*Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku *Baraou no Souretsu Cue! Futsal Boys! *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Girls' Frontline Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen *Slow Loop *Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru *Vanitas no Carte
I guess this is the cat he was talking about though
The player character commander looks nice
They've spent a fair bit of time on this recovery mission for the AR team At least that's what I'm assuming it's been since the player commander showed up The show's been a bit unclear on what's precisely going on
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drinking gun oil
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MG3's are cool they're basically just MG42's with some very minor changes, and in 7.62 nato you can adjust the fire rate so you can still have them fire at ludicrous speed even though it's not really the practical way to do it
Putting the boob in the booby trap
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she's getting bounced around
Scarecrow wields her gun almost like it's a club or a blade Rather than, y'know A gun
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i thought scarecrow was the other one
Maybe I'm still learning the names here
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i only remembered cause scarecrow was cuter than this badguy
I don't really remember if Richard had a wife in the Shakespeare play But in the play he was also a hunchbacked goblin of a man and probably impotent anyway So even with a wife, no children
Marry me like one of your French ladies
Well I guess that clearly lays out what Richard is Enough beating around the bush
Man Once upon a time when Scotland was considered a foreign land from England
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i can't remember was there a move to stay with the UK only if they left the EU or was it to stay with the UK only if they stayed obviously one happened, but i remember scots being all uppity about breaking from the rest of the UK and it had something to do with brexit
There was some build up towards it, maybe some murmuring in the Scottish parliment But there was never a formal submission The UK parliment basically said "You tried this like four years and (and sure it was under entirely different circumstances) so no dice, losers"
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well i think they only vote on it every while and again
Yeah but she's got him pinned now too Pinned for DEATH
Poor Warwick here Just trying to keep the Yorks in power even if they're all complete idiots
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if the author really wants to channel shakespeare (and they seem to) then we already know that the people trying to be good will suffer and the people trying to be bad will also suffer lots of suffer
Doesn't help that the original Richard III is a tragedy Shakespeare's comedies generally only had the awful suffer any lasting degree But yeah when he wrote a tragedy you can definitely expect it to suck for characters all across the board
>>1018022 Kinda hard to pin at this point That thread hasn't really been pulled on since of the quick set up in episode one
Is Souma's plan to give him back Van but then demand it as reparations for war
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i think the whole point is that borders aren't supposed to change under the pact at the very least i think the people of Van will absolutely refuse to oppose Elfrieden at this point so when Prince Angry takes back his city, and then tries to be a little shit he might even end up deposed
>This makes us look like a defeated nation Man who leads a nation defeated in war
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>Your nation will set the precedent. holy fuck she's brutal
This guy went crying to the empire because his nation got smacked around And ended up with the cruel reality that the empire is no one's friend but its own
Guess Julius takes after his dad in the idea that all that matters is military conquest Casually throwing away the books in his castle's library
Machiavelli's work was very layered it layered satire upon truth The satire was missed by the intended audience I imagine most Japanese visual novel writers also do not appreciate the satire that Machiavelli layered upon his work as well
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it was truly post-ironic satirical irony
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there's also the fact that in practice, taking machiavelli's blueprint for tyranny at face value can even produce non-satirical results further causing misconception and blurring the original intent
Yeah that's definitely the biggest problem In attempting to make satire, he ended up making the most perfect satire that instead perfectly reflected reality
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man albert wasn't really that bad was he was it his fault i mean i guess he really likes getting his ears cleaned maybe he shirked duties for that
The gist I got about Albert is he was bumbling and feckless Would fold too easily under diplomatic pressure and couldn't process all the information needed to rule the kingdom
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oh are they engaged did i forget about that
I think they were engaged when Souma became king, so that he could be it legitimately He tried to dissolve it but she refused his offer
Can a doll in a kigurumi even drink liquor Or is that actually Souma in the costume
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that amidonian princess was grabbing souma's arm in that ED card
Yeah, the few times she showed up in the first season, she seemed to be acting as a sort of spy So I get the feeling she's got an MO of being a bit flirty in her information obtaining
yeah so if i ever say i'm dropping this show it's not because i'm dropping this show
This series seems to have been really popular all across the anime-watching board There's been a boatload of Marin fanart that's come out Having followed the series since early on when it started getting manga scanlations I'm just really happy
He's still got to get over his self-conscious nature It's not a wholly unrelatable mindset
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i thought his actions were mostly understandable until he was squatting by those bushes like a weirdo
Wow they subbed all the notes he wrote for the outfit design My eyes are kinda fuzzy right now so they're all hard to read
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they can probably expend a little more on this show because it's kinda blowin up man we're probably going to get heaps of doujin material from this anime airing
This series does for cosplay what a lot of those hobbyist SoL shows do for their particular hobby It's one of the reasons I really liked it when I started reading it There's a bunch of little details you'd only get from someone who's big on it
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i'm willing to bet japanese specialty wig shops are the absolute cutting, bleeding edge of wig technologyt
Her style is so gaudy that's my only complaint about the show I hate the super long nails I keep my nails pretty trimmed cause i hate how inconvenient it is to have super long naisl imagine tryign to type on a keyboard with those nails
Like I said above, just looking at long nails makes me uneasy My imouto grows her nails out sometimes and just looking at them boths me
But Marin is supposed to be a gyaru and her aesthetic is pretty much right in the modern gyaru look
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the nails were actually my main complaint too short nails aren't just really inconvenient, they also just look better imo
her ear situation bothers me a bit too waaay overboard
especially the ear bar
>>1018091 That's another big gyaru thing to do Funnily enough, I can look at it fine in anime But in real life, piercings like that are incredibly distracting to me I don't dislike them but for some reason my magpie brain can't ignore them
I can't wait until we get to the actual cosplaying
Depending on how much time they spend on tailoring the outfit next episode, we might see her wearing it It's been a couple years since I read these first chapters I'm a bit fuzzy on the timeline
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i imagine the level of work he intends to put into the outfit is more than two weeks' worth
also i imagine if he were to render his skills as a paid service, it would probably be quite expensive he's doing it out of passion and i'm assuming subconscious interest, but professionals charge quite a bit for this kind of thing, don't they?
He also doesn't have to pay for the materials since Marin's footing the bill I think it's a pretty good deal
>>1018108 I think they technically do, but the costs are incorporated into what they charge the person who orders the outfit
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professionals don't pay for the materials either! things like that are absolutely not at their own expense they're wrapped up into the cost of the service
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that would be like saying my company pays for window film we provide a service of installation, and our bank account is the one that sends money to the companies that make the film but the customer is absolutely the ones paying for it
If he was getting paid on top of not having to buy the materials himself, sure, it wouldn't matter But he's getting to pretty much experiment free of monetary cost, in a skill he's got some supporting skills for already
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i'm not talking about whether he should feel a need for recompense or not i'm just saying, professionally tailored cosplay from a specialist is some pricey stuff
Yeah, and I'm saying he's pretty lucky to be able to start exploring the trade pretty much free of cost
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i don't really see having developed a skillset as luck though
The opportunity to do cosplay tailoring was definitely luck though He could have kept on apprenticing under his granddad learning how to make Hina dolls, and be happy with it But this is a whole new avenue to explore