Souma's decked out in fancy clothes for this trial He was in his shirt and blazer combo even when negotiating with Julius and the empire
This feels a bit like court theatrics, at least knowing Souma We know he hates the thought of meanless death, and even with Duke Lion he gave him every out to not take death
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uh oh
What the fuck Did he just What He executed his entire court
i wonder if the author // i wonder if authors ever struggle with trying to write a scene like that where the protagonist doesn't just act all shy and blushy and decide to follow the trope because it's easier
I dunno, I think the author probably has to be a bit emotionally immature, or inexperienced, to find that writing a shy cherryboy is easier than one who can read the room and go with the flow Like, maybe it's easier to write thatparticularscene, but when you zoom out and look at the plot overall, surely it just makes things weaker
>>1023244 i don't think that the author has to be those things the trope is easier to write simply because it's been written so many times before that you don't have to try very hard to find something to emulate to me it seems that romantic and sexual encounters are pretty hard to do without being either just porn or cringe so taking the easier route is probably especially tempting in that case
Hah hah oh no Vanitas
>>1023248 That's kind of subjective on the reader though Most times that characters go hard beta on encounters like that, it comes off as exhausting or cringey to me I'd much rather they earnestly commit to the encounter, no matter how uncomfortable the scene gets because of it
And between a beta bail out of a romantic encounter, and an actual romance scene I honestly thing -think both have been written about in immense volume too Both are trope-y at this point.
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i think it's exhausting and cringey too but it's a trope - it's going to be more or less accepted as such (and more importantly, approved by the editor) pretty much every single time
I think you're drastically under-red -under-read if you think a non-sexual encouter outweighs sexual ones
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tiny jean-jacques
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>>1023255 ah, so is it a bias that stems from mostly watching anime rather than reading? so i can safely infer that non-sexual encounters are a financial opportunity choice instead?
Or a televisions regulations limitation
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what does that have to do with the author making the choice aside from line two
You're only seeing material which gets to TV anime, which would, for the most part, comply with TV regulations
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so you're saying that all those amazingly animated H shows out there which are so commercially successful are the better financial opportunity
Not really Now you're putting words in my mouth
Now it sounds more like Jan-Jacks
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my original point was that it seemed like authors choose cherryboy routines because it was easier (and i think it's objectively easier ) but if i'm simply under-read, i think the safer inference for me to make is that they choose them because it has broader appeal
My point about you being under-read was that both a romance scene like that and a cherryboy routine are equally tropic
That's separate from my original counterpoint to yours that it's demonstrable of emotional immaturity or inexperience to find the cherryboy routine easier
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dang chloe had even less choice in the matter than i expected
I guess a big-ass organ keyboard might work for a computer input
I can't remember if it seems like Naenia has been calling the shots for Charlemagne or whatever that troupe of weird Anti-Spiral likes is Yeah, Charlatan I had it half right If they do away with her because of this, do we get a glimpse of the real big bad of Charlatan, or is she going to get away
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Charlatan i think
time for the most whack show of the season
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OH SHIT I just had the epiphany what if richard decides to save the kingdom, he'll simply murder her
Warwick knows how to mock with dignity
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well of course the french king is louis the question is which one
after last season, ice skating scenes will never be good enough
You know as long as Richard doesn't go full nude, no one would ever know about his body's nature He could undress from the waist down and any partner would just assume he's a normal man
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we don't quite know yet if richard's just got boobs and a dick or all 3
It's the Medieval ages, it's going to be pretty dark pretty much whenever you're indoors I'm sure as long as he's got the basic package, and was careful, no one would be the wiser
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i've got two sides kind and pure of heart and lancaster-killing psychopath
Assuming this tries to roughly follow the narrative arc of Richard III (although it has started long before the play does), roughly when the king's sons are young boys
Though I do seem to faintly remember the plot of Richard III kicking off with the king's death And the opening plot arc is the struggle to become king
>>1023323 I was thinking that too he dresses like an anime character I was surprised someone didn't come up to him and ask him if he was cosplaying so and so
It's a tally You know how Western people do the four lines with the fifth struck through it for a five-count tally? The Japanese and Chinese use the Kanji for five (五) to count in the same way She's got a tally on the inside of her thighs I assume you can figure out what her character is counting
i read an article about slow loop that was way more insightful about the show than i am i kinda turn my brain off for shows like this
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i don't know if i could explain it but yeah it would take too much effort to explain koi's outfit is cute
I feel it's a bit regretful to live your life that much in fear of the sun though
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i don't know what experiences you've had with sun but i can tell you from mine that it's very reasonable i have memories of peeling amounts of skin off that make me cringe and feel queasy just thinking about
I have good skin for avoiding sunburns Not so much these days, but when I was in the sun more regularly as a kid, I could go for pretty much five-six hours straight with my back to the sun and not get sunburned Even these days it takes a lot of sun before I even get a bit sensitive
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i inherited my mom's untannable skin i burn and i burn bad the thick chunky and brownish red pieces of skin were the worst ones to fall off and the pain was some of the worst i've felt in my life
Live insect bait is one of the reasons I'm happy to never go fishing Of course the major one is that I don't want to handle panicking caught fish, so the kind of bait ultimately doesn't really matter But I still don't like the idea
i've never tried it i probably wouldn't mind if it was like one of those marshy areas or like those river-looking bodies of water that are relatively calm i don't like being out in big lakes though i'd probably hate the ocean
I can't remember if I ever fished off a boat, but I did go out in my grandpa's fishing boat on occasion That set of grandparents lived on a decently-mid-sized lake with deep, rocky bottoms where plenty of fish like t o hang out We got a lot of trout from them before grandpa got too old to really be out there on his lonesome
Kin-aji Basically translates straight as "golden flavour"
Kids really are vicious
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i love lappland
oh rejected
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Kawaii wa inochi!
But yes please always remember to have enough life jackets on a boat for all passengers