*Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku Cue! Futsal Boys! Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen Princess Connect! Re-Dive *Sabikui Bisco *Slow Loop *Tribe Nine
I was trying something different with my nightly nap to make up for something that'll probably mess with my schedule and it almost didn't work Kinda I might have some spottiness with anime on Tuesdays for a bit but probably not
bisco tribe nine sailor fuku slow loop
bisco okay lets start
Mushroom power
i love lappland
back orange
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tiny grifter can't catch a break
Speaking of not catching a break Now she's in the clutches of Bisco
The OP seems to have a bit of an implication that Bisco and Panda are on the side of the absurd natural wildlife in this new world I wonder if the urban citycentres of this world all have this tendency to do stuff like what was going on with the flying snail planes
i love lappland
ah i see so mushrooms are banned because rust allows them to control the population easier, i'm guessing
Oh so she is using literally just an iron pole I thought that was what it looked like but I was having a hard time believing it was something so basic
i love lappland
yo when he said 'did i kill your parents or something" when he's probably killed a lot of people in the past, even if only incidentally that was some real villain talk
wow that explosion blew him back with an insane amount of velocity
Yeah I'm pretty sure he's superhuman Must be all those healthy nutrients he gets eating mushrooms
don't make onee-san mad
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this guy really can't help himself when it comes to sounding like a villain
Under some lights he he's probably better coined as an anti-hero than a hero or a villain
That was some pretty good zoom on an analogue camera with no lens
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yeah and she was stabilizing it like crazy since he was moving p fast
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boob kick
What a gentleman
i love lappland
oh nice we keep the old guy for a little bit
He's such a cheery old guy
i love lappland
uh oh
i love lappland
i don't wanna lose the old man nooooooooo
kidnapped from onee-san for fujo times
I hope we get plenty more of onee-chan Onee-chan is good
Bisco please you impatient fuck
such big mushrooms
i love lappland
i love that they use the rapid mushroom expansion to launch themselves
I wonder how much of the cast they've left behind in the city we'll see I get the feeling they're not going to just retire the governor And then there's the pink-haired girl and Pawoo
GIANT TURTLE Oh maybe it's more a crab
giant turtle covered in guns
looks like we're getting more of the pink girl i liked her
i love lappland
holy FUCK i think it's a crab and that is fucking sick
okay lets start
First impulse was a turtle because turtles big enough to carry masses of land do have mythical representation in Eastern Japanese literature But judging from the legs and the glimpse we got of the face (plus next episode's title), it's most likely some kind of crustacean
It really reminds me of the Monster Hunter Carapaceons Which are unfortunately a family of monsters which haven't made it into the modern MonHun games yet I really love their designs
i love lappland
a world where the islands that people lived on were all giant crabs and turtles would be pretty cool
i love lappland
oh that's right these guys dropped their off roaders from helicopters and then drifted for their entrance
Turns out he's literally from the Imperial family
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what the hell is with their eyes
Centuries of inbreeding maybe They are an Imperial family
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they look like they might have been plucked out and replaced with CYBER EYES
weird group of characters to see playing baseball
i love lappland
what if shun just fucking dies
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he murders the catcher with every throw
>>1018353 Knowing the creative staff behind this series, it's certainly not outside their ballpark
None of them can hit his pitches
Damn That was some sly strategy
>>1018366 And Shun totally banked on it Keikaku doori
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he didn't even go for the base he went straight for shun
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so i guess freak eyes is the only person on the team the rest are just bodies
Damn Shun was that really necessary
It's kind of a nonsensical cheer but it's also pretty fun
Kinda surprised this guy doesn't have some spare masks around
i love lappland
this brass reminded me of a ska brassline
Yeah I can hear it At least until it amped up into the battoru segment
i love lappland
this track is pretty cool i like it
The composer's also part of that creative squad that worked on Dangan Ronpa and Akudama Drive It's neat that they can do music with this feel too
i love lappland
the red eyes just make them look stoned
Huh, so Oh Shun's back up for the count Or maybe not For a second there I thought the catcher can also participate in the battle to tag someone out Maybe they can though and Shun just didn't want her to have to get involved
I guess they're going to get adopted into another XB team? At the least I doubt they can just reform their tribe after being commanded to disband
The eyes on these guys also kind of remind me of Gurren Lagann's Lordgenome
>If you had said something I'm pretty sure he was unconscious from getting his ribs dissolved
i love lappland
Wow he's really actually dead
i love lappland
I can't believe you jinxed this Bang
i love lappland
there's no way he's actually dead right
Like I said, knowing who made this series Death is 100% on the table
it's DDR dangandandanganga ronpa he coud die
Dang it Ron Paul
i love lappland
you guys aren't fooling me he's totally not dead i don't believe it
everyone could die
>>1018405 hard to say, we'll see what kinda series this is based on whether he dies or not in danghangandndanandand dangdangdang dang dangan ronpa pretty much everyone dies
Yeah they pretty much pulled that on us in Akudama Drive, which was also made by that creative team That series had an astonishingly high body count of main characters by the end of the single cour
Okay Rika now you're just having fun
The main heroine's last stand in Akudama Drive was absolutely crazy I loved how wild that series got I still think it's one of the best anime original shows we've gotten in a long time
sailor fuku
okay lets start
i love lappland
if this episode doesn't give me a good reason to keep watching i'll probably drop it here
wow frame 1 armpit when i open up the file and pause it kinda sus
Cute girls doing dorky things
i love lappland
alright really sus
That kind of flexibility is kind of envious
I think I'm fairly flexible for my body type, age, and lifestyle But that much is crazy Oh she forgot to put her shoes on
i love lappland
what are those red things on the sinks
I wasn't looking too closely Were they maybe soap nets? Little net bags they keep soap in
The faces on a lot of these girls look a bit funny I don't even think it's a matter of quality, I get the feeling it's just how they looked in the original material
Akebi what the fuck
As someone who doesn't particularly try to be serious but ends up giving that impression on a lot of people I can kinda sympathize
>>1018421 Yeah I'm pretty sure those are the soap bags They look a bit weirder in this series than what I'm normally used to seeing, but that's where and kind of what I've seem them like in other series
Akebi has some big extrovert energy And is also kind of a spaz It's kind of powerful
Uh oh I've read enough to know how this turns out Hah hah hah
Oh that was a really cute kaomoji
This crazy variety of clubs kinda gives me big Hyouka energy
wet uniforms every high school girl's nightmare
Well they're lucky it's an all-girls' school Or maybe not always There's always some outlier girls who end up at schools like this
That blazer jacket is a bit funny on Akebi It gives her broader shoulders than normal I don't know if that's because it fits her poorly or because she hasn't done it up
How cute
i love lappland
i had to asnwer a phone call and missed most of the episode maybe not most wait yeah no that's most
Mountain climbing hah hah What is with middle schoolers and climbing mountains
>>1018438 I mean blazers always broaden your shoulders cause of the padding
That's true, yeah It doesn't have as strong an effect on the girl it actually belongs to
Belongs to though even My brain ate that last word whoops
i love lappland
i skimmed through the episode yeah idk i'm just not into it count me out of sailor-fuku
Oh yeah I got some crazy anime news at the start of the day today Maybe the biggest anime news I've seen in years
The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer has been greenlit for an anime adaptation And it's starting this summer
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i heard mushoku's studio lost a lot of staff members to mappa recently that could be pretty crippling
I'd heard that Mushoku Tensei basically had a new animation studio formed to animate t he series It might just be they don't have a guarantee on when they'll be picking up work on it again So the studio went into hibernation and the animators went to MAPPA to have work
I'd also say judging from how the animation in Mushoku feels, I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of the animators from the studio were from MAPPA originally anyway They've been having a lot of moving in and out with their animators recently Although not always for great reasons MAPPA doesn't have a great track record with workplace quality
i love lappland
anime girl + baseball cap = cute
C'mon man why are you making your teenage daughter row your boat
Twin oar rowing is a bit complex Once you know how to do it, it's functionally easy But having no clue how it works, I think it's pretty normal to end up doing what she was doing, going around in circles
Honestly I think it would probably be more fun to watch other people fish As long as I get to relax around with them while they do the casting and line watching
Ah umeboshi are tasty Definitely pack a sour punch But they're a great little snack
But I'm pretty hungry right now so just about anything is going to look really tasty to me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
What about horse sashimi?
i love lappland
i've never made sushi rice before they sell it at the grocer but it's like twice as expensive as the basmati i buy and i honestly prefer basmati i'd only be buying sushi rice to be a weeb
I try to find it here but it's kind of hard to find Except probably outside of Asian grocers which I'm too much a coward to go into For the longest time you could get Japanese sushi rice from one of the biggest grocery chains here, but they almost seem to have discontinued it Or they're having supply issues The biggest problem I have is there's a lot of brands of rice that are offshoots of "proper" Japanese rice which were designed to grow in places like California And frankly I don't think it's nearly as good as actual Japanese rice
>>1018463 Do you know if you can find Jasmine rice for a decent price? I think it's a nice middle ground between the sticky Japanese sushi rice and Basmati
i love lappland
hahaha fishin accomplished
i love lappland
>>1018464 jasmine rice is extremely common and plentiful in grocers here
i've thought about making onigiri and taking it to work for lunch but also it's so much easier to just eat a pop tart or drink an energy drink instead
When I make curry I like using Jasmine rice Basmati rice can end up a bit dry but Jasmine does a great job of soaking up some of the curry sauce without getting overly mushy, which Japanese sushi rice can at times
i love lappland
nothing does it for me like basmati spoiled all the other rice for me
I like basmati for when I make more Indian-style curries But I'm also prone to using naan too
I'm glad they cover the cooking part preparing and cooking fish is as much a part of fishing as fishing the catching part
Plus it's part of the whole duality they've got with the main characters One catches the fish, the other cooks them into nice dishes
A bit of a Yuru Camp-y fuyu camp episode too Sure must be nice to live in a part of the world where camping during winter doesn't mean freezing half to death
I spy some cute outfits next episode
comfy ep
kimetsu! thanks for anime bang okay lets start
What a hot-blooded way to end the night
The siblings are really worse for the wear after this fight Hopefully the rest of the gang can handle the Upper Moon and the other Upper Moon
i love lappland
thanks for anime!
Night Bang
I really think Tanjirou should probably sit the rest of this fight out He's done a lot and has gotten really beat up for his trouble Without holding out against the sister of the Upper Moons as long as Nezuko and him did, Uzai probably wouldn't have been able to trounce the sister as easily as he did
Uzai's brother kinda has a bit of an Uchiha look to him
I wonder what's up with this Master guy who leads the demon slayer corps He has that weird purple thing on his face that by present day has spread to his whole forehead and around his eyes
Hah hah hah she lost her head again
Man Uzai has a real crazy fighting style As expected of a Hashira
wow his technique is crazy also the sister is so incompetent
She's been competent enough in the past to handle previous Hashira I think I'm pretty sure it's that she's been exhausted by fighting Tanjirou and Nezuko previously
It is really feeling like this fight's going to take Uzai with it Even if they win I guess it's an improvement over the Rengoku fight, but it still would kind of suck
The hashira are all so nice I hope he lives
Some of them are kind of assholes A lot of them were when they were first introduced, they were really hostile towards Tanjirou and Nezuko A few of them came around, Uzai and Rengoku included But I think a bunch of them are still kind of dicks
Also poor Zenitsu It takes him being unconscious to do anything remotely cool
Uzai really is uzai hah hah Flashy and noisy to kind of almost the point of obnoxiousness But I guess that's what it means to be the Sound Hashira
Another thing I think this series is building to deliver on is Tanjirou finally being able to use the Hinokagura moves without half killing himself whenever he tries to
Oh more support from Uzai's wives Or just one of them so far
what a time to leave off well can't wait for next week
It keeps happening This series loves to pull a cliffhanger right at a supposed triumphant moment like that hah hah I'm pretty sure there were at least two like that during the spider mountain arc
Rengoku ;_; Hard to tell if this is foreshadowing Uzai joining Rengoku in the afterlife or if it's a nice sentiment of Uzai continuing where he left off Or if it's just a skit and doesn't mean anything!