Hi hey hello Hope you had a nice weekend! Hopefully you also get tomorrow off too
One moment and I'll get the list
Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku *Baraou no Souretsu Cue! Episode 6-7 Futsal Boys! *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoko Saikenki *Girls' Frontline Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Saiyuuki Reload - Zeroin Episode 6-7 Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja *Slow Loop *Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru *Vanitas no Carte
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sunday nights are often the best nights aside from the whole workingi n the morning thing
Thankfully up here it's a three-day weekend so I get to rest all tomorrow too Which I really need
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oh yeah it's presidents day here i think i wonder whats up in canada
Family Day We didn't actually have a holiday in February here in Ontario for the longest time Family Day came into play maybe ten-fifteen years back Dunno what it is elsewhere in the country
It's one of those things where it's just easier on everyone if we pair holidays with the States Since the banks and most major businesses won't be doing much business on the day, it leaves our institutions with nothing to do too Might as well give them the day off
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holy shit warwick is intense that line is killer
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is that line stolen
Might be It's been a long time since I actually read Richard III
Richard's going around dressed feminine He's pretty much only ever dressed like a guy so far
Remember in the first episode where this series felt hella gay And then we learned the weird truth
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this guard wants some royal lady dick
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she has a good oujo-sama voice
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now we just need an ohohohoho
Wouldn't Edward recognize his own sibling as a prostitute though
i love lapplandSearch [iqdb](303 KB, 1516x2183, eyes.jpg)Anno
Disappearing a whole dragon skeleton is no small feat
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lulu seems to have a lot on his hands now but it's what he wanted
Some people just like work to work on
That looks like some kind of dumb Yu-Gi-Oh cyber dragon card In fact I'm pretty sure there's a cyber dragon card which looks almost exactly like that
More of Julius and his whining Seems like he's inherited his father's horrible governing too
Wow a dragonmaid
>How could Van, which suffered under my father's rule and had a brief taste of quality and freedom under Elfrieden rule, revolt and want to return to Elfrieden?
Oh I guess they don't want to just go right back to Souma and Elfrieden And he might have to fight off two other kingdoms looking to gobble up Amidonia in its anarchy
Oh nevermind they've officially asked him to annex them I do kinda doubt that would be enough to chase off the other two states trying to invade it though
Except when it also hinders Souma has some valid points Elfrieden is already only barely on top of its food issues, and it sounds like Amidonia might be short of food too What good is more land and more people if you can't feed them
Hah hah more paperwork Oh paperwork they deliberately hid from Julius Hard to tell it's because they didn't trust him to handle it intelligently, or hid it because without it he'd be without the information he needed to run the kingdom wisely Therefore prompting him make stupid decisions which would accelerate his downfall
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wait isn't this the dude that hangs out with the princess
Yeah, I think it is I would guess that might tilt his activities around Julius into more of the malicious side
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season 1 he barely seems alright with the one wife he's basically going to be pressured into having regardless season 2 he's on a fucking wife collection quest like he unlocks and achievement when all the named characters are added to his collection
In a world where polygamy is a normal thing, collecting wives is probably a pretty straightforward way to force political ties Forge them even But I guess in darker cases, force would be accurate too
did they make it out to be a very normal thing? i thought royalty and upper-class were the only ones for whom it was a common occurence and even then it seems like it's not the norm, just something that's accepted well enough
To be precise there seems to be no moral backlash about it, even if it is not a numerically common thing Which I would still consider as "normal"
Less of actual evil and more a perpetual cycle of violence This vampire's family was murdered by the Chausseurs, so he murdered Astolfo's family, which made him become a Chausseur and probably murdered some more vampire families
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so while a lot of things are less expensive in japan, some things are actually more expensive because of the nature of individuals' spending budgets average middle-class japanese person has more expendable income, so a lot of services like that are able to charge quite a bit more although i'm sure 150/hr isn't even that bad really depending on the level of profesionalism and the facilities
Gojou hasn't quite realized all the skills his he's practicing with cosplay making and dress-up are all things that will improve his hina doll craft
This is something a lot of masters of their craft tend to emphasize It's where Miyazaki's mis-quoted line about "Anime was a mistake comes from" He was concerned about the kids and younger generation only watching anime and deriving their understanding of animation and story from that alone Where as he believed experiencing real life was important for really getting how animation should look and stories should be told
Terry Pratchet, the author of Discworld, had similar thoughts about reading a variety of fiction, not just fantasy or niche genres, if you really wanted to understand how to write a good story
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gojou snap out of it
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not only was she more worried about her contacts but also he didn't notice her eye color because he was too focused
It's funny how they have totally different priorities on these things
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oh damn gojou's got the rectangle sandals
Nothing like a hardcore otaku's room to cool your hormonal jets
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i went to a buddy's house who had the stereotypical zero-square-inches-of-wall-not-covered-in-limited-anime-posters-and-shelves-for-otaku-merchandise rooms it was weird feeling
It's a good mahou shoujo outfit
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the way marin is sitting down would give me anxiety
These stick and bean character designs really remind me of some older shows a friend of mine was a big friend of
Oh here she goes She finally came around
Look at that HANDSOME profile
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gojou's not super aware of his surroundings probably for the best maybe maybe not tho
Marin once she becomes powered by love is great She's an unstoppable force
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wow taking a hoodie off and tying up hair before cooking how strangely relatable didn't expect that
(He totally did kind of notice)
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cutting vegetables with nails like that sounds like a nightmare holy shit
Points for trying
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the omelette part is definitely the harder part
I should cook some fried rice with chicken stock some time My mother was never a fan of store-bought stock so we never had any at home In retrospect that seems like an obvious flavour boost to fried rice
>>1029422 i've found this to be amazing, better than buying chicken stock even it lasts in the fridge for a really long time too
Duly noted, I'll keep a look out Or more likely, something similar Aside from like, big name brands, it's pretty uncommon for stuff to make it 'cross the border
for both men and women in anime and real life i like ponytail + hat
also i wear ponytail + hat every day
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koi was wearing a hat last episode i think
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maybe the one before
I can't really do hats, my head's a weird shape and finding a mass-produced hat to fit it is hard I could wear a toque but then I start looking way too Canadian
Oh I bet a mackerel burger would be pretty good Especially made fresh on the coast
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all of them have different hairstyles depending on whether they're fishing, out and about, hanging out at home and outfits too i love shows that pay attention to stuff like that
Going fishing in a place like that looks really comfy
Flyfishing seems to be a bit more of a workout than some other fishing methods Lot of wrangling line with your hands and having to recast a lot
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i don't know if there's anything you can fry in butter than won't smell good well i guess there are probably things but you probably shouldn't fry them
Reminds me of some of the cottage country I've cottage'd in growing up I'm a cityslicker at heart but it's nice to get out there some time
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the older i get the more i think i'm meant for the country
That generally seems to be the normal trend Both my younger brother and the first of my younger sisters have comfortably settled into idealizing the country or at least non-metropolitan life And I figure my imouto might end up that way, since she's got witchy dreams of living in some Scottish farmhouse in the middle of nowhere But I love living in the city
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live music is basically the biggest thing tying me to the city