Thread #114897
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Yes anime.
shuumatsu fukumenkei noise akashic records what else is there? the list on my bot is messed up
Machiavellianism Fukumenkei Noise Sagrada Reset Sakura Quest Tsugumomo
ok we're watching akashic machienaiwegfelwnism reset quest for sure what else
I'd like to watch Shuumatsu.
Start with Machiavellianism?
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is it episode 5 on that?
Yeah that's right.
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okay orange for machiavellianism oh well one sec okay orange for reset we're all orange let's start
Ready. Gosh dang it Squid. Ready.
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ok wait no lets watch reset first that ones kinda dull i dont wanna fall asleep
Couldn't you have done something like gotten amped on Machiavellianism, coasted off that for one show, then resumed your energy with a show after that?
who knows also i like this opening it reminds me of aria
So this arc happens earlier chronologically than the last one?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/04 (木) 06:38 No. 114932
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>>114931 Do you think so?
I'm not sure. It might be that they were previously in third-year, middle-school, and this is now first-year, high school. But it looks like they have the exact same uniforms, which may indicate an elevator school, but that's still kind of jarring.
I kind of get this world though. Er this girl. Marbles are fun to look at.
Robot-chan is cute. Imitating things and falling short is kind of charming to me.
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She's a rurus nerd.
So much of one she wants to break the rurus. Or are you also talking about Robot-chan?
Everyone in this town are fucking bonkers.
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That rurus nerd is messed up.
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machiavellianism? okay let's start
Okey dokes. Unless Squid has ANOTHER show he'd get out of the way first.
Oh whoops.
can you wait 1(one) minute
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yes, we can orange again okay that's everyone let's start
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punished bear
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yeah that's kinda short for Olympics wow that's a nice rabbit
I feel the name was translated as Red Pepper last episode.
desuwa life is the best life
why did they take off their tops first
i kinda like the symmetrical slaps he got it's like war paint
oh here's that messed up sounding girl.
lady-boy friend
kuma kenpo how is this allowed huh isn't that a kanji on it's chest oh it's a boxer
He got beaten by bare fists.
huh aren't they first years? how many years are they on the council
Everyone takes a lot of cuts and loses blood pretty naturally in this show.
That kick felt very anti-climatic.
this time they mirrored that technique
>don't underestimate me i can kick too
>My secret technique is throwing nuts and bolts at my enemy
are you not swayed by emotions says the person with the massive grudge
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/04 (木) 07:21 No. 115024
you guys done soon?
Is there some butt-holding that needs to be done?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/04 (木) 07:21 No. 115026
i think you should just do it
Yeah just go ahead. There won't really be much conversation about this.
totally straight punch not gay at all
rest in pieces bear
why are they upset
what are the estamps for again to leave the school grounds?
leave school grounds yeah
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well that's all for mr me
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bye bye floop thanks for anime let's do akashic records next okay let's start
ok brb 1 minute
Wow ponytail abuse.
Hah hah no response.
Couldn't he just mingle with his students. I'm sure someone would pass off food to him at some point.
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Yeah, of course this was going to end with shenanigans.
Oh no.
oh no
>>115058 >>115058 >>115058
Should have just grabbed the one sandwich and bolted.
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tsundere cat.
I guess it worked out in the end. But shironeko is pretty waifu-tier.
She got a much better name when she got adopted.
Well it's a good thing they got the confrontation in after Rumia won the competition involving mental fortitude.
a master plan
She's kind of got a one-track mind.
She's such a good tsundere.
The fact that she's actually the queen's daughter seems to be the worst-kept secret in the kingdom.
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Why tie her to a tree if you're going to execute her?
these two look like fun
Ponytail has already been a good bit of fun so far.
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okay sakura quest>>115083 hmm? oh we can do that I guess I just followed the list I saw. I remember you saying you wanted to watch it though. you should have said something now we're going to watch something edgy last and my whole day will be ruined but let's watch that shuumatsu we're all orange let's start
Ready. I guess we're not doing Shuumatsu? Yeah I was gonna watch it right after if you went along with Sakura Quest anyway, hah hah. You don't have time for both shows?
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>>115083 I guess we can do both but it will eat into my sleep a little.
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hmm maybe we should just do Quest then rika sleeps and tilde solos
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It's too late, we're doing this now.
Ctholly with the giant sword is kind of jarring. Her whole attire is more of a spellcaster but then she's got the giant shardblade.
What a disproportionate amount of calling out Ctholly compared to the other girls.
Hah hah hah. That's a cute golem. I thought it was a sloth.
Tiat is a lizard cinema nerd.
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It just flying press'd him. I guess that's one way to arrest someone.
There really is a whole lot of different species on these islands.
i bet shes gonna die
The phrase tuning kind of makes me feel they're gonna change her into a teenager or something. Or maybe it just accelerates their growth.
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I don't think the show is going to go full edge yet.
He was lapsing into what it was called in his era I bet.
Wow what a bait and switch.
i thought we were gonna go full crawling
That's a good expression on his face.
Oh fuck he shunpo'd.
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>>115129 Eventually but not yet. They need to perpare everyone for full despair. This is going to be like that one show with the robot girl. Was Isla her name?
Plastic Memories didn't have a cool fantasy world though.
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>We aren't going anywhere
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theyre all gonna die soon thanks for anime have fun on your trip we'll probably not watch zesty without you
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There, wasn't that a nice and heartwarming episode as a surprise? Hah hah hah.>>115141 Don't have time for one mor- OH SHIT THE BARON. Oh he's not actually that classy looking. Lame. But yeah don't have time for one more?
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sakura quest yes please let's watch it okay we're all orange let's start
what baron oh
well if rika wants
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>A wood carving that's edible
Pizza toast huh.
Oh hey I know what those male statues were supposed to be.
They're talking about Sagrada. This show and Sagrada Reset air on the same day. What a coincidence.
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He made some pretty cute shoes.
this guy is great
Yeah he's amazing. But who the fuck is he.
he's sandal-san
Guesso. But who is he.
she looks good with her bangs up like that
I'm not big on the pinned back bangs thing. I like it better when they're swept a bit to the side. She's nice when she doesn't doll on the make-up.
Huh, I did not hear "The Rural" in that. Sounded more like "Did You Know? Masquerade"