Hi! Hope you had a nice weekend I'm prepared this time
Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou *Baraou no Souretsu Cue! Episode 3-4 Futsal Boys! Episode 3-4 *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Girls' Frontline Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Episode 3-4 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja *Slow Loop *Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru *Vanitas no Carte
So who's got a hold of Vanitas' book at the moment anyway
Ah well there goes the breakfast spread
i love lappland
is this far enough in the past that the real vanitas exists still?
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or is it the former vanitas? i'm not sure on the specifics of how the name was acquired i also forgot if we ever learned our vanitas's name before it became vanitas i don't think they've talked much about that
John Jacks
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i would blush even harder if noe wanted to shake my hand
What I'm wondering is how relevant this time slip seems to actually be It hasn't really been talked about since it happened In some ways I'm wondering if it was even more than a temporary illusion or something
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even tinier chloej
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The J is silent Like Fjord
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oh no
Pft This dick
He hasn't lost his eye yet though
Man if not for the fact that he is a clear villain at this point He'd be a pretty great guy
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this dude's hands are LARGE
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tiny jeanne
Innocent Jeanne Not yet tarnished by the cruelty of combat
is red hair gonna have some tragic backstory now i really wanted to hate him but maybe i won't
I imagine whatever it was he lost his eye to made him go crazy and align with the Charlemagne Or whatever it was called
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oh that's his bloodsucking power that's how he got noe
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his hands are so BIG
Looks like she's of a somewhat higher grade than Noe though He couldn't get into her
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uh oh
Surely there's plenty of girls out there in France named Jeanne
I don't know if this can really be called giving up your name of your own free will as Chloe says she did She was clearly abused into giving it up to Naenia
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naenia's accent and inflection reminds me a lot of roswaal
>>1020011 she almost certainly didn't really have absolute will in what happened but naenia might also be manipulating her into blaming herself and feeling like it was
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>>1020013 big same i want to watch the other show based on something from this writer
>>1020013 Silver-haired ojou-sama definitely hits quite a few of your charm points
>>1020015 Pandora Hearts is pretty interesting I remember watching it back in high school
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i don't know if i'll like it, based on what i've seen but i like vanitas so much i want to try it vanitas was one of my favorites last year, and this season has been nonstop bangers every week to the extent that i worry i should curb my expectations - if they keep it up, the series as a whole will probably be 3x3 material for me
Pandora Hearts is quite a bit different from Vanitas There's a measure of more fantasy and strangeness to it that's granted by its Alice in Wonderland inspirations It's also more yaoibait than Vanitas has been so far despite there being a clear lead heroine
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i remember explaining to my coworker how powerfully fujo that like 3 different shows that season were and he was like "what, no way"
Not all otaku and weebs are rotten in the right way to see the fanservice hidden just under the water
So this Henry is a what, mid-thirties guy who looks like he's eighteen, who has fallen in love with who he thinks is a teenage boy?
It's kinda funny that a formal word for father sounds so much like slang for boobs
The "chichi" part of father is always going to be a bit silly I do like the mother version of it though Haha-ue
He's like some kind of vapid dog with how absolutely delighted he is to see Richard again
You've known him for like less than an hour total of time How have you imprinted on Richard so quickly
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i've lost all intention to make sense of how things unfold here i'm highly interested in this show, and mostly to see how crazy it gets
These are just the kind of things I'd riff on while reading Shakespeare really This author has actually done an excellent job of channeling the absurdity of Shakespeare's plays
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i love lappland
this song reminds me of minecraft
Cinnamon? What kind of random English farmhouse in the like 1500s would have cinnamon
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i'm sure absotluety none but what mangaka actually ever researches that kind of stuff
Henry is really good at laying on the charm when he's happy I don't even think he knows what he's doing but it's working
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henry's layin it on thick tryna lay that pipe
Hah hah they're getting drunk How dangerous~
We know Richard's got breasts And judging from the bandits' reaction when they tried to assult him, he's probably got a dick I wonder if that's where the hermaphrodite nature ends
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Oh yeah I always forget that woman who rules over Henry is his wife, not his mom
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i love lappland
what wait what i blinked or something
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... Strawberries? Aren't those raspberries/blackberries?
He absolutely does in the original play My English teacher really enjoyed the segment on the play when we read it for class Because he claims he can trace lineage back to a character in the play who was a historical person who the real life Richard III likely commanded to do a particularly heinous act
genjitsu i want to see what happens to Van and amidonia now oh and i want to see more of that runaway amidonian princess who acts more like a business person also more juna and more hakuya + souma KEIKAKU
Unless Van immediately starts trying to rebel against returning to Amidonian command, the series has also for the time being cleared up any immediate issues for Souma's rule of the kingdom
Oh I guess I forgot about this though
There's also the dragon girl Yeah there she is in the OP I think she's still on somewhat disagreeable terms with Souma
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oh the OP just reminded me about foodman and the horse whisperer fox miko
They have been less relevant than most of the rest of Souma's entourage so far At least after foodman fixed the worst of their food issues
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foodguy was pretty relevant for a while
i think fox miko is gonna be more important later b/c demons
This kingdome really doesn't fuck around Kingdom even
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souma doesn't really lose his composure damn that was wild
So far he's had to deal with either miscreants, or people who make the best choices for their own interests I think those are people he can overcome or sympathise with But Georg and his stubborn insistence on honour and duty is beyond his understanding
They've discussed the acceptance and even normalcy of polygamy in this world before I don't think all the cute girls we've seen are likely to end up as Souma's wives But I think a number of them will be
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oh i can see where this is going
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Man he's bringing celebrity politics into this It's a bit of a cruel argument But not entirely unrealistic
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oh wow he's a king AND a producer
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it's the illuminati
You know the most reliable historical accounts show the real life Illuminati were likely disbanded after a majority of their members were either executed or exiled These chumps think they're so powerful But everyone's a nobody when the guilotine starts whistling
You know even for his high standard of make, I think two weeks is enough time for Gojou to finish the outfit Or well should be If he didn't have his student obligations to take care of
Man if he didn't already have enough to worry about
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two weeks, huh
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Typical Japanese workaholic nature Bust your back and you still expect to get some work in while you're recuperating
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wow midterms too lol
You know what they say When it rains, it pours
Don't you just hate being so kind a person that you can't say no to such a dramatic plight
Although I do think this is something worth doing every now and then Burning yourself to your absolute limit just to see where you can get to before you break
well she left him with like no time i told you two weeks wasn't a lot!
Sometimes life just hits you hard too I think if he hadn't forgotten about midterms, if his granddad wasn't laid down, and was the kind of guy who could say no to things like workshop tours He would have managed without hitting the point of near-breaking
But also like I said I think it's important to feel feelings like those some times too
I'm glad she was sufficiently sorry I would have thought less of her if she's just been like lol thanks for the outfit
Marin is a really sweet girl! A lot of people have been discovering the charm of this series because of the anime So I'm really happy to see how many people like her
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eye-tape sounds really uncomfortable
I think you normally set it up to only slightly pull at the eyelids Like it would never be a comfortable thing, but it's not so bad that you can't eventually forget about it
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wow this anime girls became an anime girl
It's really kind of amazing how transformative cosplay can be in skilled hands
Getting a really fluid and farflung cast like that probably feels really nice
What a sly girl Never rests in hawking her store's wares
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that's actually a really reasonable price for boots
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wait was that 13k or 130k
Probably 13,000yen Which is definitely a fair price for a pair of weather-resistant quality outdoors activity boots But to high school students without their own reliable source of income, they're probably pretty expensive