos and variations and Chuchus, isn't it?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
pretty much and that clan
Do "they" appear from the ground? I've only encountered their disguised forms.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
technically no, but it's the same deal
Mm, I guess it's just not as much a bother to me. The Stalfos are assemblies of bones anyway, and Chuchus are weird balls of slimes. I feel it would be as just to complain about Keese randomly spawning in the air and coming careening at you.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i should just ignore 'em i don't know why i even bother killing them
I have a childish morbid satisfaction with eliminating every vile monster that crosses my path, even if I know they just facets of an infinitely respawning mob army. But yeah aside from the one with bows they're pretty easy to kite and make eat your dust.
On a tangential note, the AI for aiming in Breath of the Wild can be -ridiculously- good. Like some monsters can both aim in ridiculously high parabolas and some times even predict movement. It's actually a detail that's really impressed me times.
>>114839 Octoroks are definitely the main offenders here, but I think I've encountered other enemy types that have left me flabbergasted with their accuracy.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
you mean how octoroks lead their shots they really got my goat when i was first playing
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
some of the mobs throw some mean rocks too
Yeah definitely. It's an aspect of the game that has caught me off guard. I'm used to games with subsonic weapons having AI with those weapons be largely irrelevant.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i started a new game with the dual audio
i might do a naked run, idk?
I was doing a shirtless run for the longest time. It started with me ducking around in the Great Plateau seeing how far I could take it. Then I got to Kakariko with Paya being all abashed and the humor stuck.
Though eventually I found the tunic that enhances climbing speed and that was too tantalizing to keep in storage.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
ah, true yeah i'd miss that pretty hard if i did a naked run it'd be pretty minimalist i guess
Thankfully the climber's gear still lets me keep my image of Link being a pirate. Them bare arms, man.
Though I still need to find the climber's gear pants.
>>114846 hint i think they're close to each other? i forget
The Climber's Bandanna and Tunic were pretty far apart. Granted maybe that pattern breaks for the Tunic and Pants but that would be WEIRD. It would bother my pattern autism. I'm also trying to rationalize not having to go back to where I found the Tunic because I'm waaaaaaaay away from that part of the map right now.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i think i was wrong or, right in only the vaguest sense
>the raccoon is a medium sized mammal What kind of sentence is that, wikipedia What the fuck is medium about a raccoon?
Well a small-sized would probably be rodents and whatever rabbits are again.
It's medium if WE'RE large sized mammals, and we're not by any measurement
I would say, aside from a few statistical outliers, we are large mammals.
And by that I mean there are very few extremely large mammals in comparison to a relative scale of every other mammal on the planet. And so they can be considered statistical outliers when comparing the size of all mammals.
I really do wonder how the japari buns are made and distributed
>>114854 i assume logarithmically a good estimate would be how much water they need to survive very small mammals for instance source 94% of their water from their own body source because of their metabolism vs body volume so they can get by drinking nothing at all for a long time
Oh the situation is far, far more nuanced than that, my friend.
See THAT'S why you're single right there
Yes that's another facet of the problem. There just isn't one single thing going on here y'know.
See there's one more right there
If you want to run through all the aspects we're gonna be here a long time. Surely you don't have anything better to do.
I'd be willing to read the post if you're able to concisely sum it up
Me? I said you'd be the one running through them all.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
heh trying to do speedrunner strats on the Great Plateau and mostly failing
I couldn't figure out how to shield surf for the longest time. There isn't really any part of the early tutorial that runs through the method for initiating it. I only learned recently because of a loading tooltip.
>>114876 I can only learn reliably from provided information. Leaving the player -Leaving it up to the player and button-mashing guesswork is by no means reliable.
"i dont know" they all rang in my ears the path of caring too much reared its ugly fangs and prepared to sap me of my misery one sullen pulse at a time
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
no clothes no towers no hearts stamina only hyrule castle
"SUIKA!" reimu yelled, face red and vein throbbing "Go to your room and think about what you've done!"
seiku had already felt embarrassed by her inactions thus far now being scolded by the one she respected the most, she broke into tears the tears dribbled down her cheek and the slobber of marinara sauce that rest on her cheek, unnoticed she would never forgive reimu for this
There is an Okuu to your left, cawing like a hungry pigeon Below your feet, a Chen rubs your ankles hoping for more scraps Across the table, Reimu glares at you angrily What do you do?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
[x] touch
Fluffy tail
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
dammit do you gotta spell everything out i am comfy here in the closet
fuck man this fucking ASMR girl gets me every time
She still pops up in my recommendations pretty regularly. Despite that being the only ASMR video I've watched in a long time. I deliberately ignore it but it keeps coming.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
https://www.instagram.com/sharondd/ god fucking dammit
>>114896 I like the earlier stuff more than the recent things. Burnished skin isn't really my thang.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
jesus christ she's been doing this for 4+ years so it's not just an overnight thing >>114899 yeah she goes nuts with the makeup
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
wait nevermind there's just a recent comment ARGH whatever damn brain stop it
nyaa.eu is dead
confirmed forever
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
we need a distributed anime blockchain
maybe instead of mining, it's just a DHT where torrents that are active tend to be perpetuated more uhh hmm.
In a funny turn of events, CrunchyRoll killing fansubbing has actually provided a boon because of this. Sure Nyaa is dead, but the fact that pretty much every weekly show can be ripped by HorribleSubs, means that pretty much everything can be obtained from their site anyway.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>114907 seems perilous if crunchy goes everything goes with it
I struggle to see a world where that could happen in any relatively short time frame. CrunchyRoll has done a very, very good job firmly embedding themselves in the anime distribution industry. Not to mention, there are emerging competitors to CrunchyRoll, namely Amazon. Which doesn't really matter since HorribleSubs rips from them too, hah hah hah.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>On March 30, 2017, Crunchyroll began to distribute anime through Steam. wtf
Yeah I remember there was a silly "ANIME WEEKEND" sale on Steam for that event.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
well that's good if there's amazon and netflix i guess DRM is a joke so we'll get by
Netflix seems to be trying to work their Netflix Original™ magic on the anime industry but it's not really taking. Or maybe we just need a bit more time for the seed to sprout.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
japanese animation has got dat FEEL you know if westerners want to emulate it, throw fuckin AlphaGo and Watson learn the movement
No I mean they're trying to take their financing philosophy behind their original works and apply it to native Japanese anime projects.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh they're funding japanese studios? coolio
Well trying. Like I said I don't know how well it's going over. I do know they're working with Masaaki Yuasa's personal studio to produce a Devilman series or movie. But I can't remember any other projects.
Distributing anime through steam isn't a bad idea, but they still need to figure out a good way to get people to buy it when you can find it just laying around all ove r the internet.
I think sufficient people use CrunchyRoll's services legally. It's also really cheap--far cheaper than the mainstream legal way of "supporting" anime by buying BDs.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
apparently crunchyroll has a million subscribers crazy
What's more important is getting the subscriber and consumer data of fields like this relevant in the eyes of the Japanese corporate bureaucracy. The industry over there is still stuck in the philosophy that selling BDs is the only margin of success for a series. The fact that there is a non-inconsiderate profit in digital providing is still dismissed almost entirely by the people determining anime financial success.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>114930 now I want to make like a VR visualizer where you like wade around the internet and there are just boxes of anime lying around everywhere on top of everything
>>114936 As a frame of reference, the sales numbers of a BD for any one anime series rarely breaks 10,000. Or maybe that's per volume? Either way if only 10,000 people are buying your series, but 1,000,000+ are watching through streaming services online. Even considering the price difference of a BD and a monthly subscription, even if the monthly subscription is divvied up by the licensing contracts, I feel there is a definite profit here.
>>114940 Wading through trash-infested waters to find the rare gems?
>>114943 idk how the math works out man it could go either way if you're fleecing 10k people for $100 of anime you make a million a million subscribers probably aren't gonna pay you a dollar each when you're competing against thousands of titles maybe you'd be ok if you were the popular show of the season? shrug
BDs aren't just people watching the content, they are merchandise in their own right. It's a completely different product type if you ask me.
I don't deny the value of BDs I just take with it being the ONLY value the industry cares about.
fuck mah loife
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
how much money does the average fully-complete anime BD season cost?
>>114959 Those usually don't come out until long after a series is complete. They release BD volumes more immediately, which usually cover two episodes a volume. So a season would be six volumes.
One of those BD volumes would run you maybe 6000-8000yen I think.
Also I should mention the "never --rarely breaking 10,000" think was a huge overshot. Most anime volumes will sell maybe 4000-7000 a volume if they're popular.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
man fucking why do all these NEETs do it aarrhh the value per dollar is insane what is an episode like 26 minutes ah well it's a very niche thing
>>114984 Was supposed to have an image but wouldn't let me post it. But now when I try to re-upload the image a second time it tells me the image is a duplicate of >>114984.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh my god that shitty hack that I implemented ages ago is coming back with a vengeance
wow that was a terrible idea
Do you think you can fix it? This problem has been plaguing /moe/ for a while now
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i mean yeah with time i'll find a proper solution instead of the shitty hack for now i can bandaid it yes
ahah oh man i'm sorry to anyone trying to run doushio upkeep scripts busted left and right
Anyway here's the continuation of my autisming about BD sales. The top two are selling really well because one is a statistical outlier and the other is offering extra goodies alongside its BD release. Everything afterwards should be considered normal sales for anime volumes.
>>115031 It usually does its thing for a little while and then moe sorts itself out and things are fine again. As far as bugs go it's not really a bad one.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
that's the weirdest part! why would it happen and then go away later
>>115033 Granblue is doing super well if it can compete with yuri on ice.
>>115036 Usually it will do its thing and then there's like a second of cloudflare and when that stops moe is better.
>>115037 The GranBlue BDs come with a code for a unique character weapon I believe. And maybe other in-game goodies? The GranBlue nerds could probably give you the full details.
>>115121 Yeah I know, i just meant like When you hear Kancolle, you don't think Fubuki Nobody thinks Fubuki More people think Kuma than Fubuki I'd wager and Kuma's fairly bland too
>>115135 Every event, they implement a new gimmick mechanic that people hate because it doesn't work because they don't test things before implementing them They don't let you use girls you like where you like >>115144 ??? It exists because people play the game...
>>115143 >event >gimmick mechanic People actually play this game? I said it before and I'll say it again From Soft needs to make an Armored Core with a Kancolle skin You get a shipslut and can dress her up to make her look cute, and then you can choose all her weapons and weight class and stuff
>>115143 Yeah but it's like one of those things like, I know lots of people do it, but I've never met them, so I'm beginning to wonder if they actually exist
But then they unveil their master plan. They've been subverting the workings of your body. You can no longer function without their continued existence.
>>115221 The only thing about the current British royal family I'm curious about is if Prince Charles is going to surrender his position as heir apparent if Elizabeth gets close to incapacity. He's not exactly old, but he is old. I would feel handing him the throne for maybe only a couple decades would be a bit unimpressive after the hold Elizabeth has had on it.
>>115225 I can't imagine Charles surrendering his position, that would be really big Queen Elizabeth will probably never die anyway
He's already sixty-eight though. Like even if the Queen passes in the next few years he's probably only got another three decades tops. I personally think even two after that would be fortunate. Sure that's a lot of time when you think about it, but in terms of a royal leadership it's not really much time at all.
in a way it's like an additional add in case you don't notice the product palcement
Product placements don't serve as much of a purpose if you're overly aware of them The whole point is for them to blend in and get normalized in your head
It's how ghostery works Ghosts are victims of violent deaths and\or people with stuff left to do on earth If you get murdered by a ghost, it's likely violent and you'll probably have SOMETHING left to do
>>115263 It's like the most popular reasons behind ghosts in fiction
Oooh they're angry because their psychiatrist abused them and they're mad and want revenge wooooo Oooh he died in a car crash and now he haunts the road trying to kill other people in a similar car crash because he's an autistic ghost
yeah but their reasons are really extreme usually and you don't see the victims sudden;y pop up as happy ghosts in fact like the first thing to do would probably be punching the other ghost if that's the case
Mummies, too, are dumb monsters unless they're like a sorcerer also Just a standard mummy isn't that scary What's he gonna do, paw at you until you die because you didn't think to like, kick him over? Dude he's super slow and judging by their speed, unbalanced Just... just fucking kick him
>>115269 Yeah but a worse zombie because it literally doesn't have a brain Or... you know Sharp... things on their body like nails or teeth That shit is fucking dulled out or GONE by the time you trigger the ancient curse
Could probably lop their leg off with a shovel and just walk away
Majority of US households only have cellphones for telephone service for the first time reaching majority according to US government study.
How long can a human go without water again Was it a week or is that way too confident?
really depends on how much you're losing you get a little bit just by breathing but not like a kangaroo mouse >>115287 probably a week i guess it might bring up other health problems sooner than that though i dunno
Uh, just imagine neet lifestyle, but you're not drinking anything
>trying to be heartwarming by having a character suffering from oxygen deprivation hallucinate his dead son and speaking to him, having a heart to heart OK listen that ain't doin' much for me That's just depressing
So here's a pet peeve Characters making sacrifices only for those sacrifices to be completely remedied within the next 2 or 3 episodes
"OK guys I'm saving you by sacrificing myself and staying on the station to launch you to earth" "Oh and also I can just leave actually so I'm coming with" Like thanks You ruined all the significance of that
>this tribe, 97 years after the bombs fell, is in Virginia and speaking an African language Alright someone please explain that one How did THAT happen
sk my twitter senpai please teach me what this means i just got followed by some girl whose twitter description is "A twitter page dedicated to introducing sneaker news and software to get sneakers" like everything i'm connected to is infosec, malware hunting, and other grey hat nonsense and like crypto i guess
why is this what how did they even get me in their recommended >>115299 well they have a few hundred thousand and i understand the random following but like how even does "sneaker news and sneaker software" get to me and more importantly what the fuck is software to get sneakers is that even real what does it do
Marketing accounts will often just follow random people in the hope of getting a refollow
holy shit people take shoes seriously the fuck >>115307 i mean i know, i did some focus group stuff on that and heard people talk but i didn't imagine it'd be like this damn
>mom now that ive graduated high school, you're going to help with my tuition with that college fund right? >huh? no i bought the new nikes twice a year for the last 18 years why would i save for your college
It really is amazing how much of a consumerist hellhole the US truly is The concept of "the new nikes" even existing casts a pretty bleak shadow over your society The new somewhat above average running shoes That's an insane concept to even have
Like what's next dude The new underwear from kalvin klein? "Hey Ty, did you get those new socks?" "Yeah, boi, was in line for the whole night"
>>115310 i mean i can understand it in some circles like having new nikes when you're very well-networked can be a good investment street cred and social cred have monetary value
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>>115311 people do pay a lot of money for kalvin klein underwear and socks actually
The whole century was fucking garbage 2 whole fucking world wars and another one that almost happened but had everyone shitting bricks every time they saw a red hazard light
>>115320 yes my dad got me a cell phone when i was 13, a shitty cell phone only for calls not like the cool ones today obviously but i had it off all the time unless i was making a call if i'm not making a call, why turn it on? he got mad at me a whole lot and yelled at me a whole lot for not having it on so he could reach me at any time and i'm just like "no im not going to do that i didn't even ask for the cell phone. i don't want to be reached at any time of the day" i tend to keep my cell phone off, and leave it in the glove compartment for emergencies or something i'll check my texts when i want, i'll call you back when i'm available and willing but otherwise fuck i don't want to be tethered like that
yeah but then the expectation is still there people operate under the assumption that they can reach each other at almost any time so if that goes wrong, sometimes other things go wrong like dominoes
like before cell phones, it'd just be like "he's not home i guess he'll see my message in his answering machine"
>>115326 i'm pretty sure i talked about it enough that you remember i didn't have phone service for like most of 2015 and 2016 part of it was not being able to afford the thing but also i just didn't want a fucking cell phone and people just lost their shit about it some asking if they could pay it for me and i'm like "uh no dont thanks though" and then everybody in general being mad at me because they couldn't call and text me what do you want? for me to have the option for you to call and text me just for your comfort even though you wouldn't do it anyway fuck that
as an anxious person i hate phones i hate hearing the home door open and close i hate hearing the phone ring i hate the "Stop what you're doing, someone else wants you to give up your time for them right now" feeling that just hits your concentration like a brick and even if you ignore it you're still unable to get back in the zone of what you were doing
no go eat a fat nigger dick you fuck i'm not taking calls
i feel like that with computers sometimes too e.g. i'm on /moe/ so often that if i were to not show up for a little while, people get worried and try to contact me but if i say like, "i'm going to not be around for a couple days" they worry about that too i appreciate it but sometimes it's like i've given up parts of my freedom haha
/ Google Mail Respondent:A twitter page dedicated to introducing sneaker news and software to oh wait i have the fucking hotkeys on because i'm working i'm retarded way to go moon you ruined a perfectly good post
Just be like me and don't make a big splash I can disappear freely and nobody even notices
>>115330 yeah i hate that too one night during finals week i was just exhausted and i disappeared because i fuckin zonked out and people flipped out and then i had people from /moe/ calling my phone number and checking on me and i'm like no i mean yeah it's sweet and i appreciate it definitely but that's the last thing i need whenever i'm trying to get away from people to have a safe space to feel
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
it's funny how all this technology allows us to do so much but it always feels like they restrict me so much at the same time
>>115334 the illusion that having freedom means having more options
i'll go to the post office tomorrow and ship you a box of Kleenex tissues in a baby blue box it'll probably take two weeks to arrive it's for your tears when you realize how wrong you are
There's enough on moe to get my rough location, I guess, and if you were dedicated you could figure out my last name That's one option, but unlikely you nailed that one
dude dont mess with me nackt is my personal friend and i know someone in the NSA
I don't know what a nackt is
i'm just fuckin with you you told me you wanted me to send you that bottle of really nice whiskey not with the whiskey you just said you wanted the bottle
just in case you're actually checking your outbound email now confused or something i didn't i don't have a way of contacting you i'm just being stupid
i would probably try to find one if i was seriously concerned about you but i dont think i'd be successful
I had my last final this morning. Today, I'm packing and cleaning up around the house since nobody will be here while I'm gone unless Fish needs something from the apartment
>>115352 When do you leave? When will you be in tennessee? I kind of really sort of want to come but it sounds like a whole lot of people i'm scared to be around a lot of people
travelling and lots of people is a really abrupt shift in stimuli i don't want to lose my mind i've been pretty unstable as it is but maybe it's cabin fever and getting out would do me good i dont really know
what time do you arrive at your place? i can check the bus schedules
>>115356 we'll arrive in chattanooga between 3pm and 5pm probably around 4pm, but it depends on how many stops we make along the way our hotel is in cleveland
>>115361 i don't think it'd ruin the evening even if you did flip out we've all got out problems so we understand that kind of stuff i think except maybe tilde i don't know if he's got brain problems like the rest of us
tilde has some serious problems if he wants to hang out with us
>>115363 i have to be careful when debugging i need to make sure i'm fixing the bug properly, not replacing it with another bug that's just as bad but i'm less familiar with does that make sense
also the road trip megamix is finished 204 memes i mean songs i now go to the giant exploding metal bird factory, so they can take all my money and waste 12 hours of my life
it's sometimes hard to tell what are bugs and what are normal too i mean my whole life i thought it was normal to gauge situations by how much you're ruining things for other people that's what i was conditioned to think was normal i just thought that was general anxiety and things but i'm starting to find out that's a little on the severe side
if i hadn't aspired for a better life i would still think all of it was normal and okay i would still be miserable i am still pretty miserable now but at least i have something i can do about it
I think it will be fine if you come, if you want to come. If things aren't working out and you need to leave, we can get you somewhere you're more comfortable and I doubt anyone will blame you for it.
>>115368 I'm not flying yet just going to the airport My flight is boarding in like an hour and a half
>>115372 what if i have to cry or something embarrassing rook's going to laugh at me no even worse he's going to lol at me and i'm going to say water you loling at and he's going to say you
>>115375 chill in the Charlotte airport for two and a half hours airport adventu >>115376 when I burst into treats last year he just gave me a handkerchief to dry my eyes
okay so here's the deal i'm about to cry right now so instead of doing that i'm just going to bury it deep inside and post an image in my next post that i think you all will enjoy
i feel like i dunno this one breaks the boundaries of the last i think the person doing these may actually hate frontier now i have to know who this madman is
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
i wonder if there's a way to find out
valentine's day 5th grade mandatory that everyone gives everyone a valentine's day card why did they think this was a good idea for children to experience
>>115389 I just made one for the girl i liked and gave my friends some candy
>>115390 that was NOT ALLOWED to make everyone feel included, you had to buy valentine's day cards and give one to each person i was like 9 i remember being pulled aside by a walmart employee to be accused of shoplifting because i had to go buy these stupid things but i was embarrassed by it so i stuck it in my purse thing until we got to the the cash register because i didn't want any of the school kids to see me because it was embarrassing
jesus christ fuck you walmart you're lucky you're not best buy or i'd be balls deep in your shit right now
>>115391 That sounds like a pain in the ass I just told my teacher I didn't have enough money for everyone to get cards so I got a bag of those little dumdum lollipops and handed them out
>>115393 i gave my teacher a card with a candy thing on it for valentines day
this wasn't fifth grade though this was when i was like 17 it said "you won't need a spoonful of sugar to make me go down" and had a picture of mary poppins or whoever it was where that song came from
>>115349 There are a few ways I can think of that you might be likely to try But as I said, speech checks
>>115397 it actually came down to the fact that your high school had a media journalism club that did school newspapers that the webdev class decided to publish on the school website as a final assignment the school didn't really think about laws and things like that because nobody would use the internet to stalk someone >>115399 schools still do it they do whatever because they're fuckin schools it makes the kids feel good about the articles they're writing to have it in a physical paper, but it's also published online, where i found it whether or not there's an actual paper i'm not sure but it's just the website's archive which it doesn't specifically link to -- it links to the current one and there's no archive, but it's still all held on the server i guess because you can just retype it in as the previous trimester/year and it'll pop up, although sometimes they dont use an underscore for separation so you really have to be exhaustive
>>115396 kirara would you be willing to track down veritasium doing an experiment like this: >>>/watch?v=aRhkQTQxm4w and when he asks why, deliver the flat earth answer that they're staying still and the earth is accelerating upwards at the same rate regardless so of course they're going to hit the ground at the same time
So wait the earth is and has been accelerating at a steady 1g since the origin of the solar system?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
well let not get ahead of ourselves here there's no such thing as a "solar system" but yes, since the creation of the Earth, it has been accelerating at a rate that simulates what science considers to be 1g
I'm going to give a third disclaimer here that the flat earth society is mostly (though not fully) comprised of futurists who are doing this as an exercise to illustrate how poor our actual scientific systems are at portratying the universe, and how potentially different it really is -- i.e. radial universes, logarithmic informational evolution, informational topology and that this is a thought experiment whereby we can give as much credence to a system that is known to be false as we do to the one that we consider to be true it lags behind, but ultimately it attempts to define what we know in ways that we know it can't be, as a way to help illustrate our actual naivety towards the scope of physics and the universe
>>115412 it might be a meme but it's an important meme because it transacts information much faster than a full explanation
Soo, with my hair having grown longer after getting weird "fashion cut" I now get a funny weird "ahoge" each time I take off my hat this time I walked to a mirror with a devil horn on my head
>>115418 or continuing going there but put a bald rubber cap on and glue on a wig and then rub a potent nerve agent all over the wig so that the barbers will become incapacitated and you can systematically cleanse finland of the impures
They are actually Kurdis I think, and i like kurdis
>>115420 that does sound fun i once thought of making a drive mix where i specifically aim the focus of the mix to cover the distance of a drive from one city to another including occasional reminders of what exit they'll turn off at next
long distance driving (ive done it a lot) can be pretty taxing given the change between making a bunch of changes in a two mile period and then driving one road for 490 miles i'd include things like voiceovers, like "you're probably around bakersfield now, note the distinct smell of burnt asphalt and manure. don't worry, you're not alone. everyone hates this place, including the people who live here"
not really. you're not doing much when you're driving long distances anyway if you're with people it might be different, but remember i had to drive a 3K mile road trip solo several times over also bike for almost a month solo after a while, everything starts to sound interesting the drive itself becomes so immersive
>>115434 Yeah you do a good amount of side tripping, but i just checked "florida to philly" shortest route
>>115434 they took me like a week because i stopped every time possible either to get energy drinks, go on nature trails, or buy cocaine and check out the local brothels but i did make the trip in about two and a half days the time it mattered wait i'm sorry no it was 2300 miles the ETA was 29.5 hours i got confused between the two >>115437 well yeah no shit
I think longest road trip I've been on and partially driven hmm actually i'll check how long it was
>>115438 Well it ain't straight food and rest pauses
When I was a kid, my parents would drive us down to Orlando in a non-stop driving session. Though they'd alternate driving. It doesn't take too long if you can do that; you get down to Orlando in less than a day.
>>115438 if my sanity bearing has any weight, i take about a five minute break every 90 minutes and every four-ish hours i take like a half hour+ break sometime the half hour break will turn into a six hour break if i really like where i'm at i couldn't do roadtripping like you do where you have a daily destination i'd rather sleep in the car and be free and unrestrained
>>115441 yeah but think of what you're missing out on on the way
Definitely. But this was never really a roadtrip in that fashion, we were going down over March break to visit grandparents. And some times Disney World.
The trips ended pretty quickly after my brother and I started getting bigger and we got my first little sister.
>>115453 are you sure i don't have schizophrenia or something my thoughts are becoming increasingly disordered at an exponential rate it doesn't even feel like what i'm familiar with anymore
The last day of that road trip from kilpisjärvi to helsinki, about 15-16h driven in one go listening to Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy radio show only I think I took few sanity hits then
>>115454 when we met in nevada, i didn't notice any prodromal symptoms it'd be unusual to just go straight into thought disorder without negative symptoms first you usually get positive symptoms like hallucinations before that point too, like lots of auditory hallucinations at least
>>115450 It shouldn't be that hard man stuff like this is a diamond dozen.
>>115455 That used to be a go-to of my dad's when he was driving solo with a bunch of kids. He got all the books burnt onto a cd from a friend of his.
>>115456 i mean do they have to be auditory the generation from which we got most of the data about the condition came from a much more auditory time couldn't that just be conditional manifestation of those subroutines into an auditory form based on familiarity, not necessity i do and have had since about 16 a lot of auditory hallucinations but very few of them voices most just music or soft voices in the pre-sleep hours which i understand is mostly normal
service doggos on airplane are the best they're so well behaved i had one next to me on the way back from vegas i wanted to pet it but i said no it's a good happy dog doing what it does don't fuck it up with a pet
>>115463 >travelling in civil clothing REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>>115459 without the negative symptoms, i really don't think you could be schizophrenic but you could have brief psychotic disorder it can just be shifts from non-psychotic states to psychotic states fairly rapidly, usually over a week or two, which lasts a little bit, and then you return to normal it can be triggered by stressors
sorry i know you're trying to pack i dont mean to bother you with it it can wait til another time
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm doing my music right now so i'm at my computer
>>115438 my uncle can he is busy hunting things in south Africa right now tho
>>115466 do you think it's okay to be like i am or should i try to get some treatment i dont know how different things can be i'm used to living like this but the more i expand and things the more i feel like the most basic things i do are severe red flags maybe it's just a remnant from a dying generation that thinks mental illness is disastrous or maybe it is disastrous and i just underplay it whatever i've got can be pretty overwhelming at times, even if i dont know what it is by name but i know what it is by feel i can feel it really distinctly
i don't think you "should" get treatment but i think you could benefit from treatment my biggest problem with stuff like this is that a lot of doctors just immediately put someone on antipsychotics which can help in many cases but as someone who was previously wrongfully medicated with antipsychotics, i'm kind of hypersensitive to putting other people through that but at the same time antipsychotics could help
at the very least you might be able to learn some things you can do to manage everything better a lot of people go to treatment and get medication and it makes them feel like shit so they stop taking it
i guess my simple answer is that i don't think having an evaluation done would be bad you could just see someone for like three sessions, they'd do an intake, give you some assessments, and listen to what you have to say, and then they'd be able to have an idea of whether or not you could benefit from treatment and whether or not you're really schizophrenic
the only reason i'm inclined towards saying that is my dad had schizophrenia develop around his mid 20s and a lot of internal exploring that i'm drawing parallels with cases i'm familiar with and how we differ on fundamental levels but i dont really know if i do have a thought disorder my own thoughts can't really be good grounds for judgment unless the concept of order changes with our evolving social landscape
maybe i could fit it in the budget but if it's a waste then it put me in some financial strain for no reason i'm scared though it's so much easier just to pretend everything's okay and just go from there
for the same price i could probably try some drugs though maybe some ketamine would help reset my brain maybe some LSD would help me understand myself maybe mdma would help me understand other people maybe something would make me feel again
>>115479 that's true, but it could also become something you have to constantly do until you end up even worse than you are now im not against self-medication entirely but seeking treatment might be a better idea, and then if that doesn't help, self-medication might be worth a try
>>115482 isn't there something about me that's worth keeping the way that it is isn't there some advantage or naturalness to being unmedicated or is that just a fallacy
it's really easy to buy into and i did when i was younger, got medicated, didn't feel it anymore, but now i'm not medicated properly and i feel that way again if i take medicine and calm down am i curing grandiosity or am i keeping myself anchored back from what's possible how can i tell it's all so confusing
i think there's an advantage to being unmedicated but it's only an advantage sometimes
when i'm off my meds, i'm much more social and impulsive and creative, so it's good for me to do that sometimes but when i'm off my meds, i also can't focus or concentrate enough to do things i need to do
so i think it's more like, it's good to know what you can do when medicated and what you can do unmedicated and learning to master both of those so that you're not holding yourself back from what's possible
i feel like the struggles it presents me with bring me closer to the truth than ever it looks really chaotic and disordered to most social circles on the outside but i feel like what's going on in the inside is clear external pressures just bring me distress at times and weigh in with that doubt that i'm doing something wrong that i'm not living life right that i'm pursuing an idea that's going to lead me into disordered chaos of my own brain and i don't want to believe it -- i want to believe that what i feel is true is true, and that there's something here that i can grasp, something tangible
but isn't that also how addiction kind of grips you in the first place not that this is related to any substance, it's a strand from long ago that just gets re-examined over and over in the back of my brain did i put it on the back-burner because it's something important that i want to keep hold of or did i put it on the back-burner because i found more important things and didn't know what would happen in the future i can't remember but it's there and it's been simmering and i don't want the carrots and potatoes to get mushy should i just scrap it and make baked beans or was this thing that started everything the central part of the whole meal
you say that you feel like what's going on in the inside is clear, but earlier you were saying that your thoughts were getting really disordered
those kinds of thoughts, about there being something there that you can find and grasp, are things that a lot of people with thought disorders do feel and i'm not the kind of person that thinks that stuff is bad just because the DSM says it's psychotic or whatever, it's possible that it's totally true that there's something waiting to be uncovered but at the same time, i think it's fine if you tried some kind of treatment. if you don't like it, you can always just stop it and return to pursuing those things that you feel you can grasp. they'll still be there for you
sorry i dont mean to cut you off but i'll say that the disorder comes from the daily interactions and functional routine i feel like my thoughts are clear but my environment presses against me i feel like if i was making money from the thing that drives me that it wouldn't be disorderly at all
information it's like an obsession i can't stop studying information it's all i think about i joke about it but it's seriously my be all end all
informational systems, topographical systems a little bit of applied systems to model growth and futurism expansion i want to make a guideline in the ways we can expect to grow in the post-human environment -- i don't know everything with clarity but i do understand the degrees of separation from raw informational systems and the encoded ones of a potential technosocial era compared to biological encoding
i think i could give pretty broad waypoints that would help guide direction but not a specific technological blueprint i mean i have a notebook here full // half full i guess of designs for designed neurons and the systems that can come from them the way they prevent infotoxins a lot of stuff and i don't know if it's actually good stuff and my crippling self esteem and life of feeling like a useless shit and being abused doesn't let me acknowledge anything i do as good or if it's actually awful and i'm crazy
the latter is interesting because if i feel that that's the reason why, it's likely that the first option is a cause for why i feel that way i must be having a psychotic break if i feel good about myself i must be dissociating from reality and delusional and just making things up for cheap gratification that's the easier explanation and the one that's more likely to occur
does any of that make any sense
it's like when i'm at work and i think i've done a terrible job at something and i get complimented on it it's like i dont know if that means i'm being a perfectionist to the point where i am setting the bar unachievably high or if i overestimate how thoroughly people look through things and i'm just really clever at cutting corners and hiding my errors
it's just really easy to overthink things i didn't do this when i was on stimulants i was pretty sound and stable but i dont have any i havent since like november
>>115493 i think infotoxins are pretty self-explanatory they're stable packets of information (a conceptual particle, versus an open wave) which is a threat to the stability of a given informational system it's not a bad thing particularly, but all my phraseology is derived from within a given system, since that's easier for us to process as humans i think an informational system has layers of encoding that allows it to function as a compound process and not an open wave it natively rests in its lowest energy state higher energy information is passed through the informational system and given an appropriate reaction, which all informational systems must have to be stable -- if you want to look at humans, it'd be the brain submitting signals through the motor system after being processed and thus why we respond to information with things like crying or laughing or punching somebody in the fuckin face or why we need to go for a walk when we're too pent up or how fear manifests itself in a way that can be outlet through the libido weird stuff like that
an infotoxin would be something that corrupts the ability of the system to do that, either by internally clogging it with a repetition loop or through something whose energy state is so high that the encoding layers can't shield the inner layers with the basic filtering process so it destroys the layer, and obfuscates the information if you took the human nervous system as an informational system, that might be a bomb exploding and disintegrating your body
this isn't really about the human body though, it's about informational systems all systems are informational systems, but most that we're familiar with are only models of a raw wave system and are approximated causally through whatever substrate of information it's using so we have biology with cells and things that, though complex, approximate towards that system equilibrium with some deviation because of the inconsistency of biology 2000 characters
>>115493 the post-human environment will be an era in which we narrow the margins towards informational fidelity and more pure signals communications things like infotoxins don't seem particularly meaningful given its distance from human biology and the buffering that occurs in the chemistry and biology components that make up our system but pretty soon -- arguable already -- we're closing in towards a compound system that's a lot closer to informational fidelity with social systems eventually (pretty soon actually) we're likely to have a more thorough assimilation of social information than the internet, if you look at neuralink and the plans musk has for that it's not unrealistic or even that ridiculous sounding i think it's really ethically sound to understand information theory thoroughly before embarking on something that game-changing
and that's really what i'd like to do, is help understand the interface for the future i anticipate to come it's basically market research but in advance, which i think is necessary because at the rate of growth of society it's not really good enough anymore to do studies after the fact you really need to have an informational quantum to study its growth and direction
but you know, i just stay home and sometimes i'm able to cook myself a meal to satisfy my hunger, most of the time i just get distressed by having to eat and then spend my whole day typing up things people are saying in interviews which really does give me a good platform to think about linguistic entropy, which is what got me into all of this in the beginning but i dont know what it's all for if i have to use what limited motivation i have to stay alive so that i can buy myself enough time to feel too tired to think about the things i want to think about
Netflix is really enabling my laziness I can just start watching a show, and if I get bored I can pop out and it knows where I was And I can do that for like 15 shows at a time
Few of which I'll ever finish I start watching stuff all the time and just close it cause fuck it I got bored for like 5 consecutive minutes and I could be watching anything else
If I was just watching my own movies I'd likely sit through more shit but Netflix just goes "Oh didn't really enjoy that one huh? Well mister SK here's the next movie in your list of things that seemed somewhat interesting"
>>115494 >>115496 I can definitely see the clarity of thought you said you had I don't think a psychotic person could explain those concepts in such an easily understandable way
Basically the stuff that interests you is clear but it's day-to-day stuff that distracts you from your interests that make you feel stressed and bothered?
>>115501 yeah kind of and the treatment paradigm is all about what 's inhibiting function and it would most likely be viewed that my daydreaming / delusions are inhibiting function from work and social occasion but that's according to somebody who was afforded the opportunity to get a ph.d, you know? i'm not saying they didn't struggle too but i think they might be aligned with an idea of success that's very one-way, otherwise they probably wouldn't have made it to where they are
i'm not sure i trust a psychologist to understand // psychiatrist to understand the significance of such a counter-pressure, when it's likely often what is keeping a lot of their clients from functioning properly, who are able to function to their own satisfaction with treatment to suppress that counter-pressure
when in my mind it's very risk vs reward, and that counterpressure's coming from somewhere and if it's strong maybe there's meaning to it but there are so many barriers when i'm literally working right now for my next paycheck to get through the next few weeks maybe people who have financial buffers don't have the components of anxiety needed for exposure to really significant counter-pressures, maybe you have to be on the fringe if that's so, isn't that a lot more significant than just letting it slide by and living passively
there's not a right answer to it. i'll either represent what i feel or i'll subdue to the environment and i am in the meantime burdened by passion which isn't really related either way passion on both sides i end up having to lose something one way or another i dont really want to lose anything i don't have very much as it is
Also who the fuck reads a Netflix review? How fucking precious is your time that the 5 minutes you save reading the review rather than just watching some of the movie is important?
You can tell fairly quickly if a movie is gonna be worthwhile at all, and it's literally faster to access the movie than the review
>>115505 couples who work long hours and only have time for one movie a week or something like that and want to have a nice friday night dinner and movie at home but dont want the movie to be shit
>>115503 I definitely know what you mean, I feel like even though they're trained, most psychologists are extremely limited in their view - they're trained to be limited in their view I mean certain things are automatically considered disorder and in need of correction Since they're normal people, most can't understand what it feels like to experience those things So they don't understand at the deep level that we really need them to Which is why I am reluctant to say you should get treatment, i don't know if you need it
But I wonder if there is a way to help you with day-to-day stuff without infringing on those important thought processes
>>115507 i rag on this a lot and i think it's in bad taste, but a supportive friend group not that you guys are doing me wrong, but something closer to my feelings and they're so out there that i don't know what or who that would be
but i'm only starting to realize how out there they are, as i spend more and more time disappointing myself so i dunno maybe feeling lonely is just a symptom and not a problem
>>115512 not different i think everyone feels more or less the same but i think most others ventured in breadth when i ventured in depth so i think i'm a little clumsy, and i have a hard time trying to adjust my perspective so heavily to explain my thoughts it can be very taxing, but it also serves as an anchor to the world a bit too
I might be able to, in August, come over there and give you some psychological assessments to see if you're really schizophrenic or something if you'd be interested in something like that idk if you're worried enough about it to want that
>how did we get to the point where people who are completely immune from the effects of bills passed, pass bills they don't read I dunno dude, that's a tough one Why would they do that
Like oh yeah you get to see what we vote And you get to vote for US
But you don't get to see what exactly it is we vote on though that's not for you
>>115533 >How else would they be sure they were exempt from the repeal, as congressmen? BECAUSE THAT IS A COMPLETELY SEPARATE BILL THEY MADE A SEPARATE BILL TO VOTE TO EXEMPT THEMSELVES
>>115551 Hai~ I don't really know how buses work, are you going to bus to Philly or will they take you to Bensalem, where the hotel is? Bensalem is only about 30 minutes from Philly.
>>115553 They pretty much went all in on the exception. >>115552 Hm, I see. I'll have to look that up. What's the name of the hotel anyway? I could (maybe, probably) get some kind of shuttle.
>>115555 We'll be driving through Philly on the way so we could pick you up on our way if the time is right. We should reach Philly between 3 and 5, probably closer to 3.
The hotel is the Sleep Inn & Suites in Bensalem.
i owe the IRS $540 for not being able to afford insurance for 10 months of last year $54 per month that i couldn't afford health insurance why is this okay
>>115571 We should reach Philly/Bensalem between 3 and 5pm, depending on how often we stop Probably closer to 3 or 4 If you get there around 4 or 5 and we're there earlier, we can always just putz around until it's time to pick you up
>>115587 I saw an ad for Ancient Aliens and the Ancient Aliens guy might have CUT HIS HAIR
Philadelphia Bus Station 1001 Filbert St Philadelphia, PA 19107 >>115586
>>115589 well i'll respond anyway just for you then it's a shit idea i tried it out like four years ago for several years and look at me now it turned me gay