>>1022510 Because I do very little physical activity and injuring myself shoveling snow is nothing compared to the physical labor that he does at his job that he gets injured at and now he'll have to shovel it instead.
>>1022528 It's not soreness It's intense pain in the shoulder ade when i raise my arm above chest level or sit up eerr when i sit up it hurts in the blade and back Same when I stand Or bend over
WHAT's the DEAL with typing numbers on the Android keyboard they always come out messed up they double up or switch to letters just what are they smokin at google
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022546 You mean the extra copy of it? It happens with $$ too.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Did not happen on my old phone though.
ok when I want to demonstrate it doesn't it's a conspiracy folks
I get disconnected if I spend too long on picking a picture I think that's just thing on this phone im on mobile chrome though idc its not something that bothers me
wonder what's that card >>1022554 just get a dude on fivver to do it I bet there's someone
those are good feelings I'm not a habitual smoker but sometimes I do that in certain settings
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022563 I didn't know that there were smokers who aren't habitual smokers.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022562 Smoking costs more money though. Although I'm sure its cheaper where you are than it is here. Like $15 a pack
i love lappland
lmao wtf it's like 8 bucks for a pack of turqoise spirits that might be by the carton or what you'd pay at the grocer def not more than 11 bucks at a gas station
it's so fucking cold by the end of the cigarette my hand was fucking freezing
20 F might not seem that cold to people w ho live where this shit is normal but when you live somewhere that it was 88 F in december our bodies just aren't acclimated to this
>carob pod >indian sarsparilla >cinnamon >ginger >cardamom >hazelnut flavor >licorice flavor >toasted brown rice >cinnamon bark oil no wonder this thing smells so goddamn good when i make arroz con leche tomorrow, i should drop a teabag in while it's steeping
btw if any of you have never had arroz con leche this is something you need in your life it's super simple it's basically a rice porridge with cinnamon and sugar made with milk it will change your life
yeah we got hit by a really hard winter storm / cold front it's supposed to warm back up to 40 by about 36 hours from now but it'll be under 30 for most of friday
>>1022634 inject caffeine into your eyes and you can do anything my brother
i love lappland
>>1022632 when i played magic, i bought packs pretty rarely i mostly just bought the cards i wanted or played drafts and won packs that way and i was pretty consistent with the winning
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022637 I don't buy packs except for when I play limited Or the rare occasion in which I buy or split a booster box I mainly buy singles
i love lappland
limited at locals is a very easy situation in which to find yourself the medium-sized fish in a tiny pond
The rest of my decks were made by me I have a few unfinished ones too >>1022652 1WUG It's an kwl dude *owl And >>1022653 He has an ability so broken my friend wants to ban him in our group
i love lappland
daretti? or is this something else that mono red daretti deck from years ago was fucking bonkers holy shit probably the most broken prebuilt they've made
i love lappland
oh ok i don't know about that one
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
He has a fixed cost ability that lets you put him into plsy from the command zone
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022653 Wanna see some of my old lusts *lists LMAO
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I have em on tapped out They aren't current though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also don't be shocked at the prices, most of them were made with stuff I had laying around And the realy expensive one I saved up for a while to build
some random yt comment I made on a popular video popped right off and went to the top and now I have dozens of messages coming in all the time in response to whatever inane bullshit I said
And this is why I never say anything in major public spaces online At least no where that tracks me
>>1022726 More constructively, you can probably turn off notifications for responses like that
I mean I've been supported until well, now really, but it's not like I'd throw a fit if the handouts dried up, but they turned on again if I had a kid Like there's a bit of an expectation that if you can handle your life as an adult, your parents don't gotta keep sending you money, and also it just makes sense for them to keep helping if you've got a kid and they can afford it >>1022777 we're watching NL's react court
I consider myself just incredibly blessed that my mom can afford to and wants to keep helping me financially
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
What are you talking about?
i love lappland
i made arroz con leche and added dried apricots and chopped almonds heavenly
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Almost shattered a giant pane of glass that we own for no apparent reason.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can't stop breaking wine glasses lately
i love lappland
i remember i had a week where i broke 3 wine glasses and then i decided to buy stemless wine glasses only
i love lappland
i've also decided that holding a stemless wine glass looks classier anyways
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh these are all stemless extremely thin glass freakin
>>1022797 it's probably best decsribed as a niche mil-sem-esque survival -flavored walking simulator it's pretty much a game without a whole ton of diversity in gameplay that relies instead on atmosphere and immersion to be the primary hook
it's also, objectively, a pretty terribly-aged game but modders have done a good job of turning it into ones of // actually into the best of its kind in my opinion
if you ever try again, make sure to grab the anomaly standalone (it's the whole installed game and it's free, just have to unpack a .7z) and look for Klean's modpack
I've tried to get into stalker a lot of times, but I always end up just giving up cause I don't get it which sucks cause it's apparently real good
i love lappland
oh i never continued on about why i typed that first section because of how niche the audience is (basically russophile military nerds) and how unforgiving what little gameplay there is feels, it's pretty normal to end up not digging it
>>1022785 then start breaking bottles where will it end
I'm pretty sure Anomaly was what I tried last time, like a few months back
>>1022799 Move on to bigger and better Bet'cha couldn't bust a whole-ass wine cask
i love lappland
yeah actually just donkey kong wine barrels off your roof and then lick it off the ground
>>1022817 okay I haven't played in a year so we'll see how this goes lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no haha well you wanted to play now what are the rules again i been training a bit the last 24 or so hours
yeah what are the rules kokoro set out is it blitz or what https://challonge.com/kic5arwk https://tanoshiine.info/gamenwatch/1070792 I don't see instructions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
15 min i thought idk where's that tourney link
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Each set will be best-of-3. Time controls are 15+0 (please be sure you have 45 minutes of spare time before starting your set) The player to play white first is decided by randomly (#flip (false) on tano is recommended). A win will give 1 point to the winner and a draw will give .5 to each player (score recorded by Kokoro, just post the results in the thread) In the event of a draw after 3 matches, a single Armageddon game will be played. In Armageddon, white will have 6 minutes to play and black will have 5. (To do this on lichess, simply have black wait 1 minute before making their second move. Alternatively, create a 5 minute game and give white an extra minute by having black click the + sign next to white's name a few times). In the event of a stalemate in Armageddon, black wins. In Armageddon, the player who played as black twice in the set so far will pick whether or not they wish to play white or black. This is to off-set the very slight advantage the other player had by being white for two of the three games.
uhhhh some kind of commission thing? whatever it is costed 50 dollas
the poster is some kind of vtuber well is one
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Some of those girls look underage. Like definitely underage under Japanese law since the cut off is 20 there.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also holy shit I cannot believe that girl with the visible tattoo is Well Okay I can believe that she is working at a host club I'm just very surprised.
I mean, it is an assumption, but I don't think its unreasonable. Where else are you going to find five pretty blonde white girls in bunny uniforms who make videos like that for money.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
In Japan i mean. $50 wouldn't even pay for five of those outfits. I mean maybe they work at a bunny girl cafe, but that's still sort of like a host club.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
*hostess club
idk this is more time I don't care to spend on something like this
i hope that vtuber facial technology improves soon you just know there's kids out there who are gonna spend all their time watching this stuff and grow up with stunted ability to read faces
There's also already a pretty wide range in expressive quality, from tracking mouth shapes to eye tracking The biggest inhibition I think is no tech yet accurately dynamically translates expression to Live2D / 3D face I'm pretty sure every instance I've seen, there's different expressive states the model needs to be changed through to get more than a minute change in expression Like you might be able to change how open the eyes are, and maybe with a model with good mouth tracking, get it to pout or slightly frown even if the default expression is content But I haven't seen any model that can really fully translate from one expression to the other without being told to
>>1022882 You idiot There are only 6 human emotions
and you can tell which one of them somebody is feeling by matching their face against the flash cards.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1022883 i hope it improves cuz currently i think the emotional bandwidth of these avatars are akin to a guy in a mickey mouse suit mouth gets big mouth goes smol sad eyes happy eyes toggled interactively there's no concordance between what they say and what their face says, the eyes move around randomly you can see the visual algorithm spazzing out makin their eyes twitch but all happy happy yay fun empty brain stream time
whatever im just moral panicing stuff will get better. it better get better
>>1022885 I think that also shows a somewhat limited pool of experience with the tech too There are defintely models, even models in the professional industry leaders, which fall under your complaints But there's also quite a few with very accurate eye and mouth tracking, and the talents behind the models have experimented and practiced how to convey particular emotions with the set of states they've been given I dunno man, I agree that they're limited right now, but I don't think it's, at its best current potential, as bad as you're making it out to be I don't even think at its average right now, it's as bad as you're making it out to be
And ultimately, there's the fact that for example, Hololive, one of the leading industry professionals, is a project of a tech company who was focused on tech like this in the first place, and now have a vested interest in improving the ceiling of the technology So it'll definitely get better as long as there's a demand for talents streaming as Vtubers
>>1022882 The kids who are going to be watching vtubers all the time are going to be autistic anyways so its not like they were going to be good at it.
>>1022892 Yeah, and the ones who have gotten updates since But it's also not just generational improvements, there's a lot of quality difference in who rigs up the model And if the talent understands how they can use the model to convey expression properly Like Fubuki, I don't think she actually tries very hard to manipulate how her model looks, and mostly just swings her head around and changes the expression state But she's got a very emotionally effective voice and makes up for the visual deficiency with her voice It's different from someone like Haachama who can play around with how her face-tracking picks up her IRL expressions Matsuri's also really good at playing around with the limits of a single expression
remember when everyone used to wear the same clothes every day until haruhi invented wardrobes?
You mean in anime? I'm pretty sure there's been anime before Haruhi that did that
>>1022897 Hell yeah buddy let's go I've got a whole bucket list of things that need a-changin'
>>1022898 Imagine posting in 2006 that in three years they'd all be watching eight episodes straight of Haruhi looping the same eight days over and over again and they would all like it
usually drag and drop errors occur when a user is attempting to open an image but that doesn't mean they can't occur when trying to close an image
i love lappland
they're just way less likely to go through for multiple reasons firstly an already expanded image takes up more screen real estate, so it's more likely that you'll release the mouse before your mouse enters a part of the screen real estate that will trigger a drag and drop and secondly the duplicate image detection doesn't check thumbnails, only the full size image so if you drag and drop a thumbnail it can upload it immediately after the image is posted but if it's the full size image that you've drag and dropped, it won't upload unless it's been a long enough time for the dupe detection to be gone
pubg was fun when it came out but mostly because of novelty and a massive playerbase with a wide range of skill levels then the novelty wore off and the playerbase waned until it was just hackers and ritalin-snorting hyperfraggers and then it became very not fun
Gonna go to my flgs tomorrow and play some magic. They charge now for EDH on Saturdays which I have mixed feelings about. Cause there's no prize It's not a tournamen but you get a promo, a snack and a drink And I know they might need the money because covid has really impacted the turnout for events But still Paying $10 to play edh?
Oh for fucks sake When I tried to downgrade that image gallery app I use on fdroid to try and see if I could rename files without getting the null pointer error Fdroid said it failed I tried two different old versions.
You know how they have Reaction channels, right what if you had a "Lack of Reaction channel" where it's just you watching everything, silent and deadpan.
You'd probably have to have a really, really good deadpan expression to pull that off That's also kind of what that TikTok guy does who "reacts" to people doing excessive DIY or solutions to problems when an exceedingly simple one already exists
jam a man of fortune, and j must seek my fortune -henry avery, 1994
one of my foobar addons hijacked the rating tag, so to actually use it I had to make my actual thing use rating2 instead or searching for it is rendered impossible, defeating the whole point
There's no particular reason it has to be called rating in the first place I guess, since it's just a binary variable Those rated 1 are given a little star and auto-added to a separate playlist, which I'm gonna use to sync with my phone Automation~
because I've got two phones and notifications on on tweetdeck, every time someone follows me now I hear "DURU DURU DU" from two separate sources and then a notification pops up on my monitor I've become lain
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>successfully downgrade app >still get null pointer error Time to downgrade again It pisses me off that frdoid doesn't keep more than a few previous versions of apps anymore They used to keep all of them.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>it keeps happening
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i forgot my phone at home i missed the bicycle counter-protest FML at least i got a beer and my laptop and the nice beer savant let me in without a QR code
oh I know the rules that's about it haven't really played since I was a kid.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well lets see here move one was good, queens pawn is my fav move two was pretty avant garde pushing your F pawn weakens your king and blocks your knight from getting out putting your knight on the edge of the board was an unfortunate consequence of that the rest was reasonable until you started moving your king probably should try to develop your bishops instead and then focus on getting your king safely castled
Oh It looks like its not calculating the price properly for basic swamps. That's why the card kingdom price range is souch higher. *so much It's my first mono edh deck so I used my nicest swamps and bought some real nice ones too. I have two bob ross swamps in it.
Also someone on /tg/ told me that only serial killers individually list all tjeir basic lands.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Ah fuck Can you delete that link i posted? I just remembered that I post links to that profile on 4chan. I'd rather not tale the *take the risk of some nutjob following me here.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmao alright
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I remembered not to post these the other day amd sent Bang the links on steam.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
So what did you think of the deck? Were you able to understand what it does?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not at all, what's it do?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1023053 Well It turns buffs into kill spells. And it has a lot of stuff like "whenever a creature dues each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life" And random things that target Like Cauldron of souls Costs 5 It's an artifact with Tap: Any number of target creatures gain persist until end of turn Persist is an ability that makes it so that if a creature with it dies And has no +1/+1 counters *-1/-1 counters on it It comes back with a -1/-1 counter But because of Horobi When I target each of the creatures The ability from Horobi triggers and goes to the top of the stack So then the death triggers resolve and they dint get persist
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
And I habe stuff that makes my creatures indestructible Or u n targettable by opponents And I also have stuff that turns artifacts into creatures so I can kill them Because there is no artifact destruction in black.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
And lands that target Basically a bunch of shit that targets And things to remove indestructibility, hexproof and shroud.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't think it currently has any infinite combos though.
It's so wild to me still that people are watching Needy Streamer Overload streams and then sending superchats
Because the whole thing is like.. a dark kind of parody partly of obsessive fans who idolize streamers and that whole culture so to watch that and then also spend money to send the girl playing that game a superchat talking about how much you love her
Norin the Wary is really funny, I like his quotes and luckily I happened to buy like four or five copies of his card before the price wwent up after commander became popular.
my friend went on a gameshow they asked what he would do with the money and he said he needed rent money haha
an old business contact of mine went onto who wants to be a millionaire i wouldn't call her a friend though she bombed out on the third or fourth question without using any of the lifelines i thoroughly enjoyed seeing it
lol this one woman lost out on "which president was time's man of the year" the most and the options were trump, fdr and jfk like I feel that one's pretty obvious
man it's pretty annoying to set up the basic chromcast
good morning moe first of all i'd like to start this morning by proclaiming, declaring, and reminding that word that i love lappland I LOVE LAPPLAND secondly i'd also like to remind moe that i love (You) and thirdly i will blogpost about my current situation in my next post
okay so i just ordered and ate a burrito and then the cute server girl comes back with another burrito and is like "here's your second burrito" and im like "oh no thats not for me thats for someone else" and she's like oh ok and turns away then she stops and turns back and is like "uh did you want it?"
I've been really on edge recently No real reason Feelsbad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry to hear expand your awareness to fill your full self
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'd rather fill your full self
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chess time
>>1023155 I'd say sounds like usual winter business but I guess that's only a North American thing this time of year eh Sounds rough though Hope you can find some peace of mind
I can totally imagine a bunch of ratty little bogan kids doing it though Just like on public transport
As a private establishment the gym probably is more likely to tell them to turn if off or fuck out of the gym Hopefully at least
>>1023165 I kinda get that It's the times at work when I don't have my earbuds in and have something to listen to, when I'm doing the banal, repetitive shit my job requires That my head doesn't really go to happy places
i love lapplandSearch [iqdb](739 KB, 1200x1490, lappland scar.jpg)Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Search [iqdb](406 KB, 1431x2048, 95305148_p0.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
She's so upset she has to read Naruto that she's crying
i can't change the headlights on my car without removing the bumper apparently? who designed this SHIT the ice finally melted but i still can't leave now
I don't know how but I managed to really put a crick in my neck Whenever stuff like this happens a part of me always goes "Man when did I become so old"
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Ain't we all
>>1023218 I slipped on some ice a month ago and my elbow hasn't been the same since think I just have a shitty elbow now
I think joints in particular are just risky business I dinged mine waaaay back Like maybe even a decade ago And every now and then it flares up
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I've been getting sore kneees sometimes recently
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
God we really are getting old
i love lappland
marsh you have sore knees for a completely different reason
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
No I wear special knee pads for that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I fucked up my back and shoulder shovelimg snow last week.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
In other news our hot water heater is fucking dying and struggles to fill a bath. It was replaced last year I think.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
;_; Wordle 233 6/6
⬜🟨⬜🟩⬜ ⬜⬜🟨🟩⬜ 🟨⬜🟩🟩⬜ ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
i love lappland
>>1023251 programmer socks do not count as special knee pads
>>1023317 Good to know you got her out of there before anything happened then
i love lappland
>>1023315 i think it's a huntsman i thought it was when i saw it, and then now looking it up, it's probably a young huntsman
i love lappland
i've heard huntsman bites are a bitch they aren't like deadly or anything but they'll fuck up your next couple of days
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
This manga updated for the first time since 2020 https://mangadex.org/title/7cff85b0-ecd7-46b9-bd14-0b9c7ac8b35e/youkai-gurentai Its pretty cool.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1023354 I thought huntsman until I took a picture And it looked kind of paler than most huntsman I've seen
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1023315 How the fuck did he get in there anyways? That's the real mystery.
i love lappland
>>1023360 it does look kind of pale but if it's younger it might just be because of that huntsman also get really big so it'd kind of exclude if from being anything else unless it was young enough to be mistaken for something else but i don't think it's a white-tail
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Regardless I'm happy it didn't get a chance to sit on my face
I always found it a bit absurd that Rika and Tilde stay up so late on nights before work. And it's even later flr them than us because they're in the eastern timezone.
i love lappland
when i have work on a day after anime, i usually just nap after work or sometimes i nap premptively the afternoon before if i know i'm gonna have work after that night's anime
i don't know what they do for their sleep schedule but it obviously works for them we've been doing this for years
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1023392 Tilde bitches about being late frequently enough that I don't think it actually works for him.
i love lappland
i can assure you from personal experience that can // that you can easily be late for work no matter how much sleep you get or when while i've way better about it at my current job and the one previous to it, i spent the first 7 or 8 years of my working life being regularly late to work regardless of how well i was sleeping you'd think they'd be related but it could just as easily be procrastination, substance abuse, or just not caring and not caring can be attributed to it not really mattering, in which case it's fine not to care also tilde doesn't have his own transportation so he has to deal with complications surrounding that having been there, it can really suck the best solution is to just always plan on arriving so early that it might not feel worth it
wait am i defending tilde weird
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well, it's Nevermind There's no point in me talking about Tilde since he'll never say anything to me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh also I talked with my friend about potentially playing magic onlime with us and he said he won't play if I don't let him play with any deck he wants. So we're not gonna play with him because I do not enjoy cedh.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'll ask someone else.
i love lappland
people who play magic are cringe at a rate that is not just the standard deviation source: cringe magic player (me)
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1023398 Well so here's the thing He primarily plays Modern And generally dislikes edh But recently has been playimg edh a lot online Part of the reason he dislikes edh is that the other guy whom we've played gets really salty and that's tainyed his enjoyment *tainted
i love lappland
"wait you mean there's a format full of casual suckers that i can combo to death with busted cards?"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
super auto pets is superior to mtg in every conceivable way including the art
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1023400 When we play edh irl he doesn't have like Super broken decks or anything Although he's kind of sick of playing what he owns And doesn't want to sink a bunch of money into a new deck.
Although I actually did take apart one of my decks because it made people too salty. It wasn't actually my best deck ever. But Do you know the card Ruric Thar?
I made a Ruric thar deck because I was sick of playing against control decks And blue in general.
i love lappland
damn my favorite way to play magic is with only one set of win conditions and maybe some alternate ones in the sideboard and then nothing but removals and permission
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1023403 it's more fun, faster, fully automated, matchmaking is instant, and the emoji animals are cute plus it has RNG that is fun instead of annoying
i love lappland
have you ever played magic in person though i mean i guess if you specified "online mtg" i couldn't argue with you but i feel like the magic i'm familiar with and the magic you might be familiar with have way different amounts of adrenaline and mindgames going on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i played in high school haha never was very good cuz i didnt know many cards or play much at all
Here's another card I had in that deck. So casting something from your hand and lettimg the effect resolve and casting the second card gets two triggers of of him.
i love lappland
man when i lost top 8 in PPTQ with my friend's selesnaya bogles deck my heartrate was NUTS >>1023412 modern, in 2015
i also lost top 8 at a pptq with oh wait no i got 7-8th but it wasn't good enough just got some packs but it was Fate Reforged Standard
i had the most success in standard, between Journey into Nyx and Fate Reforged Standard i did okay in Dragons of Tarkir but the way i wanted to play control wasn't really working anymore and i stopped having money for cards
i've always been a decent drafter though it only took me a few weeks to feel pretty confident and leave LGS's with packs on friday night
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
In 2015 I exclusively played limited and edh
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I mean thats ostensibly what I play now I just haven't done limited because of covid And then also Ive hated pretty much every standard legal set printed in the past two years.
I found this the other day, looks like it goes great in Horobi.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1023413 Drafting is actually my best format but I find the process of choosing carfs to be very stressful and don't enjoy it.
i love lappland
i'm probably so fucking rusty that i doubt i'd do well but also i think the most important part of drafting is to play a lot of game in that particluar set as soon as it releases like simulated drafting and systematically testing those decks against others familiarity with the current set will always be more important than how far your fundamentals and deck-piloting can take you you need those things to take you 40% if you're gonna win but the other 60% is set familiarity specifically in regards to the act of drafting itself
not saying that you can't win games based on fundamentals and deck piloting alone but set familiarity is just so brutally crushing when you have the advantage in that aspect you can cripple other decks and pick the perfect 23 if you know the set better than the other 7 dudes
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1023423 Did you ever check out those decks I linked you?
>>1023401 Can you give me a quick run down on super auto pets?
>>1023407 only time I've been annoyed with magic is when I draw running lands
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The fuck is a "running land"?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Speaking of lands Today I retooled my land deck.
>>1023431 "running" as i. // in drawing them all in a row should've just said flooding mana I guess but I think it's a pretty common term
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1023430 i was mostly joking getting mana screwed does suck >>1023429 it's a simple autochess like game, free to play you build teams of five animals with different abilities can build different kinds of builds like summoning, weenies, big buffed units, weird meme builds like hedgehogs its pretty casual and games last about 10 minutes you dont fight against one opponent taking turns, rather, you alternate buy-sell and combat rounds
>>1023442 Maybe some other time. It's 3am here. And since my dad is back he could barge into my room at anytime after 7 am and yell at me for "sleeping in".
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
So I'm probably going to bed soon Oh and also my computer is in the basement.
Whatever I did to my neck/shoulder has not sufficiently gotten better overnight It's honestly kind of tough to lift some of the heavier stuff here I don't really want to go home early but I'm hoping today isn't too heavy on incoming stuff so I can maybe call a sick day tomorrow
>>1023460 No clue, I genuinely can't figure it I was in the shower last night and something that was either there or just the right strain on it got it all stiff and painful to exercise Lifting anything kind of heavy with my left side is a bit painful
⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 what a weird one to figure out because of the letters i had it was virtually impossible to guess wrong on the 4th one because none of my guesses counted as valid words yet it took me forever to figure out
Not here it ain't, not for a while at least I say first snowmelt, but that's always followed by false spring And then the return of snow and cold before February is over If we're lucky we might see spring by the middle of March
>>1023489 he did get one w cause the other guy who was left went AFK to run out the clock, but NL managed to catch up when he was at like 1hp so he won by timeout
I just sometimes can't sleep, dunno why really I'd probably be able to if I just stayed in bed longer, but as time goes on I become increasingly aware of how late into the morning it's getting so I feel like I HAVE TO sleep, now, and that makes it harder to sleep probably gonna go out like a light when I go to bed now though, I'm pushing 30, I ain't built for doing several days in a row anymore
I could use some coffin time these days
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sleep anxiety defo bad gotta wear oneself out with exercise
yeah it's apparently some sorta combination of dried mucus, some oil, and whatever crap managed to get into the tearduct, pushed out by the liquid that dries into the sand together with the junk pushed out surprisingly not salt I honestly figured it was primarily salt being expelled throughout the night or something well, I say I "figured" as much, but really the truth is I've never thought about it for as much as a minute before
>>1023525 It's pretty nuts Audio hallucinations started like hours and hours ago though Like speech will render as vaguely musical and stuff I was watching a SAP video on YouTube and during the battle music some dog outside barked and it changed the whole battle music's tone and stuff
One of my co-workers was telling the rest of us as a kid he'd like to boil up some hotdogs, and then take the hotdog water and a can of beans, and boil the beans in the hotdog water And the rest of us were various degrees of "What in the fuck man" about the story
In similarly unpleasant news, this Uber driver's car, or the driver himself, does not smell very good That kind of water left to stagnate smell you might get in a public pool changing room or a washing machine
Been wanting to see this scanlated for a while. The premise is that the original Hokuto no Ken manga is a live action tv show and this is about the production. https://mangadex.org/title/6ccc3f0f-3011-40b7-8d1d-65383f4fb126/hokuto-no-ken-seikimatsu-dorama-satsuei-den
night shift has been kind of messing with my sleep patterns
i love lappland
office manager does not dream of bunny girl accountant >>1023544 i did irregular and night shifts for a long time and if i had to i guess i'd do them for a little bit but having regular hours has had such a positive effect on my life that i don't think i would be willing to sustain irregular or night hours for more than couple weeks ever again
im looking for good use cases if you guys have any
i love lappland
a good use case for spinach is in protein shakes a chocolate and spinach protein shake might sound kinda whack but really you can add a substantial, almost worrying amount of spinach to a protein shake before the flavor is actually effected
>>1023561 isnt texas ... oh wait you have the aggressive AC everywhere
i love lappland
>>1023575 yeah and my landlord likes it really cold which i have no problem with, because i sweat easy, am running my PC all the time, and prefer pants and long sleeves
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hah what a contrast i like it toasty esp when it's canada outside
I was gonna make a joke there but the jpegs are too strong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
error: Error: Duplicate of >>1023622. at Muggle (/home/imager/doushio/etc.js:15:10) at Onegai.O.check_duplicate (/home/imager/doushio/imager/db.js:93:9) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:86:5) error: Error: Duplicate of >>1023622. at Muggle (/home/imager/doushio/etc.js:15:10) at Onegai.O.check_duplicate (/home/imager/doushio/imager/db.js:93:9) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:86:5)
apparently there's a item equip/dequip system you can take the hat off and it becomes its own NFT then put it on another one i dont really care for the shirt tho sorry rei
>>1023637 >>1023638 noo i dont think there are straight up anime references in this collection, i did see some other waifu tokens with stuff like that tho
>>1023630 See that would kind of make for a fun game If it was nothing more than a fun game and not some real money game designed to take advantage of the otaku weakness towards cute exclusivisity
wow asuna #6666 has a super rare tshirt only 14 exist
sproingy ribbons
i love lappland
i can't really care about the artists themselves being happy about NFTs as someone who is really passionate about art, it's simply cold hard facts that the world is inconsistent about how it rewards its creation and production unless we can figure out some kind of hyper-idealized utopian communism cyberdream it's always going to be that way
>>1023654 nopers i lived near plano once but never knew about it i didn't really have the luxury of driving around for much of the time i lived there, either
looking at it online, seems like something i might stop at if i'm ever in dallas for a show
>>1023658 Oh I thought there was on in Austin. I know theres a Kinokuniya in or around Austin.
i love lappland
there is one of those, yeah i typically prefer buying stuff like that online though at least, in theory because i just don't buy stuff like that i own very few material posessions and kinda like it that way
>>1023663 I ordered some manga from Japan and its getting sent to the Kinokuniya near me. They used to charge ridiculous shipping but now they just add it to their normal inventory shipments.
>>1023670 No, I'm talking about that specific NFT project The fact that the two do have overlapping schemes to draw in money isn't really a valid counterargument to concerns over it in the NFT project
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
at least i can sell this one
There are people who sell accounts in mobage which have high-value characters Is it permissible by the ToS of most mobage or other gacha heavy games? No, as far as I've seen But that doesn't stop peopel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill give you three fiddy for that there enefftee the classic fucking meme