I don't think Lily is that good, so I just need a good character in her spot and I'll have a good water team. Water is supposed to be fairly bad though, isn't it?
like a wind character will do less damage and take more damage from a fire enemy dark and light dont have that well, dark does more damage to light enemies and vice versa but they dont take more >>115688 way worse drop rates and their SR weapons, are HP boost not Attack boost like main elements so its really hard early >>115693 you dont that is why it is a good thing that those two elements dont have it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
light and dark have the hardest bosses with the shittiest drops
Let's see Cag's event seems to drop a lot of light stuff. Do events usually have an element that they give? Cag's event has pumped up both my dark and light games a lot. I got dark summons and characters and light weapons.
https://gbf.wiki/Celeste_(Raid)#Omega%20Showdown leech this raid as much as you can with your BP
here use this site to join raids http://raids.getsome.moe/ (this is a mirror of another raidfinder site, seems to not be as busy as the other) you can also use Viramate if you're using chrome but thats for later it makes stuff easier
oh oh when you are leeching these omega raids you want to use a team of 2 Rares and 1 SR characters for the extra bonus pendants just tap the boss with a skill or attack and you're fine every week you get a cap of bonus pendants
I'm having trouble picking a hairstyle for my girl-corrin. IT's a good thing you can swap it for free.
>>115780 maybe it's because you tried to split threads for no reason when there was a perfectly good thread already made maybe I'd even have been talking to you this whole time while I waited for my twice delayed flight to arrive but I didn't and I won't because my flight is here and it's all your fault
im screwing up everything i got a work load that i decided to procrastinate on at the // til the last moment which is fine generally but one of the files turned out to be garbage audio and now it's too late to tell the client i should have checked it out right away i didn't and because it's multiple files of the same project i can't submit the completed files because the problem file can't be uploaded to be submitted with it in the automated system because i can't finish it >>115795 no it's due in like an hour and i think my client's asleep and i think my client's client, who this file and recording is of, is from australia they wanted these files overnighted so i'm like okay but it's going to be morning now and he can't get the good file i did finish or be alerted that the other file is unworkable
all i would have had to do is just email during business hours but i hadn't checked it out because i was procrastinating and then i did check it out and i thought "wow this will be tough but it's fine" but it wasn't fine it's literally unworkable and now i dont know what to do how do i screw everything up so bad and i feel like such a tool for doing this to my client too i hope he fuckin fires me i deserve it
>>115793 Well, everyone screws up sometimes. It's a part of working. There is no one that is immune to screwing up, and sometimes people screw up big. You may just have to eat some crow and explain the situation.
>>115796 nah. >>115632 → That's the new thread. this is for mobage or something according to rika.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
take a load off anni
i dont see a problem with two threads i'm a fan of multi threading
Anyway, botching things is inevitable. I kinda botched something the other day though it was really a product of me not knowing something I couldn't have known. It's really never a question of if you'll screw up, just a matter of when. When you do, the best you can do is be honest about the situation and attempt to remedy it.
yeah i'm honest about my fuckups to the point that i think they're tired of it it probably sounds like made up excuses "oh woo wee look at me i got bit by a pitbull and my mom is going through morphine withdrawals and i had to take her to the emergency on the same day so i'm gonna be late on this all-day job" times like three dozen instances over the last year seizures, tornadoes, family emergencies, the IRS i've used them all and they were all honest boop i didn't mean to crash this thread though i didn't even know it was a granblue thread but thanks for listening
i think multi threads can be nice because not everyone's always got the same energy levels it's a different hour of the day for the skandis and euros and stuff so wind down chill time and busyposting sometimes stifle each other when crammed into the same thread it's nice to casually chat and not have to scroll up a few pages just to see what you missed and reply to one thing that is no longer on topic
And you saw we even had a topic thread today! And people noticed it and posted their thoughts on the topic that's totally cool it's like a new era for /moe/
oh okay, so the one project that is done did get sent through and removed from the list meaning my client saw it but just didn't reply that's okay i probably wouldn't reply to me either i'm probably gonna lost this contract may be for the better it's been stressing me out a lot >>115813 i like swift a lot
>>115815 oh no this is what ive been doing for a long time my main income over the past year it's scary if i have to let the contract go, but it might be for the better
i kind of had a breakdown earlier today in relation to what i'm doing and what i want to be doing so maybe it will be a good thing i really should be doing more i dropped the business plan after one failed investment pitch i shouldn't let myself be so complacent and self-doubting
gotta do what makes ya happy that's enough about my life what's new in yo flow what's the uh whats the haps how about that weather huh pretty crazy how about the uh, those sports that team really got those other guys good yeah good on em
i'm sure i got it from /c/ i collect pretty indiscriminately a lot of these things i don't even know what show they're from or who they are like i have no idea who this little boy is or what he's in
>>115823 She's the seitokaichou from Hayate. I don't remember her name.
how can you even tell it's just generic anime face and hair she doesn't even have an outfit on for you to recognize unless that's the outfir // outfit from the show
i think this is a sfw picture sometimes they're sneaky though
can i actually ask you a super huge favor would you be willing to take a listen at this file that i'm talking about, just a couple minutes maybe and tell me whether you can imagine anyone being able to make out what's being said i mean i know you're not in the field so you might not think your opinion would matter but everyone talks and listens so we're all experts at it and sometimes when you do it as a job you just get lost in it sometimes it's hard to take a step back and view things from a more natural view
but i wanna know whether i'm being unfair when i tell the client that this project can't be done
Hmm, won't letting some internet person have a listen breach any confidentiality stuff you have going on? Either way if you upload a clip to something fast and easy I can take a listen. I need to start my nap pretty soon though.
oh it's okay i already forged your signature for a confidentiality agreement under my business it was for tax reasons i can email it to your doushio if you don't feel like it that's fine okay it's uploaded and attached i'll send it over
I signed it as Rika "FU" Rude it might try to send it through google drive there was a big google drive scare with phishing the other day so if you don't wanna download it i understand oh yeah that turned out to not really be a phishing attempt though allegedly
11 minutes ago but at the time i got it, it would have been 9 hours til due >>115838 the accents are no problem for me i did several of these already but i can't make out at least 30% of what he's saying ah damn maybe my brain is degenerating already
Parts of this are hard to understand, but I think you can do it if you tried. You may have to replay parts to understand then. The combination of the accent and sound quality and accent is tough in some places.
Well, my advice is to give it another try. Don't be afraid to put [inaudible] in the places where it is hard to understand. Some of the places I couldn't make out what was being said but it seemed like a fairly large portion of the recording was more or less understandable.
yeah that one hour clip is a six hour task any reasonable transcriptionist would label that a six hour job, assuming it had usable audio having audio as bad as this one is would be like a 9 hour job >>115843 normally it takes about 3-4 hours per hour it really depends on the content i like the legal stuff because i dont have to worry about audio hours and that it's just pages and court pages fill up pretty fast it turns out plus all of it is 100% court stuff it's not lawyer's personal dictations and stuff like that so it's really interesting
Oh, I see. Well when I work with recordings I just give them a listen for useful stuff, so I don't have a good concept of how long that would take to transcribe. The audio quality is bad but I think you can do it!
>>115872 Literally just got off the plane and bolted for the lavatory Are you in MCO?
Hah hah. I'm in the gate area still. There's like a couple dozen gates and they all funnel towards this exit area with trams to what I assume go to the main airport.
>>115882 i have a pillow and a blanket in my bathroom because a 15 minute nap is sometimes my only peace the entire day
>>115883 what gate did you come in on? I came gate 53 >>115886 shit let me ask thIs guy how I get there
I came from 1-30
I see the tram to 30-59, but yeah, it's out of service.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>George "Joji" Miller, commonly known by his internet pseudonym Filthy Frank >Miller was born to Australian and Japanese parents. He attended Canadian Academy, where he graduated from in 2012.
>Canadian Academy (CA; カナディアン・アカデミイ), founded in 1913, is an independent pre-K–12 international school in Higashinada-ku, Kobe, Japan whaaa
Not sure if I'll be able to. My credit card is dead right now. It may come and go before my new one is here.
Oh probably Suptix only lasts like two or so days Oh well
did you make your account during a legfes? if not, there's no real difference between a suptix and he beginners ticket except that the beginner ticket tends to appear on occasion and you can only get it once basically it lets you ticket limited things like legfes or summer exclusive characters if it's made during one of those special gachas
Sparking requires an incredible amount of self control and I don't really have that plus it's a waste to not use your spark on something you can't just ticket (meaning those limited characters and stuff) since a spark is effectively 900 bangaroos worth of rolls whereas a suptix is literally a character or summon you want with a 10 roll ticket wrapped in
Squid sparked a character a bit ago and it was really sad
I'm not getting orbs from leeching celeste omega. Am I just not doing enough damage?
randomd rops
The drops are all just chance so it's not uh... what orbs are you looking for? either way Celeste is usually a frigid terrible person when it comes to nice drops though owl has gotten like 3 axe drops in the last 24 hours whereas I'm pretty I've never gotten one
>>115956 Yeah it was a stupid fuckin idea too because I also have a 10am deadline that i could have already completed instead but now i've got this pile of garbage just in case >>115959 yeah this is mostly garbled and incoherent i thought what you thought on first listen, like "it sounds bad but it's probably doable" but there's a lot that's just unusable i sank five hours into it, i'll need to get started on my other work though i had sunk three into it before that that's a lot of time spent working on something for free i'm not too happy >>115957 hullo
>>115960 yeah ive been working since long before you left >>115961 i dont think there was right advice i think i just backed myself into a pocket of wrongness
I saw Guardians of the Galaxy II last night It was really good Some jackass bothered us throughout the movie though He sat next to Fish even though there were like 10 open seats on that row and started bothering her so I switched seats with her and then he was upset about it Wanted to punch him in the face
>>115967 Cool I'm planning on picking you guys up at 7:00 I'll text Jan when I'm leaving and it'll be about an hour from that point Have you guys eaten? I'll bring breakfast bars that you guys can snack on until we can get you some food if you haven't.
>>115968 Why wouldn't I defend her? It's always time to respect women!
It's kinda like House of Cards if the MC wasn't a dirtbag
S2 onwards
oh interesting i have it is it on -- i tried to translate "net" and "flicks" separately from english into norwegian and it just gave me "Netflix" as the translation even though they were in different paragraphs
It's on netflix I just finished ep2 If you watch it and wanna watch together, I can probably just take a break for like an hour and a half >>116032 That'd be something like nettfilmer Or nettsmikker, depending on what kind of flick you're translating
I wonder how our philly anons are doing >>116056 Oh, are you you're way?
road trip shit post
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
how's the road lookin asphalt all warm and fuzzy?
>>116056 im lookin at bus tickets now but the only routes take me down to birmingham and then somewhere else and then chattanooga i dont think it's logistically possible
huntington's, MS, and a lot of others too they don't show what it actually looks like on TV if you got a family member and you have to watch them suffer through it there's a point where they don't even seem human, and they probably dont feel human on the inside either it's harsh
https://www.nasa.gov/aero/nasa-issues-a-challenge-to-speed-up-its-supercomputer-code is this like a joke 55,000 dollar competition to optimize your fortran code nasa there are literally people you could just hire for this service you're just trying to get out of paying someone an actual salary? why it's like 15000 for top prize and that's honestly way less than anyone who would want to participate could just make in the runtime of this competition by gettin a job like i understand motivating the youth and it looks good and resumes and that fostering nonsense but if the scope is this important, why are three huge corporations pooling money together to have a competition that's like a third of what the salary would be to hire someone they probably already are paying people a lot more than this why can't they do it im so CONFUSED
i'm sure it's accounting related since it's government
>website wants access to my twitter account >wants to be able to make tweets for me I can not think of a single legitimate reason for this
If you want me to make a tweet about your site, just say so
>>116100 it probably means that it allows the site integration to let you tweet from whatever the site is like for instance letting candy crush access facebook so you can say "share this score with friends" >>116103 yeah i dont trust it either, not because the intentions are bad but just because i don't trust them all to be competent but that's what it's there for most of the time explanation not a defense of the practice
Some faggots are making self filling water bottles using those things that get cold on one side and hot on the other when you hook them up with electricity I forget the name
>>116113 Yeah if the air around you had that much water you wouldn't need to condense it You could just, you know Breathe it until you die because you're just breathing in mist at this point
Let's deploy this inefficient system to the military overseas
i'm just going to point out that you could literally generate way more energy for the process by harvesting energy from the bicycle you're riding in the kickstarter video like several thousand fold you're fuckin doing all that effort to make this shitty product look good and ignoring the potential that is probably already being used that's way better
And if you're real smart you hook it up to that 5 hour energy bike Because you input like 15 kilo joules in that, and you get like at least 100 kilojoules back What a miracle
or better yet make it gyroscopic so when you're climbing up a hill it doesn't harvest any energy and when you're going downhill it steals the free energy that gravity is imparting on the bike
so there's a patent for that product we should make a patent for the reverse procedure >harnessing the energy in the water, this product slightly warms a 15cm by 15cm grid
>>116124 the energy required for that is actually really intense hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand well that's easy you can convert it into oxygen and water at the same time by doing literally nothing
Well yeah, if just desalting ocean water is really expensive, actually breaking it up into o2 and H ...
>>116126 i mean, it's done it's possible it's just not really very useful and the exothermic energy makes it kind of hard to implement into anything functional
>>116130 Yeah it is "free energy" but so far you have to run one generator for like... 100 years to get its cost back or something. not to mention only few places have strong enough currents to make it feasible similiar to wind power
and solar
windmills are such a waste it's really sad because they're so cool but they're just dead it's like a graveyard
Bah uggly as fuck I mean power turbines
windmills are cool
They are majestic as fuck to see from afar I dunno 100-200m tall and moving those fucking huge fans of theirs but... >infrasound >ugly >noisy >practically never pay themselves back
oh no climate change we gotta make clean energy >literally use something that disrupts the weather patterns
Best piece I read this year >WInd power generated enough power to power the whole country for an hour >just required a storm that cost over 10 millions in just property damage
What if we just ditch the idea of stopping global climate change, and instead bank everything on a reverse change? We just find a way to make it colder
>>116139 there have been varying ideas including sunspace blockage putting windsails into orbit that cover just a percentage of the sun not even a percentage it's like 0.5% or something would reduce a lot of the warming there were some other ones too but i dont really remember
Do you know what is the shittiest thing about booking flights when you are planning to crisscross you can't order a "arrive at X, leave at Y" and ordering just a "go" ticket always costs more
>>116211 good luck the music doesn't sound great this time and I'm only really interested in like two of the boats, so I probably won't be playing this time around.
>>116260 No, it's like you haven't been paying attention at all! Cag hits a lot of marks on the Rika checklist! She's blonde, cute, small, strong, egotistical, and two faced! I love characters like that!
>>116306 Why is that a wow! It's a perfectly rational statement.
Like if you eat a hot dog, that's a beautiful lie! You don't know what the hot dog is made of, you probably wouldn't want to eat it if you saw the various pig parts it was made of.
>>116313 Oh, is that so? So I said something really poignant and didn 't even know it?
Oh, that purple girl with the big horns and the boobs? Yeah, she looks like she's a slut. She looks like the kind of girl you could corner in the bathroom and get her to have sex with you just by asking in a sorta pushy way.
Can't be helped, it was a busy week. It was raining too. I often go to the conbini and get chocolate milk, but I didn't get it today because I didn't want to walk in the rain.
>>116353 Depends on the night Tonight is like $90 Same room in Chattanooga on the 6th would be $200
Heart this, I booked a hotel for 2 nights in june and it cost me 299€ with no refund policy even Man the city's hotels raise the prices up the roof, as they finally realised the desucon weekends will be booked full anyhow. Fucking asswhores
/moe/ I might find love tonight And I just thought I would tell all my internet peeps On the other hand it could be a painfully awkward waste of time, gas, and money (for multiple people) Well, here we go
>>116386 >>116387 >>116388 It didn't go very well at all We didn't really have an idea what either of us was doing She invited me to go for a cruise with snacks so that's what we did And basically we just drove around having really forced, awkward conversation for about an hour Nothing interesting even happened so it doesn't even make for a good story
Anyways, we got back to her house and she was like "well, so what, do we shake hands now or what" And then I was like >do you wanna kiss I want to die just reading that She didn't wanna kiss We shook hands and I went home