australians and texans have natural chemistry think about two demographics who wear cowboy hats could you even think of anyone else?
jeff bezos
bang from the current
jeff bezos doesn't wear hats to block the sun while he's out on the range he wears them because he's bald it's different
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
albertans but alberta is just canadian texas
Alberta is Texas but they traded economic value and culture for blisteringly cold weather and snow
>>1005616 (OP) >have you made peace with 2021 yet? it's been a rough one. i'm eager to see it go but at the same time i don't want time to move too fast. winters are always hard great time to get writing done though, or whatever projects one may have on the backburner
apparently one way I can make my model a lot less resource intensive is merge some material slots together, so that's something I gotta look into Once I do that, though, chances are I'm gonna have to redo everything related to the actual vrchat side of things, but now that I know how it should be quick
Some asshole threw this kitten out of their apartment at like three in the morning At the least I have no idea how else it would end up out on my floor's hallway, crying at someone's apartment door
had to nuke the old save data but wow it's actually running?
server is at
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
babe keep that pussy
>>1005679 Not sure I don't have a litter box and it looks like a pretty young kitten so I'm worried about it being house-trained Even just keeping it in my unit overnight, I'm worried it might make a mess Beyond that, I'm going to make a sternly-worded sign for my door asking who the fuck tossed a cat out into the hallway in the middle of the night I'm not going to steal someone else's cat without evidence they're particularly shitty owners after all
maybe it just slipped out when they left the door open?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is like a year old?
No clue, I'm not very good with cat ages and growth stages It definitely acts like a kitten though
>>1005689 Yeah, my good faith belief is it slipped out by accident Alternatively, some of the balconies for these units are separated from other units by nothing more than a divider which a cat this size could easily slip by Maybe it ended up at someone else's balcony door and they picked it up and threw it out into the hall
Problem is, all these still feel pretty faulty. The doors out into the hallway are all pretty heavy and close by themselves. If the cat slipped out when the door was open, it was because someone was holding the door open. And it's a small hallway, you could easily corner the cat in like a minute and bring it back in to the apartment -- not that you'd need to, I charmed it in a minute by literally just sitting down in the hallway and whisping to it
And ultimately, I haven't heard anyone out there looking for it. No doors opening, no calling out, nothing to indicate concern. My hunch is, at least for tonight, this cat isn't missed.
i hopped in the server for a brief moment but it's sleepytime for me tomorrow i will mine and i will craft
>>1005683 could it have snuck out while the door was open briefly? ive had cats do that very sneakily or like if there's an ambulance wheeling a gurney into someone's apartment they don't bother with the door and someone just closes it later without ever knowing a pet was even there
my tomcat when i was a teenager snuck out while my dad was coming in from work and went on a journey and just came back 3 days later at 4 in the morning if he's not neutered then he probably doesn't like being stuck inside, or some neutered ones still don't
not saying it can't be someone threw it out but i dunno i've seen similar things happen a few times with innocuous causes a neighbor at my old apartment had a kitten that kept getting out, and she was a disabled lady who couldn't get up from bed without help i'd find it in the hallway of the apt building every once in a while and just bring it back to her
bang from the current
you could leave a note nearby that just says "cat found please call me" if you live in an apartment or something similar, the mailbox is a good place assuming it's one of those multi-unit mailboxes i know i would want to keep the cat but i would need to at least take a couple steps in case someone is looking for it so i don't feel guilty about someone missing their car cat*
bang from the current
missing their car lol "car found please call me"
I'm going to write up a sign in the morning, yeah I'd be astounded if it's from a different floor on the building so I'm just going to tack it on my door
>>1005701 idk if people are going to look at a sign tacked on your door if i saw that i'd think it's an eviction notice, decree from the IRS or other such authority, or a complaint aimed at you that someone else put on your door so i would say "not my business to pry" and not look at it.
bang from the current
mailbox or main entrance are the typical places if there isn't an official bulletin board but idk what the arrangement of your place is like
bang from the current
if i ever get my own place i think i'm gonna get a cat
where you stayin now
bang from the current
still near austin, renting a room it's 700/mo which is unfortunately on the low end in this area but it's worth it mostly because my landlord and his wife are super chill, the other roommate is super chill, and everyone cleans up after themselves also the house is super nice, nicest one i've lived in by far and the neighborhood is def upper-class, plus a cop lives across the street tbh this is like the best place i've lived so far after not having a gas stove for so long, it's so nice to have one
>>1005702 What if I kick off the note with CAT FOUND in big Sharpie letters at the top
alright no more procrastinating for bang sleepytime oyasumi
I crumpled up a piece of paper for the cat to bat around and chase and the little guy made the decision to pick it up, jump into my bathtub with it, and play with it in there instead of literally the entire floor of my apartment
>>1005710 I maaaay be signalling something like "hey, if you don't really want this cat, I'd be happy to look after it instead"
Okay, well that cat is litter trained But it thinks my bathroom trashcan is a litter box
>>1005714 Well if they're being shitty pet owners, then yeah Emphasis on "if"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kitty kitty
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
fubuki slowly losing her mind going for the gold magikarp
I understand why she's grinding for it, but I don't understand why You can get things which raise your shiny encounter rate after beating the Elite Four in most modern Pokemon games Plus there's other secret tricks you can use to raise it too Just trying to fish up shiny Pokemon is absolute suffering
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
because she's a GAMER
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sometimes dinner can be a 1.25l bottle of 7up and nothing else
This is a condo building I guess we're way too posh for a noticeboard I did put the sign up at the elevators of my floor though, rather than my door And I went down to the concierge to let them know Besides knocking door-to-door I don't know what else I can do to reunite this cat with its owners
doing stuff like this just with the help of youtube tutorials makes it feel like what I'm doing is probably not how it's supposed to be done, but it does function, I guess Well, I THINK it functions, I gotta actually build and test the fucking thing to know for sure
I've been at this for hours now, trying to fix a single issue The cause, it turns out, is a typo in one variable it said hoddie instead of hoodie in one of the places where I refer to it, and thus literally nothing worked
Pics aren't gonna do much for what I'm working on, since most of what I'm working on now is just audiolink, and that's animated Right now she looks like this though And when I toggle on the audiolink, the hoodie's replaced with one that doesn't have the trans flag, and the flag pulses in with the bass And the eyes light up with the treble I've got some other stuff I'm gonna do, but I spent so much time and energy just getting this toggle to work, I'm a little pooped right now
work calls >hey so boss messed up so we gotta do an impromptu job today for an important client, i can handle it by myself so you don't have to come help at all, do you want to come in for it?
i mean i don't want to and i'm in the zone in minecraft right now but it's like no matter what i know i'm gonna get dressed and go in it's like innate, inherent, the immutable nature of bang if there's work to do i'm gonna do it
Again, I'm not opposed to the idea, but it would need at least litter if not a litter box and cat food and I'm not too eager to go get those things if someone's going to sheepishly show up at my door tomorrow saying "hey can I have my cat back"
>>1005767 yeah. while it was foolish and irresponsible to just chuck it out into the hallway it doesn't really mean anyone who finds it can just call dibs
That said though the store across the street I can get pet stuff from closes in an hour and a half so I don't have a whole lot of time before I gotta pull the trigger
It's great Outer Wilds was already fantastic game and the DLC was just a wonderful mix of a bit more of that same charm and something completely different
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i still havent beaten it i know, heresy! i was actually watching and blind backseating a friend who was blind playing it last night i need to get it for PC the PS4 version is too slow for me to enjoy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was fun to watch my friend play it tho they were really stressed and tilted the whole time cuz they got banned from valorant and this was their way to cool off but they spent so much time cursing and struggling with the controls they couldn't pay any mind to the pu."3/ puzzles so that was a bit frustrating but a little patience goes a long way
Were they playing M/KB or with a controller? Because Outer Wilds with a controller is an insanely different experience The only real time you need to struggle with it is if you're in zero-g and have totally lost your own personal sense of direction
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they were playing with kbm
Poor soul
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lots of spaghetti holding W and zooming past things bonking on everything this ain't no source engine
>>1005800 Confusion; he had no clue how she managed to get out Like I said last night, these doors are heavy, and he couldn't remember it being open (I think he lives a fairly thorough life of leisure) He actually thought she'd gotten out on to the balcony and slipped off the edge and was worried a fair bit I don't think he gets out of his unit all that often and it was only after a friend of his who was over saw the sign I'd put up near the elevators that he learned I had his cat
Seemed quite relieved she was okay and was even trying to invite me over for wine and food hah hah
bang from the current
i'm here finally
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a wild bang im at a bar i got a chopped cheese
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1005801 slippery kitties will find their way that's too bad but also good
Yeah, I would rather reunite a pet with their owner than steal it under most circumstances She was a cutie, so it's definitely a shame
But now that I've got a litter box and cat food I literally just need to find mine own cat now! I might go about that after the holiday season is over
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell yea rescue?
Well, probably Honestly I don't know where else to go get pets besides the Humane Society hah hah I haven't really been giving it too much thought because if I plan it out too much before I have the time to help a cat get settled in, it'll make the interim period sore for me I reckon I should figure it out not long before I pull the trigger
>>1005758 oh yea ive been there it's a sign one is becoming an alcoholic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1005761 yes it really slaps you with that cold water shock of reality
Got free quesadilas for cat-sitting at least
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if yuyuko plays minecraft
bang from the current
so i was mining at Y=11 because that's where i've always mined for diamons and then i mined into a cave, expecting a giant trench-type formation because that's what there always has been and then it was this gigantic mega-cave that extended way below Y=0 and now i see what this patch was all about t o me, this whack
>>1005817 and there's all kinds of cool things in it too there's this layer of a new kind of rock underneath the normal stone and there's these glowing fruit on vines and all sorts of underground vegetation that wasn't there before and i saw some axolotls
They reworked the spawning of axolotls, they now only spawn in water blocks with stone above them, and I think clay beneath it The new cave systems are absolutely insane
I managed to become friends, sorta? with like, one of the devs of audiolink So I joined a friend lobby they were hosting, and a buncha their buddies were there, everyone's a fucking programmer and shit, and man The SHIT these people have managed to do with shaders in vrchat, it's INSANE
it probably looks cool on a regular monitor, too, but in VR it was fucking incredible like their avatars were boxes that you could go inside and the whole world was just fractals and floating strawberries and other bullshit, it was cool as hell One of them programmed an actual working video game inside the game just using shaders, too
>>1005831 go visit treehouse in the shade on vrchat the map creator apparently passed away recently, so it's only a matter of time before that map is incompatible with vrchat after an update and it's hella cool
How do you like, deal with it when your friends tell you you can talk to them when you feel pike you're having an episode, but one of the main things you struggle with is you think you drive them away by being clingy and needy
custom avatars go for like 150+ $50 is in the upper range for non-unique ones though, that much is true But it's not uncommon, even if they tend to be a bit more like, made with love than that one
It wasn't all just avatars though A lot of people had like, earrings and other stuff like that on display mostly avatars, though Oh and like 3-4 were showing off shaders
I took photos of ears I like, too Mostly cause if I'm gonna commission something, I wanna be able to throw some imagery at them like "this is what I want" There's several types I ended up taking pictures of though, and I dunno which I like the most
These are cute, though
Apparently furry commissions are absurdly expensive, but anime-style is competitive enough that the prices are actually kinda reasonable Furry stuff can pull in like, 600 dollars each
>>1005814 it has been a long while since I last did! minecraft was very defining of my teenage years for* occasionally I'll play on a modded server with friends sorry for the late response! I've been crunching for those deadlines again
>>1005758 that was the only part i liked the direct drunk was pretty unpleasant, but it's like it clears all the noise out of your head the next morning and the hangover is a completely serene thoughtspace as long as the headache isn't too bad anyway
>>1006109 maybe you've heard of spicy coffees? there are different ways to make a nice spicy coffee I didn't think it would be so nice and refreshing to drink a peppered coffee
spicy chocolate or spicy vanilla are good so i could see it working with coffee can do cinnamon, so why not pepper?
>>1006111 yeah, precisely those who are repulsed by the idea aren't ever going to try it anyways, nothing wrong with that either that song is really nice
I really don't get why chuck e cheese cares what you browse on their network how much bandwidth you're using I can understand they care about, but anything beyond that seems meaningless
>>1006139 americans are fucked in the head, man if a kid accesses porn using the mcd's wifi here, if that even does happen, it's not like they go "why did you let my child use the phone I bought them to access the same stuff here they access anyway!?"
I saw a great snippet from a conservative children's books where it had advice for parents to help them teach the greatness of capitalism by demonstrating that under communism, workers wouldn't need to treat rude and shitty customers well Which would be bad, but why wasn't really explained, it was just sorta assumed
I fucking love shit like that It has this very particular "Does... does the author know they self-reported?"
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
im so sorry i derailed the discussion about bunnygirls
Apologize for nothing, make all your blunders into gains
BTC keeps slipping relative to ETH is the Flippening real?
What if it crashes so hard that it drags all the major cryptos with it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everything except ETH which seems to be unstoppable shitcoins gonna dump
Well if the cryptocurrency crashes and burns that's one of the potential pressure releases on the GPU market so I'm all for this market crumbling to the ground
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it would be nice to have affordable GPUs come June or so eth will transition off of proof of stake so that'll take some pressure off at least
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
off of proof of work* i wonder if ill ever get to use an RTX
when we getting a proof of cum blockchain seems like there'd be a pretty engaged market for it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think that kind of crypto could work but humans would have to run the consensus rules maybe a circle of observers around the proof worker
it is a pretty highly-efficient form of encryption afterall
but endwalker just released so i cant make any promises plus om going to tokyo next week
>>1006193 its not real multiplayer its a mode where you battle and get xp and gold based on yoyr rank i was bronze you also have an ELO and they backronymed it into somethung funny
specifically and especially that style of jewelry X precious metal + X precious stone in a western form
as for opinions, most of the people into jewelry have objectivized rating systems for them mostly based on value
oh ok thanks
bang from the current
i don't mean to sound like a dick i just hate jewelry like that i would try to look for something really unique
as a wedding band?
bang from the current
oh that's different than just buying a ring i have no place talking about weddings rings
i've heard that women don't like it when engagement rings have other gems instead of diamonds on them even though rubies and emeralds are more expensive over a hundred years of marketing from the diamond cartel has really influenced people's ideas about what engagement rings should look like
were already married so its gonna be her normal ring
fyi wedding bands don't have stones set in them because they are bands
I think someone just showed interest in me in vrchat I dunno though, I can't tell these things very well, but they seemed interested in hearing me talk about making my avatar and stuff
bang from the currentSearch [iqdb](4.0 MB, 1399x1962, original by mito.png)bang from the currentSearch [iqdb](886 KB, 1417x2000, junwool 1.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
A girl showed up at a Japanese hospital after suffering a bit of a breakdown. Crying a lot. Not sleeping. No appetite. "I'll give you some medication", said the doctor, but you should also do something fun to relax and take your mind off things. "have you heard of the streamer Momosuzu Nene? She's a bit of a goof, but bubbly, upbeat and lots of fun". at this the girl began sobbing even harder. "but doctor," she said "I AM Momosuzu Nene".
straight up fell asleep in vr again this time with friends I don't think anyone else fell asleep, but I sure did cause I was too tired, and everyone was too comfortable to be around
yeah it's like weirdly comfortable and 'safe' to fall asleep around a buncha people who are sorta kinda my friends
i did vrchat for a while but i didn't actually have vr, was just using desktop mode i tried doing the people thing but it always becomes problematic
>>1006448 i had befriended one group that was fairly small-ish and it was good, but then a discord server propped up to stay connected and more people join the discord and it's subject to the same toxic downfall that every group goes through when discord is introduced and i hate it
had made a few close friends 1-on-1 but it would always fall apart on the // in the group setting later on since there's always someone trying to push me out so they could do whatever i dunno i don't really get that kinda social stuff it seems really petty and i just check out if that happens not gonna deal with it
I basically lucked out and someone started talking to me when I was testing my avatar before uploading it And it turns out they're really well connected? so basically I just attach myself to this person and follow them around sometimes, and that makes it easier to talk to people
Yeah that doesn't sound very nice at all friend groups do tend to get harder to navigate as they expand though, that's for sure
and despite everyone's best efforts, politics and sensationalism still drifts into the social setting too much and it's kinda obstructive i might consider going back if i get vr i dunno it was fun
i just kinda stopped doing it after i stopped drinking though, and no longer took anxiety meds it got progressively harder to be social on there at that point so i kinda just drifted away from doing it without consciously deciding not to
my friends have been trying to get me to join discord for years I disagree with their tos so I refuse to do it
I end up having a much easier time in vrchat when I have a bit of alcohol in me, too Lot easier to talk to people But I'm hoping I'll like, get comfortable enough with at least this group that I can show up stone sober and still not be so anxious to talk
yeah that's most of the reason i would drink too, made it easier to talk but these days it's not anxiety so much as i just don't like talking to people
It kinda drowns out the little part that's like "your existence is annoying, nobody wants you here, they just tolerate you" And it overall just makes it easier to talk to people cause I worry less about what other people think
I just hope I didn't go overboard I mean I remember most of it, it was just a few hours ago, but it's hard to know if you forgot something
after a while it's weird though like the people that are new to vrchat are my favorite to socialize with cause they genuinely just want to socialize but the regular users, over time, start treating it more like social media or instagram or some shit stop talking to anyone under a certain user rating and only what benefits them
it's helping me combat the overall social anxiety a little by little if these people I basically just met think I'm fun to be around and talk to, then it's easier to convince myself the part of me that thinks all my friends want me to go away is full of shit And it's easier to believe other people consider me a friend in the first place
but I dunno how long-lasting that'll be, it might just be until the next time I break down and then everything's out the window for all I know
why would a meido outfit bikini exist is my question
Fashion is not a question of why but rather why not
>>1006567 you sure thats a bikini? it looks like underwear to me
bang from the current
the style of that article of clothing is a bikini, i'm pretty sure the way the straps of the top piece are laid out is that of a bikini it may be worn as underwear or specifically in this case as lingerie but if you wanna get semantic about it, i don't think you're on the right track
well I think its funny to bring up the underwear versus swimwear argument because one is allowed on /moe/ and the other isn't
bang from the current
is that how it is? i'm not sure about that
>>1006578 pics of women wearing underwear are not allowed but swimsuits that show even more skin are
occasionally i've had to argue with sam about it to prevent pics I post from being deleted
and I often have to double check pics I upload tp male sure there aren't visible panties because if there are a mod will spoil it
ah i see i think you i don't know how to convey this to you i think the way you perceive it hmm this is difficult it feels kind of sad, almost i don't know how to tastefully convey something that should remain subtle how to incite an inference
what's allowed and what's not allowed isn't exactly held to exact and precise standards written in some tangible form of code and law just don't post something obscene and/or don't be annoying around the same time that you push boundaries but it might be that you're someone who needs harder rules, because you might push beyond boundaries without realizing them in the same way others might
>>1006589 I can only thing of one obscene image I've posted on /moe/ anytime recently, and really it wasn't that bad
bang from the current
obscenity too isn't held to exact and precise standards written in some tangible form of code and law it's something you have to get a feel for i have a gif of someone chipping their teeth with a nail clipper that might not have been considerd obscene 6 years ago, or maybe would've gotten spoilered that i don't
that i don't think would be appreciated now it's probably deletion worthy now it's coincidentally something i've deleted in my hard drive in the time since
I don't think the nail clipper was ever appreciated outside of maybe two or three tasteless people
last time I saw it posted I remember someone getting pissed off
>>1006653 booti pla >>1006652 a common confusion, i was talking about the programming language
Man I love feeling like a shitty person I lost my temper with my mother tonight after an already tense and social disaster of a dinner night
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
moms be like you're 14 foreva i don't care
No the problem here is my mother acts like she's the fourteen year old and I feel viscerally unpleasant and like a total dick if I have to explain to a grown adult why I'm so upset
We're just all tired and stressed and probably more than a little SAD, and I'm also a lot more than a little of a garden variety depression and emotionally exhausted which makes communication hard, so I can't offer any ideas on what can be done to make things better Which makes her feel useless and I know it breaks her heart but I'm still completely clueless on what I can do to help her hello -help me Everything's just a mess, the same mess it's always been
I just want to sleep until April I'm so tired of everything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats happening in April?
Nothing special Just winter will be over I can go back to being only the usual miserable instead of advanced winter miserable Hell I'd settle for getting this holiday season done and over with
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1006663 I know exactly how you feel. There was a light summer shower earlier today and I had to put on a long sleeve shirt
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
This woman at work. She started about the same time as me. Maybe nominally s slightly more senior since she has relevant experience from her last job But she was looking at something i wrote making changes And in MY OPINION The changes made it worse
>>1006665 say you dont understand why she made the changes and ask if you can talk about it with her also
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Oh i understand It's just that her opinion is wrong
>>1006667 while she's explaining it to you point out why its wrong its not as aggressive as saying "hey those changes you made are bad"
although I have autism so feel free to ignore my advice
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I just told her straight up >there's absolutely nothing wrong with your changes. A lot of it comes down to personal preference. I just prefer the original because it fits my own style
She'll be cool with that I hope
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mansplain her your manxplanation
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1006656 >they have to port programming languages to linux it's over the dream is dead
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god dammit
so are they using vanilla rust or a special "Linux Rust" like they do with C? daang we could've had it all
it's slightly too thick there's no security threads the holographic stuff is not holographic the microprinting isn't microprinted
like from when i saw it on the ground it looked real but the instant i picked it up it was obviously fake but someone at least put some effort into it it's very roughly handled feels like a 5 year old note that's seen use
the weirdest thing is that it says 2009 but this style of 100$ bill didn't start until 2013 /shrug
There's this stack of items that seem to either be a delivery error or an overage that's been sitting here for like three weeks now They're these selfie stick/phone tripod combo, which honestly sounds like a pretty nifty tourist item I've gotten in contact with the purchaser on the store's part and he told me to set them aside and he'd get back inin contact with me shortly
Like I said, it's been three weeks I even tried to follow up two weeks after and still got no response I'm not 100% serious but every time I look at them I wonder if I was to swipe one if anyone would notice It's not like anyone is looking for them, after all
I fucking wish Although it's always night by the time I'm done with work regardless Working in a basement is such an awful life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Jenshin Impact won mobile game of the year
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1006856 Also the award for IP with the most doujin pornography
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Actually all things considered that's gotta be like One Piece or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
metroid dreadd
metroid dread was good everyone go play
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im not watchin the awards anymore cuz no wifi new genshin drop?
they added some twink that people will want to see obliterated you won't see him much because /moe/ genshin players only want waifus without cocks, the cowards
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
obliterated? analblasted like?
ye that's what people do with twinks I'm pretty sure
>>1007052 I feel bad about the fires but then also I remember that your government stopped doing all or much of the needed eucalyptus culling to prevent forest fires because of koala conservation.
>>1007060 no problem don't forget that koalas are literally smoothbrained and aren't important to the ecosystem so it doesn't really matter that much if they go extinct
>>1007103 that they're smooth brained? when I said literally smooth brained I meant it they are incredibly stupid and will only recognize eucalyptus leaves as food if they are on a branch if you tale them off the branch amd put it on a plate they won't know its food australia no longer has any native predators large enough to eat koalas and they dont do much for the ecosystem in general it sucks when species go extinct but the conservation efforts for koalas are contributing to these wildfires because eucalyptus trees are very flammable there are other species that are more important to their ecosystems who conservation efforts don't worsen wildfires
Also kirara I find it interesting that you call me out for random bad takes I have but never seem to call Pan out for constantly telling me (a person you know has mental health issues) to commit suicide