Oh wow the other thread is a successful mobage containment zone I have won
There was a Wendy's in the pre-check in part of the terminal. But I was a bit worried about losing time and went straight for check-in. And then as per expected, I get through the check in in almost record time, and once inside, there's like, piss all for eating options. So I'm stuck with a yoghurt and oatmeal cup and a coffee and a hope that the Orlando airport has some better food.
>>115663 Shitty airport I think in most european airports, atleast ALL I have been in the food joints are pretty much post-check in
YYZ ain't great in terms of customer service, but it's straightforward and easy to navigate, at least. Which after experiencing some nightmarish American airports, really feels like a boon.
Yeah fucking that why do many airports need to be fucking mazes?
Probably has a bunch of reasons as to why. Like the most maze-part of where I am is that I can see the B-side of the terminal I'm in through a glass wall--but I can't figure out for the life of me how to actually get to it. Though I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to get to it from the A-side anyway. Which leads me to believe a lot of airports are constructed like that, parts you're not supposed to get to right next to you. But then if they want to do an expansion to the side you're in, they have to work around that part of the terminal that you can't reach from your part. So it's like a house which slowly gets renovated larger and larger, room by room, with each new room only really paying attention to the rooms it immediately connects to and not the design flow of the terminal in general.
Charlotte is probably the easiest airport to navigate I've
just these loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong corridors easy to navigate sure but despite not even being that big an airport compared to big european cities and shit you still get to walk quite the distances if your flight rolls a bad gate.
>>115671 ever been in. but the Vegas airport still remains the greatest overall.
>>115675 You see those large corridors in a bunch of American airports, or at least in a few of the ones I've been in. When I was transferring in Atlanta, Georgia, for my overseas plane last winter, I had to walk pretty much the entire length of a corridor to get from the entrance to my gate.
>>115670 That is how I think most maze like things happened too they just expanded and expanded and expanded and the additional wings can't fit that well into the complex.
>>115677 It is quite a common design warsov had a similiar thing too you have the main building and from there starts one or two long corridors that line up the gates and usually cafes and food joints and whatnots are lined on it or even two floored, with the food places upstairs
I think the british main airport Heathrow was it, is quite shitty real mazy
Makes sense if you've got the airport ground, to build it like that. Plane gates need a fair bit of spacing, so if you've got a lot of ground, just laying them out straightforward is ideal and clean. But when you're limited on space you can build your terminals and gates in, it starts to become the mazy nightmare everyone loves.
I like the simple design of it you have the main buildings, the parkin lots, easy access to pick up people be it taxies, busses, train now too or your friend/family. and then from the main airport bilding, you have a the long gate-corridor so you just need to know the number and then wish it isn't 100
Though I've only ever been in terminal three here in any recent memory. Terminal one is strictly Air Canada and terminal two is...weird. I don't even know -what- flies out of it. Terminal three is pretty much anyone else, and since Air Canada is horribly expensive, I don't know if I've ever flown with it.
Oh yeah for clarity T2 is most of flights especially landing But yeah they get equally divided between the two terminals that gas station is a good place to park your car and then wait along untill the people you are picking up arrive
the big buildings with the arrow are various flight company offices and such
Oh wait I can order food from the "burger bar" near this seat from a tablet they've got set up here. It's gonna be horribly, horribly overpriced, but man. Hunger sings with a siren's call.
It is kinda hard to first grasb even a familiar building or site from an angle you've never really seen it
>Six-ounce burger and fries rings up $16.00 Nooot worth.
So worst luck is "check-in at T2" and then you wound up with a gate at the opposite end of the building have fun walking is way above 1km
>>115695 Holy fuck that is WAY overpriced I mean post-custom food joints are overpriced but that is WAAAY overpriced
I could get a standalone order of fries for four dollars, which is still over priced, but not that bad. But I somehow figure it's gonna be a pretty small portion. And I could get a poutine for 9.50, which is more reasonable, but I dunno about the portion size. Probably still kind of smallish.
>>115700 I don't think any flight that's only a few hours long offers full meals. At best I'll get a drink and a small packaged snack.
The Starbucks nearby that I got this yoghurt and granola and coffee from had some sandwiches in stock. I was actually considering it pretty heavily while in line, but I figure anything I find here, I can get at a better price in an American airport.
How inconvenient. I'm all for a good walk, but when you're lugging luggage and it's getting a bit absurd in distance, I think the convenience of motorized transport beings to make sense.
well the t1 and t2 are maybe what 300m apart? but you seee how the U shaped building continues really rarelu the opposite block of the terminals is used for picking up people... But it does happen so that is what I ment
I think there might be some ind of ferry service but really Never used it >>115708 Also aside from hand luggage, you leave all at the T1 or T2 anyhow
I guess so. It's been so, so long since I've checked any luggage I don't really remember how that aspect works, hah hah. Whenever I've travelled anywhere in recent years it has been with just a carry-on suitcase. I like being able to keep an eye on my property but man, having to tug it around everywhere does wear thin.
>>115710 I pretty much always check my big bag and then take the side bag and maybe laptop bag with me on board I always pretty much travel with >big bag >backbag >laptop suitcase
I've got a messenger bag where I stash my Chromebook and electronics and books. It pretty much serves the same purpose as a laptop bag or purse. All my clothes go in a wheeled suitcase that can go in a plane's overhead compartment. I travel pretty light so that's all I ever really need.
the laptop bag is quite useful, as you carry it on your side or bit infront, it
lol fuck you internets
it is more secure harder to pickpocket than a backbag or rather, harder to cut the straps without you noticing that is how they steal bags nowadays
Yeah that's pretty much a messenger bag. I've been using them since mid-high school since I liked the idea of my bag by my side instead of on my back. Mine is really roomy, when I was in Japan I fit pretty much my entire haul from bookstores in the bag. Sure by the end of Tokyo it was pretty much stuffed to the brim, but I had a LOT of stuff in it.
So you have extra room for camera and shit that wouldn't fit n your secure pockets
Yeah I used to use it to carry my paperstuff and shit when I was more active at uni or anything I might need to a workplace, when I worked at an office or such looked more business and professional but bad thing is, it is smaller than a backbag can't stick some groceries there really
>>115720 I think it looks better to have the bag on your side than your back
>>115722 You just gotta get Tetris-y creative! Or opt for the super roomy bag like I did. But yeah there's definite conveniences a backpack has over a messenger bag.
>>115723 I totes agree. Back when I was working in the financial district here, it always amused me to no end to see bankers and corporate whitecollars getting out of the subway and going into office buildings wearing backpacks you'd expect to see on kids in high school.
>>115731 well mine is a laptop bag it is ment for >1 (one) laptop >accessories for the laptop ie. powerchord, mouse etc. >a slot for smaller things like usb sticks etc with a zipper >a slot for papers, but not a big stack >slots for about 5 pens
>>115731 Backpacks make me think of little kids going off to school and stuff >Oniichan, you're gonna be late for the board meeting, get up!
also my laptop bag is something like 100-200€ worth atleast it was back in the day though I think it was bought with dollaroos
>>115732 Yeah I had a laptop bag I would also use for college stuff in college. Being in a programming course, it helped to have a personal machine you could take around. I tried my damnedest with getting all my daily textbooks and notebooks into it alongside my laptop, but man, it was a struggle.
Currently it houses a shitton of my papers and documents and some other stuff I usually keep in "important stuff cubboard" havn't unpacked it since moving out of my previous place
also my current laptop fits my backbag so there isn't the issue of >19 inch laptop can't fit anywhere that I had originally
Yeah that's the reason I got my laptop bag in the first place. The laptop was about eighteen inches and wouldn't fit in most conventional bags--and most conventional laptop bags.
I always enjoy the frowns people give you, if you board at last minute like >WE ARE THIS LATE BECAUSE OF YOU fucking plebs
My flight has been delayed and delayed I'm trying to get drunk to make it at least bearable but after three "double" shots I'm only slightly buzzed God dammit
>>115745 nah different person this shit is insanely expensive but their food is good
>>115743 You should be at heathrow they have so many sampling opportunities at their billion stores I counted, 15 fucking shots FOR FREE sure they are not full 4cl but still
Jan and I are both in airports right now
Also hey I'm still doing this joke on the http version of /moe/
>>115749 when is your flight? mine's delayed until 10PM EST I'll be in Florida at like midnight
Did ya know that alcohol is about the most secure investment, you always know atleast somewhat what you will get and the bottle refund hasn't changed (atleast here) for 70+ years, so the return of investment is always the same.
>listening to old jazz records >saxophone only on left ear >8 minutes later I kinda wish the next song has saxophones raping just my right ear to get a balanced feeling
Completely unrelated to anything except the OP pic and i thought about it a bit yaeh scip173 kills people by snapping their necks, but that is the quickest way to do someone in from behind. So if someone lacks a neck, it just finds another way to do em in I guess in terms of sexibanki, it would be smashing the skull in
>>116386 → >>116387 → >>116388 → It didn't go very well at all We didn't really have an idea what either of us was doing She invited me to go for a cruise with snacks so that's what we did And basically we just drove around having really forced, awkward conversation for about an hour Nothing interesting even happened so it doesn't even make for a good story >>116410 What the FUCM FUCK this fucking cum guzzling board
Anyways, we got back to her house and she was like "well, so what, do we shake hands now or what" And then I was like >do you wanna kiss I want to die just reading that She didn't wanna kiss We shook hands and I went home
Well I'm not being insincere, I'm just good at explaining things *not good. And I'm not trying to convince you otherwise of what you feel, I just was wondering what was going on and thought I might as well keep you company.
Towards port I think they use it during night time to transport goods? Or it is just built in case they want to make a station in the port no idea, it ain't in use
The problem with going "okay I will just go through this hill/crop of trees/forest that wound up in the semi-urban area in the capital region is "Okay, what next how do I get down from here"
>>116784 those holes make me think how large can the holes in the net be and still reliably catch a ball it seems like a golf ball could go through but it's likely to still hit the net
Here is a good illustration of the random foresty look finnish cities have, outside of the city centre >>116760 these are about hundred or so meters to the left of this spot >>116763 and these are on the other side of the road >>116762 and these are directly behind me
>>116877 it does though? Like when Kirara and I first watched zesty, we made threads at basically the same time Rika just happened to miss your thread it's nbd
There's no need for drama! I did legitimately not see the thread, but then I did decide to push my thread anyway. Sometimes the way TN is too autistic about making all the threads bugs me a bit.
The world needs a Rika, though, so don't be mad about my personality flaws!
ugh i just spent yesterday like coding this elaborate IO thread thing with an interlock and shit
i wake up today and realize i don't need an IO thread the only reason I thought I needed an IO thread was because my placeholder code was some text adventure tier placeholder stuff ARGHRHGH time to tear it all down
>>116957 sounds fancy eh? interlock is just like some two-way communication channel where i can send bytes between these two separately loaded areas of my program something i came up with to deal with windows' DLL hell >>116963 yeah pretty much, i could accomplish it with a loopback socket too but I want to be able to pass more than just byte streams across it... i want to pass a graphics context
Yeah it was but comedic situation >okaay where the fuck am I okay climb up this hill ann THERE IS A FUCKING GOLF COURSE and some random golfers turn around searching for who just shouted
Also the "maze buildings" by that time I had only limited time to get to the stores before they close and I had no idea where I was and how far I had gone. it wasn't untill I got out of there that I spotted the big tower that I use as landmark
>>116943 After consulting the council we've come to a unanimous agreement. We are having a great time!
>>117017 You can tell him that I'm the one playing the victim right now and that he's going to have to wait his turn. He's been very greedy lately, you can't just push someone out of playing the victim like that when they started it first. Especially when it was his irony that started it all!
>>117019 If you don't see it, it's because you are misunderstanding how I operate. With a bunch of our posters currently roadtripping, we need to mash everyone in the same thread to make up for it. Otherwise the threads will be dead and I will be bored.
>>117023 Of course my actions have consequences, I'm having to spend time and effort getting you guys to do what I want as a result of my actions.
>>117027 I'm not doing what you want. Your punishment is boredom. You don't get to simply apologize and pretend you didn't act rude and dumb with me. You made me mad. This is the future you chose.
>>117022 yup we all wave a flag and then return to not being united
>>117084 oh wow that's pretty good too how long has it gotten is it ponytail length
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I got a haircut on like last week
you all keep stealing my fucking haircuts stop it >>117086 not long at all now, I got it cut a couple of months ago it was pretty long before then though it had been three years since I cut it last
The truth is that the underoos I am wearing right now have a hole in the butt because I procrastinated on laundry so much that I had to dip into the pool of unacceptable underoos just to keep my butt clothed.
>>117082 Okay, he said "I will protect you, Rika-dono."
>>117088 >>117089 well now you both screwed it up neither can be the best truth when it would have been a better truth if you kept the ponytail and if yuu at least saved one good undaroo
>>117094 I wore an acceptable pair at work yesterday, but once I got home I decided they were uncomfortable so I changed into a more comfy pair that has the hole in the but. butt too
I don't care much about underwear so if it has a hole, I either throw it out or just not care about it. I don't have an unacceptable pile of underwear.
But I am really the last person to ever ask about clothing norms
>>117107 Isn't that normal? Doesn't everyone has a wardrobe like this?
There are the acceptable underoos, which are new and still in serviceable condition, and then there are the unacceptable ones that all have problems with them. Some of my old ones have faded colors, or old elastic that doesn't work anymore and they don't stay on very well, or holes in various places. But some of them are good backup when the good ones are not clean.
All mine still fit since my body shape is still the same as it was when I was a teenager. But I do have some that don't fit because the elastic is so old that it doesn't work as elastic anymore. It won't stay up. I used to try to make those work as around the house clothes but it got to the point where I'd go to sleep in them and would wake out without anything on my bottom.
how can underwear be unacceptable anyways noone is gonna see it
>>117124 i should have heeded my friend's advice about the milk i finally hit my goal but overshot it by a couple pounds and it's starting to go in the places i don't want instead of do want i need to switch things up fast maybe i'll switch to cappucinos (sp) less fat, more caffeine
>>117133 I seek to preserve my dignity even in situations where my dignity cannot be completely preserved. They may not need to tug it all off anyway. What if it's just my thigh that's injured?
>>117128 Yeah, I consider a glass of milk as being more like a meal than a drink.
>>117134 in high school i was super thin to the point were i was getting those looks i started buying those slim fast meal replacement things and then eating them with a meal i just could never keep on the weight ive been drinking sodas lately though, i should probably stop that i don't even like sodas
So.. my cousing sent me a pic in whatsup group "this kinda building in the backyard" and it was a castle and I replied about second later "the fuck you doing at Neuschwanstein castle?" hmm
>>117136 I keep sodas out of my tiet as much as possible. my diet too But I did have one yesterday because the place I ate only had soda. They need to get some water or something.
>>117146 sweet tea down here is really addicting too tennessee got some dang good sweet tea and it's probably more sugar than the sodas sometimes i go out for catfish or something and just have to have sweet tea with it
Washing machines are kinda weird, aren't they? If you think about it, and they are an attempt to mechanize washing, it's kind of a half-ass solution, isn't it? You wash by hand by getting a bucket of soapy water and working the clothes against a washing board. But a washing machine is just a thing where you pour a bunch of soapy water in basically and then it just spins it around in a dumb fashion.
There is a washing machine at the laundry room here, that is real shitty it does wash quick and efficient BUT IT DOESN'T DO THE DRYING TUMBLING no 700-1400 rpms to centrifuge the water out so anything you toss there will be dripping wet and takes forever to dry
>>117168 the scrubbing board is just for friction to get the soap activated washing machines agitate the water most of the cleaning is actually in the soaking stage anyway a little spot cleaning afterwards, but the machine just splooshes so much water through the clothes that you don't need to spot clean
i still prefer to wash by hand usually i wash mine in the tub
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
well it works don't it do washing machines centrifuge the dirt out, or is just the wild action +
It went like some inventor guy just went "oh I have engines now, time to make something ridiculous!" and that was his solution.
I wonder if I can use an old washing machine in place of a centrifuge for the bees I'm going to put out next summer. Maybe that's cheaper than buying a proper centrifuge.
>>117178 it's not a centrifuge it's an agitator maybe they were long ago i dunno but they only turn like a half radian then shift back it doesnt keep swirling around
>>117204 Yes, while veryone is accusing me of being a stubborn shithead, I've started posting herei in an attempt to get everyone posting together again. I think most people will ignore the effort and just go on pretending that I'm always rude, though.
>>117205 No, the materials take a bit of time for me to gather since I am just starting out.
>>117207 Well it was just amusing dnno why floop stuck here, but I thought having two threads would allow for more organic conversations ie. when the both threads were just amde, the other was 100% mobage while here other shit was going on had the both been on one thread, either would've been flooded
Looks like I do have the stuff to uncap her again though so I'll do that. For the last uncapping I need 2 more abysm orbs and 2 more celeste omega anima thigies for the final uncap though.
>>117254 pretty much >>117253 wow no witty retort I predicted this >>117252 it's ok you seemed to be having trouble with the thought of a bunch of people maybe coming would have just stressed you out for no real reward
>>117271 Try not to carry around anything bad in the car with you.
>>117275 It's just my prescription stuff Jan and Tilde wanted to see if it would alleviate their ADHD symptoms well It worked really well for Jan, he said, he wants to get a presentation for it A prescription even
also HOW IS IT >don't change from electric to lugia >uses earthquake >change >uses outrage I mean.. COME ONE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>117297 yeah why are you so weak grind gym leaders
I don't GRIND
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
then that's your own problem
lso >grind gym leaders yeaah >>117303 2 per day with some not available on some season
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you can rematch them in this game dude.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they're like level 60 they're great exp
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
go punch some mt moon enemies dude quit being a puss
I punched them all already
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
mt silver random encounters you'll get plenty
bah that is grinding
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also i am actually grinding right now Grinding elite four but I forgot how I did it I defeated this elite four like ages ago easily with lower lvl pklmns but I forgot what I did
that is my problem
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
well if you're stuck at lance just die and you'll keep the exp
ALSO where is my exp share
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
if you didn't get it you trade the scale from red gyarados to mr pokemon for it
Yeah but you see I think I had two already so that confuses me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>two how even
what was paralyze chance again? 30%?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
probably 50
I ment the "can't move"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh, it's 25%.
13% that is acceptable
so what is confusion hit itself?
>the entire time lugia was faster than garchomp see this is what I mean by "I don't remember the strategy"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
lugia shouldn't be faster than garchomp I'm pretty sure
i'm not sure if my nerves can handle that right now multi thread proves itself useful again, if anyone wants to hang out here also it's good not to add more chaos to serious discussions probably
have you ever heard of "I didn't mean any of that" and shit or you know "lying to make it seem it is real and then betray the asshole" do yhou even fiction?
if anything me not reacting like that would've been more a signal that you're just trying to trick him, really. Also why are you using metaphors on someone who is plastered
We can sjust post in this thread
RIKA would you eat cloned human meat Like, meat grown in a lab that was never part of a person
>>117794 hey "Please can you not just see a simple step to right or left could fix this TAB of a problem we are in and we can say to the barkeep a new tab please"