lots of weird characters introduced yeah this tipetoe stepper is a weird guy too
I wonder if this whole thing is going to be set in prison
Weird characters and weird Stands Araki really starts to get really creative with Stands And more than just the OP way Stands like Gold Experience is
Jolyne's gotten really good at bribing the guards Oh something weird's going on
>>1011770 From the rough idea I had of part six, I thought they'd get out of the prison at some point But I might be entirely wrong I don't think this is the longest JoJo part, but it's still going to be at least one or two more cours after this, I think So they might hit the road some time later on
It's a great example of a simple concept with a diverse variety of applications The strings can be joined together to make ropes and nets and other things, or carry soundwaves like a cup telephone And she can manipulate them in the air
I guess you can't expect the finest of characters to be found in a prison
didn't that happen the first time too dio is good at making friends
Yeah I'm mostly joking DIO has been consistently shown as being very charismatic and good at wooing people
Now this is some real good ol'fashioned Stand bullshit Procuring up a rain of frogs based on an unusual weather phenomenon strictly located in Florida during a very specific time span
Oh yeah I'd forgotten about Pucchi's obsessive compulsive prime number counting
The Japanese television airing for Stone Ocean begins this season, so probably not until that's done I'd say the earliest we can expect it is maybe in March, but more likely April or June
im here i didn't know you guys were done
Wow Pucchi has DIO's bone That's some real crazy friendship they've got going
Yeah, there's two episodes of this saved up I think we should be seeing episode twelve later this week -- the Netflix release or at least the English release is a bit behind the Japanese TV airing for some reason
Komi-san is the kind of person who can look stunning even when falling down
her ankle looked like it was in a bad way while she was falling good thing there wasn't a real injury
Poor Tadano is absolutely run ragged by everyone
poor tadano
I think Onemine is supposed to be an onee kind of pun In that she's a universal onee-san character Like how Najimi is everyone's childhood friend But it might also be a pun on "helping out" or being meddlesome I can't remember which
Poor Komi-san
wow how transparent onemine just dropped like 6 tiers
okay nvm she's back up 8 tiers
She's a high-quality onee-chan chara Onee-chan characters are the best
the voice of the photo robot sounds similar
familiar* brain poberlms
What a fun high school life
Walking home from the game center in the setting sun with your friends It almost feels idyllic
>I just happened to get it on the first try How many times do you think he went for it
bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bangbangbangbangbang
i should rewatch euphonium maybe and/or violet evergarden
Okay I'm here now My graphics card seemed to hiccup or something towards the end of that episode and I wanted to restart just in case anything was particularly messed up
>>1011853 The Violet Evergarden movie came out a while back You could rewatch the series and move into the movie
Everyone always wants Komi-san to do something But no one ever asks what Komi-san wants to do
Yamai please
Oh she wants to dress like a traditional meido
I wish I could attain that level of enlightened airheadedness
i like this character this is a good character type
very very yukkuri
How ominous
Airheadedness and curiousity are a dangerous thing to mix