Tribe Nine was pretty cuh-razy last week I've been wondering all week if it's just a bit or if he's actually dead
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i think it would be a super interesting surprise if he's dead but he's like, almost the MC there's no way, right?
All I can say is I can completely expect both outcomes This is the kind of pure chaos I live for
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it's not like when mami died, either cause that was like "oh shit" and it was super clear what happened this was pretty ambiguous and i feel like 90% of the the time ambiguous deaths in anime are non-anime
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It was the 11th anniversary of her death recently I think.
I've been practicing with Pokemon names because it bothers Ton
I was kind of wondering what happened to the rest of her squad The focus of the past few episodes has been rescuing her but she was originally in a team of five or so
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>>1020433 i'm assuming on discord or something? i don't see ToN around much these days
Yeah I joined in for a tabletop game Kirara ran the other year and Ton has a Discord for that Although these days it's more just a place to talk about Vtubers and video games
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wow G36 is way cooler than whoever this maid is
Meidos are plenty cool!
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this one doesn't look that cool G36 is one of my favorite guns, visually but this t-doll doesn't do it justice
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oh yeah so they clone themselves when they're fighting but when AR team was fighting those battle-meidos in the first episodes they were just fighting one each and the meidos losing the battle was highly contigent on misjudging the specific number of enemies but like they could've been 12 on 2 instead of 4 on 2 from the beginning
It's a bit surprising they went with a female commander too I'd assume the majority percent of their playerbase is guys But maybe there's enough of them that would be down with a female commander anyway
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i think it's specifically because they expect most of the playerbase to be male that they chose a female if they choose a male they are way more limited on characterization i think if they make the commander a female they can just try to make her a waifu too
It's also pretty funny how the girls can just get fucking shot in the face and it's not a problem because they're robots
They reallly have tracked the game story like super close
I guess GFL does have a more linear story tha n a lot of gacha
I don't know how much plot there is to the mobage but I feel like at the pace the anime's going they won't get very deep into any serious plot arcs Like how in Arknights if you don't make it past like chapter three or four you're barely into the game's story I feel like you barely even meet Ch'en by that point
Arknights also has a lot of really good spin-off stories though The W story event and Aegir event focusing on Skadi were really great
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arknights' protagonist will be really interesting to see in the anime i've already heard rumors that the anime will cover the plot but // plot from the beginning of the game but i'm really hoping it's new stuff probably a farfetched hope
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also, so far GFL has been pretty "just ok" but i do really like the ED i've mentioned i wish it had more bass and i do but it's still pretty catchy in general
I know Ace's seiyuu has been talking about the Arknights anime The grizzled veteran who dies at the start of the game So if anything, there'll be maybe a bit of precursor stuff, but my money's on a straightforward adaptation of the plot from the start of the campaign
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yeah i think i saw him during the recent broadcast for the event, being excited for his role oh they also announced EN voiceovers for the game at that event soon (tm)
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also i totally got Ch'en The Holungday yatta
Unless the banner's still going I missed my chance Still kind of burnt out on mobage after playing Arknights daily, doing my best to keep my sanity on constant recharge, for a year and a half straight
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she's like pinecone on steroids yeah the banner just ended i kinda burnt myself out in just a few weeks but i still log in and auto-deploy and then log out but a bunch of my sanity potions were gonna expire last night so i popped them and now i have 750 sanity that's gonna take so long to auto-deploy
Yeah that's what I was doing to keep my sanity on constant recharge Always auto-deploying and grinding events to make sure I get all the event rewards Using all my sanity potions to make sure I got my effective value That eventually just exhausted me hah hah
rusty biscuit >>1020477 if you have any originites sitting around maybe log in and grab that limited Red skin i think it's s-tier skin assuming it's still there i think it is
>>1020479 If anything I would've liked to grab the Mudrock bikini skin so I can have her not always be in her clunky suit
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oh yeah people are hype about that one i don't have a mudrock
but i have Red and she's one of my most valued ops she's like an oh shit button whenever i'm doing a map for the first time fixing all my oversights and mistakes
>>1020487 Red's one of my pocket back-ups I rarely take her on one -on my first try of a map but if it becomes clear I need some fast response or to put up fast defense in several different spots on short notice, I tap her in Although now that I've E-2'd Skadi I can probably use her for that some times
I have a lot of pretty flexible and powerful units at E-2 level forty so most events are clearable with my favourite characters
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wow the world looks so pretty so much better than that desert they were in
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>>1020490 since my account is still new, i end up having to watch a lot of optimzied guides for cleaing some of the really difficult event content
>>1020492 I'm too prideful to watch guides even if I'm having a hard time I just brute force things with different combinations and deploy orders until something works It does make some of the final stages pretty hard some times Like the last stage of the Rainbow 6 collab event was brutal Oh and the last stage for Saga and Dusk's event
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>in the mines holy fuck they're gonna go THROUGH the mountains
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>>1020496 i wish i was around for the R6 collab, i use Ash as a support unit sometimes because she's so strong and also cool
i usually try stuff on my own, or rather i always do but for the event, i'm not gonna let stuff get away b/c i'm still new and people figure out some really cool strats using low rarity/low level ops
Wow that's a rude crustacean A crabby crustacean even
>>1020500 The best ones I've seen are the ones where they break the stage Once I saw someone get an enemy unit into a pull/push loop that meant the stage would never end Eventually the game just crashed to the main menu
Without Shun and Saori the Minato Tribe doesn't have the best united direction I guess the shrimp and the big guy are good at calming people down but they can't get the gang to do things like Shun or Saori can
I fucking love shoutengai Coolest form of a mall period
This is a neat way to shake up the previously established idea of XB Having to keep track of the ways the ball can bounce off things and the maze of the shoutengai
Sasuga Taiga
The vague rules around what's accepted in XB and what isn't are ridiculous hah hah
it's cool that they hard-killed an important character like that but also shun was one of the reasons i liked this show that's kind of why i didn't think they'd kill him he seemed like a lot of the draw but if they're gonna make a blue shun now idk i just wasn't feeling it this episode
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sabikui bisco is great though gonna end up being a show i recommend a lot i think
Uzui's lost at least one hand The other arm is also separated but -is maybe also separated but maybe just broken or laying at a rough angle Either way he doesn't look good
It's a good thing there were like a dozen or so Hashira and only six (well seven kinda) Upper Moons Because right now it's looking like they'll be down two Hashira to take down one (well two kinda) of the Moons
Ichiso-sensei, who's probably best known here for being the character designer behind Shigure and Yuudachi from Kancolle, is a big fan of the PriConne mobage and anime It's always fun to see her comments about the episode every monday She also always had something to say about Dragonmaid when it was airing too
Woah another male character who doesn't seem to be a mook I thought this was Princess Connect Oh maybe this is from the previous world or dimension or game or whatever the heck is actually going on Yeah looks like it
>>1020709 I follow her on twitter so I've gotten to see. She's also a big fan of that vtuber she did the design for,
Yeah, NIJISANJI EN's Pomu Rainpuff She's one of Kirara's favourite Vtubers He was following her previous streaming incarnation as an indie Vtuber so learning that she'd made it into the big leagues as a professional Vtuber made him really happy
Oh this ane-san wolfgirl I remember Marsh really liked her since she was his free 3*
Ah I really like this girl Maho She has a Kansai-ben and talks like a laidback noble
The Gourmet Guild really are a bunch of weirdos
>>1020714 They do really pull out the high quality animation for this series But they're also not afraid to do the Konosuba "Let's just animate everyone as jelly for comedic moments" thing
I wonder if they'll ever do any of the "real world" dream scenes like what you get in the mobage if you get high enough bond levels
I also liked the busty Okinawan kemonomimi girl in the mobage But she was hard to work into an effective PvP team
She was good for the guild raids and the boss fights at the end of the dungeons though, since she stacked damage as she used her special
looks like we're ending this one with a cliffhanger too
That's pretty unusual for this series At the least I think we made it all the way to the final two episodes in season one before they did a cliffhanger