>>1029733 A little bit of both though the story moved kinda slow or maybe it's more fair to say there was a high ratio of gameplay to story since you have to do a chapter to raelly get another snippet of story
Sounds similar to Arknights, but maybe there's more / denser segments of story in Arknights Some story cutscenes in Arknights can be like a novel chapter in length
i love lappland
i feel like there's a lot of story all the time in arknights like tons of it so much that sometimes i lose patience and skip it and then go back later and read through it
Arknights had more story I think I only got a little far in arknights but the story segments are longer than those in GFL also there was a lot more material in Arknights, like the profiles you could read in each character on that character page the story segments in Arknights are actually very long
GFL's story snippets are more like the story between chapters in azur lane...not very much azur lane mostly tells story with events
saibuki bisco
>>1029742 i play all my phone games on bluestacks much more comfy than phone
okay lets starrt
I really like the story in Arknights but it is hard to read it all on my phone Some of the event stories still stick with me even now
>>1029740 Arknights is the only real story-based mobage I've really played so I don't have much of a frame of referemce We;; -Well I guess also PriConne and more recently Blue Archive But PriConne I only ever read the character bond episode stuff and the events
Ready for Disco
i love lappland
i didn't like playing on my phone so i use Bluestacks now it's great
are those feet or fingers what is going on with that worm
i love lappland
>>1029748 they're fingers all along the sides of the worm but in the last 20 or so meters of worm it's instead like a much denser amount of legs with feet
I think he'll get in trouble and will need to be saved
tribe 9 okay lets start
i love lappland
what if jellyfish shows up and saves them
based ball
i just realized pawoo was under the impression that governor was stealing the rust-eater mushrooms to use them but i'm still pretty sure the govt. is well aware and is using rust to keep the populace controlled >>1029775 no way last episode she totally started to change she'll come through i believe
I wonder if he's all that serious about training him He didn't even want to fairly give him a chance at getting a pass
i love lappland
i think he's doing the "i'm going to give him an impossible task so he gives up" and tuna's gonna do the "i'm going to do his impossible task and then he'll have to take me seriously" but tuna's too stupid to actually think about that so i think he's just doing it
I really like this OP It's got a good sports hype vibe to it
What a good cat
i love lappland
The Dangan Ronpa eyes on this guy really fit his kinda suspicious attitude
So there is a spirit or thing in her mascot on a stick And now it's in Chika's body Oh she's in there too still I thought it would have been swapped somewhere
i love lappland
damn this memory spirit is really goin ham
PecoKaryl Saikou!
i love lappland
PecoGohan is better pairing
Dang I wish I had Pecorine and Karyl for older sisters
Well I think the original Princess Connect, since Re-Dive is a sequel, had these three as the main party in it They did show up for the tutorial for Re-Dive and are characters in the game, but the Gourmet Guild seems to be the main party for Re-Dive
There's Kurumi's bell I didn't like using her much for PvP but the lolicons who did would constantly stunlock me with her bell
After last episode I wonder if Nishikata will get it through his head that Takagi might like him Or that he likes her
Recently I've been getting the 1080p release for Takagi-san Partially because it's only like 250MBs, there's some ridiculously good encoding going on But also because I've heard the 720p downscale isn't very good
Man he really wants to walk the dog
I've never met someone so determined to play with a dog
I feel like Nishi will not get a clue until the very end
He's really no good at picking up at the subtleties she lays down But in the end she still gets to win Walking around the school with everyone thinking Nishikata's her boyfriend
They're like grade eight Aren't they a bit young to be that caught up in wanting a boyfriend
I used to know the rhythm for how to knit Although this is a different craft, but it's pretty similar
Like most things I picked up the basics for it and then never got good At least with knitting I can excuse being a young kid and having a million interesting things tugging me in all sorts of directions
Those small dogs always get cute little winter jackets and stuff At least from owners who care enough for their dogs
I think this is another new ED It's more upbeat than what I remember the ED for this show was before