Hi hey hello Congratulations on making it through Monday
Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 7-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen Kyoukai Senki Muv-Luv Alternative Epsiode 10-12 Platinum End Episode 11-12 Saihate no Paladin Scarlet Nexus Episode 25-26 Shiroi Suna no Aquatope Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 6-8 Visual Prison Episode 7-12
Oh Saihate ought to be asterisked, whoops That's the only thing we have to watch with Bang so unless he shows up it might be easier just to wait until there's new things to watch and pile it together
Honestly I thought there would be at least one new thing to watch today judging from the schedule I use to monitor shows Maybe I read the airing times wrong though
Also I forgot the stuff that came out over New Years
Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 7-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen Kyoukai Senki Muv-Luv Alternative Epsiode 10-12 Platinum End Episode 11-12 Saihate no Paladin Scarlet Nexus Episode 25-26 Shiroi Suna no Aquatope Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 6-8 Visual Prison Episode 7-12
--New Years Specials Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - SP1 (53 min) Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Tsuioku-hen (1h 11min)
Again, Kirara has to go out of his way to be here for Thursdays He normally goes to bed at like 21:30-22:00 so him being around for anime involves napping earlier so he doesn't get like two hours of sleep
Well if you want to do either of the New Years specials, they should be readily available through Subsplease At least that's how I got them Lord El-Melloi is that series where adult Waver Velvet from Fate solves magical mysteries And Mahouka is ONII-SAMA's show; I think the special is a fully contained plot arc from the series
Maybe it's just an inevitablility of jumping right into Alternative, but I think this series doesn't really do a good job of selling new people on the story There's too much that relies on the viewer knowing who this character is from either the previous VNs in the main Muv-Luv series or who they are from one of the spin-off series
Like this is an interesting insight into the perspective of the rebels They interpret the Shogun moving into the "safety" of the UN and American forces as surrendering a core spiritual pillar of the nation's identity to outside forces We've only seen from the UN side which the MC and his crew are a part of But there are alternative beliefs in the Japanese people Strong enough that they'd choose to risk compromising the country in the midst of an alien invasion
this happens a lot seris with monsters turn into politics
Monsters get kind of boring after a while But politics offer far more complexity
Also again, a flaw of starting with Alternative Because I'm pretty sure this series gets plenty of alien terror and visceral horror in Extra, the VN that comes before Alternative
Like I'm pretty sure the MC even said this whole thing with the civil rebellion never happened in the previous world line he was in
Very poetically, a lot of the fears the Japanese who are part of this civil rebellion are accurate though This American soldier is trying to force the Japanese to go along with some "bigger global plan" which compromises their personal agency Even if he makes rational, fair points You can't just expect people to go along with something that controls them just because it's for some Greater Good
yeah I remember the americans being aggressive was part of this setting
It's kind of a common thing with y'all
Oh, that was pretty clever of that green-haired girl She got what she wanted, a chance for the Shogun to rest, by throwing the big fit over the American soldier's meddling
I wonder if this is going to be an incomplete adaptation of Alternative to boot I have a hard time believing this whole civil unrest with the Shogun is the main climax of Alternative Especially since they've barely even touched on what Alternative IV, the whole crux of the VN, is going to take to accomplish Nevermind whether or not they would be able to properly save Earth from the BETA
Maybe once I get some free time again I'll go look at the Muv-Luv VNs Or maybe the new releases that probably tidy some of the uglier parts of them up
when he talks about saga i think about zombie idols
An understandable confusion Saga's like one of the few characters in this series who doesn't have an effeminate or at least androgynous name With names like Ange, Mist, Robin, Charlotte, etc. I think the only ones who come to mind with more masculine names are Saga, Jack, and Guil
If being a vampire would make me immortal and cure any disease I was stuck with I'd probably take the option Especially if I could get some bitchin' wings to fly around with
Also another moment of this series being hella gay
I can't vouch for certain but I'm pretty sure the Visual Kei scene attracts a lot of fujoshi to begin with A lot of pretty-boy types who play larger than life stage characters after all Plus with Harajuku as the cultural base of the scene, you get the people who are really into this kind of weird fashion too Harajuku is real cool I'd like to go back there some time
he's being all emo cause he wasn't perfect and now the eternal bond of LOVE will save him
Cue popped
Can he really be saved by an angsty hakf-elf though
dude wtf
Geez fucking louise Will
Not to sound too dweeby but it's kind of a neat deconstruction of the usual OP MC trope you see in isekai Will is miles above anyone else in power to the point where he can casually break this guy's arm and can fight like a battle demon from his years of training with Blood But power isn't always enough to save everyone and in his attempts to be the loner he's getting shot down because he was too damn friendly
wow menel is so much cooler than will now
I wonder how elf brains develop psychologically Like Menel's old enough to have been taken in by a human lady and see her grow old and pass on Without aging a day Elves might develop outwardly physically at a glacial pace but I wonder how that translates into their brains Because despite his age he can act not much more mature than Will
he says that but he probably could kill them all with his sword he'd probably hurt his own soul in the process though
What good is having a soul if you can't burn it to damnation anyway
well Gracefeel-sama probably doesn't feel that way
Big chimera
wait wrong series
Imagine if you were fighting this thing in a tabletop RPG and it could take three unique attack options a turn Actually maybe even four because it does have a snake for a tail
against monsters like these you often have to blow defensive things turn one the ones that get additional attacks or actions on their turn or use positioning to ensure they're going to go for the beefier ones, if your party has that option
Hah hah hah This fucking guy
Wow early credits roll
pretty cool series overall i guess they're about to give us some kind of "just you wait for s2!" kind of thing after this
Halfings are cute If tiny Very tiny
>and you can be his girlfriend too late, bee
He wanted to be a cool roaming adventurer like his parents but now he's a lord
>i just want a comfy life slaughtering the enemies of the light
I wonder if this is an advance pilot of a new season Because I remember they did that with the first season The pilot episode came out during TYPE-MOON's usual New Year's TV special, just like this did
Also I hope we get some new good Kajiura Yuki music for this I've been listening to Kalafina's older stuff from the Kara no Kyoukai movies and I'm definitely in the mood for her kind of music
This is definitely a callback The divide between Kayneth's praise for magus pedigree and Waver's desperation to prove something of himself as a newbie mage
waver gets the last laugh on this one in a big way
Yeah Not only does he suceed Kayneth as the Lord El-Melloi He also becomes a tenured professor at the Clock Tower Like even the second one there is enough to send those high school bullies of his reeling
I want to just chill at home and play a timesink game like an MMO
I'm pretty sure the shirt he was wearing was an F/GO nod
Wait shit Touka That's the lady from Kara no Kyoukai I think Or at least in another world It's kind of hard to tell some times where the Fate/Tsukihime worlds separate A lot of settings and concepts exist between the various narratives in the Fate and Tsukihime worlds but there's also separate universes various parts of them exist in
Well, there is a Touka in Kara no Kyoukai There's also a Touka in Tsukihime I think there's also a Touka in Maoutsukai no Yoru, a TYPE-MOON VN which exists mostly independently of the other narratives ... I think?
The thing that caught me about the Touka that Waver mentioned is that he said she's a puppet user, which I think was something unique to the Touka who exists in Kara no Kyoukai
Kara no Kyoukai is pretty neat though I know you've got things you're busy with these days but if you ever want to, I'd be more than happy to rewatch the movies with you I call them movies but they're not all too long. Most of them are about as long as this special is, I think They're a neat look into the TYPE-MOON multiverse
oh i guess it's just an illusion that doesn't help him at all though
It's a pretty powerful illusion though At the degree it seems to be, it's only short of actually changing physical reality Everyone sees him as his younger self, he sees himself as his younger self It even has been affecting his ability to drink and smoke and is forcing the image of himself with the outfit he was wearing back then too
If no one can actually tell it's an illusion, is it really an illusion? Or is it just a new reality?
I wonder if this illusion is that Camus lady's fault Or is that maybe the too obvious solution to this mystery This illusion did set in the day after she took his photo, after all
Hah hah hah I was half expecting he'd get someone to cast a counter illusion on him to make him look his older self again But he at least has the El-Melloi imouto to vouch for him
Wow she's drinking a lot right off the bat Just chaining glasses of wine
Waver you're the Lord El-Melloi II You've fucking succeeded at life
Oh Waver's already figured out the guy's plan As expected of Waver I guess the Camus lady is helping him out for some reason But I bet she's also got some second angle at this
There seems to be a few common points shared between all the Touko's I've seen though They are extremely competent and knowledgeable magus And operate on their own whims and interests Just because this one is opposing Waver or something doesn't necessarily make her a villain She's just doing what she wants
Camus here been taking sneak photos of Waver the whole time
He's pretty cold to her even though she just gave him a sandwich
at least older him realizes it
Yeah hah hah But we're all dumbasses when we're teenagers, aren't we In his defense she seems to have always been too shy to properly approach him She's not even a friend, she's a classmate who randomly wakes him up in the middle of the night to hand him a sandwich and a photo I don't think acting a bit indifferent is entirely unwarranted
Reines getting one last snipe at him and his incompetence
Okay maybe this Touko is a bit crazier than some of the others I've seen Wanting to replace people with dolls of themselves some real Magus insanity
When Gray goes into combat mode she always looks a lot like Saber Alter
Yeah hah hah hah I was trying to think of a more creative way of putting it But he really did just reject her affections because he's too gay for Iskandar
Oh she completely fried her Magic Circuits in that final spell
surprisingly juvenile farewell from old waver there
He does have moments of that every now and then Even with how mature he's become, he still can be kind of a kid at heart at times After all he did begin this episode playing an MMO
I guess they're not teasing us with anything else Too bad, I really enjoy this setting and the way they write mysteries around magic is really well done
It does put me a bit into the headspace for Kara no Kyoukai The aesthetics of Lord El-Melloi II are kind of an inbetween of Fate/Zero and Kara no Kyoukai And the sense of mystery and the arcane pursuits of a Magus are more in the latter than the former
I'll probably rewatch this again with Kirara if we can find the time Although he might watch it with the others because it's hard to line the two of us up