how are my two lovely anime watchers doing tonight
*Blue Period Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 5-6 Isekai Shokudou Episode 8-10 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Stone Ocean Episode 1-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen (Double-length episode) Kyoukai Senki *Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 Muv-Luv Alternative Episode 8-9 Platinum End *Saihate no Paladin *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi Shiroi Suna no Aquatope Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 6-8 *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 4-7 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Manka no Shou
bang from the current
there was a new blue period tonight and i really wanna watch it
It was actually out since late last week or at least this weekend hah hah But I always forget to check for it with the rest of the stuff because of it coming from a different rip group I remembered to check after I'd posted the list last night and we had a bunch of great stuff to watch anyway so I didn't fuss about it and just added it in for tonight
>>1006280 the exact scenario we're looking for >>1006281 it's exam time! i just rewatched episode 7 cause i didn't pay enough attention last time his buddy Koi is so cool
Oh in that case okay
bang from the current
oh yeah ryuuji was really upset and left
Looked like a pretty bad mental break yeah
He's really compiled a lot of art knowledge in two years I guess this is what happens when you throw 100% of yourself at something
Hah hah hah Seven years bad luck!
Oh I bet this'll be inspirational though Yeah
bang from the current
oh my god
It's not too surprising since they're in the manga industry but the mangaka for this definitely gets what it's like in the creative headspace and the process through which ideas form and are shaped
Those spiked pauldrons are kinda making Yuka's shoulders kind of broad too
Sketching in a museum seems kind of a fun hobby The last ime I went to the ROM I saw someone sketching in the European Medieval section, with all the weapons and armor
Sketching fossils would be really neat too though I've never really tried drawing anything that's not a person, or more complex than a simple household item in front of me Fossils would be neat to understand
>>1006299 Yeah me too I realized it a bit later Forgot Yuka was blonde
bang from the current
>>1006297 wait you had me confused that's not yuka
But fossils would be cool too because you'd see the bone structure of completely inhuman things, without all the excess fluff of body muscles and outer appearances With a skeleton you can just look at the literal framework and put whatever you want on top of it
No surprise that Kuwana passed, and the braids guy, I'm slipping on his name
i was actually wondering if kuwana would pass i kinda figured hashida would pass
Kuwana had her moment of crisis early enough that I felt like she had time to build up steam for the exam If that thing about her feeling her art was too much an imitation of her sister's had happened closer to this episode I wouldn't have been as confident Hashida I was pretty confident about too but probably a bit less
If anything I'm a bit surprised they're the only three It means going into the second round of exams there's going to be a lot of strangers Since Yuka forfeited, we'll probably only recognize Yotasuke and that big mirror-breaker girl
A party of a Paladin and Ranger is still feeling kind of threadbare Maybe that's mostly because Ranger is a class that pretty much any other class can do what it can do but better
>>1006303 i have been careful not to spoil myself so maybe you know stuff about the future i don't i'm expecting kuwana not to make it she has a lot of flags for the "i don't need to be like my older siblings" route already tripped whereas it's kind of a meta reason but hashida hasn't had enough happen yet and passing the first (but maybe not the entire) TUA exam might be a good away to keep him around a little longer or he might make it into TUA who knows but i'm expecting a hashida arc at some point
I haven't actually been seeing much chatter about Blue Period, so I don't really know all that much about what comes And by all that much I mean basically nothing at all But yeah, the fact that Hashida didn't really get any focus building up to and during the first exam meant I wasn't too worried about him But now the competition is so narrow I think anyone passing or failing is a serious possibility Even Yatora
He says their personalities in the song are a bit off, but I wonder if it's just that centuries of being undead changed their outlook on life a bit
bang from the current
haha blood is fucking huge
Or maybe in the centuries since this account, some of Blood and Gus' personality traits got mixed around Blood's stinginess for money definitely feels more like a Gus thing and Gus saying something corny about an investment is more of a Blood attitude
So if he can track down this old elf lady then he can meet with someone who knew the three of them when they were alive Even if it was only for a brief while That might be a worthwhile trip
Man if I could make bread appear with a prayer I'd convert in an instant
I feel like both her and the older merchant guy are going to be regular pals Honestly as a halfling she's probably older than Will too They can look like they're ten and actually end up being thirty-five
going to a movie when you've never known what a movie is must be a crazy experience i imagine adults around when movies were a brand new thing had quite the time
Although I don't clap in theatres
Gosh I want a night picnic with a cute girl
Man this guy is really going all in on having the hots for a vampire
it's not even like there was a reason it needed to be spoiled
This series really understands well the dumb propaganda and falsification that happened under USSR rule Just a whole bunch of weird decisions to pretend like some things weren't real or covered up
This lady feels like she's got a screw or two loose
bang from the current
Wow, rude
Wow SUPER rude
Oh She never did get a job She's just on idle until she gets disposed of, basically
Sounds like the Cold War is alive and well in this not-Earth too
I still feel like the first major arc of this series has to end with Irina and Lev (and probably Anya by accomplice) defecting to the United Kingdom They've been building up the UK as the opposition to the USZR so there isn't really anywhere else for them to run if the USZR decide Irina has to be disposed of
bang from the currentSearch [iqdb](486 KB, 923x1100, mio2.jpg)
i thought the first arc was irina going to space
I consider that more a minor arc than a major one It had a clearly defined goal and a pretty simple narrative arc
This series seems to really enjoy bringing back the worst of its vampires The nude one, the shapeshifting one that has some awful bodies it morphs into
How absolutely horrifying
The hunters and vampire police really do seem to be fairly ineffective at keeping vampires at bay
Sometimes I think I'd rather have a real life Japanese office job than the warehouse job I have right now At the very least I wouldn't have to do so much heavy lifting