>>10492 I need to reapply for my Government Issued Hunting Boomerang since I was abroad for more than six months. It's another chore to do this week. >>10493 Gone but not forgotten. Heroes never die.
yeah the "filler" arc was actuall y quite fun I think they are doing other extended murata stuff so they can make more anime Afterall if they just went with the original One storyline, there would be like 3 year caps between 1 cour seasons
Yeah, I hope Murata still sticks somewhat close to One's storyline If it diverges so much that we don't get an awakened Garou fight, I'm gonna be so sad.
>>10506 True, true. I'm mostly worried about the Monster King they introduced, since he seems to be a likely replacement to "god" And if god is with physically with the MA, shit is gonna go weird
I mean, it does continue with the "saitama is interested in martial arts" storyline while building Garou as more of a character and making the monster union into a bigger threat >>10505 It is more of a expansion of it remember that ONE is still writing it too
>>10505 doubt I bet the Monster King will be either an extended "flesh puppet" of psykos or just someone who will be dealt quickly before the actual garou/monster union arc begins
I don't think it's a Psykos flesh puppet, considering she was talking to it when no one watching
I mean, it would be seriously stupid to not have psykos as the true brain of the MA, instead of some figurehead or puppet she controls >>10508 It might be for show you know the Vizier ruling with a stupid king thinking they have the power
>>10509 Thinking about it more, he's probably just the guy supplying the monster cells to infect everyone Maybe he'll turn out to be a fat weeb on the inside
He most likely is some powerful monster psykos found when she began to plan her "save the world by killing humans" vision. And it just suited her to set him as the king of the association. I bet he is killed either by garou or one shot by saitama before the actual garou recruiment thing arrives. Maybe their "garou recruitment" is because of some large losses they suffer because of their current campaign
like losing all their minor players + king, so that the remaining MA is just the ones we see in the original monga
>>10515 I love how it is "nuclear is bad, and your solar and wind is shit so let's do better gas/oil/coal shit" seriously stop with nuculear power fear
Any of you guys see LWA yet? Apparently the fat guy from pawn stars is in it. Well a character that looks just like him and is voiced by the guy who did his voice in the Japanese dub.
That's not really relevant though. The point is that Trigger has a history of throwing Western non-animation stuff into their stuff.
>>10543 One of the producers on the LWA staff really likes Chumlee, which is probably why he made it in. Probably a similar reason as to why the Pulp Fiction characters showed up.
what studio did the hoybu or whatever animu? I think that isw here nc was in briefly hyobu even
>joke accounts that retweet a ton of shit between their tweets How the fuck am I supposed to suck in some humor here if you keep interrupting it with whatever some actual faggot said about something political Stop
There's a new Conan the Barbarian game and it's an open world survival game with crafting and no rigid story you have to follow
Do you know how fucking many there are of these? Like seriously
And they all play EXACTLY. THE. FUCKING. SAME.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>10562 This one has boob jiggling though. Its also supposed to have a very good character creator. Unlike Rust, although I do think the randomly designed character thing in Rust is an interesting concept.
>>10567 He will probably play it longer than that. He has fun with lots of shit games.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
All I know about the MMO is that there is some mountain pass where it is really narrow and that if you wait there while on your horse you can kick (with the horse) any person who tries to walk past you.
>>10569 Man people loved H1Z1 too, remember that? How's H1Z1 doing? I'm gonna check
4 and a half thousand people on the regular game Actually more than I expected
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I meant that you can kick them off the side of the mountain. >>10572 Do you not know what vaporware means? >In the computer industry, vaporware or vapourware is a product, typically computer hardware or software, that is announced to the general public but is never actually manufactured nor officially cancelled.
That would require safe zones and stuff to talk to him I guess? And writing, which let's be honest if they had someone on payroll doing, they wouldn't be making another early access survival game with this
Like I know I sound overly cynical here, but so far I've seen about 50 of this game, all of them have promised the world and given us DayZ without the Z
Oh there's Ark I guess, which is somewhat different in that it has dinos
>>10587 No paper trail to confirm that I have ever lost my job. State records don't match up for some reason. Can't move to next step of healthcare eligibility without proof of lost job. No paycheck stubs since >direct deposit Didn't get an actual firing notice on paper since it was just a phone call I have the document that has me on final notice but not the actual firing letter because there is no firing letter. The only document that is left here as relevant is when I filed for Unemployment benefits and was declined. However, that is not available on the website and they can only mail it back to you. There is no 1099G for those who have been declined benefits (since you're not getting anything). So I can't print one out. The reprint of the letter has not come in the mail. And so, I'm on the "Don't get sick, or die quickly" plan
Can't get a new jo- Oh dear. Oh that's even more problematic.
Let us pray that this tooth never decides to move ever again, yeah? My sister fell down the stairs on Saturday and watching her get sudden pains from it gives me phantom pain. She was screaming so loudly that I heard her over my headphones blasting c91 albums. She's got the oxycodones now.
I don't know what I'm going to do about this now though. Somewhere in my house there MAY be that letter that declined me back in 2015 It's not in any folder or box that I keep documents in though. I think I'm screwed. And I don't want to listen to my mom, and then my dad, and then subsequent family members talk about it.
Ever needed to prove to the world that the world thought you were too trash to be given money? Maybe I can scan my skin tone and file it under "benefits denial."
>>10619 "the cyber" is how trump says "cyber security"
So is he not signing an order to increase cyber security, or one or reduce it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It was a call to review the nation's cybersecurity capabilities and vulnerabilities A draft of the order was given to WaPo and it was completely sane and even boring
oh hi I'll take al ook at it. I expected a stamina system, hopefully the stamina system isn't too evil.
Granblue's stamina system was so easy that I never really hit it. And Kancolle basically has a stamina system in its mechanics and it isn't a big deal wither.
Filing return is so easy when you have done literally nothing to the economy. It feels really nice.
>>10635 All the characters have like 3-5 CGs including attacking, battle damage, idle, etc And they're all voiced including characters that have never been voiced, but that probably is cooler for you than me since I've never been big into FE.
>>10640 The pricing is really, REALLY cheap. The cheapest I've ever seen in a Japanese mobage. It costs 5 orbs to summon, and you can get 10 orbs for $6. Usually it's like 5 whatever for 5 /// 500-600jpy. Of course buying higher amounts of the orbs for summoning/continues is more cost effective though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
You get discounts the more you buy, too. The first one you get for 5 orbs, then the next three cost 4 orbs, and then the fifth summon costs 3 orbs The quality of the game looks insanely high
>>10643 Well good. If you're happy then I'll probably be happy too. I am pleased with most of the sprites I've seen. As well as the large number of characters. They seem to have covered a lot of the characters I like.
>>10645 I'm not very experienced with FE but as a mobage, it looks really good. If it were like this but original and not FE, I'd probably play it still.
>>10647 My big concern is that the gameplay is too watered down or that the staminca mechanics make it too hard to play for long. We'll just see how it goes.
Oh, there are also special quests where if you beat them, you unlock a character from it That's cool The gameplay looks pretty good to me, it only looks a little simpler than I remember the game being although it's a lot smaller i think
It's a four unit cap and smaller maps, yeah. It's a question of difficulty I think. We'll just see! But so far it looks fun to me. You can also play against other people which is kind of unique. Only the newest FE had the ability to play against others, and it was a tacked on, unbalanced feature that no one really used.
>Unfortunately, you can’t e-file this year because: You can't file a blank return. Complete your return before trying to file it. what >You'll have to print and mail your 2016 return. Back to dying
have you ever accidentally walked out of a store with something without paying for it i still have this hat it was too inconvenient to go back and return it
Oh, the pvp is where you beat up people's teams but not play against them. I guess it's like kancolle in that regard.
>>10678 If it's because no income, see if someone will file jointly with you How much did you make with odd-jobs this year? File that as self-employment even if it's like $100 You don't have to file taxes if you're unemployed but self-employment is an exception If it's because stuff is empty find a way to fill it Your student loan payments are important too
50 stamina banked 11 stamina for the hardest map 2 stamina for the easiest stamina regens 1 every 5 minutes
not too bad
>>10674 There's only two new shows tonight, HandShakers and ACCA. ACCA is pretty good but I don't think you watch it.
>new character in acca >voiced by toshiyuki morikawa ... seriously madhouse, are you trying to make the "most expensive anime in terms of voice actor wages"?
acca just keeps building to become more mysterious
It's kind of neat but hopefully there's some resolutions before we get too close to the final climax. Having one huge avalanche of reveals and resolutions right at the end is really burdensome on the viewer.
yeah, it works in literature but moving pictures naah
Even in literature it's kiiiinda hit and miss. You need some really good final resolutions or else everything feels kind of flat. But definitely is easier to do in literature than video.
It's also better if it's presented at the end of a contained piece, like a single novel or even a movie. But a serialization works against you for final climaxes, really.
Yeah like, take wheel of time which was end heavy on resolutions, they paced them enough so it didn't swamp you and the final books weren't end heavy in the end, heh
I don't really think it does. She was entrusted to uphold the values of the country, even if for a short time only, and when she felt those value were threatened, she was dismissed from the position prematurely.
Okay. So now, I just gotta... keep studying until I can A+ the A+ And then get a job with benefits... >>10757 I uploaded it but... it just said "Upload successful!" And then I realized the folly. I have to wait for someone to actually look at it and say "Yeah, this is fine." It's 9:09
That's okay, though. As long as your application is complete before midnight, there shouldn't be a problem. If your application isn't complete, you need to call the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace and they can move it through for you,
I have the application itself completed but I am at the "Eligibility" part and it just doesn't give me any options until I can confirm my Proof of Income (or lack thereof)
I mean, technically I was doing this since last week and crossing my fingers on "I HOPE THIS LETTER COMES IN BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH" But my mailbox is emptier than a Secret S/a/nta participant.
It would honestly be a shame to die as soon as the world sees that there is something worth fighting for. I don't want to die with my only contribution to the world being saving manga that no one cared to manage properly.
95%. >>10769 You can't die, I don't plan on letting you die. Unless you die so fast that I can't do anything about it, I guess. But if you're sick and dying slowly, I'll fix it!
He's going to turn against his father and become the leader of the resistance in 20 years when trump is 90 and kept alive via medical equipment called the PRO-LIFE APPARATUS barron will become known as The Baron
Mother Earth is pregnant for the third time, For y'all have knocked her up. I have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe. I was not offended. For I knew I had to rise above it all, Or drown in my own shit.
>ACLU raises all that money >How can we properly handle this and make sure it is used well >Maybe we should talk to people who know how to handle money >Like Y Combinator what the shit lol
Then when the metal gear is down he comes up and punches your face and goes all WALLMACHINES SON
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>The Baron punches Trump in the face >Trump doesn't even flinch >Nani?! (The Baron speaks japanese) >My body is made of walls!
Apparently there was supposed to be a Three Amigos meeting for the first time with the new president soon. But it got cancelled because of the executive order to begin designing the US-Mexican wall.
In the mean while Canada and Mexico have come to an agreement, where Mexicans can travel to Canada without a visa now, and Canada can sell it's beef in Mexican markets.
>Silicon Valley is making plans to move foreign-born workers to Canada aw shit Tilde get your Comp Sci degree ready You guys are about to get your rents raised.
I'm not even on track to get a Comp Sci degree man. What am I supposed to do about this.
Is really not that terrible a thing man. I mean what are they going to do, boat their drugs into Canada?
We already recruit tonnes of Mexicans for farmwork pretty much every harvest season so it's not like this is some new influx of temp workers. It changes very little, it just makes what already happens easier.
Well you don't share a border so smuggling and shit is hard, but... I wouldn't enable visa free travel with a shithole like mexico the european shitholes already produce enough crimes when they got visa free status on joining EU
Oh yeah, funny thing. We just set a ban on double citizenship fin-russians on being able to work at the army and they will also now be restricted on where they will be posted during conscription too.
Or you can buy property and rent it out to the incoming yuppie crowd Not that I believe it's in any range to be easily purchased.
Vancouver's already a housing price hellhole. Pretty much any major Canadian city is. The Chinese use our residential markets as long term banks and buy up all the available housing. But in Vancouver, they also live in them.
looks like keystone pipeline is officially starting construction back up again even though they never stopped until they needed the us army corps of engineers to build an easement for them
is it maid dragon day yet so I can stop hearing you bitch about it.
oh ok
not for 10 hours and if you think i won't be looking forward to episode 5 directly after episode 4 you're wrong in fact i'm already looking forward to looking forawrd to episode 5
>>11059 to be a great musician you know, at that time, in Germany, in 1969-70, they already had discotheques
oh wow a song by giorgio was about to play when i was listening to the scarface soundtrack earlier but i skipped it and now you bring this up UNMEI DESUYO
i would prefer to be somewhere safe when WW3 starts
>>11084 wow did you avoid spilling your spaghetti?
>>11085 >>11091 I think so. I hope so.. She was part Nepali so we had a lot to talk about. I just shared a few of my travel stories. She seemed impressed by my fragmented Nepali vocabulary of basic nouns. I think we're planning to meet up again next week. >>11089 You'd also make shitloads more money. What's your hourly rate at the moment?
12 dollars an hour i'm a wageslave and a i wanna die WOO
>>11104 My radiant presence would be too much for the wizards, it would disturb them in their native environment. I'm not so cruel to inflict suffering on such gentle creatures.
>new lit class >assigned text
>Humpty Dumpty's method is an exaggeration of the humanist interpretations, a revolutionary viewpoint according to which every reader must engage with the text on his or her own terms.
Could the US go ancap so I can see the subscription based feudal system in action? It'd be cool, guys If you can afford it, you can pay protection mo- I mean a subscription to one of several gan- I mean conflict resolution agencies And then when someone slights you, you sick the g- you file a case with your agency and they either review the case if the other guy is also in a ga- has a subscription, and if he doesn't they probably will look into it anyway because there will be watchdog groups ensuring fairness. Because if you have a reputation of assuming your client is innocent and taking their word, nobody will buy a subscription from you, obviously.
This whole idea is so faulty it's hard to keep on track because other problems show up all the time throughout talking about just one aspect.
And all of this is just assuming regular gangs cease to exist A conflict resolution agency will be fucked against an actual gang because you can't charge people the cost of a soldier, or they can't afford it
A GANG on the other hand... The clients ARE the soldiers
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Anarchists are low hanging fruit but holy shit there are actually adults who think it won't lead to another few generations of just warlords battling for resources
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Not to mention the current world is the result of anarchy as far as you can get anarchy
You know the other day I found out that Mario isn't actually a plumber from Brooklyn. He's actually from the Mushroom Kingdom and is probably whatever all the toads are. Which I guess explains why Peach is like twice his height. But it's weird.
>>11154 Idol Jihen is one I haven't quite been able to put my finger on yet. It seems like it's trrying to replicate the success of aikatsu, but where aikatsu was aimed at the little girl audience and was incidentally popular with otaku, idol jihen seems to be attempting to appeal to both groups.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>trying to appeal to Otaku How to make a shitty show, the animated instruction manual
Pandering is one of those words I have trouble with because I feel it has lost its meaning. It seems like common sense to make a show that is going to appeal to the fans. So it's hard for me to quality what a pandering anime would be and what one wouldn't be. A really cool awesome robot fight in something like Gundam is pandering to mecha fans. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't have a clear understanding of where the line is for it to have a negative connotation.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Pandering when used in a derogatory way usually refers to when shows forego an interesting story or other important elements to hit a niche
Like when a show is just "look at these girls and pick a favorite. No we don't have anything other than your favorite grill in different situations"
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Though I guess that's what Idol shows are all about so
Well, for example, if you take something like Strike Witches: The story does tend to be cute girls doing cute things with a side of fanservice in some places, but there's usually a good deal of care given to including WWII references, accurate depictions of military equipment, and a good bit of European architecture in there too. So even if you set the moe and fanservice aside, there's some substance to it that will appeal to military otaku. It's kind of uncommon to find something with no substance at all, but the label of pandering is applied pretty liberally.
i think pandering is one of those things that is fine even when it exists the idea of entertainment is to pander to an audience just because /a/ made it a buzzword for a few years doesn't mean it's actually a bad thing i also agree with rika-sama in that it is overused
It's overused yeah, and I probably use it too liberally too There's nothing "wrong" with it, it just tends to be the kind of thing that's unwatchable to me There's always gonna be be more anime
Bushy hair down to your butt is the way to go. It looks cute and you never have to do anything with it. And it won't turn into a horrible twisted mess because of anime rules.
My sleep is still a little wonky, and I wake up before my alarm, but I'm not tired or anything I sleep like 4 and a half hours a night, and on weekends closer to 10
I should sleep more probably, but I'm not feeling any ill effects either, so
wow finally a song has come along to explain to my friends why i get sad listening to Y.M.C.A >>>/watch?v=DsoCe7C4Kmk
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
I thought village people was a TV show for a long time
I want to find whichever one of you recommended bamboo socks and shower you with kisses. >>11270 If blind people don't learn to dodge traffic when they're young they'll never learn at all.
>>11275 I didn't recommend them but I can attest to their quality
I think SwiftKey reads what I read in apps and bases the dictionary on it, it keeps giving me weird stuff, and Saigō it has with the accent and everything
before i moved out, living with your parents seemed like the most normal thing around now that i don't live with my parents every time someone says they live with their parents, i'm like "what the fuck is wrong with them" the human mind is a beautiful thing
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Likely it's just his granddad on his father's side
Yeah, but while german army or rather prussian army was quite a meritocracy, it had a long policy of allowing just the nobles to gain ranks though then again, she is just a low-level officer and not in the general staff. And also magic >>11371 yeah but if you take it as europe but with magic, aside fro mthat it is mostly the same I mean the germany in that world is also not the Prussian compromise, but the Gross-german solution, with bohemia and austria smashed into it. So I guess in the unification wars the austro-hungarian empire collapsed completely and got annexed, atleas tthe german parts, by the prussia of that world.
Hmm, and since austro-hungary wasn't around the minorities didn't explode in the balkans so the war logically didn't happen as early as it happened with us So for example russia has had time to collapse and become a federation of some sort, and with no war to gain support to the communists. Soviets never became a thing.
Though I wonder what kind of political movement led to scandinavia becoming a united country
Wow, quite a larger germany denmark, all of benelux and half of yugoslavia and all of modern hungary territory and poland belong to it
Impressive for world history to be so similar when magic's thrown in
Well I would guess that magic indeed, is the reason why the germany in there is so big. that is like a country of 200 million, waayy stronger than germany ever was even in ww2
>>11382 prussians pretty much invented war of movement, and with magic making it way more efficient than it ever could be... it is natural they would be much stronger. I guess for example, the war between prussia and denmark ended in complete annexatin, instead of denmark losing their german provinces. and that lead to norway and sweden really uniting instead of undoing the personal union to be stronger against the rising german threat and I suppose the benelux territory would either just join the Reich, or there never was a netherlands as a nation, and thus the region remained part of the Holy Roman Empire or its equilevant, and thus was considered "germanic territory" Alternatively, germany just invaded it and conquered it in some war
And I guess if in some war between Austrian empire and prussia, the prussians gained overwhelming victory, it would be logical to take whatever territory they could and then seccede the parts they didn't want to others, explaining the modenr size "Romania" there. And taking serbia is just logical and the territory connecting to it, since it is a good defensive location geographically against any balkanian power be it greece or turkey or ottoman empire or whatever
And as for the eastern broder, welp I would guess germany grabbed some poland when russia had a revolution or alternatively, during the fall of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the prussia of that time managed to grab way more territory than in our time.
And since no kind of enchanting magic seems to exist for defense, aside from instant shields. It most likely has resulted in war quickly becoming a matter of "who strikes and moves fastest" instead of the "siege a fort" it was for us during the gunpowder era mostly. Once again leading to a country like prussia who due to lack of capacity to wage a long war, had to develop tactics and strategies to quickly and swiftly end a war in one or two battles.
Impossible to say how much thought or if at all the author has given it, though.
>and we're going to do it with law enforcement It's like he has no idea what gets talked about in Black History Month Honestly, I think ... nah, nevermind that's a trash idea. I don't see a single thing in there about black history so I guess we can all just move on from it and actually do things.
Fuck it was real I think Oh no
>>11408 The entire statement is basically "I'm not racist, I have black friends"
It'ss a living document, so I guess the answer is yes
The Constitution doesn't even include the concept of executive orders The premise is that it allows them because th Constitution says president must faithfully executive the law And EOs are "necessary" to do so They should only apply to executive branch though So it would be quickly overturned if used to ban alcohol (not that you can count on trump to obey the courts)
Apparently Melania doesn't plan to move to white house
That's been known ever since nov 8
She planned to At the end of the school year Now says likely never will
... fucking hell my trunk broke luckily I had emptied it, but I had unfortunately put some bags inside it I intended to use for clothes. >>11431 the code dial lock no longer works I think it having had a heavy load of books inside it, must have twisted the lock somehow.
yeah some older trunks and suitcases had those codelocks on them this actually had 3 locks 2 with keys and the numberdial I was going to throw it away sooner or later anyhow, since it was old as shit and I already kinda saved it from getting thrown away. But I was going to still USE IT for this moving operation
I found a twitter account that seems to just go scavenging for Koume and retweeting it
>“I didn’t felt anything towards the enemy. I just fired and loaded and continued as long as there were enemies” Dude Simo was hardcore >“I just shot every time I saw an enemy. I didn’t care if he was a commander or not.”
>>11439 They began to send squads to kill him then anti-sniper squads then artillery strikes and he survived them all and also killed all the squads that were sent to kill him
it's chicken, spinach, tomatoes, and cream cheese with tons of spices on rice with egg and tons of spices and then flatbreads sour cream and chili-vinegar on top
Sargon is rightwing, but also thinks putting a law in place limiting the highest paid position in companies to 20 times the lowest paid position I don't understand politics anymore
Gee whiz it's almost as if people can be unique personalities that some times agree with an overall consensus while disagreeing on minute details.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/01/worried-american-democracy-study-activist-techniques Don't mind us, just letting you know that you can topple the government Not saying you should or anything, but this one's about you, America
But the American government is built upon the philosophy that the citizens should fight back when a government no longer fairly represents them.
>>11467 It sure would be interesting to see a civil war go down
And Meidoragon.
>>11467 >>11468 Hmm, how will the democrats who usually hold the "ban the guns" atleast recently opinion, feel about it Fight the gov who doesn't represent them, but at the same time not agreeing with the "a well armed militia"
tales of zesty only 15 bucks in a humble bundle worth?
You're going to have to ask Tony or Squid about it, probably. Maybe Kirara but I don't know if he beat the game.
ill never see him where two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year running over the same old ground what have we found? same old fears wish samu was here
yeah im in drivers training right now to get ready for the march training
>>11499 Well it's not like it'll instantly jump to still daylight at 21:00. You'll probably get to your driving before 18:30 or whatever. Unless you're particularly south.
The difference is when the right lies it tends to be "SCIENCE IS INCORRECT ABOUT THE THING" When the left dies, it's "I got assaulted by 5 guys shouting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP"
Right lies pale to their half truths though like, no one cares about the right being wrong about science (except right now with devos and Jerry "Dinosaurs are set to scale" Falwin) but they live in halftruths and plausible deniability
They're not exactly honest either, no I mean, in total there's likely more lies coming from the right and the left, but not for a lack of trying on the left's part lately
Try getting people you know to simmer down about minor shit though If people flip out every time Trump does something small, you're gonna wear yourself out by the end of 2 years He'll have half a term where nobody can even muster the energy to give a fuck, and then good luck
I don't think my life is going to change at all though. No matter who the president is, I'll still be a 4th-class citizen, i'll still be a wageslave, and i'll still have a fat dick
>>11556 >>>/@RealGDT/826912241819742211 we all love black people I cherish black people I have a friend that is black Black history month is fake news btw
>>11558 >an aboloshonist is still doing great work today That nigga must be like 200 years old >>11561 Oh good, I hope he'll continue to make progress What a hero
On this note though, I'd like to detain him to make some tests We need that eternal life shit
But that one is amusing, but you didn't really catch it I mean, the giraffe one was way too obvious, but some of the others like "symbol of hubris" being mercedes logo...
And then the-yeah. The giraffe and elephant ones are so obvious that you probably didn't even consider it being a reference and just "oh these creatures exist in this world too". After all they've got horses and other domesticated creatures.
>>11580 But then you add the "flew to the moon on the belly of an eagle made of fire" and the mosk and merk and welp... Hey, our distant relatives will fight the dark one.
>>11581 Not for like two weeks. Apparently it takes time to learn how to sit without showing off your panties in a skirt. I doubted it at first but I can see how it can be difficult.
>>11582 Mosk and Merk are kind of vague. Giants fighting with spears of fire is pretty standard "legends of old" stuff anyway. And if he'd written "flew to the moon in the belly of an etc." then that might have been a better tip off. But it also wouldn't be as mythic.
Oh yeah, I got a compliment on that sweater! One of the girls in my cohort told me that they really liked it and it was very "90s swag" which I think is a good thing.
>>11631 Probably but I'm pretty secure with who I am and don't really care about the gender role thing I mean I wore makeup to hide the circles under my eyes for like 60% of 2015
I'm just kind of vain and don't like wearing things that put a full reverse on how I look. And I think a skirt would do a pretty good job of that. But to be fair, so would most shorts.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Be careful Kirara First this Next you're doing porn
So what was the event anyhow and do people know you are crossdressing there or is there a chance of people coming to hit on a cute grill without knowing the secret?
>>11643 No, it's just a day-long thing. err hmm Nope, no event that day. There might be prospective students for the 2017 incoming cohort though because their interview day is that week. I guess that might get me flirted with. >>11644 I'll just play it by ear. Maybe I'll play with them and then humiliate them, maybe I'll turn them down right away.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>11644 "Don't hit on my you silly boys! Tee hee ☆~"
I'm really good at ad libbing. My entire build is basically built around winging it. If I use a script or plan, I lose pretty much all of my ability to converse with people.
I'd just look like a weirdo. I'm good at getting in character and stuff, though.
I always give pretty insane tips some of the deliverypeople i see often when i order pizza and they're always excited for my tip i always tip $5 which i guess is a lot more than most people do
>did you make another delivery to that Weeaboo Jewish guys house >yeah >was he wearing a skirt again? >i don't remember, man. Who gives a shit. He tipped me a fiver
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
next time i'll tip like $20 and be like "don't tell anyone about that time i wore a skirt"
>>11702 i honestly believe we are headed towards some kind of great cataclysm in our society within the next 30 years that or the silent submission into more authoritative rule
>>11702 Something something nothing wrong nothing to hide ect. ect.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>11704 we're gonna have to become the RESISTANCE so that we can die in a more exciting way than normal execution in the camps
i would rather just live my life out in solitude away from all the chaos if things happen i know enough about survival to make a life alone
I am sure the nuclear apocalypse will make everything more peaceful. I await the great glowing ones.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>11707 there's no solitude where we're going big brother will always be there with you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
When do you want to watch stuff Kirara
>>11709 i doubt that the whole of the rocky mountains are populated in fact i know without doubt that most of the northwest is uninhabited
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
when do you want to SUCK MY DICK?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Anytime babe
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>11711 yeah but you know what's not uninhabited? your bloodstream which will be full of NANOBOTS YOU CAN'T RUN FROM YOUR OWN BLOOD
>>11719 There was a good bit of doubt and screaming in 2001 when we didn't know who the president was for a few weeks. A lot of people can't remember far back enough to remember what it was like not to have their iphone 7 though, so people are freaking out.
Oh you mean the vote count thing. I remember that.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>11736 that's a little different than the dismemberment of government and the executive branch refusing to follow the stuff /// the court orders issued
>>11742 he's also told the executive branch not to follow the court orders and so they are ignoring court orders and now he's trying to re-write rules so that democrats can't stop his cabinet picks
>>11742 That's the main reason I lost interest in journalism
>>11743 A lot of court orders coming out are more or less illegitimate so they're being rightly ignored. Like it or not, it's a presidential power to close immigration.
>>11747 I don't know which particular instance you're all caps at me over, but several judges have ordered against Trump's ban despite the fact that Trump actually does have the power to limit classes of non-citizens from entering the country.
what He actually threatened to invade mexico That can't be real.
>>11745 no see the problem is that trump is excluding citizens and permanent residents from entering the country too and so the courts issued stays for everyone so that things could actually be worked out the stays are temporary measures designed to actually make the executive order manageable and workable
>>11749 I don't think he can exclude citizens. I'm pretty sure its within his power to exclude permanent residents.
Some of the court orders he's told his people to ignore are illegitimate ones though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>11752 he can't and that's why there are stays being issued
no, they are all being ignored the law of the land right now says that the executive branch does not have the power or authority to deport these people but trump's admin is doing it anyway maybe some are "illegitimate" that doesn't matter the constitution says that the executive branch is OBLIGATED to obey those court orders and that if they're wrong, the legislative branch can fix them that's what a system of checks and balances means
>>11753 There's no need for the legislative to fix anything here, though, because the legal framework for Trump to do what he's done mostly exists, and much of it was set up by democrats.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>11755 that's not how the government works at all rika you are a firm believer in the constitution so you should know this
the executive branch can't ignore the judiciary because it thinks the judiciary is being dumb that's illegal
The judiciary interprets law, it doesn't make them. Are you saying that the law isn't settled when it comes to presidental powers regarding the admission of foreigners?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>11757 I'm saying that the executive branch is obligated to obey the law of the land The law of the land is established by the legislative branch and refined by the judiciary If the judiciary decides something, the executive branch is obligated to abide by that ruling because the constitution says so and that's how the government works and has always worked that's checks and balances if the judiciary is out of bounds with these decisions, then it is the duty of the legislative branch to apply checks and balances and reverse that decision by passing a law
that's how things have always been that's how america works
it's fine if you don't agree with the court orders, i don't blame you for that but to say that the executive branch has the right to declare court orders invalid and not worth following is ridiculous and goes against everything the founding fathers intended
So what is happening now then, if as you say the executive branch is acting out of bounds, what recourse do the judges have?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
people are being detained and deported illegally and nobody can really do anything because the executive branch is the executor of laws
>>11758 The Judiciary doesn't have the power just to ignore laws, either.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>11761 and they are not ignoring laws they have the power to interpret laws and there is reason to believe that the executive order violates the constitution for this reason, and because the executive order was inflicting irreparable harm on people, temporary stays were issued
On what grounds does the executive order violate the constitution? There's possibly an argument there regarding people who are citizens, but permanent resiidents and everyone else is out of luck. A lot of these orders are stays on people who aren't protected.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>11763 they are stays overall because the executive branch does not necessarily have the right to do what it is doing there is a lot of confusion and so TEMPORARY STAYS were issued to PROTECT LIVES while things are worked out higher courts were going to discuss it during the temp stays to determine if the president is indeed acting within his bounds during this time, the president is OBLIGATED to adhere to these court orders whether he likes them or not because that's how our government works
even if you say "it's settled", it's really not settled because law can always be reinterpreted too and it often is reinterpreted
It's certainly an interesting situation, but I think it's fairly clear that a lot of the orders handed down were from judges who had political opinions on what was happening rather than opinions rooted in law. Stays issued for randoms that weren't citizens are not legitimate. wow, you're responding to me before I even finished typing So you're saying that there wasn't a single biased judge?
regardless that is kind of a pointless arugment anyway, there's not a lot of point in getting into that.
The constitution isn't really clear on this situation, and really the constitution isn't clear on what exactly the judicial is supposed to do in the first place. The majority of judicial power is built on a framework that goes back to the first cases heard by the court, if not for a few early landmark cases the judicial branch's power would be rather anemic. I don't really know how things are settled when there's a dispute between the judicial and executive branc over who's power should supercede the other.
I've looked at the statutes regarding a president's power to determine the status of non-citizen foreigners and it looks pretty clear to me that the president can pretty much just close the gates at the drop of a hat. Lots of presidents have used this power before, including Obama.
I'm not too sure about the people with dual citizenships, but I'm sure people on both sides of the conflict are looking into it. It's my opinion that the stays regarding everyone but the dual citizens are the court stepping on the toes of the executive branch.
I don't really know what's going to happen with the whole thing, but I do know that I regret involving myself in this conversation. I should just close moe when the daily two minute hate starts.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"i think these judges are biased so court orders from them don't matter"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm saying their bias doesn't matter because of the way government works
>>11770 Yeah, it's hard to resist. I think I did manage to avoid the issue yesterday.
I'll work harder to try to avoid it though. It does distress me to see you guys getting so upset about all of it, and most of the reason I feel that way is because you guys are getting really upset over things that will sort themselves out.
>>11769 I am troubled by the political atmosphere in America, especially the upswing of political violence. People need to learn not to hate people who disagree with them.
Oh I'm sorry people are getting worked up about things you don't consider important. I'll keep that absence of sympathy in mind.
>>11771 Don't avoid it. It's fun watching you flip out.
>>11772 It's not about considering it unimportant. They are important things, but I think it's important not to get upset about things. And these things will be worked out in time. The law moves slow. Getting upset about it will only stress you out.
>>11778 There is deifnitely a lot of hate in America over politics. People don't really even make an attempt to understand on the er don't even make an attempt to understand people on the other side, and people treat people whi disagree with them as bad people
Anyway, I'm sorry for involving myself in the conversation, I'm sorry for those I offended, and I will endeavor to avoid politics time in the future. I'm going to excuse myself for awhile now.
It's fine to talk about it but you guys can open up a chat or something I participated as well and I regret it I don't like what's happening at all and I like /moe/ to be a place of sanity when everywhere I go people are freaking out
>>11781 I don't think you offended anyone and diverse opinions on any topic are welcome always
>>11781 in fact this response is EXACTLY what i didn't want to see happen from someone including me
>>11781 I don't know why you think you offended anyone, of course there's stuff in the past that have made adverse to this but it doesn't actually hurt anyone
>>11812 Canada is basically the head+hat of the North American continent Where are brains? in the head
In less best news it seems like the Liberal government has abandoned its attempts to reform the electoral process here. So we're still stuck with FPTP for another who knows how long.
Of course there are nuances to the story. The Liberals were trying to push for a method that would involve a ranked ballot, putting your preferred choices in an order. Apparently it was difficult for the Liberals to build support and momentum for the method, and once it became clear it wasn't going to float, they went "well we don't really have anything else to give you". Perhaps they could have provided alternative voting procedures or tried harder to push the ranked ballot, but I don't think this is solely the fault of the Liberal party.
>>11817 Even if he might not be saving anything, he's still kind of a fresh breath from the Conservative stranglehold. And is still probably far more competent than anything the NDP can field since Jack passed away ;_;
>>11817 I thought he was supposed to just be the cute sexy guy in canadian politics. at least it felt like most people were talking about how they like how good looking he is.
I knew a girl at work who was voting Liberal (not even for Trudeau just the Liberal representative in her area) solely because of how good looking he was.