i'm on ep 3 of pricon and will definitely be done by tomorrow no way i don't marathon the remaining episodes after work tomorrow >>1023677 oh i meant ep 3 of season one sry
Karyl is a good girl deserving of kindness and a loving family and/or friendship circle >>1023683 If we gauge smartness on a relative scale, she's probably the most smart of the main party
i love lapplandSearch [iqdb](4.7 MB, 1685x2087, girl.png)
i completely forget almost everything about the plot of GFL every week and then it comes back to me during the episode
The only real trouble is keeping track of who is who for me This is definitely an adaptation which assumes most anyone watching already knows who the girls are
i love lappland
is the AR team all okay now or are there still missing ones
Sounds like at least one is still missing
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M4's outfit is kinda weird like the jacket she wears around her waist is just a jacket she's wearing around her waist so she's basically going everywhere in a one-piece and boots
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i like m16 the most out of the ARs
There hasn't really been any designs in this series so far which are knock-outs for me Maybe that's just the way they've converted the designs for the anime But I also kinda have a harder time liking characters just on design and like to know what kind of personality they have too And the series hasn't really gone more than skin deep on personality
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i think the existence of very good character designs in most gacha make it hard for the competition yeah i haven't really fallen in love with any of the designs so far i kinda like some of the russian guns, and that kalina character
i love lappland
except i also kinda hate that kalina character but her design is memorable for me
it's still funny to me that SOPMOD II is a different character even though M4 herself is kitted to be basically the same thing and because the SOPMOD II isn't actually a different gun just an arrangement of attachments and parts from different manufacturers like a custom m4 essentially
At what point do you Ship of Theseus enough though that a different manufacturer and kit makes it an entirely different entity though
cellular bang
with guns, you can't really ship of theseus into a different gun though it's the same gun but that's because a gun as a concept typically refers to the functionality of the parts themselves, defined by their mechanical differences and uniquities in relation to other guns for instance the mp5 and the g3 have super similar mechanics but are undoubtedly different whereas the m4 sopmod ii is just an m4 with those specific attachments and i think like a different barrel and handguard
The fact that the dummies have no personality and the "main" doll does is a bit unnerving Can the main doll transfer into a dummy if the main doll gets destroyed?
cellular bang
if the dummies have no personalities but they live on when the main dies do they get the personality back
i like wordle nice little brain teaser in the morning
>>1023797 You guess a five-letter word, it tells you how many letters are in the correct spot, how many are in the word but not in the right spot, and how many are incorrect You have six guesses to get the right word
>>1023803 Yeah, pretty much I play it on the way to work since I'm not behind the wheel
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i feel like everyone i've tried to show wordle who has already heard of it was someone who wasn't going to start anyways
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i like this OP i also liked shun rip
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wait they showed shun in heaven but then they showed cherry boy and tuna in heaven too are they gonna die too
oh yeah we were getting a dose of keikaku man last ep
>>1023809 I interpreted it as more the two of them chasing Shun's legacy
Get greased
What's with his sealed arm anyway Not only does he have the goofy pauldron on, the whole arm is wrapped up like in a strait jacket
i love lappland
i hate tongue characters
i love lappland
i love lappland
this dude's Acme Brand Box Of Tricks is working pretty well on these cartoons i don't think this would be enough for the shunkillers tho
i love lappland
stealth baseball
He doesn't quite have the charm of Shun And feels a bit more like a psychopath compared to Shun's cloudcuckoolander nature But maybe that makes him a good XB athlete
One of these days I'll go play through the Dang It Ron Paul series But I also want to do Uchikoshi's games because Kirara and Blue are a big fan of them And also go play the Phoenix Wright games since I never actually played them
Inosuke and Uzai especially Most people wouldn't survive a blade thrust through the heart without immediate medical attention, if even And Uzai is down an entire arm at least
oaky pricon okay looks like we're ready let's start
My money's on Uzai trying to save Tanjirou and taking the brunt of the death nuke that went off Either way I think between the blood loss of losing half an arm and the poison he's taken, he's not really in any position to survive
This left off on a pretty surprising cliffhanger too Pecorine abducted into the false queen's chambers The rest of them having to square off against that giant golem
A rare occasion where Yuuki gets to actually be the hero
Oh OH We're finally getting one of the dream segments!
... Or not Damn it
I was actually pretty engaged in the weird mystery of the PriConne world when I was playing the game With the characters all having "real" world doubles Wanted to know what was all up with that
I was aware of it but I don't think much of it was in the game?
oh princess is in trouble
Oh her Shadow calling Yuuki sempai has some extra meaning now
>>1023900 They never really explained it as far as I got But as you built up bonds with the girls you'd unlock character story segments where you and the girl would get a dream of an encounter you had in the "real" world In particular that mechanical goddess-like girl seemed to think certain characters, like Karyl, were more central to that mystery too It was neat
I didn't quite get a close enough look at those memories that flashed for Yuuki But it might be the world of the first PriConne mobage Since Re-Dive is technically a sequel mobage We see a bit of the world of the first game at the start of the game
In the mobage prologue it was only Yuuki and Twinkle Wish who were fighting the last boss The Gourmet Guild wasn't there
I'm pretty sure this is just what we see at the start of the season one anime and the mobage prologue Where he gets dumped into this new world with his memories wiped
I think Twinkle Wish were the starter party in the first PriConne mobage But while they're easy to get in Re-Dive, the starter party in it is the Gourmet Guild
Nice of her to drop Pecorine right over the golem again Depsite it probably having moved a bit while she was teleported away
Man and the fight animation in the previous episode was also wild
She did have Yuuki aggressively powering her up in that moment though
>>1023928 I've got a hunch the next couple episodes might be a bit more relaxed hah hah There's only so much energy you can put into something
Nice emotional sentiment at the end there too Karyl's emotional journey to form connections with the rest of the Gourmet Guild is one of the highlights of this series for me
I wonder if we'll ever get any of the dream memories in the anime And if so, who they'd start with Pecorine seems like the easy choice, but there's other girls whose dream memories are a little more interesting