dude with rona just standing on his porch unmasked; ordering one packet of multivitamins and painkillers with nothing else but alcohol i hope your immune system is on its a A -game bro
Hrrrrrmmmm I think our hot water heater is dying. No one had showered today and it *when I set the bath to the normal angle for hot water it was colder than normal despite today's weather being much warmer than last time I had a bath. I filled the whole bath with it set higher and its still kimd of cool. We got our water heater replaced a few years ago too. Maybe our landlord just picked out a shitty one. That's probably it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
He probably just went with the cheapest one.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The Plan to Put Bitcoin in Mouse DNA With a Genetically Engineered Virus
okay the singularity needs to stop and stay stop
The singularity will continue and only accelerate
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021075 I heard about that. It's kind of pog but also kind of "You will live to see manmade horrors beyond your comprehension" poi.
I wouldn't describe that as "king // kind of pog"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
encoding a privaye key into dna strands and then deleting the private key so that the mouse is the only key is frankly an abombination
they were going to put Chris chan in smiling friends apparently
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021109 Yeah I heard about that. They really dodged a bullet there. It would've been fucking hilarious though. But the bad press from that would probably have killed the show.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Even null distanced himself from Chris and ended sales of the silver coins with Chris on them tjat *that made him a shit ton of money (most of which was eaten by his defense attorneys) because of what he did. I really regret not getting one of those silver coins though.
>>1021144 I can't deny all of it but I finfmd his essay to be really funny. And also the fact that he wrote it at some point in the past year and only posted it today despite me asking him why he was ignoring me several other times.
Also I can't I can consistently spot Tilde And Rene And that's it Jan hasn't been here for a longtime (afaik) and I don't think Pan has either. There's a new guy who is also easy to spot And possibly some other people And I'm not great at differentiating people anyways
they fucking removed the option to have tabs as a simple list in the brave browser, and now it's this fucking card layout that you scroll through, and it's genuinely fucking nauseating to use it's that or a fucking grid, and that's arguably better than the cards but still sucks ASS
WHO COMES UP WITH THIS SHIT give me back my simple list of tabs a grid of previews sucks because you can't navigate more than maybe 2-3 tabs using tiny preview snapshots before you go fucking insane a fucking deck of cards is literally the worst method of flipping through ANYTHING that has ever been implemented into a digital device, in all of human history
and I do mean it's nauseating I genuinely feel ill just swapping tabs
also the old phone's officially dead or well, the screen is all black now
there's a thin line at the bottom where it's still blue, so I can tell it does actually respond to input, but that's it
got a cover for my phone it's... detachable, for some reason like, it's 2 parts, one actual just a cover for the back of the phone, and that is magnetically attached to the actual wallet-type cover
very strange, but also kinda handy cause it's easy to take out and put into the phone holder in my car and stuff like that
why the fuck does looksrare not have like, average price and stuff visible? I wanna know what the activity and volume is like on my jpeg on there Cause if it's reasonable, I may as well sell there cause they have Rewards for trading on there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk they have floor but they don't have that sexy graph i wonder if the OS graph is of just OS sales or of all transactions
Also OS stats are just OS Or at least, probably, I doubt they scour the chain for any and all smart contracts trading an NFT for an ETH amount They just track the contracts made through OS
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea almost certainly it would be hard to parse thru all the other transfers and discern which ones are sales
That and I know there are trades that don't show up in the OS ticker, and every time I've checked, any change in the graph on OS has a corresponding entry in the ticker
are y'all watching book of boba fett its honestly pretty good the last two episodes were all Mandalorian episodes lol but they were really good episodez s episode 2 was pretty sick too
i think mandalorian is nice bc its not really focused on the mystic shit of star wars no force or lightsabers really that stuff is just kind of background stuff in the story and mando is really cool
I guess I'll give it a look I'm bored a lot anyway
Really it's not like I "don't like" star wars or anything, it's more like the sequels don't really... go anywhere, for me The original 6 were like, a story, with a vision of sorts, and did that satisfactory But the new ones are like "here's more star wars" but there's nothing there >>1021240 Thing is, I don't even KNOW if I have
i still havent seen the final movie of the star wars sequel trilogy lol i agree though it doesnt go anywhere movie 2 of it is decent but everything else gets in the way of it
It really just feels like some guys in a boardroom saw the Public Domain clock ticking down and went "OK look we gotta do something with this or we lose it" So they Did Something With It, and that's really it
I'd love some star wars shit that just goes fucking hyperfocused on The Force and just fucking explores that for 4 and a half hours of screentime I'd be pogged as hell But it's gotta like, have a thing it wants to talk about, and then do that, it can't just be "more star wars, and we'll figure out the rest as we go"
Like Stargate: Atlantis was very, very different from SG1, but they picked a thing, and they stuck with that as the core of the show to build around, it wasn't just "more stargate" And I fucking love Atlantis And SG1 I don't even know if I can say which I think is better, though possibly SG1 because Atlantis doesn't do setup and stuff at the start in the same way, since it's not the first one
>>1021256 if you leaned harder into pokemon i would try harder to get you to play it it really is a rare instance in which they took tons of ideas from their previous works and put them together into something great.
>>1021257 the pokemon i like from gen 1 and 2 are in the game but i want to exclusively play with ghosts and fairies and this game isnt going to give me enough of them that i like
>>1021258 it looks good! it just doesnt have the pokemon i want to play with
He who cannot appreciate the glory of Mimikyu does not deserve life
Gen 5 is singlehandedly the best overall generation though And honestly I think Gen 3 gets a bit of nostalgia goggles which skews the fact that a lot of the game is spent surfing around Hoenn's waterways
I've heard there's a bit of an extra challenge in Arceus and it's easier than in most situations to get team-wiped And as someone who's been consistently disappointed in the total lack of difficulty in modern Pokémon games, that's kind of a draw for me
Battles are very fast and speed doesnt work how it normally does because its turn order based on speed and not individual turns where the faster pokemon goes first
every new pokemon game has new cute girls, so it can't be that much of a mistake
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tell me about the chicken and which country it is from
>>1021258 it looks like ahuge improvement but the world looms // looks so empty and pokemon just kinda stand around doing nothing I like the direction it's taking but overall just seems like too little to get me back into pokemon
How about I tell you about Sailor Moon Because it's got the boom anime babes which make me think the wrong things
there are pokemon who get pissed at varying levels and others who react shyly if they notice you so theyre mosty just vibing in their habitat
also empty? its full of pokes my guy and people who are afraid of pokes only the brave go out to dick with the wild animals
if you want events there are some quests that are generally simple but add a little interaction to the areas
pokes and some trees yeah
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably empty in the sense that there arent like things locations and events and stuff
I am optimistic if gamefreak keeps this formula though the mounts look real cool too
I saw a remark that said marketing it as a spin-off game was pretty clever of Game Freak Because for the most part, the game's mostly just a tech demo and proof of concept If they were going to present Arceus in the state it is as the next generation, people would probably be pretty pissed Instead they can test the waters and see how players like this direction while still also having an unfinished concept
I feel like calling it a tech demo and unfinished proor f of concept is underselling the game. But i can appreciate the remark about it being a spin off being a safer move.
>>1021287 Tech demos aren't inherently bad or incomplete games Breath of the Wild was a tech demo, Crysis is a series of tech demos But I do think there's some parts of Arceus that are representative of it being an unfinished proof of concept, which does not equal unfinished game Pokémon do mostly just drift aimlessly about until they detect you or you initiate an engagement with one There's a considerably separation from some of the core elements of a Pokémon game, which they have sufficiently explained in-world with suitable lore, but from a mechanical design perspective, the full form of Arceus as Pokémon game feels kind of fuzzy because of the missing attributes
>>1021213 I think I'd prefer for Saturday if you don't mind I didn't sleep until 2am last night
>>1021289 it kind of sounds like what youd view as an improvement in the first bit would be pokemon interacting with the environment like eating food or maybe bashing rocks, which would be cool but adds a lot of complexity. maybe a sequel could do that.
someone whose opinion on pokemon i give some value suggested that pokemon games in the future could ideally branch into games like arceus for their exploration and stadium-like or stadium-adjacents for the full battling experience, namely since arceus is missing a fair number of pokemon, moves, abilities, and the system itself is changed, and i could appreciate that.
>>1021291 By my understanding, part of the mission statement of Arceus is to go out and observe Pokémon on the journey to complete the first PokéDex, and from the gameplay I've seen, there's a lot of content in repeated encounters and use of Pokémon Having that, while having the Pokémon not interact with the environment or eachother independently of you, feels incomplete These are things, while adding complexity, would properly develop and enrich the whole idea they're going for with the game It weakens the proof of concept Which is why it's less of a problem that it's a spin-off game, they're not riding the main title series on what feel like unfinished or fuzzy concepts Not that they've exactly presented well developed concepts in the main series for a while anyway, but that's a different matter
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Urg My friend who died a few months ago's steam is still in Away mode I guess his mom lect his c *left his computer on. It's kind of creepy
the people in the unit above me have like 4 or 5 dogs they sound like big dogs, they're always clanging shit around and running about shaking the floor and the guy and girl who live there spend the whole day yelling at the dogs not like bad yelling at them but like HEY OW STOP IT COME HERE GO LAY DOWN
it's so boisterous
like five marmadukes runnin around causin a whole mess of trouble
I'm not really sure if I wanna put my bank card and stuff in the little card pouch in this wallet case on the one hand it's super convenient On the other, if someone were to nab my phone, it's probably best if they don't get access to my bank account along with it the phone's protected, the card isn't (up to a point)
this touchless payment stuff is kind of stinky because of that it's real convenient, but anyone who takes your card can just use it until you manage to lock it out, and if they got it by taking your phone, well, locking it out is gonna take that much more time
>>1021330 I have actually, sort of Though not like, face to face
When I was but a small childe, one of my stepbro's buddies stole like... around $80 from me in cash, hidden in my room, while he was visiting
But it's also very easy to just grab someone's phone out of their hand, and that's really the main worry Being robbed like, with threats, it doesn't matter if your card is in your phone's cover or in a separate wallet, they're just gonna take both anyway
It's unlikely to happen, but I'm a nervous gremlin and do not like it when it's easier to take my stuff
Yeah it was probably from like, christmas or birthday, I dunno for sure both those dates are pretty close for me, so even though I know it was in the summer sometime, that doesn't really help pin it down
I don't think I ever got it back, but we probably beat the snot out of that kid never saw him again at least, that's for sure >>1021334 yeah it's a lot I don't even know if I was saving it for anything in particular, I think it was more a matter of it being too much to reasonably spend in a short timeframe when I was like, I dunno, 8? I mean it's a lot for me now, even
This manga is good. https://mangadex.org/title/d6659f09-9141-4f4b-ae17-175d84922b8c/tetsumin >>1021358 Holy Shit!
>>1021358 Having access to your money is unnerving, but web3 solves this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@0xbigben/1488978252618031107-bhFLzKyLDig big oof any weth bridged over to solana just got massively rug pulled i wonder what percentae of total solana-wrapped eth that is
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
While going through old clothes I found a tshirt from a cafe I used to go to regularly like 20 years ago.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It's not in great shape but I don't think they sell tshirts anymore so I'll keep it.
And a bunch of comics. And a Vampire the Masquerade book I got for $7 at a junk store in Atlanta.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Genuinely unsure if I should keep these dark side of the moon pajama pants I normally sleep in my underwear But I will need to put something on over it when I go to the bathroom while in the dorms. I guess I'll keep them. They're kind of tacky though.
>>1021367 They're pajamas, they're supposed to be either cute or corny
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Found what appears to be one of maybe 3 solid color tshirts I own excluding undershirts because everything else is a graphic t. >>1021369 Or like Plaid or solid color
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1021367 you live in dorms? oh goin back to school right
Found one of my Japanese baseball jerseys. Unfortunately I don't think my Hanshin Tigers jersey will fit anymore. This one does though. I'll keep the tigers one if I think it'll fit after losing a bit more weight.
Huh From the inside of it I can see the name Ando backwards but on the back it looks like a piece of fabric was sewn over it. Maybe he did something dishonorable but also they were too cheap to make a brand new jersey for his replacement. FYI this is from a corporate baseball team, not a pro team.
>>1021409 Well it is an isekai into a baby, but not that baby. She's got something else going on. She's the demon lord reincarnated but doesn't remember.
Fucking disconnecting REEEEEE Oh fuck forgot to spoil this
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Mods are gods
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
An app i like changed part of its interface and there's no option to change ot back. *it back I guess if I want to do something about it I'd better report it as an issue on github.
i don't normally like english miku songs but this one is super good and the choreography gives me goosebumps the effect with the points and lines to make constellation-like formations is so cool
that reminds me of this one time i saw a spider web of lightning streak across the entire sky above me one of the coolest visual moments in my life flashes of lightning are so cool so incredibly fleeting but so impressive
oh yea i should probably figure something out for that instead of playing chess eh
they never saw it cominggg
i love lappland
oh wow it's supposed to rain all night and it's gonna be freezing rain in a few hours i wonder if i'm not working tomorrow and as i say this i get a text from my boss i bet it says i don't work tomorrow
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
We were supposed to get like 10 inches of snow today but it only looks l ike 4-5.
i thuoght so too but life is full of surprises like finding out that a convenience store closer than the one you usually go to wants like 5 more dollars for a bottle of some 10 dollar cab than the other gas station like why do they even sell any
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021557 Do you guys get goose island beer in stores down there or no?
i love lappland
>>1021558 i've seen goose island ipa before nothing else from them if they have more than that
>>1021548 ya theyre called cossack squats i dont like those i barely like lunges but i do them i just hate legs in general cause mine are small
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but imagine you could be the cool character at the gym who does ruski dancing I suppose you are a character already though
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my brother tells me about two guys at his gym one they call roid randy and the pigeon man
uhhhh are you sure about that Real Ale is a small brewing company out of Blanco it's like an hour-ish drive from where i live i've gone there a couple times they might use some similar distributing vectors but >>1021576 oh i see that's not the devil's backbone i'm drinking
i'm drinking Real Ale's belgian style trippel named Devil's Backbone
the brewing company (which officially does not have the apostrophe, because technically legally speaking they are Devils (plural) Backbone (seperate noun) ) is a completely different entity
>>1021580 the origin of the phrase is a set of roads near blanco texas
the movie might have come before the beer, but the brewery was started in 1996, so i'm not really sure it's named the devil's backbone for supposedly being haunted and people dying on it a lot but really it's just a beautiful scenic route and motorcyclists ride it a lot - resulting in deaths
>>1021586 well i don't know nothin about them others all i know is that real ale's trippel is definitely named for the devil's backbone that literally passes by their brewery
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021589 That's cool It would be weird if it were naked *named after the birth defect
if it wasn't for the fact that justin's career has probably been just as successful, if not more, than daigo's i would feel bad for how much people bring up that moment but dude's doin fine lol
we call them nangs over here I think unless are whippets nitrous oxide
i love lappland
oh that's what that tame impala song is named for it all makes so sense now it all makes so sense now it all makes so sense now
i love lappland
>>1021609 greyhouds are somewhat better but in general i'm not a big fan of those big lanky dogs i mean a dog is a dog and any dog that is near me is a friend but seeing pictures of them makes me feel similarly to seeing pictures of bulldogs where i feel bad about what humans have to done to these animals by breeding them into barely survivable suffering beasts
oh yeah I guess they are I always confuse that with people who inhale c02 for a high which is actually bad for you
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021613 I hate that shit so much. People are doing it with uh Fuck I forgot the name of the breed The one where whenever ome kill's someone's babythe owner says "they never did anything like this before" even though its a vicious breed made to kill Pitbulls
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i done whippets a bunch of times yea probably explains a lot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i despise tiny dogs whippets don't look that tiny tho the name makes them sounds like they ought to be
i love lappland
like my cousins have a french bulldog and it's the most lovable thing and i love that dog but i also feel this awful pity for its existence and kinda wish they didn't hearing a bulldog breathe fills me with a really complicated disgust for what we're willing to do for the sake of the sake of what? some twisted vanity?
>>1021613 I mean I feel bad for those dogs but it's not the dog's fault it's sad to see though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021618 How do you feel about miniature dachshunds? >>1021622 Pugs deserve better 100 years ago the breed didn't have smushed faces
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea pug breeders and such are psycho capitalistic assholes
oh yeah that always reminds of that one dementia lady I used to visit bred pugs and sheppards her pugs were the only ones left and even they were strugglin ones with missing eyes they were just weezin about
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta get a pet as a ✨ status symbol ✨
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Laws really need to be put in place to punish the people who breed these dogs.
i love lappland
>>1021620 yeah it's not like i blame the dogs but i would certainly never purchase one and i don't think people think about what it means when you purchase one or breed one
>>1021631 People we're breeding dogs before that *were
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1021621 idk i never see any really i assume they're chock full of issues like the other ones
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021633 Sad! Uh Well Some have back problems Mine didn't Minis have much less health problems than fullsize And unlike most miniature breeds They were bred as hunting dogs, not for appearance So because they were bred to be working dogs they don't have as many issues
>>1021632 yeah but it's no fun that way blame the old man
>>1021436 Much better, thank you! She's gotten considerably more comfortable around the place To the point where it's gotten a little hard to take photos because all she wants to do when she sees I'm paying attention to her is play hah hah She has a little place she likes to curl up behind my monitors And somewhere in this apartment there's an old pyjamas drawstring she managed to find and fish out from underneath a pile of linens that she absolutely adores hunting, but she's actually managed to pick it up and carry it off somewhere I can't find
She's very affectionate and loves being pet and being able to lick fingers, but with her kitten energy it can some times mean a close encounter with sharp claws I need to get her some toys so I can play with her without risking my fingers
>>1021640 I know place where she can get a golden doodle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1021629 its a noble thing to do you gotta be ready to deal with all the shit
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My mom wants a golden doodle She had to pay $500 to reserve a dog And then l ike 2k for the dog Although when they got to her thwy had no more female dogs so she didn't get one And didn't get refunded I don't think she'll be able to take care of it if we get one though
what i've only had one beer i'm just feeling angsty thinking about people choosing to purchase puppies from a breeder and indirectly sending another dog to be euthanized just kinda makes me feel a certain way
>>1021637 oh thats'good takes a lil while for them to settle in but once they destress it's good good to hear she's doing well
i love lappland
it ends up sending me on a hazardous brainpath and i start thinking things like "people should adopt instead of reproduce" which i don't disagree with but it's not a fully developed stance and i devoting the brainpower to trying to dismantle the idea and defend it is tiring and frustrating
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021648 Yeah so You see The problem with adoption agencies is that they are basically selling children And fund anti abortion growth groups And lobby against abortion laws And >>1021651 Okay
i'm not going to talk anymore about it obviously it's not some fuckin "why didn't the just ride the eagles to mordor" in practice it can't work but the idea that reproduction is morally inferior to taking in someone already born is the frustrating concept
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021649 Not sure when I typed the word growth in there
>>1021713 Nothing has ever done such a good job of showing how completely made up monetary value is
i love lappland
>>1021713 in the post-mortem "All other functionality of the Parity Wallet (UI) continues to have no known vulnerabilities" i love shit like this i love it so much how early on in the document it's written as if its the most important thing to let people know
i think the thing i love so much about crypto is how many rats and snakes it's produced
nothing is truly safe if the non-fungibility is supposed to protect against criminal actors, there's always other, easier ways of doing things if it's supposed to protect against governmental power, that's just never going to work much like the criminals, there's always other, easier ways of inflicting control i just don't really see the point of crypto at all really except maybe as a game of biggest fool or hot potato to make a quick buck
now that i think about it i haven't watched almost any adult swim in a long time i think i pirated eric andre so i could watch that but it's not easy to watch adult swim stuff and i'm not giving my money to anyone for it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021777 Same, I haven't watched it in forever. Also our cable isn't working and my parents are too lazy to deal with it. But I d on't watch tvso whatever.
Oh wait I guess potassium chloride is a better answer
>Red Bull Zero and Red Bull Sugarfree contain the same main ingredients – caffeine, taurine and some B-group vitamins. Both are made without sugars, instead using different low calorie sweeteners. Red Bull Zero gives consumers the choice to enjoy a product with a different taste than Red Bull Sugarfree. wonder what's the sweetener s
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021847 Huh It's hard for me to imagine a worse tasting red bull but I guess it does exist.
sugar free is the better tasting one imo the only way I remember is it's light blue
>>1021847 zero has sucralose (splenda) sugarfree has aspartame (equal) i prefer aspartame cause the aftertaste isn't as bad but i'll just drink the sugar one
Drinking energy drinks and being concerned about the sugar content of them is one of those somewhat amusingly missing the point things
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Recently I've been drinking v8 energy drinks They don't have a ton of sugar in them but they still feel effective.
i love lappland
i only care about caffeine content sometimes i'll notice or think i notice a difference between different energy drinks but in the end it's mostly a question of if i'm getting enough caffeine to not suffer withdrawals in other words i'm 100% addicted to caffeine so all that matters to me really is that i get my 200 a day
sounds ruff
i love lappland
yeah and every time i go a week without caffeine and manage to get off it my stupid ass goes and gets an energy drink
i love lappland
it's fine, it's not even a problem if i just make myself coffee cause that's so cheap but when i'm lazy and buy energy drinks it's like 3 dollars a day which is like 1000 a year
also tasted better
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm on Adderall but still need caffeine in the morning
i love lappland
>>1021869 >>1021871 big true i've converted to the church of almond milk as a creamer i don't care about the non dairy part or whatever almond milk is just delicious with coffee
almond milk is pretty tasty, I prefer it over milk for cereal don't usually use creamer in coffee though might give almond milk a try with it but I expect I'd still prefer it black
>My partner and I put this cereal in the spice grinder so it becomes a fine dust. We then add hot water to it and it tastes just like Dunkin Donuts caramel macchiato! Doesn't even need cream or sugar, sometimes we add a bit of butter as we enjoy very creamy coffee. Has a real nice mouth feel. Highly recommend!! good reviews on this one
i love lappland
i wanna put this cereal on vanilla ice cream
>>1021895 that sounds kinda strange i just pour whole milk on it (non-homogenized if possible) and eat it like normal cereal but the leftover milk is basically just a creamy mocha coffee and delicious i add pecans though i love pecans
>>1021860 for me it's the sugar crash after I want to avoid
i'm not big on sugar in my energy drinks either but the alternative is sucralose and other artificial sweeteners why can't the just fucking not add any sweetener to it would it really be so bad
like just an energy tea unsweetened tea why not
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
could probably brew it yourself
i do sometimes got a big glass milk bottle and brew some black tea and some coffee and mix them together in it cofftea it's pretty good even without creamer
I was thinking something more crude like you crush some caffeine up into powder then mix it with soda water
Then you have an unsweetened energy drink
some caffeine pills? i tried it they're not very water soluble it gets all clumpy. idk how they do it in the energy drinks
im sure there's a way
i guess that's probably not even the caffeine but the binding volume in the pillsi i think like only 5% of those pills are actually caffeine maybe cold water extraction or something could separate all the other shit
i love lappland
>>1021938 >>1021941 i was gonna say the pills are only partially caffeine yeah it's also possible that it's not pure caffeine, but in a form that digests as caffeine cause i'm pretty sure pure powdered caffeine is water soluble but i could be wrong
you could just take the caffeine pills and sip on a pellegrino and call it a day
i love lappland
apparently the FDA doesn't like people buying pure caffeine because it's way too easy to take in unhealthy/dangerous doses cause a teaspoon of pure caffeine will fucking kill you
>>1021945 I remember some story long ago now about a Korean gamer who snorted it and died
>>1021942 ah this makes sense I remember trying that
i love lappland
remember that it's measured in milligrams so not something you want much of i think 1 gram is considered the upper limit of what is considered "risky but not super dangerous" i know bodybuilders will push closer to 1.5 sometimes but 300-400 is like, definitely the normal amount you should limit yourself at if you don't want to hurt yourself over time
>>1021942 yeah im guessing it's all the other binding agents and filler that's insoluble, and the caffeine might be bound to some of those substances idk that's how it is with like vicodin and percocet, the opiate is soluble but not the acetaminophen and other stuff there's some way that you can crush it up, dissolve it into warm water, then chill the water in the freezer for just a little bit and strain it out so that the water soluble stuff is separated from the chalky globular mass that's left behind
i'd have no way to know if i did it right or not though and i could just imagine the frustration of drinking my homemade brew and trying to guess whether the caffeine made it into it or not just from how it makes me feel placebo hell YEAH ITS TOTALLY IN THERE I FEEL IT ERR WAIT MAYBE NOT I DONT KNOWWW
i love lappland
the utilitarian in me just can't really see why i'd go through the effort anyways part of what justifies drinking energy drinks for me is that i do enjoy the drink itself going through the effort to make my own (likey objectively less enjoyable) energy drink when i could just take the caffeine pills straight up and drink something else or just get an energy drink but i guess it's just a thought experiment it's not like any of us are gonna do this
>>1021950 idk it's not uncommon for me to take three 200mg pills and have some caffeinated beverage on top of it caffeine's danger zone is something insane like a few grams PER kilogram of body weight literally more than you could consume unless you downed a whole bottle of pills
but yeah if you've got heart problems you could have an adverse reaction i got heart problems though and i do fine in the 600-800 range i don't recommend doing that daily though
i love lappland
>>1021954 yeah i mean a definitely lethal dose is like 5 grams or more but that's in a vacuum there's also other things to consider, and just because it doesn't kill you that day, you're hurting your heart it's like smoking 3 packs of cigs in a day isn't going to kill you but over time that kind of thing takes a toll on your body's systems
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there's also ineractions with other substances not directly, but taking something that increases blood pressure, or something that can increase heart rate, or even something that can cause anxiety all can make for a shitty time if you're doing a gram of caffeine
and it uses the same cytochrome enzymes in the liver during metabolization as alcohol, acetaminophen, and various other substances liver damage is not as linear and straightforward as the other organs though it's a bit more nuanced but still give your liver a break whenever possible especially with acetaminophen jesus that shit is awful
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then you also have to consider dependency and the marginal increase in sought-after effect after 400 mg >>1021957 god i hate how many OTC drugs have acetominophen in them i get that the reason so many of them have it is literally the reason i wish it wasn't there but still frustrating
i mean it's also a fever reduces so it makes sense to go in the nyquils and stuff but in all the other shit it's literally just a filler to prevent substance abuse which makes no sense because the aetaminophen is more dangerous to the liver than the thing they don't want people to abuse
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yeah but they could just as easily do aspirin or ibuprofen couldn't they
p sure it's mostly yeah that
but sometimes ya boy just wants to chug some syrup damnit
idk but i hate acetaminophen and the way it makes me feel it's the most nauseating feeling i'd rather deal with a fever and migraines
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i don't really feel anything when i take it just minor symptom relief for pain in general sometimes at work we take it with ibuprofen if it's gonna be a really rough day also i'd take it if i had particularly bad DOMS when i was working out more which i should get back to doing
ah i'm remembering back to when they gave me tylenol 4 after the scooter accident i hated that shit i mean i kinda liked it but also it kinda gave me a headache the only thing i liked was that it really did deaden the pain and knock me out but if i didn't go to sleep it was like this weird headache the hydros were way better for sure the worst was uhhh it started with a T tramadol? it sucked only because it basically didn't do shit like i got better pain relief from ibuprofen by itself than the tramadol
turnt up at costo realise you need a membership turnt 360 out
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don't need a membership to get a hotdog
wtf damn
oh well we're at carls jnr now
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oh wait maybe not everywhere apparently a lot of places costco requires a membership just to enter the ones here you can just walk in you don't need the membership until you go to the checkout line and the food court you don't need one but that might not be the case where you are
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>>1021967 carls jr sells monster energy here so you can get a monster with your burger combo
but there's only like two of them in a 30 mile radius too much competition here
>>1021968 yeah that wasn't the case for us i bet they get a bunch of people like us who don't know such is life
it's just a cover for my phone one of those that covers the screen, with a little latch to keep it close closed*
it's got pockets for my cards and a pocket for bills nothing for coins, but that's understandable, I dunno how it would even fit that anywhere
I wasn't gonna initially, but I think I'm just gonna start using it for my money and stuff too, don't gotta carry around the little wallet i have that way
ah i don't really like phone covers and my phone insurance is really good so i just go naked i've got one of these old school wallets even though it seems like a lot of people have switched over to things like money clips or Ridge-like wallets and a lot of men carry cards in their phone case or even those extra big wallets that used to be a women's purse kind of thing i really don't _need_ to carry a wallet at all cause almost everywhere i buy stuff has google pay and in texas you're allowed to have your ID and insurance on your phone
I just have one of these tiny tiny wallet things it's really just a card holder with a slot for cash if you open it up fully But I really only use it cause I don't wanna just put my license and bank card in my pocket without any sort of shielding
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for me it's kinda just a habit thing my routine is setup so i just have to remember "phone wallet keys" whenever i go anywhere
it's basically just habit for me too but whenever I use my card for anything on the computer, which really is just buying a video game every 5 months, I tend to forget to put my card holder back in my jacket, so I've ended up at the grocery store without my money a few times
But I don't forget my phone, ever So at least this'll cut down on that
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ah i make that mistake but with drive-thru food they hand me back my card and i just put it in the passenger seat mindlessly and then wonder where my card has gone when i'm in line at the grocery
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
this fucking booster shot has fucked me, man head still pounding
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh that's your heart on the verge of exploding
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>reactjs issue #3896 >is it safe to use __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED which holds some interesting insights and can be useful in some cases?
yeah i saw that earlier wtf is up with rich people why are they so weird it's bad enough they do useless shit with their bags of money but why do they gotta be so pointless about it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow its a marketing scheme for a crypto currency
yeah that security detail aint nothin i could take then out and fly that gold out in 1 hour
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're in the middle of Central Park with a 500 pound gold cube wdyd
see that's exactly what i mean though i like math but mostly in some abstract sort of detached way i don't have much experience with it so whether or not i like it, the question you're leading into probably won't really be any easier for me to answer should i say i like division or subtraction? should i bring up crazy quantum models? i'm kinda deliberately overreacting because the absurdity of this line of questioning is just so confusing to witness
if i were to try to answer that question sincerely i guess i would say either ballistics or the math that gets involved with mechanical physics, specifically in regards to manufacturing, firearms, and vehicles
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022057 Okay, cool. I don't really know how to further this conversation, sorry. I forgot what I was gonna ask.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I guess have you ever worked on those types pf problems?
the only math i've done since high school has been pretty basic algebra and geometry when they rarely come up for work some spreadsheet stuff for WoW and for tinting windows and for when i managed a panera nothing more advanced than what they teach in middle schools as much as i think mathematics are cool, and even though i'm sure i'm capable of learning it it's just never been something i need to know, so i've never learned much about it
I guess I'll get back to my math book then. I was just trying to figure out if you were someone I could talk about math with. I read a lot of math stuff and like sharing what I learn. I had remembered a conversation with you from a while ago where you mentioned reading a lot of nonfiction so I thought maybe you read math books too.
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yeah, sorry, for a multitude of reasons i'm not the best for that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022068 Nah it's fine, its good that you're giving me this feedback.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also funny story I never learned long division. I've never seen it explained to me in a way I understand. I kind of want to know it, but there's always other stuff I find more interesting so I read about that instead. I mainly want to know it because it comes up in higher mathematics where you do long division with polynomials instead of numbers. Or other stuff.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I hope my back stops hurting soon. I'm kind of stuck on the couch. It's a really intense pain but its the "you really need to crack your back" pain.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1022055 >imagine an infinite set of sets truly the work of the deranged
someone should steal the gold cube, sell it, and use the money for something actually useful 11.7m dollar gold cube art installation in a city like that there are more than 80k homeless people in that city
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022072 Wait What if we had a set with an uncountably infinite set of subsets?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's the question! how do you steal a cube like that weighing god knows how much surrounded by 10 million people
central park is closed from 1am to 6am you gotta get it on the dolly and move it into a van quick as the van is driving away, people in the back break it into smaller pieces then they meet up with some other cars at a parking garage and split it all up between some other cars everyone goes their separate ways while the van changes its plates and goes about its business
wait rei you live in Chicago why aren't you riddled with bullets?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Guess I'm judging by Chicago standards >>1022095 I'm in the suburbs And also don't live on the southside Not anymore anyways Used to hear gunshots all the t ime.
I really need to start going to the gym again. >>1022097 That would be sick Did you know you used to be able to get candy with radium in it? People thought it made you healthier.
Alpha radiation isn't that bad if uts o *if it's outside your body. I mean I wouldn't recommend wearing a radium watch band or anything but a little exposure isn't too bad because the particles are so heavy that they can't penetrate your skin.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1022097 it's free warmth and companionship to all
i love lapplandSearch [iqdb](85 KB, 593x680, mousse.png)Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cheers (wine glass clink)
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Back in the day, radium based paint was used to paint clock faces to make them glow in the dark. And so the clock companies would hire young women to paint the clock faces, and they would lick their brushes to get the bristles to stick together before dipping them back into the paint. And after doing that for a while, they would get sick and die. This was in lile the 20's and 30's. And their graves are still radioactive to this day.
>>1022120 I think that's what they call a cube root
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022132 So fun fact I did not know what that was from when I first saw the black parade lyrics I saw it in amv hell And it was attributed to kim jong un. And I had never heard the song until years later.
>>1022133 Yeah I'm really disappointed in them for this. They shouldn't have to explicitly lie to get people to think supporting the Ukraine is a good idea.
i dont think they care if people think that supporting ukraine is good or not i think they just want to stir shit with russia and ukraine is a good place to do it right now even though ukraine is asking us not to
>>1022146 I don't think they need to lie to get people to support sending US troops to the Ukraine. It's not that hard to get people to dislike Russia and weve been sending troops all over the world in mostly pointless conflicts with flimsy justifications for like 70 years.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
flimsy justifications aka outright lies
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022148 Well I mean The US did think letting Vietnam fall would a domino effect. I'm okay Well Not okay But I'm not entirely of the opinion that the korean war was a bad idea mainly because all of korea would be like north korea if not for US intervention. Not sure what they used to justify that at the time.
The US murdered like 15% of the entire population of north korea during that war literally more than a million of people we spread diseases there, poisoned water supplies, just absolutely went in on war crimes to the north koreans a unified korea is probably better than what we did
straight up though we should have a world war that just like wipes out everything i mean why not we've been stuck inside for two years i think we could treat ourselves this once
wait I still gotta finish monster hunter rise
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022160 Yeah sounds great Just wipe industrialized civilization off the face off the Earth. It's not like billions of people would die or anything.
Humanity is already drowning, weighed down by the sins of mankind! Thousands of years of human sin, dragging us down to the depths! We have to purge those sins through cleansing fire! Destroy it all and start again! Repent! Atone for the sin of being chained down with your death!
lot's of people but not as many humans
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1022163 That's what tashlich and confession are for.
after we get rid of civilization we should be careful not to make a new one we should just wallow in the mud for eternity also we should get rid of verbal language and communicate through grunts and gestures and stuff
function RiemannZeta(s::Real) if s == 1 return Inf end if s < 1 return NaN end if s < 10 return RiemannZeta_small(s) end return RiemannZeta_large(s) end
function RiemannZeta_small(s::Real) if s == 2 return -log(2) end if s == 3 return -log(3) + π2/6 end
function bangSort(arr) { let sorted = false; while (!sorted) { sorted = true; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) { sorted = false; [arr[i], arr[i + 1]] = [arr[i + 1], arr[i]]; } } } return arr; }
this is just bubble sort i think?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1022220 get there was a whole controversy about this that it was trained on GPL code and sometimes it might emit some GPL code verbatim but generally openAI outputs are considered to be owned by the person using it
>>1022305 queen to g5 seems pretty good for white right what did he end up doing
wouldn't that just be trading white's queen and knight for black's bishop?
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no cause white' knight is watching g5 you could also send your bishop in to start clearing pawns it's not a super good move but it's better than anything else i think
ok wait so white queen to g5 then presumably black bishop takes on g5 king is in check so white knight to g5 or move the king if knight takes the black bishop, black queen to g5 right? am I missing something?
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oh i missed the king in check but you could just move the king further right but you lose a turn i still think it's no that bad though probably better than just taking bishop
I would probably move white queen to d2 but white is in a pretty bad position there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
white loses the queen in any case they resigned in that position
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if you bishop to e6 they have to take it because their king is in check so you can then well that's still kinda bad but not as bad as the previous situation i posited def not as bad as losing quite yet do people throw games like that often i feel like the most improvement to be had is in playing things like that out
I think in that position it's an inevitable loss assuming your opponent doesn't screw up really bad maybe if you're up on time you could cheese out a win but resigning isn't a bad choice tbh
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is there a way to set this game up and play it out, i'm curious about weaseling out of it
I dunno I haven't played chess since high school all these newfangled online games are over my head
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tabletop simulator could do it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would help u but im in another match rn chess.com or lichess.org will let you play a board w urself
Oh speaking of anime My fucking SZS Blu-ray got delayed until march And I had in stock stuff order d too They say on their site that if you order in stock items with a preorder sometimes they'll separate the stuff and ship you the in stock stuff now and the preorder later. But only sometimes I think I'll email them
I'm waiting for my phone to charge before I get in the bath. >>1022383 It's been on my backlog for over a decade >>1022385 That's what I've heard
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Ping Pong is really good lots of visual metaphor that feels really good it's sports anime but also it's a man vs himself kinda thing dealing with success and failure and also the difference between talent and skill
The battery on this phone lasts longer than my old phone but takes longer to charge. Despite having a lower capacity.
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what they're all made up i was kinda joking because obviously genres are useful when you're searching for music that you want to sound like other music but i much prefer to to leave genres as mostly just points of reference to describe sounds that are otherwise difficult to compare easily they aren't really static facts about an artist as much as they are just relative descriptors
Like for jangle pop I guess I'd say its jangly And uh Usues telecasters *uses I think it uses telecasters R.E.M. would be jangle pop At least they're early stuff
>>1022439 Rebellion came out after I started posting on /moe/.
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>>1022442 it's not about moe it's about you doing anything in your life that isn't watching rebellion that movie is, at the very minimum, at the extreme minimum, an amazingly beautiful artistic composition
>>1022440 >>1022445 It's from setsubun Someone dresses up as an oni amd *and gets beans thrown at them. You can tell that she's the oni from her horns.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
You also put an entire futomaki into your mouth and face north and then eat it like a burrito.
>>1022453 Anyways the reason I didn't see rebellion was that I wasn't paying attention and missed the deadline to get tickets. And then I got spoiled for it and got mad about that and didn't see it. And then I just never got around to seeing it.