>>11819 → Oh that method it is pretty much the best possible, mixing the jefferson method and its derivates and shit it just would complicate the counting process, not to mention lenghten it greatly too I don't know of any countries actually using it
But seriously, jumping from past the post to that... maybe should've had a stepping stone phase first.
I'd kind of like to see a small-scale test of it. Maybe on a city-level government first to see how much it complicates and how it affects vote distribution. Maybe I should mail John Tory and see if he wants Toronto to give it a test drive, hoh hoh hoh.
Some parties are pushing for it here, but... not gonna happen, the jefferson derivate favours the larger parties and disfavours the small ones, so it isn't happening in near future. Not to mention >democracy in eu
>>11857 Ugh. Never again. NEVER AGAIN. The 6:00am starts in the middle of winter The half-the-adult-mimum-wage pay Nothing but shitkicker bogans for coworkers.
I'll starve before I go back to the vegetable packing factory.
potato factory better especially if potato used to produce glorious votka potato make man stronk and man who drink votka more stronk stronkman do many pushups make country proud
The only time I'd ever gotten anywhere close to 1000g is when I was actively trying to torrent as much as humanly possible every hour of the day. I think I'll be fine.
Eastern Europe has surprisingly great internet Bucharest has google fiber tier internet for $15 a month.
>>11875 I think they layed it themselves The reason it's so good is because they started out with modern infrastructure, none of that crap about having to replace old copper lines
>>11877 It may be some company then, I don't know I figured something on that scale would be done by the government.
>>11874 Sure about that? For example finnish companies have built like internet infrastructure of like 10 african countries and telia-sonera practically owns the baltic states when it comes to internet I wouldn't put it past some larger comapny going there after profits. With no existing network it is easy to lay down a modern infrastructure and with lower cost of local labour it doesn't even become that big an investment, compared to owning/having privilege of using the national network
That ain't how it works. Like here is a story of fibre cables being installed >state does water piping renovation and tores open street >state contracts company to fix electrical layout and tores open street 1 month after they are rebuilt >state contracts company to renovate district heating 2 months after streets were rebuilt >local housing company installs fiber while streets open (contracts a company to do it) >isp tears open streets 2 months after streets were rebuilt to install fiber to whole area anyhow >water pipe explodes and streets are torn open once more a less than month after they were rebuilt >a half a year later they just tear open all the streets in the area and install new asphalt That was a fun year of EFFICIENCY
>>11879 It's a phone game so there is no preorder. though there is another new fire emblem that I do have preordered, that won't be out for months though.
>>11884 No, I've been using a practically destroyed iphone for quite some time now. It did spur me to finally go to the store and get a new phone though.
>>11889 Well, I felt a little bad because it is a pretty nice and expensive phone but I've been using a crappy iphone 1 for years so it's fine to get a nice phone
I gotta say in terms of eu4 stability events decadence is quite amusing whenever it happens to me "In periods of prosperity and peace, while people were happy and secure, there was a tendency for them to gradually become less productive and lazier over time." Whenever it pops up, I have most likely just waged 20´+ years of practically nonstop war and have been in peace maybe max 10 months
Wonder what kinds of phones are in china nowadays nokia used to be a big thing there, but then china went "ya know we could easily just have domestic phones on our markets"
Go Vivo or go home.
get a jolla
>>11902 Huawei is apparently a bit like Samsung-tier in China.
India was producing some domestic phones as well. I got one of them because it was pretty cheap for the specs it had. It was like a 4500ah battery, 1.5ghz processor. and it only cost about $120.
Unfortunately, next to your car, your smartphone is the biggest factor in determining your worth as a person over there, so if you don't have Apple or Android people will look down on you as dirt under their shoe. Good luck breaking into that market.
The biggest downside (and this was a pretty big downside) was because if the way it's built it was cheaper just to write-off the phone and replace it than replace the screen after I smashed it.
I have never managed to smash a screen how do people keep doing that
Nokia phones had a feature that if it fell on floor, the battery would eject itself dunno if it was intentional design feature, but practically 90% of the phones they made did that. And it actually made them more damage resistant.
Welp, when myu phone dropped that time it took the battery connector with it >>11919 the battery case opening and batteyr springing out spread the force somehow? I dunno, but quite few nokia phones of the past broke from falling down and they all did the battery ejection so it kinda feels like an intentional thing. *almost no would be a better choice of words.
what would be the logic behind making that intentional?
either that or a design flaw nobody ever bothered to fix.
>>11922 Kauppalehti's journalists Pekka Nykänen and Merina Salminen "Operation Elop 'book calculations, Elop worked for Nokia as CEO of 1 020 days. When Nokia's losses are distributed every day, fell Nokia owners of property EUR 18 million per day throughout the period of Elop's CEO period a quick google translation from finwiki
before becoming ceo of nokia, elop was on microsoft paylist and returned back to it after resigning and then microsoft bought nokia's cellphone part + the attached staff
http://www.clickorlando.com/news/man-says-he-shot-cat-that-pooped-in-his-yard > the 69-year-old man told deputies he shot the cat because, it "looked at him like he owned the place" before relieving itself on his property.
>>11964 it seems close someone could train neural nets on existing anime, marking the keyframes then feed the neural net a series of original keyframes and see if it can do the inbetweening work
>>11964 Storytelling is a far more complicated creative technique than producing aesthetically pleasing sounds though. There are physical reasons for why certain combinations of notes sound nice, and some sound unnerving, and so on. But something like storytelling is extremely subjective and not exactly easily defined.
>>11967 This would be an interesting way for things to go, because it wouldn't drive animators out of work. It would just allow animators to spend more time drawing beautiful keyframes.
And also yield some humorous QUALITY when the neural net gets it wrong.
>the new software program, Adobe Anime Akiba Pro makes the creation of full-length anime series of professional quality easily capable from your home computer
>>11970 I never said anything about compelling! I think the hardest wall for a storytelling AI to overcome would be for things to make sense. And I don't just mean characters acting or things happening irrationally. I mean like biscuit tomatoing the Libya kind of nonsense.
If it doesn't make sense, just label it as intentionally complex and abstract.
-Welcome to Modern Art.
Problem solved.
When was the last time you saw a piece of modern art being discussed as heartily and as heated as some popular, successful anime though. If you can't climb that hurdle then you can't make a piece of successful animation through AI.
>>11976 But those are the people who probably couldn't care less if a story makes sense anyway. Just stuff a heap of meek, submissive moeblobs in a harem and call it a day.
I think all the successful harems have had a coherent plot to them. It might be inane and randomly drawn
I mean, maybe a GOOD harem (if there is such a thing) but we're not talking quality anyway. We're talking factory line production that the robot overlords could churn out around the clock.
Just have a generic protagonist that autists can self-insert as and a smattering of cute girls who all crave his dick despite his lack of outstanding qualities.
There. I've just saved anime.
We're talking successful anime here scrub. Your own terms.
The point isn't that there aren't a few harems out there worth watching. Just that machines could probably write a shitty one if they had all the right inputs.
A couple of years ago some cunts actually built a teepee like thing out of branches and leaves on the nature strip behind the school. I'd totally go for that. Except I think they were doing it as some sort of stunt and had prior permission.
>>12029 Well it wasn't initially a dump for the degenerates It just sorta happened I guess
Mostly because I don't complain about stuff openly so I don't tell people to fuck off So they ended up there cause nobody else wants them on their table
How much does pay parking usually cost in other countries? I feel like it should be cheaper here since there's so much FUCKING SPACE. I feel like it's not though. >>12044 birds of a feather
>>12050 I'm a good fit for 'a job' I bitch a lot, but I know how to convincingly be sociable
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Also it PAYS Because in Norway, even waiters are paid fairly well No tipping culture to speak of though
But it probably won't really tolerate if you skip as well.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
I'd skip way less, probably not at all, with an actual job I can not feel like a failure for having Being here is torture for my ego because I didn't get hired or anything. I got this through the government, and my ego doesn't accept it Also I don't get much money here
You know Subway actually Registered '6-Inch' It's got a little (r) after the word
Like you can copyright a measured number
How is it inconvenient?
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
A foot isn't even CLOSE to the length of a foot
Just like Cadbury registered a shade of purple. Like they own a certain spectrum of visible light
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>purple >on the spectrum
Light is every colour.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Yeah but purple literally doesn't exist
Yeah? Hallucinating. I see purple shit everywhere.
*I must be hallucinating.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>Purple is a color intermediate between blue and red.[1][2] It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a composite color made by combining red and blue.[3
Fucking semantics. It's made of red and blue which both occur on the spectrum. It's still a naturally occurring colour
It's not like there's a PURPLE factory in which Cadbury made and designed the colour purple
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Colors in general are pretty fun Our eyes are more sensitive to green than red or blue for example, so green stuff that's objectively just as bright as some other blue thing looks way brighter
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Which old TVs apparently adjusted for when everything was monochrome It's cool
That is interesting.
But it doesn't change the fact that being able to legally own certain colours is a bullshit concept.
All the warmth and melancholic feelings are still here. I wonder how many times I could watch this movie before they fade.
>>12292 Ever since I left the city, you got a reputation for yourself, now. Everybody knows, and I feel left out. Girl, you got me down, you got me stressed out. 'Cause ever since I left the city, you..
I think I know that one
thou used to contact me on my cellular device
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>>12282 Miami Bling Or that started from the bottom now we here song
>>12299 I don't know the lyrics to either one, nor what they sound like. If you played the instrumentals I would have no idea they were those two songs
Because when pop music is as popular as his is, I actively avoid it. Cause 99% of the time it's shit and 1% it's good enough not to immediately kill myself upon hearing it.
Why is the main character always so boring in these kinda shows anyway?
What, miho isn't that boring
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
She's pretty boring
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Especially when compared to the rest of the cast
You just like special needs characters
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Mio is like the second most popular after Saori though
But that is a good question, why is the mc quite oft quite bland in these shpws? They aren't "insert self in mc", but waifu shows, so faför?
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
In strike witches too Brave, also
A bit in saki too And even gainax airsoft
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
In C3 all the characters were pretty interesting
Yeah, bur mc mostly because "is she gonna schoolshoot?"
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
There's also that gungirl show where galil was best gril, but at least Mc was a little interesting
Yeah funco is quite bland, but cute
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Maybe it's a running gag? Or maybe the mc just can't be very interesting in her own right because then it's hard for the rest of the cast to shine through
Also she was only straight girl in the show
I think a lot of shows with an eccentric cast of characters will have futsuu character as the MC. Or relatively futsuu I guess. It helps to contrast the ridiculousness of the other characters, and the character would be completely unneeded if they were off on the side. Plus they need someone to be the tsukkomi. It is Japan after all.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>>12330 One of two on screen orgasms too Japan pushing the boundaries
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>>12331 Yeah, that's likely the case It's a bit annoying but I guess there is a part of each fanbase who want a bland gril too
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
But it doesn't seem to be the case in shows that are JUST about the girls, which is odd
All of these shows have a common thread of being about something else, but also everyone involved is a kawaii girl
I guess it's important for the audience to have someone they can relate to, too Hard to give exposition about the world if everyone is already on the same page on the show
A blank slate is a really good learning environment too. Yeah you're on the same page here.
There's some exceptions like with Saki, but the exceptions also usually have decent extenuating circumstances anyway.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
There's usually not a normie girl in harem shows though, I think Somewhat, maybe, but not Yoshika levels of bland and normal, that's for sure
>Onodera >Shinobu >Haruna
LN harem stuff tends to be a bunch of exaggerated harem girls.
Violent tsundere doesn't really fit for bland and normal for me.
I mean it's a bland and normal trope, but it's not a bland and normal character.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Yeah that's true Shinobu is basically a loli though so I dunno
Kitsune is sorta normie outside the dri- Actually scratch that, she's the most sexually aggressive girl in the show aside from naruclone
Yeah she kind cuts it close. But she has a lot of Yamato Nadeshiko traits, which is usually how I pinpoint the normal-y girls in a series. Onodera from Nisekoi was similar too.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Makoto would be an OK fit if she wasn't so paranoid around men
I guess that's another argument for why these bland characters pop up a lot. Yamato Nadeshiko is a long-running Japanese female "ideal", which tends to be a demure, reserved, respectful woman. Basically very neutral in tone and not engaging in their own agency.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
To be seen, not heard Is the most apt summary of the type i think
I wonder what the gender ratio is for authors in Japan. Literature, both in academic and popular pursuits, can really have subtle but powerful effects on a culture. And women and men tackle writing very differently.
This is totally tangential by the way.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Mio would have made a good MC for gup, now that I think about it She's super into tanks so her rating wouldn't be weird either
>>12349 Do you think there are less or more than in other comparable nations?
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>>12349 Male dominated as japan was patriarchal more heavilu and longer than wesr Why is ctrl+something a googlesearch quick key on chrome ffs
>>12352 No clue. But I wonder if it might have some kind of effect if there's a particular dominance.
>>12354 That holds more weight once they hit industrialization though, since during the "Classical" Japanese era, both genders participated in the creation of art. During that time the only people that had time to create were the nobles, and it was considered a suitable past time for nobles to make art. I think the author of Tales of Genji was female.
Gender politics is just a dicey issue and it's hard to have a reasonable debate since a lot of people who are attracted to the subject are mostly just interested in blaming others for oppression instead of taking responsibility for their own actions.
>>12363 Politics and political attitudes are an offspring of culture.
Geez fuck man. I wasn't talking about politics I was talking about culture. I'm not looking to blame or exonerate anyone here. Both genders are responsible for how culture has turned out and how culture has turned us out.
>>12362 Yeah and I can talk about a parent without talking about their child.
fortuna favet fortibus aa I love the feeling when the numbing starts to fade and your brain goes waaait a minute there is a HOLE where a tooth used to be time to send PAIN
Well like TN said, it was probably mostly male influenced since Japan was patriarchal for a long time. The only thing that makes me think maybe otherwise is that reading/writing maybe was seen as a more appropriate activity for woman than other areas.
But it's all just speculation and guesswork. You can never really prove the source of things like social attitudes.
>>12365 Are you going to start bitching about Kpop again?
>>12355 a but past meiji era they implemented the "tradition" back so women were pushed quite heavily into house wifes and that still reflects there just thing othe Office Lady position, which is practically useless in terms of cost-efficiency. The post afterall partially exists for women to flaunt themselves to men with prospecting carreers in good companies. Basically, the more intelligent you were, the better company you could get hired in to flaunt yourself to better earning men. Of course times have changed and for example in terms of mangaka especially in the doujin field, the so called "gender equality" has been reached.
But for example japan has no silly "gender equality" rules that we westerns have, so they don't hire women just because a rule states they need to.
>>12368 No I can't even make out the lyrics in the back here I just know it's pop music and it's shit
New table Further from the radio
>>12369 also since japan had no WW1 experience in the same way as the west, there was no "women work in the factories" and their ww2 experience too was bit different in that field too.
if you dont make siracha with ramen in stead of the other way around you are not a real nigga
one annoying is cause they had to drill it a fuckton, the doc kinda pressed the drill occasionally against my not-so numbed upper lip and the drill got like super hot not leaves a burn hot, but quite uncomfortable pressed against the skin hot and whatcha gonna do about it numbed lying on a chair with two people's hands in your mouth
But welp jokes aside, how much is codeine used over there it is kinda semi-legal here, outside of prescribed medicine not used at all and even then its in low amounts like these are 200mg of ibu and 30 mg of codeine, so you can't even eat many of them without risking painkiller death
they hand it out its used in a common popular culture drug referenced to as 'lean,' which is a warm body-high associated with marijuana and slow-jam parties they take the liquid codeine and mix it with sprite but i prefer squirt because im a fucking trend setter
So they just sell codeine extract in bottles over the counter?
well its not over-the-counter usually, but you can get it that way if you're in the right place and time but i mean its practically easy as heck to get >>12415 i dont know about that aint nobody bangin or rollin on some flu shot
Also, amusingly when the first part of the tooth got removed it flew off and I caught it with my tongue and then handed it to the docs like that they were a fun pair of doc and nurse cracking jokes and being all relaxed, despite the thing clearly taking way longer than a normal tooth removal. >>12421 cause they removed a wisdfom tooth and it needed to be cut to pieces
brush your damn teeth how you gonna let it get so bad you gotta drill that shit i payed attention nigga i brush my shit >>12420 oh thats a different story that happened to me, i got the good 'ol surgery though they told me i woke up in the middle and socked the nurse in the eye
I don't know of any normal dental operations that put you under. Here is all anesthetics and then prodding in your mouth
well if you do private medicine, you can ask to be put under but public is all quick and easy
i think mine was abnormal because my tooth was some kind of janky i cant remember that well i dont remember when i pay people massive piles of money >>12425 thank you anonymous
>>12424 All 4 of mineh ave had long and wicked roots, with each removal taking more time and more effort to pull first one was quite easy maybe 5 minutes or so, but they didn't numb me well enough, because of the long roots I felt the whole thing partially second took about 10 minutes but this time i asked for extra anesthethics because of the previous experience third one took about 20 minutes and came off in three pieces the final one was 30+ and 4 pieces
also each operation had more anesthesia than the previous one
Also, this time i Hope these "self-melting" stiches actually melt and don't require me to pull them out
they fucking dont melt im just saying if your flesh grows wrong, like if it forms a bubble around them, they will become as a time capsule in your oral and you will later spend many hours with a sharp knife digging them out of the fleshy and bleeding walls of your mouth and gums
I can't believe my laptop has gone and fucked itself already I'm sure the warranty is around here somewhere, but until I find it I'm going to act like it's gone for good, that way I won't be disappointed when it is.
>>12440 well, you see, the image is funny because they have a recently released LP titled 'Run The Jewels 3,' and a leading track from it is 'Call Ticketron,' which features a production involving a sample from a commercial for Madison Square Garden in New York City. The song was definitely the top hit of the record, and the image features the repetitive beat as a sarcastic representation of the members of the music group in a literal garden
if you like Xiu Xiu definitely listen to the twin peaks cover album its fucking solid my favorite is Packard's Vibration honorable mention to Blue Frank/Pink Room
I probably will I know some twin peaks fans I can circlejerk with about it
if you're an ACTUAL Twin Peaks fan then definitely hit up Josie's Past, especially if you're hype for the new season, because it has two or three fact points that are canon and not explained in the show plus if you love mono-prog it's a fucking oily ass song
Sweaters from the Goodwill if you must ask savin at the thrift store way before macklemore settin' up Genuis bars like I'm the Apple store Picked up the phone, called customer service hung up when the lady's sexy voice made me nervous
strong 10
I'm going to kill anthony that fiat fuck
he gets better on the daily met him at death grips a couple months back, it was cool he signed my oversized chain
me and my friend saw him on his tour thingo... for laughs >>12487 he just talks about music and shit he did it last year but I saw him 2012-ish he'd have no other reason to come here anyway so it's not like I can see him at some random concert
when was that? what'd he tour for? I'd actually like to see him performance-wise just to see if he can actually perform publically
>>12486 oh that's not as fun, but i guess i can understand i record music and i cant play public so cant expect that of others you know who i want to meet? frankjavcee for sure dont give a shit about many of these youtube music people but he's really my kind of dude i think you dont have concerts there? oh well i guess most of the ones he goes too are around here
>>12488 we do but I don't see many reasons to travel to spiderland
>>12488 frankjavcee seems pretty alright I like a few of his videos
He seems very down-to-earth and relatable most specifically poor he has a lot of those dead giveaways in his presentation that show he's just a poor shmuck like me, and probably does drugs the same way i do if you're reading this frankjavcee im available and gay
what if the eternal stream of life breaks apart like a rotten bridge? what if I get lost on the way to the ship, can I build a heaven out of ashes? the only sure thing is this moment, on thin ice my soul travels excuse me lord for disturbing your peace, but can i build a heaven out of ashes?
fuu how am I supposed to rest my head my instinct is to lean my left chin on stuff or on my arm but that hurts like fuck now fucking wisdom teeth why do you exist
>>>/watch?v=ncpHXvpma8o you might like the Unkown soldier, but I don't think there is a subbed version of it out there. It has a character Antero Rokka, who was based on a real soldier who in this scene kills 50+ soldiers alone the actual person is credited with minimum 83 kills, though the whole company was wiped out too
>soon you shall see how lord calls his own, but if they've done sins quickly forgive them >for soon they will arrive to you en masse just before starting to fire
I'm generally pacifistic, but there's something about the idea of a soldier who's just there to do his job I really like People putting their lives on the line for stuff gets my blood going
>>12535 Nazi Germany is usually separated from just Germany in historical stuff for clarity Cause it's a dictatorial state very different from the state on both sides of its like 10 year reign
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>12535 it's like the difference between america and trump's america
>>12535 basically to be less of anal to modern germany
>>12540 Yeah but Germany went from... you know, Germany to COMPLETE RULE BY ADOLF HITLER, and then back to Germany And his rule is so different from the status quo, it's just separated
I do think it would be fine to just call it Germany regardless though, but this is how it's done
>>12540 Yopu see germany at first was a mix between oligarchy, absolute monarchy and a constitutional monarchy like modern UK then it was a semi-parliamentary republic then it turned into a totalitarian state then it split in two a western heavily militarised parliamentary state and a communist totalitarian state and then they mixed into the modern abomination
all have quite different constitutions, national mottos, ideas goals and systems While all are germany, in terms of state structure, governmental system, elections and so on they are practically different countries.
>>12542 Do the french under napoleon have a term reserved for them as well?
Yeah they got that 40% block and then began to spread from there quite efficiently I mean, just 40%! a modern day party with 50% of a parliament can't even get their goals through, but nazies took over a nation. damn efficient bastards.
They then went on to bounce back from a post-defeat depression into one of the greatest war machines the world has ever known in the span of a few years What a dedicated bunch they were
>>12550 Debatable, since they did then outlaw opposition and so on but yeah Take mussolini, he just marched to rome and had the king declare himself prime minister for life
>>12552 They outlawed it legally All the stuff the Nazis did after getting power was technically by the books Granted, they rewrote the books almost immediately after getting into power, but they didn't break Germany's laws if you ignore the people fucking up newspapers and jewish stuff before they got to power
>>12551 Well, it is quite easy to revigorate an economy and one of the largest industries of the world I mean, ww1 and the post chaos didn't actually damage the german industry and such. All they had to do was get the economy rolling
>>12554 and then the night of the long knives and so on...
Wiki dictionary says it's whoever had the most kills in that army Well, the ACE with the most kills, but whoever has the most kills has gotta be considered an acce anyway so youknow
It's amazing to me that people even take AA seriously They have a 100% success rate, sure, but that's because any relapse is considered "not following the program" Like, the relapse ITSELF is to not follow the program
Meaning you can't possibly add to their failure rate
>finnish airforce got 100 kills 6 losses in a 2012 nato airforce joint exercise in netherlands I guess our quality is still quite good
Apparently the army is the worst branch of the US military
>>12585 Still have to meet general health guidelines (which I do) But the rules say that I'd have to get a waiver for it, and that would mean I need a waiver for my ADHD and heart conditions and so overall there would be too many waivers needed.
Yeah, but if I got drafted, they'd examine me and exclude me.
>>12586 well you don't really need the land forces navy seals works as your "red coats" and when it comes to power projection navy and airforce is much more important for an "island" country
People in the US always bitch about the draft, but the only issue I REALLY have with it is that it only covers men, or did until last year Being willing to pick up a rifle if necessary should be a given if you want to vote
Bah where do you need women in the army really? they have way lower fighting capacity compared to men. and also don't fall into the hierarchy that easily as men and while she-beauty does increase morale it does distract too
"Because of how popular fake news got during the election, there should be a government news agency that provides reliably true articles" ...you guys sure you wanna float this idea with Trump at the wheel?
We can just count on our great press secretary, Spicer, to tell us which articles are real, like when he retweets Onion articles for their truthfulness.
>>12608 HEHEHE ah man I how even if he actually has no intentions to turn murrica into an actual oligarchy or a dictatorship, I love how he trips every "fascist" flag there is
>>12616 What? The left are the ones who like putting taxes into stuff
liberal doesn't really mean left
and vice versa conservatist doesn't mean right social convervatism is a movement afterall and our social democrat party switches betwen liberalism and conservatism every few decades
But I really am a mess in terms of political alignment like where do I even belong I believe in maximum individual rights and absolute freedom of speech with no limitations I believe in a sufficiently large state that can provide large and wide covering social security net and state funded public education, health care and such and at the same time I believe that the best way to build an economy, especially to support such social care, is to leave it to the free market free-er the better. And of course I am an avid supporter of nationalism
>>12625 No, I mean EU just look at Donald Tusks' statements recently or Junkers jungers*
And also I support the constant maintenance of a sufficiently large military power and support military action as diplomatic tool if necessary and I think state and military should be more intermingled And while democracy is best, the cabinet should be formed from the people with most merit and such, forming a kind of a "dictatorship of the most intelligent" in a way Only people with sufficient qualities or attributes would be allowed to form the government, though most decisions if not all would still go through a parliament of some sort that is elected by the people. And of course the cabinet members are elected too, but not everyone could apply. And of course I support a powerful head of state to keep the parliament and cabinet in check for that matter. The three pointed balance with cabinet, parliament and head of state competeing with eachother and keeping eachother in check.
basically hos could dismantle the hmm should actually give that some thought
Hmm I guess the problem is that while you can easily give parliament the power to impeach the HoS and dismantle cabinet and also HoS the power to dismantle cabinet but you can't give HoS or cabinet the power to dismantle the parliament but there should be a way for the parliament to be called off too if they are too shitty... A referendum that the HoS/cabinet can call upon?
Maybe you can just have what amounts to the US senate and bank on the rest of the country not going along with it if they make a version of the Hitler Power law
Hmm, but I would love a system where every body holding even a bit of power can be taken down if need be. It would also add pressure to the people working for the country to do their best, as they too could be fired Not just "won't get a n+1 term" but proper fired
Like you can pass as many laws as you want If the Military goes "...naw, the fuhrer 2.0 is going too far fam", what are they gonna do, pass another law?
Obviously, there are huge problems with it, but I mean Really, the whole concept of seizing power is a bit over my head because if you're the majority you're not really gonna be stopped by anything anyway, and if you aren't... how would you even take power even if it was open for it? The nazi party happens again and writes a law making another Hitler, people could just go "you know what, fuck that" and go against it The majority left standing
if the party seizing power has enough enforcing power, they can do whatever they want I mean, it already is calculated weirdly that like 1 police officer per 1000 people or 10000 is enough
Almost, anyway You've got like 40m extra people who I guess won't get a gun
well arm the ablebodied and you have an army that numbers in tens of millions a ragtag group of guerilla fighters with no discipline, but a force big enough to make any government think twice
That's pretty disturbing That's a lot of people unable to be useful
it is weird, that the open mouthpiece of propaganda russia today is at times more trustworthy and better quality journalism than many western media companies.
There are also factions in the US that will have to be put down afterwards or they'll go after you too Like feminists
>Myth - All lawyers earn a lot of money >Myth - Legal work is glamorous and exiting >Myth - Theree is a right side and a wrong side in every legal dispute
Well what the hell am I doing this shit for then..
>>12691 to prove that you can make a more convincing argument than other people for money
There not being a right and wrong side means the laws are shit
>>12692 That's the next MYTH >A lawyer needs only to be good at arguing >>12693 I think it means in civil law.
Oh no, I'll lose a lot of troops this battle I accidentally died, so now they're all charging against an enemy faction's army We were outnumbered, but by cleverly abusing NOBODY HAVING SHIELDS, I would have made it I just got cocky and wanted to down the Great Lord myself
>>12703 I have a lot of practice in destroying dreams. I'm an amateur game developer. I am the guard of the gate between a child's dream job and the crushing reality of American socioeconomic problems and politics.
>>12708 Listen dreams are fine and all. Hell, they're practically necessary to get through school. But two years in, start looking for an out. Not an out as in "What do I do if I fuck up?" but "Where the fuck am I going after I finish?" Because the worst thing to do is to dream your way into a cardboard box because you liked to sleep in.
I think Law is a lot better at such a thing Pulling you into a direction that people will throw money at. >>12711 I didn't want to be a game dev either.
I never wanted to be a lawyer anyway so that's fine. It was always the fallback practical option.
Just nobody ever tell me the statistics on how many armature authors break into the publishing market.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
snapchat files for $3B IPO
oh god I was expecting bankruptcy whew
especially if they can't spell amateur without spellcheck
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
You should look into tax law, unless you need a bachelors in accounting in order to do tax law just like you do in the US. Assuming you don't have a bachelors in accounting.
Yeah. For sure. Even if it's not specifically tax law.. something in demand in the private sector. Business law. Contract law... something like that. That's where the jobs are.
And that's my future. Reading old documents at a desk. Losing my hair. No free time. The dream.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Intellectual property law is also good, but I would not be surprised if that market gets flooded soon. Also I meant pays well, not neccesarily that it is ethical.
System is different in 'Syralya. There isn't a separate institution for studying law (unless you count the year or so you need to do to actually pass the bar exam)
I'm just an undergraduate doing a bachelor of law.
>>12720 and how the fuck do you know what my grades are? I might have done EXCELLENTLY.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
So you don't need to get into the school of your university?
>>12724 Well I kind of already did. They only let you study it in the first place if you do alright in your tests at the end of Year 12 or have done some other stuff at the University and have PROVED YOURSELF CAPABLE.
>>12725 Yeah. Alright. I have failed a lot of classes but here's the thing: After speaking to doctors/psychologists employed by the school I was able to make almost all the fail grades disappear on account of PROBLEMS IN MY PERSONAL LIFE
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>12726 i was only able to do that for one class. So far. I might be able to get that done retroactively on a few others because of health problems.
And you never actually "pay for it" you just earn less. as it is not something you ever have to actually pay from your net income, it kinda is never "paying"
Which is also why the government has been talking about changing the system and increasing the fees for the last few years. Lots of people - especially in shit-to-middle-teir Universities (like mine) don't take it very seriously since they don't see it as their money.
Here the system is practically free, but it shows in everyone's taxes in the end. and also students are forbidden to earn more than 12k€ a year, which includes the 500€ a month student benefits, so basically you can only earn 6000€ a year if you want to receive the benefits also there is a student loan system which is 100% interest free, if you do need extra money and can't get a job.
Not really But yeah say you earn more than 72k a year, which gives you a bit over 30% tax rate when you add to that the other fees like social security, pensions, insurances etc. it does come to 40%
for example few years back someone making about 40k€ a year had a total tax rate of about 30% it is quite much, but at the same time you get it back through other ways
Which is why the system has begun to be questioned in many ways, as people are starting to feel no one actually really benefits from the social security net, aside from leeches and corrupt politicians. Thanks EU